Chapter 02

At work the next day the boss said his wife's mother had taken ill and they were leaving town that night. He'd be back at the and of next week. Until then, we were off.

When I got home I suggested to Mom that we take advantage of the opportunity and see if we could use Grandad's townhouse at the beach. She said things at work were slow. She didn't expect a problem if she asked for a few days off.

She was also thinking along the same lines I was. "What if your Dad wants to go?"

"The annual convention with the suppliers is the week after next. I bet Grandad's got him working late every day preparing. Why don't you call Grandad to see if we can use the townhouse?"

"Not so fast Buster. If you're going to be the family member to stand up to Grandad, you can't have me asking favors for you. You'll have to talk to him yourself."

That evening I went to Grandad's and asked about the townhouse. He simply handed me the keys. "Your Mom looks great. I haven't seen her this happy in years. You guys have fun." He added, almost wistfully, "Your Mom deserves better than she's gotten."

I broached the subject of Dad. "I also figured that with the convention coming, you'll need Dad to stay here."

I had tried to pass this off as a casual inquiry, but he thought about it, rolling it around in his head. Finally he said, "You're right. Tell your Dad he's staying here." Grandad and I talked for several more hours. I actually enjoyed myself. By the time I got home the house was dark.

The next morning I gave Mom the good news. We decided to hit the gym, I'd let Dad know when we got back, and leave. At the gym Mom got more good news; she was within one and one-half pounds of her target weight. When we got home I sat down with Dad.

"Morning champ. Why aren't you at work?"

"The boss had a family emergency and had to leave town. He gave us a few days off. Mom and I decided to take advantage of it. I spent the evening with Grandad last night, we had a few beers. He's going to let Mom and I use the townhouse for a few days. He wants you to stay here and get ready for the convention."

"Why didn't he tell me himself?"

"Don't know, he asked me to. If it's a problem you'll have to take it up with him."

I could see Dad simmer. What was it? That I was chumming it up with a man who frightened him, that his son was delivering orders to him, or that any dare to stand up to his father was an assault on his manhood?

When Mom appeared Dad complained about being left out. Mom's retort was instantaneous and sharp. "I've busted my ass to get back in shape. I don't need your permission to go to the beach to show off the new bod for a few days with the man who, unlike you, has done so much to bring it about."

She approached me, well into my personal space, and ran a hand across my chest. "You can be confident this stud will take very good care of me."

I didn't expect Mom to be this physical or flirtatious. She was taunting Dad. Well, why not go with the flow. I moved behind Mom and raised her arms as if she was lifting weights, bumping her butt with my considerable erection. "With these looks you can see why she needs protection, but I suspect she can protect herself." I wrapped my arms around her torso. "She does look great, doesn't she Dad?"

Dad looked at me, trying to find the right words, and finally settled on, "Yeah, your Mom's very pretty."

"Oh, c'mon Dad, you can do better than that. How about, sexy as hell."

Dad looked at Mom, hoping she would correct me. When nothing happened, he said, "I guess I've got to get to work. You two have fun." He shuffled out.

Mom turned towards me, pointing at my penis. "You got control of that thing?"

"Not when hot women are rubbing my chest."

"Well, I had told myself I wouldn't buy new clothes until I hit the target, but if I am going to go to the beach to show off I'll need a few items. I also texted my hair stylist, I need a fresh haircut. I should be back in about three hours to pack. Get ready to go."

I took about ten minutes to pack and called my friend Jim to see if he wanted to shoot some hoops. Mom and I headed out the door at the same time. I asked her to text me when she got back.

"You don't think I can get back in three hours?'

"Uh, no."

"We'll see."

I was right, I heard from her six hours later. However, the wait was worth it. She looked great. Her hair was cut so that it fell a few inches below her shoulders. It had an unkempt, wild look. She was wearing tight jeans and a tank top without a bra. After an hour of packing she was ready to go.

We got to the beach about six. After we unloaded the car Mom suggested we go for a run. She disappeared into the bedroom and returned, dressed in some of the new wardrobe: an aqua sports bra and pair of tiny red shorts. She looked good.

