Chapter 09
"Damn hun, what is it with you and spying on people?" Jamie said when I finished explaining what had happened and I blushed profusely.
"It wasn't like -- I didn't mean to!" Jamie grinned.
"I'm kidding, hun, relax." I smiled, but my cheeks were still bright red. Jamie put her hand on my leg and smiled. "Hun -- I'm only kidding."
"I know. But you're not upset with me?"
"Why, just cause you gave Toby a little cheap thrill? No, hun I keep telling you -- as long as you're honest and open this is all fine by me." I nodded. Jamie was quiet for a while before adding; "So, do you wanna fuck him?" I couldn't help but blush again.
"I- you think he wants to?"
"Duh. Hun he was groaning your name when he came, yeah he wants to fuck you. He's hot for you." She paused again before asking; "Do you?"
I was quiet for a long time. Truth is, I thought Toby was cute but it felt so... unusual. I wasn't used to boys having crushes on me -- I had only just gotten used to the idea of someone like Trevor or Hank being attracted to me, but a sweet boy like Toby?
What if... what if I disappointed him? What if I hurt him? I hadn't really meant for what I did to be any more than making amends, but what if he thought it was more than? Did I want it to be more than that? I thought I did but-
And so on and so on, I spun myself out of control. Jamie must have noticed because she squeezed my leg gently and brought me back to the present.
"Hey, calm down. Nothing bad's happened. Toby's got the hots for you and whatever you want to do with that is up to you."
"You were scared shitless he would rattle on us to his dad." I reminded her but Jamie just shrugged.
"That was before I knew him. He seems like a cool guy. Just, you know... whatever happens, happens. You know?" I shook my head as I smiled; sometimes Jamie's solution to everything seemed to be to simplify whatever it was and assume it would all work out if everyone was just open and honest. I loved that about her, but it was, at times, infuriating.
The next day was Friday but I wasn't working. I woke up late, checked my messages and as usual, there was one from Jamie;
>Hi sweetheart -- I'm off to work but date tonight? i can pick up a bottle. Thinking about ur big beautiful boobs and maybe fucking u. love u< I shivered; Jamie knew how to wake me up even when she wasn't around. I closed my eyes again and thought about being bent over in front of Jamie, the big strap-on brushing up against me... my hand instinctively travelled down my legs but I stopped myself. Something in me made me stop. I picked my phone back up and sent a text to Toby.
>hi Toby r u in?< A few minutes later, just as I was starting to worry he wasn't in he replied.
>Hi. Yes.<
>can i come over nd shower?<
I got up and gathered my shower kit. I pulled on a t-shirt and sweatpants then went over to the wardrobe. Usually I showered at Toby's and changed back at my place.
Not today.
It took me a few minutes to pick out what I wanted. Finally I settled on one of my summer dresses; Bright blue with flower patterns. Jamie called it 'cute' in that way she would talk whenever she teased me about being a country girl, but she'd also admitted it accentuated my cleavage and showed off my hips. The latter wasn't something I'd ever considered a strength but she'd assured me that my belly wasn't something she noticed, not when, and I quote, "You got that round, plump ass and those hot wide hips going on." I found a pair of lace, black thongs (I had worn them on camera a few times now and they were uncomfortable as hell but I felt dead sexy in them) and stuffed it into my shower bag and left.
I rang the door and Toby answered very quickly. My heart leapt at seeing him but almost immediately I had to stifle a laugh. He was wearing a badly ironed shirt and had combed his hair. He didn't look bad or anything, but it was a long shot from the usual t-shirts or hoodies I saw him in. A scent in the air told me he'd even put on a massive amount of cologne. He smiled like a dork and showed me in.
I went to the bathroom like usual and showered, all the while thinking.
To be clear, I didn't have a plan. I just knew I wanted to talk to Toby and I wanted to be sexy. I wanted him to see me, to think I was hot. I think I wanted to confirm what Jamie had said. And yeah, fine, I'll admit -- I hoped something would happen. But that's as far as my plans went.
I stepped out of the shower, dried myself off and got dressed. I stepped out of the bathroom in my dress and smiled at Toby, sat in the sofa, nervously. He got up as soon as I entered the room and then did a quick double-take when he noticed my outfit.
"H-hi." he stammered. "I, erm, I thought we might talk." He motioned for me to sit down and I smiled and took the seat next to him.
"Do you wanna talk about yesterday?" I suggested and he smiled, relieved.
"Yeah. I- I just wanted to be sure we're cool."
