Chapter 11.2
Kate's was not the only home that Miles was sent to during that time. For the next few weeks, Miles was instructed to go to different homes where he had sex with wives, daughters, and girlfriends. His purpose was always the same, to break up family units and make them betray each other, so they would more readily accept the Hive.
At first he felt terrible about the work, and didn't enjoy it at all. But then a voice inside of him began to convince him otherwise. Here he was, getting up every day, and his "job" consisted of having sex with different women. Gorgeous women in their sexual prime who he never would have had a chance to be with. If not for the Hive, he would still be having sex twice a week with Keiko, and only Keiko. Now he was having sex forty times a week with ten different women.
Even though Miles knew it was wrong, he started to enjoy it. All of it. The feel of being inside several different women every day. The feeling of coming inside of a woman, while their husband watched helplessly. This must be how it worked in the animal kingdom, when the strongest male fertilized all the females. For the first time in his life, Miles was experiencing what it was to be a truly unrestrained male, living out his full reproductive potential. And a growing part of his mind was coming to enjoy it.
As he reached the four week mark, with only four weeks left to go, he wondered if a part of him wouldn't miss being a member of the Hive.
"Oh, you're home," said Keiko.
It was two days later.
Two days after Keiko had gotten her first immature rider.
She had hidden it from Miles. At first she felt humiliated. But her rider filled her with arousal day and night. Especially at night. She slept with a broad smile on her face and moaned at night, with her hands working feverishly between her legs. She needed satisfaction. She needed completion. She needed her husband.
Miles noticed a change of attitude from Keiko as dinner came to an end. She was sitting on his lap and kissing him tenderly, even as their 18 year old son Robert tried to look away. Miles gave her a surprised look as she led him to the bedroom and locked the door behind them.
"I thought you were still angry with me, about...." He let his voice trail off.
"I could never stay angry with you, Miles," said Keiko. "Make love to me. Make love to me like there's no tomorrow."
Miles made passionate love to his wife. She didn't seem to mind a thing; not his enlarged penis, not his Hive Stamp, not even the rider on his back. She cried out with passion as he brought her to orgasm, once, twice, thrice. She kissed him furiously and fucked him as hard as he made love to her. Miles realized it was like making love to a stranger. Keiko had always been willing but reserved during sex. This version of Keiko relished every moment of it.
He soon found out why.
They lay together in bed afterwards, relishing the sense of release.
"Three times!" said Keiko, staring at the ceiling. "That was amazing, Miles!"
"You liked it?" Miles asked.
"Liked it? I loved it!" said Keiko. She kissed him hard, which pleased Miles but also made him frown. Then she turned him over on his side.
"What are you doing?" Miles asked.
"Just looking," said Keiko, in a sultry voice.
He realized she was staring at his rider. "Don't try to remove it."
"Oh, I would never do that," she said, in an odd teasing tone. And then, "You know, it doesn't look as bad as I first thought."
"It doesn't?"
"Nuh uh," said Keiko, giving an amused smile. "Can I touch it?"
Keiko wanted to touch his rider?
"All right," said Miles cautiously. "Gently, though."
"Of course," she said, as if it were obvious.
Miles felt her start to trace the edges of his rider with her fingertips. The banded part of it seemed to fascinate her. Her touch was magical, making him oooh and aaaah with pleasure.
"Like it?" she said, in a seductive voice.
"Yeah, I really do," Miles smiled. Suddenly he frowned. What was going on here?
He turned and stared at his wife, who gave him a mysterious smile. Then he turned her over and looked at her back.
And saw an immature rider between her shoulder blades.
"Oh my God!" said Miles.
"Don't look so surprised, Miles," said Keiko, turning around to face him. "You were the one who planted the worm."
"One. I only gave you one."
"Well, I got a few more," said Keiko, taking him in her arms and giving him a kiss. He felt the warmth of her body against his.
"You... you're not upset?"
"No," said Keiko. "Not any more. And I'm told I'm going to feel still better, once you help me bring my rider to maturity."
"Oh no," said Miles.
"Oh yes," said Keiko. "You will have sex with me every night, Miles Collins. I don't care how many women you fuck in your new day job, you will always come home with enough left for me." She grabbed his penis possessively. "You will help me bring my rider to maturity."
"No, no I won't," said Miles, with new resolve, even as his rider told him Yes you will.
"Yes you will," said Keiko. "Or else I'll get Robert to help me."
"Robert? Our own son?" said Miles. "You couldn't. You wouldn't!"