We did six miles. When we returned Mom asked me to start preparing dinner while she showered. I had just finished chopping up the fruit and vegetables when she re-emerged. She was wearing no make-up and combing her hair back. For clothes she had on one of my tee shirts and, from the way it clung to her damp body, nothing else. The tee shirt hung half-way to her knees.

"Your turn, Buster. And be quick about it."

When I got out of the shower I put on shorts only. Two could play this no underwear game. When I got to the kitchen I could see the fixings for salad dressing but no Mom.

"Out here, on the porch."

Mom was sitting in the two person hammock on the private porch overlooking the water. She had a bowl of salad in her hands. The other bowl was on a nearby table. I grabbed the food and joined her on the hammock.

Mom looked at me, her eyes and smile approving. "You've grown into quite the man."

"Thank you. And you are quite the sexy lady."

"Hmmmm, about that, there are a few things I want you to know, things mothers don't usually share with their sons.

"Most of my junior and my senior year in high school I dated Harold. Very sweet, kinda shy, smart, polite. Mothers loved him. He was on the chess team. At the time I had the build you saw in the pictures Dad brought home. I was on the gymnastics team; I was slender, flat-chested, flexible, and strong. Guys on the team hit on me and I knew some of the girls slept with some of the boys, but I was loyal to Harold.

"Harold was inexperienced and not aggressive. The farthest he ever got was second base and I had to plop his hand on my breast to get him there. I was frustrated and I know it sounds hackneyed, but I was determined to lose my virginity on my prom night. I bought the sexiest dress my mother would allow and I did look fine.

"Unfortunately, someone poured alcohol into the punch and Harold, who never drank, was out cold by 10:00 P.M.

"I was not ready to go home. Three of the guys and three of the girls on the gymnastics team had come as a group and I started dancing with them. After awhile the team captain offered to drive me and my slumbering boyfriend home. I knew exactly what that meant. We dropped Harold off at his house and drove to a secluded spot where I did it the first time.

"Turned out I loved sex. I had a few more dates with Harold, but that summer was mostly devoted to getting laid. With my addition the group that had gone to the prom had three guys and four gals and pretty much open rights to each others' bodies. It was a wild summer.

"I expanded my horizons at college. Away from home I found I enjoyed not only fucking, but playing the slut. I liked men's eyes on me. Around the campus I made no effort to hide my body and never played hard to get. I slept with a variety of guys, including a professor. Sometimes I'd dress provocatively, including wearing a pair of falsies, and hit the bars of the upscale hotels looking for attractive businessmen in town with expense accounts. I was also doing it with several members of my gymnastics team. I even tried a sorority mate.

"Then I want to the event at your Grandad's dealership. Your Dad was older than I, had a good job, was unfailingly polite, and at the time was not a bad looking guy. He also had some semblance of a backbone. He asked me out, we fucked – I may have been his first – and I ended up pregnant. He was not my only lover, but he was the only one who asked me to marry him. It was not exactly the life I wanted, but still it looked like a pretty good life and I accepted. Unfortunately, over the years he's lost most of his spirit. I was following right behind him until our sudden turn of events."

By this time we had finished our meals. She took my bowl from me and put it with hers on the table.

We lay down in the hammock. She looked out at the ocean awhile, lost in thought. It was the kind of silence that feels like it has weight. It was also the kind of silence that it is up to the other person to break.

Finally she did. "You need to let me decide how far and how fast. Agreed?"


I slipped an arm under her head, wrapping it down the side of her body. After awhile Mom laid her leg over mine.

"I like it when you hold me."

We lay like that for what seemed half an hour and then Mom shifted, picking her head up and kissed me, carefully and tentatively She pecked the center of my mouth, then each corner. I kissed her forehead. She gave me as incandescent a smile as I've seen and offered me her lips. I gave her a peck, as she had done with me. This time, however, her lips responded, caressing my own. We spent the next minutes kissing, exploring the contours of each other's lips and mouths. Finally, I felt her mouth open and accept my tongue inside. For awhile I was cautious, simply playing with her tongue.

When we broke the kiss she gave a long contented sigh and snuggled against me, her hand resting on my thigh, "You're a good kisser."

