Chapter 10.1

Miles had been given a rider and his penis had been altered by the Hive, all in an effort to protect his wife Keiko and son Rudy. And now he was called to serve.

"It is time to begin your work," said Melinda simply.

They were in another room with a spongy floor. Fifteen women lay on the ground, in three rows of five. They all had their legs spread, and their knees bent. Miles could see the pink, fleshy entrances at the bottom of their pubic triangles. They were all ready for him, all available for the taking. Miles notice the women were looking up at him, and most of them were smiling. They even wanted it.

It was like a dream come true. But Miles felt unsure about the situation.

Melinda looked over at Miles as if she expected him to know what to do. He looked questioningly back at her. No... she couldn't mean... all fifteen of them... could she?

She put her hands on her hips, and looked even more stunning, as her breasts stuck out. "Miles, is there something about this assignment which is unclear to you?"

"You want me to...."

"Fuck them. All of them," said Melinda. She smiled as she saw him flinch at her use of the word "fuck". Even modified as he had been, with a new rider on his back, Miles was still charmingly naïve. Melinda grabbed his cock and balls. "You will take this and copulate with all fifteen of them, once per day, every day, for the next two weeks, or until they get pregnant. Whichever comes first." She grinned as she played with his testicles gently, rotating them with her fingers. His penis started to slowly wake up.

Miles thought rapidly as Melinda stimulated him. No! If I slept with 15 women, it would be the end of my marriage to Keiko! If I do this, I will become something else, someone else. Keiko would never understand or forgive!

And yet, seeing the women, staring up adoringly at him, each completely ready for sex, caused a painful need to swell inside of Miles' penis. He desperately needed release, and Melinda's hand was only partially the cause of it. He felt the heat of the rider on his back, pulsating.

Miles raced to think of a way out of this. "Even if I wanted to... there's no way I could physically sleep with fifteen women...."

"Of course you can," said Melinda. She pointed to a large fleshy column in the center of the room with a hole in it. "Every five women or so, stick yourself in there. It will reenergize you, and refill your testicles with sperm."

Miles looked doubtfully at the column. "Every five women? I know I did it five times in your machine, but now...."

"You will be able to do it, now that we have improved you," said Melinda. She took hold of his new, fleshier penis and looked into his eyes. "You have been given all that you need."

Melinda pulled him by his penis, and Miles obediently followed as she led him to the rows of women lying on the ground. Miles, feeling humiliated to be led by his male sex organ, nonetheless let himself be led.

The first woman in the first row had brown hair, on top and on bottom. She smiled up at Miles. "Why hello there."

"Hello," said Miles timidly.

Miles noticed she had a rider on her back. The woman's smile grew broader and she spread her legs in anticipation.

Miles paused, staring at her.

"Begin. Or you know what will happen to Keiko and your kids," said Melinda darkly.

I have no choice! Miles thought.

Miles lay down on the ground next to the brown haired woman. It was the same spongy ground he had laid on with Melinda yesterday. He hesitantly moved between the woman's legs.

"What's your name, handsome?" the brown haired woman asked, as she took Miles in her arms.

"Miles," said Miles, feeling very embarrassed.

"I'm Drew," said the woman softly.

"Drew," said Miles. "What a pretty name."

Drew looked down at Mile's body. "You're very attractive, Miles. I can't wait to feel you inside me."

Miles blushed. "You want this?"

"More than anything," Drew assured him.

Miles looked over Drew's shoulder. He saw that she had a rider with two gold rings on her back, which was pulsating softly. Miles heard the sound of a throat clearing. He looked up and saw Melinda, her arms crossed as she tapped her bare foot impatiently.

Miles turned back to the woman, wondering where to begin. Could he really do this? Could he really repeatedly have sex with 15 women and impregnate them? What would it do to his marriage with- Drew saw the hesitation in his eyes, and reached up and kissed him. Miles allowed his body to respond. He felt his rider between his shoulder blades urging him to relax, to let it guide him, and Miles gratefully surrendered control of his body. Suddenly Miles became a passenger in his body. He watched as he kissed and fondled Drew, and she did the same, until he became erect.