"Only if I had to," said Keiko, giving him an innocent smile.
"You didn't say you were going to give her a rider," said Miles, the following morning in the cave.
"And I didn't say we weren't," said Melinda, staring at her nails.
"Our deal was that I would work for you for eight weeks, and you would let me go."
"And we will," said Melinda.
"What about my wife?"
"Keiko, regrettably, wasn't included in our little deal," said Melinda. "In fact, you will be responsible for bringing her rider to maturity."
"I won't!" said Miles.
"You will," said Melinda, standing up abruptly, and wrapping an arm around his waist. "You will make love to her every night, Miles. Every night she will ride on that fantastic penis of yours. And every night you will help bring her closer into the Hive. You know what will happen if you don't."
Miles nodded unhappily.
Melinda rubbed her breasts against his chest. "It won't be so bad. All I'm asking you to do is to have sex with your little wifey." Her tone was clearly mocking, but the feeling of her breasts against him was wonderful.
"What... what happens when the eight weeks are over? Will you let her go too?" Miles asked.
"Well, that all depends," said Melinda, giving him a kiss.
"Depends on what?" said Miles.
"On you," said Melinda. She gave him a knowing look, and kissed him again. Miles kissed her back. In moments they were on the ground, their arms and legs wrapped together, their riders pulsating avidly as they made love.
And so Miles found himself in the awkward position of helping Keiko's rider mature and grow. He had done this and was doing this with countless other women, but somehow to do this to his own wife was a bitter pill to swallow.
But Keiko was enthusiastic from the start. She would smile slyly and take him by the hand and led him to the bedroom. He would see the outlines of her rider through her shirt on her back as she closed the door and lock it with a click. Then they would kiss and fondle and undress each other and make love.
Sex with Keiko was different now. She was a wild, unrestrained, emotional lover. Keiko became a wild, passionate lover, eagerly bouncing up and down on his penis, kissing him, and crying out with abandon after reaching her orgasm. Despite the knowledge of what he was doing to her, Miles found himself getting more excited by the "new" Keiko. Over the years he had gotten used to a quiet gasp from his demure wife as a sign of pleasure; now joy and pleasure was written all over her face, in her eyes, in her smile, in her groans, and it made Miles' pleasure in inseminating her all the greater. Somehow, the Hive had made Keiko a much more attractive lover.
"Shhh! What will Robert think?" Miles asked, after Keiko, her body covered in sweat, cried aloud. Her rider had kept her going for nearly an hour, bouncing up and down on Miles' penis, exerting itself to help it grow larger and stronger on her back and in her mind.
"Robert will probably think I'm getting the fucking of my life," said Keiko. She kissed him passionately. "And he'd be right." She gasped again as she rode his shaft. "I'm going to keep fucking you, Miles, until your cock explodes inside of me and my master takes complete control of my mind!"
Miles found her words terrible... and terribly arousing, as his sweaty, naked wife worked as hard as she could to enable the Hive to gain greater control of her.
Melinda made a point of eliciting that fact from him during one of their cuddling sessions. "So you like what we've done to her, don't you?"
"She's... she's like a new woman," said Miles. "When we make love, she shows enthusiasm. She shows appreciation."
"And who do you have to thank for that?" Melinda asked.
"The Hive," said Miles. "But it's just... she seems so eager to be part of the Hive. I don't remember being that way when I first got my rider. Hers is immature, and she seems so much more affected by it."
Melinda shrugged. "Some people are affected by their riders more quickly than others, especially if they were struggling within themselves."
"What do you mean?" Miles asked.
"You say that Keiko is reveling in her sexuality now. Maybe a part of her always wanted to, but was repressed. All her immature rider had to do was to tip the scales in her mind, ever so slightly, to release the real Keiko."
"A changed Keiko," said Miles. "One you're going to change back when my eight weeks are up, right?"
"We'll see," said Melinda, giving one of her mysterious smiles. "Tell me, Miles, if we did change her back, would you be more or less happy in the bedroom?"
Miles looked away, deep in thought. He wasn't sure how to answer that. Melinda turned his head, kissed him, and in moments all thoughts of Keiko were driven from his mind.
Keiko groaned as she grounded her pelvis in a circle around Miles' shaft. Suddenly her eyes widened, she stiffened and gasped.
"What is it?" Miles asked. It seemed to sudden, too quick for an orgasm.
"Ah... ahh......." Keiko said, her eyes wide, panting.
"Keiko!" Miles cried. "Are you all right?"
