Chapter 16

Author's note: I've been away from this series for a while, but I finally finished writing up the last chapter! I may do another series about Beth and Jamie if people are interested, but this little section of Beth's adventures are over for now, hope you enjoy it!

"Aaah!" I squealed and closed my eyes but as soon as I did Jamie stopped.

"Sorry did that hurt?" she asked, nervously. I loved her so much as found how nervous she was endearing but at the same time frustrating.

"No! No keep going! Just like that, slow!" Jamie slowly, slowly inched the dildo further inside me and I breathed deeply, keeping my muscles relaxed and my whole being caught in the sensation of being filled. Finally I grabbed Jamie's arm and held it.

"That's... that's good stop there." I said, breathlessly. She stopped and I opened my eyes to look at her.

"Jesus, hun you're really doing it." She said, sounding impressed and I felt so proud: I could do something Jamie couldn't! I felt brave.

"Thank you... for... helping me... I wanted to... do this with you... first." I said.

I was on my back, legs spread wide and my ass slightly raised. Jamie was knelt in front of me with one of our favourite dildos now halfway inside my ass. The smell of lube and that slight rubbery smell of the dildo filled my nostrils.

"Fuck me. Slowly, but God please fuck me, Jamie!" I suddenly said, my body crying out for that dildo to move in me. Jamie was careful, slow and thoughtful. She started moving in and out of my butthole gently, gently but my ass was ready -- I was lubed up and had spent months practicing.

It felt amazing. Just like when I practiced I felt stuffed but the added sensation of not being fully in control brought it to the next level. I reached down and started playing with myself while Jamie fucked me.

I came within minutes and it was powerful. Jamie let me lay there and recover before she slowly pulled the dildo out of me and I squirmed as it left my body. That was one of the best sensations I'd ever experienced and at the back of my head I knew I needed to experience it with a real dick. Jamie leant over and kissed me.

"That was hot as shit, hun."

"Really?" I asked, suddenly feeling very bashful. Jamie had told me anal wasn't her thing and when I'd asked her to please help me try it for the first time with someone she'd said yes but also told me she wasn't sure how she would feel.

"Really." I smiled and kissed her in return.

"I had a thought." Jamie said later when we'd gotten dressed and were sat in the sofa.

"What's that?"

"If you're serious about what we talked about the other day -- about actually letting someone from the website win the contest then... I'm in." I looked at her in surprise.

"What changed your mind?"

"You did, sweet cheeks." She said and winked. "If you can be brave enough to try something like... that." she glanced at my ass. "Then I guess I can be brave enough to try something new, too."

"You don't want to be the chicken one." I said and Jamie acted shocked.

"I never! You're getting awfully cocky, hun." I leaned in close to her.

"Well I never thought I'd be the one daring you to do anything so I just want to enjoy it." I puckered my lips at her and she gave me a quick peck before pushing me away and I giggled like a little girl.

"Okay, did you have anyone in mind?" I asked when I'd stopped giggling.

"Actually, yes." Jamie said and grabbed her laptop. She scrolled through the various comments people had sent in until she found the one she was looking for.

'Hello lovely ladies! Long-time fan here, would love the chance to get to meet you. I'm located in Wausau, Wisconsin and am willing to take quite a long ride for a ride with you ;) haha!

I'm an office manager, recently divorced in my 40s -- I can pass all your tests and don't mind showing my face (and more, obviously haha) on camera!

You are two of the hottest girls on the internet and it would be a dream cum true to meet you ;)!


I finished reading.

"Well? What do you think?" Jamie asked.

"He sounds... dorky."

"Yup, but he doesn't give immediate creep vibes."

"I suppose."

"Hey, you're the one who said you wanted to try..." Jamie said and I realised that was true.

"Okay... okay so how... how would we do this?"

"We set a date with him somewhere neutral -- out of town and public. We chat for a bit and if the vibes are okay we have him sign an NDA and all the rest of it."

"Okay... okay I'm in!" I said excitedly.

"Cool. I'll set up the meet." Jamie got back to her laptop but paused half-way through an email.

"Hey hun?" she asked. "You've talked to Toby about all this stuff, right?"


"Hun, Toby knows you're gonna keep doing porn and is okay with it, I mean."

"I... I assume so." Jamie made a face.

