Page 01
Ben Walker smiled as he walked outside and breathed in the country air. Ben and his sister Lindsay had just arrived at a cabin in the woods for a week long getaway and it was beautiful.
Ben and Lindsay were the guests of Trent and Marisa Clifton, the son and daughter (also twins) of the wealthiest family in town. The four hadn't always been close but Trent and Marisa were persistent and wouldn't take no for an answer. They had promised a week of relaxation and partying with a group of their well-to-do friends.
Ben and Lindsay weren't well off like Trent and Marisa; their upbringing had been very different. Their father spent the majority of their childhood in and out of jail and their lives. Their mother tried her best as a single mother but struggled to hold down a job which in turn led to struggles with alcohol. Simply put, Ben and Lindsay were from the wrong side of the tracks.
For the majority of their childhood they had been picked on by the Trent's and Marisa's of the world. Their family history and social status made them constant targets for exclusion and ridicule. As a result, they were very close. Ben and Lindsay spent a lot of time together; they were best friends who had no secrets. Lindsay often fell asleep beside her brother in his pullout bed in the living room because he was the one person she could trust completely and the one person who provided comfort in a world where she struggled to find any.
Likewise, Ben loved every moment he spent with his sister. They had spent many nights talking late into the night about their plans for the future, all of which involved them striking out into the world together.
At 19, Ben was older than his sister by 12 months and took his role as protective big brother very seriously. Their bullies had learned the physical approach no longer worked on the siblings as Ben filled out. Unfortunately for Ben and Lindsay their bullies soon learned mental torment brought them even more satisfaction.
That's why Ben and Lindsay were so surprised when six months ago Trent and Marisa extended them an olive branch, claiming they wanted to make amends. Trent and Marisa were the same age as Ben and had been quite cruel growing up. However, to their credit, they had tried very hard to make up for their actions when they were younger.
The Clifton family cabin was quite large and really more of a mansion secluded in the woods than a cabin. Ben and Lindsay had come up early with the twins to set up.
Lindsay was more excited than Ben for the week away. She had always yearned to be accepted and saw the week as a chance to achieve that. She knew she could talk Ben into it as he never could say no to her.
Lindsay walked outside to join her brother, "it's beautiful up here isn't it?"
"It really is sis," Ben said as he turned around.
It was at that moment that Marisa joined them, "and not another soul around for miles, just us."
"Thanks again for inviting us," Lindsay gushed, "this place is great."
The three walked inside where Trent was already making some margaritas.
"So when will everyone else arrive?" Ben asked.
"The group is actually coming up tomorrow afternoon, Mar and I thought the four of us could have our own mini party tonight, a sibling kickoff to the week," Trent replied.
"Works for me!" Lindsay exclaimed as she and Marisa each grabbed a drink, clinked glasses and downed their first round.
Ben smirked as he watched his sister indulge. She'd always been the more outgoing of the two of them. Whereas Ben built up walls Lindsay continued to put herself out on a limb.
Lindsay was very attractive but that didn't help keep the bullies away while she was in school, if anything, it attracted them. The popular girls didn't take kindly to the pretty 'poor girl' stealing attention away from them and hated when their boyfriends called her 'rich girl hot.' She was of medium height with brown hair pulled back in a ponytail, a soft round face with green eyes, a button nose, pouty lips and tanned skin. Her defining feature was her breasts, they weren't huge but they were far from small. They were a solid C cup and appeared to be perfectly molded to her body with just the right amount of bounce and firmness. While they attracted stares from boys in school as she matured they were also a source of ridicule when she went through a growth spurt when she was younger and their mother couldn't afford new clothes.
Ben had always considered himself to be average on the attractive scale and readily admitted his sister got all the looks in the family. Like his sister he blossomed as he got older and went to great lengths to get in shape. Lindsay knew how her brother viewed himself and went out of her way to comment on how handsome he was. It was important to her that he hear it from someone, he was her big brother, her protector, her best friend and the most important person in the world to her. Ben stood over six feet tall with brown wavy hair, blue eyes, a firm jaw and a trim but solid build. He didn't have washboard abs but he had an unassuming strength.
