Chapter 05.2
If it had been hot on the dance floor at Anika's club the previous evening, for Brad tonight the dance floor was a veritable cauldron of heat, kicked up by the presence of so many bodies thrashing about in a manor built in the age of enlightenment but not in the age of air-conditioning, and it was JUNE! He simply stopped worrying about perspiring. This place was like a Turkish bath and everyone on the dance floor; clothed or otherwise, was now covered in sweat that trickled down hair, faces, and bodies like melting wax.
Next to Brad was Annette, now wearing only her heels and naked as the day she'd been born. Thirty minutes before both she and Anika had given up the convention of clothing and the hostess had motioned to one of her servants along the wall to come get their clothes and simply check them at the same location. Anika now naked and beautiful; danced behind Brad, dry-humping the seat of his pants; much to Brad's embarrassment and Annette's amusement.
It seemed nudity either partial or full, was becoming a common denominator as the room became hotter and hotter; both in temperature and sexual tension. Beautiful women danced in skimpy bikinis, scanty negligées or nothing at all. Men in various stages of undress crowded in behind them or in front of them in a sort of sexual samba, where bumping and grinding; as well as copping a feel were not only permitted - they were expected.
A few paces away from Annette, a naked Dexter was shagging an older but quite well-known actress. She bent slightly forward at the waist and he had his cricket bat sized piece of ebony timber ramming her puss-hole from behind ferociously as she screamed and urged him on at the top of her lungs; the two having completely given up any pretense of dancing. A few couples over, a rather seasoned MP wearing only his black socks danced between two much younger and far more attractive Ukrainian harlots who toyed from time to time with his willy as the old geezer waddled to the techno beat like a dancing bear with two exquisite lady trainers.
A group of four Brazilian concubines, clad in only thongs and bare breasts ran giggling hysterically by the MP and his two handlers. In hot pursuit behind them were two rather tall skinny Arab men who'd somehow forgotten all the conventions of traditional dress but had the presence of mind to leave on their man-sandals. A few dancing couples over from that activity, a profusely sweaty naked Shelby gyrated with the thimble sized midget barmaid Penelope; clad only in a purple corset and high heels that looked as though they'd had been made for a doll, (instead of the hot harlot-hobbit hussy)! Penelope (or "Penney") it seemed was on a break and she'd had the presence of mind to fix exceptionally large margaritas for both her and Shelby before stepping out on the floor with her pixie girlfriend.
Further on back through the throng of dancing debauchery and set along the wall was the bar. There, thirsty partiers waited as the lovely Nubian goddess of a bar-wench Wendy (and a squad of other barmaids; all clad in naughty Victorian corsets with either no bottoms or crotch less pantalets) mixed drinks with amazing rapidity and prowess. The bar itself had a rather surreal aspect to it; a combination of hedonism mixed with polite reserve.
Here and there partiers sipped drinks, or chatted, or shagged, or men received blowjobs from a diverse mix of multi-national trollops, or people simply waited in the drink queue; YES people stood politely and patiently in the queue for their drinks. There may have been wanton fucking, sucking, buggering, eating, frolicking, and shagging taking place in every conceivable corner of the grand ballroom as the sounds of the music crushed one's temples and jarred one's teeth, but this was still Britain. One waited one's turn politely and with a bit of calm grace.
In the center the ballroom in the midst of all this swirling mayhem was something Anika had dubbed "the pit." It was actually not a pit at all but Anika DID have a flare for all things Dante, and she'd conceptualized the whole elaborate business a few years before following a visit to a sex club in Amsterdam. It consisted of a raised circular platform in the center of the grand ballroom with steps all along its sides that led up to a "stage" suspended approximately two meters from the choked dance floor of ravers. The stage itself gradually sloped in the middle to make a large "bowl" with a flat center. At first glance it appeared if Anika had either gone absolutely nutters, or had too much money, or possibly of a bit of both was true; as the entire affair resembled an enormous crater some twenty meters across in the middle of a 17th century gilded baroque ball room.
The whole structure had been padded with athletic mats and then covered with gaudy Asian carpeting before Near-Eastern style pillows, ottomans and cushions had been thrown liberally around. As a final touch, a great red, pink, and yellow silk canopy was suspended over the entire stage giving "the pit" a lush, decadent, Turkish harem meets Hamburg Red-Light district effect. It was as if a sultan had been consulted for the pit's construction and Anika had spared no expense. The last thing that was added to make the scene complete were the bodies; lots and lots of writhing naked bodies! These of course were provided by the guests themselves, by the ringers, and by the call girls; so that bodies of all colors and descriptions engaged in a twisted knotted orgy amidst the ballroom filled to capacity with thrashing semi-naked dancers. Could Anika throw a party ...OR WHAT!
Brad felt Anika's hands begin to reach around from behind to unbutton his shirt while naughty Annette worked his belt. He'd made a bit of a fuss and a protest that he really didn't need to get undressed yet, but majority rule being what it was; he was promptly voted down by the two statuesque females. In no time at all, his clothes were off; having been sent away by Anika in the hands of a servant with instructions that they be checked as well. The only thing he'd been allowed to keep were his cowboy boots, (a last-second whim of Annette's inspiration actually).
