Chapter 01
Hi. My name is Beth. A quick rundown of my story so far.
At nineteen years old I moved from my one-horse, backwoods town to a moderately large town called Feltville. Here I met Jamie, my new best friend who I soon discovered ran a side business as a porn star!
Finding life in the 'big town' to be difficult and running in financial troubles I eventually asked Jamie to let me star in one of her videos. One thing led to another and now I'm her business partner!
That's the story so far. I hope you're interested to hear what happened next...
Weeks came and went, and business was good. There was a slight downtick in subscribers to 'Jamie and Beth's Slutty Adventures' as we raised the cost, but only about a dozen. Splitting revenue between us of course hurt Jamie, but she said she had plenty of savings and she did expect to make it back up eventually.
For me, my world changed. Suddenly I could afford things. I could decorate my home, I could buy furniture, new clothes, I didn't have to worry about choosing between rent and groceries.
My life in Feltville changed forever, and I finally felt like I had my head above water.
Me and Jamie were really good as partners, too. We planned out videos in advance and split the load evenly: Usually she did two solo videos per month and I only one, but I'd film a session with someone else with Jamie filming, and then one with me and her.
Our videos became more elaborate because there was one more person involved. Now there was always someone to act as cameraman, so we could move the camera around more. We could also discuss ideas together, brainstorm and Jamie always treated me completely as an equal. It was fantastic.
I imagine you might be wondering how soon after this happened I actually had someone fuck me on camera and the answer is pretty soon. The fourth video we put up after the name change was a video with me and Trevor where he finally fucked me. Jamie wasn't in it, she only held the camera. Trevor didn't want his face on camera, but Jamie worked around it.
We titled it 'Beth finally gets her pussy stuffed' and it was wonderful. Trevor was gentle and we did it missionary style, his cock filled me up nicely and he grunted deeply as he came and emptied himself into a condom.
It was wonderful, though Jamie kept telling me that for her money Trevor was an okay fuck at best -- she normally only used him for blowjob and handjob videos.
"Well, who do you use for fucking videos, then?" I'd asked, and she'd mentioned someone called Rick who she'd worked with before but had been out of the country for a while. "Truth be told hun, I never really did that much straight-up fucking." She added. Well, I wanted to do more straight-up fucking, I thought. And while I didn't mind it to be Trevor there was also a part of me who felt ready to do more... well, more people.
One thing that I still hadn't solved for m apartment was a washing machine. It was on my list, but while doing porn had relieved me of a lot of financial trouble it's not like it made me rich, and I still needed to pace myself. Which meant taking my laundry down to the tiny laundry room in the building at every opportunity.
On a lazy Sunday afternoon I was taking my laundry back upstairs when I met Toby, his own laundry basket in hand coming down the stairs.
"Hey there... Beth, yeah?" he said.
"Hey there Toby." He backed up and made a big show of letting me pass.
"Better make sure we don't have another accident." I smiled a little and laughed, politely.
"My butt still hurts from last time." I said and then when he pulled a shocked face I quickly added: "I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" he blushed a little but laughed politely and we wished each other a pleasant Sunday.
An hour or so later, there was a knock on my door. I opened it and found Toby standing there looking nervous, his hands behind his back.
"Hi...?" I said and Toby gave a little cough.
"Hi. Erm, sorry -- you left this in the dryer." He produced his hand and held up my black, flower-patterned bra, which I now thought of as my porn-bra. I went beet-red and snatched it out of his hand.
"Sorry!" he said and I shook my head.
"No, sorry, I- thanks. Thanks."
"Don't mention it." The door next door opened and Jamie stepped out, purse in hand. She noticed us and waved.
"Hey Beth. And hello-" she noticed I was clutching my bra. "-you. Did I just walk into something weird?" I groaned.
"No, I just left my stupid bra in the dryer and Toby- this is Toby, by the way."
"Hi Toby." Toby stared at her for a moment then back to me. He snapped out of whatever reverie he was in and stuttered.
"H-hi. Toby."
"Going out?" I asked.
"Yeah, actually was gonna ask if you wanted to come along, I'm meeting a friend in town."
"Thanks, but I think I'm gonna stay in today!" I turned back to Toby who looked at me with huge eyes. "Well... thanks." I held up my bra and he nearly flinched.
