Chapter 06.1

This is a continuation of the orgy and hyper rave party taking place in Surrey at Anika's home. Special thanks to Annette, Amanda, Ted, Gisele, and Sandra for providing the inspiration for this story.

Annette and Anika passed Brad, Gisele and Penelope on the hill as they descended down to the limo. As they did, Annette caught Gisele's eye and told her beautiful Brazilian friend to, "find Sandra and Shelby and meet us down at the car for some fun!" Gisele didn't bother asking what it was that Annette was up to; she knew it involved some sort of naughty naked skullduggery of the most mischievous sort.

Ted and Fabio again stood in front of the limo, quietly enjoying another cigarette; the can of Cab-Fresh and the cleaning rag on the ground next to them, waiting to be called into action. Annette and Anika approached, arm in arm and bid the two gentleman a pleasant evening. Teddy was one step ahead and hurried to open the door for them.

He closed the door behind the two gorgeous women and then joined Fabio up at the front of the car. The cheerful Brazilian passed Ted back his cigarette that he'd been holding for him and the two men stared up the hill at the house. Ted took a pull of his smoke.

"Three... Two...One...," he said exhaling a tobacco cloud through his nostrils. The car began to rock. Fabio began to smirk. Ted began to shake his head. It was just as they'd expected... well for the time being!

Inside the limousine, Annette and Anika sat with their bare bums against opposite passenger doors, their hands against the ceiling fabric. Both were exerting themselves; huffing and puffing with great effort, although probably not the effort one would have expected by now. Annette looked across the rear of the car to Anika with a mischievous grin.

"Come on girl!" she coached her as she rocked her side of the car like a seesaw, "Rock this thing! Just like that...and remember what I told you... you cannot move until I'm in position behind them!"

"You got it girl!" replied Anika who rocked on her side with greater force. This was going to be absolutely wicked fun!

Under her breath Annette looked at her friend and bid her, One... Two...Three ... NOW, with soft hushed lips that dripped of conspiracy, (something she had a bit of a talent for if you haven't already surmised). Both she and Anika moaned as if the salmon in at the buffet had been sort of "off" and they were feeling the ill effects of it. They rocked harder. They both screamed as though they'd stepped on hot coals! Anika let loose a shriek and a yell like a wounded horse and Annette let loose an, "OH YES ANNI LIKE THAT GIRL... DO IT JUST LIKE THAT! OH SHIT ... AAAGGGHHH!"

Ted spun around and looked at his watch saying, "Well that was quick!"

"Some ladies don't have much of a warm-up time; especially those that know what they are about and have certain tastes and appetites already...well established. No? Those two look like they are pretty comfortable with things my friend," observed Fabio. Ted nodded in agreement; he'd seen everything his estimation anyhow. He was however perhaps a bit premature with that assessment!

Inside the limo Annette continued to shriek and wail and rock the limo. She nodded her head to Anika who on queue slammed her fist down on the bar console as hard as she could; creating a loud WHUMP sound that made the two men outside turn around again. Anika immediately tumbled onto the carpeted floor of the limo with another audible WHUMP that shook the car before she opened the door to the bar carefully and arranged herself in a dramatic pose on the floor like she was ready for a chalk outline prior to the most scandalous of police investigations. Annette put her lips to the slightly open window and let out a blood curdling,


Ted and Fabio made a dash for the car door. Annette popped the door open just as they reached it. A look of horror was etched on her face! She was good.

"SHE FELL AND HIT HER HEAD ON THE BAR!" Annette screamed spilling from the car and looking like she was in a fit of panic. Ted and Fabio stepped to the entrance and saw the twisted form of Anika lying next to the half open bar console, not moving and not breathing; her eyes half open. Annette's panic was now contagious as both drivers were certain that if she was not dead, Anika was most certainly in a grave state of affairs.

The two men both started to move as one into the compartment to render aid; only to have Anika fly up from the floor a split second later and seize them by their lapels with the swiftness of a jungle cat! Annette gave the off-balanced men a kick in the ass each and the two drivers fell forward onto the limousine floor; and Anika who was like a spider who'd caught two flies! Annette stepped into the car with a naughty grin etched across her face. She closed and locked the door behind her.