Brad now looked like a well-hung sweaty toddler who'd been "playing cowboy." All he needed now was a cheap plastic hat and a tricycle to make the image complete. He felt perfectly ridiculous but the boss was the boss and this WAS her best friend's party. It was good that he held his tongue. He'd be putting it to good use shortly!
"Brad," said Annette fanning her lovely naked form as the heat finally caught up with her, "fetch me and Anni fresh drinks at the bar and then meet us at the pit. I'm done dancing and I want my best girlfriend to enjoy her gift!" A nod of the head from "Bad Brad, Veiniest Gun in The West" (of London), a swat on his rump by the thirsty Anika, and he was off in the direction of the bar as the two women watched his boots n' bum leave; the ladies cackling like two hysterical harpies.
It was then that Annette glanced casually in the direction of the servant's entrance. Her timing couldn't have been more perfect. She looked at the doors precisely as they opened; revealing Amanda standing behind them in her green bustier and heals. Annette's smile melted away like snow on the hood of a warmed car; replaced by a stunned expression. Is that her? No wait... IS IT?
The light was dim in the ballroom aside from the strobes and laser flashes. Annette wasn't sure. She had Amanda's height and the woman had the same bob blonde haircut ...but was it her?
Annette's mind went down through the list now. The strobes flashed brilliantly and caught the woman's nose-ring for a nanosecond and blue painted fingernails. Check. Wait there is that flower tattoo on her wrist... what was it? A moon flower... Check. The lighting effects flashed again on her open-toed high-heeled fuck-me pumps. Blue toe-nail polish? Check....
The DJ dropped the base and a second set of strobes flashed from the far end of the ballroom as the music tempo changed dramatically. White-hot light, like that of a hundred lightning bolts illuminated the room. As the woman stepped through the doorway at the edge of the dance floor; shaking her cute bob- head of blond hair to the pounding beat, Annette caught sight of "it." The tattoo... the mermaid tattoo. Annette had been with her when she'd gotten it those years before...(hell Annette had paid for it even).
Her heart jumped. OH IT'S HER! ... OH MY GOD IT'S REALLY H...
Her elation was interrupted by a mass of dancers and revelers spilling out onto the floor and passing between her and Amanda; like a wave rushing in to crash upon the shore. One second she'd been there, the next she was gone; leaving only the swinging doors behind her. Annette scanned the crowd of ravers that had spilt out onto the floor; certain that Amanda was somewhere in that swirling tide of bodies and sweat but she couldn't see. The place was all darkness, lasers,and silhouettes again. She cursed.
"What's wrong?" said Anika wrapping her arm around her bestie's delectable waist and pushing her along to walk with her.
"Amanda is here?" Annette asked.
"Amanda?" Anika said looking a bit vacant for a moment like Annette had just asked about some celebrity that she should know was in her house, but perhaps whom was going by another name. Then it registered.
"Oh wait," Anni said, " the American, Amanda. From Dallas or something?"
"Austin," Annette said soberly nodding.
"Yes," Anni replied, "she's really been popular with the group here at FUCK CLUB. Several commented the last time she was here that they'd like to see her again. I had a local magistrate ask personally that she be here or he didn't wish to bother attending. Also that fellow with the new comedy show on the telly said the same thing; he'd be a show if she was. Why anyhow do you ask? You'd like some time with her? You know I like all my friends to have a good time. It's no trouble and I can...."
"No," Annette said taking Anni's hand and patting it as she walked, "I can find her later on my own in good time... but thank you dear." The two women skirted the edge of the crashing rave tide of dancing bodies and moved off in the direction of the bar; the hyper beat pounding with it BOOM BOOM BOOM.
Brad spun around on the heels of his cowboy boots with the two drinks in his hands, his cock whipping around like a demented weathervane in front of him. Annette and Anika had impeccable timing for they stepped up to him just in time to receive their drinks from him. He then turned back to the bar just as Wendy returned with his tumbler of scotch and handed it to him.
"Where are you headed off to luv?" she asked him; a swizzle stick in her teeth.
"With them," he said pointing a thumb over his shoulder to Annette and Anika," and there," he said pointing out over the flailing mob of dancers to the pit seemingly far off in the distance; looking like an island of flesh and pillows in the middle of a sea of ravers.
"Awlright then luv," Wendy cautioned him, "don't let them drain too terribly much out from you; I get my break in a bit and I'm going to be lookin' for you over there. ... and IT too!" She glanced down at his slack cock and pursed her lips. Her break couldn't come quickly enough. Brad took the swizzle stick from her lips and plopped it in his drink.
"Hey.. THAT's MY TOOFPICK!" Wendy whined at him with a pout.
"No," he teased her, "It's an insurance policy. Now I know you'll have to fight through that crowd to come and get it back from me on your break! Cheers!" he raised his glass to her in a mock toast and spun on his boot heels back to Annette and Anika. The naked trio moved off into the swirling tide of sweaty ravers; their destination the island of gyrating naked flesh beyond.
