Chapter 04.5

Suddenly the Hollander living room was the subject of an amazing sight: Greg was plowing between Joy's legs on one couch while Rudy was plowing between his mother's legs on the other. From time to time Greg looked over at his wife who was having sexual intercourse with their son. Elizabeth winked and gave Greg a mocking grin, even as she wrapped her arms possessively around her sons's back.

"Elizabeth, how can you do this?" Greg wailed.

"How can I do this?" Elizabeth asked. "Greg, I have a mature rider on my back, and Darlene has mind fucked me several times. What's your excuse?"

With a shock Greg realized she was right. Elizabeth was being influenced by her rider. She wasn't fully responsible for her actions. But he had no such excuse. He was not only cheating on Elizabeth, but doing so of his own free will.

"How does it feel, Honey?" Elizabeth asked mockingly, her arms wrapped around her son's waist as he moved back and forth on top of her. "Rudy is bigger and thicker and fills me as you never did. Is Joy such a good fuck?"

Greg winced and bit his lip as he watched Rudy move in and out of his wife. This wasn't Elizabeth talking. Greg tried to reach out to Rudy. "What are you doing, son?" Greg asked.

"The same thing you're doing, Dad!" said Rudy proudly, without a hint of shame as his penis thrust into his mother in front of his father. "If you can fuck her, then I can fuck Mom!" The new Rudy was defiant in making love to his mother in front of his father. Ever since his rider had reached maturity it exerted a lot more influence over him, shaping him into the tool of fertilization he was destined to become. He pounded into his mother's cunt more vigorously, rubbing the head of his penis against her vaginal walls which made his organ tighten.

Rudy's eyes went wide. "Mom, I'm going to come!"

"No, Rudy!" Greg cried.

Joy turned Greg's head to face her. "Come for me, Greg," said Joy, smiling up at him. "Come inside me at the same time your son comes inside your wife. It will be a sweet thing we can all share together, as one big, extended family."

As one, big extended family. Suddenly Greg realized what Joy was doing to his family. The Hive had redefined all their familial relationships to suit its purposes. He was being used, just all the others. He watched in horror as Rudy Rudy stiffened and gave a disturbing wild groan, and lay perfectly still against his mother. Greg knew exactly what that meant. He was coming inside of her. Even as he watched, Rudy was emptying his aching balls inside his mother!

To his horror, Greg saw Elizabeth smile and moan as Rudy filled her with his sperm. Her own son had given his wife an orgasm right in front of him and fertilized her with his seed. What had his family become?

"Wasn't that beautiful?" Joy asked. "Now it is your turn. Come for me, Greg, come for me now," Joy whispered. And then, perhaps she used some hidden ESPer power on him, because his penis seemed to tighten up on command and release inside of her, filling her vagina with his seed. As Greg climaxed, he found himself staring at the sexually satisfied expression of his wife who was staring at him with a very relaxed look on her face

And then it was done.

Greg heard clapping. It was Darlene.

"Very good Dad! You demonstrated to Mom that your body belongs to the Hive, and not to her. And kudos to you Mom and Rudy, for understanding that your sexually mature bodies can enjoy pleasure without worrying about archaic customs! You are all working your way deeper into the Hive, and I couldn't be happier for you!"

Greg got an intensely pained look on his face, and for a moment Elizabeth almost felt sorry for him. Almost.

The four of them didn't have sex together after that but neither did they keep up their pretense. Elizabeth slept in Rudy's room while Joy slept with Greg in the master bedroom. One time Greg tried to talk to Elizabeth but she brushed him off, saying, "There's nothing to talk about."

"You're having sex with our son!"

"And you're having sex with that woman you impregnated right in front of me! Not because you have to! Not because the Hive made you! Because you wanted to! And I hate you for it!" she glared at him.

He watched in stunned silence as she left the room.

Greg next tried to talk to Rudy about it. "Rudy, what you and your mother is doing is wrong. Don't you see that?"

Rudy, who never would have dreamed of having sex with his mother in front of his father a mere week ago, just grinned at him now. "Why not? We're both sexually mature adults. I'm the male and Mom is the female. Our parts were made for each other."

"No they're not! She's my wife!"

"You don't act like she's your wife, Dad," said Rudy.

Greg reddened. "I admit what I am doing is not so good either. But your Mother-"

"Mom is hot~" said Rudy stubbornly. "She came onto me, Dad! She came to me! She's so attracted to me, so enthusiastic! I couldn't resist her! I've never felt anything like it!"

Greg realized that Elizabeth had done to Rudy what Joy had done to him. Shaking his head, he walked off.

