Chapter 01.2

"He never says much, just comes in and lifts. He is never rude, but is intent on his work-out. He is not there for the social life. You've seen some of the younger girls flirt with him; again he's polite, but clearly uninterested. You've thought he must be getting some good stuff at home."

"Son, stop."

"You like my story? It gets better."

I licked her ear.

"Unfortunately, thinking about him breaks your concentration and you're having trouble with the final repetition, struggling to get the bar back in place. Suddenly it lightens in your hands. He came over to help. He looks into your eyes and then casually scans your body. He shows no embarrassment, he feels entitled to evaluate you. You're flustered, but finally get out a 'thank you.' He takes a moment to respond, 'Glad to help. Can you spot me?' You agree.

"Together you load additional weight and he does his repetitions. You take in his powerful body and note his form is perfect. When he's done he sits up."

Mom's hand was creeping down her body; it was hovering over her sex.

"He says, 'I've noticed you checking me out.' You don't deny it.

"He walks around behind you. His hands trip down the sides of your body. His touch is light, sexy, sensual. You realize that he's going to take you; he is not going to ask. He knows you will let him. He senses its been years since you been fucked by someone who knows how to fuck. Is it the look in your eyes? Is it your scent? Do you give off the pheromones of a bitch dog in heat? Whatever it is, he knows it. He pulls down your shorts, leans you against the bench press, and tells you to spread your legs. You do so."

The sheet over Mom's crotch was rippling up and down. Her hand was working her labia and clitoris

"There is a cruel streak in this young man, however, for he doesn't immediately enter you. Instead he kneels and kisses your ass, ending with a little sharp bites bordering on the painful. His hand finds your sex; a finger sinks into you, coating itself with the evidence of your arousal, and then slides upwards to your clitoris. He finds it swollen, aching with need. Your sharp squeal and wet cunt leaves no doubt as to how much you need him. He stands up and slides his cock across the face of your vagina and the length of your labia. You reach between your legs to grab him and try to stuff him inside you.

"His cock in your hand confirms what you expected, his thing is thick and long."

I stepped outside the story for the moment. "You do like big cocks don't you Mom. Size matters?."

Her body squirming, she answered, "Yes, I like them big," a moment's pause, "or at least I used to."

The sheet was bouncing up and down. She has abandoned any effort to hide the fact that she was masturbating.

"You take a moment to rub your juices into the head of his cock. Then you try to direct him inside you, but he asks, 'Do you want to be fucked?' He wants you to ask and he wants you to be crude. He knows you'll do anything he asks. You offer just a bit of resistance. 'Yes, I want you inside me.'

"'I didn't ask you if you wanted me inside you. I asked you if you wanted to be fucked.'

"You have no choice, the burning need between your legs is in control. 'Yes, I want to be fucked. Fucked hard, fucked raw.' He teases you, 'But I'm a total stranger, you know nothing about me.' You know what he wants to hear. 'Please, please, fuck my horny cunt. That's all I care about, fuck me please.'

"He enters you. The two of you begin. You are not making love. This is nothing gentle between the two of you. This is raw sex between two powerful bodies. He rams you, you slam back. As you look around the gym you can see multiple reflections of the two of you in the mirrors adorning the walls. What you see is two gorgeous hard-bodied people fucking like feral dogs in heat. There is nothing here but crude coarse pleasure.

"You hear a girl and boy's voice. Two high school kids enter. You've seen them around the gym, goofy kids who spend more time making goo-goo eyes at each other and giggling then working out. They are young and in love. They think sex is all sweetness and love. They don't know sex like this. You decide to put on a little show."

Mom was fully absorbed in my story and her cunt. The sheet was buffeted by her hand as she attacked her sex. She was issuing a series of low grunts, "Ummmmm, ummm, ummm."

