Page 01
Special note: I wish to thank Annette Bishop, Kirsten, Nancy, Liz, Ted, and Amanda; without whose support and inspiration this story would not have been created. Thank you all so very much!
The two women walked along side one another in the wooded grove of cedars, olives, and cypress trees; their wispy short gowns billowing slightly in the warm breezes of the Mediterranean. They giggled together at some bit of humor the two had shared just moments before, their moods and movements bright and happy as the rays of sunlight washing over them. Everything around them was bathed in warm glow as their bare feet negotiated the paving stones of a mountain road leading to an ancient broken temple that emerged from the trees in the distance.
"Come on Annette," Shelby challenged her more mature but equally beautiful companion, "you're too slow!"
"I'm in no hurry Shelby," Annette Bishop replied to her young acolyte, "but if I chose to run I could easily outpace you, Miss Shortlegs!"
"My legs may be short but I can move them fast enough and what's more," Shelby replied with her characteristic playfulness just seconds before swatting Annette's bum with a mischievous hand, "my hands are fast as well!"
Annette felt the honeybee sting of Shelby's swat and yelped in mock surprise. She retaliated with a playful swat of her own; aiming for the younger woman's bum, (only for her hand to swish open air as Shelby had already dashed ahead out of reach). A merry chase between the two was on as laughing and shrieking, the two dashed ahead up the road; one after the other in hot pursuit!
Up flew their gowns in the breeze, exposing a pair of delectable heart shaped rumps as the pair dashed up the broken paving stones; a gleaming white marbled temple ruin lying just ahead. Shelby's legs and arms flew; speeding the compact dirty-blonde pixie along the ground, but the lovely taller brunette Annette easily closed the distance behind her until at last her long dancer's strides brought her to within reach of the girl. At a slight curve in the path Annette leaned and grasped with both hands, laughing as she did so.
Her arms reached out to tackle the girl and tumble her into the grass at the road's bend so as then to pin her down for a good tickling; yet it would not be. As Annette's lovely white limbs reached out to seize the little pixie's hourglass form, Shelby shot up into the air like a giggling dart. Annette wrapped her arms and tackled empty air; crashing from the path into the soft grass, tumbling end over delightful end.
She pulled herself from the green sod and glanced up to see Shelby staring down at her, the girl's dragonfly wings beating the air frantically as she hovered above her fallen companion with a look of playful mockery etched on her face. The girl then fell upon Annette like an aspen leaf. She seized her mistress by the neck and shoulders as the older woman wrapped her legs around the waist of the girl, (who now had seen fit to be 'caught'). The pair kissed; long hard and deep. Finally, they parted mouths and gazed into the eyes of one another.
"Will it always be like this?" Shelby asked happily.
"One can hope," Annette replied to the little nymph, "but the fates love change and change may be something we'll need to embrace when the time comes."
"Nothing is constant," Shelby said with a nod, her voice trailing off into an eerie echo that filled Annette with a bit of unease and caused her to pull the girl in protectively.
She felt the young nymph paw greedily at her breast and presently, a nubbin of a nipple popped from Annette's sheer slip; only to be met by Shelby's lips. The girl set about suckling and nursing. Annette's eyes narrowed. She felt lips and tongue do lovely dirty-work upon her breast as the deft fingers of the pretty girl slipped between her legs; finding Annette's sex for a rude bit of groping.
The lovely MILF and the sylph ground pelvises against one another. They felt their passions rise, however something else was rising; that being Annette's feeling of change and uncertainty. She sensed flux and chaos amidst the desire and love that was overtaking her.
Her eyes continued to narrow until they became slits as the girl's lips, limbs, and lady-loins did their work, (and with that narrowing Annette saw the sky that had been bright and beautiful now seem to turn fast with dark clouds that swirled with alternating shades of purple, grey and black). The wind began bending the trees and the two women found themselves pelted with leaves and chaff as they continued to make love in the manner of great poetess Sappho. The sun disappeared behind the whirling clouds and the world seemed to have transformed itself into a tempest.
Annette oddly felt no panic in what whirled around her. To her change meant chaos danger and risk but it also meant opportunity. For now, she merely let the storm blow as she rolled the girl over and kissed her, sliding down her body until she found the sex of the pretty pixie princess.
