Chapter 02.3
This however, only seemed to agitate his painfully erect condition and now the ball-fondling combined with several sweeps of her cunt had brought him once more to the very brink of orgasm. Adding to the problem was the fact he could tell conditions in her cunny were changing by each passing cockhead stroke. To quote travelers in the tropics, it wasn't heat that was rising, it was the humidity - mainly hers!
The fact he could see and feel the lovely swampiness of her sex quite clearly in the noon-day sun, well it was driving him absolutely wild. That pussy pit looked a bit more like a coastal grotto now, partially filling with the rising tide of a pleasantly warm sea. Quite meaty n' squishy sounds met his ears and his eyes beheld yet more brine filling the cave. He simply could stand it no more. Can't blame him really.
"Oh Auntie Maggie I am going to cu..." he cried, yet she was too fast for him. She knew when he'd blow his load long he, and he wasn't going to do it just yet; not her first time at such things.
"Shush Billy," she hissed severely; her fingers already at his ball-sack, clamping shut around the top of his testicles with the force of iron bands.
As he sputtered and gasped, she batted his hand away from his cock. She seized him at the base of his shaft with her free hand; placing her thumb HARD against the underside, (effectively shutting off his urethra like a collapsed train tunnel). Nothing was going to move down that line; not until she bloody-well said so!
"I said SHUSHHHH Billy," she said firmly but with a smile that was kind and reassuring. He stopped with his noisemaking. He found this contrast of bitchiness mixed with tender loving care most agreeable, oddly enough.
She held him, held him firmly for several seconds; her voice now all cooing and squeaky hushed whispers that bid him to relax and simply... BREATHE. He did.
She continued to hold him as she explained this was yet another masturbatory technique she'd learned when she was his age and she'd applied it to countless cocks over the years since. He found it all a bit uncomfortable but no less interesting as she spoke.
She informed him that in this procedure a man's penis is squeezed at the very edge of orgasm, with pressure applied to the base of the testicles as well as base of the cock. The object was to keep the fellow from spouting.
"Eventually, the testicles are released like, sooo..." she said in the manner of a perverted professor providing a bizarre lecture. She released her grip upon his balls and presently, young William felt movement down there, (as if things were backing up down a channel inside him). Curious.
"The semen," she continued, "then slides back down the way it came, along the urethra and back into the man's testicles where it's stored until later."
Yes indeed, his balls were quite full, (what's more she intended to make them fuller still)!
"Didn't I just cum though?" he asked. He was fascinated by what she'd just shown him.
"I mean," he added, "it certainly felt like I just did. I shook 'n everything, Auntie Maggie."
"Well," she agreed, "in a sense you did. You just did not spend your ejaculate. Its down in those balls of yours and what's more, as I stimulate you (and you me), those balls will be marvelously full of cum for what's to happen next."
"What do you mean?"
"Lie down again, just the way you were before," she instructed, "and I shall show you!"
He did as told. She took up a position partially across him, lying upon her greasy side; her upper torso across both his partially parted thighs. Her eyes stared straight into his, all mooning and seductive as she grabbed his now flagging cock and commenced wanking it. A few tugs and a few pulls later, and it rose quickly to the occasion for her.
Next she parted her legs which lay out to one side of the chaise but not quite over its edge. She bent her legs and pointed the lower knee resting on the mat directly at Billy; all whilst pointing the other bent knee skyward. The foot of that same skyward knee she planted flat on the cushiony mattress for support.
Her legs now were most-open; creating a sort of bent-kneed diamond-shaped sort of affair. She seized Billy's hand, placing it upon her sex and bidding him now to lightly stroke her petals. For several seconds he did simply this, reveling in the texture and warm slipperiness of her folds, but soon Maggie realized she needed a bit more.
"Finger me Billy. It's alright, you shan't hurt me," she cooed.
Billy wiggled a finger up inside the snug hug of her twat and began stroking his aunt in earnest as Maggie closed her eyes and cooed happily. He was ever so gentle she noted and as her moisture built and built, so did her excitement; until she desired for him go a bit rougher on her insides. She gasped a desperate request for Billy to commence finger-blasting deep up inside her cunt-hole, and with rude vigor at that! Always the good nephew, Billy respected Auntie's wishes and set about plunging his dutiful digits into the ever-increasing warmth and humidity of her gyno-grotto.
