Page 01
As always, this is a work of fiction and the characters are imaginary, existing only within the confines of the story and my imagination. Enjoy!
It felt fairly strange to be back in college after nearly thirty years. Sitting amidst all those young graduate students made me feel a bit old, even though I was only fifty-one years old. Still, I was enjoying myself...feeling my love for history being recharged as I participated in the seminars...feeling renewed myself and why not -- in a sense I was starting over.
I'd been a history teacher in a small eastern Kentucky high school for twenty-nine years and had been married for all but the last two of those years. Lisa, my wife, I'd caught with her boss, the bank manager in our bed one morning when I'd come home early with the flu. It had been an ugly divorce as Lisa had contested everything even as her lover was being taken to the cleaners by his wife. In the end, I walked away with a rental property we'd bought as an investment years before and over one hundred thousand dollars for my share of the house and other property. I also walked away with a serious sense of futility and depression that seemed to carry over into my work.
I love teaching...or at least I had. That last school year had been a god-awful slog and at the end of it, I decided that I needed a change. I decided to pursue a long surrendered dream of getting my doctorate's degree in history and took a sabbatical to pursue it. With the settlement on the house -- I had the cash and decided that a year's change of scenery would do me good. So, I wound up attending the University of Kentucky in hot pursuit of my doctoral degree. I needed a few courses and of course my doctoral thesis which had been half finished when I'd stuck it in a drawer nearly twenty years before.
I began my "adventure" in pursuit of a long abandoned dream, but I had no idea that one of my own former students would redirect my adventure for a new life into an entirely new direction. Her name...Breanna -- one of my unforgettables.
"MISTER HELLER!" I was in a bookstore, perusing the mystery section when I heard my name shrieked into my ear. Before I could react, I found myself being hugged ferociously by a definitely womanly body. Although I hadn't been with a woman in a couple of years, I recognized breasts when they were mashed up against me. A sweet, spicy scent filled my nostrils as I heard, "MISTER HELLER, I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S YOU!"
I felt someone's aggressive embrace loosen and managed to gracefully disengage myself to find a rather stunning woman standing in front of me. Young...early twenties, dark brown hair streaked with vivid red and cut short ending in points just below her chin. Tall...taller than me by maybe an inch and I stand an even six feet tall. A long, lush body -- not fat by any means, but curvy and full bodied...those aforementioned breasts prominently displayed in a low cut T-shirt. Her dark hair framed a pale-skinned face with brilliant blue eyes, a pert nose and full and luscious lips now parted in a tremendous smile.
I searched through the sizable index of students' faces accumulated in almost thirty years of teaching and quickly came up with a name. " are you?"
Her smile grew even larger as she replied, "Omigod! You remember me, Mister Heller? I can't believe it!" She seemed to almost vibrate with delight, bouncing on the heels of her feet which drew my eyes to her rather bountiful chest which bounced in such a way that betrayed that she wasn't wearing a bra.
I shrugged and said, "It's only been what...three years, Breanna and besides, I never forget my good students!"
She blushed slightly and said, "I wasn't that good a student...a bit of a trouble-maker maybe." I laughed and shook my head in disagreement. Yes, I remembered Breanna. A consistent 'A' student and yes, a bit of a troublemaker in that she loved to argue in class...something I actually encouraged. She had also run with the Goth crowd...or at least as Goth as kids from an eastern mountain community could those days favoring a lot of black leather and lace, running into trouble with the principals for dress code violation. Breanna had in high school, delighted in seeing how much of her breasts she could get on display and how high she could wear the hems of her leather minis before getting violated on dress code.
The Goth look was gone, but it was obvious she was proud of her rather impressive breasts and I wondered if she still wore her dresses short when she wasn't wearing skin tight black jeans. Breanna could still remind an old man how it felt to be young. "Well, I hope you're still giving your teachers fits. Are you attending UK?"
Breanna nodded and said, "Oh yes...third year, studying for physician's assistant." She turned as someone approached and said, "Oh, you remember my boyfriend? Honey, look...its Mister Heller! Can you believe it?"
I turned to see a tall sallow faced young man wearing an army-surplus fatigue jacket, his hair shaggy to his shoulders and still sporting the same scraggly chin beard he'd had in high school. "Jesse, how are you?"
