Page 02
"Dad! I'm not old enough to go to a bar," Maria said, even though her wide-eyed expression showed how excited she was about the idea.
"Don't worry about it, baby angel. You're almost old enough. Just act like you belong and no one will know the difference. We'll just pretend we're on a date."
Maria giggled with pleasure. "Guess I owe you since I ruined yours."
"Trust me, sweetie, you didn't. There's nothing more important to me than you. I'd rather be here with you than anywhere else. I'm just sorry your party didn't turn out the way you hoped."
"I hate those people." She scowled, but then lightened up. "I guess it's better I found out what they're really like."
Brad was thinking the same thing about Lisa, but he didn't say anything about it to Maria.
"So, um..." the girl hesitated, "you're not gonna mind all those people thinking this really hot guy is taking a fat girl out on a mercy date?"
Brad frowned with disapproval, and then his face softened and he reached up to brush the backs of his fingers along her cheek. He couldn't get over the fact that he could father a girl as pretty as Maria. He felt so proud of the beautiful young woman she was now. While foolish people called her fat, to him she was wildly curvaceous and beautiful.
"Dad, why are you looking at me like that?"
"Because I think you're amazing, honeybunch. And I don't want to hear you saying bad things about yourself. You're beautiful. And,'re not fat. You're...uhhh, voluptuous."
Even in the dimly lit parking lot, Brad could tell his daughter was blushing. He probably shouldn't have called his daughter voluptuous, but it was about time she started to realize that some people saw her in a completely different way than she was used to.
"Oh. My. God," she said. "Did you seriously just say that?"
Brad smiled at her. "Yup," he smirked proudly. "Voluptuous. And hot."
Maria giggled for a long time at being called hot by her own father. Brad was relieved she didn't think it was gross or weird. "C'mon, sweetie, let's go. I'm gonna be with the sweetest, hottest girl in the place and I wanna show off my hot date."
Brad was out of the car before Maria could respond. He went to the other side and opened her door for her. He put his arm around her as they walked inside. No one looked at them twice while Brad paid the cover charge and then took his girl into the bar.
There was a low, makeshift stage at the far end of the room, a small dance floor in front of the band, and then tables and a few booths, with the bar running along most of the left hand side. The band sounded great and the dance floor was crowded with people. Brad watched his daughter's face as she walked beside him and noticed a lot of men's heads turn to look at the petite but big, busty girl in the short skirt who just walked in with a much older man.
Maria clung to her father's arm as she looked around the bar trying not to look like it was her first time. Brad couldn't help how good it felt to have her braless tits pressing against his side.
They managed to get the only free table against the wall opposite the bar. Brad left Maria there long enough to go to the bar and order a couple of drinks. He knew she'd been drinking at the party, so he got her white wine and decided to keep her to a limit. Since he was driving, he had to limit himself, too.
Waiting for their drinks, Brad took the opportunity to look at his daughter across the room. Sitting down, her skirt was riding up as high as it did in the car. The sight of those smooth, fleshy legs made his pulse heat up in a way that other women, even other thickly built girls, never could. Then, even before the drinks came, a guy walked over to the table and started talking to Maria. He said something that made her laugh, and Brad could tell this guy was hitting on his daughter. He gave up by the time their drinks came. Brad took them over to their table and teased his daughter about getting hit on before they were there barely ten minutes.
"Some guy was trying to pick up my girl," he told his daughter as he sat down with their drinks.
"Jealous, Daddy?" she said with a teasing lilt.
When he thought about it, he realized he was, but he could never tell his daughter that. For years he'd kept hoping Maria would find a guy who'd treat her the way she deserved, but after finding her at the party he realized he couldn't imagine any guy being anywhere near good enough for her. He just gave her a wink and shrugged.
"I'll take that as a yes," she said.
Brad laughed and they started talking and laughing at other things, and before he realized what was happening they were three drinks into their "date". He had the beginning of a buzz going while Maria was approaching tipsy. It was during their fourth drink that she got him to tell her what he was doing when she called. He wasn't going to tell her, but she kept working on him. She knew he was seeing Lisa that night and it was obvious how curious she was about what they were doing. If it hadn't been for a few drinks, Brad never would have told his daughter that Lisa was on her knees sucking his cock when his phone rang and he made her stop. But he had had those drinks and he ended up telling her. Maria's jaw dropped and she started giggling uncontrollably.