"Hard not to be with you to inspire me."

Again she lifted herself up and turned towards me. Her strong hand was on my chest, moving up and down, rubbing me.

"Randy, I think you're an absolutely beautiful young man."

We started kissing again, at first slowly, but soon we were like two frantic high school students, our lips and tongues searching everywhere, whispering sweet words of affection and low moans of desire, our hands clawing each other, our bodies shaking with need. My dick was throbbing. I was already fucking her in my mind. Then Mom suddenly called a stop to it.

"I think that's enough for tonight."

She lay back down next to me. My fucking cock ached. I decided, barely, not to proclaim the need for another shower so I could jack off. Instead I wrapped my arms around her. Eventually the warm breeze from the ocean and the swaying of the hammock had their effect and we both fell asleep.

About an hour later we were awakened by a car horn in the parking lot. Mom slid off the hammock, grabbed the dirty dishes, and headed for the kitchen. I followed, staring at her ass, imagining leaning her over the kitchen counter, pulling up the tee shirt, and taking her from behind. Instead, I dried the dishes after she washed them. When we were done she stretched and said, "If we are going to hit the gym first thing in the morning, we better get to bed."

"Good, I've been thinking of some new night-time stories."

Mom put her arms around my neck, clasped her arms behind my head, kissed me, and leaned her head back to look me in the eyes.

"I thought we agreed, I would decide how far and how fast."

What I thought was, "Yeah, but I thought that meant tonight." What I said was, "We did."

She kissed me again and patted my erection, twice.

"Tell that bad boy that tonight was like a first date. He's supposed to go to bed frustrated."

She held my hand as we walked down the hall and reached the master bedroom. "Tonight your Mom sleeps in here." She pointed down the hall, "You get one of those."

I closed the door, got into bed, and brought myself off with sweet thoughts of Mom dancing in my head.
* * * *​

The next morning I was greeted by my Mom's drill sergeant voice and smiling face. A glance at the clock confirmed what I suspected, it was 6:00 A.M.

"Mom, we're on vacation."

"Time to hit the gym."

When we got to the gym she took my hand in hers as we walked across the parking lot. We spent two hours working out and in a place where no one knew us we took on the roles of boyfriend and girlfriend: taking occasional breaks to check on the other, standing close to and touching each other, making frequent eye contact, laughing and flirting.

When we got back to the townhouse we decided to lay out in the sun on the porch. I donned a pair of swim trunks; she disappeared into the bedroom and emerged about twenty-five minutes later with hair combed, make up applied, hoop earrings, and a string bikini with a thong. She was carrying a small satchel from which she fished sun tan lotion. We covered our fronts, I quickly, she taking her time, particularly enjoying rubbing it into the skin around her breasts and groin, putting on a show for my benefit.

She then lay down. "Do my back."

I straddled Mom's calves, applying the lotion first to her feet and then moving up. "Mmmmmmmmm....," feels good," she said.

By this time I had plenty of experience rubbing her back and legs and knew what she liked. What I was giving her was mostly a massage, but I was getting no complaints. When I got to her upper thighs I attacked them with enough force to ensure she felt the reverberations in her pussy. I was within a finger length of her box. I thought about slipping a finger inside her, but stopped. She exhaled. Was that disappointment?

I liberally squeezed the lotion on to her all but naked ass. I worked it into her firm majestic butt and then down her sides, slipping a finger to apply a final coat along her hips facing the ground. Her breathing was becoming deeper, heavier.

I moved up to her back. The red bikini top was tied in a bow in the back. I untied it.

Her voice, husky, "Make sure you retie it when you're done."

I undid the string, and lay the ends on the ground next to her. I worked her back, neck, and shoulders. She murmured her appreciation. Then I moved to her sides, running my hands along the sides of her breasts. Then I saw it. While the movement was small, almost imperceptible, she was rocking her hips, pressing her pussy against the floor. My hands were within inches of her breasts. Reluctantly, I refrained

I ran a finger down her spine.

"Did I miss a spot?"

"No Buster."

I retied the bikini top and laid down.

"My turn."

