Chapter 17.1

His name was Bernard.

(Not that it mattered.)

For several days, Heather had Marion copulate with a number of different males. She did so with enthusiasm and without a trace of her former reticence.

The old Marion would have been totally mortified about having sex with complete strangers. The new Marion welcomed it.

"Why hello there," said Marion, completely nude, as she walked over and gave Bernard a passionate kiss. Bernard responded. He was a tall, muscular man with a goatee. Marion smiled up at him. "I have been assigned to you."

"And I have been assigned to you," Bernard grinned.

"Then we'd better get busy, shouldn't we?" said Marion.

In moments she was riding up and down on Bernard's penis, her breasts bouncing every which way, making small grunting sounds as she felt his shaft rub against her inner walls. She felt the warmth of the rider on her back and its tendrils in her mind. She was making love to a handsome, muscular, virile man, a complete stranger coursing in and out of her vagina. Except he wasn't a complete stranger; they were both in the same family. The Hive.

It felt so good. It all felt so very good.

Heather came in to watch as Marion closed on her climax. Marion didn't even pause or hesitate, but kept riding Bernard, only briefly looking up to smile and wink at Heather. Marion felt totally uninhibited. She would have sex with any man the Hive wanted, even if people were watching. The shy housewife was a distant memory. She was a completely different woman now.

"How does it feel?" Heather asked.

"Wonderful," Marion grinned, as she bounced up and down on Bernard's penis. "This is my purpose in life."

"Yes, it is," said Heather, not hiding her own pleasure at Marion's conversion. She watched Bernard's hard shaft disappear inside of Marion's vagina and reappear. Marion didn't show even a hint of reticence or shame.

Marion was only concerned about completing her assignment I must make Bernard climax inside of me. I must make him climax for the Hive. Marion obediently clenched her vaginal muscles, giving Bernard the equivalent of a close fisted massage. He cried out with pleasure.

"I'm getting close," said Marion, her face twisting up.

"Me too," Bernard gasped.

"Ah... Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Marion cried, and a moment later Bernard did too, as he filled her with her sperm.

Marion was a married woman who had been faithful to her husband Paul all her life. But none of that mattered now. She had a new identity, a more important one.

To serve the Hive.

"Thank you," she whispered, giving Bernard a gentle kiss as she felt his sperm dribble inside of her. He smiled in appreciation.

Marion stood up casually and stretched her long, shapely legs in front of Heather. As she did drops of sperm came out of her vaginal lips. When Heather came forward, Marion gave her a hug, not caring about the stickiness on her pubis.

"You're doing so well, dear," said Heather. "How do you feel?"

"I feel wonderful," said Marion, smiling broadly. "I want to have sex with more men. I want to be filled with sperm. I want to have my eggs quickened so I can create Hivelife, and to bring new people into the Hive."

"Very good, Marion," said Heather approvingly. Marion was obviously ready for the next step in her development as HiveFlesh.

Heather said, "You know Marion, your rider can split, during sex, to create a second rider."

"I know," said Marion, remembering how her own rider was born on Christopher's back. She shivered, remembering how she had leaned against the wall, totally helpless, begging Chloe to give her a master.

"We want you to practice doing that," said Heather.

"Me?" said Marion.

"We want you to copulate with a new inductee into the Hive," said Heather. "While you have sex with him, have your rider split, and then give him the new rider." She saw the look on Marion's face. "Is there a problem?"

"Does this person I'll be... intimate with, does he want a rider?"

"As much as you did when you decided to take one," said Heather.

"Oh," said Marion.

"Is that a problem?" Heather asked again.

Marion thought about her family. She had to do this for them. "No."

Marion's assigned sex partner was a red headed 22 year old young man named Charles. Charles already had a worm wrapped around the head of his penis. He had "agreed" to take a rider, but only to protect his girlfriend Monica from being brought into the Hive.

But Charles was by no means anxious for it. He had been held in a chamber within the Hive for hours, stripped naked, and forced to agree to take a rider. He half-wondered if once he took a rider he would be used to give one to Monica as well.

Marion entered the chamber, walking past a pair of silent harem guards. Like Charles, she was totally nude, and not in the least bit self conscious about it. Charles' jaw dropped open as he saw Marion walk in. She was simply gorgeous. Her smile, her perfectly framed dark hair, her big, pouting breasts, her sleek body, all reeked of sensuality. Even the way she walked, one leg in front of the other, making her pubic bush form a tight triangle between her legs as she walked up to him, was intensely erotic.

