Part 02.2

Well this we managed, though it felt a bit of a comedown after having a prick up each hole. That feeling didn't last long, though, as Charles walked towards me, and lifted both of my legs behind my knees, which forced me to put my weight back on Keith. Shit, I was baffled. I wanted something climactic to happen to finish off the evening, but was fearful of what it might be. I soon stopped being baffled, but discovered I was right on the money with the other two thoughts. Annette grabbed Charles knob, and held it against the front of my hole, which was already stretched through having Keith's prick right in it. I felt a cold shot of lubricant again, and with Annette guiding it in, Charles forced his enormous cock into my cunt alongside Keith's. God it was painful, but it was unbelievably exciting, as they both pumped in and out of my hole. Then I realised that Annette was intent on getting at least one of her fingers in me, as well as rubbing my clit with her thumb, while the other hand went back to torturing one of my nipples. It gave me an incredible sense of power, that two grown men, strangers I'd never met before, were so attracted to the power of my sex that they would share my cunt at the same time.

I thought I heard screams from where you, Angia and Ruby were fucking and I guessed that that would be the end of the evening for you, at least. I realised just how exciting it was to know that you had fucked two other women in the same room as me. I also realised that given the amount of fucking Keith and Charles had done, they weren't going to be able to control themselves much longer either. I just surrendered myself to the intense feeling of pleasure and pain coming from my overstretched cunt, and tortured tit, and most of all the electric sensation Annette was creating on my clit, and I felt both Keith and Charles jerk as their cocks both shot out their sperm together way up in my cunthole. Immediately, Annette yanked both of their softening cocks out of me, rolled me over on the bed, and started sucking the spunk out of my hole. If I needed more power, that seemed to give me it. Even that scheming little cow couldn't stop herself wanting my cunt, even though it was dripping with two stranger's spunk.

Well you know the rest. Angia pulled Annette off me, but not before she'd found some more almonds still way up inside me. No wonder I felt full up. The look in Annette's eye said that I had earned some level of respect from her, but as we were leaving I told her that it wasn't over yet.

"We are going to have a return session at some point in the future," I whispered, "and I'll really show you the meaning of pain and pleasure really means, you vicious little cunt."

So that was Lyn's story. I understood totally her explanation of the difference between brutal fucking and making love. The only question left in my mind was just where Angia fitted in, because when Lyn spoke about her, it seemed more in the spirit of making love, not brutal fucking. Was she really to some extent like a lesbian equivalent of me, and if so, to what extent?

"Come on then" I said, "let's go and have a shower and clean ourselves up."

"OK, said Lyn, "but let's swap into the world of making love, but yet not actually playing with each other. I don't think my cunt could stand any more, and it doesn't look as if your prick would be up to much either, even after you heard my story. Maybe we'll share our stories again another night, and wank ourselves off, but not tonight. What I do want you to do, though, is to touch me and clean me in all those private places which got used so brutally, so I can feel that we have made our peace with each other, and forgiven each other for what we did with others. I want you to wash my pussy, and help me clean out all that spunk which might be left in my cunt, and yes, you can wash my asshole as well, but washing is all, mind. And I will do the same for you."

That was what we did, and it was a magical experience, sharing each other's bodies, but purely in love and not in sex. Then we went to bed in each other's arms.


The next day, Lyn went in to town to thank Angia for the party the previous day. Originally we were both going in, but it seemed it would be a bit uncomfortable being there when Lyn thanked her for letting me fuck her, so I stayed at home. I guess I'd expected her to be gone for some time, so I was surprised when she burst back in after not much more than half an hour.

"Fucking hell", gasped Lyn "you'll never guess what Angia's just told me. I thought I could trust her. You remember that couple Penny and Tony, who left the party before things really kicked off? They were supposed to be taking their dog to the vet, or something, which did strike me a bit strange at the time. Well, it turns out that Charles and Ruby own a company which makes porno films and websites, and Penny and Tony are their ace photographers. It seems that games room was loaded with cameras, and everything was photographed by them. Here's the fucking DVD."

"Not only that, but it turns out that they have a website which can only be accessed by people who have been involved in one of the parties, but every new recording is put on it for everyone to see. So now I discover there are a whole load of new strangers who will be getting a look up my cunt!"

"Shit," I said, "there must be loads of the men who have fucked Angie and Ruby themselves, and I really don't like the thought of having my performance judged against them. How did Angia explain the fact that she hadn't told you?"