Ben grabbed a beer and was about to crack it open when Trent asked him if he wanted a margarita.
"Yeah! Ben! Have a margarita, not a boring old beer!" Lindsay cheered from across the kitchen.
Marisa giggled at Lindsay and then joined her, "yeah, put down that boring old beer Ben!"
Ben chuckled and shrugged his shoulders as he and Trent shared a look, "what's a guy to do?" Trent said as he handed Ben a drink.
Ben grabbed the drink and the four clinked glasses once more, and that was the last thing he remembered before everything went black.
"Ugh, what the hell happened..." Ben said to himself as he groggily woke up.
His head pounded and his eyesight was blurry as he started to wake up. Ben raised his body to sit up, but was met with resistance.
He tried to rub his eyes but again was met with resistance. It was then he realized he was tied to a bed.
"What the fuck?" he asked himself. "HELLO!! Anyone!! HELLO!"
Slowly his vision got less and less blurry as he struggled to free himself on the bed.
"Hello! Anyone! I need help! ANYONE!"
Ben looked around the room and tried to determine where he was. The room was unfamiliar but the décor looked somewhat familiar.
"Am I still at the cabin?" he asked aloud as he pulled on his bonds again.
It was at that point that Trent Clifton walked in the room, "indeed you are Ben, indeed you are."
Ben looked at Trent, "what the fuck man! What's going on?!"
Trent looked at Ben but ignored his question. Instead, he turned to his right as the door opened even wider and Marisa walked in guiding a very groggy Lindsay.
"I told you it was a good idea to tie him up, look at him struggle!" Trent said as he looked at his twin sister.
Marisa's eyes twinkled as she looked at Ben, "I like it when they struggle," she teased.
Ben looked at his sister, "Lindsay! Are you ok! Lindsay! I swear if you gu-..."
"Oh relax" Trent said as he waved his hand at Ben while Marisa sat Lindsay down and tied her to a chair, "she's fine."
Ben struggled with his bonds even more but it only succeeded in the rope digging deeper into his wrists.
"Where am I?" Lindsay asked quietly.
"Lindsay? Lindsay! It's me Ben, I'm right here!"
Trent and Marisa cackled as they watched Ben, "It's so cute how you look out for her," Marisa smirked.
Lindsay started to get her wits about her as she looked where she was and where her brother was, "Ben? What's going on?" she asked as fear creeped into her voice.
"What's going on," Trent started, "is we're going to have some fun."
Marisa smiled as she looked at Lindsay and sauntered over to sit on the bed beside Ben. She started to play with his hair as she talked, "my brother and I have a confession to make," she started as she played with his hair and stroked his cheek softly.
"Stop touching me!" Ben yelled as he shook his head and struggled. "Let us go!"
Marisa giggled and bit her lip, "he's a fighter, I love fighters." Marisa ignored Ben as she leaned in to whisper in his ear, "I wonder if you'll put that energy to use correctly..."
"Get away from him!" Lindsay screeched as Marisa toyed with her brother.
Trent rolled his eyes, "either you guys can calm down and listen or we'll come back later."
"Or you could just untie us, you asshole," Ben spat.
Marisa cackled with glee and clapped her hands, she gave Ben an unwanted soft peck on the lips before standing up, "he's feisty," she cooed.
"We'll come back later," Trent said as he turned to leave.
Ben and Lindsay watched them take a few steps then Lindsay yelled out, "WAIT!! Just tell us what this is so we can get it over with."
Treat and Marisa turned around with smiles on their faces, "finally a sensible response," Trent said dryly.
Trent pulled out a chair and made a point of exaggerating while he sat down, as if he was a villain in a movie.