She now added something to her wankery. She began sucking him. To her delight a little dribble of semen had managed to escape from earlier when he'd nearly spent; the lovely little pearl of man-essence just so happening to leak from the tip of his cock as she took him in her mouth. It was the taste of things to cum.
Of course, she'd planned this all very well. She was practicing principles of ejaculatory economics she'd learned over countless wank and suck sessions. She knew one thing for sure; his spending load now would be an abundant salty explosive affair, (and one that tasted simply marvelous if it was anything like the drop of ejaculate now dancing upon her taste-buds). She wanted that load... wanted it badly, even. She was all wanton gluttony for his lad-gasm!
Billy himself was beside himself with bliss. He'd had his cock sucked by a few of the girls in the village, but Auntie Maggie's prowess at milking a cock in her jowls was something altogether different, indeed. She'd skills those young women from town simply had yet to acquire and Billy oh so wished those young women might take a pointer or two from her. No matter... he was happy with things just the way they were, despite the fact he was most definitely doing something horrible and egregiously wrong ...and with his mum's sister of all people!
He simply didn't care, however; that mouth of hers was nothing short of MARVELOUS! The rest of the world with its judgements and hypocritical morality could simply fuck off. It really could.
He now divided his attention between that lovely wet blowjob from his aunt's lips and the squishy sloshy goings-on with his fingers up in the lovely swampiness of her cunt. He'd at first started with just two fingers in her, but soon it was readily apparent she could take more, so he inserted a third. She didn't protest... if anything she sucked upon him harder still, moaning as if his cock were the most scrumptious delicacy ever to pass her lips.
Billy meanwhile marveled at her cunt's ability to stretch and accommodate his three fingers as he plunged them deep into her inner workings. Could she take more? Yes, he thought. Once she seemed accustomed to three, he reasoned four was not that much of a stretch for her. Dropping the fourth finger into her snatch-pit he now commenced to hand-fucking her.
Maggie became all gratitude and fevered excitement; continuing her moans but now at a frantic higher pitch; deepthroating Billy and humping her clit against the heel of his hand. He began to pick up the pace with his strokings and she in turn; pounded his cock against her tonsils whilst squeezing his balls in her palm. Meanwhile her other hand wanked up and down the base of his shaft, as if trying to set it alight from friction. It was all torridly taboo and hedonistic, wonderfully nasty even.
Now and again she'd, pull her mouth from his cock; offering up breathless advice as to how best to jam her cunt with his hand. She was all, Ooh YES dear, fast like that! *gasp * Ooooh plunge me out rotten! and such. When she spoke she'd drum the head of his dong upon her chin, her cheek, or her badly swollen nipples provocatively, never ceasing at fluttering her eyes at him. At first she'd only mentioned his pace, but now she bid him to curve his fingers back like a fishing hook. She needed for him to find her g-spot so as to provide it a good hard rubbing, (and she made no bones about it)!
"Oooh yes, naughty boy," she croaked, her voice now choking on her own lust, "find my juice button just ...back a bit... no there... THERE! Yes, like THAT! *sigh* Oh! Yes, so very good! *Uggghh* Such a good boy, you are!"
Again he did as instructed. His fingertips made contact with her juice button again and again and Maggie responded almost instantly; her eyes rolling up into her head as if she were one possessed. He'd hit another one of her magical places and for a beginner, oh he was doing marvelously! After several seconds she spat his cock from her lips and raged at him,
She then popped the dong back between her lips and resumed sucking him; only now furiously like a mad woman, beside herself with her own carnal needs. It was now becoming a good proper sloppy blowjob, with lots of spittle running along the veiny shaft through her wanking fingers. Her slobberings collected and puddled around his testicles and ass crack, (not that he minded in the least, really). It was the way blowjobs were meant to be done; loud, earnest, and quite messy!
Her hunger for him seemed to have increased now, something that had not escaped Billy's notice. He noticed something else as well; after a half minute's time at this new frantic sloshy pace from his Auntie's gob upon his knob, he felt his pending orgasm once more begin to well up from his balls. He tossed his head and whimpered,
"Auntie - I'm going to...!"
