Chapter 21.1

The following evening Paul, who just got his rider the day before, was called on to make love to Chloe again. This time he kissed and fondled her without hesitation. They undressed each other and snuggled together on the couch like lovers. Indeed, they were becoming lovers, if they weren't already. Paul had shed all his inhibitions when it came to making love to Chloe, and surged in and out of her as if Marion wasn't even there.

As they engaged in coitus, Chloe started to drill him on key phrases. Marion recognized many of them.

"I want to be used by the Hive," Paul said obediently, as he pounded Chloe's pussy.

"You want your rider to control my mind."

"I... want my rider to control my mind," Paul said with only the slightest hesitation which made Chloe give a cold smile.

"You want to be used to fertilize women."

"I want to be used to fertilize women."

Chloe smiled as Paul repeated the words without any hesitation this time. "You want to be a fertilization drone," she repeated.

As Paul repeated the key phrases, Marion turned to Stephan and whispered in his ear. "What does Chloe mean by a fertilization drone?"

"A fertilization drone is a male assigned to fertilize females," said Stephan, experimentally squeezing one of Marion's ass cheeks

"But... all men in the Hive fit that description, don't they?" she whispered.

"In a sense," said Stephan, moving to squeeze the other ass cheek. "But fertilization drones fertilize women in volume." His hand moved between her legs. "Does that disturb you?"

Marion shook her head quickly. She watched as Paul continued to make love to Chloe. His ass moved back and forth and his rider, which looked significantly bigger now, was glistening with a clear liquid as it pulsated between his shoulder blades.

Paul repeated all the key phrases obediently, feeling the proper reward in his penis every time he complied, but when he was done he realized he had once again reached a certain point that he couldn't get past. He looked inquiringly at Chloe, and she smiled at him as if she could read his mind. "Marion, would you mind coming over here, dear?"

Marion slowly walked over to the couch.

"Marion dear, I think Paul is having some minor difficulty again," said Chloe innocently. "Would you like to help him come?"

"Of course," said Marion, in a neutral voice.

"Of course," Chloe repeated without irony. "Paul, dear, would you like to come now?"

"Very much so," Paul gasped. Chloe had been drilling him for close to an hour with the key phrases, and his deferred orgasm was starting to drive him crazy.

"Then tell her you don't love her."

"What?" said Paul and Marion, at the same time.

"Tell Marion you don't love her," said Chloe.

"No!" said Paul, and Marion felt a surge of pride in her breasts.

"If you want to come, you have to say it," said Chloe.

"No, please... I'll say anything else... but not that," said Paul, even as he continued to thrust inside her.

Chloe looked him in the eyes. "Momomomomomom."

Paul stiffened immediately and his face went blank. "Momomomomom."

"Momomomomomomom," said Chloe.

"Momomomomom. Momomomom. Mamoomisham! Mamoomisham!" said Paul.

"Now tell Marion you don't love her," said Chloe.

Paul looked up at Marion, his eyes narrowing. "Marion, I... I don't love you. Oooooooh!" He cried out as he felt a surge of pleasure radiating in a direct line from his rider to his penis.

"That's right, dear," said Chloe encouragingly. "Try saying it again."

Paul looked at Marion with defeated eyes. "I don't love you. Oh!"


"I don't love you! I don't love you! I... don't... love you!" Paul gasped and stiffened. He felt himself getting close to his orgasm.

"Marion is just a vagina, like many others, isn't she?"

"Yes," Paul gasped. He looked at his wife, and saw the terror in her eyes.

"Say it!"

"Marion is just a vagina, like other women," said Paul.

Marion felt like she had been punched in the gut.

"You Don't care if she gives herself to other men, don't you?"

"No," said Paul.

"By many men?"

Paul gritted his teeth. His much needed orgasm felt like it was just around the corner. "Yes!" he cried.

"Then tell her."

"Marion," he gasped, with pain in his eyes. "I don't care if you have sex with other men."