"Oh my god, Daddy, I'm so sorry," she sputtered between giggles. When her laughter subsided she frowned. "Actually, I'm not that sorry. I don't like her. Buuuut...I'm sorry I interrupted such a tender moment." She laughed again.
Brad just shrugged. He noticed Maria's nipples started poking into her blouse while he admitted to getting his cock sucked. Wanting to put an end to this line of conversation, he stood up and grabbed his daughter's hand to pull her out to the dance floor, which was still crowded.
As they danced to a couple of medium fast shuffles, Brad couldn't believe how hot and slinky his portly daughter could move. She was dancing like she was on a hot date, shaking her hips and causing her loose but short skirt to flip around her legs and hips. A few times her father could even see fleeting glimpses of her panties, which did little to cover the full, rounded globes of her monumental ass. He caught a number of other guys sneaking looks at her, too. At the same time, her fat, unencumbered tits heaved and shook heavily under her blouse. The blouse was only moderately lowcut, but with her braless tits wobbling to her movements she had her father's adoring attention.
Brad was relieved when the band went into a slow song. Maria smiled up at him as he took her in his arms and hugged her close as they gently swayed to the music. Her tits felt much better than they should've as they pushed against his body, and he felt his cock stirring in his pants. Brad blamed it on the drinks when he held her even closer, knowing she could feel his member swelling against her lush body.
"Ohhh, Daddy," she sighed. "Is that for me?"
"Oh god, baby, I'm sorry. I can't help it. It's just that you feel so amazing."
"Don't be sorry. It's a really big compliment to your date." She giggled. "And I do mean really big."
"You're not supposed to notice that, naughty girl," he said.
Maria giggled. "That's too big not to notice, Daddy."
She was rubbing the front of her body against his cock. Brad shouldn't have let her have so many more drinks, but he couldn't deny how incredible it felt to have his curvy daughter mashing her heavy body against his cock. This was so wrong, he thought, but he loved this girl so much he couldn't let go of her. His hands gradually dropped to her ass.
"Ohhhh, Daddy, yessss," she sighed as she pressed the side of her face against his chest.
"I'm sorry, honeybunny. We shouldn't be doing this."
"Yeah, but we are. And we both like it so why not?"
"I think we might be liking it too much, sweetie."
Maria looked up at him, and Brad had never seen a woman look into his eyes the way his daughter was looking into them now. There was no denying what the man was now seeing. It wasn't simply the love of a nineteen year old girl for a father who loved and protected her all through her life. It was the desire-filled love of a hot, young woman for the man she craved above all others. Their bodies stopped swaying to the music while couples all around them kept moving slowly yet holding onto each other. To all eyes, Brad and Maria were just another pair of lovers on the dance floor.
"Don't you wanna kiss me, Daddy?" the girl asked, crinkling her forehead.
Brad knew the kind of kiss his daughter was talking about, and it wasn't the way a man kissed his own daughter, especially in public. It didn't matter that no one there knew them. He and his little girl would know. Yet Brad was barely aware of the changing angle of his head as he nodded down to taste his daughter's sweet, pouting lips. It felt like his body erupted in flames at the first, contact. Maria mewled like a kitten and kissed her father back hard, instantly begging her man to give back what she was willingly giving him. Brad clutched the huge, rounded globes of his daughter's ass hard and pulled her even tighter against the throbbing erection in his pants. At the same time, he drove his tongue deeply into her wet, open mouth and kissed her like he wanted to own her forever.
They kissed for a long time, only breaking for air a moment after the song ended. Brad and Maria then realized the band was leaving the stage for a break. Now the father and daughter were still clinging to each other on an empty dance floor. Brad suggested it was time to go.
"Are you sure you wanna walk out of here with that huge bulge you've got down there, Daddy?" Maria giggled.
Brad couldn't resist giving the girl an extra grind. "It's your fault I'm so hard. If you weren't so hot and sexy I wouldn't have this problem. So you're gonna have to stay in front of me while we walk out."
Maria snickered deviously, and Brad didn't know when he'd ever seen his baby girl look so happy. It was such a huge change from the way he'd found her earlier that he didn't question the forbidden reasons for the change. Holding hands, Maria walked in front of her father toward the exit. He could feel the motion of her glorious ass cheeks as he followed her with his cock touching them.