Annette was crafty and clever. It could not be said of her that she was a naughty bad girl... she was overqualified for that position. Crafty and clever suited her simply fine and at the moment, the fruits of her labors were self-evident in no time at all. There on the carpeted floor of the luxury car, amid the heaps of spent clothing and shoes from the two limo drivers; Annette and Anika frolicked with Ted and Fabio.

They made quite a sight indeed; what with Annette lying on her back, all legs up and knee's wide apart as the Brazilian Fabio sawed in and out of her pussy atop her like a wheezing bucking steam engine. A short distance away Ted was flat upon his back and without a stitch of clothing on as Anika settled her pussy down upon his monster rod of veiny penetration; the size of which had been a shock for both ladies at first glance.

Anika was not deterred however and she had without hesitation, climbed atop Ted, straddled his trouser snake, and bit her lip as she commenced to slide down upon it. Annette and Fabio actually stopped their shagging long enough to watch the spectacle of Ted holding Anika's hips steady as the blonde Scandinavian bombshell with her piercing blue eyes attempted to impale herself upon what amounted to a highway cone of flesh attached to a pair of meatballs. Anika may have been intimidated at first by the sheer size of it all but this descendant of Viking raiders would not be thwarted by Ted's large crotch Kraaken... nor that of any mortal man. The voracious Valkyrie merely huffed out all the air in her lungs as she bit her lip harder, wrinkled that flawless Danish nose or hers, and sank down onto Ted's "love lance" until he'd impaled her balls deep!

Anika's head flung back and her mouth opened to suck seemingly all the air in the car into them. She was thoroughly and delightfully impaled with the tip of Ted's cock most likely somewhere up behind her left kidney; scratching the woman's shoulder from the inside! A second later she released all her air again as the blonde beauty found her voice and shrieked,

"EEEEEYYYAAAGGGGHH OHHH HO HO HO ...AGHHH ITS SO GOOOD!" She was met by a thunderous appreciative applause from Annette and Fabio (who knew a good show when they saw it) and by the smiling face of Ted, who merely held the woman steady until she was able to calm herself down. She'd asked for black cock... now she had it; splitting her all the way up inside her and she was loving it! She calmed and caught her breath. Teddy's hands found her rump cheeks and he judged the time was right. He began to fuck her.

Over the course of the next several minutes, the mouths of Anika and Annette were veritable fonts of profanity; the two women cursing and wailing as they were furiously plowed by black and Brazilian cock. Both ladies at some point found themselves on all-fours with their lovely bums high and their heads down; the two men pummeling their puss-holes from behind (and living up to their reputations as "drivers"). Both Ted and Fabio engaged the women in a vigorous "hands-upon-hips" doggy-style fuck where the men were clearly now in control of their shrieking moaning mounts. If the limo had shaken before; it now was a veritable four-wheeled-bouncy-castle; the way it thrashed, rocked, and swayed!

A minute or two passed and then Ted and Fabio switched-out women. Now it was Annette's turn to feel the STRRREEETCH as the tip of Ted's black telephone-pole was applied to the mouth of her sex. Her eyes went wide as saucers and her bottom jaw hit the floor. Her lungs let go with a howl of EEEEYYYAAGGHHH OOOHHHHH E-YYYESSSS! Sweat dripped from her chin and nipples onto the carpet, her toes clenched and unclenched; she was impaled!

Next to her Anika was being vigorously hammered by the ever-smiling Fabio, who plied the Scandanavian beauty's puss-petal's with his veiny piece of Amazonian lad-lumber. Anika wailed and shrieked as though her heart were breaking but it was all joy; supreme blissful joy that her heart was welling over with! She reached over next to her and grasped Annette's hand in hers; offering her raven haired girlfriend moral support as she knew all too well what her skinny bestie was going-through!

"Yeah Annette girl!" Anika coached, "Take it... EVERY LAST MILLIMETER! You can do it girl!"

"OHH GAWD ANNIE!" Annette blubbered and howled, "HE'S SO FUCKING HUGE ... UGGHH! I love it! I love it! I love it! I never want it to stop! AAGGHHHH!"