She squirted lotion on her hands and did my back and then my feet and calves. Unlike me, she seemed hurried, impatient. It was far from the sensual application I had bestowed on her. I started to wonder if I had done something wrong. However, when she reached my thighs, she slowed. Her hands became insistent; she worked the muscles deeply. I could feel the strength of her hand and arms. Then her hands moved up, into the leg of my swim trunks, onto my ass. She raked ten strong fingers across my ass. My cock was a piece of iron.

Then, "You win. Roll over Buster, let's massage what you really want. Let me see the bad boy you've been torturing me with."

I rolled over and she pulled my swim trunks down.

She took my hard cock in her hands, studying it. "You certainly didn't inherit this slab of meat from your father."

Never taking her hand off my erection, she kissed my mouth, exploring it from my lips to its deepest recesses. I responded, but let her take the lead.

After awhile she lay her head on my shoulder while continuing to play with my hard cock. She wasn't trying to bring me off. She seemed more interested in just exploring, trailing a finger from the head to the testicles to test its length, wrapping her hand around it to determine its girth, squeezing it to see how hard it was, and then taking each testicle in her hand, judging their size and weight. Part of me wanted to beg her to jerk me off, but another part was simply enjoying this slow tentative journey around my penis.

After awhile she turned towards me and got up on elbow, and looked down at me. "God, I love your body." She kissed and licked my belly button, chest, and nipples. When she reached my mouth she re-explored it. Her hand continued to rove, gently, around my chest and cock, acquainting herself with its shaft, head, testicles, and the sensitive skin of my inner thighs.

You can imagine my state of arousal and lack of any objection when she whispered, "Ready to go, Buster?"


She reached into the satchel and retrieved some baby oil. After spreading it on her hand, she firmly grabbed my cock.

"I always liked them big."

She held it right below the head and moved her hand up and down, determining how far she could stretch the skin. Then she started jerking me off, beginning with slow, long strokes, monitoring my reaction as she intensified the process. Her free hand found my testicles. Then she started talking.

"What a nasty little slut am I, frigging my own son's big cock. That's what you want, isn't it, a slut Mommie. I can see the way you look at me, you like this new hard body. Tell me the truth, you want to turn me into your personal slut, your personal whore, don't you Buster. You want me there to fuck whenever you want. You want a live-in always-horny personal slut, don't you?"

Her earlier patient exploration of my shaft already had me at a high state of arousal and her dirty talk was getting to me. A few months back this had been my sweet, rather dull Mom.

"I love your big hard cock. I think about having it in my pussy. Are you ready to fuck your own Mommy. Are you ready to be a motherfucker? Do you imagine your Mom riding this fucking tent pole, is that what you want?"

My cock was getting even harder as more and more blood rushed into it. And then, as my mother continued to taunt me, I felt the cum, which had reached the boiling point in my testicles, start to surge. Mom went on.

"Is this why you worked me so hard this summer? You wanted a hard-bodied Mom you could fuck whenever you wanted? An in-house fuck machine? Someone who wouldn't settle for anyone but a stud like you? Are you sure you're man enough to please me? Are you ready to fuck all day long?"

"FUCK YES," I screamed, spraying cum across my chest.

I lay gasping for air while Mom used a finger to transfer droplets of my jism from my chest to her mouth. "You shoot a bigger load than your Dad. Tastes better too."

After letting me catch my breath, Mom said, "Well, now I know why you've been so supportive this summer. I have your confession."

"You can't be so sure, men will confess to anything while getting a good hand job."

"A good hand job?"

"Okay, a great hand job."
* * * *​

We lay outside for an hour, our bodies touching, holding hands. Finally Mom stood and offered her hand to help me up.

"Let's take a shower to wash off this lotion."

We walked to the bathroom. I pulled my trunks off. She stepped out of her bikini bottom and turned her back to me. I untied the top and it fell to the floor. She turned to me.

"So, what do you think?"

I took my time admiring her body. She was curvy and strong. Her ass was amazing, round and firm and already showing a preternatural power to defy gravity. She studied me with the same attention to detail.

"You like what you see?"

"Very much."

"How about my boobs?"