"She just said that she could see I was afraid of what might happen at the party, and thought that if she told me I wouldn't have enough courage to go. She said she'd done that before in similar circumstances, and everyone had in the end accepted it, and most of them found it gave an extra edge to the excitement afterwards. In this case, she swore that she only did it because she'd found something special about me, and really wanted me to go. I guess I believe her really, though it didn't stop we slapping her round the face and calling her a lying bitch. Ok, ok, I did kiss it better afterwards, so stop looking at me like that."

"At least we've got the DVD we can enjoy now, and I can check whether you left anything out of your story." I smiled, but I still got hit as well.

"That's not the fucking end of it, though, as it turns out Charles also runs several open porno sites, and he's desperate to do some still pictures and videos of me to include on some of the sites. Apparently there's a massive demand for grannies and BBW's, and he can't get new material on the site fast enough. God, if I do that, anyone could be wanking off looking at me. Angia says that they can monitor the hits by number, geography and whether the people just look or download the material, which generally they assume means they wank with it. What the hell am I supposed to do now?"

"Wow, I see why you'd be nervous", I said, "but don't you think it would also be really exciting? One of your fantasies was always to have men and women wank off looking at you, without you having to have any interaction with them. Surely, this would be almost a perfect dream, except that you can't actually see them doing it? You said you felt the power of your body, when you knew people were looking at your breasts, your cunt and your arse. Surely this would only increase that power? And just think, who knows you might be passing people in the street that you've never met, and they can say to themselves 'Shit, I'm sure I've seen her cunt and watched her fuck women and men'. I guess it would feel good to me also, to know that your brutal fucking world was spread right across the world, but it was only me that has you in your making love world. So I think you should do it."

"Well, maybe," Lyn replied. "By the way, Angia asked me to apologise, and say that Ruby would like to use you at some point, but the urgent request was just for me. Turns out there are plenty of men You're not black and nor do you have a particularly large cock, which are really the things people are looking for. In any case, we couldn't really partner each other on film, because I told you there are things I'm prepared for people to do to me in the brutal fucking world, and me to them, which I'm never going to let you do, or let myself do to you. I just need to keep completely separate making love to you as something special and lovely. So you can forget fucking my arsehole, but I'm sure that on film that's something they'd want you to do."

"You fucking bastard", I said, "but I love you and understand what you are saying. Now call Angia and see if she can get fix a session in a few days when the bite marks and bruises on your tits have faded. Tell her, though, that you only agreed to it on condition that she pushes Ruby to find a video script I could play in - the harder the better, but I'm definitely not doing anything gay."

So Lyn phoned, and made the appointment.

"So," I said "I suppose we should be able to get in to the website now?"

"Oh yes," Lyn replied, "I'd forgotten that Angia had emailed me the log in details. Why don't we connect the laptop to the big screen, and have a look at what our predecessors had got up to. I'm really interested to see what the other new girls did, but more than that I really would like to see more of Angia in action, and more than that even, I'd lo-o-ove just looking at some new tits and right into some open new cunts."

So that was what we did, wanking ourselves off as we made love together imagining ourselves brutally fucking.


So, it was at the end of the week when I left Ricky and Rover again, and drove off to Charles' and Ruby's film studio on the edge of Dartmoor. As I drove up, it looked much more like an ordinary farmhouse, surrounded by a cluster of barns. I parked the car, and as I got out I was met by Ruby, who kissed me, and gave me a big hug.

"I'm so sorry, I hadn't realised that Angia hadn't told you about the filming part of our fun operation. She must have a very special regard for you, if she was so scared to tell you in case you wouldn't join. Normally people know everything about what they are agreeing to. I've got to say that I really enjoyed your sugared almonds opening, which was stunning. Your cunt was fantastic, and although I only got to taste it briefly, I am determined to rectify this in future! Still, I think Ricky enjoyed fucking me. Just a shame you'd made him promise to come in Angia and not me! Something else I intend to change, especially as he seemed so enamoured of my tits. Anyway, let me show you around."

She took me in to one of the barns, and I could immediately see that it wasn't really a barn at all, but many different studio sets, built to look like bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens and living rooms. Everywhere overhead were gantries with lights and there were a lot of what looked like rather old-fashioned video cameras on stands.

