Chapter 01.2

She finally activated the comm. "This is Zhanna," she said.

"Zhanna? Why did it take you so long to respond?" Dunlop 4 asked.

"I... I was in the aft section of the ship, checking the Containment Chambers."

"Are they secure?" Dunlop asked, anxiety clearly in his voice.

"Yes," said Zhanna, thinking of the three parasites on her back. "All secure. Very secure." What else could she say? What else would they permit her to say?

Zhanna spent the next 24 hours under a cloud of dread. She knew what would happen next. She knew the aliens would take it to the next level, and begin to take control of her mind. She looked at the parasites on her back in the holographic mirror. They had seemed to grow longer, thicker. All they needed was one more.

"We had a deal!" she sobbed. They didn't respond. "We had a deal!" she cried again.

They didn't care.

She settled into an uneasy sleep. From time to time she muttered, "Mamoonishom. Mamoonishom. Momomomomomomom Mamoonishom."

The next day, when she took her shift, she knew what was coming.

She resolved not to leave the cockpit.

But sure enough, six hours into her shift, she somehow found herself back in the crew lounge. In front of the last containment door.

"No," she whispered. She felt tremendous sexual arousal as she rubbed the side of the door controls. She tried to prolong it, to gently pet and caress the door controls, as if she were masturbating a sexual partner slowly, to give pleasure, but not to allow him to climax. It felt so good! She rubbed her finger up and down the door controls and shuddered with pleasure. But before long her fingers were moving wildly, brushing them every which way, and her finger rubbed the door control (accidentally? on purpose?) and the door opened.

And then Zhanna felt the tremendous burning between her legs. She had a great need that could only be satisfied in one way. Without hesitation, Zhanna put on a stasis glove, and took out a worm.

Zhanna looked at it for a long moment, She knew that one more worm was the tipping point. She knew that with one more worm she was lost. She would be totally under their control.

But she needed it so badly. She was so far gone, that she actually tilted her head forward and dropped it on the back of her neck.

Why had she done that?

She had no time to consider as she suddenly felt a tremendous orgasm. She sank to her knees, barely aware of the fourth worm moving to join the others.

That night she had vivid dreams. Of pancake like creatures, thousands of them. "Mamoonishom," Zhanna cried in her sleep. "Mamoonishom Mamoonishom Mamoonishom," she said, as she rubbed between her legs. It felt so good!

When she woke up in the morning, she looked at her back in the holographic mirror.

And saw a newly formed pancake like creature.

The worms had combined to form a rider, as she knew they would. She saw it gently pulsate on her back, between her shoulder blades. She knew better than to try to remove it.

"Welcome," said Zhanna. She looked startled. Had she just said that?

"What are you?" said Zhanna.

"We are part of the Hive Mind. As you soon will be," said Zhanna. It was as if two different people were speaking out of her mouth, she and... the other.

"No," said Zhanna.

"Get dressed. You must act normally or the others will become suspicious."

She had no choice. She got dressed, and went out into the lounge. Zarabeth and Zenia were already there. She thought it should have been obvious to them that she had a rider on her back, under her clothes, but they were totally oblivious to it, making small talk with her.

"You still look stressed, Zhanna," said Zenia, putting a hand on hers.

"Everything is fine," said Zhanna, feeling a bit startled. She hadn't said that. Zhanna found that while she could talk, so could the other within her. She tried to call out for help, but found the instinct died wordlessly in her throat.

"You still look a bit out of sorts. Would you like a full body massage?" Zenia asked.

"Perhaps later," said Zhanna, the other Zhanna.

Zhanna worried that once she entered the cockpit, the creature would take control of her body and do something drastic, like sabotage the life support system.

But the creature didn't yet seem to have the ability to control her arms and legs. For now, its control was limited to her mouth. The creature told Zhanna it wanted to look at the database of planets, and after a bit of pain, Zhanna complied. It had her sift through one after another after another, using Zhanna's eyes to read through them, but analyzing the results by itself. It gave her a jab of discomfort when it wanted her to move on to the next one. Finally it stopped at one entry.

"This will serve us nicely," Zhanna heard herself say.

Zhanna looked at the entry. "Earth. Semi-primitive planet, development L-4. 15 billion people."

"Exactly," said Zhanna, relishing the thought. "Low technology means low ability to resist. And a large population means more hosts. It will be perfect for us."

"But we are going to N9481," said Zhanna, referring to the black hole which was a gateway to Dimension 93.

"At present."

