Part 02
Day 5-Thursday March 31
Well, just because you start something doesn't mean it doesn't take a while to do. Anyway, the proceeding part was sending a new package with a camera for every room and a new burner phone with my demands already in it but on a time-release so it happens when I'm at home this time. This wasn't enough to keep Mom from suspecting me, but it would throw her off the scent a little bit.
What I told Mom to do was to set up the cameras throughout the house. Just like before, to put them in places where I could see the entire room. There was one for everywhere. My sisters' room which they shared. It had two beds and was actually bigger than even my mom's room but it was so cluttered with my sister's things you couldn't tell. Not that they were messy, they just had a lot of furniture.
There was one for each bathroom, of which we had two, and the gym and laundry room in the basement. And the garage, and Mom's car, also the kitchen living and dining rooms and the office. And then I sent five more as I didn't want Mom to think I knew the layout of the house. I gave her special instructions to change the batteries once a week as well and if she missed any she would be punished.
These cameras also had microphones. I wanted to keep full tabs on everything that happened in the house now.
Day 9 Monday, April 4
After a weekend of spying on my family, it turns out a whole lot of nothin' happened in that house...
Okay, I could still watch everyone shower, which was kinda cool, though it tended to get a little steamy, literally, so I normally didn't get to see much. There wasn't much in getting more information either as conversations were somewhat sparse. I knew Mom's marriage to Ivy was strained, but I didn't know how much before then. Even when they're working out in the gym it was like the conversations you'd have with strangers on an elevator, unemotional and without intimacy.
Julie and Lana, my sisters, spent a lot of time together but spent a lot of time out of the house. Julie didn't work but had a boyfriend she spent most of her time with. Though, from the one-sided conversations I heard when she talked to him on the phone, he sounds like an entitled asshole. Lana had school and went to hang with friends most of the time. Most of the conversations they had at breakfast and dinner, it seemed, and I was already present for those.
I sent another burner phone to Mom. It was time to spice things up around there.
Day 12 Thursday, April 7
Bruce: Today, I want you to get someone to touch your son's penis. Also, keep the phone and keep it close but if anyone finds it. You know what happens.
A few minutes later, I got a return message. It was funny, I was texting in my pocket and had a small earbud in my ear to have it read any return messages to me. This was because I was sitting on the couch right next to my Mom as she watched TV. It was funny because she was using the cheap phone right in front of me as if I wouldn't notice. I pretended not to for the moment as if the commercial on the tv was riveting.
I watched out of the corner of my eye as Mom responded and the computer voice in my ear chirped, "Mary: can it be me who touches my son's penis?"
I felt my cock twitch a bit. I think I'm going to have to start pushing Mom harder... I responded quickly before Mom noticed the expanding erection in my pants.
Bruce: anyone you like.
I then looked at Mom as if it was the first time I'd seen her, "Hey Mom, what's with the old phone."
She blinked at me, seeming to consider something and I could presume what, but I think I was also in the clear for suspicious persons right then too.
"Just a dumb phone," she said as she got up from the couch and hurried out of the room.
Another chirp in my ear a second later, "Mary: why are you making me do these things?"
I wasn't sure if Mom was spying on me from the other room so I played it safe and answered in my pocket.
Bruce: Don't ask questions about me. Do it again and I'll punish you.
I thought that would be all I'd hear that day but a minute later I heard about chirp, "Mary: at least tell me why you want me to do these things with my son then?"
Bruce: I didn't choose your son. You did. When you put that first camera in his room. Your punishment is you have to show your son your breasts.
Chirp, "Mary: but that wasn't a question about you it was about my son."
Bruce: this isn't about that. I can see from the footage of your house that you were using your new phone right in front of your son. And he noticed! I've changed my mind, you have to get naked for your son. Right now.
Chirp, "Mary: what? But there are other people here."
Bruce: figure it out, you have ten minutes.
God, my cock was rock hard right then.
I wasn't sure what was about to happen but within five minutes there was a text on my phone. My actual phone, not the burner. I took it out of my other pocket.