Shelby parted her pretty pink puss-lips and Annette's tongue plunged into the girl's sex. The pixie's hips rose and fell, rose and fell against the mouth of her mistress as lightning flashed now across the heavens. Rain fell lashing the two, it was then that Annette heard Shelby's voice ring out in a scream, not in ecstasy but out of sheer panicked terror!
Annette's head whirled about and she squinted through the driving rain. A flash of lightning illuminated her cheeks. A second later her eyes went wide. Her mouth opened to scream but no sound emitted from within. She could not move save her eyes.
There... not ten paces from the two women; sky-lined on a slight rise and standing in the pelting rain and wind were a pair of shapes. They belonged to two superbly mounted men possessing sinewy muscled forms. At first sight through the gale Annette had thought it odd that she could not see the heads of their mounts, but a second lightning flash that cracked the sky revealed to both her and Shelby the fact that the men were not riding. They were conjoined to powerful equine bodies, each atop four sturdy horse legs; centaurs!
Another scream from Shelby snapped Annette from her paralysis and she spun around to hold Shelby close and protect her. Shelby's eye's however betrayed to all present that she was well in the grip of the fight-or-flight response and that the latter had already won. She rose into the air like a terrified hummingbird, fairy wings flitting frantically and shrieked at the top of her lungs,
"Annette run!"
Annette made it to her feet and she reached out to Shelby; only to see the girl dart away in terrified haste like one of the many leaves blown by the wind. She attempted to run. It was no use as both of the fearsome beasts easily covered the distance with long strides.
One of the creatures out-flanked her and wheeled about, blocking her exit. She looked up at him, a great tall African man with powerful arms and a leering expression. She recognized the face and for a moment her fevered mind forced her to blurt out,
The man-beast reared and kicked with his front hooves as though pawing the air. He opened his mouth to reply but it wasn't Ted's voice that came forth. Instead her ears were met by the bellow of an angry stallion; snorting and whinnying with rage and lust while a long horse phallus swung below its belly like a black-grey pendulum of flesh.
Annette spun again to run the other direction. She ran straight into the chest and fore-body of the second beast, a powerful exquisite Caucasian with northern features, a strong chin and sculpted cheekbones, all atop the body of a powerful stallion with brown hair matching the thick locks on his head. He was beautiful and terrifying; as beautiful and terrifying as his erect pink and grey dappled horse dong that rose and fell against his belly like some crude sort of equine sex cudgel. She again recognized the face and blurted in surprise,
She was met with another angry snort and stud bellow as the white centaur stamped the ground before her with seething power and desire. Before her mind could register what was happening, the black centaur seized her from behind in two powerful arms; throwing her over his shoulder with brutish ease. She felt the powerful black spin around with her as she was carried off in the direction of the crumbling temple; his thick bicep and fore-arms holding her in place over his back as she held onto his shaggy black horse hair. Her heart was now filled with equal amounts of helpless terror, trepidation, and oddly enough... lustful excitement!
Her mind was a blur. She could only feel the great speed at which they hurtled ahead; the wind roaring in her ears. She no-longer seemed to experience thought; only images and sensation as she found herself tossed about like a sack of meal on the back of the black galloping man-stallion as the pale Euro-centric centaur thundered alongside; attempting to snatch her from his companion and take her for his own. The two beasts may have been companions, but when it came to a female as beautiful as this, they were as two competitors; each wishing to satisfy his selfish savage needs with her... and in her!
Upon arriving at the grounds to the ruin both horse-men skidded to a halt. Annette found herself heaved crudely by the black from his shoulder and forcefully tossed across a marble column that lay toppled on its side; shattered and useless until now, (as the two man-beasts now had a new purpose for it). The broken stone support would serve as a breeding platform for their lovely helpless captive.
All Annette's strength and ability to resist was gone. They were simply too strong and too powerful. She was too terrified and too awestruck.
The black reached down with an enormous hand and seized her garments, tearing them away easily. He flicked the rags away, sending them sailing off out of sight in the wind. Annette now lay naked before two towering forms that leered at her hungrily, their horse-cocks swinging menacingly in anticipation of what was to come next.
