Page 01
Brad leaned back on his couch and groaned as he watched the busty, blonde twenty-two year old stare up at him seductively as she held his enormous cock against her face. It had been a long time since the divorced forty-one year old had been able to bring a girl to his place. His responsibilities as a single father put limits on his sex life, but with nineteen year old Maria out at a party with some new friends she made at her community college, Brad was taking advantage of having the house to himself.
"I'll never get all of this in my mouth," Lisa said with a giggle. "But I promise you won't be disappointed."
The blonde wrapped her big, silicone melons around his shaft and stroked him with her orbs a few times before taking hold of him with her hand and sucking the head into her mouth. Brad groaned again, louder and deeper this time.
"Ahhhh, Lisa, that's so good, baby."
Brad had already been to Lisa's place once, and just like now, she'd shown him how much she loves sucking a big, hard cock. Savoring the luxury of her incredible sucking skills at his own house was a rare treat. He'd been divorced for ten years already, but he rarely had the house all to himself at night because his daughter, Maria, was usually there. And even though he knew his daughter was aware of how much he liked spending time with women of all ages and types, he had gone out of his way to make sure her home life wasn't tarnished by the coming and going of various women. He always wanted his daughter to know she was the top priority in his life.
Even now that she was in college that hadn't changed. But she was older, and was out of the house more often with her staggered course schedule and things to do with the new friends she was making. Normally, the single dad would go to his date's place. This was the first time he'd ever brought someone home. It was out of the ordinary, especially because he'd only known Lisa for a couple of weeks, but things looked like they were going well, so he decided to chance it.
So far, the risk was paying off beautifully. Brad's topless young beauty was gazing up at his face while she milked his impressive rod with her hand and mouth like a pro. He was already thinking about the way he was going to return the courtesy with a nice, long tongue lashing of her pussy when his cell phone started vibrating on the coffee table. He almost ignored it, but when he saw Maria's name light up the screen he pushed Lisa back from his elongated dick.
"I'm sorry, baby, I have to take this."
Brad and Maria had a deal. He always told her if she was ever in a bad situation, like if she or her friends got too drunk to drive, that he would come to get her, no questions asked. He just wanted his baby girl to be safe. So far, nothing weird or dangerous had ever happened, but then Maria had never called home in the middle of an evening out before. He doubted anything was wrong, but this was his daughter. He couldn't leave the call unanswered no matter how good Lisa was making his cock feel.
"I'm sorry, but it's my daughter," he explained to Lisa. Then he answered the call.
Lisa looked supremely irritated and crossed her arms over her naked tits. On the phone, Maria was in tears and her father could barely understand her. Brad's cock was still jutting out of his open zipper, but it was starting to go soft.
"Sweetie, slow down," he said. "I can barely understand what you're saying. It's really noisy there."
Brad was trying to listen as well as he could, but it wasn't easy. He thought he made out a few odd phrases here and there: fat cow, blow job, and a few more he wasn't sure he was hearing correctly. He finally got Maria to give him the address of where she was.
"I'm sorry, Lisa. I have to go pick up my daughter," he said, pushing his dick back in his pants. "I promise I'll make it up to you."
The blonde's expression went from irritated to shocked and then infuriated. She stood up and uncovered her tits again, standing there in nothing but the denim miniskirt she was wearing.
"You're really about to cut off the best dick sucking you'll ever get to go pick up that fat, spoiled daddy's princess?" she sneered. "Isn't the little bitch old enough to take care of herself?"
Brad looked at the half naked blonde in shock. This hot, horny younger woman suddenly looked repulsive to him, and he wasn't about to stand there and listen to her talk shit about his only daughter, a girl Lisa barely knew. The argument started in the gutter and went downhill from there.
"You're seriously gonna give up this for her?" Lisa spat, gesturing to her own body, which was fit as a drum, along with two of the finest looking double D cups money could buy.
"You almost make it sound like a tough decision," Brad laughed cautiscally. "But yes, that's exactly what I'm gonna do. I guess you can find your way out."
