Chapter 08
Two days later I again stepped out of Toby's shower to find him nervously sitting on the couch, like he usually did. At first I just assumed he was a bit funny about having strangers in his bathroom but now Jamie had lodged the idea that he was into me firmly in my head. I still wasn't entirely convinced -- I'd only just gotten used to the idea that men might actually find me attractive but crush on me? Come on.
Toby got up and reached into his pocket.
"I, erm, wanted to see if you wanted my, erm-" he kept digging for something and finally fished something out. "here -- my, do you want my spare key?" I gave a polite smile.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah -- I mean someone should have it anyway and this way you know, you can come and use the shower whenever. And Jamie, of course, too." I took the key from him.
"That's really sweet. Thank you." I said and we stood there awkwardly for a moment.
"Where are you from, Toby?" I asked.
"Oh, erm, Saint Paul."
"Wow. The big city." Toby grinned and shrugged.
"I guess. You?"
"Botaka." As expected I received a look that told me he had never heard of it. I explained.
"Oh. Oh wow. I can't even imagine what that's like." He admitted.
"I can't really imagine what growing up in Saint Paul is like," I said. "To me, Feltville is big."
"What- erm, do you wanna sit down?" I joined him in the sofa. "What brought you to Feltville?"
It wasn't the easiest question to answer. When I first moved here I guess I would have said a bad breakup, but somehow that didn't seem true anymore. Maybe I was just a smalltown girl who wanted to see what else was out there. I'm not sure I had moved to Feltville to find myself but I had.
"I guess I wanted to see the world?" I said and suddenly burst out laughing; good lord could I have sounded any more silly?! Toby grinned and told me I had a beautiful laugh, then turned beet red.
"What about you?" I asked.
"Guess I wanted to get away from my dad. Plus this is where we're from. Grandpa grew up in Feltville. He's the one who built these apartments."
"Oh really?" Toby nodded.
"Yeah. Dad just took over the business when grandpa retired and he kinda hates it. He just wants to make money." His voice grew a little sad whenever he talked about his dad and I didn't push it.
We spent a few more minutes chatting; he told me he worked for an IT company doing... something I didn't really understand but he worked mostly from home. I told him the first time we met I pegged him for a country boy and he laughed -- about as far from the truth as you could get, he told me. We chatted about the town and I realized how nice it was to talk to someone else who was new in town -- though he'd visited Feltville a few times as a kid. I eventually asked him if he had a girlfriend.
"No." He said.
"Boyfriend?" I asked, politely and he quickly said no, then equally quickly added that he didn't mind and there was nothing wrong with it and looked horribly apologetic before he noticed the smirk on my face. It was cute how easily flustered he was, I thought.
"What about you?" he asked when he'd calmed down. "Boyfriend?" I shook my head. "Girlfriend?" he asked, almost jokingly.
Here we go, I thought to myself.
"Yes, actually." There. I'd done it. I'd told someone. Jamie had told Trevor about us, but this was the first time I'd ever told anyone I was... gay? Bi?
What I was was happily in love with Jamie, and unsure about almost everything else.
"Oh." Was all Toby said at first and even I couldn't help but notice he looked a little crushed. Then he seemed to put two and two together. "Wait, you mean you and... are you and Jamie a couple in real life?"
"Real life?" I asked, confused.
"I mean- you're a couple?" I nodded.
"Yeah, we are."
"Oh. I... I had no idea."
"Is... are you... is that a problem?" I asked, heart in my throat. Maybe I shouldn't have told him; maybe he would tell his dad and get us evicted. Maybe he'd-
"Yeah yeah no of course I don't mind -- I mean, sorry I didn't- I mean I'm not -- yes of course it is. I just didn't expect it. You two are... well you seem very different, is all." I laughed. Yes we sure were.
"I guess opposites attract, sometimes." I said.
"Guess so." He said. He smiled, and I still felt unsure if I was reading too much into every little thing because of what Jamie said but I thought he seemed a little sad.
We talked for a little while longer but then I had to get going -- I was working late. I thanked him for the shower and the key and left.
A few days later I had just gotten off work at Bart and it had been a rough day. It was early summer and warm for Minnesota and a very busy day. We were running around like crazy and I soon found myself working up a sweat. Tips were good but my feet were screaming at me towards the end of my shift.
To top it all off with about ten minutes left on the clock Joanne, another waiter and I did a spectacular collision leaving/entering the kitchen. I was carrying a load of plates including some half-eaten soup and I actually managed to save about half the dishes themselves, but the contents all emptied itself spectacularly all over the front of my uniform.