"I... sorry, not my business but I wouldn't assume. I'd talk it out with him."

Shit. I thought. She's right..

"I- no of course, I-" Toby began and I quickly put my hands up.

"Toby, it's okay if you feel weird about it, I just wanted to talk it out."

"Yes, yes, totally get it I mean it's-" he took a deep breath. "I... I thought about it. And, I- I don't... it's not right for me to... I shouldn't ask-"

"Toby..." I pleaded.

"I feel weird about it." He finally blurted out. I smiled.

"Really? What about?" Toby stared at me for a moment looking lost and then laughed out loud.

"Right. Yeah."

"I'd feel kind of weird about it, too."

"About your girlfriend doing porn?"

"Well... okay... I guess... I don't. Not anymore. But if you... I mean-" I started, lost my words and then we just sat staring at each other in silence.

"Your life is kind of weird, huh?" Toby said and I laughed and said I guessed it was.

It didn't use to be. I thought. It used to be ordinary, normal -- respectable.

Boring. Boring and lonely.

Toby drew a deep breath.

"Yes, I'm okay with it. I... will try really hard not to be all weird and... you know... jealous." I grinned.

"You have nothing to be jealous of, Toby." He waved me off.

"But you'll be careful, won't you?" he said.

"Of course. Super-careful."

Two days later me and Jamie were waiting in a café in a town halfway between Feltville and Wausau for Paul to show up. Jamie had brought her camera in a sports bag and if all went according to plan we would meet Paul here, discuss things and if we agreed we'd meet at a hotel room later tonight to shoot.

Jamie seemed a little nervous, which I might have found cute if it were for the fact that I was scared out of my fucking mind!

What the fuck was I thinking? What the fuck was wrong with me? With both of us! Were we really gonna do this? Were we gonna be... do... I mean, with a complete and total stranger? This was insane. I wanted to tell Jamie it was nuts, that I changed my mind and that we should leave right now.

But I didn't. I sat there, pretending I was confident and brave. As if she could read my mind Jamie glanced at me and squeezed my hand. I gave a brave, fake smile back and glanced at the door. Every single middle-aged man I saw enter the door made my heart jump.

"We can skip out, you know." Jamie said and the instant she said that my mind completely reversed. Fuck no, we're doing this!

"I- do you mean you want to?" I asked. Jamie looked at the door.

"No. No, I'm... kind of excited. You know?" I must have beamed a smile at her brighter than the sun because she laughed.

"I really didn't think I'd ever do this." She said. "Love you, hun."

"Love you, too."

"Ehh, you guys... Jamie and Beth?" someone said and we both froze. A man had walked up to our table without us realising. A bearded, middle-aged man dressed in chinos and a clean, white shirt. He was tall -- about six foot tall and you could tell he was probably in really good shape when he was younger; he had a bit of a gut now but the shirt showed off his arms which looked big and strong. He had a receding hairline but kind eyes. He looked cautiously between the two of us and for a moment neither me nor Jamie knew what to say.

"Yes, hi. Paul?" Jamie finally managed.

"That's me!" the man answered cheerfully and to my shock he wanted to shake our hands. He sat down and ordered a diet Pepsi.

"So..." he began, then caught himself and pulled out his wallet. He pulled out a driver's license and a folded piece of paper and passed them over. Jamie quietly took the paper and studied it. I glanced at it only to confirm it was a battery of STD tests before I focused on the driver's license. My eyes sought out his year of birth.

He was 47 years old.

The same age as my dad. I didn't dwell too long on that.

"All good?" Paul said, a serene smile on his face and Jamie folded the paper and passed it back.

"Yup. Thanks."

"No problem." Paul said and retrieved both the paper and the license. "Sooo..." he began again and let it hang in the air. Silence. Finally I kicked Jamie under the table.

"Right- so you, er, you understand the deal?" she said.

"I think so. If you guys are happy then we... well..." he grinned. "We party." I blushed but Jamie had mustered her business face and nodded. She fished out two pieces of paper for Paul to look at. He took a quick glance at it but then had to fish out a pair of reading glasses before studying the Non-Disclosure Agreement in detail.

"Yup, all good." He said and retrieved a pen and scribbled his signature at the bottom without a care in the world. He then turned to the other paper and then looked at the two of us and raised his eyebrows, meaningfully. Without a word he made some scribbles and handed them both back.