I held out my hand and after a moment's hesitation, he shook it with a weak effort. There was a bit of surprise in his voice and then in an unsure tone, "You remember me, Mister Heller?'
I nodded and replied, "Of course I do. So, you're attending UK too?"
He nodded and said in the same glum tone I recalled him using constantly in high school, "I suppose so." He didn't offer any details and I didn't press him. I imagined that he was doing just enough to plod through and pass, much as he had in the old days.
"What are you doing in Lexington, Mister Heller...on a school night?" asked Breanna, her body still bouncing as if seeing me was the next best thing to meeting Santa Claus.
I laughed and replied, "I'm back in college myself...doctoral program. Taking a year off to work on my PhD."
Jesse managed to smile weakly while Breanna seemed to think that it was the best news she'd heard all year and I got another hug, her arms pulling my neck down so that my face was nearly nuzzling the exposed upper portions of her breasts. "That's fucking awesome, Mister Heller!" she exclaimed. "I'm going to be looking for you on campus!" She laughed and glanced over at her boyfriend whose face appeared glummer than ever. "We can hang out sometime!"
That caught me by surprise and I was momentarily at a loss for words. Finally, I shrugged my shoulders and replied, " never know. School keeps me pretty busy and I'm sure it does you too!"
Breanna's eyes suddenly seemed to gleam with an odd fire and she said, "Oh...we'll make the time. You're my favorite teacher...ever! Right, Jesse?"
Jesse hesitated, his glum expression threatening to slip into a sourer look and he muttered, "I suppose so." He glanced at his arm and I'm not sure if he was wearing a wristwatch or not, but he said, "'s getting late. We got that thing..."
Breanna looked at him oddly and then slowly nodded. "Yeah, I guess." Her expression brightened as she stepped up to me for the third time and hugged me again, saying softly into my ear, "I'm so glad we saw you, Mister Heller! See you soon!" Then she surprised me again by giving me a kiss on the cheek and grinning mischievously over her shoulder as they left.
For my part, I couldn't take my eyes off them...or more precisely, Breanna as they walked away...not just because her jean clad butt looked so sexy, but because the whole episode left me in a state of wonder. I felt a little surprise that between my legs, my cock was actually on the rise...responding to having had a woman...a lovely, young woman pressing herself against my body several times. I imagined I was just clueless, but I felt as if she'd been flirting a little with me. I touched my cheek, still feeling her luscious lips pressed against them.
As I drove back to student housing -- graduate and post-graduate students were able to rent apartments on campus, I couldn't get the young woman off my mind. In the acrimonious storm of my divorce, I had given the female gender a general pass and hadn't quite worked up an urge to date again, but that didn't mean I didn't have desires like any normal male. In the last loveless years of my marriage, it would have been next to impossible to not notice the seemingly endless parade of nubile young women who passed through my classroom and yes...I had masturbated to fantasies of having many of them...Breanna included.
Still, that is all they were...fantasies of a late middle-aged man. Soon enough, meeting Breanna was lost against a tide of research on the history of the bourbon manufactures of Middle thesis topic and on the heavy readings of my seminars. Still as I walked across the campus during the early days of October, I often found myself scanning passing students for Breanna.
In the end, she found me. It was nearly a month after I ran into her and Jesse at the bookstore and late in the evening, I found myself at a table in the university center cafeteria, drinking coffee and making some notes after a particular seminar. I was lost in thought and never sensed anyone approaching until I was both being hugged and heard, "Mister Heller, how are you?" again, finding my face nuzzling the breasts of my former student.
Then Breanna was sitting across from me -- her arms folded under her breasts as she leaned forward and allowed them to bunch up in an impressive display of cleavage. I took a deep breath and gathered my composure back together, dragging my eyes from my former student's bosom and back to her lovely face. " are you?"
She grinned and said, "I couldn't be finer now that I found you! How have you been?"
"Good, I reckon," I replied. "Classes are going well and my thesis is coming along." I glanced around and didn't see Jesse in the queue for coffee or food. "Where's Jesse?"
She rolled her eyes and said, "Home, probably killing things on the computer instead of know, the usual. Waiting for me to get off work."
"Work?" I asked.