And it didn't not by a longshot! There was however, a few pauses and change-ups as it were; as Annette and Anika sixty-nined and munched clits while the two men rutted and rammed their pussies with reckless abandon! A few minutes more of this and the men once again swapped-out women; with Ted now taking up a position behind Anika, and Fabio plunging his dong deep into Annette; the difference now being that it was the women's pretty pink ass-puckers that were being split and sheared by the two veiny cocks!

"AAAAGGGHHH OH MY... EEEYYAAAGGHH!" screamed Anika as Ted's cock split her up her bum-hole; his hands gripping the blonde woman's heart-shaped bum as his member pierced her flesh valentine like a black throbbing Cupid's arrow.

"HHAAARRHHH OOOHHH YESSSS FABIO FUCK MEEEE!" shrieked Annette beneath Anika on the floor as the Brazilian woodsman sawed his cock in and out of her colon with what would best be described as stiff determination!

The four bodies now slippery with hot sweat thrashed and bucked; completely caught-up in the moment of this wildly hedonistic encounter. The car itself swayed and rocked as the screams shrieks and moans spilled from the slightly open windows. Ted was keeping with his promise to Tony; he was staying with the car. In that regard he remained an immovable oak!

After a couple more minutes of this bestial bum-rutting and the revelers switched-out again; opting for still MORE bum-rutting. Now however; Anika writhed beneath Annette (who guided Fabio's cock into her Scandinavian girlfriend's battered rectum). A second later and Annette screamed and howled as Ted (solid oak that he was), sank his swollen tree-root into the pretty brunette's dung-chute up to the hilt.

"AAAAAAGGGHHH ANNI!" Annette sobbed in-between sloppy munches of Anika's pulsing pink hood, "IT'S LIKE HE'S FLIPPING MY INSIDES!... OHHHH AAAAGGHHH! I'M SOOOO CLO-O-O-SE!"

Anika wailed back at her friend as the two women diddled and munched the twat and clit in front of their faces while thick angry dicks split their guts.

It didn't take long now. The men were ferociously churning the female entrails that encased their dicks. The women greedily sucked and gobbled one another's fleshy-hooded quim beans as their long fingers poked and prodded expertly at the puss-hole of the other ass-fucked cum-slut. It all lasted about another two minutes or so, then...

HEEEEEYAAAGGHHH OH ANNIEEEEE! I'm CUMMMING AAAGGHH! Annette wailed desperately; her own fingers now fisting sawing, in and out of the blonde's puss-hole as if she was trying to set it on fire with fevered friction! She splattered Anika's hand and face in a hot downpour of briny puss piddle. A split second later and Anika released a piping hot geyser of her own girlie-gasmic juices straight up into Annette's faces as the tortured torsos of the two women bucked and thrashed.

Not to be outdone, Ted and Fabio's faces became triumphant masks of sexual rage; carnal snarls that signaled colossal explosions occurring deep down in their testicles. Fabio shook his head from side to side, his normal genial smile replaced by blissful agony as his cock sent jet after hot jet of jungle jism straight up into Anika's pretty poo-pucker. Just a split second later, Ted roared and pulled Annette's rump down upon his rectum wrecker of a cock as he came hard, sending a hot blast of salty man-butter up into her still-quaking pink ass-tunnel.

Annette and Ted rolled one way as Fabio and Anika rolled another onto the carpeted floor of the limousine. The couples spooned in two heaps of cuddling sweaty steaming post-orgasmic flesh, the only sound being that of everyone's lungs trying to claw oxygen out of the very air around them after having exerted themselves so rigorously.

Soon the panting gave way to giggles which were apparently contagious; as soon everyone's pheromones and endorphins (combined with the post climactic release of tension) served to tickle everyone's funny bones in just the right way. The giggles became chuckles. Then someone asked what had been so funny. A voice replied with a joke that has been lost in the annals of time but there was an uproarious explosion of laughter that resulted from all four parties, that was only interrupted by a rap on the limousine window.

Annette popped open the door. Three smiling pretty heads peered into the car; those belonging to none-other than the pretty pair of Brazilian bombshells, Gisele and Sandra; as well as that of the ever-mischievous Shelby. The three had come down to the car just as Annette had requested. They were up to no good and they expected to find as much within the car; by the looks of everything they were not disappointed.

Annette explained to them that she had two hungry bored limousine drivers who needed food, frolicking, and further fucking. Anika interrupted by informing the girls that ALL of these activities were to be found up the hill at her house. The three pretty heads nodded.