"Yes, I can see you thinking those cameras are a bit old" said Ruby. "The thing is though that with some of the action, even seasoned camera operators can find their hands starting to shake! Anyway, let's go into our archive, and I can show you some of the existing material we have, so you can get an idea of what you'll be asked to do."

As we walked into the room, whose walls were covered with glassy pictures, I was immediately hit by a big picture of Penny. The thing was, she was sat back in a chair, with her knees up, and she was pulling her hole outrageously wide. I'd never seen such a big cunt. Getting one fist in would have been easy, and I trembled to think how much other stuff had been stuffed up her over the years.

"Yes" said Ruby, "Penny's one of our main stars, as well as a camera operator, and you can see why. They used to call her 'hole-in-one' Penny, because she starred in a film where her husband was only interested in golf, and used to make her sit on the floor and open herself up so he could use her cunt for putting practice. It was pretty far out. She could get about a dozen or more balls in there, and one of the most viewed clips is her sitting like that and firing them out at her husband's face. Of course, the story was that this didn't give her any sexual satisfaction, so she went on a series of escapades which involved her stuffing herself with ever more massive objects. Although we shot it a long time ago, it's still one of our most downloaded video's. Just don't call her "hole-in-one" to her face as she really hates it. Especially don't do it if you want to give Ricky a special treat, which many men have found they really love. Her cunt is so big that even with a hand right inside, there's still room for a cock as well. The trick would be that you'd put your hand in, and as Ricky put his cock in her, you'd grab it. So, although he would seem to be fucking her, you'd actually be wanking him off inside her, and you'd get to feel his spunk shoot out the end of his prick when he came!"

Hmm, I'd have to think which world that would come in, as undoubtedly once Ricky heard about it he'd want to do it.

Most of the rest of the pictures where more predictable. Tits, cunts and assess all at different angles set up to give the maximum visibility, so the viewers imagination could focus on what they wanted to do, rather than what might be there. There were loads of fuck pictures: men in women's cunts or arses, women ramming in vibrators or fingers, again into both holes, and I noticed that Charles black cock was in many of them. Shit, I realised, if my cunt looked as stretched as some of those when Charles was up me at the party, I must have looked good. Fuck knows what it must have looked like with Keith's cock and Annette's finger in there as well! Ricky and I hadn't got round to looking at the DVD of our party yet, but I made a note to myself to make sure we did it soon, as I could feel a session of mutual masturbation coming on.

A couple of things did surprise me, though. First was how many of the women were either big or old, or often both.

"Yes," said Ruby, noticing my gaze lingering on some old BBW's. "It seems that although young girls have perfect bodies, many people like bodies which have seen lots of gravity and too much food. Some of our most downloaded pictures and videos are where women are either in a doggie position, or are leant forward against something like a work surface, so that tits and bellies are dangling down. In videos, the post popular shot is looking from right or slightly below as the man bangs his cock in from behind, so the bellies and tits are swinging backwards and forwards in time. Fake tits and slim bodies just don't give the same effect. This is where both Annette and I score, of course, because her tits sag and swing like crazy, and mine just look huge when hung down. Not being rude, but this is going to be where you score as well, though perhaps your tits could have done with being a bit larger. In general, people who like older women also tend to prefer hairy pussies, though not so much on BBW's as shaving makes it easier to see the slit. It's strange, really, how so many youngsters think that they should be shaved, and the only good cunts are ones with small lips and closed slits. If there's one useful thing we can do for the world with our products, it's to celebrate the diversity of women's cunts. Assholes and pricks, just don't have it!"

The second thing was how many of the pictures involved women pissing. I've always known that Ricky like to watch me, and often would put his hand between my legs when I am, but I never realised that it must be so common.

"Again," said Ruby "this could be an area where you score. Pissing films are really popular in the US, where they are almost always lesbian only. The funny thing is though, that it's much harder to get older women who will pee on camera; it's nearly always youngsters. Maybe something to do with the old-fashioned upbringing where excretion was really a taboo. Still, here's a picture of me from one of the lesbian peeing films we've made. Doesn't my cunt look good? And I sure did enjoy that day."

I guess I'd never actually looked at a woman pissing. I certainly couldn't easily see myself doing it, and I'd never been close enough to another woman to really have a good look, despite the standing joke that women always go to the ladies in groups. However, the sight of a lovely-looking slit pulled open, and seeing a jet of pee coming out of the very visible pee hole struck me as really beautiful. And if it gave me the excuse for lesbian sex with the sort of women that were in these pictures, maybe this was something for me.