"Why hello there," said Marion, with a smile that practically made Charles melt. Suddenly, the fear of being taken by a rider was the last thing on his mind.

"H-hi," said Charles.

Marion took his hand and looked into his eyes. "You must be Charles. My name is Marion."

"M-Marion," said Charles.

"Yes," Marion smiled. "I'm so delighted to meet you." She smiled as she saw him shiver. Marion studied his face for a moment, and then leaned forward to kiss him. There was no longer any shame or embarrassment; she had serviced too many men for the Hive to feel that now. As they kissed, Charles felt her large breasts pressed against him, and his penis grew stiff and erect.

When Marion pulled back, she looked down at his penis. "I can see you have a problem there. Does it hurt you?" She reached out and gently caressed his penis, being careful not to touch the worm wrapped around the head of it. She looked at Charles with compassion.

"I... no... a bit," said Charles.

"A bit, then," said Marion. "Well, Charles, I'm here to make love to you and give you your very first rider. Are you ready for that?" She continued to caress his shaft. Her touch was electric.

"I... I guess so," said Charles. He didn't want a rider, but he had to do it for Monica, and... Marion was simply so incredibly sexy! The worm on the tip of his organ inflamed his sexual desire.

"You guess so," said Marion, frowning slightly. She eased him down on his back, and then proceeded to mount him. She lifted his erect penis up and played with its length for a moment and smiled. Marion loved penises now. All penises. She was the goddess of sex.

"What are you going to do?" Charles asked anxiously.

"The oldest and most enjoyable pastime in the world," Marion assured him, speaking the words that instantly appeared in her mind. She inserted his penis into her, and then started riding him up and down.

"Ahhh," said Charles immediately, making Marion smile.

"It feels good, doesn't it?" said Marion.

"Yes," said Charles, and he was delighted when Marion gave him a sexy wink.

Now she had Charles exactly where she wanted him. But Marion had never caused her rider to split before. How exactly was she to do this?

Marion heard her rider whisper something in her head, something too soft to hear. She started moving up and down on Charles's penis more vigorously. She took deeper and deeper breaths. Her heart beat more rapidly. Her muscles started to ache with exertion. Her thighs and ass cheeks flexed. Her arm muscles ached as she anchored her hands to the ground around him. Suddenly, she felt her rider starting to get hot on her back. In moments it was bubbling.

My first reproduction! Marion thought excitedly. As she fucked Charles, she felt her rider sapping her chemical energy. It was tiring, but also felt good. Her nipples got hard at the thought of her rider using her body, using it to nourish itself, to bring new Hive Life into the world. It had been years since she had last been a new mother, and she never thought to experience it again. She felt her rider bubbling and expanding on her back. She felt the impulse to fuck Charles even harder.

Charles groaned with the sudden increase of intensity. Marion sensed her rider was almost able to split. Someone watching from behind would have seen Marion's strong back and round ass cheeks bouncing up and down, while the rider between her shoulder blades bubbled and expanded. She looked so incredibly sexy as she worked all the harder to create a new master from her own flesh and blood, transferring life energy from her own exertions to help her rider reproduce.

"Ooooh!" Marion cried out. Charles felt enormously flattered as he saw Marion moan and shudder while riding him.

"Did you... did you come?" Charles whispered, even as she continued to move up and down on his shaft.

Marion shook her head as she dripped sweat from her nose. She gave him a mysterious smile. "No. It was something even better than that." Her sweaty, heavy breasts continued to bob up and down. "My rider is almost finished reproducing. It's almost ready for you."

Charles frowned. He had agreed to take a rider, under pressure, but now was having second thoughts. "I'm... I'm not sure I want to do this," he said.

"Not sure?" said Marion, frowning slightly.

"Please stop it... please stop it from splitting."

"I'm so sorry, Charles. It's... too late for that," Marion said, gasping wildly, as she felt her rider beginning to split into two.

As Marion worked her body as energetically as she could to assist her reproducing rider on her back, she thought about how she had given birth to Rachel, and Ryan and Susan. And now she was being given a chance to bring something new into the world, something superior. Marion was sweating buckets, her heart pounding wildly as her soaked ass cheeks bounced up and down, but she moved as hard as she could. The Hive demands it.