"You look over your shoulder at the young man fucking you. You say, loud enough to be heard, 'That's the way stud, fuck me hard, fuck me hard, ream out my pussy with your big fat cock.' You want him to play along; you direct his gaze to the two high school kids. He sees them, he understands what you are trying to do, but he doesn't care. There is only one person he cares about, himself. For him, you're just a life support system for a cunt. He's had scores of women before you; he will have scores after you.

"Knowing this, you become even more excited. You realize that your entire being has been reduced to a recipient for a hard cock, and you realize that's exactly what you want. You want the pleasure of being fucked hard by a stranger, you want his rod between your legs. You turned your body into a machine for accepting pleasure, now its time has come. If this young man sees you only as a cunt, then you are a cunt celebrating the hot burning bliss between your legs. You begin to chant, "FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK.'"

Mom's head had rolled back on her pillow, mouth ajar. Her tongue flicked out of her mouth and caressed her lips. Her breathing was rough. Drops of sweat appeared on her forehead. Pushing her hips up against the hand that was working her sex, she joined in the chant, "FUCK FUCK FUCK."

It was time to push her over the edge.

"The young man behind you who has been silent for so long issues a series of incoherent noises. He's getting close, which is perfect since you feel your orgasm closing in. You want this stranger's cum deep inside you. You built this new body for your own pleasure. You built this body so you could have men like him. This man is only the first of those you will share it with. There will be many more loads of jism left inside you. He grabs your hips and pulls you to him, screams, and explodes. That is all you need, as waves of pleasure convulse you, undulate through you."

I again stepped out of the story and addressed my mother directly, "Come Mommy, come Mommy, come Mommy."

She did. She cried out in unabashed abandon; her body shook in sensual rhythms. "Oh baby, I'm cumming!"

While she peaked and settled down I took her in my arms and added an epilogue.

"After the two of you came the young man offered you his phone number. You turned him down, it would never be that good with him again. If you want to fuck him, you know where to find him. In the parking lot you see the two teenagers screwing in the back of what must be one of their parent's SUVs. They're going at it hard; they learned something in the gym. Sex can be sweet, but it can also be vicious and hard. You go over and look, without embarrassment. The girl sees you and motions you to join them.

"Next time, we'll find out whether you did."

I started to get out of bed.

"Where are you going Buster?"

I pointed to my underpants, my rock hard penis evident. "This things needs my attention."

"And start this cycle over again Sorry Buster, you're going to bed with blue balls."

I got back in bed. I figured I'd quit while I was ahead.

* * * *

Over breakfast the next morning Mom presented me with my high school year book.

"Who is the sweetest, least savvy, least experienced, cheerleader?"

I pointed out Janice Edmondson, a cute brunette with a winning smile who was as nice and as naive as she could be. She was so innocent that, as pretty as she was, I don't think anyone even tried to get in her pants. It wouldn't be right.

"And the nastiest?"

"Kim Walker." I pointed to a tall thin black girl.

"Who is the faculty member in charge of the cheerleaders?"

I flipped over a few pages and pointed out Kathryn Lichter.

"Tell me about her."

"She teaches English. In her early thirties. As you can see, she has a dark complexion and tightly curled, almost black, hair. She keeps it short, but not too short. She's one not to hit the gym, but she's a regular jogger. She wears expensive clothes and is meticulous in her appearance. Not exactly pretty, but there is something sexy about her. When you're talking to her you get the feeling she is not quite wholly engaged, like a part of her is judging you. She's more cool and detached than peppy, which has always made her involvement with the cheerleaders a bit odd. However, over the last few years the squad's been rated among the best in the state. She must be doing something right. Word is that she is divorcing her musician husband.

"And why do you want to know?" I added.

"You'll find out."

While watching television that night Mom asked me to sit at the end of the couch, legs spread. She sat between them, her rump butting up against me. She started to move her ass, trying to get me aroused. She was successful, I was soon hard. Dad, sitting feet away, seemed oblivious. When the program ended she stood up.

"I'm going to take a shower. Randy, give me about thirty minutes. And that hard tough piece of meet I put the spicy rub on, make sure it stays hard."

