Chapter 23.2

Marion put her hands on her daughter's shoulders and whispered into her ear. "Just think about the possibilities, Susan! Even now Ryan is making a master for your sister. Imagine it on her back and in her mind. Imagine it freeing her sexuality so she could experience pleasure from any one at any time," said Marion. She saw the confused look in her daughter's eyes. "He could do the same for you, if you wanted it, Sweetie," Marion whispered.

Ryan's rider was bubbling furiously now and on the verge of splitting, jetting up big fleshy bubbles and flowing new flesh all around the edges as his glistening ass cheeks clenched and unclenched like mad. Marion found the sight of it incredibly sexual and uplifting. She felt the need to share with someone. She quickly glanced at Paul, who was also watching with glee. "Just look at him, Paul. Look how well he carries his rider; his muscular ass, his strong back with his master pulsating in the middle of it, sucking up Ryan's enormous life energy to reproduce and make a new master for his dear sister. Aren't you so proud of the son we made? Didn't we make such a perfect tool of reproduction for the Hive?"

At that moment their eyes met, and they both saw something they liked, and they reached over and kissed. As they did, Marion faintly heard a cracking sound, and when she looked again she saw a stream of sickly yellow liquid flowed out of the bottom of the reproducing rider down Ryan's back into his asshole. The hot, sticky sensation coursing into Ryan's rectum caused Ryan to move even faster. The muscles in his ass contracted and expanded even more furiously as he thrusted inside his sister.

Susan could see Ryan's rider splitting into two. There was a dominant, banded half and an immature other half. In moments there would be two of them, and one of them would soon be riding her older sister, controlling her mind.

"Please, Mom, don't let that thing go on her back!" Susan cried, gripping her mother's hand tightly.

"It has to be done," said Marion. "You don't see Rachel objecting, do you?"

Rachel was perilously close to climaxing. Her breath came more rapidly; her eyes got wider; her small titties were covered in sweat, her nipples fully erect, and her body was rocking back and forth. She wanted to come. She needed to come. All thoughts of rider and alien mind control would have to wait until her urgent needs were satisfied.

"You say it will control her. What exactly does that mean?" Susan asked, as she watched Ryan's rider rapidly split into two.

Marion smiled at her youngest daughter. "It will shape her, alter her, guide her for the rest of her life. It will make her happier than she's ever been before. And all she has to do is surrender her body, her mind, and her cunt," said Marion. She ran a hand over Susan's trembling ass. "When your turn comes, you'll just love it."

And then Ryan stiffened and gasped as his rider finished splitting, his thigh and ass muscles clenching beautifully. Where there had been one rider there was now two. Susan watched in horror as the newborn rider started to migrate over Ryan's shoulder, beginning its inevitable trek to her sister's back.

And then the unplanned happened.

Rachel's chest flushed bright red, and she cried out as Ryan's pistoning organ brought her to climax. "Oh, ohhhhh," she gasped.

Rachel came!

As her mind rapidly cleared, she saw the baby rider crawling over Ryan's shoulder onto his arm.

That wasn't the way it was supposed to be. Ryan was supposed to time it so that Rachel climaxed a mere second or two before her rider mounted her. But Rachel had climaxed too soon. This was Ryan's first seduction and reproduction, so his inexperience could be forgiven.

Rachel, her immediate needs met, looked at the rider in horror. "No, no, keep it away from me!" she cried.

"Calm down, Sis. You'll love it," Ryan assured her.

"No! Get it away from me!" she cried again, struggling against him.

Marion sighed and pulled Ryan off her sister. As she did she took the newborn rider in hand and furtively handed it to Ryan. Then she took her hysterical, naked daughter in her arms.

"Mom, I don't want this, I really don't want this!" Rachel cried, sobbing in her arms. "I'm scared!"

"I know, baby girl," said Marion. She hugged Rachel tightly, pressing her larger, more womanly breasts against her older daughter's. Rachel's body trembled as her pubis pressed tightly against her mother's. Her slender, girl-like body huddled against her much more mature mother's. "But the Hive demands it."

"Please, Mom, please, don't make me do this," said Rachel.

"It's all going to be all right. Everything's going to be all right." Marion assured her trembling naked daughter. She ran a hand through Rachel's hair. "You're so beautiful. And you're going to be even more so when you join the Hive."

"I will?" said Rachel, not quite understanding.

"Of course," said Marion. "My little girl is going to become a vibrant, sexual woman."