The "Brad-beast" attempted a grope at Annette's nudity, only to take a bone-crushing punch to the jaw from the black "Ted-taur." The dappled bay Caucasoid man-horse bellowed in protest; rubbing his face and snarling with rage, but he backed down. He knew he'd have to wait his turn; his lip trickling blood from the black's thunderous right cross. The Ted-taur now turned to her, glaring with red eyes.
With a forceful hand, he seized her by her raven locks. He was immediately on the marble column, straddling the broken cylinder with his four muscular legs to either side; tail flicking back and forth in the wind. It was then he leaned forward and pulled her face up to his; uttering crudely the first human words she'd heard from either of the horsemen,
"You...will...(SNORT) SUCK...ME!"
It was more roar than words and Annette's mind at first didn't register what she'd been told, but he roughly thrust her down between his front legs and she immediately came face to face with his loins; an angry demonic black club of a dong, veiny and throbbing between two fist-sized testicles. Her nostrils were immediately assaulted by the funk of horse-balls, matted hair, and sweat. She might have run but it would have been no use. The pulsing black phallus rose and fell before her, angry and waiting.
Strangely now, her terror melted like ice upon a hot stove; replaced by the oddest sensation possible - lewd fascination! She simply couldn't tear her eyes from the throbbing eighteen-inch tube of flesh with its odd bell shaped head and yawning pee-hole. Veins ran up and down its length like vines covering a teak-log branch that pulsed and twitched in anticipation of female contact; the fact of Annette's humanity having no bearing on this rude instrument's needs. It needed feminine flesh and in all its raging testosterone fueled fury, beast or beautiful babe simply made no difference!
Annette reached out... and grasped the foot and a half long column of flesh in both hands as if it were a baby elephant's trunk; marveling at the throbbing warmth below the black skin. It was full of blood. Somewhere above her the black man-stallion whinnied and snorted in excitement. She however paid him no mind as she marveled at the crude flesh. She opened her mouth as wide as she could; bringing the leathery mushroom head to her lips.
The black's eyes went wide and he snorted with heady excitement. He felt the woman's mouth begin to work the end of his knob as her hands ran up and down is shaft rapidly and roughly. His lip quivered and he stared off into the wind and rain...not seeing, only feeling.
Annette gorged and nursed the horrid instrument; ashamed at what she was doing... yet simultaneously thrilled beyond words, beyond thought, beyond reason. She ran one hand down the underside of the coarse shaft and found the pair of warm meaty balls; cupping first one and then the other and then back to the first again. Her other hand stroked, stroked, stroked along the shaft as her mouth sucked, sucked, sucked the bell-shaped head; all the while the raging black above her snorted and bellowed in the triumphant joy of sexual male conquest!
What was she doing? This was insane! She wanted the cock of a beast in her? REALLY? Her mind however could not have cared in the least; she craved this, as foul and forbidden as it was it thrilled her to no end, and therefore she rammed it into the back of her throat now with reckless abandon as the beast whickered and snorted.
Her hands and mouth worked in filthy bestial coordination and soon she tasted a hint of what was to come (or better still cum), as her tongue clearly detected the tell-tale note of pre-ejaculate trickling from the end. Her hand found her snatch and she strummed herself frantically as her tonsils hammered on the "manimal's" throbbing sex organ; over and over and over again. It was all the Ted-taur could do to merely stand and take the exquisite sensation of the lovely mouth upon him; his legs quivering and his lips trembling below flaring nostrils.
It did not take long, she heard the shrill bellow as the black achieved his point of no return. A moment later and she felt the salty hot rush as the black's balls shuddered in her palm and send molten goo into her gulper. It was a torrent of molten male magma, spilling over her lips and running down her chin; yet she gulped nursed and swallowed what seemed like a bellyful. It was strange to her, salty and yet with a grassy taste, as though all things green and grazed from the fields were distilled in this briny essence, and she wanted more!
She pulled back and the great beast stepped back from the column. They made eye contact, he whinnied and snorted; much calmer now, as if she'd fed him an apple and scratched behind his ears. She looked into the eyes of the handsome black man and saw they were softer now. Her expression was now a quizzical stare; could he go again? She opted to find out.