Then Miles saw his body shift upwards, and he aimed the head of his penis at her vaginal slit. He saw that Drew had a Hive Mark like he did, and as the head of his penis pressed against the entrance of her vagina, it excited him to see both marks so closely together.

And then he was inside her, thrusting. Miles marveled how his rider could take control of his body, making love to this woman, without his active involvement. If he let it, it could probably control his body all the time.

Drew, sensing his hesitation, whispered into his ear, "Don't worry. When you get your first band, things will become clearer."

"First band?" Miles said, as he thrusted into her.

"The ring on your rider. As it matures, it takes more control over you. By the time you get your second band, you won't have a care in the world."

Drew had a double banded rider. It was probably controlling her completely right now.

And then he felt his penis shudder, and climax, and he filled Drew's vagina with his sperm. Drew was ecstatic as she felt it happening. She hugged and kissed him as the last drips came out of him."Thank you. Oh thank you."

Miles nodded and slowly got up. Melinda nodded grudgingly. "One down. Fourteen to go."

Melinda was right. He could service five women at a time. His new meatier penis and larger testicles made that possible. He had to work harder to get the fourth and fifth orgasms, and he ejaculated a little less as time went on, but he was able to cover five women without recharging.

When he put his penis into the column it took nearly twenty minutes to restore him to his prime potential. He was grateful for the break. When his penis emerged, it felt brand new, as if he hadn't had sex at all that day. He touched it, marveling at its complete apparent rejuvenation.

Miles quickly got used to 14 women staring at him while he had sex with one of them. They tittered or laughed or whispered among themselves as they waited. It was obvious that he was the subject of much discussion. He felt like a cock in the hen house. It made him embarrassed in one way, but in another way, one he would rather not admit, it also made him rather pleased. While he was recharging his penis, he would sometimes see the women smiling at him, or whispering to each other, and he would notice them staring at his penis or his ass. He sometimes overheard them whisper about his organ of reproduction, how big and manly it looked, how they wondered how it would feel inside of them. As he saw their smiles and their giggles he found himself enjoying their interest immensely. He had never felt anything like it in his life. Keiko was a happy lover, but she hadn't showed this kind of enthusiasm in years.

As Miles fertilized the females, one by one, Miles noticed that the first row of five women all wore double banded riders. But the second row were only enslaved by single banded riders. While the first row of women were all eagerly excited to be impregnated by him, the second row were willing... but not wild out of their minds for it. The first woman in the second row smiled at him, and kissed him back when he made love to them, but Miles didn't sense quite the same level of euphoria as he had from the women with the double banded riders. It was as if the single banded women were performing, but doing so a bit reluctantly as he was.

And when he came to the third row, that was another matter entirely. He quickly discovered that these women didn't have riders at all! Though they were Hive stamped, like him, Miles would soon discover that all they had was a single worm wrapped around their clitorises.

The first woman in the third row was a redhead with short, less than shoulder length hair named Sally, who looked like she was about to cry when Miles lay down next to her. He had just recharged his penis, and his balls were so full they were painful. He had to empty them soon.

"Hi," said Miles. He had become progressively less shy as he made love to each of the ten women before her.

"Hi," said Sally awkwardly.

Miles started to reach out to kiss her, but Sally pulled back.

"You don't want to do this?" said Miles. He looked around. Melinda had gone somewhere else, satisfied with his progress after he had finished inseminating his second woman, confident that he would obediently continue with the program. "You don't have to." He started to get up.

"No!" she said, pulling him back down.

He looked at her expectantly.

"I don't want to do this... but I do," said Sally.

Miles looked at her quizzically.

"It's my daughter, Joanna. They say if I don't cooperate, they'll take her and... do things to her body."

"So you're forced to do this, just like I am," said Miles.

"You're forced, too?" Sally said. She pointed to his rider. "I thought... I thought...."

Miles shook his head. "I'm doing this to keep my wife and kids out of this."