"We'd probably better move on" said Ruby, looking at her watch, "else Charles and the crew will start complaining. You can always come back in here another day, or just go to the web sites as your log in details will let you access everything for free. Let's go to the wardrobe and pick you out a few clothes. For some reason men seem to like to see clothes coming off, though I'd personally just as soon start naked. Still, they usually won't be staying on long. What we'll do to start with is some straightforward stills series of you, starting clothed, stripping, then focusing on the good old favourites of tit, cunt and arse."

The first thing she picked out for me was a purple Teddy, which barely covered my nipples, and stopped some way above my pussy. I looked at it, doubting whether I could fit in it.

"Get a move on, Lyn" said Ruby. "get all your clothes off, and try this on."

Well it did get in it, though my tits were bulging way over the top. Maybe that was ok, but I wasn't so happy with the fact that my belly roll was fully exposed at the bottom of the Teddy.

"Don't worry about that," Ruby said. We always go for things a bit too small, really, as it makes the big in BBW look bigger. Believe me, there will be plenty of people out there who would have been disappointed if you'd had a flat stomach and no belly roll. Here's some matching knickers."

Well, she called them knickers, but they were little more than a bit of string which got stuck in my bum, and a little triangle of purple silk, which barely covered my hair, going up only as far as becoming hidden under my roll."

"Shit, that's fantastic" Ruby said, as she adjusted the way the string sat in my ass and the triangle was placed over my cunt. "This is going to be a super set."

She finished me off with a tight fitting, skirt, and a tight fitting, low cut blouse. I was beginning to psych myself up to be photographed, but of course, I had to go to make up first, and get bright red lipstick and eye shadow.

"Fucking hell, Ruby" I said, as I looked in the full-length mirror, "I look like a fat fucking tart."

"Of course, you do" said Ruby. "When people look at the pictures, they need to believe that you are the sort of woman who would be prepared to satisfy their darkest desires. With a rare few exceptions they don't want to be looking at someone who looks like their mother. No one's perfect, so what you have to do is to make the best of what you've got. In this case, you have to look like a fat old slut, who is desperate for cock or cunt, and will let them do to you whatever their dirtiest fantasies are."

The worst thing was that apparently, it's an essential part of the costume to have high heels, goodness knows why, but I was assured that once I got on the set, I could soon take them off, as attention would have moved elsewhere. So I wobbled my tarty way on to the first set, which was a living room. I knew I've heard film stars say the same thing, but I was horrified by the number of people stood around, pretty evenly divided between men and women. Sound seemed to require two, although as far as I knew still pictures were silent, there was both Penny and Tony with different cameras, two people from lighting, someone from make-up, someone with classes of drinks, two men who I guess might be used to move any furniture, and last but not least Charles the director. I felt frightened again. Was I really supposed to strip and show my open cunt and arse in front of all these people? Wouldn't they just think I was a fat tart? I stopped, and sought for the words to tell them I couldn't go through with it.

Suddenly, though, I thought 'this is silly'. They are professionals and are probably bored to death with naked bodies. In any case, the whole point is to show my tits, my cunt and my arse to everyone around the world who cares to look. Who cares if some of them think I'm a fat old tart and move to some shiny young thing with a shaved cunt and fake tits? What I'll be able to from the website feedback is see is how many people thought I was worth wanking to. So, I walked on to the set, ready to do what would have felt like humiliation only a few weeks earlier.

The next half hour was a bit of a blur. Charles told me how to stand, and when to remove a piece of my clothes. Penny and Tony danced round, taking picture after picture at unlikely angles, up my skirt, down my blouse, with me bending over to make my ass look big. I was beginning to get fed up with this, and was developing an itch between my legs to rush right on and show them my cunt. However, before I'd quite got that impatient, we moved to the strip. Charles made me take off my skirt first, which led to more bending over and pictures of the purple thread deep between my bum cheeks, and lots angles to show just how much belly had been pushed below the Teddy, and the way the top of the knickers had gone under it. Then shots laying down, with my legs closed and open, and with me teasing that I was going to pull the sliver of material aside and give a proper view of my slit, then ones laid the other way showing the thread passing, and really not hiding my arsehole. Then the blouse came off, followed by lots of shots of me bending so my breasts were either nearly or actually falling out of the top of the Teddy. Then the Teddy, with Charles being particularly keen on shots with me holding a tit to my mouth and sucking my nipple. Eat that you slim little bitches with tiny tits who've got no fucking hope of ever getting to enjoy this experience!

