Chapter 13

My eyes closed as Jamie and I kissed intimately. Her fingers were inside me and mine in hers; we were kneeling on her bed and casting occasional glimpses at the camera as we played with each others' pussies. Jamie played expertly with my clit, and I kept gasping in ecstasy while doing my best to keep up. I bent down and put one of her nipples in my mouth and sucked on her pert breast. My other hand grasped her ass and she grinded against my hand. I kissed her again and whispered to her how hot she was and she said it back.

"Now make me come, hun." We writhed and fingerfucked each other until we both rode out our climaxes on each other's hands.

Once we'd caught our breath Jamie put her arms around me and we both faced the camera. She reached down and gently grasped one of my breasts and I shivered a little.

"Hope you enjoyed that one, everyone. See you next week." She kissed the air and I blew a kiss towards it.

"Bye!" I said.

Jamie waited a beat then pulled me in for a big, deep kiss.

"What was that for?" I asked and she smiled at me.

"Just for being you. I love you."

"I love you, too." I said. It still gave me butterflies, even though we'd been a couple for months now.

"Sooo... when's the big day?" she said, teasingly, sitting down cross-legged.

"What big day?" I asked and she gave me a look.

"Oh don't be coy. You're stripping that boy of his v-card soon, right?"

"Maybe." I said, making myself comfortable on the bed opposite her.

"He's a lucky boy." Jamie said, winking at me. I blushed.

"He's sweet. I'm the lucky one." Jamie rolled her eyes.

"God hun you are such a doe-eyed romantic." Suddenly she got up on her knees and leaned in towards me. I saw the look in her eyes and submitted. I opened my legs and lay down. "Just make sure you teach that boy to eat pussy sometime, hun."

She said, her voice muffled and I moaned in reply.

"Aaah... maybe you caaaaah! Can help me teach him?" I managed, and Jamie laughed which I felt.

"If you really think that boy could handle the both of us, invite him over." I looked down at her.


"I mean, if you want, I'm not bothered." She looked up at me and smiled. "Maybe for his birthday or something." With a wicked grin she disappeared between my legs for good and I let myself go and drifted off into loving bliss.

The next day I woke up to Jamie making coffee in the kitchen. She came in a few minutes later, dressed for work and carrying a cup. She leant in and kissed me on the forehead.

"Morning hun. I'm in a bit of a rush, will I see you tonight?"

"Unless I'm with Toby." I said and Jamie shot up an eyebrow and smiled.

"Go get that boy his first lay, hun. It'll be good for him. Love you!"

Later, having showered and wrapped myself in a towel I got my phone out and texted Toby.

>morning Tobe. U up?<

>Hi! Yes.<

>do u have plns fr today?<

>No, what's up?<

>can i come ovr?<

>Sure! Want to watch something?<

>No.< My phone buzzed but I didn't bother replying. I thought about throwing on something sexy, but something stopped me. I put on some regular jeans and a t-shirt and headed upstairs. Toby answered the door in his sweatpants and one of his geeky t-shirts with some reference on it I didn't understand. I was secretly delighted -- I loved seeing his bulge grow in his sweats.

"Hey Beth, everything okay?" he said, sound concerned. I guess I'd scared him a little with my cryptic messages.

"Yeah, everything's fine." I said and walked past him. I stood in his living room while he closed the door and followed me, slowly, unsure what was going on. I took a deep breath.

"Do you really like me?" I said and Toby blinked.


"Like, really like me? You're definitely, one hundred percent for sure not just saying that because I- for some other reason?" Toby shook his head, looking worried.

"No! No, I'm so sorry did I do something wrong?" I said no and was silent for a while.

"I like you, too. I... I really do. You're a really sweet guy and... no guy has ever been this nice to me." I looked him dead in the eyes; he looked less worried, but just confused instead.

"I... I maybe wish we'd started things off a different way" I said, blushing because that was true, and all my fault. "but I know I like you and I want to be with you." Toby's face broke into a nervous, very happy smile and I smiled back.

"I... I want to be with you, too." He said, and my heart leapt. I walked up to him and leaned in. We kissed. I leant back away from him and smiled, my heart dancing.