"Now tell her that you don't love her anymore. Tell her with meaning," said Chloe.

Paul looked up at Marion. The cords in his neck were tight, and his face was red. With great effort, he said, "Marion... I... don't... love... you... anymore!" And then Paul's body got as stiff as a board, and he cried out and released gobs of viscous fluid inside of Marion's sister.

As he collapsed on top of her, Chloe smiled appreciatively, playing with his hair.

"That was the best ever," Paul whispered. The intensity of his orgasm had been mind blowing. His rider seemed to be able to enhance his sexual pleasure to a tremendous degree. He suddenly realized who was listening and hastily glanced over at Marion. "I'm sorry," he added hastily, reddening.

"Don't be sorry," said Chloe, petting his hair. "Marion's not upset, are you Marion?"

Marion gave a smile and shook her head.

"You're making tremendous progress, Paul."


Chloe stroked his flaccid penis lovingly, her finger lingering on the wet tip. "You're well on your way to becoming a fertilization drone."

"A drone?'

Chloe gave him a teasing look. "You'll see. You'd better get dressed. I think Marion wants to go home now."

As Paul got up and got dressed, Chloe turned to Marion. "We won't be needing you any longer on these visits, dear. Paul can come on his own now."

"I... see," said Marion. And she did.

Chloe lifted Marion's chin. "Don't be glum. Paul's rider is taking control of him sooner than we planned. Doesn't that please you?'

"Yes," Marion watched him dress, his face a blank.

"Then kiss me."

Marion pressed her lips against Chloe. Chloe, like Stephan, squeezed Marion's behind possessively. Then she turned Marion around like a doll to face her husband, who was just finishing closing his trousers. "Now tell Paul how pleased you are. Tell him how happy you are that he has stopped loving you."

Marion wet her lips. Even as Chloe squeezed her ass, she said, "Paul, I'm glad... you stopped loving me." She felt like a part of her was dying inside.

Chloe smiled. "You don't mean it yet, dear... but trust me, you will."

They drove home in silence. Marion wondered how much of Paul's conditioning had taken hold. Had he really stopped loving her?

When they got home, Marion led Paul into the bedroom. She kissed him. He responded tepidly. "Would you... would you like to make love to me?" Marion asked. Somehow, after having fucked so many men, she suddenly felt embarrassed asking for it. But Paul was her husband.

Paul shrugged. "Why not?"

Why not? It felt like a slap in the face to her.

They took off their clothes, and Paul dutifully made love to Marion. All the actions were right: Paul, on top, drilled between her legs--but all the passion behind it was gone. Paul gasped, and gritted his teeth and thrusted repeatedly but it was all about mechanical pleasure now, all about reaching a goal, and moving on. Marion restrained a frown when Paul filled her with ejaculate, and she certainly didn't climax herself.

Afterwards, as they lay together, Marion studied Paul's face. It was blank. While the act had been consummated, all the feelings were gone. Somehow Marion knew their relationship was over. Their entire connection had been lost. Twenty years of affection had been totally severed. The Hive had accomplished its goal.

As they lay together, Marion held his hand. "Paul?"


"How do you feel about me?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you still love me?"

"Of course," said Paul. He closed his eyes and went to sleep.

The next evening Marion watched as Paul left to go to Chloe's. When he returned she wordlessly took him by the hand to the bedroom and made love to him again. But this time Paul was even more wooden, more mechanical. He made love to her. He even climaxed. But he looked bored doing it, as if he were fulfilling a role.

Marion called Stephan on the holocomm about it. She had thought to ask Chloe but felt that Stephan was a little more... accessible. "What's happened to my husband?"

The bearded man gave a wide smile. "He's joined the Hive, dear."

"I know that," said Marion. "But he's changed so much!"

"So have you," Stephan pointed out.

"Yes, but not like that. My feelings for Paul haven't changed," said Marion.

"But you're not being trained to be a fertilization drone."