Keiko gave him a new, mocking look and pulled out, letting Miles' erection slap down on his belly. "I'm better than all right. Come and see."
Still completely nude, Keiko walked confidently into the bathroom, and Miles followed. He found her modeling her back to the mirror.
Keiko's rider had matured. It now had a shiny golden band around the edges. "My rider has matured. Isn't it beautiful, Miles?"
"I, uh, yes," said Miles. He definitely had mixed feelings. He loved his rider but still wasn't sure if he wanted Keiko to be ridden.
Keiko turned and put her hands on his chest and kissed him. "My rider is filling me with all sorts of interesting thoughts."
"Interesting thoughts?" said Miles, between kisses.
"Um hm," said Keiko. "It wants me to reward you for helping me get it to maturity. We've been having sex all week with me on top every single time. That must have been frustrating for you. Would you like to be on top this time?" She kissed him. "Not because you're required to. Not because you have to. But because you want to."
Miles looked at his wife. She had just been taken control of by her rider. She was being prompted to have sex by her rider. The heavy, banded rider on her back was making her want to do this. It was the Hive's way of offering him a reward for cooperating. He looked at the pulsating master on Keiko's back, and the sexy leer on her face. Did it really matter, ultimately, who or what was offering Keiko's body to him?
No, it didn't.
Miles reached for Keiko's hand by way of answer, and her smile only grew broader. Husband and wife walked hand in hand back to the bed, their riders pulsating softly.
The women who Miles had impregnated were all beginning to give birth.
There were eight of them, the eight who Miles had successfully impregnated. Melinda had told him that he might enjoy seeing the "fruits of his labors".
One of them was Sally. Her legs were widely spread, and her face was stressed out as other women with riders held her hands, and patted her head and told her what a good girl she was. "Push, Sally, push!" Deidre, with a big belly of her own full of Miles' baby, implored her.
But it was Miles she looked up to. "Miles, it hurts!"
"You're doing well, Sally. You're doing so well," said Miles. Her hot, sweaty body and bulbous belly looked so sexy as her legs were widely spread; the pain in her face could easily be misinterpreted for pleasure. He kissed her cheek as he rubbed her shoulders. "Push, little girl. Push now."
Sally pushed hard. "Uh... uh... UHHHHHH!" she cried. The girls watched in awe as something green and bulbous started to appear at the entrance of her vagina. She pushed again and more of it came out. It was slimy and dripping with unidentifiable fluid and pod shaped. Watching the green pod coming out of her slick vaginal lips felt incredibly erotic. Miles felt tremendously proud. He had fertilized her. He had put that into her. It was life. Life which would expand the Hive. And part of it had been made by him.
"All right, Sally, one last push!" said Svetlana.
Sally looked up at Miles, and, mustering her strength, gave a yell and gritted her teeth and bore down, as if she were doing it all for him. The last bit of it came out, and they saw the entirely of the bright green pod, slick with her bodily juices, slide out between her legs.
"Aaaaaaah," she cried with a sob of relief, her body panting with effort.
"Good girl, such a good girl!" the girls cooed.
Sally looked up at Miles, still breathing heavily, her breasts heaving with her expended effort. "Miles... this is our child."
Miles looked down at the pod. He felt proud, but wasn't sure exactly what he was the father of.
Eight women gave birth to eight green pods. The pods, all eight of them, rapidly grew taller and longer each day, until they became cocoons. After a few days they became semi transparent, and Miles could see the figure inside them. They were all male.
"All boys?" said Miles. "What are the odds of that?"
Melinda grabbed his arm and kissed him and pinched his ass, but said nothing.
Seven days later the cocoons all hatched. A small river of green liquid came out. And out of each of them came a familiar figure.
They all looked like Miles.
His jaw dropped.
"Congratulations!" said Melinda, giving him a big hug.
"They're all... me?"
"More or less," said Melinda. She looked at him. "You should be happy! Normally when you pass on your genetic heritage, only 50% gets put into your child. You have to share that other 50% with your female! But these children, Miles, these are 100% yours. Well, almost 100 percent," she said, grinning mysteriously.
"Why? Why me?" Miles asked.
Melinda cupped his balls. "I gave you that answer the first day we met. Because of your enormous sex drive and stamina. We have passed that on to the next generation."
"But... are they me?" Miles asked.
"They will be."
Melinda led him to a bank of chairs against the wall, all with organic helmets of some kind above them. The clones each took a seat. The helmets lowered over all their heads, including Miles's.
