Chapter 03.3
Gwennie proceeded to give Maggie a good solid going over. She started sucking hard upon her neice's clit until she had the little bean throbbing like a stubbed toe. After a minute or so she plunged her snout down into Mag's twat-hole, eventually coming up with the leftover seminal dregs from Billy's ballsack all over her lips and commenting about it being as lovely a deposit of fine penis pudding as she'd ever tasted, before diving down again for more salty creampie. She then put her hand to work; plugging first one finger, then two... then three, all up inside her niece's pretty cunt-hole before hooking them around to rub hard at Maggie's juice-button. The whole time Gwen maintained the rudest of rude blowjobs on the clitoris throbbing betwixt her lips. This was all done in just a manner as Maggie craved from another woman, and she responded by becoming all bawls and whimpers; wriggling her arse from side to side and back n' forth against her aunt's jowls.
Within a minute or so, squirts and splashes ran down Gwennie's chin and neck as Maggie sobbed like a brat well-spanked. Gwen lapped and gulped Maggie's drippings like a cat finishing a saucer of cream until she'd swallowed a bellyful of bitch-brine. She then shifted lips and tongue to Mag's rose blossom anus; attacking both taint and bottom-hole in a most ravenous of rectal rimmings.
The effect was instantaneous. Mag's expression transformed from blubbering brat to a wide-eyed breathy "OHHHHH" as Gwen's lips, teeth and tongue worked on her nasty backdoor. Hungrily snuffling and bum-munching, Gwen masterfully kept a steady rhythm with her fingers on Mag's g-spot (all whilst her thumb pressed upon that stubby little clitoris in what's best described as lovely torment). Oh but that twat wasn't the only thing fated for the strokes and caresses of Gwen's hand - oh not in the least!
After a few minutes of rimming and finger-blasting Maggie's hindquarters into a steaming hot mess, Gwen pulled-up; hocking a generous loogy in her throat before spitting it bang in the middle of the Mag's pretty arse-pucker. Another blob of spittle followed and then another; each landing more or less on the pink crinkle of Maggie's naughty mud button. Using a finger, Gwen now worked the slimy goo up past the sphincter ring, ensuring everything was loose and lovely as Maggie whimpered soulfully. Mag's was ready, Gwennie judged... but not quite.
Groped wildy beneath the edge of the chaise, Gwen at last retrieved a jar of Vaseline. Shortly Gwen's well-greased finger pushed past the door to Maggie's naughty mud-chute. It was followed by another, then over a time by a third and a forth before at last a pinky. By now Maggie had resumed her plaintive song of sobs and gasps and Gwen shouted at the silly girl, (bidding her to be quiet and adding she'd not even BEGUN to abuse the younger woman's nasty nether-chute). Maggie mewled shaking her bottom as though painfully split, but loving the stretch and intrusion to her innards all the same, (it being just the rough treatment she enjoyed)!
Now mind you, not once during the whole time did Gwen release Billy's veiny member from her greedy grip; instead plunging her paw up and down it to keep things flushed with blood and all throbby excitement. The leather restraint aided her efforts of course; holding hydraulic pressure precisely where she wanted things to be for young William's throbber. It allowed her to keep him solid as steel so she might focus attention on Maggie's preparations, which as you might have guessed proceeded most splendidly indeed.
Of course Maggie knew full-well what was next; none other than Gwen's thumb, (as Gwennie had already coned her palm, allowing her last digit to slip inside). With all her aunt's digits up her dirty dung-chute, Maggie's face contorted and twisted like that of a gargoyle perched atop a cathedral. The fullness was uncomfortable but not unwelcome (and certainly not unfamiliar). She sought to relax her insides until her mind triumphed over her body; her mouth forming that perfect contented letter "O." She was in capable hands, or more importantly one capable hand was in her up to the wrist. She now could allow her aunt to do the wicked thing she'd done so many times in the past to both she and her sister.
Satisfied Maggie's insides had indeed relaxed, Gwen began slewing back and forth with her fingers and thumb in a steady pistoning action; maintaining a rather tight cone shape with her hand whilst the woman at the end of her wrist choked and cried out with beastly delight. Several strokes into the activity and Gwennie balled both her thumb and fingers tightly. Now she could provide Maggie the good solid fisting her arse needed.
Gwennie plunged in earnest; careful not to injure her pretty puppet and yet insure Maggie's bottom was sufficiently loose for Billy's charger. When she happened to peer over Maggie's shoulder, and caught a glimpse of her niece's chin hopping up and down in a mix of mad hedonism and blissful agony, she felt the rudest of thrills. It always made her heart skip a beat with supreme satisfation to see women such as Maggie transformed into wanton beasts in heat and knowing it was all from the expert touch of her hands. As if to acknowledge the work of those deft digits up her dirty derriere Maggie brought her own fingertips creeping up from below and set about feverishly strumming away at her clitoral bean; a sight that made Gwen's own clitty-nub throb and pulse beneath her curly muff of salt and pepper.
Gwen now bid young William to rise to his feet and step in up close beside her. Turning her head level to his erection and taking him in her mouth without ceremony, she commenced sucking him whilst continuing to plunge Maggie's colon with her well-greased fist. Gwen could tell the whole torrid experience had the boy now shaking with excitement. She decided to exercise care lest he'd spend in her mouth. Oh certainly, his harness would help prevent him from spouting for a good long time... oh, but if those throat tugs of hers were too aggressive -well he was only human and an ardent young stallion at that!