"Dunlop 4 will detect any change in course."

"Thank you for being so helpful," said Zhanna.

Zhanna winced. She hadn't meant to be. Had she?

She was relieved not to be forced to go back to the Containment Chamber during her shift. "You're not going to make me Infect the others?" she asked hopefully.

"No," she replied. "We must solidify our control over you, first."

That didn't sound encouraging. Zhanna searched out information about the rider creature from the database. Her rider obligingly let her. She learned that the second stage of parasite had emerged only partially mature. It could not yet reproduce or take full control of the host. But over a period of a few days, it would become more and more mature, as evidenced by the first of a series of gold rings which would appear on its edges. The amount of time it took for a rider to mature varied from host to host, but could be accelerated by... by...

"Sexual stimulation," said the other Zhanna, smiling. "The increased blood flow and respiration also helps us grow more rapidly."

"No," said Zhanna.

But she didn't have any choice.

When her shift ended, she felt the urge to cry out to Zarabeth for help. But instead Zhanna found herself smiling and kissed Zarabeth gently on the cheek.

When Zhanna got to her quarters, the creature didn't waste any time. She felt a tremendous arousal between her legs. She put her hands in her pants and was rubbing herself even as she was stripping off her clothes. It was another reminder of the hold the rider had over her. She lay in bed and started to pleasure herself.

And pleasure herself.

And pleasure herself.

She spent half the night doing that. The parasite seemed to have a way of infinitely postponing her orgasm, and to keep her doing it, doing it, and doing it. By the time she was permitted to drop off to sleep, she was exhausted.

The next morning she ate double the amount she usually did, with the parasite's approval and encouragement.

"Hungry?" said Zenia.

"Yes," said Zhanna, rapidly shoveling food in her mouth. She was eating for two, now.

That night the parasite had her up half the night pleasuring herself again. It controlled her arousal, and wouldn't let her climax until she had stimulated herself for hours.

When she got up the next morning and looked in the mirror, she saw the parasite had grown a little bigger, and a little thicker. When it pulsated, it seemed to move around more.

"Mamoonishom. Mamoonishom," said Zhanna. She seemed to be saying that more often, now. More than ever her dreams were filled with images of riders, thousands of them, procreating, reproducing in massive numbers. It was starting to control her mind.

After three more days of intensive self-pleasuring, the inevitable occurred. Zhanna woke up and felt something... different. She looked in the mirror and saw that a narrow gold band had formed around the edge of her rider.

"Congratulations," said Zhanna. "You have reached the first stage of maturity."

"What does that mean?" Zhanna whispered.

"Reproduction can now occur on its own," Zhanna said, smiling at her in the mirror.


Later that shift, Zhanna understood what that meant. She felt a... shuddering between her shoulder blades, and felt something wet and greasy, like a fluid, slide down her back. And then she felt something moving, first on her back, and then her arm.

And then a worm appeared in her hand.

Where had that come from?

The rider. It had just reproduced.

"Zhanna, it's time for you to get up now." It was a little scary hearing someone else speaking with her voice.

"I'm talking to you, Zhanna." She felt a quick stab of pain in her gut.

Zhanna jumped up. She immediately went into the lounge.

"Take me to Zarabeth's door, Zhanna," she heard herself say.

Zhanna walked over to Zarabeth's door. She heard nothing, but that didn't mean anything; Zarabeth might well be reading. Then she heard herself whisper, "Now Zenia." Zhanna moved over to the door to Zenia's quarters, and listened, but heard nothing there either.

"Open it," said Zhanna.

Zhanna didn't move.

"Don't make me ask you twice, Zhanna."

Zhanna, sobbing silently, opened the door to Zenia's quarters.

Zenia was lying asleep in bed.

Zhanna felt a pain in her belly.

"No," Zhanna mouthed silently. The pain grew more intense. Her stomach felt like it was going to burst. Zhanna moved one step forward, then another, then another. The pain eased off. She held the worm in her trembling hand. She knew her rider wanted her to put the worm down, but she couldn't.

And then... the worm jumped off her hand, onto Zenia's bed.

Zhanna wanted to say something, to shout a warning, but the words died in her throat. She felt the pain started to increase again. Biting her lips, she backed out of Zenia's quarters. The pain only disappeared entirely when she closed the door.

Zhanna went back to the cockpit, and sobbed there the rest of her shift.

At the end of her shift a red eyed, Zhanna entered the lounge. She saw Zarabeth there, but her eyes were only on Zenia. Zenia yawned, stretching.