"As my dear sister was saying, we're going to have some fun. You see, we never much cared for you two, you were so resilient and loyal to one another, it was sickening," Trent started.
Marisa moved over to Lindsay and started to toy with her now, "I mean really," she said as she picked up for her brother, "you two are so close it's like you live 24/7 in a TV movie."
"So," Trent continued as he picked up for his sister as she played with Lindsay's bangs, "we made each other a bet. I bet Marisa we could turn you two into depraved animals by the end of the week. If I'm wrong, I'll pay her $1, but if I'm right..."
"I'll let him fuck me," Marisa said, letting the comment hang in the air. She leaned in to whisper in Lindsay's ear, "He's been trying to get in my pants forever."
Ben and Lindsay were shocked, "this makes no sense!" Ben yelled.
Trent and Marisa only response was to laugh.
"What do you mean by depraved animals?" Lindsay asked.
Marisa moaned softly, "good question sugar bear!" she said in a mocking tone.
Marisa walked over to her brother and let him wrap his arm around her, "by the end of the week you're going to be fucking each other like the desperate, poor pieces of shit you were meant to be," Trent smirked.
Ben shook his head, "but she just said YOU want to fuck HER!"
"We know what WE are. We're rich and can do whatever we want. Depravity is part of the game! Do you know what it's like to have your every wish granted, and feel unfulfilled because two poor grunts enjoy their nothing more than our something!?!" Trent said with anger and indignation.
Marisa bent over and flashed Ben her tits, "So we're going to bring you down to our level."
Lindsay looked at the girl she thought was her friend, "Why are you doing this? It seems like you want to help him! You'll lose the bet!?!"
Marisa smiled, "honey, I'm going to fuck him one way or the other. $1 isn't much of a prize. You two are the real prize. The bet is just the cherry on top."
Ben struggled with his bonds even more, shaking the bed but not doing much else.
"You're not going to get free unless we untie you, you big idiot," Trent scoffed. "You're just making them tighter."
Ben sighed, Trent was right. For all his struggling, he'd done himself no good.
"What makes you think we're just going to go along with your plan?" asked Lindsay. "You may want to fuck your brother but I don't."
Marisa smirked, "oh really? I see the way you two look at each other. Don't tell me you haven't wanted to suck that big worm he's hiding in those jeans..."
"I don't!" exclaimed Lindsay.
Ben picked up for his sister, "this is kidnapping! This is illegal! You won't get away with this and you can't force us!"
Trent laughed again, "You guys agreed to come up here, remember? No one else is actually coming up, it's just the four of us for a week and by the end of it, believe me, we'll have enough on you to keep you silent."
Ben shook his head, "you won't get away with this. The second you untie me I'm going to kick your ass and I don't think either of you have the guts to take this all the way."
Trent scoffed again, "What? mur*er? Get over yourself poor boy; I'm not going to risk my future over YOU."
Trent stepped forward where an evil look appeared on his face, "how stupid do you two think we are? We've planned this out to a tee. It started with the olive branch to make amends, which you fell for hook line and sinker."
"And it continued by helping you get your mother a job at our father's company," Marisa continued with a cruel smile of her own on her face now. "Brother dear, would daddy hesitate to fire Mama Walker if we asked him?"
"No he wouldn't."
Marisa turned to Lindsay, "and what were you telling me right after she got the job? That you were behind on the mortgage and needed it or you'd lose your house?" Marisa grinned as a chill ran down Ben and Lindsay's spines.
Marisa stared a hole through Lindsay and then Ben. "If you don't fuck your brother, and if you don't fuck your sister, we will ruin your mother's life." She smirked, "I wonder if she'll hit the bottle again hard if she loses the house."
Lindsay looked at her brother as tears started to fall down her cheeks, "Ben? Help, please..." she pleaded.
The look his sister gave him broke his heart; Ben fought the urge to cry himself as he looked up at Trent and Marisa as they cackled with delight.