"And..." I started, knowing what I wanted. "I'd love to be your first." Toby stared at me, confused again. I guess he wasn't on my page just yet.

"I want to be your first." I said again and smiled as knowingly as I knew how. Finally it landed and Toby blushed.

"I-I'd like that." He said.

"Yeah?" I said and he nodded. "Then... how about right now?" Toby swallowed and looked at me for a moment. Finally, he stammered out a yes. I took his hand and led him to his bedroom.

"How do you want this to happen, Tobe?" I asked him when we were inside.

"I... I don't know." He said. I smiled, inwardly thrilled. I kissed him again, then quickly, smoothly pulled my t-shirt over my head and undid my bra. I stood in front of him topless, watching him stare at my breasts. Glancing down I saw the bulge in his sweatpants swell. Without saying a word I undid my jeans and slid them down my legs. Smiling innocently I told him it was his turn.

I'd never actually seen Toby naked before -- and in fact he'd only seen me naked once -- but I what I expected was about what I got. He was flabby, not fat but not exactly in shape, either. He had broad, manly shoulders though and a cute fuzz of chest hair going down towards his navel. He kept his underwear on, which was fair enough since I had, too. Not that there was much to hide -- you could have hung a painting on his crotch.

I took a step towards him and I swear to god he flinched. I pulled him in close for another kiss and as we kissed I pressed my breasts against his naked chest. My hand travelled down and grabbed the bulging shape in his underwear and Toby gave a shiver. He moved his hand and I could tell he was travelling down towards my crotch. His hand moved over my panties and gave my lips the gentlest touch and it shot through me like lightning -- I was horny as hell. I appreciated the thought, but Toby really didn't need to worry about foreplay, not right then.

Nevertheless I stayed still, kissing him while he clumsily fingered me -- the poor boy had no idea what he was doing but I didn't want to discourage him. Finally he slipped his hand in under my panties; he paused for a moment, I guess to see if I objected. I didn't. His hand moved down to my naked pussy and I could feel his fingers slip over and in between my lips -- I was wide open, wet and ready for him. He ran his fingers up and down me -- if he had even a vague idea on what to do he wasn't doing it right, the blessed little dope. But at least he was slow, and gentle. I parted my legs a little for him and then slid my hand inside his underwear to grip his hard member.

"What do you say you lie down on the bed?" I whispered and Toby withdrew his hand. He sat down on the bed and I watched him nervously lie down, his eyes constantly wandering over my body. I grabbed the hem of my panties and slid them off. In a flurry Toby did the same.

I love being naked with someone else. That might sound a bit strange, but it's something I'd discovered by being with Jamie. I've always been self-conscious about my body; my belly, my thighs, my somewhat flabby arms etc. But with Jamie and with doing videos I came to realize that the act of being naked together with someone else who genuinely and obviously wants me there is freeing; empowering. That to me is a big part of not just sex but intimacy. Even when it's on camera I feel intimate and wanted as long as someone else -- ideally Jamie -- is there with me, also naked.

Well Toby was totally naked now, just like me. His dick stood up like a pole. I paused, on purpose, to take him all in; this sweet, kind naked boy who I was about to make a man.

And that amazing, thick dick that I'm finally am gonna get to feel inside me.

Toby was starting to look worried again so I quickly got on the bed and swung my legs over his. I sat on his thighs, his dick sticking up in front of my little mat of pubes and I felt it twitch.

"You ready?" I asked. Toby was quiet and for a moment I got worried. I locked eyes with him and asked him, genuinely if he wanted to do this.

"It's oaky if you changed your mind." I said, putting a brave smile on my face. Pleeeeease don't say no. To my relief, Toby shook his head.

"No no I- I want to I'm just -- I'm sorry if I'm, I mean if I don't-" I put a finger to his lips.

"Shhh. Don't worry about any of that." I said. "Don't worry about anything at all. Just enjoy it." With that, I lifted a leg, moved up just an inch or two and grabbed Toby's dick. I guided it in and up between my legs -- the tip slid inside almost as if my body understood how desperate I was to have him in me and I inched myself carefully, slowly over him until my other leg touched the bed again and then I eased my whole body down.

Fucking god in heaven this boy fills me up. I thought.

