Chapter 13.2

The torture ended on the evening of the seventh day after Robert received his implantation. When Miles got home that night, he was surprised to see Keiko fully clothed, making dinner in the kitchen, as if nothing unusual had happened in the past week. "Miles!" she hugged and kissed him. "Dinner's ready. Sit down and I'll serve you."

Miles blinked twice, and stared at his wife as if coming out of a bad dream. "Where's Robert?" Miles asked.

"You will be proud to know that your handsome and sexy son's rider matured this morning," said Keiko. She turned away to get the food, wiggling her ass at him as she did. Keiko wore a sheer blouse which clearly showed her bra strap... and her rider. It pulsated clearly underneath her shirt, firmly lodged on her back and in her mind. And then she plopped down a plate in front of him. It was T bone. His favorite.

"It's... all done?" said Miles.

"Yes!" Keiko smiled. "Your son is a happy, healthy and fully productive member of the Hive now."

"And so... where is he?"

"Well," Keiko's smile grew broader. "I promised Robert a little reward if he got his rider to maturity within a week. He was such a hard worker that I felt he earned it."

"Earned what?"

"Come and look," she said, taking him by the hand.

She led him to the master bedroom. The door was once again open.

Robert was there, in bed, with three other girls, two of them blonde, and one of them brunette, and all of them 18 years old. He was busy pounding into the brunette, who Miles recognized as Trisha McBride.

"Robert, dear, have you done each girl once yet?" Keiko asked.

"I've done Stella and Margy, but I'm still working on Trisha, Mom," said Robert.

"Well hurry up, you don't want your dinner to get cold."

"Yes, Mom," said Robert, even as his firm ass cheeks moved back and forth.

"Hello, Miles," Trisha said in a sultry voice, her eyes sparkling even as Robert made love to her.

"Hey, Trisha," Miles mumbled, suddenly feeling embarrassed but not sure why.

Keiko turned and put an arm around Miles. She spoke softly into his ear. "How does it feel knowing your son has earned the same pleasures you have?"

Miles watched his son, with a banded rider on his back, pounding into a young teenage girl who gave as good as she got.


"It feels good," said Miles.

Miles was given a new assignment in the Hive.

His penis was to be modified yet again. He submitted himself to a procedure that made him lose consciousness; when he woke up the colors of the veins in his testicles changed. They were now purple, and glowing. He asked Melinda about it.

"You are being prepared for a new assignment," said Melinda, putting her arms around him. "You have been given an experimental substance. We think we have created a viral version of the Hive."

"A viral version?"

"Our control works through our riders," said Melinda, turning her back to briefly flash her rider at him. It was large and beefy with three rings. It looked monstrous. There was a red rash around the edges that seemed to have gotten larger over time.

But then Melinda turned around to face him, and she was beautiful again. "But we have also created a viral substitute, a version of the Hive that takes control on the molecular level." She grabbed his testicles. "You can now spread it through these. We want you to go out and spread the Hive far and wide."

"You want me to take people into the Hive who are unwilling?" Miles asked.

"Everyone is willing, darling," said Melinda, fluttering her eyelids at him. "Or they would be if they knew about the Hive. Can you imagine anyone turning down the richness we have to offer?"

Miles glanced around the cave. "No. But..."

"But what, dear?" she asked, wrapping her arms around him.

"To take people against their will...."

"You won't take anyone against their will, dear," she said. Suddenly, Miles smelled a powerful odor. It was like a man's scent, his natural scent, but much more powerful.

"Is something wrong?" she said.

Miles started to rub his body against Melinda. His penis instantly became erect. "I... smell something."

"That's the pheromones, being emitted from your rider," said Melinda. "You've smelled them before, haven't you?"

"Yes," said Miles. He found himself starting d to dry hump his penis against Melinda's soft pubic hair without even thinking about it. "But... but...."

"What is your purpose?" Melinda asked.