"He's a cheeky one!" Wendy said to herself. The beautiful Nubian nymph adjusted her corset slightly and then added thoughtfully,"I like that!"
"What was that dearie?" a naughty little voice said next to her and up on the bar. It was Penny. Her break was done and she'd passed Shelby off to Dexter who'd decided it was too hot inside and the limousine might be cooler and more "private." Penny was now to back mixing and pouring; having finally just shucked off her naughty corset to just push drinks naked.
"Nuffin dearie," Wendy said to her hobbit BFF standing up on the bar, "just finkin. Please be good to take my station when I go on break."
"You got it girl. Say no more!" said Penny who spun around on the bar and ran down to see to the needs of yet another thirsty reveler.
Brad Anika and Annette reached the edge of the pit. They'd done a fine job negotiating the gyrating bums, flying arms, and whipping torsos across the dance floor. Now as the beat continued with its endless sonic BOOM BOOM BOOM that crashed through their skulls, they needed to hold their drinks up and step over the mass of bodies covering the floor in between the cushions and pillows. Bums, backs, tits, legs, cocks, cunnies, and heads flailed and tossed on the stairs below them; all one immense sexual frenzy that bucked and churned in a writhing carpet of naked flesh.
Making matters worse was the fact that the DJ had switched on the dry ice machines. The dance floor had been nearly invisible to them as they'd walked through it but the slopes of "Mount Orgy" were not much better as more ice machines installed at the top of the stage were also blanketing "things" in dense fog. Brad once again felt supremely ridiculous as he stepped his boots through the clot of fornicating people begging, "Pardon ME? Oh soo sorry! Excuse me. Sorry again there!"
At the summit Anika, Annette and Brad linked up and moved off into the center of the bowl. Luckily they secured a space amidst the heaving wanton nakedry large enough for the three of them and their drinks. The two ladies pushed their cockney cowboy Brad to the floor pillows and then fell upon him. The pair went to work on his cock with lips and tongues; intent on making their cowpokes "cow-poker" something worthy of a spirited trail-ride for them.
Brad shut his eyes a the two ladies ran their red lipstick covered kissers up and down his veiny member to either side for several seconds before Annette dropped her mouth down to tongue-tackle his testicles as Anika deep-throated him to proud prominence. A minute later Anika was unceremoniously mounting his throbbing bronco as Annette made a saddle of Brad's face and stared straight into her BFF's eyes. She loved the expression on Anika's face; a mixture of wide-eyed open-mouthed shock and a bit of OH GAWD IT FEELS SO WONDERFUL, that Annette knew only too well already! The dry ice-makers on the stage now swirled fresh fog and sent it drifting down into the bowl; covering the two women who bucked upon their spirited mount amid the thrashing bodies of the other partiers.
Out at the car Ted and Fabio were half-way through one pack of cigarettes as the limousine rocked and bucked behind them; screams, wails, and bawls escaping from the cracked window which had managed to steam up anyhow despite being dropped a couple centimeters. Inside, Dexter was nailing Shelby on the limo's back seat, his massive black cock buried deeply up inside the pansexual pixie's pretty pooper in a torrid rectal rutting. A successful London plumber by day and avid London clubber by night; Dexter had snaked-out Shelby's pipes many times before (as well as Annette's).
Tonight was a first for him however; he'd never shagged in the back of a limousine and thought it might be a cooler change from inside the house. Shelby upon hearing this; promptly snatched the always-smiling West Indian by the hand out to the car. She was screaming like a maddened banshee not two minutes later as his greased up cock careened up her insides on the back seat. Outside Ted and Fabio continued to stare calmly up hill; inhaling deeply on their tobacco products and not looking back as the car tipped and swayed behind them.
"I just BLOODY-WELL sprayed that back seat and the fooking carpet wif Cab-Fresh! Used up the last of it in the can," Teddy complained as he let-go a puff of smoke; keeping his eyes on the flashing lights emitting from the domed glass ballroom ceiling in the distance and listening to the music spilling out of the house.
"I have another two cans in my car," replied Fabio as he exhaled cigarette smoke through his nostrils; his eyes also on the dome, "you'll probably be spraying that back seat a few more times before the night is over."
The two men resembled a pair of undercover coppers in a crime movie who'd been tasked with an endless stakeout in a scene that dripped with comic relief. All that was needed as the car rocked and rolled and Shelby's shrieks and moans made the limo seem haunted or possessed; was for one of the men standing out front to mention that he was Gettin' too fooken old for this shit. Of course something would need to blow up in the distance and then there would be a gratuitous car chase; preferably as Dex and Shelby continued their buggering in the back!