"We'll- erm, we'll confer and if we... if everything's good I'll text you the hotel name and our room number." Jamie said.

"Cool. Anything else?"

"Are you-" I began, faltered but gathered up some courage. "Who... who are you Paul?" I asked, awkwardly. Paul laughed -- he had a nice laugh: loud, infectious.

"I'm... just an average Joe."

"You have a family?" I asked and Jamie froze. I got why, maybe he didn't want to talk about it.

"I do. Though I'm freshly divorced." He said and wiggled his ring finger to show of a patch of light skin where a wedding band had sat until recently.

"Kids?" I asked.

"Two. A boy and a girl. Probably about your age, I figure." If he found the questions uncomfortable he didn't show it in the slightest.

"Okay" Jamie said when she could tell I wasn't going to ask anything else. "I'll -- we'll be in touch." Paul nodded, got up and paused to look at us.

"You both look amazing. It'd be great to -- ah... work with you." He said with a smile and left.

"Just out of interest" Jamie started when Paul had left the bar. "if he'd said 'Oh yes, I have a wife at home' when you asked if he had a family, what the hell would you have done?" I thought about it for a second and realised I wasn't entirely sure.

"I don't know." I said and Jamie shook her head.

"Well... what do you think?"

"I... don't know." I repeated pathetically. "He seems... nice. I guess."

"He's... not what I was worried about, at least." Jamie admitted. She then looked at the second paper Paul had signed and whistled impressively.

"Well, he's... not shy." she said and passed it to me.

Jamie and I had drawn up a checklist for whatever Paul was willing to do on camera -- obviously we didn't suggest anything the two of us weren't willing to do. Paul had ticked every single check box. He was willing to give and receive oral, to do PIV in any position, 69, showing his face, say his name... the lot.

"Wow." I said.

"Mmmhmm." was all Jamie offered.

"So?" I asked Jamie.

"So?" she countered, right back at me. I drew a deep breath.

"I think I'm in." She stared at me in silence for a while.

"Then I'm in, too."

"He just texted, he says he just pulled up outside." Jamie said. I nodded quietly and adjusted my dress. I wore a simple, black dress that I hated but Jamie assured me look hot on me. She wore a glittery dark-green cocktail dress with a long slit up one side. She looked incredible, of course. I sat on the bed and tried to calm my nerves.

"Everything's okay, hun." Jamie said and sat down next to me. "Look -- he's an old guy; he'll probably, you know... it'll probably be over before you know it." she winked at me and I smiled, but my heart was racing a mile a minute.

I saw Trevor all the time -- we worked together. Hank I'd only met twice, but Jamie knew him from college and they chatted all the time (he was her first stop for any legal questions associated with our business) and Toby I obviously knew quite well.

This was different. I'd met Paul for all of five minutes, knew nothing about him and after today was probably never, ever going to see him again. It was terrifying and exhilarating at the same time.

A knock on the door and my heart stopped. Jamie leaned in and kissed me gently.

"Here we go." she said and opened the door and invited Paul in.

He was dressed the same as in the café, but I suspected that just like us he was freshly showered; he smelt of cologne and aftershave. He smiled politely as he stepped and closed the door behind him. He took a step back and took us both in.

"Wow. You two look... amazing." I could feel his eyes move over me, studying my curves, my cleavage and even my face. He did the same to Jamie.

"Well, thanks, honey." Jamie said and did a little twirl in her dress.

"Really nice." Paul said.

"So. You're the winner. What do you want to do?" Paul's eyes lit up and I carefully glanced at his trousers -- I saw a bulge already in his pants.

"I say we start with the two of you getting on your knees and showing me just how much you appreciate your fans." Jamie smiled like an angel and looked at me and I gave a subtle nod. She walked up to the camera and turned it on, facing the bed.

"We're just gonna do a little intro first, yeah?"

"Sure, sure." Paul said. Jamie took my hand and ushered me over to one side. She moved Paul to stand next to me and then placed herself on his other side, all of us facing the camera.

"Hey everyone!" Jamie cooed, as natural as if we had been in her bedroom. "Jamie and Beth here with a very, very special guest." she placed her hand on Paul's belly and leaned into him. "This is our latest lucky fan contest winner, Paul- say hi Paul."