After a succession of gonad gorging sucks that put William's eyes up in the back of his head, Gwennie at last spat the boy's cock from her gob whilst pulling a pungent paw from her niece's poor pounded popo. Things were set. Rising to her feet and stepping to one side, Gwen grandly swept a hand towards Maggie's greased gut-chute; offering up the woman's warm gaping innards to Billy, in what would be the boy's first (but certainly not his last), bumming of his Auntie Maggie.
Nodding politely, he stepped into position directly at his auntie's upturned hindquarters and notched himself at her gape while she mewled below him on the chaise deliriously He seized the twin halves of her heart-shaped arse and made a determined plunge into her nasty poo-pipe. Hard as steel and sufficiently slick thanks to his grandmother's gob, Billy found entry into Maggie's already stretched and slippery arsehole a thing of ease; traveling up her entrails in up to his balls in one go!
"HAAAAHHHR!" seethed Maggie from down below, her consciousness seemingly filled to the brim with even parts of pain and supremely shameful pleasure. Her plowed guts however, were another story entirely; absolutely plugged with warm pulsing man-flesh stabbing and stretching deep up inside her. It was as if she were but one large sausage casing, and young William the happy ingredients within.
He began to move and thrust, only to find himself somewhat upstaged. It seems Auntie Maggie (now firmly in her own element), rose up on her elbows; shoving and pushing hindquarters back to meet his strokes. He was not fucking her. Instead, she was clearly fucking him instead with a greased-arsehole and several years' experience, (in what would best be described as a gloriously incestuous bout of shameless sodomy).
Billy was now simply over the moon with delight, (his auntie's moon in fact if one was to be precise). He'd plowed his share of teen twat and bummed a few girls from over in the village in his short time on Earth... oh but this! This marvelous arse belonging to his Auntie Maggie was nothing short of awe-inspiring; simply taboo hemorrhoidal heaven for as far as he could tell -and with a lovely cunt and titties attached!
Young William was also struck by the realization that despite finding the arse-chute of his Auntie Maggie immensely pleasurable (providing him simply the most wonderfully nasty sensations known to modern sodomy in his opinion), he was still able to thrust and plow steadily without the onset of ejaculation. It was all thanks to that marvelous gladiatorial harness now gripping his cock and he knew it. In fact he found himself rogering his Auntie's rectum like a regular old porn-star blade; giving her guts a sound thrashing, (yet without fear he'd prematurely bust boy-butter up inside her bum). Oh he could still feel the onset of a cum tickle now and again if he were too vigorous at her backside (he noticed as much), but much like a youth out joyriding in the old man's sports car, he found he could take things up to the orgasmic red-line; riding the ejaculatory edge and backing off when he saw the need. What's more, whilst he pounded away at his Auntie Maggie's turd-cunny, his nasty Grannie Gwen whispered something in his ear about how when the time came for him to blast the contents of his balls, he'd spout an immense quantity of penis pudding. It would be a generous ejaculatory spouting indeed, the sort mops and buckets were designed for, in fact!
Now as if this all were not marvelously enough for young Billy, there was more in store. Oh those two seasoned sex-mentors were indeed keen to put him through his paces up Maggie's pretty popo (and elsewhere as things would later turn out). Suffice to say his current position; standing at at his auntie's parted buttocks and gripping her hips while she rutted her rectum rudely on his rampant rammer weren't the only anal antics to be had - oh no, not in the least!
Billy bucked and stabbed at is Aunt's tail-pipe for a few minutes more whilst grandmother Gwennie whispered hot filthy encouragements in his ear, then at his grandmother's suggestion the three re-positioned. Billy lay on his back upon on the chaise with his stiff cock pointing skyward whilst Auntie Maggie squatted reverse-cowgirl-style upon his member; her battered rectum sliding down his throbber right to his harnessed balls, and all in one greasy sinking. Immediately the torrid two let forth blasts of pleasure from their lungs and resumed their shafting in earnest.
As the pair feverishly buggered, Gwennie gently pushed her niece backwards; so that Maggie now lay across her nephew, making the boy for all practical purposes a piece of lewd muscled furniture. Maggie now raised and bent both legs, bidding Billy to hook those strong arms of his underneath her knees before having him lock hands behind the nape of her neck. She was now swept up in a full-nelson grapple by the boy, and all whilst his cock churned back and forth steadily up her pretty pink dung-hole like a locomotive's drive-shaft.
Gwennie scrutinized the scene before her for a moment, tugging at her own nipples with her head cocked to one side. Seeing her niece safely secured and happily bouncing away on Billy's knob like a breathy Fleshlite, Gwen returned to the Mag's quim. She again set her lips to work on the woman's throbbing clitoral bean and stroked purposefully at Maggie's g-spot with fingers curved. Within a minute or so she was rewarded with a few splashings from Maggie's now sodden cunt; at which point Gwennie, her chin and cheeks now dripping with Mag's dew, suggested yet another slight change of position. It was something she referred to as "the two-woman bobsled" and Maggie shrilly agreed with her saying,
"Oh YES Auntie... superb choice, he'll simply love it!"
Billy was still puzzling as to what the deuce a two-woman bobsled could be, when suddenly Gwen was upon the chaise with him and Maggie; throwing her leg over the boy to straddle his somewhat upturned noggin. Grannie Gwen was now astride him and facing in the exact same direction as her niece positioned slightly below and in front of the old woman. Billy now instantly grasped the concept of reverse two-woman bobsled, and watching the Winter Olympics upon the telly would never be quite the same for him again.