Once they cleared the door, Maria took a couple of steps ahead and walked with a deliberate sway in her hips that made her skirt swirl around her big, beautiful thighs. Her father's pulse jacked up a notch at the sight of his baby girl's walk, and even more knowing she was doing it just for him. She leaned back against the side of the car while he made the last few steps to catch up with her. His cock was still aching and hard, and he didn't have it in him to resist taking his little girl back in arms and letting her feel that swollen shaft against her body one more time.
"Oh, Daddy," she purred happily. "You made the worst night of my life into the best."
She hugged him back tightly while he grasped her ass the way he'd been holding it on the dance floor. But after a minute or two, one of his hands roamed under her skirt to feel the silky softness of her hip and upper thigh, and then the large portion of butt cheek her panties had no hope of covering. Brad was sure he'd lost his mind to be fondling his daughter's half exposed ass in a barroom parking lot, but between how amazingly good she felt and the way she was purring contentedly he couldn't stop.
"I'll always be there for you, angel. I promise."
"I know you will, Daddy. You're the only one I can count on."
This was the point when Brad should have told his daughter that she'd eventually meet the right guy, but the more he thought about it the more he didn't want her meeting any guys. He wanted her to always be his baby girl and never anyone else's. That was impossible, of course. He was her father, for fuck's sake. He shouldn't even be close to having his hand searching under her short skirt, but she felt so warm and perfect he couldn't take it away.
He told himself it wouldn't be so bad to steal one last kiss, and after that they could go back to the reality of being father and daughter. So he angled his head down to hers and claimed her beautiful mouth, kissing her with an eagerly searching tongue. Hers immediately played with his, the pair of them swirling inside their joined mouths. It felt like there was no way they could kiss each other hard enough or deeply enough, and Brad didn't even realize how hard he was squeezing the girl's ass until she started to moan into his mouth. Her outsized, upstanding tits felt like paradise as she mashed them into his body, grinding herself against the throbbing bulge of his cock at the same time.
When they finally pulled apart to breathe, he pulled away from her body, needing to let his pulse slow back down. He opened the car door for her and watched her get in, her skirt lifting around her legs and exposing her thighs all the way up to her panties. With a coy smile, she deliberately spread her thick legs and gave him a flash of the wet spot on the gusset.
He got in on the driver's side with his cock just as hard as ever. Maria could see the obvious bulge in his pants, but after grinding each other on the dance floor and again in the parking lot there wasn't any point in trying to hide it from her. On the other hand, Brad didn't see how they could take things any further. No matter how much he wanted this gorgeously plump girl, she was the last girl on Earth he was allowed to desire.
But Maria didn't see it the same way.
Brad started driving home, and his daughter reached over and put her hand on his leg, barely two inches from the bulge of his cock. Despite the drinks she'd had that night it was as if she were building up her courage to try something more. Brad didn't do anything to encourage her. He was trying to think of ways to stop things from progressing, but he couldn't bring himself to discourage her, either. The fact was he liked having his daughter touch him that way and he kept waiting and wishing for her hand to move onto his cock.
Every couple of minutes, Brad could feel his daughter's fingers press ever so slightly into his thigh, like she was testing her own courage, but she couldn't bring herself to actually reach for his bone. The anticipation was driving him crazy. He never thought it was possible to get so hard from not having his cock touched.
When he finally pulled into their driveway, Maria started to pull her hand away but Brad put his hand on top of hers and held it there. It went against his better judgement, but he didn't want his little girl to take her hand away. She wasn't actually touching his cock, so how dangerous could it be?
"Did you like our date, sweetheart?" he asked.
"It was so perfect, Daddy. But it's not quite over yet, is it?"
"No?" he asked curiously.
"You're supposed to kiss the girl when you take her home, I believe."
"What if the girl is your daughter?"
"Especially then."
With a smile, Brad leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. When he leaned back into his own seat she was pouting.
"That's not a date kind of kiss. I kinda thought you'd kiss me like we were kissing before."
"Wouldn't you rather be kissing some hot guy instead of your father?"
"My father is a hot guy," she said with a coy smile. "Besides, I've had it with 'guys'. I don't want a 'guy'. I want a man, and there's only one I know who's always gonna love me, and...umm...I think he really thinks I'm hot. And I love him more than he realizes."