"Hi Paul." Paul said and inwardly I groaned. He even tells dad jokes.

"So sorry to all the rest of you who didn't win, buuuut-" she put her head on Paul's shoulder. "you at least get to watch us have some fun. Isn't that right, Paul?"

"Sure is." he said, leering at Jamie. His hand was around my waist and suddenly it slipped down my back and squeezed my butt.

"Where do you wanna start, Paul?" Jamie said and received a big grin in return.

"I want to see those beautiful mouths of you girls put to good use." Jamie smiled and winked at me and together we moved in front of Paul. I turned my back to the camera and stared at Paul's big, broad chest. I glanced up at his face and saw his big, friendly face smiling back at me; kind, but expectant. He was clearly excited. Jamie ran her hands over his tummy down towards his crotch and I heard her starting to fiddle with his belt. I looked at him and knew I needed to either act or I was going to chicken out. I leaned in closer and for a moment I wondered if he wasn't going to respond but at the last moment he closed his eyes.

We kissed. Our lips met, gingerly at first but then his tongue pressed against my lips and I let him in. Our tongues met and played against each other and I felt a hand on my ass again.

"You ready for this?" I whispered and he winked at me.

"I'm very ready." Below us, Jamie had undone his belt and zipper and was pulling down his trousers. I slowly lowered myself down and joined her on the floor.

I grabbed the hem of his boxers and pulled them down and me and Jamie took a good look at his penis. It was rock-hard, standing straight out as soon as the boxers came off and a good solid five inches. His head was already shiny from precum and I looked at it hungrily.

We dutifully started tending to his dick. I leaned in and breathed in the smell of him; the smell of semen and sweat filled my nose and I felt myself getting worked up. We hadn't talked about who should go first so I took the opening. I took his wood in my hand and gently put my lips around it -- the camera was directly to our side so everyone got a good shot. I kept his head in my mouth for a while, barely moving and heard him moan from above me. Jamie was nestling in next to me and suddenly her face was right beside mine. I withdrew and she took over; we passed his cock between us like a lollipop.

I looked up and met his eyes: He was starting down at us.

"Enjoying the view?" I asked.

"It's... the sexiest thing I have ever seen." He said and he sounded so earnest I suddenly was gripped by a fierce desire to make this middle-aged man enjoy every moment of this. I took over from Jamie and went to work. I took his cock into my mouth and gently played my tongue over his head. I tasted him and then sucked him deeply in. He disappeared into my face and while I didn't deepthroat him I took him nice and deep.

"Sit down, honey." Jamie said and Paul positioned himself on the bed -- I only barely let go of him. I sucked in my cheeks and when Jamie gently held his cock and motioned for me that it was her turn I let go of his cock with a loud 'pop'.

"Ooooh god... fuck you're even better than I imagine." Paul said in a deep, husky voice. I gently stood up above Jamie and started undoing his shirt. His big, broad chest was hairy and toned -- I was sure of it -- Paul in his twenties must have been a beast of a man. I ran my hands over it, playing with his chest hair and gave him another kiss before dropping back down to my knees. I leaned in close and started kissing his balls.

We spent several minutes like that, taking turns. After a little while Paul started breathing quicker and quicker and whispered he was getting close.

"Should we stop?" Jamie asked, momentarily all-business again.

"Please, no!" Paul begged. "I need you to swallow it." Jamie grinned and went back to work. When he suddenly drew a deep breath I hurried over but Jamie was still working his cock when he came. I heard her mouth greedily gulp on his load as Paul's whole body shook out an orgasm.

"Ooooooh fuuuuuuuuuuuuck!" he screamed loud enough that I worried the room next door would call the cops. Jamie suddenly flew her head back, gasping for breath and Paul's cock shot sperm high into the air. It landed on Jamie's hair, on her dress and on the carpet. Paul lay down on the bed breathing heavily as I to my amazement his cock still spurted cum. I acted on instinct and put it back in my mouth and caught the last few spurts in my mouth, sucking them down greedily. Paul groaned and sat back up and gently pushed my head away.

"S-stop, fuck you're gonna kill me!" he cried, laughing and I flashed him my most innocent doe-eyed look as I licked my lips. Jamie sat back up, wiping her face she quickly had grabbed from a tissue box she'd placed on her bedstand.