"Oh." That seemed to change things for Sally, at least subjectively. "All right then," she said, and nodded.

"You're all right with this?" Miles asked again.

"Well... I have to do it," said Sally. "I guess you doing it, being like me, rather than one of them, just makes it... a little easier."

Miles looked at her hesitantly.

"Really," said Sally. She forced a smile. Then she summoned courage she didn't know she had, reached up, and pecked him on the cheek.

Miles responded, slowly taking her head and aligning his lips with hers. They kissed for a long moment. Sally didn't resist. As he pulled back, he gave her a questioning look. She nodded, biting her lip, looking a bit defeated.

Miles nodded in return, and got between her legs. He was the male, and she was the female. His role was to inseminate her. That's what the immature rider on his back kept telling him, as he slowly inserted his penis into Sally's vagina. His balls, having just been recharged, were brimming with alien cum. He felt a strong pressure to climax quickly, but Miles took it slowly. There was something about Sally, something different. He didn't want to rush things, not with her. He wanted to be gentle. He set up a pleasant rhythm as he looked her in the eyes. He was pleased to see her smiling back at him, and then wrap her arms around him.

"I'm married," he blurted out, for some reason.

"I am too," she said, with big eyes.

"I'm sorry," said Miles, as he felt a buildup in his penis. "I'm... I can't hold out much longer."

"It's all right," said Sally. "I understand."

She gave him a smile so warm, so caring, that it pushed Miles over the edge. She grasped him tightly as he groaned and released into her. He felt incredibly satisfied as he pumped her full of Hive sperm.

I shouldn't be enjoying this. But I am!

There was an awkward moment as he lay still on top of her, still inside of her. She gave him another smile which made him feel embarrassed. He slowly pulled out of her. His size and girth made her gasp. The tip of Mile's penis was wet with green fluid. Green fluid he had just pumped inside of her.

But instead of being repelled, Sally seemed intrigued. "Ooooh." She looked at Miles admiringly. "That felt like you put a lot in me."

"I, I did," said Miles, somehow feeling embarrassed and proud, all at the same time.

"Will you... will you be gentle with me like this, every time?" She looked so vulnerable, so needy! Miles's heart went out to her in sympathy.

Miles nodded. She looked down at his enormous penis, and gently touched it with a trembling hand.

She likes me! Miles was suddenly thrilled.

"My name is Sally. Tell me your name, handsome."


"So... so nice to meet you, Miles," said Sally. She extended her hand. Miles shook it. t seemed odd to greet each other that way after they had just been so intimate with each other, but this act felt more real than what he had just done, what they had just done together, because it had all been voluntary. Sally was not anxious to serve the Hive, but it was clear she found Miles very attractive.

"I... I guess I'll see you again."

"I guess you will," said Sally, her legs still spread wide. Her labia glistened with green liquid. They matched stares for a long moment.

The woman next to her cleared her throat, and Miles smiled and turned to attend to her. But even as he made love to his next assignment, his mind drifted back to Sally, and once he turned and saw her smiling at him.

The next four women in the row were more of the same. All had been pressured in some way, like Sally, into participating in the program, but ultimately all were willing. Miles was relieved. He wasn't prepared to have sex with an unwilling participant.

Just as he finished the last woman, a redhead named Svedlana with thick, luscious labial lips, Melinda reappeared, leading Miles to suspect that she had been monitoring him from afar.

"Good work," she said, hugging him. "Now all you have to do is repeat the process for the next 13 days." She started walking him towards the exit, where his clothes were. Her ass cheeks were magnificently firm.

"Fifteen women, every day?" Miles asked.

Melinda nodded, brushing back her long hair. "Until each one gets pregnant. We'll know pretty quickly if that happens."

"Why so many? And why do some have those round bands on their riders, but some don't?" Miles asked.

Melinda smiled as she led Miles to his clothes. As he started to get dressed, she said, "You're part of a fascinating experiment. The Hive had theorized that women who are under greater levels of control are less likely to be fertile. We don't exactly know why, but we think that there is some kind of mind-body connection which the rider interrupts which may reduce fertility."

