Chapter 06.2
"Doesn't she look so beautiful, so sexy Jeff?" Melinda asked.
Jeff looked at his wife who he loved so much, lying there with the mouth of a creature inserted into her vagina. He felt his penis start to stir.
"No," he whispered.
"No?" Melinda took a step towards him and looked down. "Are you sure, Jeff?"
Caroline watched with horror as her husband slowly got an erection.
"No, it can't be," said Jeff, looking at the creature half emerged from Caroline's vagina. He felt his rider pulsing with every stiffening jerk of his organ. "I'm not attracted to her like that."
"The Hive determines what you are and aren't attracted to from now on, Jeff," said Melinda, with a tone of dominance in her voice. She looked down at Jeff's penis, which was now fully erect. "And now you are ready."
"What do you mean? What do you want me to do?" Jeff asked.
"Only the most natural thing in the world," she said soothingly, giving him a sexy smile as she looked first from Jeff's erection to Caroline's pubis.
Jeff's eyes widened as he realized what she was asking for. "You want me to have sex with Caroline... with that thing inside of her?"
"It will securely catch and store your sperm."
"And what will you do with my sperm?"
"We will determine the best way you can serve the Hive. After all, Jeff, what is your function?"
Jeff suddenly grew wooden, his face a blank. "To reproduce. To fertilize females for the Hive."
"There is your first female assignment. Get to work," said Melinda.
Jeff mounted Caroline robotically. He leaned over her and aimed his penis at the creature lodged inside the entrance to his wife's lovely vulva.
"No, Jeff," Caroline whispered. "Not in front of her." It was bad enough being made to perform like this. But to have sex, even alien sex, in front of a stranger? For some reason that horrified Caroline more than the act itself.
But Jeff's face was wooden and his eyes were a million miles away as he slowly inserted himself into the woman he loved, into the creature lodged inside her vulva.
As Jeff's penis slid into the creature, he cried out.
The squid creature already inside made her feel tight. Incredibly so!
"You like the feeling?" A sympathetic hand played on his back.
"Ummmm." Jeff purred. Jeff's rider started to pulsate rapidly, and Jeff started thrusting robotically, making love to his wife as the command of another. Caroline felt her arms instinctively wrapping around his back as he took her mechanically. Jeff's face was blank, as if she was being inseminated by a machine.
"Jeff... Jeff, Jeff, Jeff," Caroline whispered, as her husband made love to her. But the act of love was robbed of all meaning as Jeff's mind and Caroline's vagina were under the control of another.
"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah," Jeff said, completely mesmerized as his rider pulsated with every thrust. "Caroline, I'm going to come inside you!"
"Don't, Jeff! It won't really be inside me! It will be inside that thing!"
"I... I... can' it!" Jeff gasped as he watched his hard rod penetrate the woman he loved. No... no.... uhhhhh! He stiffened and gasped as Caroline cried out. He felt his precious seed pumping inside of his wife.
Inside of the alien squid creature.
Jeff collapsed on top of his wife, glad the deed was done. He felt self-awareness returning to him. He looked at Caroline, startled, as if seeing her for the first time. "Are you all right?" he whispered.
Caroline nodded, not sure if she felt more embarrassed for herself or him.
Jeff slowly pulled out. A string of sperm momentarily connected the tip of his penis to the squid inside of her, before snapping off.
"Congratulations, Jeff. You completed your first insemination assignment beautifully," said Melinda. She whistled, and the squid creature burrowed its way out of Caroline's vagina, curling up into a sealed ball. Melinda picked it up and put it in her black bag. Jeff and Caroline watched as a sample of Jeff's reproductive fluids and Caroline's eggs were now under the control of the Hive.
"You were both very cooperative," said Melinda. "You may now thank me."
"Thank you? For what?" said Caroline, sitting up and rubbing herself between her legs. She felt a little sore down there from where the creature had stretched her.
"For permitting the both of you to be each other's first assignment."
"But... we're both married to each other," said Caroline.
"Not anymore," said Melinda. "The Hive will determine who your sex partners are from now on. Caroline, Jeff, I'm waiting."
Caroline gave Jeff a quick glance. "Thank you," she mumbled.
"And you, Jeff?"
"Thanks," Jeff also mumbled.
Melinda put her hands on her hips. "For what?"
"For... letting me do it..."
"Do it?"
"Make love to... to...."
"Your wife," Melinda grinned.
"Yes," said Jeff, looking defeated.