"Oooooooh... fuck!" I said out loud.

"Aaaaah!" Toby said, his eyes closed, his head leant back, lost in bliss.

"Jesus fucking Christ you're so goddamn big!" I said. Yes, yes, I was laying it on a little thick, I know. But... damn, he was big. He was fully in me and

I slowly raised myself up until I thought he must be nearly out of me, then lowered myself again.

Boys, when it comes to size -- girth over length, every day of the week, that's what I say at least. I'd never felt anything this thick in me and it was amazing.

Toby kept breathing rapidly, moaning and writhing under me. He looked like he was in heaven, which is just what I wanted. I started moving rhythmically, doing everything in my power go to slow for Toby, even though every time I raised myself up I just wanted to sink all the way down his dick in one go. I struggled to stay in the moment even though a hundred thoughts flew through my head;

Was I doing okay?

What would it feel like to do doggy with him?

Was I good enough to be Toby's first?

What would it feel like to do anal with him some day?

Would I disappoint him?

Did he want me to be his girlfriend?

His girlfriend.

I was already someone's girlfriend. But did I want to be his girlfriend, too? Jamie was poly, was I? I didn't think so -- but I didn't think I was bi until a few months ago either.

Toby snapped me out of my reverie -- his hands suddenly reached up and cupped my breasts as they heaved up and down. I arched my back and bucked, feeling dizzy with pleasure and all those thoughts. Arching let me take him just a tiny bit deeper and maybe it was coincidence but it seemed to push him over the edge.

Toby came. I'd been on top of him for maybe a minute when suddenly he gasped and his whole body tensed -- his grip on my boobs turned tight and a little uncomfortable but I let it slide -- I would let almost anything slide right then.

And good god, did it feel amazing when he came inside me. He let one of his huge loads go into my body; my pussy welcoming it. It filled me like no load ever had before. It was nearly enough to make me come. Nearly, but not quite.

But of course I faked it.

I very rarely do, I had had more than enough of faking it with my ex, Mark, and I never want to have to get into that habit again. But this time, for Toby, yeah I faked it.

As he climaxed I gave it my all -- it wasn't hard -- it felt amazing. Another minute and I'd probably have gotten there anyway. We both moaned in pleasure, Toby sounded almost possessed and he bucked and writhed under me, his thick thighs suddenly tense.

Finally he relaxed and lay there drawing deep breaths. I leaned down and lay on top of him, resting and breathing hard, too. Finally I gently raised a leg and got myself off of him causing him to shiver and convulse and give off little yelps. Thick cum dripped out of me and I embarrassingly tried to close my legs quickly but made quite a mess on both him and his bed. If he noticed he didn't seem to mind. I snuck up next to him and lay next to him, a little shy and unsure what to do. Part of me wanted to hold him, cuddle him, let him ride out the waves of pleasure together. Another wanted to be careful, maybe he needed a bit of space.

Of course yet another part wanted him to get hard again post-haste so we could go for round two because good God was I up for it. Buuuut something told me that wasn't happening.

Finally Toby opened his eyes and turned to look at me. I smiled and he smiled, too.

"Was that... you... you happy?" I said, grinning like an idiot and Toby gave a little tired laugh.

"I couldn't have dreamed of anything better." He said and he sounded so sincere and grateful that my heart melted. I think I was about to say something, I'm not sure what, when he continued;

"I'm in love with you, Beth."

I need to talk to Jamie. I have to talk to Jamie. I shouldn't- my brain began, panicking and painting scenarios. But then I stopped thinking like that. Because yes, I needed to talk to Jamie and I was going to. I was going to tell her everything, like I always did. I wasn't going to keep any secrets from her, and she would be okay with it.

So, just that one little thing left, then: What exactly was I going to tell Toby? Was I in love with him, too? I looked into his eyes; those sweet, innocent eyes belonging to that sweet, innocent boy. Man. That sweet, sweet dorky guy. And yeah. I was in love with him.

"I'm in love with you, too, Toby." I said. And as we lay there, naked, his cum drying on both of our skins, we kissed for the first time as girlfriend and boyfriend.​
Next page: Chapter 14
Previous page: Chapter 12