"And so you're having me impregnate five women with double banded... riders, as you call them, as well as five with single banded ones, and five with none, to see what will happen," said Miles.

"Precisely," said Melinda. She gave him a kiss on the lips as he finished getting dressed. "Give Keiko my love."

"Sure," said Miles, in a dry tone.

And so Miles spent the following two weeks having sex over and over again with fifteen women. At first it was a chore, but over time, to his horror, he found that he started to enjoy it. Over time Miles noticed that his rider started to grow a golden band around its edges, and the way he thought about the entire project changed.

Somewhere along the way, and Miles wasn't exactly sure when, he changed from being a somewhat unwilling participant into a somewhat enthusiastic one. Rather than let his rider handle all mechanics of inseminating the females, he himself took control of his body and thrusted within every women. It felt good to come inside each one of them, filling them with his sperm. He grew to enjoy it. After all, what man had the opportunity to have sex every day with fifteen eager, pretty women?

He found himself pleased when he entered the chamber, and saw fifteen sets of smiles and fifteen vaginas nestled in fifteen triangles of pubic hair, and he heard the voices of fifteen eager women greeting him, each competing for his attention. "Hello Miles! How are you Miles! Come and say hello, Miles! You're looking handsome today!" When he heard the girls calling for him, he got chills down his spine and his penis tingled. Some of them, especially the girls with double banded riders, jumped up and greeted him at the entrance with hugs and kisses as he came in.

"Hello Miles," said Trudy, a flirtatious dark haired beauty with a double banded rider on her back. She reached in and gave him a kiss. He felt the heat of her nude body pressed against his, and felt a stirring in his groin. Miles kissed her back. "Good morning, Trudy."

"Aren't you going to say hello to me too, Miles?" said a blonde named Silvia, also with a double banded rider on her back.

"Of course, Silvia," said Miles, reaching in to give her a kiss. He felt Silvia's heavy breasts pressed against his chest.

"And what about me?" said Deirdre, a flirtatious brown haired woman with a single banded rider between her shoulder blades. She pushed a protesting Silvia unceremoniously out of the way and smiled as she she faced Miles.

Miles smiled awkwardly and embraced and kissed her, but Deidre had even more in mind, grinding her vaginal hair against his penis even as he kissed her.

"Ummm," said Deidre, smiling widely. "Are you going to give me a heavy load today, Miles?"

"I'll do my best," Miles grinned. He looked past the women clustered around him. The women who had no riders, who merely had worms on their clitorises, were standing some distance away, looking blank or mildly hopeful. Sally caught his eye, and he thought he saw a bit of discomfort in her face as she watched Miles flirting with the women who were ridden.

"Can you do me first today, Miles?" Svedlana asked, squeezing his arm.

"No, do me first," said Amy, squeezing his ass.

"Ladies, ladies! I'll get to all of you, I promise!" said Miles, feeling a tingling in his penis. "Why don't you all... all just lie down in your rows and we'll get started." He felt awkward giving them instructions. It was as if he were in charge, as if this were all his idea.

The women jostled for position within their respective rows. They each had to lie in their respective rows--women with double banded riders in the first row, women with single banded in the second row, and women with worms on their clits in the third. Deidre managed to be the first woman in the first row. Miles went over to her, his eyes gazing across the rows. All the women were eagerly lying on their backs, all with their legs spread and knees lifted. Fifteen triangles of pubic hair in various colors and textures and thicknesses pointed towards him. Fifteen sets of glistening pussy lips lay open for him, eager to be broached.

The atmosphere in the Hive chamber was beyond erotic. Nearly all the women had their legs spread, their eyes open, their hearts beating strongly, and their imaginations running wild, each excited about the possibility of impregnation. The Hive had harnessed the female natural urge to be impregnated, turned, changed it, and focused it to meet the Hive's needs. As a result, the room was filled with ten or more females eager to be impregnated.