Ted remembered the words of his mate Tony in the back of his mind and protested vehemently. He was after oak as you may remember. Shelby, Gisele, and Sandra were keen to display their forestry skills however; springing their naked forms through the door, uprooting the oak, and pulling him out of the car before taking him up the hill, (with Shelby and Sandra pulling him by each arm). Fabio was far more compliant, having decided to go quietly with Gisele riding him piggyback.

Before Annette allowed them to leave she made a slight wardrobe adjustment for the two chauffeurs. They were not allowed to retrieve their clothes but Ms. Bishop did have them both wear their driver's caps - and their black bowties! The two drivers looked quite dapper she thought; in a Chippendales meets nudist colony sort of fashion. She and Anika laughed the whole way up the hill, following close behind them and slapping Ted in the bum for sake of their own amusements.

Inside up at the bar fifteen minutes later Reggie met with Anika. There was a brief conspiratorial conversation. She looked over at Prue and Amanda sipping their drinks at the bar and said to him running a hand down the television producer's red chest hairs,

"Thirty minutes then?" She kissed him and nibbled his lip.

"I'll have them both upstairs at your bedroom," he replied.

"Good," she said, "I'll round up the others." She turned and left for the dance floor.

Out on the floor Anika found Annette. She was dancing with Dexter in her usual fashion; not much dancing - just a lewd shuffle with the ever smiling West Indian's cock up her pussy, grinding her from behind and cupping her teats. Anika told them of her plans. She was met immediately by a pair of nodding heads.

Anika then scanned the crowd for Ted. He was there alright but not exactly in plain sight anymore; almost like he'd evaporated. One minute he and Fabio had been dancing next to Annette and Dexter with Shelby, Sandra, and Gisele; the next minute he and Fabio were gone, (apparently taking Shelby and the two lovely Brazilians with them). Anika glanced all around in the crush of bodies but saw him nowhere. A second later however Annette pointed to the rim of the pit.

"There they are!" she laughed and clapped her hands. She was happy to see the two drivers were like two ducks who'd taken to the water of a pond instantly.

Up on the rim of the pit in between the heaving bodies, stood a broadly smiling Ted and Fabio; resplendent in their driver's caps and bowties, and dirty-dancing with Sandra and Gisele. Shelby, perky little puckish pixie that she was; danced in between the two naughty couples (who like Annette and Dex were executing more of a shuffling standing fuck than real dancing). Their appearance over the boiling cauldron of fornicating bodies and frantically undulating ravers gave them the appearance of two South-sea island witch doctors presiding over some great fertility rite; in which there were hundreds of devoted participants!

"Shall I try to retrieve them for you?" Annette asked her blonde BFF hostess.

"No," said Anika being thoughtful, "let them party out here on the floor. This thing in my bedroom will be like a meal with many courses. It will take time to round up everyone anyhow." She shot her arm out into the crush of partiers and pulled in Brad in for a dance, (who was now wearing not only his boots but also a toy pistol belt and a little red cowboy hat that the mercilessly mischievous Annette was forcing him to wear after she'd snatched them off from one of the bartenders).

"Besides," Anika continued, "I have an appetizer right here for the first course. I like the boots pistols and the hat by the way... nice touch girl!"

"I missed my calling as a decorator or a clothing designer!" Annette observed in between heartfelt grunts as Dexter's cock slewed in and out of her juicy quim from behind!

For his part, Brad felt absolutely ridiculous and absurd. He was grateful however that there were no tricycles anywhere to be found or he was certain Annette would have him ride that around as well. Well, he couldn't complain. He'd just finished dancing with the two buxom buck-naked blonde Russian harlots who found his cowboy outfit a complete turn-on!

They'd approached him earlier and immediately wrangled the faux cowpoke into dancing. He knew the "code of the West" forced him to oblige; especially when the two drop dead gorgeous St. Petersburg sluts-for-hire turned around and twitched their bums at him. There before his very eyes; he saw two lovely silver fox-tail butt-plugs that matched the women's furry raver boots.

The Russian beauties batted their blue-green eyes at him and displayed a special trick; flicking their tails back and forth with a shake of their asses as though they were anatomically attached! He accepted the dance in the spirit of East-West relations and his enthusiasm for animal husbandry. Once the dance was over, the two "Silver Foxes" secured a promise from Brad that he'd meet them later-on before they skittered off into the crushing tide of ravers.