Marion stiffened. "What does that mean?"

"You've been trained as a seductress. Your basic emotional nature didn't need to be adjusted, much," said Stephan. "But Paul is being trained to be a fertilization drone. He won't be seducing anyone, simply inseminating women by the dozens, or the hundreds. That requires a certain... smoothing out of his personality, to enable him to endure the repetitive nature of his assignments."

"He's become like a stranger to me," said Marion. "When I brought him into the Hive, I didn't think-"

"You don't have to think. Leave that to the Hive," said Stephan sharply.

"Of course," said Marion, her head bowed.

That evening when Paul came home Marion kissed him passionately. He barely responded.

"How was it?" she asked.

"Fine," said Paul.

"Would you... like to make love?"

"Why?" Paul asked. "Does the Hive demand it?"

Marion blushed. "No. I just thought you might... you might want to." She paused, watching him undress.

Paul looked at her dispassionately. "You have very pretty tits. And a very fuckable vagina."

A very fuckable vagina. It was like she was talking to a total stranger.

"If the Hive ordered it, I would fertilize you. Happily. Does the Hive require it?"

Marion bit her lip, and shook her head.

"Then perhaps another time," he said.

With a shock, Marion realized that they would never again have sex as husband and wife. The Hive had been successful. It had severed the bonds between her and her husband. Paul was simply another penis. Marion could tell, from the way he looked at her, that she was simply another vagina to him. And the Hive would no longer permit them to have sex, unless the Hive wanted it.

Marion blinked back tears as Paul calmly disrobed and prepared to take a shower. When he took off his underwear she noticed that the tip of his penis was glowing.

Paul had been branded with a Slave Mark, just as she had. Even after having sex at Chloe's he sported an enormous erection. When he turned his back on her to go into the shower, she noticed his rider had a shiny golden band around it.

His rider had matured.

Paul was under the direct control of the Hive now.

Marion watched her husband modeling both his erection and his rider in the bathroom mirror for a long moment, and then he turned and prepared to shower.

While Paul had been trained by Chloe, Marion hadn't been idle. Every day she had sex with Ryan, working hard to help bring his rider to maturity. The day after Ryan had taken a rider she showed up in his bedroom wearing nothing but a bathrobe. Ryan had been uncharacteristically shy the following morning, not making eye contact with his mother over breakfast. His sisters Rachel and Susan didn't realize anything was wrong with him, that the brother sitting right next to them had a darling baby rider nestled between his shoulder blades. As the girls chatted, Ryan looked morosely into his cereal.

"Ryan dear, would you like some toast with that?" Mario asked.

Ryan gave her a bashful glance. He could barely meet her eye. He felt like it should be obvious to everyone what he and his sexy Mom had done the night before. He had loved the experience, but now he felt embarrassed about it. And then, of course, there was the rider on his back.

After breakfast Marion cornered him when the girls were somewhere else. "Hey," she said, grabbing him as he tried to move past her.

"What?" Ryan whispered.

She looked into his eyes. "Tonight," she whispered, giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

When she entered Ryan's bedroom that evening, Ryan was pretending to study his Pad on his bed. Marion smiled and closed the door behind her.

"Hello, dear," she said.

Ryan immediately jumped up out of bed. "Mom!" he said.

Marion gently took her only son in her arms. "How are you coping, dear?"

"It... it feels strange. It's on my back, Mom, but also in my mind," said Ryan.

"You'll get used to it," said Marion. "I'm here to help you with that."

"To help me?"

Marion nodded. She ran a finger down his arm. "Let's do it, Ryan. Make love to me." She looked into his eyes. "You do want to do it again, don't you?"

"Yes! More than anything!"

Marion smiled as she felt the enthusiasm in his voice.

"But... what will happen to this thing on my back?" Ryan asked.

"It will get stronger." Marion rubbed his arm more feverishly. "Every time we have sex, your rider will get stronger on your back and in your mind."