Each time Miles panted and climaxed inside one of the females, the girls would exchange knowing looks and wet their lips, wondering if they had just witnessed the moment when Miles had impregnated one of them. Was this the time that Miles' successfully fertilized Amy's egg? Would today be the day Deidre would feel a trembling vibration inside of her and watch her belly start to grow big with Hive Life? The possibilities of impregnation made the women endlessly excited.

After greeting the girls and telling them to lie down and assume their positions, Miles went over to the first woman in line, who today happened to be the dark haired beauty named Deidre. He confidently mounted her, inserting himself into her in one smooth stroke. There was no longer any hesitation on Miles' part; no longer a need to work under Melinda's watchful eye; he was Hiveflesh, and he was performing his assigned function.

As Miles made love to Deirdre he was aware of the eyes of the other women on him, but especially the eyes of Sally, in the third row. She had an anxious look on her face as she watched Miles plow in and out between Deidre's legs. Miles heard the ladies whispering around him.

"He's so sexy...."

"Look how his ass pumps in and out..."

"He's the best fuck I've ever had."

"Look at the way D is panting, she's simply loving it!"

At first such talk made Miles embarrassed. After all, he was having sex with a woman while 14 others watched. But over time his thinking changed. He became proud when the women talked about him. He even became more sexually excited, and often their feminine chatter would spur him on to orgasm.

"Look how fast he's pumping!"

"Look at that smile on his face. He's about to come, I know it!"

And then as Miles climaxed inside of Deidre, he shuddered with masculine pride and pleasure. He felt the waves of admiration and lust around him. He pulled out of Deidre, his penis glistening with their combined juices and alien cum.

"Thank you, Miles," said Deidre, rubbing her sore and wet pussy with her fingertips.

"You're welcome," said Miles, with a graceful smile. He went over to Shannon, the blonde cutie who was next. "Hey Shannon," he said.

"Hey Miles," Shannon said cheerfully. The cute blonde winked at him. "Do you have anything left for me?"

"I think I do," said Miles. He lay down on top of her, they kissed and hugged, and when he felt she was ready, he entered her. Miles enjoyed her gasp as he inserted the hard bar of his manhood into her.

Miles made love to the women, one by one, and recharged his penis every time he finished a row. Once his virility was restored, he would start on the next one. He found himself especially eager to start on the third row. Somehow Sally managed to always be the first in line on the third row. She eagerly spread her legs as he lay on top of her.

"Hello again, Miles," she said. She didn't sound nearly as apprehensive as she had the first time.

"Hello again, Sally," said Miles. They kissed and hugged and fondled for a time. Miles gave her a look, as if to ask "Are you ready?" and Sally, understanding perfectly, nodded slightly. Miles took his penis in his hand and aimed it, and slowly inserted it into her.

"Ah," said Sally, giving him a small smile.

Miles started the ritual of reproduction. By the third or fourth time he made love to Sally, all her reticence seemed to disappear. She even started to enjoy it.

"You feel so good inside me, Miles. So thick," said Sally in a low, private voice, her arms wrapped around him, as Miles banged into her.

"They made me bigger," said Miles.

"You were probably big to begin with," said Sally flirtatiously, and Miles got so excited that he almost climaxed, long before he thought he was ready for it. "My husband, my ex-husband was never big like you."

Miles smiled appreciatively.

"The other girls always talk about you. They say you're the sexiest man alive," said Sally.

"They do?" Mile's penis started tingling again.

Sally nodded. "They call you the best fuck of their lives. And you know something? They're right," she said.

"Ahhh," said Miles. That was the perfect thing to say. His body stiffened, and his penis suddenly erupted. As Miles ejaculated rope after rope of alien sperm into Sally's vagina, she gasped and grabbed him tightly. They lay together for a golden moment after the task was done.

"Thank you," she said, with lust in her eyes, as Miles gently disengaged from her. A thin line of green sperm connected him to her vagina, which snapped off as he got up.

"For what?" Miles asked.

"For being you," she said, giving him a quick kiss. "You know, Miles, I'm a little... ambivalent about what the Hive is making me do. But... if I have to do it, if I have to expand the Hive, I'm... I'm glad you're the one fertilizing me."