Mom: come to the bathroom upstairs. I need you for something.
My dick twitched as I ran out of there.
I came into the bathroom which was filling with steam. Mom was taking a shower. I locked the door behind me just in case someone came snooping.
"Yeah, Mom?" I said innocently as I approached the shower. She pushed open the shower curtain and I gulped at my mother's naked beauty. I mean, I had seen her on the videos but it was nothing compared to being directly in front of the living goddess that stood before me. Her legs were toned, long and sexy. Her beautiful swollen pussy was flush with dark hair, her belly a fountain of milky skin that flowed like silk, her breasts were heavenly melons with erect pink nipples that just longed to be sucked, her face was... Conflicted.
She was staring at my crotch and breathing heavily, "I thought maybe we'd take a shower together. Like old times." She suggested as her whole body blushed in embarrassment.
"Umm, are you sure, Mom?" I had to act like I was reasonable for at least a moment, right?
Mom opened her mouth but no sound came out. She sighed then said, "please, son. I just want, umm," she looked away from me. I wondered if I was being too hard on her with my demands.
She closed the curtains, obviously upset. I wondered if I was pushing her too much as I removed my clothes, "sorry Mom," I said as I got in the shower, not doing anything to cover my erection, "I didn't mean to upset you. I'll shower with you wherever you want."
Mom stared right at my cock and kept right on looking at it like it was a snake about to bite her. I grabbed for the soap but she batted my hand away from it, "umm, let me do that for you." She said.
Mom grabbed the soap and then got on her knees in front of me. She didn't waste any time as she immediately grabbed my cock and started to soap it. Her hands moving slowly as she gripped me about the shaft and she dropped the soap and started jerking me like a slut in heat. "You have such a big penis, Dan," she moaned but then realized what she was doing, and the next thing I knew Mom had left the tub and ran out of the bathroom and into her room.
That went a lot different than I thought it would, I thought.
Day 13 Friday, April 8
I stayed up late that night. At first, I thought about confronting mom about what happened in the bathroom but she got dressed and left in her car leaving me alone with Ivy. I did some actual work too while I was considering everything as I do have an online job.
But the thing I never considered while I was making these plans originally was that Mom would actually start getting turned on by this stuff. I deduced it was one of two things if not both: 1. Mom is so sexually repressed and had done without for so long that my young cock was awakening a very horny side of her, or 2. Mom was a natural submissive.
Either way, I decided to elevate my plans some more. Let's see just how much my mother was willing to submit.
The first thing I did, as I had been doing, was reviewing the footage from the night before. It's not as time-consuming as you might expect, I usually just fast-forward everything until something happened, and then watched that long enough to know it wasn't interesting. But this time, something was interesting.
Mom came in, late, it was after I went to bed. Ivy was up at the kitchen table drinking tea and reading the paper. It was after midnight but Ivy was a bit of a night owl, even if she was also an early riser but I think she survived on taking catnaps throughout the day.
Anyway, Mom came in, and I could tell she was a little drunk, "Oh, Ivy," She sauntered over to her wife and wrapped her arms around her front from behind the chair. She tried to kiss Ivy but Ivy pulled away.
"What's gotten into you?" Ivy said, "You're drunk." She said a moment later.
Mom scoffed, "Sorry, I'm just...horny." she admitted, embarrassed. I was surprised, Mom wasn't usually that forward about anything sexual, but maybe after jerking off her son for a few seconds made her a bit more open about her sexual feelings.
Mom swayed a little as she stood there but she didn't slur her speech as so I knew she wasn't too intoxicated at that time, "Yes, I've been drinking, but I'm not drunk."
Ivy still looked at Mom suspiciously, "We haven't had sex in years." She said, "Why now all of a sudden?"
Mom scoffed and pulled out a chair to sit next to Ivy at the table, "What? I can't want to make love to the woman I married? There's nothing out of the ordinary about that."