"I don't want that," said Ryan.

"But you love your rider, and it loves you," said Marion, as she sat in Ryan's bedroom, holding his hand.

"It's an alien creature on my back, trying to control my mind," said Ryan.

Marion frowned. If Paul had proven especially susceptible to the Hive, Ryan was proving more resistant.

Marion pressed against him and smothered him with little kisses. "Don't you want to make love to me again?" she purred. "Don't you want to come inside of me?"

"Yes, but-"

"There are no buts, Ryan," said Marion bluntly.

"I can't take this thing off of me?"

"You can never take this thing off of you," said Marion with certainty.

"But... every time we have sex, this thing on my back will get stronger?"

"When you are on top, yes," said Marion. She started to caress his leg.

"Then you be on top," said Ryan.

"Uh uh," Marion grinned. "Even if you refuse, every time you masturbate, every time you exercise, your rider will get a little stronger. Now Ryan, if your rider is going to mature--and it is going to mature, regardless of what you do, believe me--would you rather it grow stronger when you are touching yourself... or coming inside of me?" She leaned towards him, her eyes sparkling. She wore bright red lipstick which turned him on.

Ryan leaned over and made the natural connection.

"Ummm...." said Marion, her eyes shining as she pulled back. "Yummy."

"Mom, I don't know. We shouldn't be doing this," said Ryan.

"Quite right. We shouldn't be doing this," Marion agreed, as she reached for his shirt. But Ryan stood there indecisively, not sure whether he should cooperate.

Marion sighed and opened her bathrobe. She got the predictable response.

"Mom!" Ryan cried, his eyes going wide.

Marion's robe dropped to the ground. She put her hands on her hips and modeled her heavy breasts for her son. "Did you miss these, son?"

"I...." he gulped. "Yes."

She gave him a wicked smile. "Then raise your arms."

Her smile only grew broader as Ryan complied. She pulled off his shirt and then caressed his chest with her fingertips. "We are going to have the most wonderful time tonight, dear." She whispered, feeling him shudder. "Turn around, dear. Let me see your rider."

Ryan obediently rotated his body. Marion saw the immature rider, looking small and lonely as it nestled between his shoulder blades. She recalled fondly how she had produced it for him during their lovemaking the previous night. It was immature now, but soon enough it would be guiding Ryan's decisions, turning him into perfectly obedient Hiveflesh.

She turned him around and gave him a strong kiss. She couldn't wait to have him again!

"What about Dad?" Ryan asked, between kisses.

"What about him?" Marion asked, as she looked at her young man's body. So proud and firm!

"He wouldn't like this-"

Marion stared him firmly in the eye. "You heard your father. He is delighted that you're having sex with me," said Marion firmly, pulling Ryan's pants down.

"Really? How can that be?"

"Your father is too busy fucking Chloe to care," said Marion, more bitterly than part of her intended. But then she saw the outlines of Ryan's penis through his underwear and she smiled. Ryan was already firmly erect. She put her hand on the outlines of his shaft. "This looks positively painful, dear. Have you had it long?"

Ryan nodded. "All day." His rider had been stimulating him mercilessly, without permitting him to touch himself to ease his burden.

"Maybe I can help you with that. Let Momma Marion take a look at that. Lift up, lift up, baby." Ryan lifted his bottom so his mother could remove his underwear. Ryan's young, healthy erection sprang into view.

"Well well well," said Marion, feeling a rush as she saw it. She stroked it tenderly.

"Oooooh!" Ryan cried. "Careful! It's really sensitive, Mom."

"I'll be careful, son," said Marion, giving a mocking smile. "Do you like how I touch it?" She gave him gentle strokes as she stared at him seductively.

"I... yes, Mom, I really do!"

He is ready.

Marion took her son by the hand and pulled him down onto the bed on top of her. Ryan felt her warm, soft titties underneath him as his mother started to give him gentle kisses. She arched her back and bent her knees. "Put it in me, Ryan."