At last the car's thrashing and bucking reached a significantly faster pace of oscillations; signaling to Teddy and Fabio that either the well-hung East-End plumber and Shelby were nearly "there" or that they were intent on putting the limousine's shocks and suspension through its final series of stress-tests. Half a minute later and Dexter's impassioned roar of AARRRRGGGHHH and Shelby's scream of AIEEEEEE AAAGGGHHH OH GAWD DEX YEESSS! AAAAGHHH! signaled all automotive tests were complete and that Dexter's expert "pipe treatment" of Shelby was a success. The door popped open and a naked Shelby and Dex; covered in sweat and glory stepped outside into the night air, trailing a fog of perspiration and the heady scent of sex behind them. Fabio quietly crushed out his smoke and stepped to his car-boot to retrieve a can of Cab-Fresh for Ted.
"TEDDY DARLING!" Shelby shouted doing a celebratory pirouette before falling into the smiling Dexter's arms, "you simply MUST join us up the hill! The party is SOOOO calling you!"
"No Miss," said Teddy as Fabio returned with the can of car cleaner and handed it to him, "but thank you. I'll stay here. I'll be alright." He could still hear Anthony's words STAY WITH THE CAR TEDDY! STAY WITH THE FOOKEN CAR! ringing in his head.
"You really should come up the hill man," the ever-smiling Dexter said to him shaking his hand like a politician up for re-election.
"Oh no," Ted answered, "but thanks all the same!"
"SPOIL-SPORT!" bratty little Shelby said, sticking her tongue out at him playfully. For a bright girl with more degrees than a fucking thermometer she could be rather childish at times. The naked pair departed up the hill, Dexter's ejaculate dripping from Shelby's well-buggered bum-hole and the car door still open behind them. When they are out of earshot Teddy swore, puffing his smoke again and staring up the hill at the raucous party still raging away.
"No friend," said Fabio looking inside the car door," by the looks of things the girl did!" The WHAT? AAAAHHHH GREAT BLOOODEEE-HELL from Ted's lungs echoed in the night sky as the full-moon began to rise from over the woods behind the men. Fabio stepped back to the rear of his limo for a cleaning rag and then to the front seat glove box where he kept a flask of rum to make the cleanup a bit more merrier for poor Teddy.
If things had been a bit warm in "the pit" before; they were getting positively steamy now. It seems that the talented tongue of Bradley had worked Annette into a proper fevered frenzy of sexual excitement in the space of a few minutes; while Anika had ridden Mr. Knight's veiny quim-splitter of a cock until the poor woman was wild-eyed and babbling incoherently in swirling mists. Both ladies decided that a change of seating might be in order and they promptly swapped out with Annette sliding down upon Mr Knight's penis-pole until her quim lips kissed his balls and with Anika plopping her cunny down upon Brad's face for the second course of his evening meal.
The two ladies' faces distorted joyously and they leaned forward to hug, kiss, and tweak breasts in a shared embrace as Brad munched and fucked vigorously down below. Before long both his shaggings and gobblings took their toll. The two ladies cut loose with a simultaneous scream of joy that actually could be heard above the thundering din of the club music; causing several heads to either turn their way or poke up through the mass of arms, legs, and fog to see if everyone was alright or if anyone was in need of medical assistance!
Both women rose slowly from their handsome pony to fetch thirsty sips from their drinks and share another rude harpy cackle after Annette had said something wickedly funny in Anika's ear. Beneath them, Brad lay in a great puddle of puss-juice splashings; soaked but not spent and still hard as Chinese long division! The two ladies set their drinks aside again and figuring "round two" was in order; fell back to the floor in torrid sixty-nine next to Brad.
Knowing a good thing when he saw it, Brad took the opportunity one; grab a much needed sip from his scotch and two; take up a position behind Annette's rump (as she was the girl on top and her delectably fetching bum was currently thrusting up and down on Anika's face just waiting for a good buggering). Annette was busy munching away on her BFF's quim when she felt Anika's hands part her arse-cheeks and the head of Brad's thick cock nudge itself against the mouth to her anus. Good friend that she was; Anika had decided to be a help.
Upon seeing a little lubrication might be necessary; Anika pulled Brad's throbber down to her own mouth for a good wet suck before she then returned the head of his now slime coated dong back to Annette's rear entrance and helped guide it in. Annette's jaw fell open momentarily and a great cry of HHHAAAAARRRR escaped her lips. There was a pause before she resumed munching and Brad commenced to rutting.
After a minute or so, the smiling happy face of Dexter appeared out of the swirling mists and mass of kicking limbs; still damp and scented from his encounter with Shelby but now ready to return to action. He saw the torrid trio on the floor of the bowl and stepped through the heaving bodies to extend one of his genial handshakes. Not just a plumber, he was also an avid golfer and so he uttered words of greeting that would have only been proper and fitting given the circumstances.
"Mind if I play through man?" He lifted up Anika's bum slightly and tossed an overstuffed cushion underneath as Annette continued to gobble her girlfriend's puss-pie.
"Not at all," Brad told him, "plenty of room on the green and I'm busy driving this hole. Careful with that one... it has a nasty water hazard with a dog leg." He pointed to his still damp midsection that Anika had generously splattered upon when she'd cum and he shared a laugh with Dexter as the always-smiling West Indian slewed his cock up Anika's pretty dung-pucker.