A small,distracting part of her told her that what she was doing was terrible, but she brushed it off; she felt so euphoric! Suddenly Marion stiffened as her rider finished splitting into two. "Aaaaaah!" Marion cried out.

Reproduction had occurred!

At that moment Marion looked incredible. Her eyes were glassy; her face covered in healthy sweat, and her breasts bouncing in every conceivable direction as her rider rewarded her for her efforts. On her back, there were now two riders: a larger half, with a gold band, and a smaller half, without one, all from the fruits of Marion's sexy body, lodging on Marion's slick, sweaty back above her firm, rounded ass cheeks glistening with wetness. "Ooooh, that felt so good!" she breathed.

In a way she felt like she had just given birth. I have just created new life! Hive life! Marion's mind was filled with joy and horror. She had reproduced and expanded the Hive. A small part of her was disgusted; but a large part, the much larger part, was incredibly pleased.

How could I do this? She asked herself.

It was what I was made for, she answered, feeling reassured.

This minor duality didn't stop her from continuing to bounce up and down on Charles' penis, not for a second. She felt her arms moving to wrap behind the back of Charles's neck. It was time for her offspring, the flesh of her flesh, to rise up and take control of Charles' mind.

She felt the newborn start to travel down her right arm, which was connected to Charles's shoulder.

"No, please no," said Charles, his eyes wide as he watched the rider slowly move down her arm.

He doesn't want it! I'm going to take someone into the Hive against his will!

"Shhh, it will be all right," Marion heard herself say, as she continued to ride on his penis. His hardness inside her felt reassuring. Sex with a man, any man, now felt so wonderful. Ever since her brain had been reprogrammed, she loved having sex with any adult male with an erection. But even as her rider told her this, the cognitive dissonance in her brain still struggled, restrained in a cage of her rider's making.

"No, I don't want this. I changed my mind," said Charles.

"Think of your girlfriend. You're doing this for her," said Marion.

"I'm scared," said Charles reluctantly, watching the rider progress down her arm.

I don't want to do this! Marion thought. And yet, part of her, a growing part of her did.

"I'm sorry... but we have to finish," Marion whimpered, in a very sexy way. She was the dominant in this situation, and yet, at the same time, she was also the lesser. She was every bit a captive to this process as Charles was, even as she felt his penis piston in and out of her. Her newborn rider was on her hand now, right next to Charles. It was all out of her control now.

"No!" Charles cried.

And then the rider jumped off her hand, onto Charles's shoulder. He cried out and grew stiff.

Marion's rider rewarded her with another tremendous orgasm. Her cunt exploded around Charles's shaft as she watched Charles cry out and grab his head in pain. "Oh, Charles!" Marion yelled joyfully.

And then, a moment later, he was blank faced.

Charles blinked. "I... I...."

"Yes?" Marion smiled. "What are you?"

"I am Hiveflesh," said Charles.

"Welcome to the Hive, lover." Marion chuckled and grinded her vagina against Charles, rapidly finishing him off inside of her.

Marion returned to Heather with very mixed feelings. She had let herself be reprogrammed to enjoy sex with other men. That was no longer the problem. Part of her, a small part, had been uncomfortable bringing Charles into the Hive, especially when he appeared to change his mind at the last moment. But on the other hand, it all felt so good. When the rider split on her back, she had had the most intense orgasm of her life. It was an experience she would love to feel again. But the only way to do that was to reproduce, and spread the Hive. As her rider intended.

"How did it go?" Heather asked, smiling as Marion returned to report.

"It's done," said Marion simply.

Heather looked at Marion's expression. "You'll get used to it. Get ready because you'll be doing another one tomorrow."

"Another one?"

"We have a young man. He himself is not important, but he is the son of an important politician, and we want an entry into his family, through him and then his mother and eventually his father," said Heather. "You'll enjoy him, he's only 18, and very cute." She looked down at a datapad.

"Does he... does he want to join the Hive?"

"I'm sure he will," said Heather. "Everyone would, if they knew what being part of the Hive meant." She looked up at Marion with firm eyes. "Wouldn't they, Marion?"

"Yes. Yes, of course," said Marion.

Marion tossed and turned all night. She didn't know what to do. She didn't want to take someone against their will. Part of her was saying that it was natural, that this is what she was meant for. Marion's body was built for sex, and her rider was made to control her. They were doing what they were meant to do. But another part of her mind thought this was simply wrong.