Miles gasped. He started to rub the head of his penis faster and faster against her pubis.

"What is your purpose?" Melinda asked again.

"To spread the Hive," said Miles. He was panting now.


"By fertilizing as many females as possible," said Miles. He frowned. He had never answered that question in that way before.

"And so how do you feel about this assignment?" Melinda asked.

"I feel, I feel..... oooooh!" Miles suddenly climaxed, ejaculating sperm on Melinda's belly, weird glowing, purple lines shooting up to her breasts.

They were both silent for a moment. Then Melinda took some of his sperm and put it to her lips. Then she kissed him. He felt the taste of something alien, like cotton candy, in his mouth.

"Then go out and fulfill your purpose," she said.

Miles had a list. All the names on it were female. But not just any females. They were important women, all of them, or the wives of important men. There was a judge. There was the wife of a prominent politician. There was a key researcher at an important institute. There were people who worked for the World Government, or the Territorial Government. There were people who worked for the police, the military, and others.

At first, Miles had some reticence. He was especially reluctant to seduce women who were married. He had slept with married women before, of course, but all had riders already; they were already part of the Hive, as were their husbands. But Melinda explained to him how he would be giving the women a great gift, one they could easily share with their husbands, and Miles quickly understood.

Miles's first assignment was a young researcher at the Biochema Institute named Anna Phillips. She couldn't have been more than 30 years old. She was married to a policeman named Harold Bannister.

Miles had been given credentials identifying him as an investigator with World Government security. It was obvious that the Hive had already penetrated the World Government, at least partially. He wondered how far up their level of control went. His credentials gave him the authority to go anywhere and talk to anyone, which was the perfect cover.

Anna Phillips was a dark haired beauty who wore her hair up. She looked very professional in a silk shirt, knee length skirt, and transparent pantyhose. The first thing Miles noticed in her office was that she had a couch. Good.

"So nice to meet you," she said politely, shaking Miles's hand. Miles thought he detected a slight shiver from her as she took his hand and made eye contact with him.

"So, what can I do for the World Government?" Anna asked, leaning back against her desk. Miles noticed she was wearing high heels.

Miles started to talk. It didn't really matter what he said. In the meantime, his rider, under his shirt, was getting warm. Almost uncomfortably warm. And then Miles started to smell a musky scent. It was like his natural body odor, but more powerful, more masculine, even intoxicating. The smell got stronger and stronger. Soon it filled the tiny office.

Anna couldn't help but to breathe it in. She inhaled, looked puzzled, and then, by necessity, inhaled again. As Miles continued to talk, he noticed Anna visibly sweating. She started licking her lips. She shook her head, as if she was chasing away unseen flies, not once but twice. Then she actually unbuttoned the top clasp of her shirt.

"Hot in here," she grinned sheepishly, glancing at him with lust and desire in her eyes before quickly looking away. Her erect nipples were sticking out of her tight shirt.

Miles stood up. He could tell it was time. He stood face to face with Anna. Anna's lower lip trembled. Miles leaned over and kissed her. Anna responded with passion. Her lips felt soft and precious to Miles. He immediately got an erection.

They kissed for a long moment.

Then, Anna pulled back, with confusion and lust in her eyes. "I... I'm a married woman."

"Shhh," said Miles. He kissed her again. This time she groaned. He continued to kiss her, as he unbuttoned her shirt. Anna, feeling sexually aroused, didn't resist. Part of her mind said this was wrong, she knew this was wrong, but she felt an intense sexual need, a need which needed to be filled right now.

Miles was excited as he removed Anna's silky blouse. He felt the thrill of the hunt coursing through his blood. This wasn't like having sex in the cave; those had been eager, willing women. Nor had it been like having sex with women like Kate Witherspoon who already had riders; Anna was a woman with a completely free mind, a woman who, using his natural charm along with a little biological persuasion, would be a sexual conquest.