I looked over at Dad. His eyes never left the screen. "Yes, Mom."

Thirty minutes later I went upstairs, put my pyjamas on, and headed to the guest bedroom. My erection was evident. Mom held the sheet open and I slid under. Mom handed me my bottle of baby oil.

"This, I believe, is your lubricant of choice. Put some on."

"How did you, oh never mind. It would be less messy if I pulled the sheet back."

"No way Buster."

"Do you and your football buddies have an after-hours way into the gym?"

"Yes," I answered. Copies of the key had been floating around among the athletes for years.

"Close your eyes."

"It's early Sunday morning, about 7:00 A.M. You had trouble sleeping and decide to make a quick run to the gym to pick up something you left behind after Friday's game. You hear a voice in the women's locker room and, curiosity getting the better of you, decide to investigate. You sneak in and see Ms. Lichter. It's bizarre, she appears to be wearing her college cheerleading outfit. She's yelling at someone.

"'Your awful, you want to be team captain? Your lucky to still be on the team. Do it again.'

"You see sweet little Janice, wearing black stiletto heels, thigh high black stockings, a shelf bra, and a belt. Hanging off the belt are two devices, one is in her vagina and the other is in her butt. There is a gym bag on the floor next to her. You see an empty office overlooking the locker room, its windows covered by blinds. From there you can safely spy on Ms. Lichter and Janice. You duck in the office and study the scene. There are metal clips on Janice's nipple. The look on her face is some sort of combination of lust and pain. She looks exhausted.

"Ms. Lichter walks over to her and smacks her breasts. Janice flinches. 'Slut, do a triple cart wheel.' She actually makes it through one, but can't balance herself on the heels and hits the concrete floor hard.

"You look over at Ms. Lichter and notice how aroused she is. Her eyes are sinks of depraved lust and she, almost absent mindedly, fondles her breasts. It strikes you how useful a memorial of this event could be. You start recording it on your Iphone.

"Ms. Lichter walks over to Janice's prone body carrying a remote control. 'The only thing your good for is cumming, isn't it?'

"'Yes, Ma'am.'

"The locker room door opens and Kim walks up to Ms. Lichter. They exchange a long deep kiss. Looking down at Janice, Kim asks, 'How is our slut doing?'

"'A disaster as usual.' She hands Kim what appears to be a controller. 'Do you want to do the honors?' Kim starts to manipulate the box and Janice starts writhing on the floor. The device is some kind of battery-powered sex toy.

"Ms. Lichter looks down, 'Are your pussy and asshole heating up?'

"'Yes Ma'am.'

"For the next several minutes Ms. Lichter watches Janice, who is moaning on the floor. "'Ma'am, may I touch myself,' she asks.

"'Yes, pumpkin.'

"Janice reaches between her legs and rotates the dildo in her pussy. At the same time she is pushing her ass against the floor, jamming whatever is in her ass deeper inside. She starts chanting, 'I love you Ma'am, I love you Ma'am."

I had not started jacking off in earnest yet, but was now.

"'Are you ready, pumpkin.'

"Janice answers, in a strained voice, "Yes Ma'am.'

"Ms. Lichter lifts her cheerleading skirt and straddles Janice. She is wearing nothing underneath and her pussy has been trimmed of all hair. She starts pissing.

"'Time to cum, pumpkin.'

"As she is cascaded by the golden liquid, Janice is struck by an intense long-lasting orgasm, her body writhing on the floor. At the same time you can see her mouth open, trying to gobble down the urine, her tongue sliding across her cheeks and chin searching for drops she might have missed. Despite Janice's desperate efforts most of it gathers in her hair or spills off her tits.

"Kim turns off the remote control and Janice's convulsions finally stop. Breathing heavily, she lies contentedly in a puddle of Ms. Lichter's urine.

"'Pumpkin, my snatch is all messy. Gargle and then clean it off. After that eat Kim.'