Joy gave birth four days later, in the basement, to a small greenish pod that glowed. Elizabeth watched, biting her lip, as Joy, her legs brightly spread, squeezed out a slimy green pod from her vagina. Greg held her hand and encouraged her, reminding Elizabeth of how Greg had been there for her when Rudy had been born. But now Greg was at the side of another woman, a woman he had impregnated. Elizabeth's rider told her this was all healthy and good, but she was still uncomfortable about it.

Greg was in turns pleased, puzzled and finally disturbed to see the green pod emerging from Joy's vagina. He hugged and kissed and congratulated her but wasn't really sure what she had given birth to. All he had been told was that their baby would emerge from the pod a week after she had given birth to it.

In only a week! And yet, the pod grew rapidly. Each day they went downstairs and marveled as it grew, bigger and taller into a glowing vertical cocoon.

"What will the baby look like?" Rudy asked enthusiastically, as he stared at the tall green oval. By the third day it was already nearly three feet tall.

"I don't know," said Joy. She remembered what the last one had looked like: her husband, Tom. It had his face and his body and his voice. Then it had proceeded to take Tom's memories and strangle him. She knew this new baby would look like someone, but she didn't know who.

And then there was the question of whether it would have ESPer powers. That was the whole purpose of this experiment. Joy felt more than a bit of anxiety at what would emerge from the cocoon.

What if the baby were born in the form of Elizabeth? If it were, that would be fine by Joy. The creature would eliminate Elizabeth, and Joy would have Greg all to herself. For Joy this was obviously a very guilty thought. She liked Elizabeth and even sympathized with her predicament. But more and more she was wanting Greg for herself, and wondering if that was the aliens' plans for them; weren't they a perfect breeding pair? Something in her hoped so. When she looked through the cocoon on the fifth day, she saw the clear outlines of breasts. It was going to be a female for sure. Would it be Elizabeth? She saw Elizabeth looking at the cocoon with a puzzled look on her face. She had no idea what was in store for her.

The newborn emerged from the cocoon on the morning of the seventh day. By then the pod was nearly six feet tall. They could see the shape of a fully formed, fully sexually mature woman inside. They were all waiting in the basement when they saw the cocoon crack, and the green liquid splashed at their feet.

And then the baby came out, fully formed, fully grown.

They recognized her immediately.

It was an almost perfect copy of Joy Montana.

The duplicate of Joy looked at them all for a moment, before setting her eyes on the real Joy. The new Joy seemed to be staring at her, trying to reach her with her mind. Somehow the duplicate sensed that it should have ESPer powers. The duplicate looked at Joy, trying to sense her mind.

Joy felt nothing. She reached out with her own ESPer powers and touched the duplicate's mind, but it felt cold, and alien.

"Hello, beautiful," said the clone, smiling at Joy. Joy shivered.

"Joy?" said Greg, seeing the fear on her face. "What's going on? She looks exactly like you!"

Joy shook her head. She knew what was going to happen next. She was paralyzed with fear. Or maybe it was her rider.

Duplicate Joy went over and touched Joy's face. "It's so nice to meet you," she said. She took Joy by the hand. "Come. There is nothing to fear." Joy meekly let herself be led by the hand and marched upstairs.

The duplicate lead Joy to the master bedroom, and closed the door behind them.

A moment later, they heard moans of sexual pleasure.

"What is it doing to her?" Greg asked Darlene.

"She is copying Joy's memories," said Darlene. Darlene smiled as she saw that Greg understood. Joy was to be replaced by her duplicate.

"No," said Greg. He started for the bedroom at a run. As he was the only person in the house without a rider, he was still in control of his own body

When he entered the bedroom, he saw a surprising sight; both Joys were completely nude. They appeared to be in the middle of a very erotic session of sexual intercourse. The duplicate Joy was on top of the real one, rubbing her heavy breasts and sweaty pubic bush against the original, while pressing her head against Joy's, sucking the memories from her brain.

"Stop!" Greg cried.

The duplicate Joy looked up and said, "You'll have to wait your turn, Greg."

And then suddenly Darlene was there, holding his arm. "Dad, Mom needs your help!"

"My help?" said Greg. There was something compelling about the way she said that.

He left the bedroom at a run and found Elizabeth in the living room. He exhaled with relief. Elizabeth looked fine. What was Darlene talking about?

"Dear," said Elizabeth, taking his arm. "I need your help with something."

"What?" said Greg, as he heard the bedroom door slam shut again. He whirled around, but Elizabeth turned him to face her again.

"I'll show you," she said, pulling him down to the couch. Her eyes were full of lust, courtesy of her rider. But she didn't need a ton of hormones to be attracted to her own husband. Despite all that had happened, she was still madly in love with him.

She started to kiss and hug him. Greg smelled her musky scent, but much more strongly, more powerfully than before. His lungs and bloodstream rapidly absorbed the heavy amount of airborne pheromones that Elizabeth's rider was generating. He found himself getting aroused very quickly. The sounds of Joy's plight rapidly receded in his mind as Elizabeth kissed him, fondled him, caressed him. Soon his clothes were off, and there was only him... and Elizabeth.