The four rutted away for several minutes; the two women munching each other in their hot sixty-nine while the two men buggered them. As the music changed along with the tempo; so the four-way fuckers decided a switch of sorts was called for. Dex now rammed and rutted Annette's rectal recesses while Brad plowed Anika's battered bum-hole and the two girls continued to munch one another. It was a few minutes later that the four-way choral group screamed a harmonized OOOOOHHHH ...AAAAAAGGGHH OOOOHHHH! and came within a few seconds of each other, but each with the very same head shaking loin grinding fury!
It was about this time that Shelby appeared at the top of the flailing-naked-body covered stairs and stepped down over the rim into the bowl. She was holding the hand of one of the particularly beautiful Brazilian women; whom had run by Annette, Anika, and Brad earlier in the evening chased by the two slender Arabs. She'd lost her Arab pursuers and her lime green thong as well, but none of her smiling charm! Annette saw her approaching with Shelby and sprang to her feet.
"Annette," Shelby announced, "I have a surprise for you, this is..."
"OH I KNOW WHO THIS IS!" Annette shouted with open arms recognizing the petite twenty-nine year old woman with perky 32 C breasts, a heart-shaped ass, and shoulder-length brown curly hair, "Gisele girl what are you doing here?"
"The São Paulo branch of Praetorian Group sent me and Sandra here. She is running around getting chased by the two Arab boys. Sorry about nearly knocking you down! Anyhow.... we are here for another week, Anika knew I was in town because I dropped by the club two nights ago. She gave us an invitation to do a little extra work and here I am, on the clock and on these cocks!"
"You most certainly are girl! Hmmm so you are moon-lighting then?" Annette happily asked. She'd found an old drinking and party buddy from the beaches and barrios of Brazil and she couldn't have been happier. Well actually, she could have...
A second later Annette thought she saw someone blonde and bob-headed and quite familiar in the fog at the other end of the bowl; leading a naked gentleman by the cock over the rim of the faux crater. Her mind whirled. Oh dear -AMANDA! She excused herself quickly and ran across the bowl; hurdling fucking couples as if her nude form were negotiating a smoke filled obstacle course of flesh. When she reached the rim of the crater she looked everywhere.
"AMANDA!...AMANDA!..." she called into the fog noise and strobes but she saw nothing. She'd missed her.... if it was her. She returned to her small clique of partyers and Gisele. Her Brazilian friend however it seemed, had already been introduced by Shelby to Dexter and Brad and it also seemed that Dex had already started to make moves on the young woman, (not that the pretty girl needed ANY protecting). By the time Annette had stepped her way through the bodies, Dex had his arm around her lovely São Paulo sexpot and was spiriting her away to the edge of the rim, (with Shelby in tow).
"Did you see somebody?" Anika asked Annette as our heroine returned to her friends.
"Thought I did...perhaps not," Annette said with a note of disappointment.
Up behind her stepped Wendy; breathtaking in her slender African beauty. She'd followed her fellow barmaid Penny's example and shucked off her corset; leaving it behind the bar. She didn't need it for what she wanted to do next, (which was Brad). She walked past Annette and slapped her on the bum playfully saying,
"I got my break Annette, mind if I borrow that one?" She pointed a finger at Brad who was actually looking back paying attention to the distracting Brazilian beauty Gisele (who'd already settle down on the floor with Dexter and Shelby for a naughty little three-way).
"Alright Wendy," Annette joked, "but I'm telling you the same bloody thing I told your employer! He is a loaner, I get him back or you'll be losing more than your deposit!"
"No worries," Wendy grinned leading Brad away by his dong in her hand, " your limo's the only place I'll be takin' 'im! He'll be eefer here or out there luv!"
Brad looked back over his shoulder as he was led away by Wendy. He could see Gisele down between Shelby's spread legs already tonguing the pixies pussy like a saucer of cream; her ass high with Dexter's cock already plying the entrance to her bum-hole. The plumber's recovery time was a marvel of nature. Wendy's hand came up and spun his head around.
"Eyes over here luv," the tall African lady with the cockney accent told him, "you're mine for now!" They left the bowl. Standing in the middle of the bowl, Anika and Annette watched them go and chuckled together.
"So what do we do now?" Annette asked. Anika looked around through the fog and the darkness at the humping bodies.
"Well," she replied, "it's not as though this place has run oughta cock." She shot her arm out and seized one of Annette's well-endowed ringers as he walked by her, snatching the blonde haired man's hand and pulling him into her. She looked down; he'd do!
"Here," she said to Annette, "hold this!" She pushed the man into Annette's arms as though on a fishing expedition and she'd asked Annette to hold her tackle. Anika then watched through the fog and darkness as another well-hung "boy from the list" walked by. She shot out her arm and reeled in a rather endowed Italian looking fellow. Again she looked down; yep, worked for her! The two women settled onto the floor with their "party-favors" as the fog swirled and the BOOM BOOM BOOM crashed around them; the orgy pit having become even more choked with naked bodies until it resembled a pit of writhing fleshy snakes in the dim light of the ballroom.