"What do you mean by 'cool'?"
"I mean, I, erm... I didn't... offend you or anything?" I really struggled to not laugh.
"No you didn't offend me. I just thought fair was fair." He said nothing, just swallowed and looked ahead.
"Was it..." I trailed off and tried again: "Did you enjoy it?"
"Of- yes! I, yes."
"Good. You've been so nice to me and Jamie letting us use your shower and I just don't want things to be weird between us." Toby nodded.
"So... you said you've been a subscriber for long?"
"I... a few months, yeah."
"Did you... I mean how did you find it?"
"Oh, erm -- I found a list of porn sites on reddit and I subscribed to about a dozen that I liked."
"Oh. Damn. A dozen?" I said, feeling both a little hurt and a little shocked at the thought of subscribing to twelve websites like ours at the same time. I mean the money -- not to mention the... let's call it 'time'! Toby must have noticed my shocked expression because he blushed profusely again.
"I- I- I don't... I stopped most of them after a month."
"But not Jamie's?"
"Actually I did. But I re-subscribed when you joined."
"Because you recognized me?"
"No. Before that."
"That's nice." Toby kept blushing but grinned and gave a stupid little laugh and made eye contact with me for the first time in a little bit. I met his gaze then I saw it. His eyes moved away from my eyes and down to my chest. He quickly shifted his stare and I suppressed a triumphant grin.
"So I guess you... watch a lot of porn?" The blushing intensified. Is this what I was like when Jamie first met me? I wondered.
"I guess. Don't you?"
"No. I've... actually never watched any porn. Well... except for Jamie's and mine." And Jamie's own. I reminded myself.
"Really?" I nodded and suddenly blushed a bit, too.
"I... I guess that's a little weird, huh?" I said and laughed. Toby grinned.
"I suppose it is, a bit." There was another silence.
"What, erm... what kind of porn do you watch?" I asked.
"Err... I... guess... lots of kind? I... don't know what to..."
"Sorry! I don't know much about it."
"But you're in it!" Toby cried out, laughing again.
"I know, I know, but... I just don't... I never watched any or knew anyone who- I mean I guess I sort of knew my brothers watched porn but it's not like we ever talked about it!" I laughed at the thought.
"Most guys don't." Toby said.
"Well... you don't have to I was just curious."
"I..." Toby began. "I prefer point of view ones." I cocked my head innocently and Toby explained what he meant: About half the videos me and Jamie shot were POV videos. Trevor didn't want to have his face be shown so he usually held the camera, whereas me and Jamie usually rigged the camera next to the bed for shoots with just us. Trevor's had been with Jamie holding the camera.
"How come?"
"It's just... easier to... to... imagine, you know." I couldn't help myself; I gave a big grin.
"That it's you?" Toby's face went red as a tomato and he nodded.
"Is that all you like?"
"I watch a lot of stuff." He said and I decided to back off a little, but I was definitely curious: Stupid though it may sound I had never considered finding out what other porn was like; I'd completely relied on Jamie knowing her stuff and what people liked to watch.
"Have you ever watched porn with someone else?"
"No! Of course not."
"Would you like to?" I asked.
"This is really silly." I said.
"I know." Toby stammered, barely moving.
"She's so clearly not stuck."
"I... yeah."
"And- oh wow." I said, impressed with the dick that had just appeared. Toby said nothing. The woman asked what was going back there and without answering the man pulled down her sweatpants and showed her bare naked ass; round and inviting. I felt myself getting a little nervous -- maybe this was stupid? What exactly was I expecting? I glanced over at Toby but he didn't dare to meet my eyes, he sat bolt upright in his chair, me on the edge of the bed looking at the monitor.
'What are you doing?!' cried the woman as the man ran the tip of his dick against her pussy then entered her. The woman gave a surprised, but clearly delighted cry. Some part of me wondered if this was healthy -- but it was so obviously fake that I guessed it didn't do much harm. Me and Toby watched together as they fucked, the woman (whose name Toby told me was Laila) moaning in pleasure between unconvincing cries for him to stop. Toby kept completely quiet and sat perfectly still.
'Oooh fuck I can't believe you're doing this!' cried the woman.
"Is this weird?" I asked.
'Well what do you expect when your ass is just sticking out like this?' answered the man.
"A little." Duh.
'I- aaah! I expected you to help me not fuck me!'
"Sorry." I paused, then slowly opened my legs. From where Toby was he should be able to just make out my panties. His eyes darted away from the screen and then instantly back.