"Yeah, sure. Bye." He turned and left, leaving me very confused.
"What was that about?" Jamie asked.
"No idea. He seemed a bit... weird." I shrugged. "Anyway, who are you meeting?"
"Old friend from college. Actually, sort of my lawyer."
"Lawyer?" I asked.
"Well, not really. But he is a lawyer and he helps me go over legal stuff for the website." I nodded, feeling a little weird. Jamie was pretty chill talking about our business in public but I always got nervous.
"Something wrong?"
"Oh no no, just he's in town for a few days and I wanted him to take a look at some of the stuff I drew up for both of us."
"Okay. Well. Have fun!"
"Thanks!" she took off and I went back in to my place.
The next day I went to work. My job at the restaurant was still about half my income, plus unlike my other business it was a lot more predictable. Bart kept trying to be fair to us all and give us all enough hours to make a decent living. It wasn't his fault it wasn't enough. And anyway I actually liked working the restaurant. To some that might sound crazy but honestly, I loved it.
It wasn't a very busy day -- Mondays rarely were -- but a few regulars came in for breakfast. I was carrying an armful of dirty plates when the door jingled. A tall, lean, handsome black man walked in wearing a stylish pullover. I glanced at him.
"Hey! Take a seat anywhere you like and grab a menu I'll be right with ya!" I hollered and disappeared off into the kitchen with the dishes. I returned a few minutes later.
"Hiya welcome to Bart's, what can I get ya?" I asked, cheerily. The man looked up from his menu.
"Let me get a- oh!" I glanced up from my notepad. The man looked surprised to see me.
"Something wrong, sir?"
"Er no, sorry, thought I recognized you." He smiled. He was incredibly handsome.
"Don't think so, sir."
"Nevermind. I'd like blueberry pancakes, please."
"Yessir, and to drink?"
"Just water."
"Okidoki, comin' right up!" As I made my way back to the kitchen, I suddenly felt eyes on me. Acting casually I slid up behind the register and mindlessly moved around napkins behind the counter. I glanced up and caught the man I'd just spoken to looking at me. He awkwardly looked away as I met his eyes. I handed his order over to the kitchen and stayed out of sight for the moment. When his order came up I grabbed it and headed out.
"Here you go."
"Thanks -- hey, are you Beth?" I smiled and tapped my nametag.
"That's me."
"Thought I recognized you. I'm Hank." I looked at him, not making a connection.
"Jamie's friend." He added.
"Oh! Oh Hank -- Hank who's in town?"
"Exactly." He cracked a big, friendly smile and it struck me how goddamn handsome he was. "Sorry if I was acting weird, I just wasn't sure I recognised you or not." Suddenly I blushed and looked around quickly but nobody was in earshot at the moment. Hank must have noticed because he quickly held up a hand disarmingly.
"Nono," he said, quietly. "from Jamie's Instagram!" I relaxed a little.
"Sorry. Erm. Well, nice to meet you."
"Yeah, you too. Jamie told me a lot about you."
"You too!" I lied; couldn't tell you why I did that.
"Nothing bad I hope." He smiled again -- he really was ridiculously handsome.
"Is there much bad to know?"
"Well... no not really." he laughed. "I'm a pretty boring guy, I suppose." His laugh was sonorous and infectious.
"I'm sure you're not." I answered and suddenly realized I had brought a hand up to play with my hair.
"Well... everyone has something interesting about them, I find." He winked at me and suddenly my heart was fluttering. "Anyway I... shouldn't keep distracting you. It was nice meeting you."
"You too." I smiled and left. I kept glancing in his direction though for the rest of his meal. He left a big tip. As I collected it and headed off for my break I texted Jamie.
>Hank stopped by the diner today. why didn't u tell me he was so cute<
After a moment, Jamie answered back:
>Don't know, wasn't sure he would be ur type. He's a hottie, isn't he?<
>he really is. So sweet and polite<
>lol that's funny.<
>He always played the polite intellectual in college. Totally worked, too.<
>what do u mean<
>Want to guess what his nickname was?<
>They called him Tonguemaster because he ate so much pussy.<
I put my phone away and breathed. Suddenly my head was filled with images of Hank's beautiful smile descending between my thighs.