Marion obediently reported to the cave the following morning, stripped off her clothes, and went to see Heather. Heather welcomed her with a hug, pressing breasts against breasts and pubis against pubis in a very feminine way. She smiled as she rubbed her pubic hair against Marion's nether lips, and saw her blush. "Your young man is waiting for you in the fourth chamber. Are you ready?"

Marion suddenly broke down, and started to whimper. "No, I'm not!" she said. "Please, please don't make me do this," she said.

Heather got up and hugged Marion. "There there, it's all right! Really, it is!"

"No, it's not," said Marion. "I don't want to bring anyone into the Hive against their will."

"But... don't you love the Hive?"

"I do," said Marion sincerely. "I love being a Hive slave. I love giving my body to the Hive. But I think everyone should have a choice." She looked at Heather with tears in her eyes. "You say I'm here to spread the Hive. Fine. Can't I have more children? Won't that fulfill my function?"

Heather gave her a stern look. "It is not for HiveFlesh to determine its function in the Hive, Marion. Yes, your prime function is to spread the Hive. But the Hive determines how you spread it. We have women here who are impregnated to create more of us. But we also have women who go out and spread the Hive to other people. There is more than one way to be fruitful and multiply."

"I just... I just don't know if I can do it," said Marion, between sobs.

Heather patted her back, just below her rider. She noticed that Marion's rider still only had one band. Once she got her second ring, Marion's anxieties would fade away, she knew. "You don't have to."

"I don't?" said Marion.

"Silly girl, of course not," said Heather, looking into her eyes.

Marion's eyes lit up. "Oh! Oh thank you, Heather! I'll do anything you want, anything else-"

"We'll simply take your family instead," said Heather. "You have a husband and two, or was it three children, I believe?"

"No," said Marion.

Heather raised her datapad. "I can call Chloe and Stephan right now. They can bring them all in."

"No, please," said Marion desperately. "All right, I'll do it! I'll do it!"

"Are you sure?" Heather asked."I wouldn't want you to feel you were unfairly pressured into doing it."

"No, no, I will," said Marion desperately. "My function is to spread the Hive. I love being in the Hive! I love being a slave! I will perform my function." She tried to take refuge in her prime directive.

"All right," said Heather. She smiled. "The young man's name is Billy. He's waiting for you."

Marion nodded and walked to the other chamber. Suddenly she stopped and leaned against a cave wall. She willed herself to give into her rider. She would have to, to be in the right frame of mind to do what needed to be done.

Marion opened her mind willingly to her rider. She felt it pulsating reassuringly on her back. She immediately calmed down. She took deep, easy breaths which made her melons heave. Marion started to rub her hands over her breasts, her thighs, and then her pubis. She was a beautiful woman in the sexual prime of her life. There was nothing to be afraid of. She was serving the Hive, and fulfilling her prime function.

Suddenly she felt herself awash in self confidence. Giving a sexy smile, she started walking again, but this time more sensually, wiggling her hips and ass.

When she got to the chamber, she found her latest sex partner, a boy named Billy.

Billy was a handsome blonde 18 year old. He was pacing nervously in a chamber being guarded by two Harem Guards. The guards barely acknowledged Marion as she walked past them into the room.

"Hel-lo, Billy," said Marion, in a low, musical voice, as she wiggled her hips and walked slowly towards him. As she walked she rubbed her thighs together and felt her pubic hair between them. It made her feel powerful and womanly. Soon she would feel Billy inside of her, and he would have no choice in the matter.

"What... what do you want? What am I doing here?" Billy asked. Billy was a skinny young man, so skinny his ribs were showing. His penis looked similarly slender. Marion tried to hide her disappointment. He was little more than a boy, even younger than her own son Ryan. Still, he would serve well once he had been brought into the Hive.

"I'm here to give you your rider," said Marion, in that same seductive musical voice. Suddenly, she realized she had no idea how she was going to get Billy to cooperate. But then she started to smell a musky, feminine scent. She vaguely recognized it as her own, but it was much more powerful.

"To give me a what?"

Marion turned around and showed him her rider. Billy gasped as he saw the banded pulsating mass between her shoulder blades. Marion turned to face him again and smiled broadly.

"You want to put one of those things on me?"