She nodded. "Yeah, I work here in the UC in university services -- answer the phone, type shit up...that sort of thing. It helps pay for what the scholarship doesn't cover." She reached out and squeezed my hand. "I can't tell you how much I'm glad to see you, Mister Heller!"
I chuckled and said, "Really? Feeling homesick for Jonasville High School?"
"Oh, hell no!" she replied. "I never want to go back to Hicksville. I'm just...well; you're just one of my favorite people in the whole world! I just love that I can actually sit down here with you and...I don't! You'd have never done that in high school."
"Well...there's a reason for that. You were a teenager and I'm an old teacher. I'm shocked that any of my old students would even want to pass a word with me!"
Breanna had a wounded look for a second and shook her head violently. "Oh, you're wrong, Mister Heller. Yeah, you were a cranky old bastard, but you had our best interests at made us learn stuff...important shit." She reached out and took my hand again. "I bet you have no idea that you were a lot of kids' favorite teacher! We...I loved you!"
I felt myself blush a little. As any teacher will tell you...compliments like that don't come across too often. "I don't know, Breanna." I replied. "Jesse didn't seem too thrilled to run into me that night at the bookstore."
It was Breanna's turn to blush a little and she bit her lip and then laughed. "Oh...I don't think it had anything to do with high school, Mister Heller."
"Oh yeah? What was it then?"
She was silent for a moment, looking down at the table, but then looking up at me with her eyes blazing with a devilish glee. "Well, not too shock you, but..."
"Yeah?" I said encouragingly.
"Well, Jesse and me, we've been an item forever and we rent a place down on the southern side of Lexington. About a year ago after fu...making love, we were talking about fantasy know, who we'd like to fuck?"
My blush returned, this time making my face burn. It was difficult to remember that Breanna was an adult now...not one of my teenage students. This whole conversation felt...taboo. "Right," I replied a little hoarsely.
"Well, Jesse lists off Angelina Jolie and Kate Kardasian and Megan Fox and I..." she paused as an almost belligerent grin spread across her face. "I said my number one fantasy fuck was you, Mister Heller!"
I didn't feel my jaw hit the table, but I'm sure it did as I stared at her in shock. In my silence, Breanna pressed on. "It's true...I had the biggest crush on you, Mister Heller...still do, I suppose and well, Jesse always has had some self confidence issues."
"I...I don't know what to say, Breanna. I never imagined..." I let my voice trail off.
For her part, she looked back at me with amused skepticism. "Oh, I bet you did, Mister Heller. God knows I teased you enough in those days and I know you used to stare at my tits and legs and you can't deny you were admiring my ass the other night at the bookstore. Her hands suddenly were cupping her breasts through her blouse and she playfully lifted them up. "And you've been sneaking some peeks at my boobs tonight."
"Well...I..." I really didn't know what to say, so I shrugged my shoulders and confessed. "Guilty as charged. My apologies, Breanna."
My answer seemed to please her and she replied, "No need to apologize, Mister Heller. I wouldn't put them out there on display if I didn't want people looking at them." Then she looked at me slyly with her eyes slightly hooded and said, "I'm curious though. I wonder, Mister Heller, where I might rank on your list of fantasy fucks?"
Again, I was caught off guard by her words, suddenly recalling how fearless Breanna had been back in High School -- never afraid to speak her mind. After a moment, I again shrugged my shoulders and said, "I plead the Fifth, Breanna." I hesitated for a moment, trying to seek a way out of this strange conversation before I said, "You can reassure Jesse...he doesn't have to worry about me. I would never try to..."
Breanna licked her lips and said in a wicked voice, "Oh, I don't think Jesse's worried about you trying to seduce me, but he might be concerned about what I might do." She let that hang in the air for a moment. "You know, Mister Heller...even in high school, I had a reputation for being...rash and impulsive. I'm even worse now!"
I suddenly understood what a rabbit felt like when it sees the wildcat stalking it and was trying to figure out what to say next when Breanna suddenly shifted gears. "Shit, is it that late? I got an 8:00 class in the morning!" She stood up and studied me for a moment. "Mister Heller, would you mind walking me to my car? This late at night...well."