"But Mom, it's wrong!"

"Put it in me and we'll talk about how wrong it is," she said. She knew that despite his protestations he had already given in.

Marion was right. Ryan couldn't resist his mother's sexy body, her heavy breasts, her furry cunt, laying wide open, ready to be taken. He lifted his shaft up and aimed it at the crevice between her vulva. But something inside him made him hesitate, and he took one last look at his mother's face and saw her mocking smile.

"Go ahead, baby. Just put it in, just for a moment." She was mocking him, and they both knew it.

Just for a moment. Ryan knew he was lost even before the battle had been fought. He moved in one smooth stroke and gasped as he entered his mother. Marion's vagina felt so smooth and soft and wet that Ryan felt like crying. And then, for only the second time in his life, he found himself having sex with his own mother.

"Oh, baby baby, baby baby, you feel so good!" Marion cried. "Move in, move out, that's right, dear, keep going, feed your rider the nourishment it needs to grow nice and strong."

Her words were terrible but Ryan found he couldn't stop. His penis was stiff and aching. He needed release. But as he poled back and forth he could feel his rider on his back, sucking energy from him, draining him. Ryan felt elated and horrified.

"This is still wrong, Mom."

"So wrong," Marion smiled, enjoying every minute of it.

"We shouldn't be doing this!" Ryan said, as he moved strongly in and out of her.

"No we shouldn't," Marion agreed, as she wrapped her legs around his back to give him a tighter fit.

Ryan gasped as he was intensely stimulated. He felt on the edge of climaxing and yet... he couldn't. "Mom! I need to come!"

"And so you will, dear. Once you begin your training."

Ryan felt a tingling up and down his back.

His training.

That's what this was all about. Making that thing on his back stronger and stronger until it controlled him completely. And Ryan was doing all the work, dutifully plowing into his mother on top while his rider glistened between his shoulder blades.

"Repeat after me. I want to be controlled," said Marion.

"No, Mom!"

"If you want to come, say it!"

Ryan's balls were so tight that they ached with pain.

"I.... I want to be controlled."

Marion grinned.

Ryan's training had begun.

Ryan's rider permitted him to climax after an exhausting one hour training session. As Ryan lay next to his mother, arm and arm, feeling blissfully drained, he said, "Will it always be like this?"

Her mother looked at her teenage son. "No, son. It will only get even better."

The following evening when Marion entered Ryan's bedroom she smiled as she saw Ryan wearing a bathrobe, the same as her.


"Hey Ryan," She purred, as she sat down by his side.

"Hey Mom," he said, his heart immediately starting to beat rapidly.

"Don't you want to give your sexy Mom a kiss?"

Ryan leaned forward and kissed her on the lips. Marion responded. "Umm, that was good," she said.

"Where's Dad?" Ryan asked.

"Off getting fucked by Chloe and who knows else," said Marion, giving a grin. "Are you ready to make love to me, son?"

"I... yes," said Ryan awkwardly.

Marion took off her robe. Her teats got hard as she heard Ryan gasp. And then Ryan took off his own bathrobe. He had such a young, firm handsome body. And... he was already erect.

"What do you have for me there, son?" she asked, fondling his penis casually. In just two days it had become casual.

"You... you excite me, Mom," said Ryan, in an increasingly confident tone.


Marion laughed, feeling as free as a bird, as she rubbed her body against her sexy 19 year old son. She had never imagined she would have sex with a 19 year old, much less her very sexy son! It was only one of many gifts the Hive had given her. Ryan, feeling intensely aroused by the roughness of her pubic bush against his erect organ, moved to grab her, but Marion pulled back suddenly. "Are you sure, son? I mean, is it right what we're doing?" She gave him a teasing grin.

"Mom!" said Ryan. He took her in his arms and kissed her hard.

