Chapter 07
Jamie leaned in close, kissed me and whispered;
"Are you ready for me, baby?" I shivered as her fingers gently stroked my clit and I nodded.
"I want you from behind." She said, this time loud enough for the camera to pick it up. I dutifully got up from under her and got on my hands and knees for her and spread my legs. Jamie reached for the bottle of lube and then I felt the silicon tip of her strap-on rub against my waiting lips. I took a deep breath and then suddenly she entered me.
We'd tried it for the first time two days earlier; I'd been sceptical -- I'd discovered I liked vibrators but dildos didn't do much for me. Well, this was different. It wasn't the actual strap-on so much as Jamie doing it.
In short, I guess I just liked getting fucked, and if it was Jamie then all the better.
As she eased her way inside me I moaned in genuine pleasure -- the dildo inching its way into me. Jamie had picked it out for us and had chosen a pretty realistic one; flesh-coloured and moulded with veins and a pronounced 'head'. I'd thought it was very strange when she unboxed it with me but like I said -- it grew on me very quickly.
I placed my chest on the bed and pushed my ass towards her, wanting more of 'her' in me. She ran her hands up my back and back down, grasping my waist and used it to push deeper.
"Mmm you've got such a sweet body, hun." She said and I whimpered in response.
"I... love... having you... in me..." I managed and suddenly she slowed her thrusting, pulled out and then slowly pushed the entire length of the strap-on back into me. I felt the straps holding it on to Jamie touch by bare ass and let out a long, deep moan, burying my head in the sheets.
Jamie fucked me for several more minutes before I came. She pulled out of me and the dildo was glistening from my juices. After letting me catch my breath we made out before smiling at the camera and saying goodbye to our fans.
Jamie turned the camera off, undid the straps and jumped back into bed, spreading her legs.
"Eat me, pretty please?" she said in a mock voice. And so I did.
The next morning I woke up to a text -- Jamie had an early shift so we didn't spend the night together.
>Hey, sorry to wake you but does your shower work? Mine's out."< I quickly checked but mine was bust, too.
>sorry, no. Water problem?<
>Probably. Fuck. Can u call landlord? I have to hurry and shower at work -- fuck.<
I called the number which didn't actually go to our landlord, Rob, but to his contractor directly. Rob had set it up so that his tenants called them directly. Rob had done this because Rob was a cheap and lazy bastard. At least according to Jamie and I was inclined to agree. They said they'd be out to check on it 'immediately'.
'Immediately' turned out to be contractor code for 'the next day'. A guy showed up, poked around in our bathrooms for a bit then said there was something wrong with the water pressure -- the floor below us had problems but not as bad as us. The shower basically did nothing, the faucets did produce a tiny trickle of water -- took a minute to fill up a glass of water. The toilets did refill (thank god!) but veeery slowly.
How long would it take to fix, I asked. The answer I got was... not what I was hoping for, let's just say.
Specifically, one to two weeks.
Jamie could shower at work -- which wasn't fun for her, but at least something and more than I had. I very timidly asked one of my downstairs neighbours but the truth was their pressure wasn't all that much better -- they couldn't really shower either.
I did my best with water from the sink and sponges -- I won't gross you out with too much detail, just suffice to say I after three days I was feeling pretty disgusting.
I was heading out to pick up some dry shampoo and more water bottles on the third day of this when I ran into Toby again. He came down the stairs at the same time as I was locking my door.
"Hey Beth!" he called out cheerily. I had really hoped to not run into anyone I knew right then, although realistically I was hardly gonna be able to keep that up for two weeks.
"Hey Toby."
"How are you?"
"Good, all things considering."
"Oh that sounds bad." He said, sounding concerned but I shot a smile at him.
"Oh I just mean with the water."
"Water?" he looked confused. "What water?"
"The... the water being out?"
"The water's out? Since when?" I looked at him in disbelief.
"Since three days ago." It was his turn to look confused.
"Mine isn't."
"It isn't?"
"No. Works fine."
"Wait, really?" Toby nodded.
"Sure. Did you talk to my, erm... did you call the landlord?"
"I talked to the contractor and they said they would fix in the next two weeks."
"Ouch, that sucks." Toby said, then slowly added; "Would... I mean can I help, would you -- if you need a shower or something?" I felt awkward, of course -- I didn't want to shower at a stranger's place. But god did I want to shower.
"I would kill for a shower, to tell you the truth."
"Well, I was only just headed out to run a quick errand but I'll be back in, like, ten minutes." I told him I'd come by his place in fifteen. I'm sure he must have blushed but if he did I didn't notice.
Twenty minutes later I walked up the one flight of stairs with a towel and my accessories in a small bag. Toby was in 5B and I knocked carefully. Toby opened with a nervous smile and let me in.
It took me a moment to register, but shortly after walking inside I realised something was off. I had expected his apartment to be essentially identical to mine and Jamie's but it was noticeably different in one respect.
It was huge. Taking it in I figured out what was going; Toby lived in 5B, which was the apartment directly above mine, and 5C would be the one directly above Jamie's -- except there wasn't a 5C. Toby's apartment was mine and Jamie's apartments put together; the walls separating them had been opened up and instead of a two-bedroom apartment Toby had a three bedroom apartment with an actual separate kitchen, to boot. And, I assumed, they'd installed a separate water line for just this apartment.