Ivy considered Mom's face, I wasn't sure if she was admiring it or investigating it for clues, "It is though, because it's you, Mary. Where were you just now, did you meet someone else?"
"No, I-" Mom was getting flustered, and maybe horny as she seemed to recall something.
"What is it then? Come on, Mary, I can tell when you're lying to me. If it's someone else just tell me and we can-"
"I saw Daniel naked okay!" Mom practically shouted, I was surprised it didn't wake me up last night she yelled so loud. I checked the feed to my sisters' room and they were also sound asleep at the time.
Back in the kitchen, Mom had thrown her hands over her mouth, surprising even herself.
Ivy was equally surprised, "Your son?" She said, "What about your son being naked... Wait?"
Mom nodded, "It was just an accident, okay, I walked in on him in the shower and I just saw his, um, his..." Mom trailed off unwilling to continue.
"His cock." Ivy said simply, she was always a lot cruder than Mom, "Was it hard? Does he have a big one?"
"Yes, it was so hard and big and thick," Mom said dreamily, then she shook herself out of it, "Nevermind! I don't know what I'm talking about."
Ivy just blinked at her, she was hard to read right then, "Okay, okay, I guess it was kind of a lot to take in," She smirked at herself with her double entendre, "But I still can't believe that you would be a woman who was lusting after your son." She then laughed at Mom's reaction to that.
"It's not...I'm not. Oh!" Mom said, flustered completely. "I'm going to bed, do whatever you want." She was a bit peeved as she walked away from the table.
Ivy bit her lip as she watched Mom sway her hips as she walked away from her. I think she was considering following her to bed, maybe Mom admitting to her that she was turned on by her son had turned Ivy on. If it did, I guess it wasn't enough for her to follow her wife to a night of passionate lovemaking. What the fuck is wrong with you? I thought at my stepmom, One of the hottest women in the world is practically begging you to fuck her and all you can do is sit in the kitchen and drink tea!
Still, Mom admitting to Ivy that she was horny after seeing me naked had my cock hard and ready to go in my pants. I closed out of the programs and shut off my computer. I then took out my burner phone from its hiding place under the floorboards and I wrote Mom.
Bruce: do you want to fuck your son?
I knew already what she was going to say before she said it but I was going to at least tease her a little bit.
Mary: Of course not. Who would ask someone that?
Bruce: You know that now I have to punish you for asking questions about me.
Mary: That's not fair! It was a rhetorical question!
Bruce: Nevermind that for now. You seemed to enjoy touching his cock in the shower yesterday.
Mary: I only did that because you told me to. You're the pervert who likes that sort of thing.
Bruce: You didn't deny enjoying it. I heard what you said to your wife last night. I saw how horny you were after.
Mary: dammit. I keep forgetting you can hear and see everything we do.... Pervert
Bruce: Just tell me. Did you like touching your son's cock yesterday?
Mom took a minute to respond. But it was worth the wait.
Mary: truthfully, I loved every second of it. He has such a good penis. It's so large and thick. I've never noticed before recently just how much of a man Daniel has grown into.
Bruce: That was very honest.
Mary: Well, you heard Ivy last night. I don't have anyone else to talk to about it.
Bruce: So, you have sexual feelings for your son?
Mary: No. I don't. I'm just proud of his penis, which isn't something he can help anyway. God, I know he's going to want to talk to me about what happened yesterday...
Bruce: What if I told you to suck his dick?
Mary: Please don't.
Bruce: But what if I did?
Mary: Well, I'd have to go in there and suck it wouldn't I?
That made my dick twitch but that really wasn't what I was getting at.
Bruce: But would you enjoy it?
Mary: I never liked to do that with my husband. I don't know though. I haven't thought about anything like that in a very long time.
Bruce: But you wanted to have sex with your wife last night.
Mary: But she doesn't have a penis, obviously.
Bruce: So like blowjobs and shit?
Mary: Right. I don't think I would like it. No. I don't want to do anything else with my son.
I could tell I'd upset Mom. I wondered if it was because I had suggested she give me a blowjob. And then I wondered if it was because she was disgusted by the idea or because the idea turned her on.