"You're quite welcome," said Melinda. "You don't mean it yet, but the Hive doesn't require you to mean it yet. For now, obedience is sufficient." She looked around the bedroom. "Tomorrow you will have your first lesson in Communing."
Jeff looked at Caroline.
"You're coming back again? It will raise questions, if the kids see you here every day."
"You're right. Could you both be home around noon, at lunch time?"
They reluctantly nodded. Excellent. They were cooperating more and more.
After Melinda left, Caroline looked worriedly at her rider in the mirror. "What are these things all about, Jeff? What are they doing to us?"
"I don't know," said Jeff, looking at his rider in the mirror. "But it doesn't look good."
"I... I feel like I am part of something, part of a greater whole," said Caroline. "And yet, it's like... these thoughts are not mine. That thing on my back... somehow it's getting into my head."
"I feel it too," said Jeff. "This parasite on my back... it wants me to... reproduce. I think it's going to use us in some way."
"I'm scared! Hold me, Jeff," she said, pressing against his chest. As he held her, their riders pulsated slowly.
After an hour they recovered some of their wits. Jeff said, "We should take these off of us."
"How?" Caroline asked.
"Just pull them off."
"Jeff, you saw what happened when we tried to remove those worms," said Caroline. "These things look a lot more... formidable." She looked uneasily at the rider pulsating on Jeff's back.
"But the worms were on sensitive parts of our body," said Jeff. He didn't want to say penis or clitoris right now. "These are on our backs. I'll bet we could pull them off."
"I think it's dangerous," Caroline persisted.
"We have to try," said Jeff. "Please let me try, Caroline."
Caroline bit her lip and nodded slowly. She let Jeff turn her around until her bare back was facing him. Jeff saw the immature rider on her back and worried how it must be influencing her. He moved to reach out with his hands to grab it, but paused as a voice in his head told him this was wrong.
Don't touch her rider, you could hurt Caroline!
Jeff struggled with himself for a long moment. That voice isn't me, he told himself. That's my rider, trying to control me. With an effort, he moved his fingers to the edge of the rider on Caroline's back. It felt soft and fleshy, making Jeff shudder. It looked like a pancake, but was actually an alien parasite which was rapidly asserting control over his wife, identical to the one on his own back.
He reached out and started to peel the rider along the edge. It adhered tightly to Caroline's back. It knew he was trying to remove it and it was fighting back.
"Ow!" Caroline cried, jerking her head back. "It's hurting me, Jeff!"
Jeff tried to peel it back some more, but it was slow going. He peeled back another inch but Caroline cried out, louder this time. "No, Jeff!" she yelled.
"I'm almost there!" Jeff cried. The immature rider was small, only four or five inches in diameter. Jeff had almost peeled off half of it when Caroline gave an inhuman shriek and jumped off the bed, turning to face him.
"Caroline, just a few more seconds!" Jeff cried.
"No!" said Caroline.
"Caroline, please!" said Jeff.
"No, no no," said Caroline. She was sobbing. "It hurts, Jeff! It hurts too much!"
Jeff took her in his arms and tried to console her. He had been so close! He looked down at her back. The rider seemed firmly attached again.
After a few minutes, he said, "All right. Try to take mine off of me."
"No," said Caroline, shaking her head.
"Caroline, you won't feel a thing! I'll take all the pain!" said Jeff.
Caroline shook her head vigorously. "No! I won't! You can't make me!"
Jeff looked at her panicked expression. He realized that her rider had already began to take control of her. How long before his own rider would do the same to him?
The next day, Melinda showed up at noon, as promised. "How are the two of you doing?"
"We want these things off us," said Jeff. They had been receiving constant thoughts from their riders. How they were part of the Hive now. How they were HiveFlesh. Jeff was bombarded with thoughts of how his highest goal in life was to fertilize females, and expand the Hive. It was starting to affect him, and he already saw the effect it was already having on Caroline.
"You may grow to like your rider after your first communing," said Melinda.
"And what is that?"
"Follow me and find out," said Melinda.
They followed her to the bedroom.
"Take off your shirts, please."
Jeff saw Caroline give him a worried glance. "Just our shirts?" said Caroline, shivering slightly.
Melinda gave a reassuring smile. "Just your shirts."
Jeff took off his shirt and Caroline her blouse. Both of them had immature riders between their shoulder blades. Caroline's was nestled right above her horizontal bra strap.
"What now?" Caroline asked.
Melinda had them sit down, back to back to each other.
"That's right... just lean a little closer... closer..."
They obediently leaned against each other, until their riders barely touched.
Then an explosion went off in their bodies.