Brad felt his shaft throb until there was precum soaking into his pants. He gently moved her hand onto the tubular bulge under the material, guiding her hand in a rubbing motion. She gasped sharply and took over fondling his organ right away.
"That should prove your date thinks you're hot, baby girl."
On that, he leaned over and kissed her just as hot and deep as he kissed her back at the bar. She kissed him back with all of her love and passion, excitedly feeling that cock that was throbbing and leaking harder than ever. Brad reached for the girl's tits, feeling their firm weight through her blouse. Maria whimpered into his mouth the second he touched them. Her nipples were already hard and within seconds he pulled the neck of her blouse down to expose those pudgy melons. He cupped them in his hands and squeezed while their kiss became deeper and hungrier.
As he fondled his daughter's luscious globes, he began kissing her neck, gradually working his way to her nipples. Maria uttered a loud, long moan as he sucked on her nipple. He was soon going back and forth between them both, not wanting to leave any part of her succulent body without her father's attention.
"Ohhh, god, Daddy, yesssss, suck my tits. They're all yours. Oh fuck, that feels so good," she huffed between breaths.
Brad suckled harder, kneading the girl's chubby jugs. She was still feeling his cock, but the motion of her hand was getting more and more erratic the more he pleasured her obviously sensitive tits. Brad had been with more than his fair share of women over the years, but it was his own daughter who willingly offered him the most beautiful pair of tits he'd ever seen.
He rose up and took her mouth again. While they kissed heatedly, Brad's hand went between the girl's heavily rounded thighs. They felt surprisingly firm and smooth as satin. His hand slipped higher as she parted her legs and suddenly he was touching her pussy through her panties. His daughter's pussy!
Maria's head went back as she yowled loud enough to wake the entire neighborhood. Brad was amazed to find how wet she was already. The gusset of her panties was soaked and there was girl dew smeared all over her fat, upper thighs.
"Baby, you're so wet," he said, amazed.
"I've been wet since you vandalized Jason's car," she said with a giggle. "Then when we started dancing slow I thought I was gonna drip all over the floor."
Her father pulled the gusset of her panties to the side. He needed to feel how wet his little girl was for himself. His fingers came up against her soaking wet slit. She whimpered at his touch, mewling like a kitten as his fingers explored the slippery petals of her love nest.
Brad was amazed at how tiny his daughter's pussy felt. In relation to the hefty shape of her body it felt so tight and dainty. With his cock pulsing wildly under Maria's hand, he pushed a finger into his baby's creamy tightness. She uttered a low howl at the feeling of his finger slipping inside her hole. She was so focused on her dad's finger going inside her she forgot to keep rubbing his rock hard dick, although she kept her hand right where it was on his bulge.
Watching her beautiful face, Brad began sliding his finger in and out of Maria's syrup-coated tunnel. She gnawed on her bottom and he kept massaging her exposed tits with the other hand, paying extra attention to her swollen nipples. He was soon giving her sloshy wet hole long strokes with his finger while she leaned against her door and moaned with pleasure.
Even with just one finger, Brad could tell his daughter's hole was incredibly tight, but so slick with juice that his pumping finger was making a slick sloshing sound as he pumped into her. She was so wet that her nectar was all over her upper thighs and her father's hand, and it was beginning to trickle down to the car seat. The fact that Maria kept her pussy shaved completely smooth, both her mouth and along her lips, made the slip and slide of her daddy's finger that much slicker. He was already trying to imagine what a treasure his baby's cunt would be to taste.
"Dad, Daddy, ohhh god, that feels so good," she managed through her heavy breathing. "Don't stop. Oh fuck, don't stop and you'll make me cum."
Brad muttered a low growl. He wanted to see his little girl cum more than anything in the world. He started curling his finger into her G spot and grinding the pad of his thumb over her clit at the same time. Maria opened her eyes wide and stared at him in awe.
"Daddy, oh fuck, what are you doing to me?" she cried.
"Making you cum, honeybunny. Cum nice and hard for Daddy, pretty baby."
Maria opened her mouth wide but sounds stopped coming out of it. Then she started letting out moaning gasps while her whole, big body shivered and then stiffened. Brad kept up his steady fingering until her peak subsided, finally backing off when he thought her pussy was growing too sensitive. He finally pulled his finger free of her hole and she put her feet back down on the floor of the car. She seemed to have forgotten all about her hand that was resting on top of her father's cock.