"It's not a thing," said Marion, taking a sensual step forward. "It's my lover. And soon it will be yours too." She took another step and smiled knowingly at him. The smell of her feminine scent was growing stronger. Billy started to inhale more deeply.

"You... you're not putting one of those things on me."

Marion just stood there and gave him an amused look. Billy stared at her, with her mysterious dark eyes, her enormous pouty breasts, her strong muscular thighs, and her thick triangle of pubic hair. She was the sexiest woman he had ever seen. Despite the knowledge of what she was there for, what she was about to do, Billy's penis started to become erect. Watching it assemble itself was one of the most ego building and exciting sights Marion had ever seen. She reached out to touch his shoulder, and he flinched.

"I just want to touch you, Billy," said Marion, in that same deep, sexy voice, as she reached out again and caressed his body. This time Billy let her. He was breathing heavily now, inhaling even more of pheromones which were gaining control of his system. So was Marion. That smell was making her sexually excited. She got close to Billy, and then kissed him.

"Don't you want to join the Hive?" she whispered, looking deep into his eyes.

"No, I don't!" Billy cried, even as his thinking grew foggy.

"Why not?" Marion asked, letting a hand rub up and down his arm. "You'll love it so much," she said, giving him a look which made him shiver as her hand moved down to his legs.

"I just don't," said Billy, rapidly losing his nerve.

Marion started to toy with his erection. The slightest touch was electric and made Billy gasp. Marion ran her fingers up and down it idly while looking him in the eyes, again with that little smile, which excited him even more. "All right Billy. Would you like me to make love to you?"

"To... make love to me?"

"Yes," said Marion, looking up at him innocently as she continued to masturbate him lightly. However lightly she touched him her touch was so erotic, her smile so potent, that Billy felt like he was on the edge of coming. "Wouldn't you like to feel yourself inside me? To come inside my body, to fill me with your sperm?"

Marion didn't have to ask twice. Billy, overcome by the pheromones, nodded vigorously. He knew, they both knew what that meant, but Billy was so twisted up with need that he couldn't say no.

Marion smiled, and pulled Billy down to the spongy ground, laying him on his back. She quickly mounted him, spreading her powerful thighs outside of his. Billy's eyes grew wide as he saw the rich, thick dark triangle of pubic curls from thigh to thigh. It made Marion look so mature, so womanly, so in charge.

"You're so sexy," Billy couldn't help but whisper.

"I am?" said Marion, sounding pleased.

"Yes," said Billy helplessly.

Marion smiled down at the young man as she took his penis gently in her hand. "I guarantee you, you are simply going to love this." Marion smoothly and adeptly inserted him inside herself. Then she began to ride him, as rapidly and as vigorously as she could, to give her rider the energy it needed to split. Very soon her rider started to bubble on her back as it drained energy from her body.

Ooooooh. It felt as good as it had with Charles. Better even. A wave of sexual pleasure washed over her nipples and clitoris.

Marion started to pant as her rider began to split. Billy recognized what that meant.

"Please don't do it," said Billy. "Please, don't."

"I'm sorry, Billy, but I have to. I know how much you'll love it, though." Marion's voice was low and musical and her eyes were shining with an alien light as she continued to move up and down on his shaft. She felt a pang of regret in her mind, which was quickly overwhelmed by a tidal wave of joy as she felt her rider expanding, preparing to split. Something told her that more strenuous exertions were required to give her rider the energy it needed, and she started to bounce up and down more rapidly, accelerating her blood flow and muscular exertion. The head of Billy's penis stimulated her wonderfully, making her heart pound harder and her blood flow faster. Marion's rider rewarded her richly for her efforts, flooding her body with endorphins and pheromones.

Her rider began to split. The feeling of it splitting was paired with intense pleasure in her vagina and nipples. Her mind was rapidly learning to associate her rider reproducing with intense sexual pleasure. And the knowledge that she was expanding the Hive, that she was enslaving a fellow member of the human race, made her clitoris and nipples so sensitive that they felt like they were glowing.

"Oh.. Oooh... Oooooh," Marion moaned. She felt a viscous fluid come out of the bottom of her rider, sliding into her ass crack, and lubricating her asshole as her rider rapidly expanded. The slick caustic flood caused her to pump even harder.

