Chapter 11


It was just after six when I got to the restaurant -- I ran a tiny bit late because it started raining just as I left and I sprinted back to grab an umbrella -- I had done my hair up and didn't want to mess it up. The place was fancy for Feltville which wasn't much but it was something. The head waiter lead me to Toby's table where he was sat, anxiously looking out for me and his face erupted in a relieved smile when he saw me. He looked nice; his hair was back-slicked and he actually wore a nice-fitting shirt and jacket. He was downright handsome, I thought and suddenly became self-conscious. I hoped I looked nice, too.

We ordered and got drinks and I got my first surprise of the evening -- Toby knew his wines! Or at least he seemed to. He perused the wine list and chose a nice, French red that the waiter seemed suitably impressed by. It meant nothing to me but it was exquisite.

"You know a lot about wine?" I asked.

"Sort of." Toby admitted. "My mom's family has a vineyard -- she doesn't own it, her sister does but I know enough to know what's good and what's a ripoff." I smiled.

"I can't imagine what it must be like growing up with people who have vineyards."

"It's... pretty boring." He said, smiling shyly. The drinks arrived and we toasted.

"I -- thanks for... well thanks for coming."

"Thanks for asking."

"I don't- er... I don't go on a lot of dates. I hope this is okay." I laughed.

"Toby this is wonderful. And you look so nice." His face turned the same colour as the wine.

"So do you. You look, erm... you look -- you look gorgeous." I blushed and sipped my wine.

"You know for the record, I don't really go on a lot of dates, either." I said and Toby smiled and shrugged.

"Why would you, you have a-" he glanced around and checked himself. "Someone."

"Sure, but... it's not like we ever really... you know we didn't exactly go on regular dates -- not like this, anyway. And before that I... well, I just didn't do a lot of dating, either. So relax, I'm pretty nervous, too." I said. It seemed to work and as the night wore on Toby slowly relaxed more and more. Yes the wine helped.

After dinner I excused myself to use the restroom. As I was washing my hands my phone buzzed, a text from Jamie:

>Hi hun hows the date going?<

>Im havin a good time< I replied.

>Getting laid 2 night?<

>shut up<

>Don't do anything i wouldn't do<

>like wat?<

>Good point. Love u, have fun, tell Toby to bring my girlfriend back home safe or Ill kick his ass.<

I walked back to Toby with a smile from my lips. When he asked what was up I told him Jamie had texted me. He nodded and got a little quiet.

"Are you... is everything okay?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I... didn't want to... I been afraid to ask but is Jamie... okay with...?"

"Yeah, she is. She's-" I glanced around like Toby had done but decided I wasn't going to be overly cautious. If people were eavesdropping well, fuck 'em. --"She's poly."

"Okay. I guess I guessed that, just wasn't sure... I don't want to, you know... erm... intrude?" he said with a weird grin.

"I know what you mean. Don't worry, you're not. I don't keep secrets from her. She knows we're here, she's okay with it."

"Does she know... erm... everything? I mean-" he looked painfully embarrassed suddenly and I nodded.

"Yeah. Sorry, I guess I should have checked that with you but yeah, she knows. And she doesn't mind." Don't worry I thought, my girlfriend doesn't mind that I suck your cock every once in a while.

"Wow." Toby said. He was quiet for a while. "Wow." He said again.

"I know." I smiled.

Dessert came and me and Toby were having a whale of a time. We chatted more about life in Feltville; me about how big the city felt, Toby about how small it felt. A little about work -- there's not much to say about being a waitress except some stories about rude or funny customers. Toby's work seemed interesting but a bit beyond me. Basically he worked for some big bank's IT department helping them run their server. He said it could be done from anywhere, except every once in a while he had to travel for a few days to be on-site. I asked him a little more about it but as soon as he started to explain my eyes glazed over -- I really wasn't that good with computers. He seemed to appreciate being asked though, but he took the signal after a minute or so that I was struggling to keep up and we switched topics.

Toby seemed genuinely interested in my family and asked me loads of questions about my parents, our house and my brothers. He seemed a little melancholy -- I guessed he felt a little jealous because aside from some normal family quarrels (and admittedly a recently awoken fear as to how my family would react to finding out about how I now lived my life) I had a mostly loving and good relationship with all of them.

He then tried to engage me in talking about TV, bless his dorky little heart. It was kind of a no-starter. I was definitely a bit of a Netflix-buff but mostly crime documentaries or dramas, whereas he was more into the big, nerdy hit shows. It was getting a little late, I was definitely quite tipsy and when I said that I hadn't even heard of... whatever show it was he was trying to explain to me he exclaimed that he would have to show it to me someday, I jumped.

"How about I come over sometime and you can show it to me?" Toby's face lit up.

"Sure! Any time!"

"How about tomorrow?" I said.

"Sounds great."

We finished our drinks, Toby asked for the check and smoothly handled it -- I had no idea what it all came too and would have been okay with splitting it, but he was a gentleman and took care of it. We got a cab home. I had never before been taken out to dinner and had a cab ride home. Mark had taken me to a greasy burger joint and driven me home in his car when we were dating, but this was different. I felt very fancy, very desired. Horny, too, yes. Toby could have had me that night, no question -- but on some level I felt it was a special night and I wanted to keep it special and sweet.

Again, though, if he'd asked, he would have had me. I would have stripped, bent over and begged him to enter me before he'd gotten out of his shoes.

He walked me to my door, I suspect feeling a little silly since he lived literally above me. But he was a true gentleman to the end and bid me goodnight. I smiled at him, leaned in and gave him a kiss. I caught him by surprise, I suppose, but he kissed me back, very carefully. And that was it.

Later that night, while I was in bed, Jamie called me.

"Sooooo how did it go?" she asked in a sing-song voice.

"It was great, he was such a gentleman." I said and told her all about the dinner.

"Sounds like he really fancies you, hun. You sure do got the moves, girl. And that boy has got a huuuuge crush on you." She teased.

"Hey Jamie?"


"I think I've got a crush on him, too." Jamie gave a big, relieved sigh.

"Took you long enough to figure that out."​
Next page: Chapter 12
Previous page: Chapter 10