He turned his back on her and headed out to his car. He could hear something smash as soon as he closed the door. Under the circumstances, it was a relief to know she wouldn't be there when he got back, and not just for Maria's sake. Until tonight, he'd been thinking he could probably have a long term relationship with Lisa, but he'd seen her true colors. He wasn't about to waste any more time on her. At least it was better to find out now than maybe another six months or a year down the road.
When he got to the address Maria had given him, Brad pulled the car up to the curb and texted her to let her know he was there. The driveway was filled with cars and there were dozens of others parked along the street on both sides. There was loud music coming from inside, and the party had spilled out of the house and onto the yard, mostly on the side and in back. Brad spotted one college aged couple up against the side of side of the house making out intensely while the girl had her hand inside the front of the guy's pants. It was obvious from the way her arm was moving that she was jerking him off.
If it was like this outside, it must have been even worse inside.
Not sixty seconds after Brad sent the text, Maria came running awkwardly around the side of the house on the opposite side of where the couple was making out. The portly girl stood in the front yard looking around for her father's car. Brad flashed the lights to signal her. She spotted him, but then he got out of the car to go meet her halfway.
Maria was always a very heavy girl. Brad always thought of her as curvaceous and shapely, but she never saw herself the same way. She was also blessed with an angelically beautiful face and beautiful, raven black hair that she wore long. While her body was chronically heavy, she had a naturally feminine shape, like an inflated hour glass. Even her belly didn't diminish the way her waist curved out to a round pair of hips and huge, shapely legs. In comparison to the rest of her body, her tits were moderately big, straddling a C or D cup depending on the brand of her bras.
It didn't matter that Brad was her father as he noted that his big, little angel looked especially beautiful tonight, and it was far from the first time he'd noticed her generous charms. She was wearing a cute, pink blouse with short, ruffled sleeves and a neckline that scooped low enough to reveal more than a hint of cleavage but not enough to look trashy. Her skirt was light blue, loose and cottony but quite a bit shorter than any skirt he'd seen her wear before. She was showing a lot of her bare, heavily thick legs. Brad almost forgot why he was there as he found himself wishing she'd wear short skirts more often. She never did because of her weight, but her father always tried to help her see how beautiful she was.
Because of her size, Maria didn't move like other girls, but Brad thought she had a kind of grace that was all her own. She went right up to him and threw her arms around his fit, slender body. Her face was still wet from crying, and Brad's heart sank. He didn't know the details, but he didn't have to wonder why his baby girl was so upset, either. It had been like this since she was a little girl. She'd been harassed over her size ever since she was a kid. Brad had always gone out of his way to love and protect her considering how hard it had always been for her. Having her mother walk out on them when she was so young only made things worse.
"Oh, Daddy, thank you for coming. I'm so sorry. I ruined your date, didn't I?" she sobbed.
Brad could smell alcohol on her breath, but he remembered their deal: no questions asked.
"You didn't ruin anything, honeybunch," he said, thumbing the tears off her rounded cheeks.
He pulled her into his strong arms and hugged her tightly, feeling the press of her large body. They hugged so tightly that Brad could feel her braless tits in a way he never had before. He could never tell her, but they felt so good pushing against him. He told himself it wasn't her, that he was feeling these things because he had to cut Lisa's blowjob short not even half an hour before. He tried not to think about why she would've gone out to a party without a bra.
"Are you okay, sweetie?" he asked.
"No," she said, her sobs beginning all over again.
Brad held the girl close and let her cry as she pressed the side of her face into his shirt. He stroked her beautiful dark hair and uttered soothing words as she started to calm back down. His previously unsatisfied cock was getting hard despite the circumstances. Maria's body felt so warm and luscious and curvy and her father loved how big around she felt in his arms. He loved her so much he just wanted to make all her problems go away.
The father and daughter were momentarily distracted by the young couple up against the side of the house when the guy let out a loud moan. Brad and Maria turned to look and found the girl on her knees in the grass, taking the guy's excited cock into her mouth. The girl obvious knew what she was doing, and Brad was painfully reminded of the blowjob he never got to finish enjoying. His cock continued growing hard against his plump, pretty daughter and he pulled back far enough to keep her from feeling it.