Trent walked over to Ben as he was tied down on the bed, "we're going to take everything that defines you and use it to break you."
"Too proud to be shamed over your pathetic existence? Fuck each other or we ruin your mother," he said. "We'll even pay you for the experience, how would $50,000 sound to fuck your sister and save your family?"
Trent then walked over to Lindsay as she sobbed silently, his hand sliding over her smooth skin, "you know, I always wanted a piece of your sister..."
Ben struggled in vain against his bonds, "don't you dare touch her or I'll-..."
"There's the Ben Walker rage, right on cue," Trent smirked. "If you don't fuck your sister, I will. Would you like that?"
Trent looked at Lindsay, "would you like that?" he chuckled as his hand moved over her soft skin.
Lindsay shuddered and looked up at him, spitting in his face, "over my dead body."
Trent smiled and wiped the spit away, tasting it with glee. "Don't be so dramatic, you won't have to even touch me, just fuck your big brother."
"What about me?" asked Marisa with a mock pout. "If she won't fuck her brother like a good sister, can I?"
Trent smiled, "of course sister dear" he said as he moved over to kiss her soft lips.
"Mmmm goodie," Marisa said as she kissed her brother and then reached down to grab a strap-on, "I like to fuck as much as I get fucked!" she cackled.
The enormity of the situation came crashing down on Ben, his shoulders slumped as his sister sobbed.
"I think we've made our point," Trent said.
"To prove we're not all bad we're even going to untie you, I trust you won't act out or try to do something brave," he said as he reached down and pulled out his phone to show them pictures of Ben and Lindsay posed together naked in compromising positions from when they were knocked out.
"Do we have an understanding? You try to hurt us, you try to run, you disobey and we will ruin your lives and your mother's life."
Ben sighed and nodded, there was nothing else to do. Even if he was planning on doing something, now wasn't the time, "we have an understanding."
"Ben?..." Lindsay looked at her brother with fear.
"It's ok Lindsay, we'll get through it. I'll take care of you."
"Yeah you will," Marisa mocked.
Trent moved over to Lindsay and then Ben, untying them both. "You two rest up, the fun starts tonight."
Ben stood up and rubbed his wrists as his sister ran over to him and into his arms. The siblings hugged fiercely as Trent and Marisa turned to leave the room, closing the door behind them.
"What are we going to do?" asked Lindsay.
Ben sighed, "I don't know Linds, we'll go along with it for now, there's nothing else we can do."
"You mean you'd actually..." she started before trailing off.
Ben hugged his sister tightly and stroke her hair softly, "let's not think about that for now, let's just be glad we're safe and we're together."
Ben and Lindsay lay back on the bed, Lindsay curling up beside her brother, not wanting to leave an inch between them.
"I won't let him hurt you," he whispered.
Lindsay started to cry again softly as she laid her head on her brother's chest, "I won't let them hurt you or embarrass you by fucking your ass with that big strap-on either," she sniffled.
"I don't care about that," Ben said as he wiped away his sister's tears.
"It's all or nothing Ben, you heard them. They won't let you take the only punishment," Lindsay pulled herself closer to her brother as she started to calm down in her brother's arms.
"I love you Linds," Ben said.
"I love you too B," Lindsay replied.
Ben and Lindsay laid together on the bed, their minds racing and their hearts pounding, both pondering how far they'd both go in the name of love.
Lindsay and Ben spent the entire day in their room even though they could have left it. The twins brought them lunch and dinner but they didn't feel like socializing.
Lindsay was curled up against her brother when Trent and Marisa entered the room for the start of the evening fun.
"Awwww, how cute. Big brother is holding little sister close," Marisa mocked. She walked over to Lindsay and whispered in her ear, "you want to fuck him raw, I can tell..." she teased.
Marisa pulled away from Lindsay as Trent cleared his throat, "alright, you've had enough time to think about what we want and the consequences. Time to begin. Strip, both of you. Naked."