One more she was too fast for the rush of his seed. Again she pinched off his climax at two points, preventing him from spending. Holding his penis most tightly indeed; she waited until the testicular treacle inside his tadger reversed flow, then allowed it to return back to his balls, (which were now on the verge of bursting at their very seams).
She continued to suck as she held his cock and balls in her somewhat relaxed grip, her eyes studying his face and noting his expression whilst waiting for him to collect himself. Oh he needed to cum! He hadn't spent and he desperately needed that sweet release. She could see it etched across his features plain as day and she felt a marvelous rush of satisfaction in her bosom.
She loved torturing young fellows in such a manner; the fact that this was her dear nephew made things more exciting for her still. Slightly annoyed that he'd stopped stroking her insides, she bucked hips against his hand; waking him from his stupor. He resumed knuckle-plunging her cunny as she released his cock, allowing his erection to slide freely back and forth in her mouth, whilst the air filled with the sound of her suckings and slurpings.
She now felt a spending of her own approaching. Oh yes... the time was right! It was that lovely little tickle somewhere in the depths of her core telling her good things were nearly here for her. She just needed something a little more... a little on the rougher side, cruder even.
"Billy," she said pulling his dong yet again from her jaws and drumming it against her boobies, in an act of quite humorous if not absolutely wanton self-flagellation, " drop that thumb inside along with your fingers dear. Go gently at first but make the tightest fist you've ever done. I'll talk you through the rest, my sweet!"
This was no simple maneuver for Billy. He'd seen something like this executed between two rather oldish lesbians in an online pornographic video, but he realized this would be a squeeze most snug indeed! He edged his thumb, down his palm... towards the pinkish dark opening where the majority of his hand now resided. He pushed and stopped... pushed...and stopped.
Maggie bit her lip, focusing on the pending stretch whilst blowing some air from her lungs.
He pushed against the elastic pinkness... heard the rush of her breath. SUCCESS! His thumb was now most IN, (along with the other four fingers).
"OH AAGGHH HOOOO!" Maggie gasped, staring off into space for a moment.
She brought her hand up as if bidding him to wait, focusing on her breathing. There was a long pause... the longest of long pauses, actually. Billy wondered if she'd tell him to back out. Instead she turned her head and looked into his gaze panting,
"Make a fist... make it tight like a good boy for me,"
As he did, she then shut her eyes momentarily. When she opened them she told him,
"Right my love, just like you've probably seen on the internet dear... but go slowly first."
Just as told, slowly he advanced that fist... forward ever so slightly... and then back. He repeated the process as she silently nodded with eyes shut, biting her lip now and again whilst sucking sips of air into her lungs.
"That's it Billy," she hissed, "just as you are doing. *Uggghhh!!* You are going to make Auntie so dreadfully wet and messy!"
She returned to sucking him whilst he continued his "back n' forth" on her cunny, the sounds of her sloppy sucks now being matched by the sucking wet plunging of her stretched twat. Her ardor was rising, (as was his). This time his expenditure would not at all be long in the coming, but neither would hers. Back at the window, Gwennie's own wetness was building beneath her busy fingers as her nostrils flared and her unblinking eyes saw all.
Maggie bucked hips against his hand, now seizing Billy by the wrist in an attempt to pick up the tempo. She knew just the correct pace she'd desired, just the rhythm and sensation for "it" to happen. Faster and faster his fist plunged and her lips sucked. Billy noticed plaintive cries building in his Auntie's throat; plugged by his cock as it careened in and out of her ravenous maw. It would be just a few seconds more... just a few... seconds...
She shrieked into his gag of throbbing penis; hips fucking his fist frantically. Billy felt a great hot wetness against the plug of his fist. He yanked his hand from his Aunt's cunt just in time, as Maggie spouted a great geyser of hot spray from her stretched-open pinkness!
"AAAGGGHHHH!! OH YESSSS BILLY AAAAGGHHH!" Maggie screamed with her head now back, shouting at the sky.
Her cunt blasted and splattered whilst her dutiful nephew plunged soaked fingers back and forth into that yawning gyno grotto; attempting in vain to hold back the sea at high tide as his thumb strummed the stubby nub of her clitoris. It was to no avail... the sea came rushing in, and so did Maggie with great shuddering wracking sobs as her cunt sprayed and dewed and the drops just flew!