All winter sports discussions aside, Billy appreciated the fact that as Gwennie lowered her bearded quim for him to dine upon, he now enjoyed an up-close view of what he'd have best described as "retro-vintage muff and vag." He could see clearly its salt and pepper hedge waving slightly in the morning faint morning breeze and noted his grandmother had quite the set of external meat-curtain lips; dangling all lovely magenta within a dense pubic thicket. A second later and she was face humping him; the daylight disappearing and with distinct images all becoming sweaty dimness and pressing warm quim-flesh on his snout gob and chin.
Gwen now pulled her niece's face back for a deep soulful tongue kiss over her shoulder. Taking full advantage of this particular position, Gwen's deft hands fiddled and diddled away upon Mag's nipple's, throbbing bean and twat-hole. The two women simply loved this arrangement; in fact, it was another solid favorite for them. It was one of many sexual combinations in a sort of unofficial familial sex manual, passed from one generation to the next.
For his part, Billy surprisingly found the experience of dining on an older girl's twat blossom a most enjoyable experience indeed! He'd feared all the joking and stories he and his chums had shared about the taste and smell of old cunt might be true, but instead of sardines and old socks he found it no different from that of the girls from the village. In fact, his Grand-mamah (for all her wild hairy salt and pepper appearance down there), might have best been described as fastidious when it came to hygiene and tidiness. Old socks indeed! The lads didn't know what they were missing.
Truth be told, her purple meat-curtains and stubby garbanzo bean hiding beneath its flesh-hoody were marvelously interesting structures; captivating even. It now struck Billy that he was supremely randy and turned on by it all; his lips eagerly tugging flesh and his nose happily noting heady mushroom notes of lady musk. In fact, he didn't mind in the least the brush of her pubic Venus-beard against his chin and cheeks; so long as he could gently feed and suck at all those marvelously captivating sex petals, (the very act setting Gwen groaning and sighing with delight).
The two women were now bucking and thrashing like a pair of harpies on heat as young William buggered and dined upon them from below. Soon quims were flowing with dew and in her passion, Maggie pulled Gwen's face down to hers for another torrid Sapphic lip-lock just before both ladies shared a sweet but soft orgasmic shudder; Billy's cunnilingual skills taking Gwennie by complete surprise, (although Maggie had long suspected the boy had a rather adept tongue).
Oh but those two women were just getting warmed up... oh yes, (and with both estimated Billy had considerable buggering capacity left in him before he'd seed). They'd had him cum those times before and dulled his senses with that infernal punch for that very reason. The device wrapped around his man-root would be just the added help...the insurance policy William needed so he could thrust and edge like a sexual marathoner. No one present that day would be disappointed either, for now Gwen had yet again another position in her wicked little head she wished for the three of them to execute.
This particular arrangement came from a book she'd first come across decades before in an Amsterdam sex shoppe. It contained black and white photographs of Kama-Sutra positions executed by lovely naked hippy couples and inspired, she'd snatched it up for a few quid and made it part of her own lewd home-library. Gwen broached the idea to Maggie, who squealed happily and enthusiastically that yes, they simply must; both the book and the position in question being an old fav of Mags herself!
The party re-arranged themselves for the fourth time in this apparently endless session of wanton buggery upon the chaise, the blue pool behind them. This time Maggie executed a maneuver which struck the astonished young William as nothing short of elastic and equal to any circus contortionist. It involved Auntie Mags lying on her back with both legs brought up and over herself, so she was able to lock first one leg and then the other; with ankles behind her own shoulders and with feet crossed behind her neck and looking not unlike an upside-down starfish to young William. Patting her pussy playfully with a sly wink to the boy, she then stroked and poked a single fingertip in gentle circles round the battered pink rim of her arse-hole pucker; bidding Billy to 'get in there and finish the job!'
Kneeling over her Billy plied his stiffie to her arse-chute, the head and shaft now gliding easily into her bowels as if sliding up well-primed cunt instead of a woman's snug entrails. He was in at once (and deep enough that the harness girding his loins pressed leather to his aunt's piles). Now sheathed in a perverse buggery variation of the missionary position, he began slow strokes. Sighing with a dreamy smile upon her face, Maggie commenced a steady strum at her bean.
Seeing all parts set (save her own), Gwenn now climbed around the boy on the chaise; throwing a leg up over Maggie's head with its feet crossed comically behind it, and sitting down upon the face of her niece. Gwen now stared directly into the eyes young William. She wore a breathy crazed look of illicit excitement. Feeling Maggie's lips and tongue working a nibble most-lovely at her quim, she ran a hand along a lovely flat belly until her fingertips met Mag's bean and twat, with intent to return the favor. She'd always been one to teach her girls to do unto others as they'd have done unto themselves, and this instance was clearly no exception!
Gwennie plunged four wicked fingers into Maggie's meat-pie, hooking them around bang onto her niece's G-spot as she'd done so many times before. This time however, she applied the heel of her palm to Mag's battered bean, so as to rub both clit and juice button for a lovely bit of four-fingered banging. Mag's retaliated, attacking Gwen's clit and meat bridge eager jowls; all whilst stabbing fingers up her auntie's steamy twat until she located that pink geriatric g-spot. Soon Gwennie became all squirms and wiggles, her face contorted into a joyous grotesque from those naughty nibblings and 'oh so good' finger blastings.