That last burst of extra exertion did the trick. Marion gasped as she felt her rider splitting into two separate beings. Reproduction had occurred! Marion smiled triumphantly as she was treated to the most exquisite orgasm. Her eyes rolled up into her head, her body spasmed back and forth, and her breasts shook and shuddered so beautifully as she enjoyed her rich reward. She moaned for a long moment.

Marion slowly started to come down from her sexual high. She felt the new rider moving on her back. She rubbed her hands against her large melons and smiled. She felt so sexually mature, so womanly. She had created new Hivelife!

She leaned forward, gasping as she abruptly changed the angle of penetration, making Billy's penis penetrate her in a different way, so that his head rubbed more directly against her inner walls. Billy groaned with pleasure. She pressed her lips against Billy's, turning his head to the left. She remembered how Charles had reacted when he saw his rider crawling down her arm, and something inside of her seemed to suggest that she turn his head away. And so when the new rider crawled down her arm, Billy was blissfully unaware, until all of a sudden he shifted his head, and saw it crawling down her arm.

His eyes went wide. "Please, please don't put that thing on me."

"I'm sorry," Marion said, even as she continued to ride his hard shaft. She felt tendrils in her mind, and she resumed speaking in her low, sexy voice as she smiled broadly. "But it's really for the best. The Hive demands it, and we have no choice but to obey."

"No," Billy cried. He tried to get free, but Marion pinned his wrists, never relenting, all the while continuing to ride his solid erection. Something in the pheromones seemed to sap Billy's ability to physically resist. He felt close to climaxing, and he couldn't push Marion off of him. He had to come first.

It was time. Marion ground her hips in a circular motion. Billy cried out as his penis erupted. As it did, the rider jumped from her arm onto his back, and Billy stiffened even as he continued to ejaculate inside of her. Marion smiled. She had timed it perfectly.

"My head! It's in my head!"

As she watched Billy join the Hive, Marion was rewarded with another wave of pleasure in her nipples and her cunt. But as Billy lay there, stone faced, and announced his allegiance to the Hive, Marion realized he was her first unwilling victim.

And he wouldn't be the last.

Afterwards, Marion reported back to Heather.

"Very good, Marion," said Heather, going behind her to rub her shoulders. She noticed Marion's rider was beginning to get larger, heavier. It wouldn't be long now before she got her second golden band. Once she was double banded Marion's rider would have even more control over her. "Were there any problems?"

"No," said Marion quietly. She was still uncomfortable that she took Billy against his will. "I... it was difficult to take him. He resisted somewhat. But when my rider split...."

"Yes?" Heather looked expectantly at her.

"It just felt so good," said Marion. "Heather, I have to know. Will it always feel that good when my rider reproduces?"

Heather gave Marion a hug. "It always will."

Marion smiled even as Heather pulled back.

"I think you're ready for the next step," said Heather, looking at Marion's body up and down. "Tomorrow report to your sister Chloe."


"She will give you your next few assignments." Heather looked down at her datapad, then up at Marion."That's all," she said, giving a tight smile.

"Dear! So good to see you!" Chloe gave Marion a big hug.

Marion looked at Chloe and Stephan with uncertain eyes. They had brought her into the Hive against her will. She wasn't quite sure how she felt about them. On the one hand, part of her enjoyed being HiveFlesh, working to expand the Hive. On the other hand, she felt constant anxiety about what the Hive was making her do. She had gotten used to having sex with other men. She had even adjusted, with mixed feelings, to Infecting people and bringing them into the Hive. But the Hive kept demanding more and more of her.

"I hear you've been making some excellent progress," said Chloe, giving her a knowing look.

"Yes," said Marion, feeling embarrassed. Did Chloe know about all the men she had had sex with?

"So how do you feel about being part of the Hive?"

"I love it," Marion said automatically. A little too automatically. Did she really say that?

Chloe grinned. "So would you like to thank me for introducing you to the Hive?"

Marion had a sudden memory of sobbing, completely naked, her hands against the wall, her legs obscenely spread, as Chloe put the rider on her back. "Yes," said Marion. "Thank you." She reached over and kissed Chloe on the cheek.

Chloe frowned. "That's not how you thank someone." She grabbed Marion and kissed her on the lips, hard and firm. As they kissed, Chloe's hands roamed her sister's body, her legs, her ribs, and her breasts. When she had taken her fill, she pulled away and smiled. "You're quite welcome, dear sister." Chloe then raised her voice. "Kids! Come and say hello to your Aunt Marion!"