"I... I don't understand." She looked down at her mother's heavy breasts, at her warm pubis pressed against hers. Rachel could see that her mother was so vibrant, so sexual, so different now. Part of her was frightened, but part of her was also excited.

"You will, dear. You'll understand everything, in just a moment." She caressed her daughter reassuringly. "Now take a deep breath, dear."

Now was her last chance to try to flee. Rachel briefly considered it, but the soft warmth of her mother's breasts and body was almost hypnotizing. She should run, she really should, but-

"Take a deep breath, dear," Marion repeated.

Her mother's body felt so good! Rachel took a deep breath in, and out.

"Good, now take another."

Rachel inhaled again, even as her mother nodded slightly to Ryan.

Ryan, still nude and sporting an enormous erection, approached his sister from behind.

"That's good, dear. Keep breathing. You're going to feel a little pinch-"

Suddenly she stiffened and cried out as Ryan implanted her rider between her shoulder blades. "Mom!" Rachel gasped. As her mind was taken, she felt her mother's large breasts and pubis pressed against her as Marion hugged her tightly. Marion pressed her lips against her eldest daughter, muffling her cries as they slowly rocked back and forth, back and forth. In seconds Rachel stopped struggling, and it was all over.

"Rachel! Rachel, are you all right?" Susan cried.

Rachel looked up at her mother.

"It's all right, dear, you can answer her," said Marion, petting Rachel's hair vigorously.

"I... I'm fine," said Rachel softly, as her rider pulsated on her back.

"Rachel dear, what is your purpose?" Marion asked.

Rachel's face suddenly became blank. "I am Hiveflesh. My purpose is to incubate eggs and expand the Hive."

Susan look aghast, even as Ryan stepped forward and put his hands on Rachel's hips from behind her. "Shall I begin her training, Mom?" His erection, jutting out proudly between her legs, strayed close to the crack between her ass cheeks.

"No," said Marion, grabbing Rachel even closer to her bosom. "This has been traumatic enough. You can start her training tomorrow."

"But Mom!" said Ryan, glancing down at his erection.

"Tomorrow, young man," said Marion firmly.

"But I... I need...." Ryan looked down at his stiff, red organ.

Marion sighed. "All right, I'll help you out. But once your sister is trained she should be able to see to your needs too." She turned to Rachel. "We're going to give you the night to rest and recover, darling, but you should know that you will be trained to serve Ryan's needs, as well as the needs of other men.... and you will come to love it."

"I'm not going to let you do that to her!" Susan cried, heading for the door. "I'm going to get the police!"

"No you're not," Paul growled, grabbing her by the wrist. "You're going to join the Hive, young lady!"

Suddenly the smell of Paul's masculine scent started to permeate the air anew.

"Wait!" Marion cried. "There's another way."

"What other way?" said Paul. "If we let her go, she'll alert the authorities."

"No she won't," said Marion. "There are other... modalities of control." Marion didn't know if the idea had originated with her or the rider on her back; but the words came out effortlessly.

"A worm?" Paul asked.

Marion nodded.

"Very well. But I want her put under control right now," said Paul.

Marion nodded again. She reached down and started to diddle her clitoris.

"Mom... what are you doing?" Susan asked.

Marion started to pant and breathe more heavily, as she diddled herself more aggressively. "I'm... helping... you, dear." She gasped. Whatever she was doing was taking a lot of energy from her. Her rider pulsated rapidly on her back. Her ass cheeks flexed back and forth reflexively even though she was standing still. Ryan licked his lips and his penis throbbed at the sight of Marion's fingers moving rapidly inside her thick triangle of dark pubic curls. She gasped and met Ryan's eyes, and gave a furtive smile.

"Dad, what is she doing?" Susan asked.

Paul gave no answer, simply staring at his wife with alien eyes.

Marion panted faster and faster. She stared at Ryan, proudly sporting his enormous erection. Marion smiled at sight of him, a fully grown child from her own body who had been turned into a sexualized tool of the Hive. She stared at his rigid shaft. Ryan had become an eager young male who would help spread the Hive far and wide. Marion was terribly, terribly aroused at the thought of what she had created in him, and she started to gasp even louder. Her gaze turned to Rachel, with her brand new rider, and her arousal spiked as she fantasized about Rachel being trained, stimulated, sexualized.

And finally she turned to Susan, her youngest, her dearest. Marion knew that despite her protestations sooner or later her youngest one would join the Hive. She imagined Susan, naked, being trained, used by men in the Hive, serving the Hive with her heavy breasts and eager, fresh young body.....