Mom had never been well endowed, and the loss of body fat had resulted in shrinkage up there. I had never really been a tit man, or more accurately, I liked all boobs regardless of size. Mom's were just fine.

"They're great."

"When I was in my early twenties I was slight, my small boobs fit my build. I'm much curvier now. Do you think they should be bigger?"

"Mom, they're great. You're the last woman on earth to have body image issues. Your frickin' gorgeous."

"Thanks Buster. You're mighty fine yourself. Her gaze settled on my penis. Let's get in the shower."

One advantage of town homes is that they have very big hot water heaters. Mom and I lingered in the shower. I washed her hair and thoroughly lathered every inch of her spectacular body. Her boobs might be small, but her low gentle mewls as I gave them an comprehensive cleaning showed they were mighty sensitive. I got on my knees to clean her legs, moving up to her butt and sex. Mom, her hands grabbing the top of the shower door, was soon rocking her hips in rhythm with the scrubbing I was giving her ass and vagina. Still, respecting her desire to set the pace, I advanced no further.

I didn't have long to wait.

"Use your fingers on me."

I stood up, slipping a pinkie in her rectum and another finger in her vagina. Her cunt gripped my finger. She leaned against me and her breathing deepened and slowed.

"Oh my fucking God, that's... ohhh... that's so good..."

I tipped her head back and kissed her, my tongue spearing into her mouth. We continued to kiss, hard and deep, as I worked her with my fingers. Finally, she broke the kiss and pressed her head against my chest, moaning deeply.

"Grab my ass hard. With both hands."

As I did she centered her sex on my thigh and started sliding it up and down. I put a hand on each ass cheek and pulling her tightly against my leg.

"Put a finger in my asshole."

Who was I to argue? I did.

"Move it around."

I started sliding it in and out and circling it around within her. Her asshole was incredibly tight. I could feel her muscles trying to push the invader out. All the time she slid her cunt up and down my leg.

"Feels so good baby, feels so good. Mommy's going to come on your leg. Fuck fuck, oh yeahhhhhhhh! I'm coming, AAAAIIIEEEEH."

I held her, supporting her through and after the orgasm while the water cascaded off our bodies.
* * * *​

Over the next three days we got in two work-outs a days and most evenings enjoyed a long run. While still limited to mutual masturbation, we brought each other off several times a day. Mom loved showing off. She brought attention to herself with an assortment of elaborate sunglasses and long dangling earrings. Her clothes unabashedly displayed her new body. She wore fuck-me-now shoes which jacked up her fine ass and lengthened her magnificent legs. We spent one afternoon roller-blading, she in a bikini that distracted more than a few men. Mom could also be crazy kinky. One night we hit the dance floor, she in a gold dress so short and tight that it left nothing to the imagination. After two hours of dancing she dragged me out to car where we jerked each other off. People wandered by the car. Some even openly enjoyed our show; that turned her on even more.

She loved hanging all over me. In turn, I always had a hand on her. She enjoyed it when I found an excuse to brush against her ass or tits. She had that look, like she could fuck you all night and then want to fuck some more.
* * * *​

One of my favorite moments of the trip was sitting on a blanket with her listening to music at an outdoor concert. Mom was wearing a red and white striped one piece dress that fell to her ankles, but featured a thigh high slit. She also wore four inch red pumps, red nail polish, red sunglasses, long dangling earrings which ended in large circles, and was carrying a bag that matched her dress. As I said, she liked to draw attention to herself.

I was sitting with my back against a tree. Mom was between my legs, her hands on my thighs, leaning against me. I was wearing a pair of loose shorts. After Mom finished an ice cream cone bought from a passing vendor, she shifted her position. I felt her hand crawl up my pants leg and start stroking my cock. I looked around in panic. No one was staring. I looked down; Mom's body and long flowing dress probably obscured what was happening.

Mom noticed my concern.

"Afraid someone will see what your nasty Mom is doing?" she asked.

"A bit."

"Don't worry, they'll be looking at this."

With that she put her right leg in the position of an inverted "V," entirely outside the slit. The leg, and it was a magnificent leg, was exposed halfway up her hip. Any man looking this way would be straining to catch a peek at her pubes. At the same time she pulled her hand out of my shorts and reached inside her bag. She coated her hand with baby oil.