"Daddy, that was amazing," Maria sighed.
"I love you, darling," he told her. "More than anything in this world. I'm sorry for loving you the wrong way, but I need you, baby. I need to be inside you."
"Ohh, Daddy, that's just the right way to love me. And I love you just the same, I promise. Take me inside and take anything you want. Your little girl is all yours."
Brad kissed her deep and hard, feeling her glorious tits a little more before pulling her blouse back over her melons and taking her into the house. He couldn't even think about his doubts anymore, only his hot, beautiful baby girl who wanted him as badly as he wanted her.
They didn't make it up the stairs to his bedroom. He led his daughter straight toward the living room couch and kissed her before they even sat down. He slipped his hands under her blouse and explored her unencumbered tits, tweezing her nipples firmly while their tongues danced from one mouth to the other. When Maria reached to feel his cock through his pants again, her father decided it was time to feel her hand exploring his throbbing flesh without any barrier.
He pulled his hands out from under her blouse and loosened his belt, then unbuttoned and unzipped. Maria took over lowering her father's pants and briefs, stopping to get his shoes off and then getting rid of his pants. Brad pulled his shirt off and looked down at his girl who was now kneeling at his feet and staring directly at his immensely aroused cock. Then she seemed to realize her father was completely naked and her eyes roamed all over his much more mature but fit form. Brad smiled at the way his daughter was eating him up with her eyes, but he was even more excited to do the same thing to her.
"Baby, take off that blouse for me," he said.
"Oh god, Daddy. I don't know...I don't look..."
"Stop. I don't want to hear that from you. You can see how hard you make me, and now I want to see more of you. All of you. I want to see my little girl naked and ready to become all mine."
Maria had excited fire in her eyes as she stared at her father's face, and then back down at his cock as if to confirm that she was the reason for his throbbing condition. Finally taking a deep breath, she pulled up the bottom of her blouse and lifted it over head, tossing it aside on the floor. Now the weighty lushness of her tits was fully exposed to him. It didn't seem possible for Brad's cock to throb even harder, but it did and it was bobbing so close to his baby girl's face he could feel her breath on his shaft.
"God, baby, you're so beautiful," he said. "It's okay to touch Daddy's cock now. I know you want to."
Maria cautiously wrapped her hand around her father's rock solid stalk. She squeezed him, testing his hard resilience, then started to stroke him slowly, making him sigh with pleasure.
"Oh, Daddy, you don't know how long I've wanted this."
She gazed longingly at the long, thick rod of man flesh in her hand. Her father's sighs grew deeper, and then into moans as she kept stroking him. Then, holding him at the base, she leaned in that last couple of inches and kissed the imposing head of his rod. That first kiss turned into another, and then another, until she grew bolder and started licking all around the head. Brad groaned while precum dribbled out of the tip and his daughter didn't hesitate to lick up the sappy ooze like it was honey.
"Ahhh, baby, that feels so good," Brad moaned, watching his beautifully plump daughter's every move. She was spurred on by his praise and began licking more of his shaft, finally taking the head into her mouth. She sucked while exploring the shape of his ridge with her tongue, and Brad couldn't believe his eyes any more than the intense waves of pleasure shooting through his body. He knew he would never forget the sight of his luscious girl with her lips wrapped around his pulsating rod for the first time. Just below, her tits stood out heavy and proud, hovering perkily over the rounded swell of her tummy. Her nipples were hard and flushed pink.
Maria was experimenting with her hand and mouth and finally found a rhythm with both working his shaft together. Brad realized she'd probably learned about sucking cock from watching sex videos, and now she was sucking his like a plus-sized porn star. Groaning deeper and louder by the minute, he let his daughter go on, savoring the incredible pleasure but most of all enjoying the way she wanted to please and impress him. But she was bringing him so close to the edge and he didn't want the first load he gave his baby girl to go in her mouth.
Brad pushed her back, pulling his wet cock away from her face. "That's fantastic, honeybunch, but I want to see the rest of you now. Daddy needs to see that gorgeous ass and pussy."
With a pleased giggle, Maria stood up. Before she had a chance to take off her skirt, her father pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply with his cock rubbing between them. They kissed for a long time while Brad felt the exposed upper half of his daughter's fertile, young body. Her skin was soft as flower petals and yet she felt so ripe. Her chubby tits overflowed his hands as he squeezed and kneaded them, taking his time to stimulate her thick nipples.