Marion kissed him back. When he pulled back, Marion said, "That felt good. But are you sure we should be doing this?" She felt his stiff erection pressing against her pubis. She grinded her pubic hair against the sensitive head of his shaft and smiled as he groaned.

Ryan was wild with desire, and to Marion's credit his rider was only partially responsible. "No, Mom, but I need you so much!" he cried.

Marion cackled as she grinded against him roughly. "Then put it in me, son, and we can enjoy the wrongness of it together."

The warmth of her body, her smile, all of it was too much for Ryan. He pulled her down to the bed, spread her legs, and then entered her in one smooth motion, like a diver starved for ocean water.

Then he started pumping her like mad.

"Aaaaah," said Marion. She wrapped her arms around him as she felt her son moving inside her. "That's it, son, keep moving back and forth, back and forth, just like that. Help nourish your rider with your exertions. Your master."

Ryan gasped. His penis felt like it was going to explode. But it couldn't, not until his rider said so, and he knew it. "My... master."

"Yes, son, your master. Keep moving dear. Help make your master stronger." Marion smiled as she felt Ryan moving more and more vigorously inside her. Excellent. "And then, after we've gone over a few training key phrases, you can tell me once more how wrong this all is."

As Ryan stared at his mother's wolfish smile, he realized he was trapped. He kept pounding her even as Marion issued the first phrase for him to repeat.

After that, Ryan gave in to the inevitable without further protest. He freely had sex with Marion, twice a day as she requested, always being on top, always getting the maximum workout to help his rider grow strong as rapidly as possible.

Ryan loved having sex with his sexy Mom. He kissed and sucked on her breasts, he plowed between her legs, and he cried out when he reached his orgasm. He found it so intoxicating to come inside of her and fill her with his seed. Marion had to quiet him down so that Rachel and Susan wouldn't hear. Eventually she decided to have sex with him in the master bedroom, which was farther away from the girls' rooms.

But as Ryan plowed between her legs on her marital bed, the bed where only she and Paul... she and Paul... Marion had a sudden flash of how unmoored she had become from her traditional values. Here she was, lying on her back in her husband's bed, having sex with her son, while her husband was off bonding sexually with her sister.

But the thought vanished almost as quickly as it came. It was replaced with pure pleasure, and the certainty that she was working for the greater good, to expand the Hive. As Ryan thrust inside of her vagina, Marion realized that she had wholly accepted the situation. She was proud that she was enslaving her son for the Hive. She grasped his firm buttocks as he pounded into her and smiled. His body would be used to inseminate many fine young women, to bring them into the Hive, to fertilize them and help the Hive expand and grow stronger.

But if Ryan no longer resisted working to strengthen his rider, he still resisted in other ways. Marion instinctively knew that their intercourse had to be accompanied by conditioning. She had watched Chloe begin to drill Paul on the key phrases, but they came to her mind anyway, courtesy of her rider.

"You want to be controlled," said Marion.

Ryan grunted as he thrusted into her warm, willing vagina. He had had sex with his mother four times, and each time had been better than the time before. He couldn't get enough of her large, sexy tits or moist pink love hole between her muscular athletic legs.

"You want to be controlled," said Marion sternly. "Say it!"

"I want to be controlled," Ryan mumbled, as he continued to make love to her.

"You want your rider to grow stronger," said Marion.

"I...." Ryan gasped.

"Say it!"

"I want my rider to grow stronger," Ryan repeated.

Ryan obeyed, but reluctantly. And even when he said the key phrases, he didn't seem to mean them. After two days of this, Marion went over to Chloe's for advice. She found Chloe in her bedroom. Paul was plowing between her legs.

"If this is a bad time-" said Marion.

"No, come in, by all means. The Hive can multitask, why can't I?" Chloe grinned.

Marion realized how things had changed. Before she would have been enraged to see her husband making love to her sister. Now she was apologetic about interrupting them during sex. She watched the muscles in Paul's buttocks flexing back and forth as he pounded into her sister. She could see the rider, glistening on his back, and the strong outlines of his first band.