Maria blushed when they saw the girl sucking the guy's cock. "I'm sorry, Daddy. I didn't know it was going to be this kind of party. I never would've come if Debbie had told me the truth."
Brad draped his arm protectively over his daughter's shoulders and walked her to the car. By the time they were comfortably settled into their seats, they both seemed to be over the weird feeling of watching the blowjob taking place right out there beside the house. It was a situation Brad never imagined himself being in, and it wasn't helping with the problem of the steadily swelling cock in his pants. But no matter what, Maria's well-being was his foremost concern. After watching the blowjob in progress beside the house, Brad finally broke the silence.
"Do you want to talk about it, honeybunny?"
Being inside the car now seemed to improve Maria's mood, but she frowned at her father's question. "No, Daddy. I just wanna forget this whole night ever happened."
Brad reached over and took hold of his daughter's hand. "Are you sure, sweetheart? Sometimes it helps to talk it out."
"Oh, I want to, but I'm so ashamed."
"Remember our deal, sweetie? Besides, I'm just here to make sure my baby girl is okay."
Maria sniffled a little bit but didn't start crying again. "I'm afraid if I say anything you're gonna hate me."
Brad leaned over the console and hugged his daughter again. "Oh, baby, I could never hate you. Not ever. That's just not even possible. Don't you know your daddy is the guy who always loves you no matter what?"
"Ohh, Daddy," the girl sighed, burying her face against his shirt.
Just then they were distracted by the sound of a girl moaning. A quick look toward the side of the house showed that the girl who was giving a blowjob a few minutes ago was down on her hands and knees in the grass. Her skirt was up around her waist and the guy was kneeling behind her pushing his cock in and out of her pussy. Father and daughter both giggled nervously.
"I had no idea you liked these kinds of parties, sweetie. I'm shocked."
"Oh, Daddy, stop!" Maria snickered.
Once Brad helped lighten the mood, Maria got over her apprehension. Her father was pretty sure that her having something to drink was also helping her along.
"So you know my friend, Debbie, right?" she said.
Brad nodded. Debbie was a recent friend Maria had made on campus. They'd only met a few weeks ago, but Maria was happy to make new friends who didn't come with all the unpleasant baggage from her high school days. Debbie was a hot looking blonde and popular at school. The other girls she hung out with were the same way, and Maria was beginning to feel like one of them. It wasn't as if she forgot how much she never liked her own body, but it felt good to be part of a group of friends and hot have to feel self-conscious about it all the time.
Meanwhile, Debbie also had an older brother whom Maria had met a couple of times when he was picking his sister up at school. Maria thought he was cute and he was really nice to her. She had the impression she wasn't the only one of Debbie's friends who had a little crush on him. So when Debbie invited Maria to her party, she teased the chubby girl with the promise of being able to spend time with her brother, Jason, suggesting that her brother was interested in Maria, too.
The first hour of the party was going fine. Jason was really nice to her and invited her up to his room, saying he wanted to spend some special time just with her. The girl was beside herself with excitement. She was a virgin, but she didn't know if she'd still be one by the time she came back down the stairs.
In Jason's room, he started kissing her roughly right away, which surprised her. She didn't like the way he kissed, but she went along with it because the way he was rubbing her tits through her blouse felt really nice. But it wasn't long before his hands got rough and he grabbed one of her wrists and shoved her hand between his legs. She was shocked to feel his erect cock through his pants, and she was so annoyed that she wasn't getting a good chance to explore her first cock the way she always wanted to.
When Maria pulled her hand away from Jason's crotch, she also backed away from him. That's when she discovered there were three other guys in the room. She didn't know when they came in, but they all had their dicks out of their pants. Maria looked at them in shock, barely aware that Jason was also taking his dick out of his pants.
"Would you rather kneel on the floor or sit on the bed?" he asked her.
"What the fuck for?" she nearly screamed.
"To suck us off. What the fuck else?"
"If you think I'm putting any of you guys in mouth then you're crazy."
"Awww, don't be like that. Everybody knows fat girls give the best head. I mean you didn't think any of us were going to fuck you, did you?"