Fabio and Ted were on the second pack of smokes now. The car was once again shaking and rocking behind them as the tall black man and his shorter Brazilian side kick smoked and watched the party in the cool night air. Inside Brad, clothed only in his cowboy boots had the lovely naked Nubian form of Wendy sliding her pussy up and down his pogo stick on the back seat as his fingers dug and clawed at her anus. She shoved a swollen gumdrop nipple into his mouth and bid him to chew it in a moaning whisper through her luscious bee stung lips; in between shouts of coarse obscenities. Sweat streamed down their faces as though they'd been doused with a watering can.
"I just cleaned that fooken backseat Fabio," Teddy said pulling the cigarette smoke into his lungs incredulously. He looked back over his shoulder at the furiously shaking limo. It resembled a washer with a horribly unbalanced load; what with all the thumping and the crashing. Fabio reached up a hand and patted Teddy on the shoulder telling him to be calm; everything would be alright.
Apparently if it was an unbalanced load it was also a particularly dirty one. It was most definitely in need of Brad's agitator column. From the open window came as series of curses and a general stream of trash talk as Wendy urged Bradley on with, OH YEAH LUV ...........YOU BASTARD...UGHH .... OH RIGHT THERE LUV DO ME ROTTEN WIF IT ...UHNNHH YEAHHH JUST LIKE THAT YOU LOVELY ROTTEN ....AAAGGGGH! ....OH (giggle).... (squeeek) AAAH! OH YEAH SOMEBODY'S A LOVELY LITTLE BAD BOY FOR ME...FUCK BRAD YOU'RE SO NASTY N' LUVLEY!... OH WHO IS RIGHT PROPER NASTY?.... THAT's RIGHT....UNNH!... YOU ARE!!
All that Teddy could think of was Anthony's harsh instructions to stay with the car. He was certain that extended to not letting anyone wreck the backseat so that it resembled Keith Richards's dressing room when they were done using it! Fabio's hand continued to pat Ted's shoulder and Teddy found his calm and took another pull of the cigarette; turning back around to face the dome and the estate up the hill. The washer..err.. car... behind them began to shake as though it had another three minutes on spin cycle.
Inside Brad and Wendy were like two cats tossed in a bag. They were all passionate bites and claws and scratches and shags. At some point they'd flipped around and she was now on her knees over the backseat; her lovely caramel colored bum thrust out n' up to except Brad's tireless tongue in her anus. He rooted around in her purplish pink backdoor like a naughty vexing termite, burrowing away and making her wriggle. After a minute she groaned and squeaked at him with a special request.
"MMMM Brad that's so wicked! Y'know Penny told me how marvelous that cock of yours was back there last night f'her luv.... You fink you could...?"
Brad was one step ahead of her. The whole time he'd been rimming her rotten, he'd been wanking his wood. Up he came now with his cock to the entrance to her enticing bum. He pushed the head of his knob against her dung pucker and then as the lovely woman strummed her clitty madly, he shoved himself in up to the hilt!
Ted n' Fabio out in front heard Wendy's agonized yell of OOOOOOOOHHHH AAAAAGGHH HOOOHHH EEYYESSS! come from inside the car but didn't turn around. Fabio merely passed the half-finished rum flask to Teddy who stared up at the house and took another sip. The black four-wheeled luxury washing machine behind them shook faster and harder. Over the next minute or so, the dirty unbalanced load that was Wendy became a veritable torrent of profanity.
"OH YES BRAD," her screams drifted out through the open window, "LIKE THAT YOU ROTTEN BASTARD! GRAB MY BUM WIF BOFF HANDS AND SPLIT IT! ...YOU FOOKEN LUVLEY ROTTEN BAST.....EYAAAAAAGGHHH ...OH JEEZUS...ITS SO LUVELY...YOU'RE SO LUVELY... EEEYYAAGGH!!!!" and so it went on and on. The shrieks and wails were enough that the normally calm genial Fabio actually turned and looked over his shoulder in alarm at one point. Ted lost his stormy dark expression and actually snorted with a smile; the hilarity of it all had being too much for him to stay angry.
"OHH GAWD BRAD IT'S HAPPENING! ITS GONNA BE A WET ONE...EEEYYAAAAHHH!" Wendy's shriek tore from the window as the shaking suddenly stopped. Apparently the rinse cycle had begun... at least for the backseat of the car. Brad's howling triumphant shout of AAAAAARRRRGGGGHHH followed a second or two later.
"I'll leave one of those cans of Cab-Fresh with you my friend," Fabio said to Teddy who passed the rum flask back to him as the Brazilian driver handed him the cleaning rag in exchange. A second later the door popped open and a naked but thoroughly satiated Wendy stepped outside. She was absolutely radiant in her post-orgasmic afterglow. Following her was the bollicky-bare-assed Brad, wearing nothing but his boots and the smell of glory. Again, Teddy was set upon by offers to come up the hill to join the party, but again Tony's stern warning to STAY WITH THE FUCKING CAR TEDDY held him fast. Ted was strong; a veritable oak.