Ben and Lindsay looked at each other and then compiled, they had agreed they would do what they were told on the small requests and save the battles for the bigger demands. Fighting everything wouldn't help their cause.
They both stood up and turned their backs to one another.
"No," barked Trent, "strip each other."
Ben and Lindsay turned around to face each other, Lindsay's heart pounded as she looked up at her brother and felt him start to pull up her t-shirt. She actually stepped closer to him as he undid her bra, allowing her perfectly plump breasts to spill free. Lindsay didn't want the twins to see her, even if she knew it was inevitable.
"God, look at them, they're amazing," Trent said softly.
Ben tried to shield his sister's breasts from the twins as best he could but as he did, she rubbed them against him and much to his chagrin, his erection was starting to grow.
Ben and Lindsay kept their gaze on one another as his hands moved down her body to unzip her shorts. The room was so quiet her short shorts sounded like an anvil when they hit the floor.
Ben decided to leave his sister's panties on for now as she started to strip him. Lindsay felt her brother's growing hard-on and it filled her with a strange sense of pride. She turned her back to Trent and Marisa as she took off his shorts and then his jeans, allowing his tented boxers to come into full view.
Lindsay heard Marisa moan when she saw it. "Did we forget to mention? We crushed up some Viagra into your dinner," she cackled.
Ben hung his head in shame as his cock grew harder and harder. Lindsay bit her lip and felt terrible for her brother, "its ok" she mouthed.
"Take off your panties," Trent ordered, "I want to see your bare cunt when you bend over to take off his boxers.
Ben and Lindsay paused for a moment and shared a look, "I'm waiting!" Trent hollered.
"It's ok," Lindsay repeated as she stepped out of her panties.
"Mmmm fuck yeah," Trent grunted. "Now bend over."
Lindsay lewdly bent over and then fell to her knees as she pulled her brother's boxers down; she pulled it slowly allowing his hard cock to pop out.
When Ben's cock was freed from his boxers it almost smacked his sister in the face.
"Holy shit," Marisa said as she looked at his cock. "Look at that big piece of meat."
Lindsay sucked in a breath as she spied her brother's cock, it was bigger than any cock she had seen before.
"He's bigger than you bro," Marisa teased Trent.
"Alright, enough of this standing around," Trent said, clearly annoyed.
He stepped forward and pulled Lindsay away from her brother. Ben stepped forward to protect his sister but Trent defused it, "relax hero," he said before turning to Lindsay, "go sit in that chair," he said pointing to a cushioned chair. "Legs spread wide," he added.
Marisa stepped forward and walked up to Ben, "as for you tiger, lie back," she said as she pushed his chest.
Ben fell back without much of a protest. He stared at his sister for a moment as she sat naked in her chair, her perfect breasts and shaved pussy on full view. Lindsay blushed as his cock got even harder.
It wasn't until it was too late that he realized Marisa and Trent had handcuffed him to the bed. He cursed himself for being so stupid.
"What are you doing!?!" Lindsay said with a worried look.
Marisa looked back at the naked girl, "relax, he's going to have the time of his life."
Trent moved over to a chair on the other side of the room with a full view of everything. He sat down as if taking his throne.
Marisa's fingers trailed down Ben's body. Lindsay looked away as her fingers reached his cock, "stare at his fucking cock," Trent ordered.
Marisa chucked as Trent barked his order and moaned softly as her hand gripped Ben's shaft.
"God, you Walker kids lucked out in the endowment department, I'll give you that," she said.
It was an interesting comment because Marisa and Trent weren't ugly, far from it.
Marisa was blonde with blue eyes, long legs, a tight round ass and sweet b cup breasts. Trent was on the swim team in high school and now in college and as such was shaved completely and in great shape. He was six feet tall with a toned physique, well defined muscles and a respectable 6.5 inch cock. However, as Marisa had remarked, it wasn't as large as Ben's just like her tits weren't as large as Lindsay's.