His shaft careening up Maggie's corn-chute, Billy could feel Gwennie's hand on just the other side of his Auntie's vaginal wall. The whole sensation of another woman doing such filthy things on the other side of that pink partition filled him with beastly excitement. The air all about them seemed to steam with the notes of buggery and well-plunged quim. In fact, the very air itself seemed to be alive; charged with the electrical static of illicit sexual depravity, (so when his eyes met those of his Grandmother, the sparks simply flew). With breathy wantonness Gwen seethed and hissed,
"That's it Billy! You love doing that shameful thing up your Auntie's bottom, don't you? Yes, I can see!"
She pulled him in close for a French tongue-tangle of a snog. It felt as though she were attempting to suck his soul out through his lips before she released him. Pressing a cheek to his, she gasped in his ear,
"Oh and this is merely the beginning! We'll set the stage for things and you'll surprise your mummy just as I surprised your father all those years ago with his adopted mother, you'll see. Oh yes you shall! We've a good many things to school you on as well, both myself and your Auntie. We'll mold you into proudest libertine yet in this dynasty of ours! Oh but if you'll excuse me, your auntie needs my attention, yes? Just keep churning her guts a bit longer until I tell you to spout,"
"Yes Grand-mamah Gwennie!" he huffed.
The prospect her words provided was an immediate intoxicant for him, (heady stuff really). He was now doing his very utmost to not spend early but it was becoming oh so difficult for him, an urgent need even. Still, he managed a fine bit of edging, (aided by the strap squeezing his loins). Oh but now beneath him he beheld a even headier sight that tested both his iron will and the leather binds.
Gwen had dropped down below Billy's navel; tucking in straight away at Maggie's Venus mound and rudely going 'all things gluttony' on the sobbing redhead's poor throbbing clitoris. Wrapping jowls about the hooded bean she commenced sucking and tugging whilst her hand plunged away once more at her niece's sodden cunt pipe. With Billy's barbaric leather-clad boner banging away at Mag's battered bunghole (and with both women gorging one another in a torrid fisting sixty-nine), it was only a matter of time before the forces of shameless steaming flesh upon flesh prevailed. Shortly a low moaning base note began to rise, originating from somewhere deep in the lungs of both lovely ladies.
By now Billy knew he was part of something far larger than himself. Whatever it was, it was wriggled and churned with two beastly naked backs at the end of his penis. Edge and fuck as he might, he was only along for the ride; the real engine of hedonism now being the two moo-ing madams madly munching one another; as if not one but both were shafted through the guts by his proud member. Beyond the mere thrill of spearing his throbber up his lovely aunt's most shameful of places, he also felt the frantic surge of intimate energy that only results when three naked beings join together in sexual communion.
It built... this "thing," this energy, a feverish three-way flesh-clot of groaning sexual ardor; this frenzied and frantic smacking of flesh, greedy sucks, and moaning delirium. It built and built and built with each passing tick of the clock until the notes within the throats of all three harmonized. One minute became two, four became six, and then time became meaningless as the trio urged one another on recklessly ahead with their bellyaching song of joy!
At that last moment something was reached; a certain critical tipping point, the flash of an orgasmic chain reaction. If one was to slow down time and observe, it originated in cores of both women first; their voices changing from a herd of cattle to a raging duet of she-beastly roars. Explosions of hot briny twat-broth splashed chins and snouts. Feminine hips bucked, sobs filled the air.
Whatever it was, it was bloody contagious; for Billy now felt he'd surely burst, as if he were holding back all the waters of the world against a shuddering dam. All that was holding him was that infernal strap. It was then he then felt a sensation entirely new and strange; nonother than the tug of Gwen's deft fingers at the drawstrings to his harness.
He was free! His mind barely registered Gwen's voice shrilly bidding him to 'SPOUT BOY SPOUT!' Still deep up the guts of his auntie but with balls now free to unload he snarled,
"ARRRGGGHH...AHHHHHH OH YES AUNTIE!" he gasped, the sound of his voice met with plaintive sobs and bawls from the two sweat-drenched women weakly collapsed before him on the chaise.
His cock spat and spewed, blowing an enormous load of salty curds deep up his Auntie Maggie's tail-pipe before he found he could remain upright no more. Gravity pulled him and he yielded to its welcoming tug, falling all gasps and sighs into that tangled clot of female flesh. He was now a corrupted youth who'd taken the first steps to becoming a supreme libertine, worthy of the family name.
Within a minute or so, squirts and splashes ran down Gwennie's chin and neck as Maggie sobbed like a brat well-spanked. Gwen lapped and gulped Maggie's drippings like a cat finishing a saucer of cream until she'd swallowed a bellyful of bitch-brine. She then shifted lips and tongue to Mag's rose blossom anus; attacking both taint and bottom-hole in a most ravenous of rectal rimmings.
The effect was instantaneous. Mag's expression transformed from blubbering brat to a wide-eyed breathy "OHHHHH" as Gwen's lips, teeth and tongue worked on her nasty backdoor. Hungrily snuffling and bum-munching, Gwen masterfully kept a steady rhythm with her fingers on Mag's g-spot (all whilst her thumb pressed upon that stubby little clitoris in what's best described as lovely torment). Oh but that twat wasn't the only thing fated for the strokes and caresses of Gwen's hand - oh not in the least!
After a few minutes of rimming and finger-blasting Maggie's hindquarters into a steaming hot mess, Gwen pulled-up; hocking a generous loogy in her throat before spitting it bang in the middle of the Mag's pretty arse-pucker. Another blob of spittle followed and then another; each landing more or less on the pink crinkle of Maggie's naughty mud button. Using a finger, Gwen now worked the slimy goo up past the sphincter ring, ensuring everything was loose and lovely as Maggie whimpered soulfully. Mag's was ready, Gwennie judged... but not quite.