"Thank you folks but no," he told them,"I'll stay here and just freshen things up!" He watched the two sweaty bare bums depart and head up the hill. He then turned and with one hand caught the can of Cab-Fresh one-handed after it was tossed by the ever helpful Fabio.
Up at the party Amanda had finished her dance with the television producer and she'd fanned herself saying something about it being hot. The two caught drinks at the bar and then returned to the edge of the pit and settled down on its slopes among the pillows and cushions. Ice fog spilled over the edge of the slope with its undulating carpet of naked bodies like a bizarre cascade in some tropical jungle during monsoon season. Amanda reclined against a gaudy Turkish cushion of reds, oranges, and greens and parted her legs as the man's head dove down for a quick bite to eat of her quim.
As pussies went she had a particularly fetching one, with its shaven blonde landing strip, it's pretty pink folds, and it's pierced outer labia with a gold hoop. Reggie, the red-headed producer who'd she been dancing with; simply couldn't resist and went down upon her to snorkel in her pink grotto while she cooled off with her drink and let the ice fog swirl about her like ghostly fingers. A second later the figure of a brunette woman in tall high-heeled hip boots and nothing else strode up to them.
"Reggie," the woman shouted down to the ginger haired man burrowing around with lips teeth and tongue in Amanda's honeypot, "who is this darling?"
"Oh hello Prunella," Reggie said coming up from his bit of puss-pie, "yes darling this is Amanda. She's an American. Amanda this is my wife Prunella." The tall MILF with curly shoulder-length hair and rather large 38 D bosoms extended a friendly handshake to Amanda saying, "It's a pleasure!"
"Absolutely," said Amanda, graciously taking her hand and shaking it, "for the next several hours anyway." The two women tittered at her witty one-liner.
"I hope you'll pardon me if I don't get up," Amanda said remembering her manners and of what country she was in. You could be a good many things at a British orgy, but late or ill-mannered were not advisable and she'd been a tad bit tardy this evening already.
"Oh not at all dear," said Prunella as she stepped forward looking for an appropriate place to plop, "in fact darling I've a good mind to join you down there; mind scooting over and calling me Prue as long as we're getting to know each other?" Amanda set her drink to the side as the leering Prue descended upon her like a lecherous shadow and her ravenously hungry hubby Reggie continued to gobble between Amanda's legs; wolfing at his meal with quite a ravenous appetite!
As always Amanda had no trouble at all finding enthusiastic dining company no-matter what the location or occasion; fetching dish that she was. In no-time Prunella was riding Amanda's lovely face as the Austin vixen chewed eagerly at the woman's crotch and Reggie now opted to poke at his snack between her thighs with his generously proportioned throbber of a cock. Amanda held her legs up high and wide as the couple enjoyed themselves immensely with their scrumptious dinner guest. In no time at all she'd had eaten and fucked them into a hot howling incoherent pair of enthusiastic diners who thrashed in heartfelt orgasmic appreciation of Central Texas cuisine!
Prue screamed and drenched Amanda in a cascading "girlie-gasm" of quim juicings and Reggie roared gloriously as his cock launched jet after jet it seemed of hot salty man-sauce into Amanda's lil Texas honeypot; the Austin MILF Amanda bucking her beautiful body through a crashing climax of her own! Reggie and Prue then collapsed upon her in a steamy post fuck cuddle puddle as the three sipped drinks and made small talk before another pair of heads; male and female appeared out of the fog and were recognized by Prunella.
"Oh Amanda," Prue said happily, "may I have the pleasure of introducing you to Jeremy and Francesa Smalls of the Guildford Smalls." Handshakes were exchanged as well as assurances that Amanda needed get up plus the obligatory, "Well why don't the two of you join us?" followed by, "Oh Jeremy that's such a marvelous idea, LET's!" In no time the Smalls had joined Amanda along Reggie and Prunella Pratt as the occasion became much livelier; and a bit more crowded there on the floor.
Reggie now opted for a lovely restorative blowjob from Amanda who got on all fours as Jeremy Smalls plowed her delightful Texas bubble-butt from behind. Meanwhile Prue and Francesca dined alongside Amanda in a cordial sixty-nine session that allowed both Sapphic munchers a chance to run hands over Amanda's lovely lithe form while their husbands "spit-roasted" her rotten! It seemed that Jeremy and Francesca Smalls would have done well to have their surnames changed to Biggs in the interest in truth in advertising; as Amanda's heart nearly leapt up into her mouth when Jeremy slewed his wedding tackle first into her cunny, and then into the tight rectal recesses of her backside.
If penetration from Reggie had been a large affair; that with Jeremy was something of an Equestrian event. When after ten minutes time had passed and Reggie had come down her throat and Jeremy deep up inside her bum-hole; she was tempted to give Jeremy a pat on the nose, an apple, and a lump of sugar out of well-stretched post-orgasmic gratitude. But the riding events were just getting started!