Marisa was dressed in very short cutoffs and a low cut top. Her nails trailed over Ben's body and cock as his shaft got harder and harder. She looked back at Lindsay, "you're going to suck this wonderful slab of meat tonight you lucky skank."
Trent smirked silently, "touch yourself Lindsay. Rub your pussy, pinch those sweet nipples."
Lindsay wanted to cry but had resolved she wouldn't give the twins the satisfaction again.
"Don't stop staring at your brother's cock," Trent reminded her, "you slut."
Lindsay bristled at being called a slut but let it pass. She started to rub her pussy in circles as she stared at her brother's big dick.
"How big is it?" she wondered before mentally slapping herself for giving in to the perversion.
Marisa's long nails ran up and down his shaft, she bent down and allowed Ben to look down her top as she kissed his dick.
"Mmmmmmm yummy..." she said.
Lindsay rubbed her pussy as it started to moisten as she watched Marisa stroke and suck Ben's cock again and again. Marisa teased Ben relentlessly as she lightly sucked and stroked him.
She pulled away from Ben and smiled, "I'm going to go visit your little sister," she said as she drifted over to his slowly masturbating sister.
Lindsay didn't know what to expect as Marisa moved over to her, "my god you were built to fuck. Ben is going to love fucking you."
Marisa took off her top and let her tits free, "no bra" she giggled. She squeezed in beside Lindsay and started to tease her just like she had teased Ben.
Marisa's hands rubbed and played with Lindsay's breasts as she continued to rub her pussy. Lindsay's twat glistened now as she slipped a finger inside herself.
Marisa leaned over to rub Lindsay's breasts; she leaned over to lick them, teasing both men in the room.
Lindsay had never felt a woman before, and she liked it. She hated herself for liking it, but she did. "Maybe this will be it?" she tried to convince herself.
Marisa rubbed her chest against Lindsay's as the younger woman's breath started to quicken.
"Look at your brother's cock. LOOK at it. It's so hard I bet its killing him," she teased.
Lindsay closed her eyes for a moment as their combined touch drove her crazy. "You want to fuck him, admit it," Marisa teased.
Lindsay didn't respond but she did open her eyes to stare at her brother's cock. "It's so bigggggg," Marisa repeated.
"Do you want to know how big it is? I want to know how big it is," she smiled.
Marisa looked over at Ben, "do we look good together baby? Your sister and I? Look at her wet pussy. That's for you tiger. Look at her tits. They're just as perfect as that baseball bat you call a dick,"'she taunted.
"How big are you slugger? 8 inches? ... 9 inches? ... 10? Don't tell me you're double digits!?!" she cackled.
Marisa leaned down to lick and suck on Lindsay's nipples. "We look good together, don't we. I bet you want to fuck us both. Who do you want to fuck first, me or little sis?"
Trent smirked as Marisa taunted the siblings.
"You can't fuck me first slugger. Your sister would kill me, wouldn't you?"
Ben groaned loudly as Marisa taunted, his groan drew loud laughs from the twins. The scene in front of him was hot, it was impossible to deny and looking at his naked sister touch herself was torture because he hated himself for liking it, but that wasn't the sole reason for his groan.
His cock was harder than it had ever been and pre-cum had started to leak down his shaft. His cock hurt and he needed release.
Marisa moaned as she leaned down to rub Lindsay's pussy with her. "Look at that geyser, tell me you don't want to just ride the shit out of that..."
Lindsay took a deep breath, she stared at Ben's cock, looked him in the eye and then at Marisa. "I don't want to fuck him," she said meekly.
"Bullshit, I don't believe you."
"I don't!" Lindsay said with more conviction.
Marisa chuckled, "kitty has some claws!"
She left Lindsay and moved back over to Ben. "Then you won't mind if I do this," she said as she swallowed his cock.
Ben groaned loudly as Marisa vacuum sucked his cock into her mouth. He hated to give her the satisfaction but he was desperate for relief.