When their kiss finally broke apart, Brad found the zipper on the back of his daughter's skirt. He lowered it and let it drop to the floor.
"Take your panties off for me now, honeybunny. It's time to let Daddy see everything you have."
Brad then took a seat on the couch while his panty-clad daughter faced him. She looked so excited yet apprehensive at the same time. The exaggerated curves of her big, young body made his cock throb with need. He gripped his shaft and stroked himself as he gazed at her.
Maria's panties were a high cut bikini style that looked at least a size too small as they stretched to the shape of her body. The sides rode up on her hips, pulling the tapered V front up tightly into her puffy pussy mound, creating a distinct camel toe that made her father's dick ache with desperation.
"Here goes, Daddy," she said with a scarlet blush. Then she leaned over to pull the panties down her stout legs. She stood back upright before stepping out of them and pushing them aside with her foot. She was gloriously naked and looking expectantly at her father.
Brad's cock pulsed and dribbled heavy drabbles of precum down from the tip and onto his shaft. He gazed at his daughter in awe, now fully naked and offering herself before him.
"I'm not gross, am I, Daddy?"
"My baby, you're so beautiful. Can't you see what you do to me, your own father?" He gestured toward her with his cock, emphasizing the intensely swollen condition of his man flesh. Maria giggled happily. A hard cock doesn't lie.
"You know, Dad, I never even really wanted to go to that stupid party tonight. I wanted to be with you, but you had your date with Lisa. You're the one I always wanted."
There was no way to stop what they both knew was coming. And as he thought back on the time since his baby's mother walked out, he realized this had been coming on for longer than he thought. His daughter had gradually been becoming his woman in every way but this one despite their shallow attempts to connect with others.
"It's over with Lisa," Brad announced, without going into detail. "There's only one girl for me."
"Lucky girl," Maria said with a coy smile.
"She's really hot, too," her father said.
The girl giggled again. She found the courage to begin fondling her own tits while her father sat on the couch with his big, engorged dick in his fist. The way his little girl was looking at it with hunger in her eyes only made it throb even more.
"I love you, Dad. So much," she said, pulling her nipples and twisting them as she stared at his hand moving up and down his fat pole.
"I love you, too, baby. Come to Daddy now. It's time to make you all mine."
"I'm nervous, Daddy," she said, moving slowly toward the couch and finally coming up to him so her knees were touching his.
Brad reached for her hands and pulled her onto the couch. She planted her knees on either side of his hips, settling her fully rounded ass on his lower thighs. The sight of her beautifully bald pussy made his pulse race.
"You can change your mind anytime, honeybunch. This is a big step that's going to change everything. I'll understand if you don't want to go any further."
"But I do, Daddy. I'm just nervous is all. It's my first time and I want to be good for you."
Brad's heart melted for his baby girl. He slid his hands up her legs and around to her ass, firmly kneading his fingers into her plentiful flesh. She felt so supple and ripe, and surprisingly firm. Brad's cock was growing painfully hard.
"You're my honeybunny forever," he told her. "I understand you being nervous, my love, but you're the best thing that ever happened in my life."
Maria broke into a huge smile. Brad knew that she understood she never had to doubt him. He squeezed her ass tightly while she took his cock into one hand and started stroking him.
"Ohhh, my honeybunny, that feels so good," he sighed.
Then Brad moved one hand to the back of his daughter's head, weaving his fingers into her luxurious, dark hair. He pulled her face toward his and kissed her deeply. The way she kissed him back left no doubt in his mind how much she loved him. As their tongues swirled and his finger delved between her ass cheeks to gently tease her anal rosette, Brad made a silent vow never to let his precious girl down.
"Oh, Daddy, that's so naughty you touching me back there," she cooed, obviously enjoying the sensation of her father's finger teasing her asshole.
Then Brad brought his other hand between her legs in front and started massaging her wet pussy lips.
"Oh, oh, ohhhhh," she moaned, rocking her hips to the stroke of her daddy's fingers both in front and in back. "Fuck, Dad, that feels so good."
Brad loved watching his daughter respond to his fingers. He was so hard now he was afraid his cock could explode without even being touched. Both of Maria's hands were on his shoulders now as she held onto him for balance. He was dying to plunge his raging hard on deep inside her tight, young pussy, but he was determined to make this night an experience she'd always remember. He kissed her for a long time, stroking her ass and pussy without skipping a beat. But finally, he pulled back and started to shift gears.