Of course, getting the lighting right started to assume a greater importance, so we had lot of stops while the lighting people changed the direction of the lamps, I had had to move around the set as well to help get it best. This all started me sweating, so the make-up people had to dash over and dry my face and my breasts. Then there were complicated shots where I was leaning forward against the back of a chair, so my tits were dangling, which meant that Penny had to lay on her back on the floor and shoot up to get the best effect. This also meant my arse was stuck out again and Charles sent Tony round to get some more shots of my bum, some legs together, some legs apart, so that it would show my arsehole and some of the hair on my pussy, which was poking out of the knickers as the thin strip went past my hole. Then shots of me leaning my breasts on the back of an upright chair, so they spilled over, exaggerating their size.

Finally, finally, I got to take off the horrible little knickers, leaving me completely nude. Lots more repeat shots of me leaning over things, but this time with a lot more emphasis on the recently uncovered delights between my legs. Lots more make up poking around as well, as for some reason sweaty bums and bellies apparently are a more specialist niche. Some of it was quite clever, though. Charles was really good, and very specific on how he wanted me to place my body, but for the arse shots they turned on one of the video cameras and connected it to a television on the floor in front of me. This meant I could see exactly how much of my bumhole was showing, and could try to make sure it looked round and symmetrical, something again which seems to be preferred, though given that the men at least were likely fantasizing about sticking their cock up it, I couldn't quite see why. They then brought in a few toys, including a small vibrator which make-up lubricated, and Charles poked in to my asshole. I guess this make the fantasy visible to any men who hadn't thought of it, and brought in some possible amusement for lesbians. I have to say, it felt pretty weird, standing naked in front of a dozen strangers, with my tits hanging over the chair, my legs spread, and a vibrator stuck perfectly symmetrically half way into my arsehole. However, I kind of got it. When I looked at the image on the screen, it looked good.

Then they wanted shots of me pulling open my cunt in the same position. This proved a bit tricky, as I needed some support, but it turned out they had a special padded chair on which I could rest my shoulders, while I reached round and pulled open my slit. Again, this required a lot of lighting changes, so they could see as far as possible through my hole into my vagina. This was repeated with the vibrator in my ass, then a much larger vibrator stuck in my cunt. I was definitely getting it now. When I looked at the image on screen of the small, vibrator in my bum, my hands holding my lips apart, and the big vibrator hanging there stretching my cunt, I thought it looked fucking good.

I then had to lay back in an armchair, with my legs over the arms, so that my pussy was fully exposed to the camera. This involved a bit more fiddling with the lights, and some adjustment to the recline of the chair so that my asshole could be seen as well. In many ways, this was my shot. Ricky had got me to do it many times, and this was also the sugared almonds shot. I knew what I was doing here. I lost count of how many shots were taken of my slit pulled open to different degrees, with my fingers exploring my clit, or poked in my hole, and of the vibrator in a little, in a lot, or just poised to go in but not covering the view of my hole. What I concentrated on was trying to get the right intensity into my look, a look that said to men, I'm just waiting for your cock to go in here, and to women, come suck and stroke my clit.

Of course, some of this was probably wasted as undoubtedly many of the shots were extreme close-ups of my cunt and ass. I thought I must have finished, but then make-up came over again with something supposed to be cunt juice, and a whole load more shots were taken with my cunt looking a lot more slippery. Strange how it seemed to be necessary for Charles, the make-up boy and girl, and Penny and Tony to keep touching my cunt, saying that they needed to adjust the look. Then a whole load more with the vibrator, Charles especially wanting me to push it right in as far as it would go, then to pull it out as fast as I could. I got the idea, which was that for a second or so my hole stayed open, as if the vibrator were still in there, but boy did it take a long time. I suppose the problem was catching the picture quite right, so the vibrator wasn't hiding anything critical, meaning and of my entire slit, but my lips hadn't closed back over again. Either Penny wasn't as good a photographer as Ruby had claimed, or she was enjoying it. Funnily enough, so was I. I felt totally in control. I was going to make some images to which all sorts of people, both men and women, would wank themselves off. It was my cunt, and I knew I looked epic.