"AAAGGH ACK UGHHHH OOOOHHHH!" Maggie howled, rolling partially onto her back in a fit of chest heaving gasps and joyful sobs; her head resting against his thigh as she lay in a hot steamy puddle of her own sexual gratification and selfishness. It was a simply marvelous climax he'd provided her. Simply marvelous indeed!
She took a minute or to collect herself, then she remembered her manners. He'd taken care of she, but she not him, (and what was worse, those balls were now desperately full she guessed). He could attest to that fact.
She spun herself about, flopping down between his legs upon her bare tum-tum. Seizing up his dong she blew him... blew him hard, blew him strong; milking her nephew for all she was worth in an expression of pure gratitude. She also was madly curious as to just how much he'd spout from those lovely balls of his. She'd needn't to wait long to discover as it turned out.
Billy grabbed the top of his Auntie Maggie's auburn head with both hands and held on for dear life. He could stand it no longer. He was no-longer a mere youth being fellated by an older woman, OH NO; he was being skull-fucked by her in fact! He now thrust loins against her bobbing head to return the favor. There was a gasp from him. The all too familiar rush of seed followed. The snarl built in his throat and then...
This time he felt no squeeze from her hands, only the tugging SUCK! SUCK! SUCK! from her lips as his cum flowed and flowed into her mouth. It was a huge load.
He'd not remembered ever jetting so much in his life! How did that happen? It didn't matter at the moment, for he was too busy shaking his head in a series of happy sobs and snarls that mingled with the noise of his Aunt; greedily gulping down his seed -again, and again, and again, with each penile jet of warm ejaculate!
She'd milked him, milked him rotten even. She'd noted too that his load of baby gravy had been "copious." She'd milked more than her fair share of cocks with that greedy gob of hers, (so she knew it when she saw it).
He was a find; those balls were as well, (as was that cock for that matter)! She definitely was not tossing this fish back; he was a keeper, (even if he were a blood nephew). Besides, she mused... his cum was delicious. She'd continue to work on that taste with lots of fruit drinks and health preparations, but that jizz of his was naturally yummy; a delicacy that agreed with her palate most assuredly!
"Oh William," she said, popping his knob from her gob, "that was absolutely lovely, dear!"
She returned his cock to her mouth and continued to suck him whilst he merely basked gasping in the throes of post-orgasmic bliss. The problem was... she continued to suck. There was no quit in her it seemed. She continued sucking him and continued to fondle those empty balls, despite the fact young Billy was becoming a bit uncomfortable.
At first the sensitivity was a mere tickle. It soon transformed into mild discomfort. After a bit more and young Billy was grimacing, yet his Auntie continued to suck him; ignoring his claims of being 'too-sensitive.' His whimpers and head shakes were suddenly interrupted by a female voice; thundering above him with rage and venom,
"Stop your whining like a newborn pup and take it! TAKE IT I SAY! You want to play like an adult... you need to pay like one! That means acting like a grown man when a woman sucks you after you've came!"
He was shocked and surprised to see the towering form of Gwennie; standing above him and blotting out the sun. Where had SHE come from? Something about her looked altogether menacing, or predatory even; as if she'd caught him in a snare. She held out something in her hand and ran her tongue over dry lips before asking him,
"Do you know what this is, boy?"
He squinted, the sun's glare making it hard for him to see. A moment later and he recoiled in horror, realizing what it was. His Auntie Maggie applied oil to his firm six-pack of a stomach as though nothing had happened before she continued sucking him. One of her hands however held him fast as Billy merely stared at what lay in Gwen's hand.
There in her hand Gwennie held his phone. On its screen was a photo; a lurid color photograph of Anne from the village, sucking a cock, (more than likely HIS)! Gwen went through his phone and found the photo of his cock that he'd taken that day in the park, when his Auntie Maggie had caught him abusing himself. He'd been so careless not deleting it.
"I sent that little lovely to myself Billy," she informed him, "sent it to your Auntie Maggie here too. Those images have been sent to us from YOUR phone, yes! You know what this looks like, don't you?"
He nodded sadly. He knew they could easily now tell his mum about what had been happening out in the park and they could easily tell his mum he'd sent both Maggie and her housekeeper photos of his erect penis. By all accounts, that is precisely what it would look like. He knew it...he SOOOOO knew it. He slumped on the chaise unhappily.