Groped wildy beneath the edge of the chaise, Gwen at last retrieved a jar of Vaseline. Shortly Gwen's well-greased finger pushed past the door to Maggie's naughty mud-chute. It was followed by another, then over a time by a third and a forth before at last a pinky. By now Maggie had resumed her plaintive song of sobs and gasps and Gwen shouted at the silly girl, (bidding her to be quiet and adding she'd not even BEGUN to abuse the younger woman's nasty nether-chute). Maggie mewled shaking her bottom as though painfully split, but loving the stretch and intrusion to her innards all the same, (it being just the rough treatment she enjoyed)!
Now mind you, not once during the whole time did Gwen release Billy's veiny member from her greedy grip; instead plunging her paw up and down it to keep things flushed with blood and all throbby excitement. The leather restraint aided her efforts of course; holding hydraulic pressure precisely where she wanted things to be for young William's throbber. It allowed her to keep him solid as steel so she might focus attention on Maggie's preparations, which as you might have guessed proceeded most splendidly indeed.
Of course Maggie knew full-well what was next; none other than Gwen's thumb, (as Gwennie had already coned her palm, allowing her last digit to slip inside). With all her aunt's digits up her dirty dung-chute, Maggie's face contorted and twisted like that of a gargoyle perched atop a cathedral. The fullness was uncomfortable but not unwelcome (and certainly not unfamiliar). She sought to relax her insides until her mind triumphed over her body; her mouth forming that perfect contented letter "O." She was in capable hands, or more importantly one capable hand was in her up to the wrist. She now could allow her aunt to do the wicked thing she'd done so many times in the past to both she and her sister.
Satisfied Maggie's insides had indeed relaxed, Gwen began slewing back and forth with her fingers and thumb in a steady pistoning action; maintaining a rather tight cone shape with her hand whilst the woman at the end of her wrist choked and cried out with beastly delight. Several strokes into the activity and Gwennie balled both her thumb and fingers tightly. Now she could provide Maggie the good solid fisting her arse needed.
Gwennie plunged in earnest; careful not to injure her pretty puppet and yet insure Maggie's bottom was sufficiently loose for Billy's charger. When she happened to peer over Maggie's shoulder, and caught a glimpse of her niece's chin hopping up and down in a mix of mad hedonism and blissful agony, she felt the rudest of thrills. It always made her heart skip a beat with supreme satisfation to see women such as Maggie transformed into wanton beasts in heat and knowing it was all from the expert touch of her hands. As if to acknowledge the work of those deft digits up her dirty derriere Maggie brought her own fingertips creeping up from below and set about feverishly strumming away at her clitoral bean; a sight that made Gwen's own clitty-nub throb and pulse beneath her curly muff of salt and pepper.
Gwen now bid young William to rise to his feet and step in up close beside her. Turning her head level to his erection and taking him in her mouth without ceremony, she commenced sucking him whilst continuing to plunge Maggie's colon with her well-greased fist. Gwen could tell the whole torrid experience had the boy now shaking with excitement. She decided to exercise care lest he'd spend in her mouth. Oh certainly, his harness would help prevent him from spouting for a good long time... oh, but if those throat tugs of hers were too aggressive -well he was only human and an ardent young stallion at that!
After a succession of gonad gorging sucks that put William's eyes up in the back of his head, Gwennie at last spat the boy's cock from her gob whilst pulling a pungent paw from her niece's poor pounded popo. Things were set. Rising to her feet and stepping to one side, Gwen grandly swept a hand towards Maggie's greased gut-chute; offering up the woman's warm gaping innards to Billy, in what would be the boy's first (but certainly not his last), bumming of his Auntie Maggie.
Nodding politely, he stepped into position directly at his auntie's upturned hindquarters and notched himself at her gape while she mewled below him on the chaise deliriously He seized the twin halves of her heart-shaped arse and made a determined plunge into her nasty poo-pipe. Hard as steel and sufficiently slick thanks to his grandmother's gob, Billy found entry into Maggie's already stretched and slippery arsehole a thing of ease; traveling up her entrails in up to his balls in one go!
"HAAAAHHHR!" seethed Maggie from down below, her consciousness seemingly filled to the brim with even parts of pain and supremely shameful pleasure. Her plowed guts however, were another story entirely; absolutely plugged with warm pulsing man-flesh stabbing and stretching deep up inside her. It was as if she were but one large sausage casing, and young William the happy ingredients within.
He began to move and thrust, only to find himself somewhat upstaged. It seems Auntie Maggie (now firmly in her own element), rose up on her elbows; shoving and pushing hindquarters back to meet his strokes. He was not fucking her. Instead, she was clearly fucking him instead with a greased-arsehole and several years' experience, (in what would best be described as a gloriously incestuous bout of shameless sodomy).
Billy was now simply over the moon with delight, (his auntie's moon in fact if one was to be precise). He'd plowed his share of teen twat and bummed a few girls from over in the village in his short time on Earth... oh but this! This marvelous arse belonging to his Auntie Maggie was nothing short of awe-inspiring; simply taboo hemorrhoidal heaven for as far as he could tell -and with a lovely cunt and titties attached!