It took a moment, but her request finally sank in and I seized the opportunity to regain any sense of normalcy. The guise of the protective older male felt good and I quickly stuffed my notes into my book bag and walked out of the UC with the young woman. Outside in the cool air, I was momentarily startled when Breanna slipped her arm through mine and murmured, "This way," steering us out into the mostly empty lot.
As we made our way to the far end, neither one of us said anything nor for a moment it was strangely...nice having a lovely young lady on my arm, evoking romantic memories from a lifetime ago. Finally, we arrived next to a slightly beat up Honda and she said, "This is me," while reaching into her bag for the keys. She unlocked the door and I opened it while she looked on pleased and murmured, "Thank you, Mister Heller."
She started to climb in, but stopped...her on one side of the door and me on the other. "You know...Jesse should be worried, Mister Heller. You're still number one on the list of men I would love to fuck." She leaned forward and kissed me on the corner of my mouth. "Goodnight." She fired her car up and pulled away, leaving me thunderstruck in the middle of that parking lot and feeling more than a little bit lost.
It was a long night and I surprised myself by masturbating not once but twice. The first time, I stroked off imagining what Breanna looked like completely naked...and yes, I confess that it wasn't the first time I had fantasized about that. Afterwards, I found myself unable to sleep and after tossing and turning for a long time, I got up and dug through some unpacked boxes until I came up with a yearbook from Breanna's senior year.
I flipped through it until I found the photo I had vaguely recollected...a group of seniors at a class pool party and front and foremost in the picture was Breanna -- glorious at eighteen in a skimpy bikini, breasts nearly overwhelming the small top and those lovely, long legs. Her hair was soaking wet...her body glittering wetly in the camera's flash and that devil may care smile of hers as she smiled at the photographer. I masturbated to the thought of her smiling that way at me...having me, taking me as she murmured, "You're still number one on the list of men I would love to fuck." I fell asleep with thoughts of the sexy, flirty young woman filling my mind and then my dreams.
For the next few days, I was a bit distracted as I was constantly expecting Breanna to turn up at any moment as I made my way around campus, but I never saw her. I wondered if in a moment of sober reflection, she had come to regret flirting with a man thirty years older and the thought of that made me oddly sad. I cursed myself for acting like a teenager afflicted with a terminal case of puppy love after I talked myself in visiting the bookstore that following weekend where I'd run into Breanna and Jesse initially.
As the following week passed, my lewd thoughts of my former student slowly receded...never completely forgotten, but mostly below the surface as I devoted myself to classes and doing research in the archives of the UK library. At quiet, idle moments, Breanna's face and body would resurface, but I forced myself not to dwell on my adolescent fantasies. Still, a part of me wondered when, not if, she would resurface again.
It happened that following Friday evening. I had had a quiet evening...a simple dinner followed by work on my thesis which was spread out on the apartment's kitchenette table and as the late news came on, I was dozing in front of the television with a mur*er mystery novel open face down on my chest. I was jarred awake by the irritating door bell -- a bit surprised because in two months, no one had ever rang it before.
I swung it open warily and although I should have been expecting it, was still surprised to see Breanna standing there -- looking like sexy trouble in a leather jacket and jeans, a plastic bag hanging from one hand. She held it up and through the opaque plastic I could see the distinct markings of a popular beer. "Trick or treat, Mister Heller!" she said in a giggling voice.
"Um...about a week early, Breanna and I think I'm supposed to give you the treat...not the other way around?"
She winked slyly at me and said, "Well, we can work that out later. Interested in a beer?"
I felt my stomach do a nervous flip. "Well...I -- um, I don't know if I should." I suddenly felt very nervous.
"Now, Mister Heller," Breanna began in a serious voice. "I'm not seventeen and you're not my teacher now. We're just two legal adults..." a giggle almost slipped out. She paused and then resumed, "We're just two legal adults and this legal adult wants to buy you a beer." She looked up at actually batted her eyes at me mockingly. "Well, aren't you going to invite me in?"
I took a deep breath and said, "Breanna, would you like to come in?" I felt my face burning as she brushed past me with a pleased and naughty smile. I closed the door and turned to see her as she slipped off her jacket, revealing a form fitting gray sweater that left her shoulders bare while molding itself to her breasts. I took her jacket and hung it up on the coat rack while she curled up on the small, nubby couch that came with the apartment, sitting the beer on the square coffee table in front of her.