She hopped off the column and spun around; placing her head and shoulders low on the top of the cylinder with her ass high in the air, supported by her feet and lovely legs. It was as if she were bent over a desk. The alpha male Ted took the hint and a foot and a half's worth of horse cock sprang back to life, banging up and down against his belly.
Annette heard Ted bellow and snort and she shut her eyes; not knowing what would happen next. She flinched as a pair of heavy front hooves smacked the marble to either side of her with a heavy clatter. She opened her eyes and a split second later, she felt it. Eighteen inches of horse-cock was pushing at the entrance to her quim-hole.
Her opening resisted and then yielded as her puss-passage gave way to unstoppable force. Annette let out a scream of pain melded with pleasure as a determined horse dick, gained entrance and pushed up inside. She felt him split her, and run in straight to the limit of travel. She let out a panicked EEEEYYYAGGGHHH! and then paused, catching her breath as oddly, he waited for her to become accustomed.
She reached over to a horse leg next to her, and patted it; running her hands through the shaggy black hair. The cock inside her remained stationary. She found her breath. She patted the leg reassuringly and a large black hand reached down between the two front horse legs and tussled her hair.
"Ok," she said up to him, "start!"
He began to fuck her. She began to grunt and push back against the monster dong that was splitting her. She began to stretch and accommodate, and love it!
She leaned to one side out from under the front leg of the black and beckoned to the other centaur to approach. The snorting Brad beast complied cautiously at first, wary of Ted's temper. She reassured Brad.
"Come on up alongside baby," she said, "he won't hurt you, not with his cock stretching my snatch!"
In the end, the need for female touch outweighed Brad's concern. He found himself standing alongside the black, his cock pulled from underneath his belly and a sharp angle and straight into the waiting mouth of Annette. She was now, "skewered"; massive cock at one end and massive cock at the other. She began to fuck and suck, happily spit-roasted.
It didn't take long for Brad. In what seemed just like a few blissful gluttonous minutes for her she tasted his pre-spendings; grassy notes of salinity dancing on her tongue. She throated and gagged and shortly brought him to a roaring crescendo. His cock spouted like a salty fountain and again hot salty warmth ran down her chin, neck and breasts, as well as straight into her greedy stomach. He'd been spent, and he stepped back to allow the alpha to finish with her.
The Ted beast began to thrash harder and harder rutting himself into the sex of the impassioned woman beneath him. She now was feeling a whole new level of splitting satisfaction; deep hard and powerful. As he snorted and raged she cursed and swore and egged him on. At last he bellowed again, as if struck with a mortal wound. This time she screamed in joyous agony as a climax ripped her from head to toe. The horse-cock lurched, jerked, and filled her quim to the brim with hot ropes of salty horse-juice.
"Waaahhh!" she awoke.
She was in her Covent garden flat. It was morning. There was a young man; probably nineteen sleeping next to her on his stomach. On the other side of her, her maid Felicia; naked and lovely slumbered peacefully. Down between her legs the sheet was warm and moist. The dream had brought her off, good and hard. She brought damp fingers to her lips; expecting to taste grassy notes, but only finding her own sweet puss drippings.
A new day had dawned. Felicia rolled on her side and yawned. She looked up at her employer with bedroom eyes.
"You cannot sleep?" she asked.
"No," Annette answered, "I just woke up. Had a vivid dream."
Felicia ran a hand between her boss's legs. Her fingers immediately found Annette's effluvial dribblings on the sheet, (and on her employer's puss lips). She smiled happily and popped a finger in her mouth.
"By the feel and taste of things, it was a wet one!"
She laughed at her own joke; glancing at the slumbering youth to Annette's other side. He'd been merely some cute lad Annette had found at the club last night and brought home. She'd been going out every night ever since her two cubs, Brad and Shelby, had left for the continent.
Whatever this slumbering boy's name was; be it Cyril, Nigel, Eddie (or whomever), it simply didn't matter. He was nothing more than a spent tissue and a notch on the bedpost. What's more, Felicia knew; he needed to be out on the next Uber leaving this place and Felicia also realized Annette probably needed breakfast.