Young William was also struck by the realization that despite finding the arse-chute of his Auntie Maggie immensely pleasurable (providing him simply the most wonderfully nasty sensations known to modern sodomy in his opinion), he was still able to thrust and plow steadily without the onset of ejaculation. It was all thanks to that marvelous gladiatorial harness now gripping his cock and he knew it. In fact he found himself rogering his Auntie's rectum like a regular old porn-star blade; giving her guts a sound thrashing, (yet without fear he'd prematurely bust boy-butter up inside her bum). Oh he could still feel the onset of a cum tickle now and again if he were too vigorous at her backside (he noticed as much), but much like a youth out joyriding in the old man's sports car, he found he could take things up to the orgasmic red-line; riding the ejaculatory edge and backing off when he saw the need. What's more, whilst he pounded away at his Auntie Maggie's turd-cunny, his nasty Grannie Gwen whispered something in his ear about how when the time came for him to blast the contents of his balls, he'd spout an immense quantity of penis pudding. It would be a generous ejaculatory spouting indeed, the sort mops and buckets were designed for, in fact!
Now as if this all were not marvelously enough for young Billy, there was more in store. Oh those two seasoned sex-mentors were indeed keen to put him through his paces up Maggie's pretty popo (and elsewhere as things would later turn out). Suffice to say his current position; standing at at his auntie's parted buttocks and gripping her hips while she rutted her rectum rudely on his rampant rammer weren't the only anal antics to be had - oh no, not in the least!
Billy bucked and stabbed at is Aunt's tail-pipe for a few minutes more whilst grandmother Gwennie whispered hot filthy encouragements in his ear, then at his grandmother's suggestion the three re-positioned. Billy lay on his back upon on the chaise with his stiff cock pointing skyward whilst Auntie Maggie squatted reverse-cowgirl-style upon his member; her battered rectum sliding down his throbber right to his harnessed balls, and all in one greasy sinking. Immediately the torrid two let forth blasts of pleasure from their lungs and resumed their shafting in earnest.
As the pair feverishly buggered, Gwennie gently pushed her niece backwards; so that Maggie now lay across her nephew, making the boy for all practical purposes a piece of lewd muscled furniture. Maggie now raised and bent both legs, bidding Billy to hook those strong arms of his underneath her knees before having him lock hands behind the nape of her neck. She was now swept up in a full-nelson grapple by the boy, and all whilst his cock churned back and forth steadily up her pretty pink dung-hole like a locomotive's drive-shaft.
Gwennie scrutinized the scene before her for a moment, tugging at her own nipples with her head cocked to one side. Seeing her niece safely secured and happily bouncing away on Billy's knob like a breathy Fleshlite, Gwen returned to the Mag's quim. She again set her lips to work on the woman's throbbing clitoral bean and stroked purposefully at Maggie's g-spot with fingers curved. Within a minute or so she was rewarded with a few splashings from Maggie's now sodden cunt; at which point Gwennie, her chin and cheeks now dripping with Mag's dew, suggested yet another slight change of position. It was something she referred to as "the two-woman bobsled" and Maggie shrilly agreed with her saying,
"Oh YES Auntie... superb choice, he'll simply love it!"
Billy was still puzzling as to what the deuce a two-woman bobsled could be, when suddenly Gwen was upon the chaise with him and Maggie; throwing her leg over the boy to straddle his somewhat upturned noggin. Grannie Gwen was now astride him and facing in the exact same direction as her niece positioned slightly below and in front of the old woman. Billy now instantly grasped the concept of reverse two-woman bobsled, and watching the Winter Olympics upon the telly would never be quite the same for him again.
All winter sports discussions aside, Billy appreciated the fact that as Gwennie lowered her bearded quim for him to dine upon, he now enjoyed an up-close view of what he'd have best described as "retro-vintage muff and vag." He could see clearly its salt and pepper hedge waving slightly in the morning faint morning breeze and noted his grandmother had quite the set of external meat-curtain lips; dangling all lovely magenta within a dense pubic thicket. A second later and she was face humping him; the daylight disappearing and with distinct images all becoming sweaty dimness and pressing warm quim-flesh on his snout gob and chin.
Gwen now pulled her niece's face back for a deep soulful tongue kiss over her shoulder. Taking full advantage of this particular position, Gwen's deft hands fiddled and diddled away upon Mag's nipple's, throbbing bean and twat-hole. The two women simply loved this arrangement; in fact, it was another solid favorite for them. It was one of many sexual combinations in a sort of unofficial familial sex manual, passed from one generation to the next.
For his part, Billy surprisingly found the experience of dining on an older girl's twat blossom a most enjoyable experience indeed! He'd feared all the joking and stories he and his chums had shared about the taste and smell of old cunt might be true, but instead of sardines and old socks he found it no different from that of the girls from the village. In fact, his Grand-mamah (for all her wild hairy salt and pepper appearance down there), might have best been described as fastidious when it came to hygiene and tidiness. Old socks indeed! The lads didn't know what they were missing.
Truth be told, her purple meat-curtains and stubby garbanzo bean hiding beneath its flesh-hoody were marvelously interesting structures; captivating even. It now struck Billy that he was supremely randy and turned on by it all; his lips eagerly tugging flesh and his nose happily noting heady mushroom notes of lady musk. In fact, he didn't mind in the least the brush of her pubic Venus-beard against his chin and cheeks; so long as he could gently feed and suck at all those marvelously captivating sex petals, (the very act setting Gwen groaning and sighing with delight).
The two women were now bucking and thrashing like a pair of harpies on heat as young William buggered and dined upon them from below. Soon quims were flowing with dew and in her passion, Maggie pulled Gwen's face down to hers for another torrid Sapphic lip-lock just before both ladies shared a sweet but soft orgasmic shudder; Billy's cunnilingual skills taking Gwennie by complete surprise, (although Maggie had long suspected the boy had a rather adept tongue).