I pulled two beers out and put the rest in the refrigerator. When I came back, Breanna had removed her boots and had her feet tucked up under her on the couch. There was something evocative about her appearance and memories tugged at my mind of her wearing similar outfits in high school and how lovely she looked with her shoulders bare. I twisted the cap off her beer and handed it to her and tried to ignore her bemused expression when I sat down in the overstuffed chair I'd been dozing in earlier, figuring in distance there was safety.
Breanna raised her bottle to me and I followed suit and said, "So...what are we toasting?"
She hesitated for a moment and replied, "How about we drink to 'tonight' and whatever it brings us." The tip of her tongue peeked out momentarily between her full, ripe lips before she brought her bottle to her mouth for a drink.
"To 'tonight,'" I replied, trying to sound more relaxed than I was.
Smiling smugly, Breanna said, "I suppose you're surprised to see me."
I nodded and said, "A little. I don't remember telling you where I live."
"I work in University Services, remember, Mister Heller? I have access to everything." She gave me a wicked wink. "Never underestimate a woman when there's something she wants!" Suddenly I felt again like the rabbit being stalked by the wildcat.
" have you been, Breanna," asked before taking another swig of beer.
She wriggled in her seat, the motion making her breasts strain against the gray sweater's fabric. Although the room was poorly lit, it seemed as if I could see the indentations of her nipples standing hard against her outfit. "Missing you, Mister Heller," she said coyly. "You've been on my...mind a lot."
I took another sip. "Uh huh. And where's Jesse?"
Breanna sighed and said, "Jesse is driving home to Mom and Dad just like he does every other weekend. He misses Jonasville something awful and goes back whenever he can." She leaned forward, her sizable breasts straining against the thin fabric of her sweater. "Now, really, Mister we really want to waste time talking about Jesse?" She licked her lips and said in a very low voice. "Can't you think of anything better to ask me?"
My mouth was suddenly very dry and I replied in a raspy voice. "Breanna...we both know we're flirting with doing something that maybe we shouldn't. I just don't want to...screw things up between you and your boyfriend."
Breanna studied me for a long moment and then said carefully and slowly, "Mister Heller...sometime before the end of this school year Jesse is going to drop out of school and go back to Jonasville and join his father in running his repair shop and that's where Jesse will stay for the rest of his life. He'll ask me to go and I'll tell him no and we'll officially end what I should have ended two years ago and then he'll find some hick girl and marry her and have a bunch of little Jesses and live happily ever fucking after."
She paused and took a long sip of beer. "You can't screw up what's already broken. He wants different things than me and I want...well, I want you, Mister Heller." In one single lithe motion, Breanna was out of her seat, sitting her beer onto the table and swarming into my lap while I gawped at suddenly having a very lovely young woman squirming atop me.
Breanna kissed me then, full on the lips as her arms slipped around my neck, her tongue probing my mouth until I opened up and then she kissed me with more vigor, her large soft lips warm on my mine while our tongues met and instinctively began to curl around each other. She tasted like cinnamon -- sweet and juicy and very much like I imagined Breanna would taste like. My heart was beating wildly as she pulled me against her...I could feel her breasts pillowing against my chest -- her heart beating as hard as mine. My arms came up and pulled her even tighter against mine and for a moment I was lost in the exhilaration of kissing a passionate and lovely woman.
Too soon alas, the teacher in me resurfaced and I broke the kiss and as we both gasped for breath...the room suddenly much warmer, I panted, "Breanna...we can't be doing this. I'm old enough to be...hell, I'm older than your father!"
Breanna touched a finger to my lips and said, "Hush now. I want this. I choose this, Mister Heller." When I started to protest, she pressed her finger a bit more firmly before she said in a husky voice just above a whisper, "Answer me one question and answer me honestly. Mister Heller, do you want to fuck me?"
"Breanna, this is so wro..."
Again she stopped me from speaking and said, "Just tell the truth, Mister Heller, do you want to fuck me?"
Breanna stared into my eyes for what seemed an eternity -- her blue eyes merry and lusty as she already knew my answer which I finally managed to say. "Breanna, I want to fuck you more than anything I've ever wanted to do in my life!"