"Janice reaches into the gym bag and pulls out a bottle of mouth wash. She came prepared for her own degradation. She gets on her knees and starts licking Ms. Lichter's pussy. After she cleans off all the urine she turns her attention to Kim, who has pulled up her skirt and is like Ms. Lichter, panty-less. As Janice focuses her attention on Kim's crotch, Ms. Lichter says to no one in particular, 'A sex slave is such a wonderful thing.'

"You can't resist the opening. You emerge from the office holding up the recording. 'Three is even better.'

"You look at Kim, who is recoiling, her face a mixture of shock and horror. Janice, in a tribute to those who trained her, continues servicing Kim's cunt. Ms. Lichter never loses her composure. She's been down this road before. She cooly holds your stare and then, her voice still husky and sexy, asks, 'What do you want?'

""Access to you and Kim whenever I want it. You shall also instruct Janice that I am, like you, her master.'

"'How do I know you will keep this a secret?'

"Ms. Lichter thinks about it for a few seconds and replies, 'Done, until at least I can counter-black mail you.'


"'I know your one of our students, but I don't know your name.'

"'Randy Nicholas.'

"She turned to Kim. "You'll fuck Randy whenever he wants you to.'

"You expect some resistance, but there is none. Lichter is in full control of her girls. "Yes, Ms. Lichter.' she says.

"Ms. Lichter then lifts Janice's head up. 'Pumpkin, you know Randy Nicholas here, don't you.'

"'Yes Ma'am.'

"'From now on he is going to be your master, just as I am.'

"'Yes Ma'am.' Her face returns to Kim's crotch.

"You watch for a few moments and then kneel behind Janice. You prepare to enter her from behind. When Janice senses your intent she lifts her ass, offering you her cunt.

"Ms. Lichter looks straight at you. 'You'll find her incredibly responsive and an excellent fuck.'

"You enter Janice is one smooth motion. Her pussy is a velvet vise. She is warm and soft and wet and she responds with enthusiasm, almost gratefully sliding her pussy around your cock. You can feel her body start to hum; it loves you inside. At the same time she is licking the length of Kim's slit, pausing at the top to pay special attention to her clitoris. Kim is starting to buck into Janice's mouth. She is also staring at Janice's ass and your hips, craning to catch a glimpse of your cock violating Janice's most private place."

By hand was flashing up and down my tool.

"Janice inserts one finger in Kim and instantly locates the g-spot. Kim's eyes grow wide as Janice starts to rub it.

"You look over at Ms. Lichter whose mouth is open, her tongue sliding across her lips, staring at the scene before her. You can figure a better use for that tongue. 'Ms. Lichter,' you tell her, 'suck Kim's tits.' She leans to her right and takes Kim's breast into her mouth. Kim had been holding Janice's head tight to her pussy with both hands. Now moaning, 'So good, so good, eat me....,' she shifts one hand to Ms. Lichter's head, holding her face to the breast. Then Kim looks straight at you as her orgasm hits. She lets out a groan that originates deep in her gut, shakes, and starts to slump backwards off the bench until Ms. Lichter steadies her.

"While Kim is squirting and Janice trying to drink it all, in, Janice keeps pushing back against you as you pound her pussy. You are trying not to cum, but don't know how much longer you can last. Janice's entire body is shaking, you can't understand why she hasn't exploded. Ms. Lichter, understanding your dilemma, explains. 'Randy, she requires permission, let her know it's okay.'

"'Cum toy,'" you instruct her, and she does, flopping on the floor before you like a fish out of water.

"You stand up and sit on the bench next to Ms. Lichter, motioning her to the floor. She understands. She takes your erection in her hands and lowers her mouth to it. She focuses on the head of your cock, placing her lips just beyond its head and sucking while swirling her tongue around the crown, occasionally stopping to probe your piss hole, almost as if she wants to see if she can force her tongue inside. You consider jamming it deep into her mouth, but the better part of you knows it's best to reach an accommodation with this woman, not force yourself on her.