Lindsay was surprised by the twang of jealousy she felt when Ben groaned. She watched as Marisa bobbed up and down her brother's cock, her fingers returning to her pussy as she watched her brother receive a sloppy blowjob.
Ben grunted to himself as Marisa sucked him, his cock started to throb and his orgasm started to rise when suddenly Marisa lifted her lips from his cock and tugged hard on his balls.
"OWW!!" he yelled.
"No cummy for you yet slugger," Marisa said as she delayed his ejaculation.
"You fucking whore," Lindsay spat as she stood up, feeling her brother's pain.
"Sit down or I'll publish a picture of his cock in your mouth," Trent growled, upset his own masturbation session had been interrupted.
"You're both sick and pathetic," spat Lindsay as she sat down.
Marisa smirked as she reached over for a ruler. She started to stoke Ben's hard pole again as she measured his glistening prick.
Lindsay's heart beat fast as she watched.
"Mmmm, just under 9.5 inches, but I'm a nice girl so we'll round up, 9.5."
Marisa stroked Ben's cock faster and faster, "I bet you could stretch him up to 10," she said as she looked at Lindsay. "He wants to fuck you, he wants to ROYALLY fuck you, I can see it in his eyes," she taunted.
Lindsay's clit throbbed at the thought of fucking her brother. She couldn't believe she was actually picturing it mentally right now and it made her ashamed. Her chest heaved as her body betrayed her desires.
"I'm not going to let him cum tonight unless it's from your mouth, do you want to be your brother's hero and swallow his load? I can keep yanking on those big balls," Marisa smiled evilly.
Ben's mouth was dry he was so hard and so desperate to cum, "it's ok Lindsay, I'll be fine."
Marisa smirked and yanked on his balls again, "oh yeah tough guy?" she cackled.
Trent smirked as he stroked his cock, his twin sister was as evil as he was and he wanted her even more because of it.
"AAAAGHHH!!" Ben yelled again as his wrists pressed hard against the handcuffs.
Lindsay watched her brother jerk in pain and made up her mind immediately, "I'll do it," she said.
"You'll do what?" asked Trent.
"I'll suck his cock," Lindsay said.
"Whose cock?" Marisa asked.
"My brother's cock."
Marisa smirked, "tell me why you want to suck your brother's cock," she taunted.
Lindsay looked at Marisa, "please, just let me help him," she pleaded.
"Tell me why or your big brother will watch Trent bust a nut in your eye," Marisa said coldly.
"Think of your mother," Trent said. "Think of your brother."
Lindsay took a deep breath and gave the twins what they wanted. "I want to suck his cock because I need it. I've never seen one that big. I want to taste it. ... I want to suck it."
Trent groaned as Lindsay talked, his fist pumping up and down his shaft.
Lindsay looked at Trent and then Marisa, "I want my brother's cock," she said with a hunger in her eyes and voice.
Marisa smiled, "you whore," she said as she stood up.
Ben watched as Lindsay moved over to the bed, "can she put her panties on?" he asked, hoping for a smidgen of respectability for his sister.
Marisa was about to object when Trent surprised them all by agreeing, "Sure."
Lindsay was surprised but she didn't complain, she picked up her panties and slipped them on as she got on the bed.
"Wait," Trent smirked as Lindsay joined her brother on the bed. "I didn't say that was all she could wear."
He reached down and tossed his sister a butt plug, "since you've already got them on, you'll have to suck his cock, and sleep all night with this vibrating butt plug up your ass."
"But... I've never done anything like that before," Lindsay said with hesitation.
"Well then next time maybe you won't be so quick to act," he smirked.
Lindsay sighed as she felt Marisa move up behind her, her breath hot on her naked skin. "Will it hurt?" she asked.
Ben wanted desperately to help his sister but couldn't and it killed him.
Marisa smiled, "you'll love it hun."