She smiled and replied, "Why, isn't that a coincidence because it's been my life's ambition to fuck you, you lovely man!" She gave me a quick kiss and added, "Besides, I insist you fuck me, Mister Heller!" And then we were kissing again, nothing held back -- letting our passion reign unbridled. Our tongues danced and celebrated while we held each other and caressed each other -- my fingers sliding through her dark, red streaked hair while her hands cupped my face, holding my mouth against her luscious lips, both of us kissing with our eyes open staring at each other.
I'm not sure which of us began to move first, but suddenly the kiss was broken and I was kissing Breanna's lovely shoulders and then we were both tugging her sweater up and over her head and there they were...Breanna's breasts -- more lovely than I ever imagined!
Large, firm and meaty tits, lightly freckled and capped with two enormous aureoles and nickel sized nipples swollen up and standing up nearly half an inch -- I couldn't recall a more lovely sight! I kissed my way from Breanna's neck to her breasts, bringing her blood gorged nipples between my lips and teeth, making her gasp as I sucked and nipped at them. Somehow my own T-shirt was rendered into shreds and Breanna was licking my pebbled nipples, making me yelp and quiver as she playfully bit them as she stared up into my eyes.
Then we were standing, Breanna facing the wall and leaning on it as I worked her jeans down her ankles and helped her step out of them. She was wearing white bikini panties and I stood up and leaned into her, kissing the back of her neck as I slipped my hand around her waist and then under the waistband. I felt her bush, thick and damp and then her pussy lips, swollen and slick with arousal. Her head fell back on my shoulder and we kissed as she moaned into my mouth as my fingers parted her labia and I slipped my middle finger inside her. She was furnace hot and creamy and slippery as hot butter.
We were in the short hallway that led to my bedroom and we were both suddenly naked and Breanna was squatting in front of me, knees spread wide for balance and revealing her thick, hairy but trimmed bush while her hand wrapped around my achingly hard penis as she brought her mouth closer and closer. She smiled up at me and then opened her mouth and wrapped those lush, full lips around the head of my cock and slowly took me inside her, murmuring approval as her tongue swirled around my cock
Breanna was on her back in my bed, her knees pulled back and open as I knelt between them and made her croon with pleasure as my tongue traveled the length of her juicy cunt, tasting her sweet, pungent and oh, so young pussy! She flung her pelvis up to meet my tongue's thrusts between her labia, delving deep to lap up her sweet creaminess while my thumb gently feathered across her the rest of her body, large and lush.
"F-F-FUCK!" she screamed as I made her cum...her whole body stiffening as if galvanized by an electric shock. I felt her juices splatter against my mouth, my lips, my face and licked her again and again with renewed desire before she finally began clawing at my head and shoulders as she cried, "M-Mister Heller...please fuck me! Please fuck me before I absolutely die!"
I was sliding up her body, marveling at her beauty in the soft light of the bedside lamp -- her skin pale and flawless and muscles gently rippling in her flat stomach. Again, I realized that although big and tall, she was all woman -- soft in all the right places, but without an ounce of wasted fat. I felt her legs come up and wrap around my lower back as my cock moved over her wet pussy lips and then she twisted her hips just so and raised up and I cried out as my cock descended into the sweetest wet heat, both slippery and tight and she cried out, "MR. HELLER...YESSSSS!" as her whole body seemed to lunge upwards.
I kissed her neck, smelling her scent...flowery and sweet and maddening. Then I was looking into her eyes as her left hand cupped the back of my head, fingers splicing through my peppered hair. I felt her heart pounding against my chest -- through those magnificent tits, beating in rhythm with measure with the lovely pulsating throb of her pussy wrapped around my erection. We were joined and had become one and I felt younger than I had in decades as if Breanna had shared her youth with me.
"My god,'re beautiful!" I breathed, our lips scant inches apart. We kissed...short, fierce kisses that were like lustful lunges and parries. I sucked at her lower lip and then she sucked on my tongue as we simply savored being joined cock to pussy.
Finally, Breanna said, "Fuck me, Mister Heller...fuck me! Say my name and fuck me hard."
I slowly withdrew my cock from her clasping pussy, making her mewl with pleasure and then just before the head could escape the grasp of her labia, I rammed my cock back home as I said, "Breanna!" Thrust and "Breanna." Thrust and "Breanna." Again and again, I drove my cock deep into my former student, making her cry out with pleasure --her legs tightening their hold on me, working with me to thrust hard into her fiery cunt.