"How did you sleep?" Zhanna asked.

"Fine," she said, kissing Zhanna on the cheek. "Thank you for asking."

She seemed unaffected. They were all trained to resist. Perhaps the worm hadn't been able to take control of Zenia.

But then, during breakfast, Zhanna saw a subtle sign that disturbed her.

She saw Zenia rubbing between her legs, under the table. Then Zenia saw Zhanna watching her, gave her an embarrassed glance, and stop.

Zenia had been Infected.

"Mamoonishom Mamoonishom Mamoonishom."

Zhanna repeated the words more and more frequently now, in the privacy of her own quarters. She couldn't help it. She just felt the tremendous urge to say it. She especially felt the urge when she stared at herself in the holographic mirror, watching the rider pulsate on her back, its gold ring growing brighter and more solid every day. The words just seemed to come out of her.

"Momomomomomom... Mamoonishom."

She watched as an edge of her rider cracked, and a slick liquid started to drain down her back. And then she saw/felt something slide out of it. Another worm.

A worm meant for Zenia.

This time, all it took was one stab of pain to get Zhanna to obey. The rider had trained her.

She went to Zenia's quarters. Zenia was on duty now in the cockpit. But that didn't matter. Zhanna left the worm on her bed. It would know what to do.

After Zenia was acquired by a second parasite, Zhanna knew they would be riding on her back, as hers did. She tried to comfort Zenia, tried to tell her she knew what was happening, but her rider wouldn't let her speak. She gave Zenia a look of pure sympathy. Zenia looked back at her, with confusion and pain in her eyes. Zhanna felt so guilty.

But that guilt didn't stop Zhanna from putting a third worm in Zenia's quarters the following day. The next morning after that, when she lingered by Zenia's door, she heard, softly, from within:

"Momomomomomom... Mamoonishom. Momomomomomom."

Zenia was being taken. Just as she had been.

"What are you doing, Zhanna?"

Zhanna turned to see Zarabeth standing there, watching her. A million thoughts crossed her mind, but what she ended up saying was, "I just was wondering if Zenia is awake."

"She will come out when she wants to. We must observe privacy protocols," said Zarabeth, sitting down for breakfast.

"Of course," said Zhanna. She looked at Zarabeth, so clean and uninfected. She wondered how she could warn her, get her help. Right now, she couldn't think of a way. Her speech center was controlled, and her mind was rapidly coming under the sway of the Hive. More and more, in her dreams, she started to feel the appeal of being part of the Hive Mind, of being connected to a vast colony of riders that formed the basis of superior life. She still resisted the thoughts, but knew that sooner or later, she would succumb.

The next day Zhanna gave Zenia her fourth and final worm. When Zenia came out for breakfast, she seemed subdued.


Later that day, when Zarabeth was on a sleep cycle, and Zenia was on duty, Zhanna heard a door chime. She opened it. It was Zenia.

They immediately hugged each other.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry," said Zhanna, finally allowed to speak freely.

"It's controlling me. Making me do things," Zenia whispered, hugging her tightly.

Zhanna pulled back, smiling. "All for the better," she said.


"We are going to take control of this ship," said Zhanna. The other was speaking through her now.

"No," said Zenia, taking a step back.

"We are going to take control, and take the ship to a planet filled with people who will be perfect for our needs, and you will help us."

"No, Zhanna," said Zenia.

"But first we have to solidify the control of your rider," said Zhanna. "Come here." She spoke in a commanding voice.

Zenia shook her head fearfully, but tentatively took a step forward. Zhanna started to strip Zenia of her clothes, quickly and efficiently.

"What are you doing?" Zenia asked, as Zhanna removed her shirt and skirt.

"We must make your rider mature, so it can control you better," Zhanna heard herself say, as she took off her own shirt and skirt. Then she reached down and removed both of their panties. Zenia had dark pubic hair, almost exactly like her own.

"What do you mean, Zhanna?" Zenia asked, looking so naked, so helpless.

"Sex will increase the blood flow and allow yours to grow faster," said Zhanna. "There is also an additional benefit for myself. When my host matures to a second ring, it will be able to take greater control of my mind as well as my body."

"No, Zhanna," Zenia whispered. But she didn't move as Zhanna put her lips against her own. She felt herself responding, despite her reluctance. Soon they were both pressing their bodies together. Zhanna's breasts were larger, heavier, and Zenia felt herself becoming excited. Her rider increased her feelings of sexual arousal, making her helpless under Zhanna's touch. She fell under the grip of intense sexual pleasure.