It was twenty minutes later; just as the cab pulled up and the freshly showered young stud hurried out the door with a kiss (and a lie from Annette that she wanted to see him again sometime), that was when she received the text.
She chuckled as she sat in a robe at the table over a half finished glass of juice, the sound of the rest of her breakfast sizzling in a pan being guided by the capable hands of Felicia. The cubs may have gotten themselves in trouble in Amsterdam. Oh well, she liked trouble.
She'd allowed them to go off and spearhead an acquisition for Praetorian Group in Holland. This was a chance for the two to shine and do preliminary assessments (and it was also a validation for Annette's special projects directorate; upon which she'd placed her two former interns at the helm of). It was their chance to shine but it was also Annette's chance to take a risk; more than a few corporate opponents would be watching at a distance, (hoping to detect a sli-up no doubt). She couldn't allow that to be seen. Most likely she'd have to swoop in and "check on things."
Truth was, she'd been thinking of following after them out of a mixture of concern and corporate cabin-fever during their absence. They'd been gone a few weeks now and London's West End was already dreadfully boring without that pair of delicious delinquints. She missed her wittle cubbie-wubbies awww-fully so! This "problem or whatever-it-was," gave her a pretext to get out of London and back on the continent where she belonged!
"I thought you weren't working today," said Felica, stepping up behind her.
She reached around her boss, placed a steaming hot breakfast on the table and then she spied Annette's neck and noted it was most-unguarded. She kissed her pretty short haired employer just below the ear; giving her a peck and a playful nibble as she pulled away. Annette smiled wryly at the touch of Felicia's soft lips and replied,
"I guess it wasn't in the cards dear, either that or your boss is a shameless liar."
"I think both are true mi amor," replied Felicia; commencing to rub Annette's shoulders as the lovely brunette dream boss took her first bite of the day, "but you lie very well. So am I calling for the car and the plane?"
Annette looked confused then down to her text. A look of shock and chagrin spread over her face that melted into a smile. Felicia not only kept a clean house and cooked impressively, she possessed the eyes of a falcon. She tilted her head back and turned her face upward as a hand shot up into Felicia's long luxurious head of Catalonian hair; pulling the beautiful Spaniard down for a snog. Woman's lips found woman's lips in a deep kiss that pressed and flowed back and forth like warm luxurious honey. Annette at last broke things off to gaze dreamily into the eyes of her assistant saying,
"Yes, I think that will be good. I want to leave this afternoon. Pack dear, you're coming with... "
Felicia turned happily and stepped from the breakfast nook, and rounded the corner to step into the shower; her ass swinging deliciously beneath her pale shift. Annette's eyes followed her as her maid left, noticing ever exquisite movement of the young woman's form. For Annette (a lover of all pretty things), she'd definitely chosen well; Felicia was competence, intelligence, and sophisticated pleasure (all bottled up in a hypnotically seductive container).
By 1:30 that afternoon, a Cessna Sovereign 300 screamed down a runway a few miles away and clawed its way into a late summer afternoon sky; headed to the continent across the channel. The Praetorian Group's corporate jet was now en-route to Amsterdam having left on time despite rather short notice. Secreted inside in plush leather accommodations were Annette and her loyal traveling companion Felicia, the aircraft's only passengers.
"Did they say what it was all about," Felicia asked.
"Nope, not a word, "Annette replied, turning her head from the window, "but my gut tells me it should prove interesting. They wouldn't tell me I was needed away from the flagpole unless it was critical and i simply don't wish them to be seen as having gotten in too far in over their heads; not on the first big project with their training wheels taken off."
She paused and looked out the window again pensively. Something troubled her. It had to have been a real cock-up for them to not provide her with details.
She was concerned. Her mind formulated the worst and most embarrassing dilemmas that her cubs could have walked into. She should have sent Roger from legal along with them, or possibly Sandra or Gisele. How could she have been so careless and... then she caught herself.