Wave after wave of orgasms. It was incredible. They felt intense sexual pleasure and well being, washing through them. It was not only more intense then sex, but much longer lasting.
"Momomomomom," said Caroline.
"Momomomomom. Mamoonishom Mamoonishom Momomomomom," said Jeff.
"That's right," said Melinda. "Just relax and enjoy it."
"Momomomomom," said Caroline woodenly.
Sometime later they regained awareness. Jeff checked the chrono. An hour had passed. A whole hour?
"What happened?" Mile asked.
"You had your first communion," said Melinda. "Did you enjoy it?"
"It was..." Jeff hesitated to say it. Caroline smiled shyly.
"Good," Melinda finished for him. "Wasn't it, Jeff?"
Jeff looked too embarrassed to answer. He had dreamed about making love to Caroline, but the dream had been much more than that, much more intense. He had made love to her on an alien planet, an alien planet filled with flying riders. The experience had been as intense and erotic a sexual encounter as he had ever experienced in real life.
"Each time you commune, your riders will get more and more mature."
"What does that mean?" Caroline asked.
"They will take more and more control over your minds," said Melinda.
Caroline and Jeff looked at each other in horror.
"Having sexual intercourse will also speed their growth. The increased blood flow in your bodies stimulates their development. Be sure to have sex every night. By communing and having sex every day, you will speed the development of your riders to sexual maturity."
"What are you doing to us?" Jeff asked.
"I am helping you fall under the full mental control of the Hive Mind," said Melinda. "You will become slaves and love and desire it above all else. I will check up on you to keep abreast of your progress." She leered at Caroline's titties as she said it.
Jeff and Caroline got dressed and went back to work, but their minds were in an uproar. They had alien creatures attached to their bodies which were slowly taking control of their minds. And now Melinda wanted them to cooperate, to actually speed up the process.
Well, they weren't going to do it.
But as Caroline snuggled up against him in bed that night, she started to kiss him and rub against him in a very familiar way.
"What are you doing?" Jeff asked. He saw her rider, pulsating on her back through her transparent nightgown. It was obviously influencing her.
"I... I don't know," said Caroline.
You want sex. You need sex.
Caroline felt a burning need in her crotch. She was inflamed with sexual desire. Where was that coming from?
The rider on her back. It was turning her on. It wanted her to have sex, so it could grow bigger. More powerful. More in control of her mind.
Jeff felt it too. Suddenly, his penis grew erect, as if someone else were controlling it. His rider was stimulating him, filling his mind with images of thrusting inside of Caroline. Suddenly he was so hard that he hurt. All he could think about was how good it would be to have sex with Caroline. How much his body needed release. He felt her lips, her body, pressed against his, and he responded.
"We shouldn't be doing this," said Jeff, pulling off his wife's nightgown.
"I know!" Caroline wailed, pulling down Jeff's pants as fast as she could. She pressed her body against his and groaned with pleasure.
"It's just going to get more and more control over us," said Jeff, rubbing against her. His sexual need was strong now. His penis felt like it was going to explode.
"I know!" Caroline repeated. She felt a terrible arousal between her legs. "I know it's wrong. I know we're helping it gain more and more control over us. But please, Jeff. Put it in me, I need you in me right now."
Jeff saw the need etched in her eyes, and felt it himself. He needed no more urging. Male and female both cried out as one as penetration occurred and the joining was made. Jeff was moving between his wife's legs, thrusting hard, back and forth. Both of them groaned in pleasure. As Jeff worked himself in and out of Caroline, his heart beat quickly. His body sweat, his muscles stretched, and the blood pumped through his body rapidly. His rider rippled, sucking up the increased energy flow.
His exertions provided nutrients to the rider on his back, which started to pulsate more rapidly. In moments his rider was flexing in tune with his thrusts. The hot, pulsating mass pressed against his back every time he thrust inside of Caroline's vagina, in harmony with his slick shaft. It was as if both he and the rider were penetrating Caroline at the same time. The pressure of the thing on his back, and in his mind, made its growing influence over him impossible to ignore. It was using him, using his sex drive, to gain greater and greater control over him. Every exertion of his back, every heightened pulse of the blood through his body, every thrust inside of Caroline, was feeding it, making it stronger.
But none of that mattered to Jeff. He pounded into Caroline, who grabbed him around the waist, desperately needing what he could give her.
"It's... using us to grow, to control us better," Jeff gasped.
"I know," Caroline said, grabbing him tightly. "I know it's wrong! But it feels so good, Jeff! Don't stop! Don't ever stop!"