Eventually the clicking stopped, and I really did think that was the end. Apart from anything else, I was pretty desperate for the loo. However, when I asked where the loo was, Ruby dashed over to Charles, and said:

"Why don't we do a few pee shots while she's fully loaded? I mentioned it to her earlier, and she didn't say no. I'm also feeling pretty loaded, so maybe we could do a few shots with us both peeing at the same time, and maybe peeing on each other?"

I wasn't sure then whether I was still feeling in control! However, given everything else the group had seen, and the images they'd captured, what difference would a stream of piss coming out of me make? And I really did need to go. So, I said yes.

Unfortunately, what I hadn't realised was that this was going to require a change of set. It makes sense, when you think about it, that they'd need a set which could be hosed down easily.

"Wait, Charles," I said, "I'm not sure I'm going to be able to hold on long enough."

"Fine," he said, "just slip the knickers, skirt and blouse back on, and if you do dribble during the move, we can do a few strip shots showing that you've wet your knickers, and which will set up the rest of the pictures."

"Oh fuck." I thought, trust me to open my big mouth.

Well, I did what Charles had told me, and we moved over to a set that looked like a bathroom of the sort that's now called a "wet room", so fully tiled and the shower apparently just on the wall of the room itself with no screen. We'd also added video, because a missed shot really couldn't be repeated. And I had dribbled. That was fine, but of course the time it took to photograph my wet knickers meant my bladder was even closer to bursting, and then after I'd taken the knickers off they spotted a little stream of pee running down the top of my leg, so that had to be photographed as well. Fortunately, they had managed to set up Ruby's part of the story, which was also that she was dashing home dying to pee, and also with piss in her knickers. We then moved to a couple of shots of me ripping off my skirt and blouse (though goodness knows the logic for that as I can pee well enough with them on!) and me rushing in to the bathroom holding my pussy. I then sat on the loo, but before I could get going, Ruby dashed in naked, holding herself, and obviously looking horrified that I was already on the loo.

"What are you doing, bitch," she yelled "I'm dying to pee".

And the realisation hit me that the sound engineers had finally come into their own. Given that we hadn't rehearsed, I improvised with something like, "fuck off, so do I and I got here first". Of course, Ruby did what any woman would have done, leaned back, pulled her cunt open and shot a sparkling stream of pee right at me, saying "alright, bitch you asked for it". Again, we hadn't rehearsed it, but the only sensible thing I could see for me to do, especially given that Ruby's pee was spraying all over me, was to slide forward on the seat, lean back, open my slit and send my pee across the room and over her as well.

"Fucking brilliant" exclaimed Charles, dashing over to me and pushing his hand over my cunt. "Save some for a few more shots".

Shit, it's not easy to stop peeing mid-stream, especially when you're not used to it, so he got quite a lot over his hand before I managed it. I also noticed that Ruby had stopped, and as she told me afterwards, bladder control is a really important skill for peeing movies. The next few shots were close-ups of my cunt with the pee squirting out, and one with Ruby in front of me so that it went over her face. This took me to empty, but her extra control meant that they could get shots of her peeing on me from different distances as she came towards me.

Well, it was kind of fun, a bit like being back at school with a water pistol, or that time at Jennie and Steve's when we had the water fight, so maybe this was something I could get to like. What I did notice, though, was just was a vivid pink the inside of Ruby's cunt was, and I definitely decided I wanted some more of that!

It turned that I was to get my wish much sooner than I'd imagined.

"Hey Charles," Tony cut in just as I Ruby and I were heading for the shower, "given that we've got the video going, and we've set up a scene where it would make sense for them both to want a shower, why don't we film it and start with a lesbian scene between Lyn and Ruby, assuming Lyn is up for it."

Was I ever!

"Then maybe we could have either Lyn or Ruby's husband come in and catch them, then end up fucking them both. We could get some great swinging shots with both Ruby's breasts and Lyn's tit's and belly. I know we haven't got time for a full film, but we could do two scenes, put them on the web as trailers to see what response they get, and if it's positive we could come back and fill out the storyline and the other scenes later. What do you say? I guess you could be the husband, and we already know how good your black cock looks in Lyn's cunt. However, the black-on-black with Ruby wouldn't work quite as well, and I know that you generally don't like fucking Ruby in a film. In that case, I guess I could be the husband? Ruby and I always work well together, and it will be a new experience for Lyn, so we can get a better feel for what type of cocks and fucking style works best with her for future reference. How about it?"

"Fantastic idea," said Charles, "are you up for it Ruby, Lyn? And can you manage the video team without him Penny?"