"Jesus christ, man!" she said, laughing. "You must have saved that up for a while!" Paul laughed and admitted he had. With herself somewhat cleaned up Jamie sat up on the bed and looked at Paul who was still catching his breath.

"Did you enjoy that?" she asked, sweetly and Paul erupted in a deep belly laugh.

"It was amazing. You girls sure know what you're doing." I joined them on the bed and tried to act polite -- but I was revved up and felt a twinge of regret.

"Well I'm glad you had a good time." Jamie said and turned towards the camera. "And I hope all of enjoyed it, too. See y-"

"Woah woah wait a minute, honey." Paul interrupted, rising up from the bed, his limp dick now flopping between his legs. "What ya doing?"

"I... well I was-" Paul's hand suddenly shot up and put a finger against her lips -- a move I found oddly intimate.

"Honey... I'm here for the whole evening. We're just getting started." He smiled, wickedly and Jamie looked flustered but quickly settled.

"Oh. Oh, my bad I... didn't want to assume." Paul looked at me and might have caught my eager look because he leaned in and kissed me.

"You're not ready to call it quits so soon, are you, honey?"

"No I'm not." I admitted.

"Then how about the two of you strip out of those pretty dresses and let me show you how a man takes care of two beautiful women?" I supressed a giggle but did as he suggested and soon me and Jamie both joined him on the bed, naked. Paul inspected us both and reached out to grasp my breasts. His big, meaty hand gently cupped first one breast, then the other.

"They are even better in person." he said. He then turned around to Jamie and gently caressed her small, pert breasts. Before Jamie could say anything he leaned forwards a little and started sucking on her nipple. I watched my girlfriend close her eyes and give a little moan. He sat there, taking each of her breasts in his mouth in turn for maybe a minute before he told her to lie down. I got up behind them, grabbed the camera from its tripod and knelt beside Jamie who was on her back and spread her legs.

Paul ate Jamie out like a man possessed. I'd never seen anyone that eager. He dove in between her legs like it had been his life-long ambition and it was all I could do to hold the camera steady I was so enthralled watching.

"Oooh- oh fuck!" Jamie squealed and I could tell she wasn't faking it for the camera -- I could tell the difference. Paul's entire face was in her crotch and all I could really do was film them both -- I couldn't show what Paul was doing to her because there was nothing to film -- Paul's head almost melted into Jamie's body. Jamie started breathing really heavy, her tummy moving up and down and I watched (and filmed) as she started massaging her breasts.

I'd never seen Jamie so completely lost in it while getting head (and I felt a little jealous). I started wondering anxiously what I was doing wrong since I didn't get this same reaction from her but soon Jamie pulled me out of it as she grabbed my arm and pulled both me and the camera close.

"Jesus Christ Beth he's so good!" I focused the camera on her face.

"Yeah? Does our fanboy here eat you good?"

"S-so good he's-aaah! Aaah! Ahhh fffffuck he's so -- so good!" I kept the camera on Jamie's face then slowly panned down, over her breasts until I got Paul in shot, framed by Jamie's now quivering legs. I held it there, showing the top of his balding head and his closed eyes. He looked like a man on a mission. Suddenly, Jamie grew quiet and I knew what was coming (so to speak) next and quickly moved the camera back to her face.

"F-ffff... fff... fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!" Jamie screamed and bucked, pushing her crotch into Paul's face. Her scream turned into a pathetic whimper as Paul finally pulled his face up from between her legs, his mouth and cheeks glistening with my girlfriend's juices and a big, happy smile on his face that I caught on camera.

"Fuck... fuck... fuck!" Jamie cried once she'd finally caught her breath. "How the fuck did your wife ever leave you?" To my great relief Paul let off another belly-laugh at that and as Jamie crawled up in bed and hugged her knees, her whole body still shaking; he took a deep sigh.

"You'll have to ask her. I might not have been the best husband."

"Hun, with game like that, I'd forgive some dirty dishes, you know?" Jamie said, laughing. Paul was quiet for a moment and I worried that Jamie had struck a nerve, but then he looked at me. I'd put the camera down for a moment and now Paul stared straight at me. I glanced down and noticed he was rock-hard again. That's not bad for a 47-year old. I thought.