I didn't let it bother me and instead grabbed some clothes and crossed the hall to the bathroom to shower.
When I got back, I checked where I had hidden the burner phone, under one of my floorboards in the far corner, a place people were unlikely to look, especially Mom. I was surprised to find she had written me back again.
Mary: He's my son. I'm not supposed to look at him in that way. It's almost a tragedy, almost. I guess I've been without much attention in that department for quite a while now. Daniel reacting to my body in the way he has just been rekindling a fire within me that I didn't even know was still burning.
I guess Mom doesn't have anyone else to talk to about this stuff, I thought before deciding how to reply.
Bruce: How long has it been since you had sex?
I heard Mom downstairs in the kitchen making breakfast so I didn't expect a response as soon as I got one.
Mary: A very long time, maybe four years.
I mean, I was a 20-year-old virgin, so I kinda just rolled my eyes at that.
Bruce: Do you miss it?
Mary: I didn't before all this started. Now, I don't know...
Bruce: All this blackmailing you mean?
Mary: Yeah, that...haha.
Bruce: Good to see you're taking things well.
Mary: I guess I'm just getting used to it. Thank you for listening to this old woman's problems.
Bruce: You're not old. You're a very young and passionate woman.
Mary: Aww, thanks, Bruce. I suppose you would know since you look at me in the shower.
I thought for a minute before saying this next part.
Bruce: If you ever need to talk to me again, feel free.
Mary: Haha, I just might. You're a surprisingly good listener for a blackmailer.
I smiled at that and hid the phone back in its spot. I went down for breakfast and noted that Mom was in a much better mood than she was before. She even surprised me by kissing me on my forehead after placing my food in front of me and looking me in the eyes before saying, "I'm very proud of you, Daniel, you've always been a loving son. And you've grown into a handsome man."
"Thanks, Mom," I said cheerfully like I didn't have a care in the world. Though part of me felt a little guilty right then, just a little.
Day 14 Saturday, April 9
I didn't check the phone again until the next day after I reviewed last night's footage (boring...). I figure if Mom messaged me it would be more like a blackmailer to not get back right away.
But I was still a bit surprised that Mom had messaged me again.
Mary: Weren't you going to punish me? I was bad, remember?
My jaw dropped open when I saw that. Mom wanted me to punish her. I had to do something special for her.
That day I went out to a lingerie store, and then I went to the post office and paid to fast track my package but unfortunately, it wouldn't get to Mom's house until Monday because there's no mail on Sunday.
Day 15 Sunday, April 10
It was amazingly hot on Sunday. Fuck global warming.
Anyway, there are two places near us within walking distance that we frequent fairly often. The first is a tennis court and the other is a public swimming pool. And it was so fucking hot and we didn't have air conditioning so when my older sister Juliet asked me to walk to the pool with her, I immediately agreed.
My sister Julie was super hot and I couldn't help but ogle her delicious body in her right one-piece bikini when I can down the stairs. She was like a younger version of Mom with her great tits body and black hair.
"Damn, you look hot, sis!" I said forgetting to be civil.
She was cool about it though, "haha," she laughed, "thanks but you shouldn't talk to your sister like that."
I shrugged, "well I'm sorry you look so sexy in that number." Which got another laugh out of Julie. We walked to the pool together.
It was amazingly busy because of the heat but Julie and I got to lounge in the pool for a while and cool off. I really couldn't take my eyes off her.
"Why do you keep staring at me?" She eventually asked.
"Sorry, you're just too beautiful," I told her confidently.
Julie didn't laugh this time. Instead, she bit her lower lip and blushed. Her brown eyes met mine and things felt very tense for a moment. "You know that I have a boyfriend, Dan." She said eventually and then got out of the pool, "come on. Let's go back home."
We walked home, things a bit awkward but then on the way she said to me, "you're pretty hot too in those trunks."
I smirked at her. This was a surprising turn of events. Julie was at least somewhat attracted to me. If only I had a way to blackmail her...