She had no facts. She needed to get there and see what on earth it was before she opted to panic. After-all; why should she doubt those two? They'd been hand-picked by her, and not simply for being attractive (gorgeously so she admitted to herself), but also because they conducted themselves and their decision-making with a level of judgement beyond their years; those two... that devilishly beautiful pair. No, there simply had to be a logical explanation.
"So this is a mystery expedition of sorts?' Felicia commented wryly with an eyebrow cocked.
"Yep they've even kept the boss in the dark," Annette nodded turning her face back to the window, "we are going in blind but I suspect this is hot or they wouldn't have called me away from London."
Felicia snatched a thin woolen blanket from an adjacent seat spread it out across both their laps. The purple woolly cover had the Praetorian Group corporate emblem shaved into its plush fuzz and was just perfect for snuggling in the lap of luxury. She took Annette's hand and replied.
"Maybe it represents an opportunity, yes?" she asked, bringing Annette's hand over under both the blanket and under her business skirt between two lanky parted belonging to a Spaniard assistant who knew how to ease the boss's concerns.
"Besides," Felicia whispered breathlessly as Annette's fingers slipped beneath the Catalonian beauty's thong; touching her bare waxed quim, "feeling your way around in dark hot places can be so... rewarding?"
"Yes," said Annette, letting her fingers stroke up and down Felicia's puss-petals down below and enjoying how it made the Iberian nymph squirm in her seat, "and for being such a good helper, I intend to bestow a little reward of my own upon you sweetie."
Felicia happily wriggled and sighed like little worm on a hook at her boss's undercover caresses as Annette motioned the stewardess with two free fingers for drinks. A moment later and the young woman stepped down the aisle; a pair of sparkling glasses of Champagne in her hands. She handed the pair their bubbly and asked if there would be anything else.
With a polite "Thank you... no," from Annette, the flight attendant turned and went back to her station; pretending not to have noticed what Annette and Felicia were up to under that lucky little blanket. She'd seen this sort of thing before when Annette and anyone in her inner circle were flying. It was nothing new, and what's more; she deliberately kept her memory foggy concerning such things.
The Jet climbed higher into the afternoon sky. The two passengers sipped Champagne, in between soft giggles and appreciative wiggles; privacy assured. Below them, the cold blue expanse of the English Channel spread from horizon to horizon and beyond them, the European continent beckoned with a sweet siren-song call of lurid mystery for those bold enough to investigate.
A car ride from the airport and a ring of the bell at corporate retreat lodge desk later and the two travelers found themselves checked into a room. The retreat was comfortable enough and just a short drive outside the city, but it was a little bit plain and ordinary; as if the interior decorator had been a Dutch Calvinist who took the whole "Spartan no frills" ethos to heart with every aspect of the place. The beds were comfortable enough and the room was clean; just rather antiseptic and with flat blah green and orange coloring on the drapes and carpet. Annette mused that probably it all would have been quite stylish in the 1970s or 80s but now it simply had that quiet "grandma friendly" aspect to it all that she found a bit dull and tedious. She remembered however, that for all the dour trappings and muted tones she saw before her; this was STILL the country of a people who liked their naughtiness just below the subdued surface and THAT illicit aspect could be as flashy and colorful as any tulip show and as intoxicating as the contents of any coffee shop menu.
Felicia unpacked while Annette checked messages. She'd seen not so much as a peep from the cubs since she'd taken to the air, since back at breakfast in her flat even. She tapped into her phone tersely,
She didn't get an answer right away; didn't expect it either. The cubs were being quiet about something... or one or both had their phones off... or. Stop it Annette, she thought to herself, stop worrying. You are here... they'll update you shortly.
A foot massage from Felicia on the bed later turned into a sleeping pill for her; as she felt the overwhelming urge to knock off and close her eyes for just a bit. When the nap ended thirty minutes later she checked the phone again; Felicia spooning up against her with a chin nuzzling into Annette's shoulder blades in oh so just the way that the pretty brunette fancied. The text was there.
"VINYL TUXEDO 10 PM" was all the message from Shelby read.
"What the fuck?" Annette said under her breath, attempting to let Felicia sleep for a few more minutes unsuccessfully.
"Did you say something Mi Amor?" the sleepy Spanish maid replied, half in and half out of consciousness.