When Miles removed her silky shirt and saw her sexy dark bra, he smiled at her. Anna blushed. He reached behind her to unsnap her bra. As he removed it, he saw a tremendous look of vulnerability in Anna's eyes. She covered her breasts with her hands protectively.

Miles smiled at her and lowered her hands with his own. Anna didn't resist. Miles smiled again. He felt his penis getting harder. Each time he wore down another layer of resistance, each time he removed another layer of clothing, he felt more and more excited.

Miles looked at her bare breasts. They were beautiful. Not like Keiko's, more rounder then pointy, but Miles loved the variety, and loved the fact that after 20 years he could finally see differently shaped breasts. Of course, he had sampled a lot of females in the cave, but somehow it was different here, when he was seeing the breasts of a woman who just moments ago was so formally dressed.

Miles, staring her in the eyes, started to rub her breasts tenderly. Anna's mouth opened and she gave a silent gasp. Then Miles leaned over and put his mouth over one of her teats.

In moments Anna was rocking back and forth as Miles gave her sexual pleasure. Her state of arousal was high now. Her clitoris felt like it was on fire. She was fully infected by the pheromones. She needed release, and she needed it soon.

And so when Miles, still smiling, undid the clasp on her skirt and lowered it to the floor, she didn't resist. Nor did she resist when he lowered her panties. Miles was so excited to undress another woman. It was so long since he had done this that he had forgotten the sheer thrill of anticipation. Miles realized he had the Hive to thank for this; without the Hive, he would have been stuck with sex twice a week with the same woman for the rest of his life.

Miles didn't look at Anna's body as he finished undressing her. He stayed focused on her beautiful dark eyes, on her shy smile. But even as he looked into her eyes, Anna felt his fingers moving gently over her, into her, and this time she gasped aloud. But she didn't tell him to stop. She couldn't. Miles's fingers traced over her clitoris, with a promise of things to come. Anna shivered. The smell of Miles' masculine scent was so thick in the air that one could almost cut it with a knife.

Miles felt his penis vibrating slightly in his trousers as Anna spread her legs a bit to accommodate his touch. With that ever so subtle gesture, she had signaled her full surrender, and they both knew it. Miles forgot about the morality of what he was doing; he just loved the feeling of seduction, of conquest. As he rubbed his fingers gently into her, he knew he was going to have her, and the thought excited him like no other.

Anna watched as Miles undressed himself. He was in his late 30's so she judged, but his body was in good shape. Better than good shape. Excellent shape. He was built like a marathon runner.

And when she saw his penis, she gasped. It was enormous; thicker, meatier than any penis she had ever seen. And there was something about his balls, bigger, but also, also, something odd about the veins in them...

And then Miles was taking her by the hands, and leading her to the couch. As he did so she gasped when he momentarily turned his back to her. She saw something on his back. Something round. Something alive. It pulsated.

"What's that?" Anna whispered.

"That's my rider," said Miles gently. He lay her down on the couch, and then pinned her down with his body on top of hers.

"What... what is it?" said Anna.

Miles started to rub against her body and kiss her face and neck. "It is wonderful. It is the most beautiful thing in the world."

"I... I don't understand," said Anna, her mind caught in the feverish grips of sexual arousal. She needed Miles, between her legs, inside her, right now, but that thing on his back....

"Everything will become clear very soon," said Miles soothingly. He realized how far he had come. At first he had merely impregnated willing women back at the Hive. Then he had trained women who wore immature riders. But now he was seducing and bringing women into the Hive whether they wanted to come or not. Miles wouldn't have done such a thing even a week or two weeks ago. But ever since his rider had gotten its second band he felt a sharp increase in clarity. Everything he was doing was for the good.

Miles started to rub his penis against Anna's clitoris. Anna noticed he had a glowing green symbol on the head of it and his penis was oddly shaped. But all questions about that went out the window as she felt herself so wonderfully stimulated. She gasped and spread her legs further, desperate for sexual relief.