I did my best to clean it up but it was hopeless. I was covered in soup and stale coffee and I was sweaty and sore.
Almost as soon as I clocked out I texted Toby to ask if he was in and if I could use the shower but he didn't reply. I walked home, waiting for a reply but when I got to the front door of our building I still hadn't heard anything. I tried him again and headed up to my floor. Nothing. I waited a few more minutes.
Well, I thought. He gave you a key for a reason.. I gathered up my shower things and headed upstairs.
I knocked on the door, of course. Nothing. I unlocked it and stepped in.
"Hey, Toby? It's me, Beth. You in?" Nothing. I figured he must be out. I fished out my phone and gave him a quick text:
>hey just so u know im usng ur shower willock after< I sent and moved to the bathroom when I heard a buzz. I turned around and noticed his phone was on the table in the front room. So he must be in! I called out again but still nothing. I walked a little closer in and peeked around. I could hear a faint noise coming from his bedroom but couldn't tell what.
The door was wide open so I only had to poke my head around the corner.
Toby was at his desk; he had one of those expensive, slightly silly-looking gaming chairs. I'd never seen his bedroom before, obviously but I guess I shouldn't have been very surprised. He had two big, curved monitors on a nice, black desk. He had headphones on. He had his pants undone and he was masturbating. The sound I heard was the faint fapping coming from his penis. He was facing away from me mostly and the monitors were at a bit of an off-angle to me but I could see over his shoulder that he was looking at porn.
I couldn't quite tell what was happening but I could see naked bodies moving. My eyes moved over to his crotch and his exposed penis. He was rock hard; he wasn't nearly as long as Trevor or Hank, but he was thick, at least at a glance. He was moving his hand slowly, stroking himself very passionately and I could see his dickhead glistening with precum.
He was mouthing something under his breath and I wished I could hear what but it was too faint. I glanced back at the screen just as one of the people in the video showed their face.
It was me.
He was watching one of my videos.
I watched my face smile at the camera before it slowly dipped down again -- it was one of our blowjob videos with Trevor. I couldn't breathe. Toby was jerking off to porn -- porn of me!
The angle on the video changed and now I saw more: My face, with lips locked on top or Trevor's dick. Toby was watching it intently, stroking his thick erect penis. His voice grew a little louder. He leaned further back into the chair, his dick now standing straight up and I noticed it had a curve to it. He kept stroking it and his voice grew a little louder. I finally caught it:
"Suck my cock... oooh Beth suck my cock please... please... please..." It wasn't the most imaginative thing in the world but even so I'd never heard a guy talk like that about me. Suddenly he drew a deep breath and started moving his hand faster. He tensed up and whispered loud enough for me to hear;
"Oooooh... Beeeth!" He came, and he came like a geyser! His cock shot cum straight up into the air and it landed on his cute beer belly; I saw it twitching and his body convulse. More spurted out and I saw some of it land back onto his cock. Another rope -- I'd never seen a man come that hard. His belly was covered in cum and it was still coming out from the tip of his cock.
Finally he stopped and leaned fully back in his chair, breathing heavily. His cock was covered in his own semen and I felt a deep, primal urge to walk in there and kiss him. I felt like I wanted to reward him, somehow -- I wasn't sure where that instinct came from. Instead I slowly backed away but something must have caught Toby's eye. He glanced to the side, noticed me and suddenly yanked his headphones off, covered himself with his hands and screamed.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I looked away and all I could think to say was sorry before I ran away and hid in the living room. I stood there, breathing heavily and feeling horribly guilty for a few minutes until I heard Toby walk up behind me. I turned around and Toby was standing in the middle of the room, looking down at the floor.
"I- I tried texting you and I knocked and I called out your name and-" Toby shook his head.
"It's- I- I'm sorry."
I did a mental double-take. He was sorry?
"You're sorry?" I said.
"I didn't- I mean... for watching..." he trailed off.
"It's... I mean it's... what it's for." He said nothing, still staring at the floor.
"Did you... like look me up?" I asked. Toby finally looked at me.
"No! No nothing like that! I've been subscribing for months, I had no idea who..." he took a deep breath. "I've been subscribing since it was just Jamie but I didn't know she lived here. I had no idea until... until the second time you and I met. Then I recognized you. And then obviously Jamie, too."
"Why didn't you say anything?"
" what?" I said nothing. Yeah, like what?
"I'm... so sorry for... it was on accident I promise." I said, Toby again looked down at the floor.
"It's- can we please pretend it never happened?"
"I... If you want."