We all said yes. I was definitely happy to get a chance to get on and in Ruby, even though I prefer smaller breasts. I was less sure about Tony, who just seemed a bit dull. I could easily imagine him being obsessed with golf and practising his putting rather than fucking with his wife. Of course, the pee Ruby and I had all over us had started to dry off a bit, so the first thing needed was to get make up to squirt us with some water, and yes, they did use a water pistol.

We started off in the shower, washing each other's breasts, and kissing. However, it really wasn't as sexy as it sounded, and hopefully looked in the end, because we kept having to stop because the camera lens was steaming. We washed each other between our legs and around our bums, but again we had to keep stopping and just move around a bit so that the camera could catch the right pieces of our anatomy. As we came out and were wiping each other dry, Ruby whispered to me:

"When we get on the bed, we just need to go at it hard. The timing is all set by the time the viewer is prepared to wank, not by whether we've come, and it would be a shame not to have got there."

So along, with more stops for repositioning, and some coaching on things we might say to each other, we headed over to the bed, with me laying on my back, with Ruby straddling over me, with her head facing my pussy. Clearly the advantage of this was that the camera could get lots of cunt and arse shots, but we had plenty of opportunity to play with each other's slits whilst also opening it up for the camera, and they could catch close-ups of us sucking the other's clit. Mostly we got through this without too many stoppages and repositioning, and I found I really enjoyed the bright pinkness of Ruby's hole. Fortunately, we were just managing to come when Tony charged in to the room, cursing Ruby and asking what on earth I was doing letting her fuck me.

"I'll show you what a real fuck should be like" cried Tony, pulling off his clothes.

He pushed Ruby off of me, grabbed my tits, and rammed his cock up me. It was really pretty unexciting, so I quickly faked an orgasm, which was the queue for him to move to Ruby, to 'show her what a real fuck was like' as well. She tried to crawl away, which created the ideal opportunity for a bit of doggie-style, with Ruby's tits swinging around crazily. He then pulled out, turned her over, and entered her from the front. I guess if you'd never seen real brutal fucking it could have looked quite convincing, but I then discovered what Tony's real strengths were: he could come pretty well on cue with not much stimulation, although he could hold on forever as well, and when he did come the volume of his spunk and the energy with which it came out was amazing. Ruby faked another orgasm, and then Tony pulled out and shot an unbelievable amount of spunk right over her belly and up over her tits. Impressive. Unfortunately, the hasty script called for me to lick it off Ruby, then transfer some from my mouth to hers. But no way did I fancy that, so I just rubbed it into her breasts, then rolled around on top of her so that our tits both got covered with his cum.

I got a good telling off by Charles for that afterwards, but I blamed it on my memory, what with it being my first time and all, and I think he was still pretty happy with the end result.

I chose not to shower again, but to let the spunk dry on my tits, and take it as a trophy for when I shared my experience with Ricky when I got back home. As I drove back I reflected that I enjoyed the pictures, because of the way I felt I could control unknown people at a distance with my body, and the fact that it was pretty impersonal, or rather very personal just to me. I thought I quite enjoyed the pissing, and maybe it was something I should make more of with Ricky, but the video stuff I really didn't like. I just didn't get aroused by trying to fuck someone to a script, having to stop from time to time so the camera could get the right angle, and having to work to a time rather than letting my body get to climax when I wanted it too.

And whilst I'd found I could tolerate, and even enjoy a bit of arse fucking when I was in control, I just didn't want to have to do it when the script wanted, and there was no way I was going to be swallowing lots of spunk whatever the script said. Yes, if the reaction was good enough, then I'd go back to complete this video, but I wasn't going to do any more. This scripted stuff certainly didn't fit in the 'brutal fucking' world I'd enjoyed, but neither was it making love. However, I did like the idea of having pictures of me on the internet for anyone who wanted them, and wondered if Ricky could set me up with my own web site, rather than going through Charles, at least for of the time. To me, it felt that this belonged more in the 'making love' world, because all of the action was going to be between Ricky and I talking about it and looking at the pictures together.

When I got back home, I stroked the dog and kissed Ricky. I told him all the details of the less than fully enjoyable afternoon, and the conclusions I thought I'd reached. What we did, though, was to watch the DVD of the party, and shit, watching each other in our brutal fucking worlds was fantastic fun in our making love world, and we wanked ourselves silly.​
Previous page: Part 02.1