Now however, cowboy Brad was lassoed once-more by Anika. She wasn't letting this bronco out of her clutches. She turned and looked into his eyes saying,

"You're staying close to me. We are adjourning to a little get-together with about seventy or so "close-friends" in my bedroom and I need your conversation skills. Got it gunslinger?" He nodded after Annette caught his eye and nodded her head to him... saying that he WOULD OF COURSE LOVE TO! She was after all; the boss!

Annette also caught the eye across the great distance of Shelby, (who was still dancing between the rutting couples comprising of Ted and Gisele, as well as Fabio and Sandra). Both couples continued to stand above the crowd of dancers as they fucked in a flurry of exhibitionist debauchery. Shelby left the rim and walked through the gyrating throng of ravers to see what it was the boss needed.

When she arrived Annette pulled her in close. She told Shelby to "keep an eye on those two," informing her that they'd be need later up in Anika's bedroom so she was not to let them roam too far until then. Shelby gave her a wink and told her not to worry, she'd let them get drunk & laid, but they wouldn't be getting all "Dora the explorer," and start walking off. She'd get them up the stairs for their "curtain call" in the hostess's chamber when she needed them to come.

And speaking of cumming; it seemed that now Ted and Fabio (not to mention their Brazilian bombshell escorts Gisele and Sandra) were about to do so up on the rim of the pit. Shelby it seems, had just turned away from Annette and had begun to pick her way through the swirling mass of ravers when she looked up just in time to see the two Brazilian beauties shrieking and howling in the throes of orgasmic bliss; their bumholes impaled on the cocks of the two limousine drivers. Gisele sobbed with joy as Ted emptied the contents of his nutsack up inside her colon with a happy roar and Sandra wailed and flailed as Fabio filled her bum-chute with hot salty man-sauce. Shelby's hands went on her hips and she shook her head at them; they'd be a challenge but yeah... she could handle this.

Upon reaching the edge of the pit, Shelby suggested to the sweaty post orgasmic four that they could all possibly go for a "cool one at the bar." Nobody protested. They followed the slutty little pixie straight to the bar like she was the pied piper.

Upstairs at Anika's bedroom a select group had already begun to gather at the door. Anika arrived with Annette and cowboy Brad; making small talk with the growing throng of select partiers. Presently a nude servant girl in a powdered wig and Venetian mask arrived with a lit candelabra. In her hand she carried a small gold key (some more of Anika's flamboyant theatrics). Upon turning the key, the girl opened the door and stepped inside to set alight multiple candles in the room; all per Anika's instruction that not a single electric light switch be flicked on for the "special event."

Anika waited for a few minutes, then bid everyone to enter the room. Once inside the guests were dazzled by the glow of at least a hundred candles that the tarty servant with the powdered wig and smallish but firm breasts was finishing up with. With each newly lit flame, the light in the room began to build as then the true extravagance and spectacle of the room became apparent.

The flickers danced upon gilded Rococo fixtures that stretched seemingly across every conceivable nook and cranny of the room. The chamber itself was one great gleaming mass of gaudy naked cherubs, Greek gods and goddesses, and slightly plump nude women rendered in oil pigments. Along the walls it seemed the only subjects wearing any clothing at all were the stern-looking former patriarchal owners of the estate, who stood next to their dogs and their horses as they glowered down in their eighteenth and nineteenth century finery from their portrait paintings. Their eyes seemed to follow the bare-assed visitors to the sleep chamber; as if a most exclusive and private family council had been disturbed by the naked revelers.

As for the bed in the room, well again Anika had decided to go a bit over the top. She'd spared no expense at recreating a four poster bed whose canopy was impossibly high and with dimensions that were far too large for a single woman to need. It was a copy of the famous "Head of State" beds that finally fell out of favor with the Georgian monarchs of Britain in the mid-1700s. Garish, ostentatious, and over the top; it fit perfectly the décor for the rest of the room.