Jeff pounded into his wife and grunted heavily. Caroline's eyes shone brightly as he made love to her. After several minutes of exertion, Jeff felt a shuddering in his own body. Caroline groaned as she felt it too, and the inevitable happened, as they both climaxed together. As Jeff lay collapsed on top of his wife, he could only imagine how much nutrients his rider had absorbed from his exertions.
They were given only a brief time to rest before their riders stimulated them to begin again. Caroline started to kiss him feverishly again. "The thing on my back... it wants us to do it again."
"I... I know. I feel it too," said Jeff, feeling himself getting erect. He looked puzzled as Caroline climbed on top of him. "What is it?" he asked.
"It wants me on top now," Caroline whispered, as she found herself lining up her vagina so it was just above her husband's erect penis. Her rider wanted her on top to make Caroline exert her body physically so it could reap the greatest benefit.
"No, you shouldn't, it will just gain more control over you!" Jeff cried. But Caroline wasn't listening. He watched helplessly as his Chinese American wife mounted him, and prepared to begin the ritual of reproduction. It was bad enough that Jeff reluctantly cooperated in helping his rider take more control of him, but he didn't want the same thing to happen to Caroline!
"I can't help it!" Caroline said, as she raised Jeff's penis so it pointed upwards. Caroline took a deep breath as she felt her rider pulsating on her back. She didn't want to do it... but she did! And then she lifted herself up so she was just above his male sex organ. She shuddered as she moved downward sharply, impaling herself wonderfully. "Oooh, Jeff!" she moaned, as she started to move up and down on his shaft.
Jeff saw what was happening, but couldn't resist; on the contrary, once he felt Caroline moving on top of him, he found himself cooperating fully, grabbing Caroline's waist tightly and matching her thrusts with his own. Caroline's rider rippled with pleasure, as her body, making repeated muscular exertions, was filled with energy that was helping her rider grow larger and stronger. Caroline began to feel a connection, a direct ribbon of pleasure, between the rider on her back and her vagina and clitoris. With every thrust she was rewarded with a jolt of pleasure.
They were made to couple for two full hours before they were released, alternating who was on top and one on the bottom, like puppets without their own will. Their sex drive was manipulated and amplified to do exactly whatever their riders wanted them to. When they were finally allowed to collapse, exhausted, in bed together, they looked each other in the eyes, and knew they were lost. They both knew now that their riders could compel them to have sex whenever they wanted to. If they were this powerful already, how much more control would they exert over them when they finally matured? It was a frightening thought.
Melinda didn't come the next day. But she didn't have to. Caroline and Jeff came home for lunch, and, seemingly of their own accord, went to the bedroom and took off their shirts and started to commune. It wasn't so much that they had made a conscious decision as the fact that the decision had already been made for them. They simply went along with it, and enjoyed an hour of mind shattering orgasms.
Each night, they tried to fight the urge to have sex. They knew that each time they had intercourse, each time that Caroline rode up and down on Jeff's penis, each time Jeff thrusted energetically between Caroline's legs, that they were simply feeding their riders, helping them grow more quickly to gain more control over them. They tried to resist, but the moment Caroline started kissing him and rubbing his penis, or the moment that Jeff squeezed one of Caroline's breasts, they felt overpowering urges that their bodies could not deny.
They started to change. They saw it, in themselves and each other. After two days of repeated communing and lovemaking, Caroline saw a difference in Jeff. He no longer even verbally tried to persuade Caroline not to give in. When they made love, his face was a mask, completely blank, as if he were being controlled, and when he was on top, he thrusted in and out of her like a machine, over and over and over, like a body programmed to exercise itself to the maximum, to feed its master and make it stronger, at his own expense.
Caroline felt increasingly influenced as well. Her rider worked to influence her constantly, but especially when she slept, when her mind was most defenseless. Every morning she would wake up and look at her rider in the mirror, and start to like it more and more. One morning she found herself modeling it and preening in the mirror.
It looks so wonderful. I'm glad it's a part of me!
Caroline shook her head. Where had that thought come from? She had to keep reminding herself that it was an alien creature, trying to control her.
"It's starting to control me, Jeff, I can feel it," said Caroline, later that night, even as she rode up and down on Jeff's penis. She couldn't will herself to stop, not even for a moment. "Is yours affecting you too?"
"I... don't... know," said Jeff, with an effort. Somehow, his lack of awareness of what was being done to him made it all the more concerning for her.
They continued to commune and have sex for four more days. And then one morning, Caroline had a strange dream. Her rider was singing to her! It was so beautiful. So lovely.