"You can look." I said. He didn't move for a little while but he slowly turned his head. I hitched up my skirt a little so he could see better.
"I expected you to show me a blowjob scene." I said after a while.
"H-how come?"
"Cause I'm not gonna let you fuck me." I said, and then nothing. Toby stared at me. I stood up, then slowly sank to my knees. "But if you want..." I smiled meaningly.
"I... I..." Toby swallowed. "I... I never..." I paused, thinking. He couldn't mean... No... Nooooo!
"You've never..." he shook his head. "Are you a..." He nodded, looking terrified like I was about to bite him. But I didn't bite him. My heart was racing. Mark had already been with at least one girl when we got together. I'd never been anyone's first. Not that I was planning on being Toby's... although instantly I wanted to, but I couldn't just presume he wanted me to be. But I had been planning on sucking his cock ever since we walked into his room and unless he said no, I was going to make good on that plan.
"Well..." I said and smiled at him, hopefully comfortingly. "I'm here. And if you want to... you can get that big, fat cock of yours sucked." Toby looked like his heart had stopped. I don't think he could physically speak, but he slowly nodded and I wasted no time. I made myself comfortable in front of his chair and unzipped his jeans. His underwear bulged and I looked up at him.
"Don't worry about anything. Let me take care of you." I slid his trousers down and he wiggled out of them and then I slowly pulled down his underpants.
His cock was even nicer-looking up close. It really was thick; by far the thickest I'd ever seen. The head was already glistening with precum and he was rock-hard. I smiled appreciatively.
"You're really big, you know that?" Toby didn't answer but I could see something flash in his eyes. I knew he could sense my breath on his cock. The smell of precum and of sweat filled my nostrils and I inhaled it like a drug. I took a gently grip around the shaft and stroked him slowly.
"It's just... so nice and big." Above me on the other side of the desk I heard the woman groan something about being freed and the man saying something about a promise. I leaned in close and pressed the tip of Toby's dick against my lips and gave it a long kiss. My tongue flicked out and ran over his head. He tensed up and gave a barely audible gasp.
"Sit back and relax, Toby." I said as I finally plunged. I slipped my mouth over him and engulfed his cock. I paused as his head filled my mouth. He was so thick he really did fill my mouth, too. I swirled my tongue around gently and then inched deeper. And a little deeper. My heart raced as I realized I might just do it. He was thick but not as long as Trevor or Hank. I breathed through my nose and pushed myself another inch and found my nose buried in Toby's pubes. I fucking did it! I thought to myself. I have his entire cock in my mouth.
"Oh... oh god!" Toby managed between gasps.
'Just hurry up, okay? I need to get back to my chores.' the woman in the video said.
Slowly I eased back out until I could move my tongue again. I bobbed up and down his shaft, constantly working my tongue.
I hadn't been going long when I felt Toby tense again -- he gripped the armrests of his chair and suddenly let out a huge, deep, guttural moan as he came. And Jesus Christ did he come. It shot into the back of my mouth like a champagne bottle but I was determined to not let go. I kept my mouth wrapped around him like my life depended on it. I am swallowing every drop of this boy's cum. I told myself as he emptied a huge load in me.
Eventually I had to relent and gave a quick gasp for breath; cum came spilling out of my mouth and ran down his shaft and another spurt hit me straight in the face. More came before I could recover and landed on my neck. Finally he stopped twitching and the last load jumped from his cock and landed back down on his thigh.
"I'm... I'm sorry!" he exclaimed but I wasn't listening; I wasn't done. I leant back down and licked his shaft for every drop of cum. I kissed the spot on his thigh where it had landed, I lapped it up from his cock and I wiped my hand on my face and then licked it off. Finally I sat back up and... banged my head on the desk.
Sigh. Ain't that life?
After spending a minute of me rubbing the top of my head and Toby looking concerned I awkwardly sat back on the bed and Toby pulled his trousers back on.
"Sorry." Toby said.
"What for?" I asked.
"For, erm... erm... for... being so... quick." He blushed and looked unhappy.
"Well... you're new at this." I rose up, determined to salvage some of my image as a sophisticated seductress. I slid my hand down his legs and massaged his dick through his jeans; he jerked and gasped.
"Maybe next time you'll last a little longer, hmm?" I said, turned and walked away. As I did I fished out my phone and texted Jamie:
>hey plz hurry bak home i need to tel u somethng nd I REALLY need u t fuck me<