"Get your face on Felicia and get me a car," Annette said softly with a playful smack on the rump of the Iberian beauty spooning her tightly, "we are heading to the Red Light District in town."
Annette loved Amsterdam. She loved the Red Light District, (and more importantly it loved her). Trouble was, like an old lover - she'd been away from it too terribly long. It hadn't changed much.
Annette and Felicia had been dropped off by a company car at an Argentinean steakhouse for dinner and then the two began a walk through the Dutch streets to meet that familiar paramour, the district. The thing was, as soon as it the ladies left the restaurant, Holland started bot become Holland. It began to rain. That old lover, the District, apparently got wet simply with Annette's very approach!
The two ladies simply decided to brave the water spilling down out of the sky and pressed on; east along Damstraat across the canal, their high heels clicking on the streets in between the spatter of the raindrops on the sidewalk. One thing was certain, the weather forced most of the young anarchist bicyclists Amsterdam was so famous for off the streets and back into the coffee houses; clearing the way ahead for the pair. The two women had the streets to themselves except for the odd Asian tourist group with umbrellas.
Two pairs of heels now click click clickety-clicked on the street as the rain abated slightly; large water drops falling from the trees as they turned north on the canal and headed up the Oudezijds Achterburgwal. Ahead gaudy neon in pinks, greens, and shocking magenta illuminated their path. Annette was back; she was home ...come out and play everyone, she giggled to herself.
"What did you...?" Felicia asked looking up from Annette's phone after checking her bosses' messages and finding nothing from the cubs.
"Oh nothing," Annette replied, "let's just go."
The two moved instep up the edge of the canal. It was the same old same old that greeted them; sex clubs, sex shops, brothels, window girls. Nothing new and yet it was different each and every time. What was it the old Greek philosopher Heraclitus had said? You cannot put your hand in the same river twice?
Up ahead in the dripping street to one side was Casa Rosso. Its infamous pink neon elephant as always appeared to waive them as they passed, as if to greet them and pull them inside. Annette had sat on many pink couch (and almost as many faces in that establishment). It was a place brimming over with fun and with hot steamy memories...
But perhaps another night darlings, yes? Annette thought to herself.
Yes, business first. You can make up for lost time in there later dear, she answered the question in the back of her perpetually naughty noggin. She knew how to suppress her desires; delaying pleasure and gratification when work dictated it to be so, but to always come back and satiate those same desires and scratch those itches later. It was a skillset that had served her well and allowed her to climb to the top of the corporate ladder, and more than a few heaps of sweaty undulating bodies.
They passed the window girls, clad in fishnet stockings who eyed them coolly until one gum popping street window strumpet leaned close to her glass, deliberately fogging the pane with flaring nostrils; drawing a little heart for the two ladies as they passed by. She pouted in a kissy pucker, then made a "V" with two fingers and ran her tongue back in forth between them. Annette flicked a "V" back at her and responded in kind while Felicia on Annette's arm pointed to her watch and shouted through the glass,
"We are late for something honey but perhaps we'll be back? We komen later terug?"
The girl in the window crossed her arms and pouted in feigned disappointment, before she then began mugging for a group of chubby Middle-Eastern businessmen heading up the sidewalk from the other direction. Annette and Felicia turned and kept walking. In fifty meters they saw their destination.
High above the sidewalk a glaring neon sign outlining a women wearing gaudy green and blue tuxedo with a gentleman's top hat cocked rakishly on her forehead beckoned them forward against a pink background. The men standing about at the door below were both clad in similar attire; all quite whimsical and over the top in their appearance. Annette and Felicia had located the Vinyl Tuxedo, now they needed to find the cubs and get to the bottom of all this.
Annette wasn't angry yet as she passed between the two tuxedoed doorman with their heavy eastern European accents. She was more like a mom, expecting to get the story first before she passed judgment or chastisement on her two darlings. They were her cubs after all, and she loved them dearly, but even a mummy has limits to her patience and the story had needed to be good.
The club was downstairs, below street level. Euro pop music streamed up from behind a door and in front of door stood another eastern European in a tuxedo.