"What's going to happen?" Miles asked. He felt an odd tingling in his head, and a kind of draining sensation.
"Your memories are being copied," said Melinda.
"Copied?" said Miles anxiously.
"Relax," said Melinda. "This will take an hour or two." Miles still looked nervous. "I'll have to find a way to distract you, won't I?" she said. She got onto her knees and lifted his penis to her mouth. Miles groaned as he felt the first touch of her lips, and consciousness started to fade away.
When he awoke, he felt sexually spent, though he didn't remember any of it. He also felt mentally tired. He stood up, and saw the other Miles clones, his children, standing around, talking to each other. They all looked identical to him, except they didn't have riders, and they had normal looking penises.
"It was a success, Miles," said Melinda, giving him a hug. It was always good to feel her breasts against his chest.
"It was?" said Miles.
Melinda turned to one of the clones. "You! Tell us about your wedding night with Keiko."
"We were in a five star hotel in the Bahamas," said the clone. "Keiko looked so hot in her blue bikini. We were so worked up that we forgot to use birth control. Nine months later, Robert was born."
"You... you know everything I do?" Miles asked.
The clone nodded.
"They have your memories, Miles, but not your experience. For example, they clearly have memories of sex, but don't know quite how to do it. But you are going to show them."
"I am?" said Miles.
The organic helmets were detachable. Melinda put one on Miles, and the clones each donned one.
Then she took them to another room, where eight eager females were lying on the floor, with their legs widely spread.
"You're going to make love to one of them, and they will copy and record your every move," said Melinda.
"But... I only count eight women here, and there are nine of us," said Miles.
"You counted wrong," said Melinda, grinning, as she pulled Miles down to the ground.
Miles immediately got an erection. He started to kiss Melinda aggressively, but she pulled back. "Hey, hey," she said, clearly pleased. "Gently, slowly! Remember, you're demonstrating for all your boys!"
Miles looked around, and saw the identical copies of himself, all naked, mounting eight other women around him. They were all looking at him, eager for guidance.
Miles stared at Melinda's sexy body. She had thick black hair framing a beautiful face with bright red lips. Melinda had large, beautiful breasts with long, suckable nipples. She had wide hips, and a dark, curly thick bush between her legs. Her labial lips were long and wide, very womanly, very sexually mature.
"You are simply gorgeous," said Miles, barely thinking how he was betraying Keiko by saying that. He started to kiss her slowly. He looked around and saw the other clones doing the same. Miles worked slowly, starting on her neck, her cheeks, her nose, even her forehead, before settling on her lips. They had a hot and heavy kissing session, with Miles kissing her passionately, and Melinda kissing him back. He moved his head down, and started to suck on her tits, as his hands reverently massaged her breasts. Melinda groaned with pleasure.
Miles got into the proper position, and then, when he felt he could wait no longer, raised himself up, and slowly but surely entered her. He took a smooth, easy stroke, and sighed audibly as his brown pubic hair pressed against her curly dark pubic bush. He and Melinda both laughed when they heard the other clones sighing around them, even as their buttocks lifted up and down as they executed the same sex moves with their partners.
"Surely they won't do everything exactly the same each time," Miles murmured.
"They will learn from experience," said Melinda. "But they will use this encounter as their first template."
Miles looked at the other clones, moving as he did. He saw Sally on her back, with her legs spread, as a clone slowly made love to her. Sally caught his gaze and winked at him. He smiled back.
As Miles continued to make love to Melinda, she saw the happiness in his eyes. He was really enjoying this. "Miles... you look more relaxed than I've ever seen you."
"Um hm," said Miles, as he slowly pulled his penis out of her vagina. A moment later, he slowly inserted it again. So did his clones. He resisted the urge to groan again. It just felt so good to be inside her.
"So, do you enjoy being with the Hive, Miles?"
"Yeahhhh," Miles said, as he felt the head of his penis scrape her inner walls.
"But you only have three more weeks in the Hive, Miles."
"Three more weeks?"
"Until your eight weeks are over," said Melinda. She smiled as she felt him tremble and heard him groan with need. "Do you want it to end, Miles?"
"I... don't know," said Miles. His pace started to quicken.
"Do you want to stay in the Hive, Miles?" Melinda persisted.
"I... I... I...." he gasped, and then his penis twitched, and he exploded inside of her. All around them they heard the sounds of the other clones reaching their climax as well. Melinda reached her peak a few second after he did, as her insides were drenched with his seminal fluid.
"Think about it," she whispered into his ear.