My mantra of "Breanna" seemed to help me maintain control as I felt constantly on the edge of climax, but somehow amidst the incredible ecstasy of her pussy wrapped around my cock, I kept from cumming, reveling in hearing the cries of pleasure erupting from this young woman's luscious lips. Breanna's cunt suddenly clamped down as I went deep into her womb and her lips were on mine as I felt her juices increase, bathing my cock with their creamy heat. We kissed beasts as she went into orgasm, biting and sucking as much as kissing...I tasted blood, unsure if it was mine or hers.
Breanna suddenly went limp, her legs sliding off my body to be splayed wide as she gasped and whimpered, breasts heaving as she sobbed, "D-don't st-stop! F-fuck me, Mi-Ster Heller!" Years of abstinence seemed to suddenly yield to a powerful, almost violent urge to fuck this young mate with fuck her until she screamed and begged me to stop and with a feral growl I obeyed her tearful request and began fucking her with the zeal of a teenaged boy.
Breanna lay helpless beneath me, moaning with pleasure between little fish-like gasps for air -- her eyes a mixture of desire and love and maybe a little fear as if wondering what ravenous beast she might have awakened in me. Our bodies slapped wetly together with each thrust of my cock and I struggled to keep going and not to cum, thinking of UK's starting five this coming basketball season and of my thesis and when all else failed, my ex-wife, desiring only to fuck Breanna forever and make her cum and cum and cum!
Somewhere in all that, Breanna got her second wind and her legs came up again to cross behind my back, renewing her claim to my body and my cock and we were kissing again -- longer, more passionate kisses with tongues intertwined and our breath whistling raggedly from our nostrils and then Breanna broke the kiss, throwing her head back against the pillow and screaming shrilly as again her pussy juices soaked my aching cock as she fell headlong into orgasm and the indescribable sensation of how her cunt felt around my erect penis overwhelmed me and I went deep in her and with a loud cry of my own, I came -- shooting hot semen so hard that it hurt!
We clung to each other as if our lives depended on it, arms and legs entangled and holding on tight, laughing and crying and kissing and cumming and cumming -- my cock jerking inside her as I ejaculated...shooting more semen into her hot pussy than I ever imagined I possessed. And then we were simply clinging to each other, quivering as aftershocks of our orgasms reminded us of how close we'd come to heaven. I felt myself going soft inside Breanna and began to move off her, but she held me tight, not wanting to let me go -- cunt muscles working as hard to hold on to me as her arms and legs were.
Breanna kissed me...silly, sloppy kisses all over my face before she stammered, "Fuck me, but that was...ohhhh, better than I dreamed it would be! Mister sure can fuck!"
I felt my cock throb at her words and wondered if she might inflate more than my ego. I took a deep breath and hoarsely replied, "A man is only as good as the woman he's with. Breanna...I've never known anyone like you before. Thank you!"
We kissed some more and then just rested...our bodies cooling slightly. Breanna finally released me from her carnal grasp and cuddled up to me as I pulled a blanket up over us and turned out the light. I wrapped my arms around her, gently stroking her shoulder and tracing a finger around her lovely face, dimly illuminated from a streetlamp out front of my apartment complex. "I can't believe I'm lying here with you, old man like me."
She giggled and kissed me on the nose and replied, "I can't believe I just fucked my biggest crush in high school! God...I thought you were so sexy and I just knew you'd know how to fuck a girl correctly and I was right!" She stretched out against me, her still sweat moistened body feeling delicious rubbed up against mine, nipples still like hard rubber dragging against my chest and her sex, wet with both semen and pussy cream rubbing against my thigh -- one of her long legs draped across me.
Breanna giggled again and said, "Lauren will be so jealous!"
I cocked an eyebrow in confusion and said, "Lauren?"
Breanna, a naughty smile on her face, nodded rapidly and said, "Yeah, you remember her...Lauren Cunningham."
That rolodex that's in every teacher's head took a spin and I replied, "Lauren Cunningham...blonde...was in your class -- cheerleader Lauren Cunningham? I didn't think you two were close." High School is highly regimented...Goth and Cheerleader didn't mix. I couldn't ever recall the two of them talking back in high school.