Why did the good clubs always go down? Annette commented to Felicia. It's so hard to get up a flight of stairs if the fun was particularly FUN.
Felicia nodded and chuckled at her bosses' joke as she led her by the arm down the staircase to the door at the bottom of the stairs. A big fellow in the tux politely popped opened the door and welcomed them in Dutch laced with a heavy Russian, or Belorussian, or whatever eastern European cabbage-eating-language it was. He smiled with a mouth full of gold teeth and held the door as both ladies stepped through into a basement chamber full of darkness, black lights, and Euro-pop music.
The whole place smelled of smoke, spilled alcohol, and that usual clubby dusty "can't quite describe it but dammit please scrub it again," scent that was not at all helped by a bit of burning incense somewhere out of site. It was also quite busy; packed it seemed with a sea of latex clad women and euro males. Most of them looked typically Dutch; meaning all rather tall, slender, and elegant. A few of the clientele were of the overly horny Asian businessmen or boorish Mid-Eastern variety but they were tucked away in dingy dark corners with well-paid female company for the evening, and those fellows were generally behaving themselves.
The club itself was... well, PINK. In fact, pink and garish summed it up nicely. Kindly even.
To one far side ran a long bar with several patrons quietly nursing drinks or queuing up for 'yet another one.' The space was framed by hot pink walls adorned by full length gilded mirrors; providing an illusion of the room being far vaster. Scattered about the room were gaudy low loveseat couches of some cheap pink pleather material all facing inward to the club's center. There lay a pink padded circular stage; much like a boxing ring except it was surrounded by a shimmering silver curtain, suspended from the ceiling.
Pink shiny pleather was in fact ubiquitous; the club's designer having simply gone mad with it apparently, (in what could have been a complete breech of taste or a stroke of inspired genius). More of that same gaudy pink leather padding surrounded the bar, barstools, and fake support columns. Pink puffy pad even ran up the wall surrounding the entrance to the water closets; giving the restroom corridor the puffy anatomical look of an orifice, (wholly feminine, vulnerable, and aroused). The effect was to provide whole establishment with the resemblance to chewed bubble-gum under black lighting, everywhere that a person looked.
Felicia wrinkled her nose at the sight in contempt mixed with genuine disgust. Annette loved how fiendishly ugly it all was. Their eyes turned to the center of the room surveying the stage; appropriately padded in more of that same shiny pink whatever it was beneath the curtain of silver.
Felicia looked at her watch. She checked the phone. She shrugged to Annette.
"Well boss," she commented, "we're here and its ten. No sign of Shelby or Brad."
"Patience dearest," Annette said wrapping an arm around her assistant but still looking about the room for the cubs as well, "there is still plenty of night left for them to show. Besides, aren't you curious what will take place under that curtain?"
From behind them at the bar, a woman in a black latex mini-skirt and matching biker jacket observed them, dropping pretentious black designer shades that were obviously a clichéd fashion statement; all the better to ogle them with cool green eyes beneath mane of short wild black hair. She replaced the shades and ordered two champagnes from the bar. She then approached Felicia and Annette with drinks in hand.
"Right," announced, stepping into the personal space of both women and taking them by surprise, "here you are. You are on time, in the right spot, and you're on stage in ten minutes."
She handed the champagne to the two bewildered women and then made introductions of a very brief and hurried kind.
"I'm Ami," she said in American English, "I hope you didn't have trouble reaching us here on such short notice, right?"
"Well no," Annette replied, "but we were supposed meet with two of my..."
"Kirsten here will get you off to the dressing room," Ami interrupted, as if there was not another moment to be wasted, "you can change there."
A tall brunette woman with a bob haircut immediately approached Annette and Felicia from the opposite side. She wore a black tux jacket with a bowtie and white blouse up top (covering ample bosoms), and merely a thong and fishnet stockings down below above shiny black heels. She motioned politely for the two ladies to follow her.
Annette was in a state of shock and chagrin. Obviously there had to be a mistake of some sort but at the same time, her sense of adventure spurred her and Felicia on. The cubs weren't present and the night was young. She attempted to protest half-heartedly but Ami was resolute that both women were in the place they were supposed to be. Kirsten pointed the way again for them patiently.