"Oh, that's not necessary," said Marion. She remembered how Chloe's adult children had seen her nude the last time, when she had been forced to masturbate in front of them.

"Nonsense," said Chloe. "The kids would simply love to see you."

Christopher and Michelle entered the room. "Hey Aunt Marion," said Christopher. "You look different with clothes on!"

Chloe, instead of disciplining Christopher, picked up on his comment. "Yes, I think Christopher is right. Marion, would you remove your clothes, please?"

Marion froze."What is this all about, Chloe?"

"What it's about, Marion, is that the Hive is giving you an order. Or are you thinking of disobeying?"

Marion shook her head.

"Then must you make me ask twice?"

Chloe had a triumphant smile on her face as Marion pulled her blouse over her head. She slowly removed her skirt and pantyhose, aware that all eyes were on her. She put her hands on her bra, and looked at Chloe pleadingly. Chloe just frowned at her. Marion sighed and removed her bra. Her large breasts hung down in front of Chloe and her family. Then Marion hooked her thumbs into her panties and lowered them, revealing her lush dark pubic triangle. Paul had always told her that her thick pubic hair was the sexiest part of her. And now all eyes were on it, as well as the slit between her legs.

"Very good dear," said Chloe. "Children, see how far Aunt Marion has progressed? Last time she was afraid to take off her clothes in front of us. Now she's almost eager." She looked at Marion's face. "But that's not all that's changed, is it? How many men have had you since I saw you last, Marion?"

Marion didn't respond.

"One? Two? Three?"

Marion shook her head

"Five? Ten?"

Marion shook her head. "I... lost count."

"You lost count," Chloe said, smiling broadly. "My dears, for years my sister held herself up as pure as an angel. Nice girls didn't fool around with boys, she said. Perfect Marion never fooled around with boys, except the one she ended up marrying. But now Aunt Marion fools around with everyone, doesn't she, Aunt Marion?"

Marion bit her lip, and nodded.

"That's right. And I think I know why. Turn around, Aunt Marion. Turn around and show us your rider."

Marion obligingly turned around, completely nude. She felt no shame as she felt the eyes of Chloe and her family on her single banded rider.

"Yes... yes, it's starting to grow even more," said Chloe, caressing it gently. "That makes you happy, doesn't it, Marion?"

"Of course," said Marion, turning around with a smile. "I love serving the Hive."

"I'm glad to hear that," said Chloe. "Now, Marion, I'm going to give you your new assignment. But before I do, I want you down on your hands and knees on the sofa. Boys."

Marion watched as Chloe's husband Stephan and her son Christopher started removing their clothes. "Chloe, what's going on?"

"What's going on is that the Hive has given you an order, and you have not obeyed. Shall I tell Heather that you've been a disobedient little girl?"

Marion highly doubted that the Hive had ordered what was about to happen, but she couldn't take the chance. She climbed onto the sofa and got on her hands and knees. Chloe smiled as she stared at Marion's mature rider between her shoulder blades. It was controlling her now. And Marion found herself responding eagerly to every command. But even now, Marion was still only beginning to walk down the path that the Hive had set her on. When the Hive was done with her, Marion would become so different that she would no longer recognize her former self.

Chloe's husband Stephan, by now completely naked, went behind Marion. He put a casual hand on her ass. With his other, he started to stimulate himself.

"Please, no," Marion whimpered. But even as she protested, she felt her rider whisper something to her, and Marion raised her ass and spread her legs even more, to give Stephan an easier angle of entry.

"The Hive has new instructions for you, dear," said Chloe, standing in front of her even as her husband was behind her. "You are going to bring new people into the Hive."

"I've been doing that," said Marion.

"Not in the cave," said Chloe. "In your place of work." She gave a small nod to Stephan.

Marion was acutely aware how vulnerable she was on her hands and knees while Stephan stood nude behind her. "You want me to Infect people in World Government Security?" Marion asked. Suddenly, her eyes widened as she felt herself entered from behind. Marion's vagina was suddenly full of penis.

Marion turned her head to see Stephan, his hands on her ass, as he stood behind her, with a triumphant grin on his face. Slowly, he started to pump in and out of her vagina. Marion gasped as he filled her completely, then rapidly pulled out, and then, after a pause which allowed her to get used to the emptiness, entered her again.