Him, and Elizabeth... and her rider!

"What about Joy?" Greg murmured between kisses.

Elizabeth removed her bathrobe. She was completely nude underneath.

"Don't you want to touch my breasts?" she asked. Her nipples were hard, firm and pointed at him.

Greg instinctively reached out and squeezed them. They felt incredible. The musky scent made everything feel more arousing to him by a factor of ten.

"But Joy..." he persisted. Something terrible was being done to Joy! The musky scent was making it harder and harder for him to think clearly.

"Don't you want my cunt?" Elizabeth asked peevishly, spreading her legs and rubbing her dark pubic hair and her red, wet labia. "Don't you want to put it inside me, Greg?"

It felt like so long since he had fucked his wife. The dark hole between Elizabeth's vaginal lips was the mounting focus of Greg's desire. His head was hammering with the musky scent. He could think of nothing else. He smoothly entered her, and started pounding briskly away.

"That's it, That's a boy," said Elizabeth, giving him an approving smile.

"But (gasp) what about Joy?" Greg asked, as he marveled at how wonderful the inside of his wife's body felt to him.

"There is no Joy," said Elizabeth, with a firmness that Greg found intensely arousing. "There is only me. There is only my body, my cunt!"

Her cunt!

Greg pounded into his sexy wife. She felt so good!

"The world is my cunt," she repeated. Her eyes were large and dark as she forcefully gazed into her husband's.

"The world... is your cunt," Greg gasped, in a monotone that sounded alien to his own ears. Joy was now totally forgotten.

Elizabeth smiled as her rider rewarded her with a wave of pleasure. The male had been conditioned and would now cooperate with his enslavement. And so she gently rolled Greg over so he was on his back.

"What's going on?"

"I want to be on top!" Elizabeth smiled, and was very encouraged when her husband smiled back at him. She inserted him inside her again and started to bounce up and down on his shaft. As she did, she started to gasp heavily, as if making an unusual exertion.

"Do you like it, Greg? Do you like being inside of me when I'm on top?"

Greg nodded, gasping with pleasure as her heavy breasts jiggled up and down above him. The musky scent continued to magnify her sexuality. It was the best sex ever.

Suddenly they heard a feminine scream.

"What was that?" Greg said, startled.

Elizabeth grabbed his head and poled more vigorously on his shaft. "There is only me, Greg. Me and my cunt."

Greg's mind felt clouded and foggy from the musky scent. His body felt overstimulated. "You and your cunt."

"That's right." She looked so sexy smiling down at him as her breasts bounced back and forth and his penis appeared and disappeared inside her cunt.

But Greg noticed that Elizabeth seemed to be making extra exertions. She was sweating buckets. "What's... what's going on?"

"I'm making something special... something extra special for you." She wiped sweat off her brow. Elizabeth was making a rider. She hadn't known that she planned to do it, she just was. It felt like the most natural thing in the world, riding on her husband's shaft while a rider bubbled up on her back.

"For me?" Greg's clouded mind tried to comprehend what was happening.

"Something I think you'll like very much." Elizabeth gave him a sexy smile as she cocked an eyebrow.

"What... what is it?" Greg gasped as his penis moved up and down inside her.

Elizabeth gave such a sexy grin. "You'll seeeeee....."

Elizabeth's rider bubble furiously as it expanded on her back. Elizabeth panted as if she were climbing a steep mountain. She gasped with pleasure as she exerted herself to the maximum. A vertical line appeared at the top of her rider. As she continued to bounce up and down on Greg's shaft, the rider started to split into two.

"Oh, Elizabeth, I've missed you so much," Greg gasped.

"Oh, how I've missed... you too... Honey," Elizabeth gasped between words, giving a bittersweet smile as she continued the arduous process of helping her rider reproduce. She felt no conflict; she was making love to her dearest one, and making a rider for him all at the same time. He would love it.

"It's so good to be together again," said Greg, all thoughts of Joy driven from his mind.

"Yes, it is," Elizabeth agreed. "Soon we'll be closer than you can possibly... imagine."

Greg frowned, clearly not understanding. Then he heard another distant scream. He was going to ask about it when Elizabeth pried open his mouth and stuck her tongue in it. The feeling of being penetrated while penetrating her was incredible. He felt like he was about to come.

And then at that moment Elizabeth, with a cry of pure joy, gave birth: where there had been one rider on her back, there were now two: a mature, banded one, and an immature, baby one.

The mature half, now smaller, settled into place between Elizabeth's shoulder blades, occupying a much smaller space, as made clear by the much larger red rash created by the former rider to occupy her. The second rider slunk down her right arm, which was strategically wrapped around Greg's back. She strategically turned his head away so his attention would be focused elsewhere.

