Chapter 06
So what changed after me and Jamie officially got into a relationship? Not much in some ways and everything in others.
We had sex more, for one. Before we'd only really had sex on camera and that one time the day we both revealed our feelings.
Erm, those three times that day, I mean. Anyway -- now it was way more often.
We didn't really 'hang out' that much more though, at least not at first. This wasn't that surprising, really; the truth is we both had sucky jobs working shifts and more often than not they just didn't line up. Slowly that changed, however. We started having dinner together whenever we could, and of course we now spent the night with each other at least a few times a week.
The first time I was terrified. Funny, isn't it? We'd slept together, done stuff together -- heck we'd given blowjobs together; Jamie had watched me on my hands and knees getting stuffed by a guy and yet the first time Jamie asked if I wanted to stay at her place for the night my heart jumped.
We spent the evening in her sofa, sipping wine, talking and making out. It was nearly midnight when we both conceded we were tired and headed for bed. I had to go back to my place to get my toothbrush.
My first big shock was when I discovered Jamie liked to sleep in the nude. She didn't say anything when I got into my pyjamas, carefully folded my clothes and hung them over the back of a chair. She then stripped down to nothing, tossed her clothes on the floor and shimmied in under the covers and cuddled up next to me. She wrapped herself around me and before too long I found myself too warm. Reluctantly and more than a little awkwardly I stripped, too.
That night I discovered I loved being naked with her. The whole night we didn't have sex -- we were just there; together, naked. I felt her small but perky breasts against mine; her legs brushing up against me. Her breath on my neck and she dozed off to sleep. I held her a little tighter. My girlfriend. My hot, naked girlfriend.
It was wonderful.
Well, at first it was.
Neither I or Jamie had a bed large enough for two, really. That first night and several nights after that were magic, but soon it grew into a little bit of a problem. Turns out I toss and turn a lot in my sleep, and Jamie is a total hog for the covers. It was adorable, I thought and Jamie agreed (I know, I know, shut up - we were both newly in love!) but we both also saw it was going to become a bit of a problem in the long run.
Truth was, we were just too cramped where we were. But it wasn't an easy fix. Yeah we were making good money from the website, but partly that was because we both paid very little in rent, at least comparatively. A two-bedroom apartment pretty close to downtown was easily an extra thousand dollars a month, and that was a huge chunk out of our income. And Jamie hadn't been kidding when she said taxes were a bitch.
What's that? Sounds like bullshit to you? Yeah alright fair, we were both a little scared of moving too quick, probably. At least I was. Truth is though, we lived about as cheap as was possible in Feltville - even getting the same sized apartment somewhere else would have been noticeably more expensive, never mind upgrading.
Jamie had also noticed how excited I was to be in a relationship, and she never missed an opportunity to tease or make me blush. She would pull me in close and kiss me out of the blue, whisper things to me when we were out in public to make me blush and above all else she would text me.
Oh god, the texts.
I would be busy at work and my phone would buzz:
>Hey babe, I was just thinking about you -- Can I come over tonight and eat your pussy?<
I'd be getting ready to go to work and my phone would buzz:
>Hello my gorgeous girlfriend. I just woke up, can I come over real quick? I need to suck on your tits.<
I'd be laying in bed, half-asleep and yup -- phone would buzz:
>My pussy is wet for you and no-one else. Come over?<
It was torture. And it worked.
We kept our relationship out of the website and to my surprise that actually helped a lot. Me and Jamie did stuff on camera all the time and it was always a little different than when we made love off-camera. It felt more special.
I spent a lot of time talking to Jamie about doing a video with Trevor the first time it came up after we got together. I wanted to double, triple and quadruple-check she was okay with it. Which in hindsight maybe was a little silly; it was her idea after all.
He'd been out of town for a little while and when he came back he met up with Jamie who suggested doing another video -- and Trevor never needed much convincing.
I ended up on my back, my tits bouncing as Trevor fucked me -- he still insisted on wearing a condom which disappointed me but I didn't make a deal about it. I was enjoying it but I guess Jamie could tell something was wrong because suddenly she asked Trevor to stop for a second. I looked up at her concerned as she climbed up on the bed and before I could say a thing she kissed me.
"I love you." She said and I blushed, glancing at Trevor.
"I love you, too. Are you okay, should we stop?"
"No no no, I'm okay." she said with a smile.
"Are you sure?"
"Oh I'm sure. I love watching you get fucked. I always have." I blushed and she kissed me again. "Just so you know, I want my pussy eaten after this, though." I could not have blushed more, I don't think. Trevor just grinned. I leaned in and whispered in her ear that I promised to eat her pussy as much as she wanted. With that she smiled, withdrew and gave Trevor a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Go ahead and fuck my girlfriend for me, Trev. Okay?" And so he did.
My life in Feltville felt almost perfect.
It was, however, about to get turned upside down.