"Your level of excitement is already so high that you are soon on the brink of an orgasm. Janice is on her knees, her face inches from the action, watching. She is fascinated. She has never seen her mistress suck a cock before, that has always been her responsibility. You tell Kim to kneel next to Janice. You place your hands on the sides of Ms. Lichter's head, lifting her mouth from your cock and with a sideward glance at Kim and Janice, instruct her to jerk you off. She starts fisting you."

By this point I was nearing my own orgasm. My hand was flying up and down the length of my throughly lubricated dick. I was trying my best to hold back, wanting to come in time with Mom's story. I reached under the sheet with my other hand to massage my testicles.

"You look at Kim and Janice. They know what's coming. They want your cum on their faces. Their blatant need is pushing you over the edge."

I broke in, "Uhhh, unnn, so close Mom, so good, keep going."

"With her free hand Ms. Lichter starts to coddle your balls and you cum, spraying your seed on Kim and Janice. Your cum is on their eyelids, dripping from their noses, sitting on their lips. They lick each other's faces, trying to capture all your cum until Ms. Lichter tells them to stop. She pulls both girls faces to her mouth; she wants her share."

I can wait no longer, "COMMING MOM, FUCK, AHHHHHHH...."

My hand fell limp from my cock while I caught deep mouthfuls of air to fill my heaving chest.

Mom started masturbating. I was certainly going to take advantage of this.

"Are your fingers making you feel good?"

Her voice hurried, she said, "Yes, please don't ask me to stop."

"Don't worry Mom, I won't. I want you to imagine you come home one day. You were supposed to be in a hundred mile bicycle fund-raiser, but it was canceled at the last second. Let's say, bad weather. The house appears empty but there are glasses on tables and signs people have been there. You yell out and hear a reply in an unfamiliar voice from the master bedroom. A year ago you might have fled the house, but this is the new you: powerful, aggressive and self-confident. You walk into the bedroom and see Janice tied spreadeagled, face-up, naked on the bed.

"'Who might you be?' you ask.

"'Janice Edmonton.'

"'And Janice Edmonton, why are you tied to the bed?"

"'Because I am a sex-toy, a fuck-toy.'

"'Whose fuck-toy are you?'

"'My mistress and master.'

"'And their name are?'

"'I'm not allowed to say.'

"'Have you been fucking on this bed?'

"'Yes, I've been fucking and sucking.'

"'Where are the people you've been fucking and sucking with?'

"'They left about an hour ago. They didn't tell me where they were going. They said they would be,' she looks at the clock on the table next to the bed, 'back in about two hours.'

"'Do they do this to you often?'

"'Yes, they know how horny I get when they tie me up and leave. They like it when I get all worked up.'

"'Are you horny now?'

"You didn't really need to ask the question. A glance at her swollen labia, erect nipples, and damp vagina provide the answer. Looking at this beautiful young girl tied to your bed, her sexual depravity magnified by the innocence and sweetness of her manner, is turning you on.

"'I'm very horny.'

"You start to remove your clothes. The girl's eyes study your body, lingering hungrily on your sexy powerful body. She absent-mindedly licks her lips and you can see the flow from her pussy increasing.

Mom was lying next me. I could see the motion of her hand rapidly moving against her sex. buffeting the blanket covering her body.

I said, "Do you like my nighty-night story, Mom? Do you want me to continue?"

"Yes, you bastard."

"You drop your clothes to the floor. Janice looks at you. 'Are you Randy's Mommy?'


"'He told us you were hot and sexy. He was right. I love what you've done to your pussy.'

I interrupted the story for a second. "I guess I forget to mention that you trimmed your pubic hair into a neat rectangle.

Back to the story: "You walk over to the bed and, toying with her nipples, ask, 'Fuck toy Janice, what are your instructions today? Who are you supposed to fuck and suck with?'

"'Whoever comes over.'

"'That would include me then, wouldn't it.'

"'Yes Randy's Mommy.'