"Oh, Elizabeth, I'm close, I'm getting so close," Greg said, gasping as he felt his orgasm rapidly approaching.

"Come for me, baby, come for me," she cried, rotating her hips and grinding her inner walls against the head of his penis. She saw the rider closing on his back now and felt very aroused.

Greg groaned and exploded inside of her. Elizabeth, who had been strategically waiting for this moment, used this distraction to pull his body forward, so his back was no longer against the couch. Greg was still busy releasing inside his wife's vagina when the rider jumped off of Elizabeth's arm and landed in place on his back.

Greg cried out and immediately froze, in mid ejaculation.

"What did you do to me?" he cried. He felt tendrils in his head!

"What had to be done," said Darlene, appearing out of nowhere. "It was high time you got your own rider, Dad."

"Elizabeth!" he cried. "I feel things in my head!"

"I'm sorry Greg. Darlene said it was time for you to take a rider," Elizabeth said. She saw the shocked look of betrayal on his face. "I wanted to be the one to do it. I wanted to be the one to bring you into the Hive. That's my rider on your back, baby, a rider I made just for you." She smiled proudly and stuck out her heavy sloping breasts with their bright red areolas at him.

Her words hit him like a sledgehammer. He felt a pounding in his head as tendrils asserted themselves, touching, probing, manipulating... and then a moment later, it was all over.

"How do you feel?" Elizabeth asked tenderly.

Greg sat up. He felt the unfamiliar weight of the rider between his shoulder blades... and in his mind. It gave him the chills. "I... I don't know."

Darlene leaned her face close to his. "What are you, and what is your purpose?" she asked.

Greg's face went slack. "I... I am a slave. A tool of reproduction. My purpose is to fertilize eggs and expand the Hive."

"Very good, Dad," Darlene grinned.

Greg blinked as if he was waking from a dream. He stood up experimentally. He didn't feel any different.

But then he heard moans from the bedroom. Joy! He had forgotten all about her! He started for the bedroom at a run.

He barely got three steps before he was debilitated from the pain. He dropped to his knees and cried out.

"That's an immature rider you have on your back, Dad," said Darlene, conversationally. She lifted his chin. "But you'll find it's still able to shape and guide some of your more reckless decisions. We needed you to be without a rider when we had you infiltrate your Survey Service database. That's no longer necessary. You're going to take an extended leave from the Survey Service."

"For how long?" Greg gasped.

"Until we are done with you," said Darlene coolly.

Some time later the bedroom door opened, and Joy came out. She was completely nude, and her body was covered in sweat. She went to the kitchen and drank glass after glass of water.

"Joy! Are you all right?" Greg cried.

"I'm fine, Greg," she said in a sultry voice. As she turned around, Greg noticed she didn't have a rider.

This was the duplicate.

"What are you doing to Joy?" he demanded.

"Draining her memories," said Joy, smiling at him. "She has some very pleasant ones of you, Greg. I enjoyed acquiring them. She thought you were very sexy." She looked up and down his nude body. "I can see why." She drank again. "Draining is such thirsty work."

"What are you going to do to her when you're done?" Greg asked.

"I think you know, Greg," said Joy, smiling again.

Greg looked at her. Physically, she was a perfect duplicate, with Joy's large breasts, now sensually wet with her sweat, and her wonderfully curved ass. He watched helplessly as that perfect ass wiggled at him as Joy returned to the bedroom, and slammed the door shut again.

Elizabeth saw the pained look on Greg's face, and hugged him tightly. They stayed like that for about thirty minutes, until they heard a sharp scream, which suddenly cut off.

Greg jumped up instinctively as he heard the bedroom door open.

A moment later, Joy came into the kitchen. The other Joy. This time she was fully dressed. "Thank you for your cooperation," she said briskly. She turned to Darlene. "The larger experiment, however, was a failure. There were no ESPer powers transferred." Then she went out the front door and left, and they never saw her again.

Greg and Elizabeth exchanged glances. Then Greg ran for the bedroom, followed by his wife. When they got there, Greg gasped and Elizabeth screamed. Greg hugged her for support.

They saw the dried husk that had been Joy Montana. The woman who Greg had made love to, the woman he had impregnated mere days before, the woman he had shared a bed and intimacies with numerous times was now merely a husk.

Darlene entered the bedroom, giving them both dangerous looks. They saw malice in their daughter's dark eyes.

Greg suddenly found himself more concerned for him and Elizabeth than Joy. "We... we tried our best."

Darlene took a step forward.

"Really we did," said Elizabeth.

Darlene took another step forward. Her eyes were hard.

"Please, you have to give us another chance," said Greg.

"We can do better," said Elizabeth.

Darlene stopped, and considered. "We shall see," she said.​
Next page: Chapter 05.1
Previous page: Chapter 04.4