They lay down in bed, grinding their bodies against each other. Their riders pulsated hungrily, consuming their increased bodily energies, as the two women started to make love to each other. Zenia didn't want to perform, but she had no choice. The feeling of Zhanna's pubic hair grinding against her clitoris was too much to bear, and in moments she had her first orgasm.

The first of many.

It became a regular event, whenever Zarabeth was off duty and asleep. Zhanna and Zenia would spend several hours a day together, making love. At first Zenia had been reluctant, but quickly she found herself obeying with little resistance.

And then they started communing. They would sit, bareback to bareback, with their riders barely touching, and they would be lost in sexual ecstasy, as their riders would commune with each other.

The first time they did it, Zenia found herself saying, "Momomomomom," and then Zhanna repeated it. And then Zhanna said, "Mamoonishom, Momomomom," and Zenia found herself repeating that as well, even though she didn't know what it meant.

But Zhanna knew. It meant their riders were gaining more control of their minds.

As for Zarabeth, she never suspected anything going on between the two of them. She never had any sense that both had riders, that both were being increasingly controlled.

And then on their fourth day of mating, Zenia cried out, and proudly showed Zhanna her first gold ring, and then, a few hours later, after another vigorous lovemaking session, Zhanna got her second gold ring.

Immediately, Zhanna's mental landscape changed. She wasn't just a slave of the Hive Mind. She was now a willing participant. Some part of her mind knew it was wrong, knew she shouldn't be doing it, but the lure of being part of the Hive was just too strong.

Zenia wasn't quite at that point yet, but with a gold rimmed rider on her back, she had little ability to resist.

And so that evening they found themselves outside a containment door, a different containment door this time. The third one.

"Him?" said Zenia.

"Yes," Zhanna smiled.

Zenia raised her hand, and tried to resist herself from pressing the button to open the door. Zhanna put a hand over Zenia's and smiled at her as she pressed down on it.

The door opened. This compartment was smaller than the other ones. There was only one life form in it.

A man, from the looks of it. A man with dark eyes and dark hair.

Zhanna's hands moved to the stasis controls.

"Zhanna, no," Zenia whispered.

"Yes," Zhanna smiled. She pressed the button, and the blue stasis field deactivated.

The man, who had been still as stone, suddenly drew a breath. Then another, then another after that. His eyes slowly flickered open.

"Ladies," he said softly, and they both felt a chill. He looked discerningly at them. "Have we arrived already, at my disposal point? Although the passage of time is difficult to measure inside of stasis, I sense it is too soon." He looked at them, again.

"No," he said. "We are not here for that. You are not here for that."

"Balok, we have come to make you an offer," said Zhanna blankly.

"We?" the man smiled.

Zhanna turned around, and flexed her shoulder blades outwards, so the outline of the pulsating mound between them would become apparent.

"We indeed," said the man named Balok. "You have taken the ship?"

"Just these bodies you see before you. The Captain, Zarabeth, remains," said Zhanna.

"Why not take her yourself?"

"She is a more severe Z unit. She might be able to resist our control," said Zhanna. "We could not risk it."

"I suppose you couldn't," said Balok. "So what is the incentive for me?"


Balok smiled. "I was thinking of something a little more immediate." And his eyes shined.

Zhanna turned expressionlessly towards Zenia. "You may use her." Zenia was the logical choice, being under less than complete control.

"May I?" said Balok, smiling ironically as he never had to ask.

"Yes," said Zenia. Then, "No!" she cried.

"Let's see if we can make that unanimous," said Balok. He reached out and kissed her. Zenia trembled, as if she were attempting to struggle, but her rider did not permit it. Balok started to kiss her passionately. Zenia started to moan.

And then Balok lifted up her shirt. Zenia's large pear shaped breasts were on display.

Balok smiled, and suddenly Zenia saw he had fangs, large ones.

"No!" she whispered again, just as Balok sunk his fangs deeply into her left breast.

Zenia started to moan and cry as Balok fed from her. When he had taken his fill, he pulled out and wiped his lips, and then he plunged his teeth into her other breast. Zenia, who was by now hypnotized, silently gasped as Balok drained her other breast.

When he was done, Zenia's breasts were red and throbbing.

"That was delicious," said Balok, rubbing his mouth. He put a hand on Zenia's cheek. "Wasn't it, my sweet?"