Maria could hardly breathe. It seemed like forever before she could bring her body to move so she could stomp out of the room and slam the door. Debbie and the "cool girls" from school were downstairs and started laughing when they saw Maria coming down in tears.
"I just went straight outside and called you right away, Daddy."
"You did the right thing, baby girl."
Brad leaned over and hugged his daughter while she cried some more. About the time her sobs subsided they heard the guy by side of the house calling out as he came inside the girl he was fucking. Father and daughter both laughed.
"Oh my god, Dad, could this night get any weirder?"
Brad kept holding her and smiled. "Probably not, sweetie. I'm just happy you're safe."
"Daddy...ya know, that thing Jason said that fat girls are s'posed to be good at?"
"You mean the, uhh, sucking thing?"
"Yeah, Daddy, that. Well, I've never even done that before. I don't want you to think I'm that kind of girl."
"Baby, it wouldn't change anything even if you did. But I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself and not letting those boys take advantage of you."
"Really? You're proud of me?"
"I've always been proud of you, honeybunch."
Brad gave his daughter a reassuring smile. While he looked at her face, he noticed how full and supple her lips were. After all the talk about blowjobs, it was hard not to imagine what his pretty girl's mouth would look like wrapped around the shaft of his cock. He was shocked by his own thoughts, but he couldn't hold back the aching sensation returning to his cock. His body's reaction was even more shocking than his thoughts, both of which he would have to keep hidden from his girl at all costs.
The protective father couldn't forget why he was there, either, and he was ready to storm into the house to find Jason and stomp the little fuck to a pulp. But Maria begged him not to. She felt humiliated and just wanted him to take her home. But then he asked Maria to point out Jason's car.
"Wait here, sweetie. I'll be right back."
Brad got out of the car and went to squat down at the back end of Jason's. He took out his Swiss Army knife and started scratching a message in the paint, doing his best to gouge it nice and deep. When he finished, he got back in the car and Maria was looking at him with a mischievous gleam in her eyes.
"What did you do, Daddy?" she giggled.
Brad just smiled and started the car. He drove slowly by Jason's car so Maria could read the message crudely scratched into the finish: "tiny fucking dick" it said. Maria laughed for the next two miles.
Sitting in the car, Maria's skirt became much shorter and most of her plump, shapely thighs were now exposed. Her father kept looking at them and started having a hard time controlling his breathing. The other thing he noticed was that without a bra his daughter's prominent tits heaved and shook with the movement of the vehicle. He tried to stop looking, but Maria was so insanely cute, and with the little bit of extra makeup she was wearing tonight she was almost a different girl.
Then Brad got an idea. Instead of turning onto the artery that would've taken them back to their neighborhood, he turned the other way and ended up getting on the freeway.
"Daddy, where are you going?"
"You were supposed to go to a party tonight and have some fun, so that's what we're going to do."
Maria looked curious but also pleased. Brad had a history of giving his daughter pleasant surprises, like surprise birthday parties and unexpected gifts. Sometimes he said it was to cheer her up even when she hadn't been upset about anything. One thing Maria never had to doubt was that her father loved her more than anyone else, and ever since her mother left she became the happy beneficiary of the extra love and attention that would otherwise be given to his wife.
Brad liked the expectant look on his baby girl's pretty, round face. He was anything but happy about what happened at the party, but he was feeling good about the way it was ending up to be a night out for just the two of them. Since Maria started college and he started dating more actively they hadn't gone out like this in months. And despite missing out on a pro-level blowjob from Lisa, his daughter was infinitely better company. It also made him feel good to see her dressed for fun. He knew it wasn't very fatherly of him to be checking out her sensuously plump body the way he was, but as long as he kept his inappropriate thoughts and feelings to himself it shouldn't be a problem. It was far from the first time.
After about twenty minutes up the freeway, and then another ten minutes following the local streets to the outskirts of the town they were in, Brad pulled the car into the large, crowded parking lot of a blues bar. Maria's eyes opened wide when she saw where her father was taking her. The girl's expression brought a smile to his face. She'd never been to a bar before, and the sound of the live band playing inside could be heard outside.