"It is time," said Miles, smiling at her as he saw Anna nod ever so slightly in response. Anna took a deep breath and her chest rose and sank excitedly as Miles raised himself up and slid into her, slowly but surely, inch by inch.

Anna winced as she adjusted to his size. He was so big! But Miles went slowly, and soon he was all the way within her. He held still for a moment, and smiled at her. She smiled back at him, loving the sensation.

Miles started to move back and forth. Anna loved the feeling, and yet... "This is wrong," she whispered.

Miles continued to move as if he hadn't heard her.

"Miles, this is wrong," Anna said again.

"How can this be wrong?" Miles asked. "It's what we were made for." He started to thrust more rapidly. "Doesn't it make you feel good?"

"Oh, yes!" Anna whisper-cried. The smell of Miles musky scent was still strong in her nostrils. It was driving her wild. She felt Miles's thick penis withdraw and then reenter her. "But Miles, my husband..."

"I'm going to give you a gift," said Miles. He started to thrust more rapidly. "An incredible gift. A gift you can share with him. A gift which will bring the both of you closer together."

Anna was confused. How could sex with Miles bring her closer to Worth, her husband? "What... what kind of gift?" Anna gasped. She was getting close to her peak, and she sensed Miles was too.

"Something beautiful. Something wonderful," Miles assured her. And then he cried out and gave one last thrust, and started to release inside of her.

Miles's heartfelt cry drove Anna over the edge, and she spasmed, even as she felt his penis throb powerfully within her. It felt like more than a typical ejaculation, much more. Anna hugged him as they came together, as she felt the liquid seeping deep inside of her.

Afterwards, as they lay side by side, Anna played with his balls and penis. "I have never... not with another man. Not since I was married."

"And now you will. And it will be all right. Even your husband will approve," said Miles.

Anna laughed. That was pretty unlikely. She toyed with the head of his penis, looking at his Hive Mark. "What... what is this?"

"It's my Slave Mark," said Miles, smiling at her. He liked how she touched him. His penis, though deflated, was still sensitive to the touch.

"I don't understand," Anna whispered.

"You will," said Miles. "Once you join the Hive, you'll get a mark too."

Anna laughed, even as she began to feel lightheaded. "You're not going to brand me!"

"You'll want it more than anything," Miles promised. He reached out and touched her just above her slit. "They'll put it right... here, and it will look so beautiful on you that you'll wish you always had it."

Anna looked at him with confusing spreading across her face. Then she grabbed her head. "Something's happening... I can feel...."

"Just try to relax," said Miles, putting an arm around her.

"No!" said Anna. "Something's happening, something....oh... oh... oooohhhhh," She gasped for a moment, and her breasts heaved up and down so beautifully as her mind was taken. Then she blinked rapidly, and her face grew blank.

"What are you?" Miles said.

"I am HiveFlesh," said Anna.

"What is your purpose?" Miles asked.

"To ovulate, have my eggs fertilized, and to expand the Hive," said Anna.

"Very good," said Miles. "Now tonight when you go home you can share your new gift with your husband. Then both of you will come to the cave."

"The cave?" said Anna, blinking, as if waking from a deep sleep.

"You'll know," said Miles. He gave her one last kiss. He found her as willing as the first.

Miles was given a number of women in important positions to Infect over the next few weeks. His misgivings about bringing an unwilling women into the Hive had evaporated. The thrill of taking a woman who was not his, and making her attracted to him, slowly wearing down her defenses, stripping her nude, and making love to her, putting his seed deep within her, excited Miles tremendously; it was the thrill of the hunt, the thrill of the sexual conquest, an experience he hadn't felt since he had seduced and bedded Keiko, so many years ago. But that was not his only work for the Hive.