Oh but those two women were just getting warmed up... oh yes, (and with both estimated Billy had considerable buggering capacity left in him before he'd seed). They'd had him cum those times before and dulled his senses with that infernal punch for that very reason. The device wrapped around his man-root would be just the added help...the insurance policy William needed so he could thrust and edge like a sexual marathoner. No one present that day would be disappointed either, for now Gwen had yet again another position in her wicked little head she wished for the three of them to execute.
This particular arrangement came from a book she'd first come across decades before in an Amsterdam sex shoppe. It contained black and white photographs of Kama-Sutra positions executed by lovely naked hippy couples and inspired, she'd snatched it up for a few quid and made it part of her own lewd home-library. Gwen broached the idea to Maggie, who squealed happily and enthusiastically that yes, they simply must; both the book and the position in question being an old fav of Mags herself!
The party re-arranged themselves for the fourth time in this apparently endless session of wanton buggery upon the chaise, the blue pool behind them. This time Maggie executed a maneuver which struck the astonished young William as nothing short of elastic and equal to any circus contortionist. It involved Auntie Mags lying on her back with both legs brought up and over herself, so she was able to lock first one leg and then the other; with ankles behind her own shoulders and with feet crossed behind her neck and looking not unlike an upside-down starfish to young William. Patting her pussy playfully with a sly wink to the boy, she then stroked and poked a single fingertip in gentle circles round the battered pink rim of her arse-hole pucker; bidding Billy to 'get in there and finish the job!'
Kneeling over her Billy plied his stiffie to her arse-chute, the head and shaft now gliding easily into her bowels as if sliding up well-primed cunt instead of a woman's snug entrails. He was in at once (and deep enough that the harness girding his loins pressed leather to his aunt's piles). Now sheathed in a perverse buggery variation of the missionary position, he began slow strokes. Sighing with a dreamy smile upon her face, Maggie commenced a steady strum at her bean.
Seeing all parts set (save her own), Gwenn now climbed around the boy on the chaise; throwing a leg up over Maggie's head with its feet crossed comically behind it, and sitting down upon the face of her niece. Gwen now stared directly into the eyes young William. She wore a breathy crazed look of illicit excitement. Feeling Maggie's lips and tongue working a nibble most-lovely at her quim, she ran a hand along a lovely flat belly until her fingertips met Mag's bean and twat, with intent to return the favor. She'd always been one to teach her girls to do unto others as they'd have done unto themselves, and this instance was clearly no exception!
Gwennie plunged four wicked fingers into Maggie's meat-pie, hooking them around bang onto her niece's G-spot as she'd done so many times before. This time however, she applied the heel of her palm to Mag's battered bean, so as to rub both clit and juice button for a lovely bit of four-fingered banging. Mag's retaliated, attacking Gwen's clit and meat bridge eager jowls; all whilst stabbing fingers up her auntie's steamy twat until she located that pink geriatric g-spot. Soon Gwennie became all squirms and wiggles, her face contorted into a joyous grotesque from those naughty nibblings and 'oh so good' finger blastings.
His shaft careening up Maggie's corn-chute, Billy could feel Gwennie's hand on just the other side of his Auntie's vaginal wall. The whole sensation of another woman doing such filthy things on the other side of that pink partition filled him with beastly excitement. The air all about them seemed to steam with the notes of buggery and well-plunged quim. In fact, the very air itself seemed to be alive; charged with the electrical static of illicit sexual depravity, (so when his eyes met those of his Grandmother, the sparks simply flew). With breathy wantonness Gwen seethed and hissed,
"That's it Billy! You love doing that shameful thing up your Auntie's bottom, don't you? Yes, I can see!"
She pulled him in close for a French tongue-tangle of a snog. It felt as though she were attempting to suck his soul out through his lips before she released him. Pressing a cheek to his, she gasped in his ear,
"Oh and this is merely the beginning! We'll set the stage for things and you'll surprise your mummy just as I surprised your father all those years ago with his adopted mother, you'll see. Oh yes you shall! We've a good many things to school you on as well, both myself and your Auntie. We'll mold you into proudest libertine yet in this dynasty of ours! Oh but if you'll excuse me, your auntie needs my attention, yes? Just keep churning her guts a bit longer until I tell you to spout,"
"Yes Grand-mamah Gwennie!" he huffed.
The prospect her words provided was an immediate intoxicant for him, (heady stuff really). He was now doing his very utmost to not spend early but it was becoming oh so difficult for him, an urgent need even. Still, he managed a fine bit of edging, (aided by the strap squeezing his loins). Oh but now beneath him he beheld a even headier sight that tested both his iron will and the leather binds.
Gwen had dropped down below Billy's navel; tucking in straight away at Maggie's Venus mound and rudely going 'all things gluttony' on the sobbing redhead's poor throbbing clitoris. Wrapping jowls about the hooded bean she commenced sucking and tugging whilst her hand plunged away once more at her niece's sodden cunt pipe. With Billy's barbaric leather-clad boner banging away at Mag's battered bunghole (and with both women gorging one another in a torrid fisting sixty-nine), it was only a matter of time before the forces of shameless steaming flesh upon flesh prevailed. Shortly a low moaning base note began to rise, originating from somewhere deep in the lungs of both lovely ladies.
By now Billy knew he was part of something far larger than himself. Whatever it was, it was wriggled and churned with two beastly naked backs at the end of his penis. Edge and fuck as he might, he was only along for the ride; the real engine of hedonism now being the two moo-ing madams madly munching one another; as if not one but both were shafted through the guts by his proud member. Beyond the mere thrill of spearing his throbber up his lovely aunt's most shameful of places, he also felt the frantic surge of intimate energy that only results when three naked beings join together in sexual communion.