"Paul, you're being rude. Say hello to Marion."

Paul looked up for half a second. "Hello, Marion," he grunted, and then returned to his work.

"You'll have to forgive dear Paul. Social niceties aren't high up on the list of essential characteristics for a fertilization drone."

A fertilization drone. That's what Paul had become.

"What can I do for you, dearest?" Chloe asked. There wasn't a trace of malice in her voice.

Marion tried to block out what Paul was doing and told her of her problems with Ryan. "I'm training him, but he's resisting. But that's not really a long term problem, right? I mean, once his rider matures and he gets his first band, everything will be all right, won't it?"

Chloe put a hand on Paul. "Paul, take a break," she said quietly. Paul obediently pulled out of Chloe. His penis was stiff and glistening and red and he was gasping and sweaty. He didn't even glance towards Marion as he went to get a towel. Marion watched the muscles in his ass move as he walked away for a moment.

Chloe looked at Marion. "When Ryan gets his first band, everything may be all right. But then again, maybe it won't."

"What do you mean?" Marion asked. "When the rider matures, its host is under the control of the rider, isn't that so?"

"Control." Chloe made a face and shook her head as Paul, looking sweaty and very fuckable, his penis still fully erect, offered her a towel. "It's more accurate to say that the host is under the influence of her rider. But then, that influence starts the moment the rider is first implanted. It simply grows stronger with each banded ring."

"But...." Marion thought back rapidly. "When I first got my rider, I was having sex with men. A lot of men. I... I opened myself to my rider. I let it change me."

"And so you did. You were a model host, dear," Chloe smiled at her. "Your husband Paul, even more so. I've brought dozens of people into the Hive but rarely have I seen any so obedient and eager to please as you two."

Marion blushed. Had she given in too easily? For some reason the thought unsettled her.

"When Ryan's rider reaches the first stage of maturity, it could be that he will settle down and accept the dominion of the Hive," said Chloe. "But then again, he may not. It's been known to happen, sometimes."

"What... what would happen then?" Marion asked.

Chloe shrugged. "He might be consumed."


"Used as protein in the Hive. Riders without hosts have to eat, dear."

Marion's jaw dropped open. She shook her head. "No... not my Ryan." She reached forward and clasped Chloe's hand. "Please. You're my sister and I love you. Help me."

Chloe sighed. She turned to Paul. "Paul, what do you think?"

Paul shrugged. "Let the Hive consume him."

"Paul!" Marion yelled. "He's your son! How can you say that?"

Paul shrugged as he shamelessly masturbated himself in front of her, jerking on his penis to get it hard again. "We're all meat for the Hive."

Marion felt tension in her chest as she turned back to Chloe. She feared that Chloe and through her the Hive was rapidly coming to a decision, a decision which would harm Ryan forever. She could almost imagine the wheels turning in Chloe's head, or the rider on her back making decisions for her, slowly coming to the conclusion that Ryan should be liquidated....

"Wait!" she said. "Just give me a few more days. I'll make him obedient HiveFlesh. I promise."

Chloe shrugged, and then nodded.

Marion didn't have sex with Ryan for a full day. That didn't sound like a very long time, except that Ryan's rider was stimulating him unmercifully. He walked around with an erection so large that even the girls noticed and started giggling and teasing him about it. He confronted Marion in her bedroom about it.

"Mom, why won't you let me make love to you?" Ryan whined.

"Because you're not serious about joining the Hive," said Marion.

Ryan looked at Marion. After having her sexually four times, he had to have her again. He simply had to. His rider was driving him mad with arousal. He would have slept with Rachel or Susan, if they would have had him. But Marion was the only one who would let him release inside of her.

"I am serious!" Ryan insisted.

Marion put her hands on her hips provocatively, making her breasts stick out. "Prove it, Ryan."​
Next page: Chapter 21.2
Previous page: Chapter 20.2