Within three more weeks, Miles had seduced and inseminated dozens of women, successfully bringing all of them into the Hive. Miles didn't know which he liked better, coming inside of them, or watching the expressions change on their faces when they became HiveFlesh. He felt very masculine and powerful. He was in a position he never dreamed possible; he was seducing and having sex with dozens of women. This is what men were meant for, he reflected as he thrusted in and out of a blonde beauty with large breasts who worked for World Government Internal Security, watching her breasts bounce every which way as he banged and infected her. Men were meant to take women, to make them his own, and to spread their seed far and wide. This is what his body was made for, and Miles was immensely grateful for the opportunity presented to him by the Hive.

Sometime during the course of these 21 days his rider developed its third gold ring. But Miles never noticed. He was enjoying himself too much.

But Melinda did notice the change in him. One day she called him in. "How are you doing, my love?" she asked, giving him a kiss as she pressed her breasts and pubis against him. She felt him get an erection and smiled, even as he kissed her back.

"I'm doing wonderfully," said Miles.

"I've heard," said Melinda. "You've been making your insemination quotas days ahead of schedule."

"I love my work," said Miles. "I love bringing others into the Hive."

"That's good," said Melinda. "But it's been more than eight weeks since you joined us."

Miles got a puzzled look.

"Remember, I promised to let you go after you had served us for eight weeks?"

Miles suddenly remembered. But it felt like an experience from another life.

"What's wrong, Miles? Having second thoughts?" Melinda said, running a finger across his chest, scraping his nipples.

"I... I want to stay in the Hive."

"Why, Miles?" she said, staring intently at him.

"I was made to fertilize," said Miles. "Only the Hive lets me reach my full potential as a human male, to fertilize females of my species in large numbers."

Melinda studied him for a moment, then nodded approvingly. "But what about your family, Miles?"

Miles shrugged. "They'll be all right."

Melinda smiled. "You're right about that. Follow me."

She led him to a room where a group of young, sexy teenage girls were standing in line. A young man was having sex with the first woman in line. Miles recognized him immediately.

"Hey Dad!" Robert cried out as soon as he saw his father. He was pounding into a young blonde girl his own age even as he spoke.

"What're you doing?"

"I'm training these girls," said Robert. He looked down at the girl beneath him. "You want to be enslaved by the Hive."

"I want to be enslaved by the Hive," the girl repeated.

Miles looked questioningly at the long line of girls. They all had single banded riders, as far as he could tell. They were all nude and all eager with anticipating, shifting on their legs impatiently and giving sly smiles as they waited for their turn. Miles looked at his son, his only son, making love to the blonde girl underneath him. He watched Robert's rider pulsating on his back as the muscles in his ass contracted and expanded, contracted and expanded. The golden band on his rider gleamed brightly. The rider that Keiko had made for him in a night of passion, a night of passion that Miles had incidently participated in. The memory of Robert's taking, of Trisha sucking on Mile's shaft, gave him a shameful tingling down there.

"Robert is proving to be one of our best trainers." Melinda casually fingered the tip of his penis, as if it belonged to her. She looked at him meaningfully and smiled as she lingered on his Slave Mark. "You should be proud."

His penis stiffened. "I am."


She led him to another chamber.

The chamber that Melinda led him to was dimly lit, and at first he thought it was empty, until a familiar face stepped forward.

"Keiko," said Miles.

"Miles," she said.

They looked at each other for a long moment. Ever since Keiko had finished training Robert, she had moved out and worked full time at the Hive. Miles hadn't seen her since. Her thick dark hair, firm leg muscles and pointed titties made Miles realize how much he missed her. They instinctively embraced each other at the same time.

"I'll leave you to talk," said Melinda, stepping away.

Talking was interspersed with kissing. "Oh, Miles, I'm so sorry," she said, between hot and heavy kisses. "The Hive made me do it. They told me it was part of your training."

"I know," said Miles.

"But I miss you, I missed you so much," said Keiko. Her lips were all over him, his cheeks, his chin, his mouth. "Do you miss me, Miles?"