That wasn't all though; as I glanced into the kitchen I saw beautiful, dark-tiled floors and mahogany countertops. Unlike mine and Jamie's the walls looked like they'd been painted sometime in the last five years (or twenty for ours, really). The doors seemed new and as I very carefully peaked into one of the rooms I saw carpeted floors.
To put it simply, Toby's apartment looked way too nice for the rest of this building.
"Wow..." was all I could say. Toby looked around and seemed to realize something and blushed.
"Oh, thank you. I... the bathroom's this way." He lead me past what looked like his bedroom (which was roughly above Jamie's) and into what would have been her kitchen but was Toby's bathroom. It had the same black tiles as his kitchen did and was huge.
Okay fine, it wasn't 'huge' -- it was just very big compared to mine and much, much nicer. The building was from sometime in the 60s and maybe -- just maybe -- had been renovated once since then. This apartment looked ultramodern by comparison.
I thanked Toby and stepped inside, taking it all in: Modern fittings, glass divider for the shower, heated towel racks. It was incredible. It was also a boy's bathroom for sure. The shelf in the shower contained a bottle of shower gel/shampoo combo, a single, worn bar of soap and a disposable razor. I'd grown up sharing a bathroom with six brothers and this was very much familiar to me.
Showering was heaven: I felt like a new woman stepping out of the shower. I dressed and did my best to dry my hair without my hairdryer (I didn't even bother looking for one -- if there was a twenty-something bachelor man who owned a hairdryer I haven't met them) before stepping outside again.
"All good?" Toby asked from his spot in the sofa. He sat with his hands on his knees, looking awkward.
"Very good -- thank you so much, Toby. I really appreciate it."
"No problem, no problem. My pleasure." He smiled and looked around nervously. "Oh" he added. "please, come by any time, of course."
"I could kiss you." I said and watched him freeze. He laughed it off, but I still noticed.
"Is it okay if my-" I began, catching myself on the word 'girlfriend'. --"eh neighbor Jamie borrowed your shower, too?" he stared at me quietly for a moment before slowly nodding.
"Sure, sure. No problem the more the merrier. I mean yes, that's fine."
"Thank you so much you're really sweet." I fished out my phone. "Can I have your number -- I don't want to just show up announced." Again Toby froze for a moment before we exchanged phone numbers. I thanked him again and left.
Of course I wanted to ask him how the heck he ended up with such a luxury pad, but that was rude.
"So just how the hell did you end up with such a luxury pad?" Jamie asked Toby the next morning. She'd just got out of the shower after me and asked almost as soon as she stepped out of the bathroom. I resisted the urge to hide my face. Toby looked quite uncomfortable.
"It's... it's not my apartment, it's my dad's."
"He's renting it for you?" I asked.
"N-not exactly." Toby said, stumbling a little, then gave a big sigh. "My dad owns the building." Jamie glanced at me.
"You mean... our landlord Rob? He's your dad?"
"Oh." Jamie said. I knew she was a little weary of Rob; I hadn't actually met him but Jamie had, very briefly when she first moved in. She said he gave him the creeps.
"So," I started, trying to fill the silence. "he... turned two apartments into one just for you?" Toby laughed at that, to my surprise.
"Hah! As if. No he built this apartment for his girlfriend."
"Why isn't she living here, then?"
"Because they broke up."
"How come?"
"Because my mom found out about her."
"Mmhmm. Dad's trying to keep me in his good graces so when I said I wanted to move out he offered me to take this place. Acted like it was some big favor but whatever -- ironically he hates coming here so I figured it was a good way to get away from him."
"Your dad sounds like kind of a jerk." I said and sensed Jamie tensing up next to me. Toby looked at me dead-eyed for a moment before grinning.
"He's a grade-A douchebag." Jamie breathed and even smiled.
"Well... nice to know the apple doesn't always fall close to the tree." I said and Toby beamed a smile back at me.
Later, as we were back at Jamie's place to figure out our next video schedule I mentioned in passing what a nice guy Toby seemed like. Jamie glanced at me, then looked at me more seriously.
"What?" I asked.
"Goddammit, sweetie are you really this bad at reading people?"
"Huh?" I said, thoroughly confused.
"Girl, that boy Toby has got the hots for you."
"No he doesn't!"
"Oh yes he does! Don't you see how he lights up when you so much as smile at him?"
"Shut up!" I said and pretended to push her away but Jamie persisted:
"Oooh Toby wants a piece of that!" she sang while sliding a hand in under my ass. I batted her away and told her to stop being silly. She relented, but the thought gnawed at me.
"You really think he's... what, got a crush on me?" I asked a little while later.
"Yes I do."
"Huh." I said and reflected for a moment. "I've never had a boy... crush on me before."
"What about Mark?"
"I crushed on him."
"Oh." Jamie said.
"I got over it."
"Mm. Well, I'm telling you, Toby's got it bad for you. And you could do worse than a rich kid." I looked at her, confused.
"What are you talking about? I'm with you." Jamie sighed, but with a smile.
"And if you want to only be with me that's what you should do. But I told you before -- as long as you're open and honest and don't keep anything secret from me or him then... you know. Go for it. I don't mind. Especially if you just want a little action."
"You're being silly -- he barely knows me."
"Well, you're about to shower at his place every day for the next week and a half, sounds like a decent chance to get to know one another to me."
"Okay, that's enough." I said. Jamie smiled, said sorry and kissed me; I kissed her back and we dropped it. I didn't give it another thought.
At least not for a few days...