She woke with a start and opened her eyes. "It loves me," she whispered. She looked at Jeff. "My rider. It loves me and wants the best for me. I can feel it now," she said, rubbing her hands over her breasts.
Jeff thought about it. "You're right. My rider loves me too. It feels... it feels so good to be under its control."
"To surrender myself," Caroline smiled, looking at his face.
"To submit to and be used by the Hive, to reproduce and to spread," said Jeff. "It's wonderful."
Caroline took him by the hand and led him to the bathroom mirror. They both turned their backs to it and saw what had happened.
Five days of steady communing and sex had paid off. Their riders now had a gold band around the edges.
"Jeff... we're part of the Hive now," said Caroline, giving him a hug.
Jeff hugged her back. They had changed. But what had they become?
Melinda showed up at lunch unexpectedly, carrying a large black container. She immediately noticed the change in Caroline and Jeff.
"Melinda, so good to see you," said Caroline, smiling.
"Caroline," said Melinda, briefly kissing her on the lips. Then she turned to Jeff. "Jeff," she said, giving him a hug. He hugged her back.
"I take it your riders have matured?" Melinda asked.
"Yes," said Jeff, putting an arm around Caroline. They seemed like such a happy couple once again.
"Why don't you show me your riders?" Melinda asked.
"Gladly," said Jeff. He and Caroline obediently took off their shirts. Melinda reflected on what a change this was from her first meeting with them. They had joined the Hive. That didn't mean, however, that they were fully controlled by the Hive; instead, they had simply fallen under its influence. An influence, however, which would only grow stronger and stronger over time.
Caroline and Jeff took off their shirts, and then faced away from her. Perfect obedience. Melinda went over to Caroline first and stood behind her. She casually put her arms on Caroline's hips as she studied her rider. "Very good, Caroline."
"It just matured yesterday," said Caroline proudly.
"And how do you feel about the Hive, Caroline?" Melinda asked.
"I... I like it," said Caroline.
She was clearly still processing. Well, it was progress.
Melinda went over to Jeff, and studied his rider. His was already thicker and wider than Caroline's. She squeezed his shoulders. "Very good, Jeff. You've got a head start on your next ring."
"Our riders gain more than one ring?" said Caroline.
"Oh yes. Over time they can gain up to three bands," said Melinda. "You'll just love it."
"I'm sure we will," Jeff smirked. But Melinda saw the fear in Caroline's eyes. She wasn't fully under control. Not yet, anyway.
"Good," said Melinda. "Now you are ready for your first assignments," she said. She handed each of them a clear plastic jar. They could see insects flying around in them. A lot of them.
"What are we to do with these?" Caroline asked.
"Release them in your workplace," said Melinda.
"What will they do?"
"They will plant eggs under the skin of a host," said Melinda. "The eggs will mature into what you call worms."
"And then it will take control of them? Like it did us?"
"Exactly," said Melinda.
"No. I won't do it," said Caroline. The Hive had sexual control of her. And, in the abstract, she had agreed to serve the Hive. But confronted with the task of actually infecting others, Caroline found she still had the capacity to resist.
Melinda sighed, and took back one of the jars. "Of course, I could just as easily release them in here. Your charming children Marie and Mark would be infected almost immediately. Within a few days they would have riders, just like you."
"No!" Caroline cried. She took the jar back. "We'll do it." She turned to Jeff. "We have no choice."
Over the next few days, Melinda gave them a series of jars filled with Insects. Caroline released them in different parts of the hospital. Jeff released his on different floors of the research institute. They both watched helplessly as coworkers slapped flies on their necks or backs. But it was too late, they only felt the insects after they had been bitten.
They knew what would happen next. Worms would grow inside of them, and then migrate to their backs. And when there were enough worms, they would grow into riders.
Over the course of two weeks Jeff started to see changes at the institute. Workers would be lost, staring into space, muttering "Momomomomomom." He started noticing the outlines of riders among people wearing tight shirts. They were spreading, and rapidly.
The same was occurring at Caroline's hospital. The patients were the most vulnerable, of course, but the nurses and doctors were also infected. And once they were infected, they had easy access to a continuous flow of new patients. Between them, Caroline and Jeff contributed to the Infection of dozens of new hosts, and in a short time, dozens became hundreds, who would soon become thousands.
"Very good," said Melinda, listening to their reports with satisfaction.
"We've done everything you asked. Can you release Ella now, like you promised?" Caroline asked.
"Not quite yet," said Melinda. "You must do one more thing for us."
"And what is that?" Jeff asked.