Susan saw her mother's alien, predatory smile and frowned. Marion's body buckled once, twice, thrice. "Ah... ah... ah!" Suddenly there was a cracking sound, and a clear stream of fluid emerged from the bottom of Marion's rider, flowing straight over her left ass cheek and curving down onto the back of her thigh. Marion reached behind her and suddenly there was a worm in her hand.

"What's that? What are you going to do with that?" Susan asked, wide eyed, as Marion slowly approached her, blank faced.

"Hold her, Paul. I don't want her to injure herself by struggling," said Marion.

"No!" Susan cried, as Paul held her arms from behind.

Marion stood before her daughter. "Relax, dear, this isn't going to hurt a bit." She reached into Susan's pants and panties and dropped the worm in.

"No, Mom!" Susan cried. She felt the worm startling to wiggle downwards, through her pubic hair. "What have you done to me?"

"I have saved you," said Marion, with an angelic expression.

"Mom, I feel it. It's... it's going inside me..... No... no..... aaaaaaah!" Susan cried out, stiffening.

"You can release her now, Paul," said Marion. Paul released Susan's arms.

"What did you put in me?"

"Nothing extreme," Marion assured her. "And much less than the rider your father was planning to give you. Call it in insurance policy, designed to prevent you from taking foolish actions like going to the police and calling the authorities."

"You think a worm on my clit is going to stop me from doing that?"

Marion sighed, and kissed Susan on the forehead. "I love you so much. I just hope you won't go through too much pain before you discover that opposing the Hive is futile."

She turned to Ryan and took his hand. "Dear, would you like me to help you out?"

Ryan, his red erection still bobbing, gave an enormous grin.

Susan quickly discovered that the worm around her clit was intelligent, and that she was not able to call for help or tell anyone of what had happened to her. The minute she tried she felt excruciating pain in her clitoris. It felt like her clit was being ripped apart. She had no choice but to keep silent about what was happening to her and her family.

But Susan quickly learned that more than just her silence was required if she didn't want to be given a rider immediately. Susan was required to pledge her loyalty to the Hive and to serve it, even if she herself didn't have a rider. Susan was horrified at the thought, but had no choice but to agree. Marion placed a holocomm call to Chloe to keep her informed. Marion had warned Susan that Chloe was their superior in the Hive, and her fate was in Chloe's hands.

Chloe noticed immediately that Susan was present on the call but barely glanced at her. She listened with satisfaction as she learned that Rachel joined the Hive. "Very good! Did Ryan enjoy the taking?"

Marion remembered Ryan groaning as he poled in and out of his older sister, his moans of joy as his rider reproduced on his naked back, creating alien flesh from his own life juices. "Yes," she said.

Chloe leaned forward. "And did you enjoy it?"

Marion swallowed heavily, feeling Susan's eyes on her. "I did."

"Good," said Chloe. She turned to Susan. "And what do we have here? Marion, you didn't tell me that Susan joined the Hive as well."

"She hasn't," said Marion reluctantly. "She... caught us when we were with Rachel."

"I see," said Chloe. She nodded for a moment as if considering. "And so what are you going to do about it?"

"I... gave her a worm," said Marion.

Chloe's eyebrows lifted. "Not a rider?"

"I didn't think it was necessary," said Marion hastily. "And Ryan was too tired to make another one."

"But you and Paul were there, weren't you?"

"Yes." Marion licked her lips. "But there was no need to make a rider for her," said Marion smoothly, putting a hand on her youngest daughter's shoulder. "Susan has pledged her loyalty. She promises to be perfectly obedient."

Chloe's eyes narrowed. "Perfect obedience? Is that true, Susan dear?"

Susan swallowed heavily. "Yes, Aunt Chloe."

Chloe nodded. "A most unusual situation." She looked at her niece suspiciously. "Susan, dear, do you agree to serve the Hive?"

"Yes, Aunt Chloe," said Susan.

"Will you do whatever the Hive says?"

"Yes, Aunt Chloe," Susan repeated.

"Will you take a rider, if the Hive demands it?"

Susan glanced sharply at her mother, who mouthed 'yes'.

Susan gulped. "Yes, Aunt Chloe."

"Will you obey the Hive, in all things?"

"Yes, Aunt Chloe." Susan's pulse raced. What exactly had she just agreed to?

"Then take off your clothes."

Susan looked startled. She looked to her mother for guidance.

"Don't look at your mother, just do it!" Chloe snapped.