It seemed that the only thing slightly out of place in the chamber was a rather modern looking fuck-swing set up in front of the bed with what looked like wrestling mats stacked under and around it for padding on the floor. The swing with its metal fixtures plus its odd Velcro hand and leg restraints stood in stark modernistic contrast to the rest of the room. Overall its appearance along with that of the blue wrestling mats set against the backdrop of the rest of the room; gave the appearance that the Marquis De Sade had decided he'd been getting a little fat and needed to get back into shape!

Anika stepped over to an Italian red marble fireplace and waited until the last of the guests had entered; those being Reggie and Prunella Pratt plus the lovely call-girl Amanda. A slight adjustment had been made to Amanda's wardrobe. In addition to her lovely black and green bustier, she now sported a blindfold as well a black spiked dog collar attached to a leash held by Prue; (another embellishment of Anika's). Amanda may have been one of the star call-girls for this party but it was Anika who was the supreme SHOWGIRL for the occasion and EVERYTHING was part of the show.

Anni had told Prue to wait half a minute as she departed the ballroom for her master bed-chamber; then Prunella and the smiling Reggie left the ball leading the blindfolded Amanda by the leash. They wanted everyone to see the procession. A short list of cocksmen, call girls, and select guests knew the time had come for the party to move upstairs to Anika's innermost apartment. Faces in the massive crowd of ravers and pit shaggers looked up for a moment; envious that they hadn't received the "special invitation," to the festivities upstairs. It was all quite cleverly calculated; for Anika sexual stagecraft was formulated for maximum impact. Now despite the wild times down on the floor and the pit... everyone now wanted to be upstairs at the party within a party; only a few would go.

Now that Prue Reggie and the blindfolded Amanda were inside, Anika nodded her head. The very same young twenty-year-old man named Cedric; who'd offered to escort Amanda into the ball and who'd been told by her the she'd known her way around "well enough thank you," before being given a kiss by the beautiful blonde woman; now stepped inside the chamber and locked the door behind him. Another nod from Anika and the slightly nervous powdered-wigged Cedric stepped to a large wall tapestry that for some odd reason seemed to sway slightly in the room. The man pulled a gold braided rope and the tapestry parted revealing an alcove filled with nude blindfolded male and female musicians; again sporting powdered wigs and holding orchestral instruments. Almost as if on cue they began to play eighteenth century chamber music, much to the shock and delight of the spectators. Anika was clearly devotee of showmanship through and through!

Anika moved to the bed and reclined back upon the pillows. She motioned to Annette and Brad to join her and the pair stepped through the crowd of special guests and snuggled up to Anika on either side of the hostess in preparation for what was to come. Anika now motioned for Prue and Reggie to bring their prize; the beautiful blindfolded Amanda forward to the front of the bed. They stood before Anika like three actors, about to provide a performance, (which in part was true but there would be no acting... it would all be quite real as everyone would see).

Anika nodded and looked Amanda up and down as did everyone in the room. The hostess was most pleased. The assembled guests were intrigued. Although she didn't show it, Amanda felt countless eyes upon her although she could see nothing; the gaze of so many people seemed to poke at her like so many fingers...making her feel vulnerable.

"Thank you Reggie n' Prue, for bringing her here," Anika said, "she is exquisite as always. Wouldn't you agree Brad?" Brad nodded curtly. He was struck by the raw beauty of the blonde blindfolded Amanda.

"Always the charming conversationalist you are Brad," Anika sniffed teasingly, "and you Annette," she said turning to her bestie, "what is your opinion?"

"It's just like old times," Annette commented.

Her tone was strangely dark; in sharp contrast to her earlier facial expression out on the floor. Gone was the look of someone who wished to run up to an old friend and throw her arms around that person. Now she appeared as if she were looking dispassionately at a grainy old home movie. Something gnawed at her. She kept her cards close and pensively kept betrayed no further emotion.

Amanda upon hearing Annette's voice; turned her blindfolded face in the direction of the sound; listening for more words. Her ears heard none. Only awkward silence. This was not lost upon Anika, who decided to move things along lest there be drama she'd not anticipated.

"Prue and Reggie," she requested, "please see to it that our entertainment is properly seated."