"Your turn." He grinned. I felt a sudden urge to run away but I didn't move; I was frozen like a deer in headlights. Jamie got to her knees a bit shakily and picked up the camera

"You're gonna love it, hun." she whispered as Paul advanced on me. I lay down and he smoothly grabbed my legs and pushed them apart.

"Mmm... dessert." he said. I shivered in anticipation but Paul was more circumspect with me. I glanced down just as he started running his tongue up the inside of my left thigh. He moved up, up and gave the gentlest flick of his tongue against my pussy before pausing and looking up at me. From my view he was framed by my breasts and he gave a wicked grin.

"Let me show you what daddy can do." Eww I thought, but barely had time to consider it before Paul's mouth was on me. Jamie was always gentle, teasing me, flicking my clit with her tongue and lovingly attending to me. Hank was more assertive than that, but still the same style. Toby was... well bad, but he'd barely had any practice.

Paul was aggressive; he ate pussy like other men fucked. His lips closed on my pussy like it was something he wanted to consume; his tongue didn't flick or probe or tease, it was greedy, like my pussy belonged to it and he was going to have it. I gasped and flung my head back, the sensation hitting me like a brick.

His tongue entered me, my lips parting eagerly and he found my clit straight away. His tongue lapped at it like he was hungry for it and his lips soon joined in as he sucked on it. I screamed and reflexively clamped my legs together but if Paul minded he didn't show it. He gave it his everything; I'd never felt anyone so completely and eagerly attend to my nether region before. Jamie filmed my face; my ecstatic, blissful face and I disappeared off into la-la land for several minutes: I couldn't speak, could barely breathe until finally the climax hit me and I screamed like a wild animal.

Paul withdrew and I snapped my legs shut practically as a defence mechanism. I lay motionless for a full minute, breathing, quivering.

"You ladies ready for round two?" Paul said, triumphantly, but I was still recovering. Jamie said something and I don't know what, but Paul grinned in response and grabbed her. Kissing her aggressively he held on to her naked body, lifted her up in his big, strong arms and pushed her against the wall. I saw Jamie cross her legs and cling herself around his body; there was a moment of the two of them struggling to get into the right position and I caught Jamie glancing at me over Paul's shoulder, but I'd had enough presence of mind to grab the camera and though my hands were shaking a little I could at least film them as Paul started fucking her.

I'd never seen two people have sex like that and it was incredibly hot to fuck. I got up on shaky legs trying my best to hold the camera still and walked up to them. I shot Jamie's face over Paul's shoulder and got a beautiful shot of her with eyes closed, moaning in pleasure as Paul fucked her like a man on a mission. I circled around, getting a profile shot and watched as Jamie grabbed Paul's head and pulled him in for a deep kiss, muffling her groans and Paul's grunts.

They were at it for at least five minutes before Paul let Jamie down, Jamie breathing hard, her face red. Paul turned to face me and grinned wickedly.

"Your turn, baby." I felt my heart beat faster but wondered if he was really going to fuck me like he had Jamie. As Jamie took the camera out of my hands Paul grabbed me and pulled me in for a kiss.

He's old enough to be my dad. I though again as his tongue entered my mouth again and this time I eagerly welcomed it. His big, meaty hands grasped my breasts and for a while we just stood in the middle of the room making out.

"I want you on the bed." He finally whispered. I swallowed.


"I'm gonna pound that sweet ass of yours!" he replied, the same eager, hungry grin on his face. I dutifully moved over to the hotel bed and crawled up, Jamie following us and me doing my best at wriggling my butt expectantly. Paul climbed up behind me, his cock at the ready and ran a single finger up my slit, sending a shiver throughout my body: I was still sensitive from before. He seemed please and I could sense him moving into position behind me.

"Ready for me, baby?" I nodded and whispered:

"I'm ready." Paul slid inside me and I nearly fainted. I was still reeling from him eating me out and as he rammed himself into me in one fell swoop I could have sworn I was about to come again right there. If Paul noticed he didn't care -- he started to fuck me hard and fast and all I could do was try to hang on. My hands grabbed the covers and balled them up in my fists and I pressed my face against the bed to muffle my screams. It was amazing -- no-one had ever fucked me quite like it before.