The lovely visitors came on and on to Amanda, Reggie, and Prue's little corner of the orgy pit. There were the Fogg's, the Hobbes, the Russell's, and a lovely couple from Brighton whose name escaped Prue but whose forms did not escape Amanda's wiles or charms as Jack "Whathizname" and his lovely wife Celeste had a lovely time with her and the Pratt's. Then came the Phipps's, the Dibley's, the Dorning's with their charming crooked teeth (and Dr Dorning's equally charming crooked willy). It was a veritable social and sexual assembly line of cordial cunts and cocks that she became acquainted with, by the time she and the Pratt's were done and needed fresh drinks, Amanda had that lovely proud ache of being stretched in both her front and rear holes, plus a slightly sore jaw. As she and the Pratt's finally stood and strode off to the bar, a set of keen eyes fell upon Amanda and her delectable bum as the spendings of several husbands trickled down her legs.
Annette had ridden her blonde lad pony named Lars to a rollicking climax before tagging up with Anika. The two swapped out studs and she sucked and then rode the well-endowed piece of Italian sausage named Vittorio until she'd came fifteen minutes later in a head shaking screamer of a girlie-gasm, leaving the hapless cocksman from Milan absolutely spent on the floor of the bowl amid the pillows and kicking legs of the other shaggers. The two women then resumed their quest for cum, hunting as a pair; with the ever watchful Anika grabbing an unsuspecting passing stud and then scooping him up like a bear with a salmon; before tossing him to Annette. She'd then wait. Sooner or later another unsuspecting bit of helpless man-flesh would saunter by and with cat-like grace, she'd lash out at her prey. The pair of women would then pull their men to the floor and the process would repeat itself; again, and again, and again.
At last Annette and Anika felt a bit of Fresh air might be in order. They stood up from their latest spent gasping heaps of testosterone and man-sweat on the floor and decided that fresh drinks and change of venue also were in order. It was then Annette saw the unmistakable form of Amanda departing with the Pratt's to the bar; just as Anika had commented that she'd wished she could locate Dexter for she was in the mood again for a bit of black cock. Annette was oblivious to her comment.
"ANNETTE, girlfriend!" Anika said giving her BFF's arm a shake.
"Huh whah? What did you say Anni?" a startled and slightly embarrassed Annette said upon returning to the here and now standing before her.
"I said," Anika replied rolling her beautiful frosty blue eyes, "I could go for some more black cock!" Annette shot her head back in the direction where she'd seen Amanda just a second before. Nothing. Just fog and dancers were visible in the darkness punctuated by flashing strobes and thunderous pulsing music. She turned back to her friend.
"I tell you what. I know of just the man and my spies tell me he's had a rough night and is in need of compensation for his troubles!" She seized the party host by the hand and the two gorgeous cum soaked women dribbled a trail of salty male spendings up out of the pit and out across the dance floor to the exit. Poor Teddy would have done well to have had a double helping oysters for his dinner instead of his fish, chips, and lager; considering what he had coming next!
Down the hill the car was in danger of flipping itself over on one side from its wild rocking. A thoroughly exasperated and defeated Teddy stood alongside Fabio next to the car staring up the hill; far enough away from the car that if it did flip they would not be in the way of it but close enough to the window that they could hear just about everything. They'd gone into a third pack of smokes that Anthony had left in the car under the front seat and had by now switched to the bottle of gin from the limo bar. The voices inside the car reached a fevered pitch and soon all three people (yes three mind you), inside screamed in joyous agony and sobs of happy release!
"Fabio," Teddy said calmly staring at the dancing laser lights emitting from the dome, "I just cleaned that limo again. Each time its worse; I feel like I a bloody forensic detective every time I mop up in there!"
"Some more gin might help you just let it go my friend. Just remember you have to sober up enough to driver home when the sun comes up!" Fabio said trying to help. It was alright though. Ted was accepting the fact he'd probably turn in a car to Tony that smelled a little "off" but at least he'd kept his word and stayed with it. Still plenty of Cab-Fresh was in the can and there was another can of the stuff in the boot of Fabio's car.
Their conversation was interrupted by the door being kicked open. An absolutely naked Penelope emerged from inside. The barmaid hobbit had finished her break and needed to get back in to mix drinks. Behind her out of the vehicle spilled Bradley and Gisele with looks of satisfaction and healthy glow of perspiration covering their faces. Again offers to take Teddy up the hill were met by the driver politely refusing to leave the car but a cordial THANK YOU ANYWAYS and a CHEERS was offered up by Ted; who seized up the cleaning rag and started for the car with the can of Cab-Fresh to "undue what had been done" all over the back seat and the carpet. He turned to watch the latest band of "back-seat trashers," depart.
Brad and Gisele trudged their naked bums up the hill; the naughty hobbit harlot Penelope riding Gisele piggy-back and pretending to whip her like a pony; urging the beautifully bummed Brazilian woman to "giddy-up." It was then Ted saw them coming down the hill passing Brad, Giselle, and Penny. Heading straight for the car were Annette and a tall blonde woman whom Ted didn't recognize.
He tossed the can of Cab-Fresh and the cleaning rag up front onto the front seat. He pulled out a smoke and lit it. He then stepped around front and joined Fabio; offering the smiling head-shaking Brazilian man a cigarette. Clean-up would have to wait. He couldn't have been more correct!