"We weren't back in Jonasville, but we ran into each other here at UK and well..." Breanna let her tongue peek out. "Lauren and I are really, really close here."
That took a moment to sink in and I felt my mouth gape open in surprise, recovering to say, "You mean you and she are...lovers?" as my cock began to recover at the image of my former students locked in a Sapphic embrace.
Breanna leaned in and kissed me, slowly sucking on my lower lip as she looked into my eyes before replying, "Oh yeah...I like girls too...always have. I never would have imagined when Lauren was screaming out all those stupid cheers that she had such a nasty, long tongue!" As she talked, her hand casually slid down between us and found my recovering penis, gently stroking the sticky member as she continued. "After making love one afternoon, we were talking about high school and stuff and she brought you up...about how she had a 'daddy' thing for you back then and how she used to fantasize about fucking your brains out. When I told her I had the same fantasies, it got us both hot and we fisted each other imagining it was you! So a week or so ago, I told her that Jesse and me had run into you and we got wet and nasty talking about finding you and fucking you."
I felt my cock throb and grow as I saw that in my mind, but part of my brain was still having problems processing what she was saying. "Breanna...I'm just a middle-aged history teacher...I'm not sexy -- hell, I'm boring! Ask my ex-wife!"
Breanna laughed and with a grace I envied, rolled up and over me, suddenly straddling me on her knees, her hand brushing the tip of my now erect cock against her pussy lips. "Your ex is an idiot, Mister Heller. You're a good looking man...and I mean, MAN! You know yourself...and you were -- are sexy. God, I bet half the girls in our class thought that you were confident and smart up there teaching us -- treating us like we were human beings and not little girls that all the teenage boys were dying to paw at...not really knowing what to do with us if we actually gave them a chance."
She put me inside her and slowly impaled herself on my cock as she gave a little grunt and leaned down into me -- her breasts pillowing out on my chest, until our lips were nearly touching. "I knew...Lauren knew, hell, I think all us girls knew, this was a man who knew how to treat a fuck a woman proper." Breanna moaned as she slowly moved up and down on me. "And I was right, Mister Heller! You have a lovely cock and you know how to please a woman with it!"
Agonizingly slow and sweet, Breanna began to ride me, her cunt flesh clinging tightly to my cock as she slid back and forth, rising up just enough to let me lift my head and nuzzle and suck at her heavy breasts...all talk of her and Lauren forgotten as she made love to me. Breanna never looked lovelier as she rocked back and forth on me, her lower lip pouting with pleasure as she stared down at me, eyes obscured by her hair - totally caught up in the moment and savoring how my cock felt in her pussy!
I'd been proud to have lasted as long as I had the first time and now with my own needs having been tempered with my first climax, I felt confident that my second erection (and it had been a while since I'd recovered so quickly), would endure for a long time. I let Breanna set the pace wanting to please her.
I'd not been with such a young lover since Lisa and I had been Breanna's age and I marveled at her energy and passion which seemed to turn back the clock on my own years...I felt alive as I hadn't for decades. How could I not, a lithe, voluptuous young thing like Breanna astride my cock, slowly rising up and then slowly impaling herself on it again and again. I watched with delight as her carnal pleasure escalated -- illustrated by her facial expressions of rapturous ecstasy until she cried out, "YESSSSSS!" and sank slowly until I was completely inside her, collapsing atop me as she quivered in orgasm.
Nowhere near close to climax myself, I waited until her orgasm was on the wane and then eased her off me, rolling her around and then with both of us on our sides spooning, raised her right leg and thrust my cock back inside her creamy cunt, making her gasp. I eased us both back until I was mostly on my back and her atop me, legs spread wide, fucking her with short thrusts while my hands cupped her breasts, pinching her nipples between my fingers.
Breanna moaned her approval as we fucked in this position -- more me hunching into her than long, hard strokes of my cock...the air thick with both our bestial lusty grunts and the smell of hot fucking cock and pussy. I licked the sweat off her neck, savoring its both salty and sweet flavor and enjoying the feel of her wet hair against my cheek. Breanna came again -- more explosively this time as her arms and legs flailed wildly and her pussy gushed hot juices over my cock to trickle down our thighs.