Prue guided Amanda over to the swing, which was set back about two meters from the foot of the bed and slightly to the left. Its location allowed both the audience of three upon the grand bed plus all assembled special guests a clear view of Amanda as Prue helped her into the swing seat as Reggie went to work on the binds. He bound her legs to the device with Velcro ties so that her ankles and knees were raised high off the ground. He then bound her hands to the support ropes behind her pretty blond head that hung down from the ceiling so that her hands appeared to be folded behind her lovely noggin. Now Amanda was quite helpless. Lastly Reggie removed Amanda's dog collar and blindfold; those two pieces of theatrics no longer being necessary.

Amanda squinted in the dim light; having to adjust her blue-green eyes to the dimness as she peered around. She saw the throng of faces viewing her intently, she saw the chamber orchestra playing away; blind-folded themselves. She looked upon the bed and saw Anika; her boss for the evening. Next to her she saw Brad and noticed immediately how striking he was. Then her eyes fell upon Annette.

Her heart leapt. She'd thought she'd been mistaken when she'd heard the voice of her old flame but it was her; it really was! She made eye contact with her; expecting some sort of recognition but nothing came; not so much as even a head nod. There was something cold about her now; cold and hard. She saw Annette's eyes; there was bitterness with a bit of glaring contempt.

"Cedric," Anika called to the twenty year old footman, "if I may have a word."

From across the room Cedric stepped to the bedside and had a brief conversation (mostly one-way) with Anika. When this was over he gulped and nodded. The boy who was not quite a man turned, removed his clothes, and walked quite timidly over to Amanda at the swing. He stepped between her raised thighs and not knowing what to do next, began to wank upon himself until he had something approximating and erect phallus in his hand. Amanda looked up into his eyes and recognized something immediately. She said in a low tone to the boy,

"Cedric, you've never done this before have you?"

"What?" the young man answered self-consciously, "of course I have!" His voice rang with insecurity.

"No Cedric," Amanda corrected, "you dear haven't, and there is nothing wrong with being a virgin. Let me help you with this! I feel privileged to be your first and to take this from you! You're actually rather handsome!"

Cedric looked about nervously, casting glances here and there and then returning his gaze back to Amanda. She WAS quite beautiful. This WAS his first time. He swallowed his pride saying,

"Right, what you want me to do?"

"Just feed that cock of yours into my mouth hon," Amanda answered, "I'll do the rest. You look like a grower sweetie, if I ever saw one. I can't move my hands so just put it to my lips and then hang on to the back of my head but not too hard."

Cedric did as he was told. He had to step around to the side of the swing. From that vantage point in her dangling harness, Amanda could easily service him.

Virgin cocktip was brought to the pretty mouth of the lovely Southern American courtesan and she took the penis in gently through lips that were skilled at making the first time of a young man something remarkably special. His mouth gaped open and his eyes stared up at the baroque cherubs and angels without seeing a one of them. He was in awe of the exquisite tender act Amanda was committing upon him, making a delicacy of his manhood as the audience looked on.

Anika had promised this; a virgin to be deflowered by none other than Amanda, a call girl of considerable fame in Anika's circles. The guests looked on as though viewing a rare species of orchid at a flower show; the only sounds coming from the music provided by the chamber orchestra and from Cedric's moans which resonated just above the music. His hands cupped the rear of Amanda's lovely blonde noggin and he began to use the pendulum action of the swing to his advantage while the lovely sucking mouth transformed wilted penis into a stiff throbbing member. Cedric's eyes shut as the experienced woman now leaned into her task, throating him with wet strokes as the hushed crowd looked on.

"Brad," Anika asked turning to Annette's loaned-out boy-toy, "so what do you think? Here is your chance to reinforce your skills as a conversationalist."

Brad considered what he was watching. He considered the guests. He considered everything he'd seen thus far that evening. He leaned forward and kissed a bee-stung gumdrop nipple on Anika's aroused bosom and turning his face up to hers spoke,

"Quit savvy."

"Savvy?" Annette said turning her head away from the spectacle and looking directly at the handsome fellow stroking her teat nub now with his thumb and staring back directly into her cold blue eyes, "alright... what do you mean?"

"Oh this whole party is a brilliant marketing ploy for that club of yours," he answered not skipping a beat, "and it also keeps the heat off you."