"Yes," said Miles.

"Then show me. Show me how much you miss me, Miles." She pulled him downwards, onto the spongy floor.

It felt like years rather than weeks since he had made love to his wife. As Miles thoroughly enjoyed moving in and out of her tight, warm vagina, images flashed through his mind. Of Keiko making love to other men. Of Keiko making love to Robert. Of Keiko's mocking smiles and derisive comments.

But now it was all back to normal. Keiko was once again his loving wife. Miles gasped, and found himself releasing into her with an enormously satisfied feeling. "Ahhhh," he whispered, as she smiled.

"Is all forgiven, Miles?"

Miles nodded.

For the next three days Keiko sought him out every day in the Hive to have sex with him. It touched him deeply. However much she had been changed by the Hive, her love for him was still constant. No matter how many women he made love to that day before or afterwards, he always loved his time with Keiko.

But then, on the fourth occasion when they made love, and were lying together afterwards, enjoying the feeling of release, Keiko stiffened oddly, and touched her belly.

"What?" said Miles.

She gave a mysterious grin. "I think you did it."

"Did what?" said Miles.

"Got me pregnant, Miles," said Keiko.

"Pregnant?" said Miles.

"That was my latest assignment," said Keiko proudly. "To get pregnant, by you."

"By me specifically?"

"Uh huh," said Keiko. "I had a special egg put into me before we got started."

"What kind of egg?"

"A special one." She kissed him tenderly. "I know we're just going to create the most beautiful baby together." And then she got up and left.

Miles' suspicions only solidified in the following days. Keiko no longer sought him out for sex. Her entire affect had been an act. He had seen that she, like him, wore a triple banded rider now. But while he still retained his love for her, Keiko's love for him apparently had been wiped clean. It had all been an act to milk him of his seed. Once again, he was being manipulated by the Hive.

Six days later, Keiko grunted and cried out as she squeezed a slick greenish pod out of her vagina. Her vaginal lips spread to accommodate it but it was still painful. She gasped with satisfaction as it finally emerged.

"Very good, Keiko," said Melinda. "You have done well."

"You've already made hundreds of copies of Miles. Why do you need one more?" Keiko asked, her neck and collarbone glistening with sweat.

"This one will be special," Melinda promised.

Every day the pod grew in side, horizontally but mostly vertically, until it was nearly six feet tall. And it had a glow coming from inside. By the fifth day Keiko could see that her baby was going to be a female, fully sexually mature. She could see breasts being formed and even pubic hair between the legs. The face, however, was obscured.

On the seventh day a vertical line appeared down the middle of the cocoon and Keiko's baby was born. She stepped out of the pod, her body covered in a thin layer of slime, but her baby was immediately recognizable.

It was an identical copy of Keiko.

"Hello, Mother," said the other Keiko, grabbing Keiko's wrist. "I have so looked forward to meeting you."

When Miles got home that night, he was surprised to find Keiko there, wearing a beautiful white dress. "What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I live here," she said, kissing him. "What about you?" she asked teasingly.

Miles didn't know what to say. He hadn't seen Keiko since the day he had impregnated her.

She kissed him again.

"What is this about? Do you want me to get you pregnant again?" Miles growled.

"Nope," she said, kissing him again. She pressed her firm Japanese American breasts against her chest and grinded her pubis against him. "I just missed my husband. Is that a crime now?"

Logically, Miles had to know that Keiko was playing games with him again. She wanted something from him, he just didn't know what it was. But as his rider filled him with sexual need, he found himself returning her kisses.

"Make love to me, Miles," she said, between kisses. "Make love to me. I want to feel you inside me, like the very first time."

Miles, feeling overcome with lust, nodded. "Why not?" he said.

He was grinning widely as he led himself be led by the hand to the master bedroom.​
Next page: Chapter 14
Previous page: Chapter 13.1