He guided his girl onto her back across the couch. He kissed her more quickly this time, and then worked his way toward her luscious tits. He squeezed and kneaded them while going from one to the other to suck on her thickly swollen nipples. Her whole body responded as she moaned her approval. His cock was rubbing against the smooth skin of her wet pussy at the same time. He didn't know how he could resist plunging his rod straight into her hole, but he managed. The thought of tasting her sweet, young hole kept him on task.
Brad finally moved lower, until he was kissing the insides of her thighs and over her delicious peach. He pushed her legs higher and she put her feet on his shoulders, bringing her slit and asshole up to his face. Maria made a low, throaty howl of pleasure when he first began licking the length of her honey coated slit. She tried to hump at her father's face as much as she could from the position she was in, but he gave her good, hard licks that covered her slit and clit with every swipe. But he soon began driving his tongue between her lips and into her hole, jabbing and licking her from inside. She pulled her hefty legs even higher and clutched at his head as he lapped and tongue fucked her.
While Maria was obviously building up to a climax, her father slipped a finger into her pussy while he suckled her clit. She moaned so loud the neighbors would've heard her if they were awake. But once Brad got his finger wet with girl cream from her pussy, he pulled it out and moved it down to her asshole. As he began to slowly push his slippery finger into his daughter's tight channel, her moans grew even louder and throatier.
Brad sucked and lapped his baby girl's clit while slipping his finger in and out of her ass. Her body was rocking and shuddering with pleasure, building up to an explosion of sensation. Through her climax, Maria's ass clenched on her father's finger and a heavy flow of girl cream soaked his lips and chin.
Once her climax subsided, Brad pulled his finger out of his daughter's asshole and moved up to kiss his breathless beauty.
"Oh, Daddy, that was amazing," she sighed, looking at him with adoring eyes.
His cock was right against her pussy, and before he could say another word he started pushing his thick shaft into his baby's snug cunt. Her eyes went wide at the slow, grinding invasion of his cock into her body. He fed her hot pussy every inch of his aching dick, then let out a long, low groan as he sank to his balls. He couldn't believe he was buried to the root in his own daughter, but the moment he looked into her amazed eyes he knew it was right. He could never allow her to belong to anyone else now, and he would never feel right fucking any other pussy but hers.
"Daddy, this feels even better," she cooed.
"I love you so much," he groaned as he began rocking his shaft in and out of her tunnel.
For a while, Brad was able to keep fucking his baby girl at an easy pace, giving her his fat shaft in a steady rhythm. Maria ground back at his thrusting cock with her whole body. Her mountainous tits were rubbing against his skin and his balls were slapping her asshole as he began driving faster and harder.
"Oh god, Daddy, it feels so good to fuck!" she cried. "I love you. I love your cock! I need you to fuck me forever!"
Brad thrust as hard as he could go. He was ramming his cock into the tightest hole he had ever felt before.
"Baby, that pussy feels so good," he groaned, driving into her with the whole weight of his body now. He kept pumping his girl for as long as he could, but after fighting to control the constant hard on she'd been giving him all night it wasn't easy. When her pussy started to squeeze on him during her climax he couldn't hold back anymore.
"Baby girl, Daddy's gotta cum," he snarled.
"Cum inside me, Daddy! Please, do it in my pussy!"
Brad finally lost it. He felt every rushing jet of cum speeding up the length of his cock as it spurt into the hot wetness of his daughter's pussy. He thrust hard and deep until they were both spent.
They held each other and caught their breath as they cuddled naked on the couch. They spent a long time kissing, and Brad finally pulled back and admired his baby girl's beautiful face as she looked at him with so much love in her eyes.
Brad finally stood up and took his precious girl by the hand. He led her upstairs to his room and took her straight to bed where they snuggled their naked bodies together. They spent a long time talking quietly about the way things would be from now on. There were going to be obvious challenges ahead, but they agreed on the idea that they couldn't be the only father and daughter to love each other as man and woman. If other people could make it work then so could they.
Brad was happy to see the smile of contentment on his daughter's pretty lips as she fell asleep with her face on his chest. He held her naked body close to his and it wasn't long before he fell asleep too, knowing that after tonight there could never be anyone else for him.