"You climb on the bed and straddle Janie's face, facing her feet, and lower your sex. She blows a stream of air against you, sending shivers up your back. You stop, deciding to savor this treatment. When you feel your juice dipping onto her face, you drop down again to smother her with your sex. As you do so you feel her shift. She starts nibbling your butt. Janice is a well-trained sex toy. She must have leaned her head way back, so you rock slightly forward to give her easier access. Her tongue starts rimming your asshole. She tries to force it inside, but the angle is wrong and she cannot do so. You lean a little further back and are rewarded with her tongue forcing itself into your butt.

"After taking the time to enjoy what she is doing, you center your sex above her face. She doesn't immediately focus on your vagina or clitoris, but instead licks along the length of your labia, skipping your clitoris, to pay attention to the sensitive area above it. You are squirming and moaning. You want more and you want it now.

"You set your vagina directly on her mouth. 'Tongue fuck me.'

"Janice does as she is told. As she alternates among pistoning her tongue inside you, exploring your snatch's interior, and licking the face of your vagina, you marvel at her endurance. She goes on and on; any man would have by now been whining about his tongue being worn out, but Janice keeps going, hungrily exploring your cunt. Whoever trained this little bitch has done a marvelous job. You decide to play with her.

"You lift yourself up. You hear Janice moan. You look at the mirror and see her straining her neck, her tongue fully extended, trying to reach you. You look at her cunt. It's inflamed and coated with a lush flow of her juices.

"You consider torturing her longer, but your need to have your pussy eaten is stronger. This time you sit hard on her face. You know she must have trouble breathing, which turns you on. You wonder if you could actually smother her with your pussy. But her tongue and lips are frantically pleasuring your sex. If you did that she couldn't finish the job, which is what you really need."

By this time Mom was approaching her own orgasm. Her head had rolled back on her pillow, her mouth partially open, her tongue moving across her lips, her eyes unfocussed and eyelids droopy. In contrast, her hands were moving quickly under the sheet accompanied by a series of low moans, "Ahh,... ahh, ... ahh,... ahh...."

I stepped out of the story for a moment to involve Mom directly in it.

"Mom, are you ready for Janice to lick your clittie."


"You decide not to smother Janice. You may even want to talk to her owners about borrowing her. Instead you repeatedly slide your vagina, labia, and clit hard across her face, basking in the pressure of her flattened nose and still active mouth and tongue on your sex. Finally you lift slightly and Janice, sensing your need, focuses on your clitoris, sucking it into her mouth while lapping it with tongue, greedily bathing it in her juicy mouth. You look in the bedroom mirror. You have never seen anything so erotic in your life; your perfect new body, which you have honed to perfection, straddling a sweet high school girl, tied to the bed, eating your pussy. Waves of pleasure stream through your body. You are fucking majestic, a Valkyrie, a sexual predator....

Mom's hips jerked up in the air as she exploded next to me, her head jerked, her voice strained. "Goddamn, coming, fuck, shitttttt.......''

I held her as she came, relaxed, and gradually returned to the normal. Then I started kissing her while running my hands over her body, touching her sensuously but avoiding her breasts and privates. Our lips played against each other, then I started caressing hers with my tongue. She responded. Finally, I tried to slip my tongue into her mouth, but she wouldn't let me. I broke the kiss.

She put her head on my shoulder while wrapping her arm across my chest. "I'm not sure I'm ready for that yet."

We lay together awhile longer when Mom asked, "Are you comfortable with what is happening with us?"

I took a second. I needed to treat this seriously. I also had to re-frame the inquiry, make it about her and not about us.

I kissed the top of her head. "Yes, I do. I like the smart, sexy, strong woman in bed with me. I've loved watching you over the last months, seeing you take control of your life and body. You're the most exciting woman I know. But the real question is not whether I'm happy with the changes, it's whether you are. I love my new Mom, this powerful assertive Mom. How do you feel about her?"

"Wonderful. It's as if I'm being reborn."

"Then let that woman do what feels right to her. Make your own rules."
Next page: Chapter 02
Previous page: Chapter 01.1