Minutes passed as Paul fucked me like a doll; my legs ached, my whole body ached and yearned for more at the same time. Suddenly I felt Paul's weight on top of me as he leaned close in and whispered:

"Can I pull your hair?" I nodded. I would have agreed to anything then -- hell if he'd asked to fuck my ass I would have said yes in that moment. He gathered up my hair in his hand and pulled my head up -- not very hard but hard enough. I craned my neck and rose from the bed, letting out a little yelp that must have scared Jamie for a second who asked if I was okay.

"Y-yes oooooh fuck yes, yes, fuck me harder, Paul! Fuck me harder, daddy!" I screamed out.

For a horrible moment I realized what I'd said and wondered how Paul would take it. He gave a big, deep groan and slammed his cock deep into me.

"Ooooh you like that, baby?" He grunted deeply and with his free hand slapped my ass hard enough to make me squeal. "You like it like that, huh? You want to be a good girl for daddy?" My voice quivered as I answered yes and his hand slapped my ass again -- a burning, tingling sensation mixing in with everything else I was feeling and making my head spin. Suddenly Paul stopped, pulled out of me and spoke to Jamie.

"Want to join her on the bed?" Jamie gave a little giggle and the put the camera back on the tripod, checked the angle and then climbed up next to me. I glanced over at her and she asked if I was okay in a whisper.

"Yes. I love-" that was all I could get out before Jamie gave a little scream as Paul entered her. His big, manly hands were planted firmly on Jamie's firm ass as he pressed himself completely into her and I watched Jamie close her eyes again -- which I knew meant she was focused on putting on a show. Me, I'd been completely lost in the moment and I was just starting to wonder if I should do something when Paul pulled out of Jamie and seconds later was inside me again!

He was swapping between us!

I squealed with genuine delight at having him in me again and Paul moaned deeply as he thrusted into me again and again before pulling out of me and switching again.

Jamie. Jamie. Switch. Me. Me. Me. Switch. Jamie. Jamie. Jamie. Switch. Me. Me. Switch. Jamie. Jamie. Switch. Me. Me. Me. Me.

At some point I came, but Paul didn't care if he even noticed -- he kept using both of us.

"Aah! Aaaah!" Paul grunted deeply while inside Jamie, pulled away from her and went into my abused but somehow still eager pussy. "Aaaah! H-here I come!" And come he did. I felt it gush into me; his warm cum filling me up and I screamed.

"Oh fuck yes, daddy!" My voice quivered and I was all out of breath. Paul pulled out and ropes of his cum shot up over my back, too. Jamie swooped in and placed her head over my back and I could hear her lips close on Paul's still erupting cock and imagined her hungrily sucking the last drops out of him. Paul was moaning in pleasure the whole time and finally I felt the bed move as he dismounted it.

"Ready to call it a night, honey?" Jamie said, her voice hoarse.

"I don't think I'll ever want to say good-bye." I heard Paul say behind me, also out of breath. "But I suppose so." Jamie gently grabbed my shoulder and I slowly, carefully got up. Jamie arranged us on the bed; Paul in the middle and the two of us flanking him. Jamie reached down and stroked his now flaccid penis very gently and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you so much for showing us a good time today, Paul." She cooed at the camera.

"It was my pleasure." Paul replied with the same wicked grin he'd had on his face almost the whole evening. My head was spinning but I felt myself reaching for his dick again, too, just like Jamie had. I moved to kiss him on the cheek like she had but he turned and our lips met. They parted and our tongues intertwined again. Jamie glanced at me with a raised eyebrow and I guilty pulled away.

"Well..." Paul said. "Thanks again, ladies." Jamie waved bye at the camera and I followed suit, feeling very loopy before she got up and turned the camera off.

"Well." Paul said as he stood up and started dressing. "You girls sure know how to treat a man." He smiled and zipped up his trousers. "And, eeeh... feel free to keep my number." He winked and Jamie laughed in a non-committal way. With a final goodbye Paul sheepishly took a quick look out the corridor and left.

I collapsed back onto the bed, completely spent. I ached in every joint. I felt like a mess. My back was covered in cum which I forgot about until I planted myself on the bed. My pussy ached. I was out of breath. I felt amazing. Jamie curled up next to me and asked me if I was okay.

Okay? Okay?! I was... I had just been fucked harder and better than I ever had in my life. I took a deep, tired breath and tried to clear the fog.

"This..." I said, already feeling my eyelids growing heavy. "Is gonna be hard to explain to Toby..."​
Previous page: Chapter 15