"Unbutton your shorts."

Against all sane impulses, I did.

She reached behind herself and down my shorts, took the head of my cock in her hand, and started a series of twisting movements around the head. To a causal observer the movement would be imperceptible. I accepted the inevitable, relaxed, and savored what she was doing.

At first she held the head of my cock in place, swiveling four fingers around it. Eventually she slipped her thumb to the underside, finding the most sensitive area directly below the head. I found myself moving my hips in a humping motion. I looked around. Our movements were slight and with the sky darkening it was unlikely anyone who did not already know what was going on could figure it out. I closed my eyes, intent on focusing only on the horny bitch my mother was becoming and the incredible sensations her hand was bringing me.

Mom felt my body relax; she had me where she wanted me.

"This is what you want, isn't it honey? To turn your Mom into a brazen slut with no boundaries."

Mom started to turn up the heat.

"Son, you have the most delightful cock. I love this big pole. Mommy's become such a bad little filly, all she can think about is playing with your fat dick. Is Mommy becoming the kind of horny slut you want?"

She was increasing the pace . My breath was coming in short hard bursts. My hands were tightly clenched fists pushing against the ground.

"Buster, if you come in your shorts I promise to suck the dried cum from them later."

The band finished a song and the crowd burst into applause. Thank god. I grunted hard and blew my load into my shorts. Mom withdrew her hand, licked the cum from her fingers, and joined the crowd applauding the musicians. I did the same.
* * * *​

On the morning of our fourth day and final full day at the beach Mom announced the good news: she had reached her weight goal. After we got back from the gym she asked if I recalled what had started our affair.

"Sure, the night that Dad made a joke about your weight, you came upstairs. You were upset. I rubbed your back."'

"Right, Buster. I want a celebratory back rub right now."

She stripped and lay on the bed. I noticed something in her ass.

"Mom, what's that?"

"It's a butt plug. I forgot it was there. Take it out, gently. Haven't you seen one before?"

"Actually, no. I've heard of them, but I've never seen one."

I pulled it from her butt. It was blue, about 2 ½ inches long, and flared.

"My anus is very sensitive. I slipped it inside before we got on the treadmill. It feels great and the distraction doesn't hurt when I did the speed work. Now, my back rub."

Mom had wanted me to see it and to remember the comment about her sensitive butt. But, still, I didn't want to rush things, they were moving along just fine. I put the butt plug down and commenced the massage. I spent about fifty minutes on her back and neck, arms, and legs, drawing appreciative soft moans.

It was time to follow-up on her comments about her butt. After five minutes of straight massage on her backside, I pulled her ass cheeks apart and ran my tongue up their length.

She squirmed. "Mmmm, feels good. You like my butt, don't you baby. I know you love looking at it. It turns me on when your eyes wander down there."

"Mom, your tush is fucking amazing."

I returned to my oral attentions, eventually focusing on the brown anal bud. I licked its surface and tried to force my tongue inside, but it was simply too tight and muscular. I further spread her ass cheeks and had some success. Mom sighed as I tickled just inside her anus with my tongue. It started to wink open and shut, allowing me to push in further.

I could smell the flow of oily juice from her pussy. I slipped a finger into her pussy and transferred the juice to her labia in slow lazy strokes. I returned my thumb to her vagina and, taking my time, found the g-spot while I stroked her clitoris with my index and ring fingers. Not too much, just consistent, moderate, pressure. I wanted it to last. I continued my oral assault on her anus.

I pushed her along slowly, but Mom was getting into it. As she got more excited, she got more vocal: "Lick Mommy's hard ass baby. Mommy's ass is on fire. Ohhhh god baby. That's the way."

She started humping my hand. By now I knew her well enough; she was headed for an eruption.

I increased the pressure on her clit while tongue-fucking her asshole. Mom pulled her ass cheeks apart so I could stick my tongue further into her. She started jerking her hips up and down, losing control of her movements.

"All I can think about is sex, I've missed so many years, so many, I am a slut, I want to be a slut, a son-fucking slut, yes, yes, help me, yes, yes, oh gooddddd, fuck, fuck, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH."