Marisa pulled down Lindsay's panties and lubed up her ass and the toy as she worked it in her tight ass.
"Yessssssss" Trent groaned as he watched the attractive girl take the butt plug up her sweet tight ass.
Time moved painfully slow as Marisa worked the butt plug deeper and deeper inside Lindsay's tight ass before pulling her panties back up.
Marisa then tested out the plug immediately by activating it.
"Aaaahhhhhh!!" Lindsay exclaimed as a jolt shot through her body. It was unlike anything she'd ever felt before. It was uncomfortable but also pleasurable.
"Now suck that big dick," Marisa said as she let her finger off the button.
Lindsay caught her breath as she turned from Marisa to her brother. She was horny as hell; her nipples were hard, she had a butt plug snug up her ass and her brother's cock waving in front of her.
Lindsay could smell her brother's cock. It oozed pre-cum and was rock hard. She wanted to alleviate his pain, but she also wanted to taste it. She hated that she genuinely wanted it, but she couldn't fight her inner truth.
Lindsay locked eyes with Ben and smiled. His cock twitched as she moved over top of him and grabbed his cock for the first time. Her panty covered pussy and ass was on lewd display for their tormentors as she stroked her brother's shaft.
Ben moaned with pleasure as his sister touched him. He was ashamed but he couldn't help himself. Every movement made it worse; it was like being in quicksand.
"Suck his cock you slut!" Trent called as Marisa cackled.
Lindsay bristled at being called a slut again but lowered her mouth over Ben's dick all the same.
His strong scented pre-cum touched her lips first and it made her heart pound. Her lips slid over the biggest cock she'd ever seen. She licked her brother, desperately trying not to tease him before sucking him into her warm mouth.
"Aaaahhhhhh fffffuck..." Ben groaned.
Trent and Marisa laughed with glee. "Look at her go! The slut!" Trent exclaimed.
"Look at her panties! They're soaked!" added Marisa.
Lindsay looked up at her brother, half his cock in her mouth, embarrassed at how turned on she was.
Ben met her gaze and smiled at her with her eyes. It was so subtle that Trent and Marisa didn't pick up on it but Ben and Lindsay shared a moment.
With a simple look both ways the siblings conveyed they didn't judge the other for what was happening.
It made Lindsay smile as she started to pick up the pace as she sucked her brother's cock.
She moaned and slurped loudly on his shaft as Ben's head fell back, the pleasure indescribable.
To Trent and Marisa it looked erotic but in Lindsay's mind it was workmanlike. Her sole objective was to ease the pain for her brother. If that meant sucking his cock, she'd happily pay the price.
"Mmmmm...mmmmm...mmmmmm..." she moaned as she sucked his cock and tasted his leaking juices.
"Jesus Christ," croaked Ben.
Marisa smirked as she watched Lindsay's pretty head bob in her brother's lap and decided to have some fun. She flicked the switch and turned the butt plug on again.
"Aaaahhhhhuuuuggghhhh!!" Lindsay moaned and screamed as she lifted her mouth from her brother's hardness.
Lindsay's body was already on fire and she desperately wanted to cum already, now the tiny machine was turning her pleasure into overdrive.
"That cock needs more sucking," grunted Trent.
Lindsay steadied herself as she took Ben in her mouth again as her ass was pleasured. Her pussy started to water, her juices running down her tanned shapely legs as she sucked louder and with more zeal on her brother.
"Jesus Lindsay, fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK!" Ben groaned as his sister went down on him.
Lindsay could barely hear her brother; she was so horny her ears started to ring as she swallowed more and more of her brother's meaty prize.
"I'm going to cum," Ben huffed. "Holy fuck I'm going to cum."
"Swallow that load," Marisa called from behind as she fingered herself like a woman possessed.
Lindsay looked up at her brother and nodded slightly, telling him it was ok. She grabbed his cock and held its base as she tasted his cum appetizer, preparing for him to pop.