Chapter 02
"Okay, fess up -- what did you to do Hank?"
"Huh?" was all I could manage. Jamie had texted me earlier to ask if we could talk after I was done with work. She invited herself over, though I didn't mind -- my place was finally looking decent enough for me to entertain people. "What do you mean?"
"I mean, what did you to do Hank?"
"Jamie, I have no idea what you're talking about." She gave me an incredulous look but relented.
"Well, he texted me a few hours ago."
"Saying what?"
"Ah hell let me show you." She fished out her phone and brought up a text conversation. It started early that morning:
Hank: >Hey girl, know a good place to eat -- Mike's got next to nothing in<
"Mike's one of his friends from college," Jamie filled in. "Hank's staying at his place."
Jamie: >Bart's Diner isn't bad -- Beth works there.<
Hank: >Cool, will try it, thx<
The next message was from several hours later, a little while after Hank left the diner.
Hank: >Hey girl- you busy?<
Jamie: >No, whats up?<
Hank: >You still interested in having me in one of your videos?<
Jamie: >haha, are u asking me to finally get some love from the tonguemaster?<
Hank: >shit sorry girl I was actually thinking of your girl Beth<
Jamie put the phone down.
"What did you say to him?!" she said, feigning indignity. "You pussy-blocked me!" I was too shocked to say anything at first, I just stared into space.
"I... I didn't say anything!" Jamie broke her mask and laughed.
"Well he called me after to apologise for leading me on. But whatever you did you worked your charms on him. I guess you're his type."
I'm his type? Me?
"You with me, hun?" Jamie asked. I guess I must have seemed pretty zoned out.
"Yeah... I think." She grinned.
"Soooo... how do you feel about it?"
"I- I don't know!" I actually laughed! How did my life get to this point? I asked myself. "I don't even know Hank!"
"Well you've met him. And I'll vouch for him. Well, I'll vouch for him being a nice guy. I've no idea how he is in bed, except by reputation." I glanced at her.
"Nice to know you haven't had sex with all your friends." Jamie stuck out her tongue and blew raspberries at me.
"But you don't have any problems with..." she trailed off.
"...with what?" I asked.
"With him being..." there was an awkward pause until I figured out what she meant.
"Jamie! Of course I don't, what kind of question is that?!"
"Sorry!" her hands flew up, defensively. "Thought I'd ask, you never know."
"I'm not that much of a backyard country bumpkin, you know!"
"Yes you are." Jamie said.
"Well I definitely don't have a problem with him being black!" I said, crossing my arms.
"Okay, good. Aaaaand..."
"And what?"
"And do you want to have sex with him on camera?" I blushed.
"Sure. You think it'll sell?"
"Hun, it'll sell like butter. People love interracial stuff." I looked at her in surprise.
"They do?" Jamie laughed again.
"Yeah hun, they do. I've gotten requests for that lots of times."
"Why?" Jamie looked at me for a second, sighed in exasperation and placed her face in her palms. She rubbed her forehead for a second then looked back up.
"You are just the sweetest, innocent little thing sometimes, hun." she said and shook her head. "Because it's... a taboo." I stared at her.
"What, like we're still in the 50s?"
"I know, I know, but it's... well what do you want, it's a thing. It'll be a moneymaker." I nodded, feeling a little awkward.
"So, what, are we gonna pretend me and Hank are doing something we're not supposed to?"
"No no" Jamie hurried to say. "we won't play into any of that stuff, Hank would hate that. We don't have to -- people will read all that stuff into it."
"Okay... I guess. It feels a little weird." Jamie took my hand.
"Well, we can talk it over with Hank, make sure we don't do anything either of you aren't comfortable with." She broke out in a mischievous grin. "Sorry, hun -- I'd love to take this bullet for you, believe me. Maybe you can convince him to shoot with me instead...?" I slapped her hand away.
"No way!" I said, teasingly. "I want him for myself."
"That's what I thought." She grinned and picked her phone back up. "Alright, let's tell him you're in." A few minutes later her phone buzzed and she flashed me another naughty smile.
"He says he's looking forward to it."
So am I, I thought.