"You are going to spread the Hive at your place of work," said Chloe firmly. "Dear sister, you were selected to join the Hive for two reasons. The first was your lovely and sexy body. Oh, don't deny it. Every man turns his head when he sees those gorgeous melons you have riding on your chest, no matter how thick and bulky your sweaters are."

As Chloe lectured her, Marion felt Stephan's penis continuing to penetrate her. She groaned as she was vigorously taken.

"The second reason you were selected was because of your job in data processing at World Government Security. We want access to that bureau."

"You want me to betray the World Government?" Marion gasped.

"Why not? You have already betrayed your marital vows, and your husband. This shouldn't be nearly as difficult. Imagine if Paul could see you now. Tell me, what would Paul think?"

A tear went down Marion's cheek. "He would be horrified."

Stephan was thrusting rapidly now. Chloe watched with fascination as Marion's breasts, hanging underneath her, started to jolt wildly in every direction. They were so large and heavy and beautiful. When they hung down like that they looked much more longer than wide, hanging like luscious eggplants from her chest. Marion's areolas were so big and red, and the nipples so long, so suckable. Marion cried out as she felt Stephan plowing within her. As Stephan used her roughly, he smiled as he admired the glistening rider on her back. He had the Hive to thank for this. He never would have had access to Chloe's sexy sister if she hadn't been taken by the Hive. Stephan found the pulsating banded rider on her back to be as sexy as Marion herself. It marked her as a piece of meat, a slave to be used.

"What would Paul call you if he saw you like this, if he saw my Stephan fucking you so hard?"

" A slut, and a... a whore," said Marion, as more tears streamed down her cheeks.

"A slut and a whore," Chloe nodded approvingly. "That is what you have become. Do you want us to tell him? Shall we record a holo, and send it to Paul?"

The mere suggestion of it sent a shiver down her spine. "No, please!" Marion cried. " He would leave me!"

"Yes, he would." Chloe smiled. "We will keep your sordid sexual secrets, Aunt Marion, all of them, but in return you must serve the Hive. You'll begin by bringing your friend Brian Johnson into the Hive," Chloe said.

"Brian? No! He's such a nice guy!" Marion cried.

"So? Shouldn't nice guys have a chance to join the Hive?" Chloe asked. "Marion dear, how did it feel when your rider split on your back?"

"Good," Marion grunted, her eyebrows shooting up as Stephan pulled out of her again.

"Good?" Chloe asked.

"Wonderful!" Marion gasped, as Stephan moved all the way inside her once more, before slowly pulling out again.

"What would you do to feel that way again?"

"Anything," said Marion immediately.

"Even bringing your good friend Brian into the Hive?"

"Yes," said Marion immediately.

"There you have it."

Marion gasped and nodded. She was becoming addicted to the sensation of her rider splitting. She would do almost anything to feel it. And then there was the matter of Paul. She had to keep her increasingly divergent dual lives separate at all cost!

Chloe smiled. "How are you doing, Stephan?"

Stephan gasped, his bearded face tightening. "I think... I think....." he gasped.

Stephan thrusted into Marion three times in a row, and then cried out. Marion felt his organ pulse and throb deep within her. In seconds, she felt his wetness, spraying deep inside her. Marion felt a wave of satisfaction.

She had been fertilized.

The Hive would be pleased.

As Stephan pulled out of her, Marion wearily started to get up.

"Not yet, dear. Christopher hasn't had his turn," said Chloe.

Marion looked back to see her 21 year old nephew grinning, wanking his erect penis, as he moved behind her.

She lowered her head, and prepared to obey. She was HiveFlesh.

It was all different now.

It was one thing to take someone into the Hive, even against their will, back in the cave. The cave was a controlled setting. The people Marion were Infecting were strangers.

But Marion knew Brian Johnson. He was a friend from work. Not just a friend, but her best friend at work. She had even playfully thought of him as her "work husband". And now she was about to betray that trust.

And the thought of it made nipples crinkle. She knew now that she would have no qualms about bringing Brian into the Hive. None at all.

Lately in the bathroom mirror Marion could see that her rider was starting to develop a second ring inside the first. She wondered what she would feel like when that happened. Would the rider take total control of her mind? Would there be enough of her left to even notice?​
Next page: Chapter 17.2
Previous page: Chapter 16.2