She bucked underneath me, bashing my face with her ass. I was tempted to ram my dick in her still spasming cunt, but instead finger fucked her with almost savage power. Her cunt welcomed the intrusion and gripped at the fingers. I placed my other fingers on her clit, pushing hard. This initiated a series of follow-up orgasms as she continued to writhe and moan. Finally she collapsed on the bed, face first, breathing hard.

A few minutes later she rolled over, "Hey Buster, there is some lubricant in my bag, fish it out. Smear it on my anus, then lubricate inside.

I did so, taking my time, focusing on stimulating the inside of her rump. I was on the right track; she moaned. After I finished she asked me to lay on my back. She kissed my mouth, nuzzled my ears and neck, and licked my nipples as she moved down my chest. I ran my hands along her toned body. Finally, she coated my dick with lubricant and straddled me, her knees on either side of my hips. She slid my tool along her anal crevice. We were both well-lubricated, it moved without resistance. She centered my cock on the anal bud and lowered herself, slowly increasing the pressure.

"I used to love this Buster, but never tried it with one as big as yours."

With that I could feel her sphincter stretch and give way. The head of my cock popped inside her. Her short grunts, which originated deep in her solar plexus, reflected a combination of pain and pleasure. She supported herself with her hands on her thighs as she held my cock just inside her ass and flexed her muscles. Those muscles exquisitely worked the head of my cock. My penis had never been so intensely stimulated.

I let her know it, "God, my cock has never felt anything like this. Fuck Mom, your ass is like a vise."

I closed my eyes and relaxed, focusing my attention on my penis, not wanting to miss a single sensation.

Then Mom took another inch into her and repeated the process: holding my cock in place while tightening, relaxing, and flexing the muscles of her perfect ass.

"Fuck Mom, so fuckin' good God your ass is tight, Jesus fucking Christ, so good...."

As my cock explored ever deeper recesses of Mom's well-lubricated rectum, she softly cooed sounds of contentment, until inch by inch, she was sitting on my pubic bone. I felt her ass grudgingly expanding to accept me.

I looked up. Mom's mouth was slightly open and her head rolled back on her shoulders. Her nostrils flared and her breathing came in short bursts. There was beads of sweat on her face and rolling down her tits.

"How does it feel Mom, pleasure or pain?"

"Both, feels good, hurts good. You told me no pain, no gain, Besides," and here she looked me directly in the eye and smiled, "a little pain can be sexy."

That was a side of Mom I might want to explore.

Mom did not allow me to plunge in and out, but instead rolled her hips in an oval pattern while working my cock over with her muscles. Now, I'd like to say I was able to hold out until I brought her off. If not that, I'd like to say that I stayed hard after I came. If I said either, however, I'd be lying. Mom's ass was the sweetest tightest place my cock had ever been. Her ass muscles, which she had worked to perfection over the last months, worked my shaft with unprecedented intensity. I was soon chanting, "Fuck Mom's ass, fuck Mom's ass," until, like Mt. Vesuvius, the lava was not going to be denied. I let out a yell and exploded in her rump.

After I regained my senses I looked at Mom, who was still straddling my now limp dick. She had a huge grin on her pretty face.

"Ever had anything that good before?" she asked.


"Better than Patricia's?"

"What exactly did you two talk about in the hot tub?"

"Don't avoid the question."

"Yes, better than Patricia's."

She moved forward, bringing her sweet cunt to my face, "Good, now eat my pussy."

It was clear she had liked my dick up her ass; she was dripping wet. Her pussy lips were slightly separated, displaying their pink inner walls. I decided to take my time. I gave a short lick to her clitoris, waited a couple of beats, and did it again, a couple of beats, and again. "Nice," I heard her say in a husky voice. She was aroused, but not on the verge of coming. I nibbled the inside of her left thigh, returned to her clitoris, and then turned to her left thigh. After spending a few more moments with her clitoris, I lowered my head and licked and tongue fucked her vagina.

"Mom, you have the sweetest pussy."

"Sweeter then Patricia's?"

Mom enjoyed dirty talk. I decided to up the ante.

"Don't know, we might need a side-by-side taste test."