Day 16 Monday, April 11
It was the perfect day for Mom's lingerie to come. It was only me and her in the house. I wanted her to put on a show for me.
I watched her on the camera as she saw the package. She took it to her room and opened it. Inside was a frilly French maid uniform that I purposely made sure was just a little too small for her. She picked it up and held it in front of her like she didn't know what it was she was looking at. A moment later, Mom dropped it on her bed as her face flushed red. She knew who it was from and why it was there.
I texted her a moment later before she could leave the room.
Bruce: do you like your new gift?
Mary: of course not! I would never wear something like this!
Bruce: never say never. Put it on.
On-screen, she went back to it on her bed and held it up in front of her, considering the sexy maid uniform.
Mary: I don't think it will fit me.
Bruce: it probably won't. I didn't ask for your measurements so I just guessed from the videos. Don't wear a bra or panties when you put them on.
Mom scowled at the hidden camera when she read that message since she knew where it was. This made me smile, I kinda loved watching her squirm.
She removed her clothes quickly and I think wanted to get in the other outfit just as fast to hide her body from view as long as possible. But the maid outfit confused her for a moment and as she considered it I got a very good look at my mother's sexy body. I could tell from her hard nipples and swollen pussy that this was turning her on greatly. I wondered if she liked to be watched.
Mom finally found the zipper in the back and squeezed into the sexy outfit. The top was a corset and she squeezed her tits into it but it was so tight her tit-flesh stuck out the sides obscenely. Also, the skirt was so short that you could see her whole ass in the back and her pussy in the front. Mom cringed when she saw herself in the mirror and when she noticed that her ass and pussy were on display she tried to pull the skirt down. When that didn't work, she started trying standing at different angles and found the only thing she could do was bend over so her pussy at least couldn't be seen but every time she did it at least one of Mom's tits popped out.
Bruce: how do you like it?
Mom considered herself in the mirror again before answering.
Mary: It's too small. My butt and vagina can be seen. My tits keep popping out. I don't think I like it at all.
Bruce: you look really sexy in it.
Mom looking at herself in the mirror.
Mary: Well, I'm guessing you're a man because only a man would think such a thing.
Bruce: Don't presume things about me. I'll have to punish you more now. Go to your son.
Mary: What?! In this outfit?!
I glanced at the screen and saw that Mom was gritting her teeth as she looked between the burner phone and the mirror. I also noticed that the skin of her legs nearest her pussy was getting wetter.
I wasn't sure if I was pushing Mom too hard or not, so I decided to give her a choice for a change. Let her decide her fate.
Bruce: Either go to him in that outfit, pretend you are only there to clean his room, or, change into whatever you want, but tell him to jerk off all over your face.
Mom had to sit on her bed, I couldn't tell if she was shocked or so turned on she couldn't stand anymore. I was guessing a mix of the two.
Mary: I can't do either of those. I've already been avoiding my son since the last thing you had me do to him. At this point, I'm sure he thinks I'm trying to sleep with him. And that just can't happen. I'll turn myself into the police first!
Shit, I thought, I'm pushing too hard. Then again, she's probably bluffing. At the same time I knew I didn't want to push her too hard or too fast because if she was willing to turn herself in, well, that would end everything. But I thought of another way to punish her and a new way to play with Mom in general.
Bruce: the third option, go into your son's room and tell him you want to sleep with him.
Mary: what!?
Bruce: you have one hour.
I then hid my phone again and closed down my computer. Partly, I wanted Mom to surprise me with what she did, though I figured she'd take the easy out, mostly I just wanted to make sure everything was hidden before Mom came in there.
I waited on my bed, casually reading a book. But after half an hour my phone buzzed, my normal phone...
Mom: Hey Danny, just thought I'd tell you that sometime in the future, we can sleep in the same bed if you want. Just like a mother and son thing. I miss mothering you is all.
I rolled my eyes, Jesus Christ, you give an inch and they take a mile.