Anika froze for a second, with a look like she'd had cold water splashed in the face. She parted her legs and raised them up; her toes pointed down to the foot of the bed. She patted her Venus mound with one hand and pointing with one finger to her pussy, bid Bradley Knight to mount his steed for a proper riding. He did as he was told and she requested an deliciously slow luxurious fuck from him. He eased his summer sausage of a cock into the mouth of her sex and she pulled him down upon her until he'd sheathed himself inside her. They both gasped.

Her eyes turned to Amanda, restrained in the swing and fellating the young virgin Cedric; whose chinned bobbed up and down at the sensation of the lovely woman's mouth nursing his now steel hard cock. She kept her eyes locked on the beautiful woman whose tonsils were ramming themselves onto the shaft of a lad half her age. She whispered in Brad's ear,

"Stroke into me nice and easy baby. Yeahhhhh just like that... I told Annette the another night I simply had to fuck you. I can see ...UUUNNHHH ... I see that I was wasn't disappointed. Now then... what was it you were going to tell me about marketing and keeping away the heat?" Brad turned his head and whispered in her ear as Anika's eyes stayed locked on the swing performance,

"You, have a great deal of important people here."

"Go on," she commented.

"Lots of posh types, just like in your club," he told her. He might has well have been a library the way he spoke so low.

"Yeah," she agreed with him, "that much is true."

"You've gone to great lengths to assure that nobody photographs these events. You want this to be another Manhattan Project with nobody on the outside knowing... for the security of everyone present."

"Yeah, (giggle) my pussy isn't the only tight thing around here dear," she commented as she noticed how young Cedric had now seized Amanda's pretty blond head with both hands and begun to slowly pump hips into her face; using her almost as a sucking masturbatory toy.

"But you want it to leak out don't you? You want there to be a crack or two in the dam and for a little story here to find its way through to the right ear... or ears."

"I'd forgotten (giggle) just how good you are UNNGGH OH YES... how good you are Mr Holmes!"

"Yes," Brad whispered in between kisses and licks of her earlobe as his cock sawed slowly in and out of her quim channel, "you'll soon have plenty of posh types and friends of posh types wanting to know why they didn't get an invite. What's more, they'll crowd that club of yours back under the Chinese place in Soho, right?"

"Oh dear Mr Holmes you are hot on the trail!" she said raking her nails gently up and down his back.

"Soon there will be even more people trying to find the secret passwords to your club... the illicit code words. Right? The people who'll want them will be the same old crowd as before, just more of them; the rich brats with Daddy's pounds burning holes in their purses and the celebrity who is worried her edginess is slipping so she'll want to be seen in your club in the hopes that it will lead to one of your A list parties that nobody speaks about. First rule of FUCK CLUB is nobody speaks about FUCK CLUB; accept for bloody-fookin' everyone given enough time!"

She nodded and voiced praise for his infallible logic. He didn't skip a beat in the conversation either; informing her that despite the fact she'd put this party together for a pretty penny, the "entertainment fees" alone by some of the more wealthy donors plus a week's take at the club would more than compensate for the cost of putting this party together. The financial benefit long term from a profit to overhead standpoint would be exponential. She complimented him for understanding her cash flow strategy so completely but then she thought she spotted a flaw in his logic and decided to smugly remind him of that point.

"Oh dear," Anika chided him being most cheeky, "but you've forgotten about the heat that you mentioned. All these lovely authority figures - where do they fit in?"

"Between having coppers working your clubs as bouncers," Brad said rolling his hips exquisitely for her between her legs, "and chiefs of police, prosecutors, magistrates, and members of parliament getting their cocks sucked by high priced call-girls (and their wives fucked by all manner of big cocked beautiful lads), at your parties; you'll never see a police raid. Your club will run forever because too much is on the line for them. By bringing the heat to you... you keep it off you. This party is an insurance policy!"

"Well done," Anika whispered in his ear, "I know I have to get your lovely cock and that beautiful mind back to Annette when this night is over but someday lover... I would simply love to have you knock my bones up! You're definitely breeding material that would give me beautiful geniuses for babies. Shall have to haggle with her about that."

She bid him to continue to slowly screw her as she watched Amanda. The blonde Texas bombshell had now suggested something to Cedric; who nodded and re-positioned himself down between the blond woman's restrained legs to munch her quim. Inspired, Anika motioned to Prunella Pratt.​
Next page: Chapter 06.2
Previous page: Chapter 05.2