Mom was not going to back down.

"I think we can arrange that."

I continued reaming her cunt with my tongue, occasionally licking the outer lips of her vagina. I stuck my tongue inside her. "Ohhhh! God!," Mom moaned. I lapped the sweet nectar from inside her burning snatch. I gently sucked one, and then the other, of her pussy lips into my mouth. The taste, mixed with her aroma, was intoxicating. Could you get high on pussy?

I ran my tongue all around the folds of her pussy lips before plunging it back into her cunt. Mom moaned as I licked all around, pushing my tongue against her inner walls. I had pussy juice all over my mouth and my cheeks and I rocked my head, experimenting with the varying sensations I could give her. Mom started cooing, her eyes closed, her entire being focused on what I was doing between her legs. Her breasts, nipples hard, rose and fell on her chest in time with her deep slow breathing. I slipped a pinky into her anus, where, aided by a combination of my cum and the lubricant, I explored the first few inches. Her reactions confirmed what she had said earlier, her asshole was extremely sensitive. The frequency of her moans was increasing and she was now rubbing her sex up and down on my face. Her hands were on her breasts, pulling on her nipples.

I turned my attention to her labia, running my tongue along its length, raking her clitoris hard with my tongue and sucking it into my mouth.

Mom was whimpering. Her movements were becoming wilder and she started writhing. She cheered me on. "Eat Mommy's pussy. You're such a good pussy eater. Eat Mommy's pussy baby. Use your tongue on me baby...." Soon, as I continued by assault, she lost the ability to put together a sentence, the room instead reverberated with her growls of delight.

The flow and increasingly pungent smell of her pussy left no question I was on the right track. I paid close attention to her clitoris, sucking it into my mouth while lashing it with my tongue, then maintaining continual contact with that nub by sliding my tongue all over it. At the same time I fucked her ass with my pinky. Her bottom started bouncing up and down as she fucked my face. Her arms were by her side, her fists clenched. Her body stiffened and her hips jerked downwards, mashing her sweet sweet cunt in my face.

"Yeah, on yeah, god, so good, too long, need, need, fuck, yeah, oh god, ooh goddd, ohhhh, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK, CUMMINGGGGGGG."

She exploded, drenching me in her syrup. Convulsions swept the length of her body; her cunt clamped and unclamped. She sucked in great drafts of air. I held her clit against my upper lip and applied increasing pressure to it with my now all but numb tongue. In the next instant the air was squeezed out of her lungs by the next powerful spasm. She had shot off again. I started to repeat the process when, in a dazed voice she said, "No more baby, can't take any more, you eat Mommy so good."

She lay next to me. We exchanged sweet passionate kisses, savoring the joy we had bestowed on the other. Eventually she asked me to hold her and, nestled together, we fell asleep.
* * * *​

Mom's movements woke me up. I was laying with my stomach against her back, my right arm draped across her breasts.

"You sleep well lover?" she asked.

"Yeah, how long?"

"About an hour." Mom's voice suddenly turned serious. "What would you think of my having breast augmentation surgery?"

Mom had made enough comments about her breasts to let me know she was not happy with their size. The trick: I had to be completely happy with her breasts while being fully supportive of her desire to change them.

"Mom, your breasts are great. Is surgery something you are seriously contemplating?"

"Yeah, I consulted with a doctor about it."

"Mom, as hard as you have worked to get back into shape, you should do it if that's what you want. You've earned it. I have only one concern."

"Which is?"

"That it won't spoil what is happening between you and I."

She rolled her body into mine. "Don't worry about that Buster. In fact, I would like you to be there when I tell your father and take me to the clinic on Wednesday."

"Have you decided on how big they're going to be?"

"How big do you think they should be?"

More tricky ground. I ventured this answer: "Not mine to say. There is certainly nothing demure about the powerful sexy body you've built. Anyone who looks at you knows you're a confident strong woman dedicated to taking care of herself. If you would want to accentuate your curvy build, I say go big."

"I'm looking at D cups."

"I'm not sure exactly what that means."

She sat up and demonstrated with her hands.

This was going to be fun.​
Next page: Chapter 03
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