"Oh there, there Billy," Auntie Maggie said spitting his cock from her lips... all coo's and molly-coddling, "I don't think anyone is going to use these photos against you. I think Gwennie here meant for them to be an insurance policy of sorts... nobody is going to snitch on anyone, are they Gwennie?"
Her eyes turned to her housekeeper and she stroked her nephew's cock in her hand; rubbing the tip up and down (and all around), her chin. She was clearly playing, the good cop as it were, and Gwen the stern housekeeper was clearly the baddie. Maggie clucked her tongue at her employee asking,
"It can't be all that bad, can it? You didn't find anything else did you?"
It was a loaded and carefully orchestrated query. She'd actually rehearsed in the shower earlier that day precisely what tone she'd use for Gwennie in this conversation. Both she and her servant were simply perfect in their timing. It was almost a call and response exercise between the two as Gwen answered with,
"OH I MOST CERTAINLY DID! Look here at this..."
Gwen dropped to the chaise; ignoring the oiliness of the two bodies already occupying it. She handed the phone to her employer and she then seized up Billy's cock. She commenced to suck it hard as Maggie scrolled through the phone with a delighted look upon her face; her expression alternating between feigned shock and wicked delight!
"Oh Billy," exclaimed happily, " you ARE a randy little fellow and some of this pornography is absolutely VILE... rancid even! Oooh I shall have to send some of these web addresses to myself and update my stash of erotica!"
"Your what?" he heaved incredulously as his cock began to swell once again in the slurpy sucking jowls of his Aunt's employee.
"She is saying," Gwennie said, popping his tadger from her lips with a champagne-cork POP, "that she fancies the same internet filth you do... (as do I for that matter). We are all sexual beings here, and we enjoy watching naked people doing absolutely nasty things to one another, as much as the next person."
She could see by the dumbfounded expression on his face that a further explanation was required, so Gwennie returned Billy's cock back to Maggie's mouth and sought the words. For her part, Maggie continued to suck her nephew's now rejuvenated phallic totem whilst scrolling through his phone; sending herself bits and pieces of naughtiness she saw as it struck her fancy. Gwen in the meantime started to explain, absentmindedly fondling William's balls and reminiscing.
"You see," she began, "this whole house and family business is joined at the hip to sex. Naughty underwear, lingerie, sex toys, how-to marital products and the like. Your mother and aunt are captains of an industrial empire that banks on the idea that pleasure is good and should be indulged."
She saw he was a most captive audience. Was it her words, or what was happening at his cock and ballsack? Well, it didn't matter; she continued with,
"It's possibly one of the main reasons I above all people, came to work and live in this house. You see, you do not completely know EVERYTHING concerning your family, nor your bloodline Billy. Sex is as much in your blood as it is in those balls of yours I'm holding at the moment."
Maggie looked up at him now as she continued to suckle his penis; studying his expression. She wished to see the look when his Aunt told him everything; wished to see his shock and feel that cock twitch in her mouth. This would be good, and only the likes of Gwennie could relay this particular story properly.
"Well dear I suppose," Gwennie told him, "it is best for you to know that both your mummy and your auntie here sucking your cock have known and kept this secret since they were in fact - YOUR AGE."
Billy looked down into his Auntie Maggie's eyes. She could only nod back happily and emphatically, (what with a mouth absolutely stuffed-full of hard veiny familial cock - HIS no less)! Whatever it was, it was all apparently true. He turned back to Gwen and listened as she fondled his balls, relating to him,
"My last name is Tugwell, like that of your mum's mum. My full name is Gwendoline Ardent Tugwell but I went for a few years by the name Gwendoline Tugwell Sedgewick. For legal reasons and for economic one's ...Gwen Sedgewick is the name you'll see on my driver's license."
"Ardent Tugwell," Billy murmured thoughtfully, "but not the same Ardents as my Dad?"
"The very same," Gwennie replied caressing those balls like two hard-boiled eggs in a sack, "you see, on your mum's side, I am very much your great Aunt but on your father's side, I am most definitely... your Grandmother Gwen."
It was a shock. It was a lightning bolt of a revelation. It would have to be however continued in the next chapter.