"Please." He clenched his fists. "This is the most humiliated I've ever felt in my life." I felt sad at that. Goddammit, I liked Toby! The last thing I wanted to do was hurt him.
"Okay. Can I..." I gestured at my front and Toby glanced at me, possibly seeing the state I was in for the first time.
"Oh my god what happened to you?"
"Just a little accident at work. I was hoping to... you know, clean up." Toby nodded and waved at the bathroom and I thanked him before walking in and closing the door behind me.
I stripped down and started up the shower, thinking about what just happened. I'd violated his privacy, I'd embarrassed him and he was clearly very upset. I felt terrible. Toby was a sweet guy, I thought. He didn't deserve to feel this way.
As I stepped into the shower I started thinking...
A few minutes later I stepped back out and grabbed my phone. I left the shower running and wiped the steam off the screen and texted Jamie.
>hey plz answer -- not emrgncy tho< Thankfully she answered right away.
>what's up babe?<
>i can explain latr but need to know u sure u ok if I do stuff with toby?<
>Did that little shy boy actually make a move? good for him! y babe, I promise Im OK if you and Toby fool around<
>no its not like that but Ill explan latr. I love u<
>I love u too.< I grabbed my towel and dried myself off. I then wrapped my towel around myself and took a deep breath. I stepped out.
Toby wasn't in the living room so I called his name.
"Toby! Could you come here a sec?"
"If you're done it's okay, you can leave."
"I want to talk to you though."
"Beth I'm really, really embarrassed I'd rather just we let it go."
"Please, Toby. Just come out here one second." I heard him get up and he emerged from his bedroom. It took him a moment to notice me but when he did he froze. I stood still in the living room, holding my towel tightly wrapped around me, just covering my breasts. I smiled and took a deep breath, hoping I was doing the right thing.
"I owe you." I said and slowly unwrapped my towel. Normally doing this would have left me mortified -- I was exposing my flabby body to someone else completely dressed; and Jamie wasn't there to help me feel safe. But at least with this guy I knew for a fact he thought I was worth... well, masturbating to. I stood there in silence for a moment and Toby just stared.
"Can I use your bed?"
"S-sure." I moved past him and walked into his bedroom. A single bed -- a nice one, though -- unmade, of course. I sat down on it and scooched up until my back was against the wall. Toby followed me inside. I kept my knees closed until he was in the room. Then I slowly opened them, exposing my vagina.
Toby didn't move a muscle -- he barely breathed. His mouth was open and his eyes kept moving across my body. I moved my hand down between my legs and started touching myself.
"I'm so... so sorry Toby. I didn't mean to embarrass you." He said nothing. I gently rubbed my clit, feeling my warm pussy -- it wasn't hard to get excited; all I had to do was think of Toby's massive eruption I'd seen earlier. I'd never seen that much cum before.
"I... hope... I can make it up to you."
"I... I... I guess..." he said, his voice a quivering whisper. I leaned back a little further and looked at him from between my legs. I locked eyes with him. He quietly snuck his hand down his pants.
"I'm so... aaah... so sorry about before but aaah... I'm glad you like my videos."
"They're my favorites." He said, now stroking himself under his underwear.
"Really?" I said, now getting going. My pussy was wet and I knew I could bring myself to climax pretty soon, but I needed to make sure I gave Toby a good show. He deserved it.
"Really." He said, his breathing a little ragged.
"Thank you. I hope you... aaah... enjoy this private show... aaah... aaah...!" I may have laid it on a little thick, I admit, but I wasn't entirely faking. I was definitely horny from watching him earlier and again - so much cum.
"Oooh... oooh... do you mind if... if I come here? On your bed?" I asked. Toby just nodded.
"Thank you... oh... oooooh... oh Toby... Toby... Tooooby!" I came. He came, too, though he tried to hide it. Very badly, I might add. I stayed on the bed for a moment, giving him one last chance to take me in before I closed my legs.
"Could you bring me my towel?" I asked and he slowly nodded. He moved very awkwardly -- I guess because of the load in his underwear. He brought me my towel and I covered myself up again before I got up and headed back to the bathroom. I got dressed and when I got out Toby was in the living room again. I smiled at him.
"We okay?" I said. He looked incredibly flustered but he nodded.
"We're... yeah, we're totally... fine. Erm... bye. I... won't... I won't tell anyone." I smiled.
"Don't worry -- I'm not keeping this from Jamie. She's cool." Toby's mouth fell open but he said nothing. I leaned in and planted a quick kiss on his cheek.
"Bye." And with that, I left.