I waited until the hour was up, just in case. Before I dug up the phone and texted Mom again.
Bruce: times up and I don't see you in your son's room
Mary: I told him we could sleep together through text. Just sleep nothing else. What? That's what you said.
I knew I had to do something to get that was humiliating now. Mom was becoming very resistant.
I also realized that Mom might be getting suspicious that it's me. And maybe that's why she was being so resistant. I knew I had to make it different this time.
Bruce: tonight, when both your daughters are in their room. I want you to go in there in your maid outfit. No bra or panties. You must make sure that both your daughters are awake when you come in.
Mary: You can't possibly think I'm going to go through with that?
Bruce: You have until tomorrow.
Day 17 Tuesday, April 12
Though I heard some of this last night, who can sleep knowing something like that is going on in the room next to you, it's probably easiest to just tell you what happened when I reviewed the footage.
Mom waited until Ivy was asleep so it was nearly 2 in the morning before she got out of bed. She removed her nightwear and was wearing her maid outfit underneath which I thought was sexy that she was hiding it in this way.
She tiptoed it into the hall and passed my first to my sisters' room. It was dark but the cameras were equipped with night vision so I had no trouble seeing her in the green hue.
Mom opened my sister's doorway which they rarely locked and it was open a crack. She opened the door and turned on the light.
I noticed and I'm guessing she did too, that Julie and Lana's eyes opened right away at the sudden light but they quickly began pretending they were sleeping. Mom came in and began pretending she was dusting. She reached up to a shelf and surprised be because she started humming like it was a normal activity. I mean, that is what I told her to do but it was weird when you could see her pussy and ass clearly as she stretched up to reach the top.
Something else surprised me and that's that both my sisters were watching Mom. They'd open their eyes and ogle her but when she turned to face them they'd pretend they were asleep again. Something else and that's that there was movement coming from underneath both their blankets. Very suspicious movement...
Holy shit! Not one but both my sisters are masturbating to Mom's slutty outfit! What the fuck?! This was a very interesting development. I never imagined either Lana or Juliet would look at Mom sexually like that.
But then, just as I heard last night, Ivy walked in the room, she took one look at Mom and shouted, "just what the fuck is going on here!?"
Mom looked like a deer in the headlights, "Oh, I umm, was just dusting..." she mumbled lamely.
"Dressed like that? What the fuck, Mary!? That's obviously something you bought for someone else! And don't you try to deny it!" Ivy was more pissed than I think I'd ever seen her, and I've seen her angry quite a bit considering I'm probably her least favorite living person.
"Why because you refuse to touch me anymore?" Mom spat back which shut Ivy right the fuck up. Mom ignored Ivy's expression or that her daughters had stopped pretending to be asleep, it's hard when someone is screaming in your room, and she walked out of the room.
Ivy went back downstairs and watched something on TV. Mom went back to get room and I think she actually looked kind of proud of herself for standing up to Ivy as she changed back into her pajamas, removing the lingerie first this time.
After Ivy left my sisters room, they stayed up for just a bit.
"I saw you jilling off to Mom," Julie said to Lana, making our younger sister gasp.
"What? I wasn't!"
"Uh-huh," Julie said sarcastically.
"I really didn't," Lana was usually pretty innocent and acted as a good girl, she got that from our mom, always wanting to do what was right. Her masturbating at all was kind of surprising to me. She acted like she didn't know the first thing about sex most of the time.
"It's okay Lana, don't worry about it," Juliet said as she got out of bed to shut off the light. As she got back in the bed, "Mom's really hot, I guess I never noticed before."
This made Lana gasp again but that was the end of their conversation before they both went back to sleep.
As the footage ended, I considered this. The one thing I decided was that it was time to start blackmailing Ivy as well. I didn't want her interfering with my plans again.
Later that day I sent an email to Ivy, she was at work and would probably be there until late into the evening. It was a very similar email to the one I sent my mother, just to tell her about the evidence and make her comply.
It only took about an hour for her to email back just the words "yes."
I smiled, this is going to be too easy.