Zenia didn't answer.

"I don't suppose we have time to do more?" Balok asked.

"No," said Zhanna.

"Very well. Let us see to Zarabeth, then."

The three of them went to Zarabeth's quarters. They buzzed for entrance.

"Come," said Zarabeth.

On board the scoutship, Dunlop 4 watched the Containment Ship change course. He was immediately alerted.

Some people would have been restless after a journey of 173 days with nothing to do, nothing but watch another ship a half mile away. But Dunlop 4 was a very patient person. He didn't need mental stimulation.

All he wanted was the satisfaction of seeing these creatures banished forever. He had spent hundreds of years in all his versions fighting them, and would be glad to see them gone. Then he could return to... return to.... to something.

Dunlop immediately activated his comm when he saw the course change. "Zarabeth, why have you changed course? Zarabeth, respond."

There was no answer.

He repeated his hail.

Finally, he got a response. "We are making a minor course change to go around a nebula ahead of us." It was Zhanna's voice.

Dunlop checked the scanners. There was no nebula nearby. "Zhanna? Where is Zarabeth?"

"Zarabeth is... indisposed."

"I'm coming in for docking. Prepare to receive me."

"That's not necessary, Dunlop," said Zhanna.

Dunlop frowned. This was the first time she had ever called him Dunlop. She always called him Dunlop 4. "Prepare for docking."

"Preparing for docking," said Zhanna.

Dunlop accelerated his ship and then matched velocities until he was almost side by side with the Containment Ship. Then he slowly moved into docking position.

When the airlock doors opened, he stepped through into the Containment Ship, ready for anything.

He saw no one in the Lounge. He looked around, and then saw Zhanna and Zenia, coming out from behind alcoves, blocking his exit.

"Where's Zarabeth?" he asked.

"Here, Dunlop."

He turned to find Zarabeth, completely naked. She had bloody red puncture marks on her breasts, and they looked significantly smaller. And standing with an arm around her was...

"Balok," said Dunlop.

"Hello, Dunlop," said Balok, giving him a smile with bloody teeth.

"Zarabeth, what has he done to you?"

"He's become my lover," said Zarabeth, crossing one leg in front of another and wrapping an arm around him.

"Come, Dunlop. Let me share my love with you," said Balok.

"I don't think so," said Dunlop, reaching for his holstered weapon.

Suddenly Zenia and Zhanna were at his sides, grabbing his arms.

Balok smiled. "I know you are trained to resist. Let us see how far that training goes." His eyes started to sparkle, and shine. Dunlop 4 tried to look away, but was finding it hard to do so.

Suddenly, Dunlop reached out with one arm, focusing all his energies, and tossed Zenia into Balok. With his other arm, he tossed Zhanna into Zarabeth.

"Get him!" Balok cried, as he scrambled to get up.

But Dunlop 4 was already running for his ship. He had the airlock door slammed just as Zhanna reached it. He palmed the emergency eject button, and his ship was thrown away from the Containment Ship.

Dunlop 4 raced for his controls. He powered up his weapons. He aimed for the Containment Ship. He hesitated only a for a fraction of a second. He knew Zarabeth and the other two girls were there. But they were lost now. There was nothing he could do for them.

That fraction of a second hesitation proved to be too long. Just as he fired, so did the Containment Ship, opening up with a laser of its own. Both ships were hit.

In the Containment Ship, Balok barked, "Damage report!"

The girls worked as a team, as they always did. Except this time they were working for a different team.

"Life support stable."

"Main energizer hit."

"Auxiliaries have been activated."

"And Dunlop's ship?" Balok asked.

Zhanna checked a scanner. "All power lost. Adrift."

"Do we have enough power left to reach Earth?" Balok asked.

Zarabeth did some checking. "Barely... yes."

"Then set a course."

"What about Dunlop?" said Zhanna. "He is helpless. We should destroy him while we have the chance."

"I have seen this kind of trap before," said Balok. "That's how one of the Dunlop's trapped me. By pretending to be helpless."

"He may indeed be helpless," said Zhanna.

"He may be, but I'm not going to take the chance," said Balok. "If he isn't, then he could destroy us. And if he is, then, he'll be of no threat to us."

Zhanna turned to Zenia. First one and then the other said, "Momomomomomomom," as they stared at each other. Then Zhanna turned to Balok. "Accepted."

"Good," said Balok. He smiled, showing his fangs. "Very good."
Next page: Chapter 02
Previous page: Chapter 01.1