It built... this "thing," this energy, a feverish three-way flesh-clot of groaning sexual ardor; this frenzied and frantic smacking of flesh, greedy sucks, and moaning delirium. It built and built and built with each passing tick of the clock until the notes within the throats of all three harmonized. One minute became two, four became six, and then time became meaningless as the trio urged one another on recklessly ahead with their bellyaching song of joy!
At that last moment something was reached; a certain critical tipping point, the flash of an orgasmic chain reaction. If one was to slow down time and observe, it originated in cores of both women first; their voices changing from a herd of cattle to a raging duet of she-beastly roars. Explosions of hot briny twat-broth splashed chins and snouts. Feminine hips bucked, sobs filled the air.
Whatever it was, it was bloody contagious; for Billy now felt he'd surely burst, as if he were holding back all the waters of the world against a shuddering dam. All that was holding him was that infernal strap. It was then he then felt a sensation entirely new and strange; nonother than the tug of Gwen's deft fingers at the drawstrings to his harness.
He was free! His mind barely registered Gwen's voice shrilly bidding him to 'SPOUT BOY SPOUT!' Still deep up the guts of his auntie but with balls now free to unload he snarled,
"ARRRGGGHH...AHHHHHH OH YES AUNTIE!" he gasped, the sound of his voice met with plaintive sobs and bawls from the two sweat-drenched women weakly collapsed before him on the chaise.
His cock spat and spewed, blowing an enormous load of salty curds deep up his Auntie Maggie's tail-pipe before he found he could remain upright no more. Gravity pulled him and he yielded to its welcoming tug, falling all gasps and sighs into that tangled clot of female flesh. He was now a corrupted youth who'd taken the first steps to becoming a supreme libertine, worthy of the family name.
There were a good more lessons that afternoon following lunch. Billy had recovered and was put through the paces; starting first by fucking Gwennie in a good old-fashioned missionary gallop on the pool's watery steps. This was followed by William fucking her doggy style back at the chaise whilst Maggie masturbated using a dildo of her very-own design beside them. Billy then plopped down upon his Auntie with a member still sufficiently rigid so as to plunge inside her quim; allowing to go soft while napping upon her lazily like a blanket of male flesh, his grandmother dozing contentedly beside the pair of them. Once revived and refreshed with more punch, William then took his grandmother's arsehole back over at the pool; buggering her in a half-standing position about chest deep in the water.
There were many combinations that were visited and revisited until the sun drooped low over the trees in the west. It was high then time for dinner, followed some time spent on the couch watching a few select adult movies courtesy of one of Maggie's newer porno video product lines. Following the entertainments Maggie slyly yawned, commenting she wished to turn in early. Gwen who'd only just covered herself with a blue silk robe nodded knowingly in agreement, stating it would do her good to "rest." No fool, William snapped the television off before heading upstairs to his Auntie's master bedroom.
Upon arriving there and upon pushing open the door, he realized that somehow she'd beaten him up the back stairs and was now sitting with her back against the headboard demurely. He dove into the bed in a youthful naked swan dive, then wriggled up beside her with stiff penis ready.
"Utt tut tut tut!" Maggie corrected him, batting his erect throbber with the back of his hand playfully and pursing her lips in mock disdain.
"What is it Auntie Maggie?" Billy asked, genuinely confused.
"Well," she confided placing and arm over his shoulder, "that despite my getting everything I wanted out of today with a boy I've been wishing to bed for some time, I think there is someone else who deserves 'first-goes' at that handsome prick hopping against your belly. Your Grandmother Gwenn did so much to make sure the day was perfect and she could probably use the sleeping pill, plus once you've seeded her, it will take you extra-long to spend up inside me! I want this to be part of our ritual every night while you are here, agreed?"
"Agreed," he replied.
He was off the bed and out the door and down the stairs before I could finish typing this sentence. He pushed open the doors to Gwen's dimly lit quarters and made his way to the bed. She half-rolled beneath the covers and with one hand opened up the flap of the bedclothes while she moved herself over to make room. Wordlessly he slipped inside the bed and then slipped inside her, thrusting her marvelously over the next few minutes to a contented shudder before sending her off to blissful post-fuck slumber. He then stole from the room and back up above stairs to his Auntie's chamber.
"You did well," Maggie commented upon his return, "the entire time since this morning. Now come here and do well one more time today."
Wordlessly he closed the distance to the bed for the second time at night, proud penis point the way for him like a randy compass needle. This time he'd not be sent off, for Maggie threw covers back just long enough for him to land bang upon her naked form. There in the dark the two commenced moving and bucking; pressing mouths to lips and to necks and breasts and elsewhere again and again.
"OH YES BILLY!" Maggie gasped as he slipped her the beginnings of what would be a luxuriously long slow sleeping pill event for them both, "Yes, just like that! Tomorrow we'll set up more lessons for you, and we should begin weaving the plan to bring your mummy into this... but for the moment darling, do it just as you are doing now!"
It began to rain. Drops streaked down the window panes and far off beyond the park. A flash of lightning made all outside daylight for half a second; illuminating the woman and the young man locked in blissful lovemaking. Maggie's plans for William so far had proceeded flawlessly, now there was matter of executing the other portions of her scheme, but those could wait until tomorrow and he felt so wonderfully warm and smooth against her... she'd let tomorrow work itself out when it arrived.