Melinda watched from a discrete corner as Miles leaned down and gave Sally a warm kiss. Then he winked at her and got up and went to the next female waiting to be inseminated.

Later, while he was plowing into a brunette named Gloria, Melinda returned again to watch. By now Miles had lost all inhibitions, and was merrily plowing away inside of her, while Gloria was gasping with each thrust.

Melinda smiled at him. "You look happy, Miles."

"Um hm," said Miles, still smiling as he continued the reproductive ritual, with Gloria in his arms. He pounded harder. He felt like he was getting closer to his most important goal.

"Do you like having sex with Gloria, Miles?" Melinda asked.

"Yeah," said Miles, enjoying every thrust. Gloria smiled up at him appreciatively.

"Do you like filling Gloria with your cum?" Melinda asked.

"Yeah," Miles said again, his small smile growing broader as his ass pumped back and forth.

"And who is it that makes this all possible?" Melinda asked.

Miles felt his penis tightening. This was it, it was all... about... to happen......

"Who, Miles? Who makes this all possible?"

"The Hive," he said, gasping as he exploded inside of Gloria. But as Miles climaxed, he felt something odd, a warmth on his back and in his mind. He stiffened even as he finished ejaculating inside of Gloria.

"Is something wrong, Miles?" Melinda asked.

Miles pulled out of Gloria. The woman he had just inseminated was entirely forgotten. He stood up with a wondrous look on his face. "My rider," he said.

"What about it?" Melinda asked innocently.

"It loves me," said Miles. "It loves me, and wants the best for me."

"Yes it does," said Melinda, turning Miles around to see the bright golden band on his rider. Miles' exertion with Gloria must have pushed it over the edge to maturation. "And how do you feel about your work, Miles?

Miles looked around with new eyes. "Everything I'm doing here is wonderful. I feel like...."

"Feel like what, Miles?"

"Like a man," said Miles, looking at the adoring women, waiting to be inseminated by him. "Like how man was meant to be."

Miles continued to inseminate the females every day. But with each passing day, he found himself spending more and more time with Sally when her turn came. Miles would typically spend five or ten minutes with each woman, but with Sally, Miles took it real slow, drawing it out, enhancing the pleasure for both of them. His sex sessions with Sally could last twenty or thirty minutes.

The other women noticed and were obviously jealous. "What's wrong, Miles?" asked Melisandra, who waiting impatiently to be inseminated next. "Are you having trouble coming inside of her?"

"No," said Miles, smiling down at Sally. "No trouble at all." He winked at her, and she gave him a wide grin and hugged him tightly.

The following day Miles was making love to Sally again. As he lovingly inserted his meaty alien penis in her vagina, she whispered, "Miles, the girls are talking about you."

Miles chuckled as he rubbed the head of his organ against her inner walls and grinded it really well. That felt so good! "The girls are always talking," he chuckled.

"They all want to know who you like best," Sally whispered.

"I don't have favorites," said Miles, continuing to move rhythmically on top of her. Sally was lubricating furiously. He felt the eyes of the other women on him, on his ass pumping in and out, but he felt no embarrassment.

"Deidre has a pretty face and big breasts," said Sally.

"That she does," Miles grinned.

"And Svedlana says you told her she's a really tight ride."

"That she is," Miles grinned, as he lazily pulled his penis out and reinserted it again.

"So... who is your favorite?"

"Who do you think?" Miles looked down at Sally, grinning.

Recognition dawned her face. "Me? But my breasts aren't nearly as big as Deirdre's!"

"No they're not," Miles grinned, as he lovingly impaled her again.

"And my thing isn't as tight as Svedlana's!"

"It's tight enough," Miles grunted, as he rubbed the head of his engorged organ against her inner walls.

"Then... why me....?"

"Because... because.... Aaaaahhhhhhh," said Miles. He collapsed on top of her as he filled her with his liquid heat. "Because you feel so good," he whispered in her ear.​
Next page: Chapter 10.2
Previous page: Chapter 09.2