Susan, with trembling hands, put her hands on the bottom of her shirt. She felt her mother's and her aunt's eyes on her as she slowly pulled her blouse over her head, revealing her heavy breasts encased in her flimsy bra. Unlike her older sister Rachel, Susan was quite developed. Her breasts were practically bursting out of her bra, reminding Susan that it was time to buy new ones. Mother had promised to take her shopping but hadn't had been able to for the past few weeks... and only now did Susan know the reason why.

Susan regretted wearing a skirt today. Somehow taking off pants would have been easier. She bit her lip as she opened the clasp and unfolded it. She let it drop out of tense fingers to the ground in front of her. Now she was only wearing her bra and panties.

She risked a glance at her mother who mouthed the word "All".

She had no choice.

Susan slowly unbuckled her bra from behind with trembling fingers. She hadn't let anyone see her breasts since she started to develop. Even her mother had only seen her in a bra. Susan was intensely personal and private about her body and her sexuality, as her mother had been.

But as the bra fell from her body, she sensed all that was about to change.

Susan's breasts were large. Not as large as her mother's, but rounder, and more firm, with barely a hint of sag. She glanced at the image of Chloe's face, and shuddered at her avaricious glare as she stared at Susan's tits. She risked another glance at her mother, and thought she saw a look of pride.

"Go on dear," Marion whispered. "Finish it."

Susan sucked her lips in and nodded. She took. another deep breath and lowered her panties, all in one, swift move. Suddenly, she stood completely nude in front of her mother and aunt. She felt the sudden urge to cover her pubis with her hand, but a slight shake of the head and warning look from her mother put a stop to that.

Chloe smiled as she took in Susan's body. Susan was a blonde haired beauty like Chloe, but unlike Chloe she was blonde on both end. Her pubic hair wasn't as rich and full as her mother's, not yet, she was still continuing to develop, but the blonde triangle looked gorgeous on the young 18 year old girl.

"Turn around, dear," said Chloe.

Susan complied, showing her aunt her well rounded ass and her naked back. She could almost feel her aunt's hungry eyes burning into her, fantasizing about putting a rider on her naked back, imagining using her to fuck other men or to breed Hive life.

"Beautiful," said Chloe. "Now face me again, and spread your legs, dear."

Susan took another deep breath and obeyed, spreading her legs ever so slightly.

Chloe frowned. "Marion, help her."

Marion bent down and spread Susan's legs wide. "You must comply, dear," she whispered, with fear and resignation in her eyes.

"Now cup her breasts."

Marion, squeezing from behind, cupped Susan's breasts, which made them look even bigger. Chloe exhaled slowly as she took in the sight of the young 18 year old girl, with large, firm melons, a trim blonde pubic bush between her legs, and at the bottom of them... her labial lips looked small and petite, unstressed. Unused. Untaken. Fertile ground, waiting to be seeded.

"Yesss.... You're going to be a real treat," Chloe said, licking her lips. "Marion, isn't she simply gorgeous?"

Marion glanced nervously from Susan to Chloe. "Yes, Chloe," she said demurely. Truthfully, she didn't know how she felt to see Susan naked. Part of her felt that her youngest was being intensely violated, humiliated. But another part of her felt a stirring, deep inside, one she didn't quite know how to evaluate. Perhaps it was her excitement at the anticipation that Susan would one day join the Hive.

Susan's lips quivered. "Aunt Chloe, can I get dressed now?" she asked, in a small voice.

"Yes dear, of course."

As Susan hurriedly got dressed, Chloe said, "All right Marion, we'll try it your way, for now. This could be an interesting... experiment. But if it fails, you will be responsible, dear sister."

"I understand, Chloe," said Marion, watching her daughter rush to put on her panties and rapidly struggle with her bra. In the end she gave up and simply reached for her shirt, with bra still in hand.

"In the meantime, see to the training of Rachel. I want her as trained and obedient as Ryan."

"Of course, Chloe," said Marion.

Chloe turned to Susan again, who had just heaved a sigh of relief as she secured her skirt around her waist. "And as for you sweet thing... you have such a sexy body. You'd be such a wonderful addition to the Hive. Think about joining us."

"I... I will, Aunt Chloe." Susan practically gagged as she forced herself to say it, trying to hide her reluctance at least a bit.

Chloe nodded, and her image faded.

Marion wiped perspiration off her forehead. "We did it."

"You have only bought a little time," said Paul, who had been standing by the doorway, watching the whole time. He had to ruin things.

Marion glanced sharply at him. "When I brought Rachel into the Hive, Chloe explicitly promised me that we wouldn't have to bring Susan as well."

"And that is a valid promise," said Paul. "Unless the Hive changes its mind."​
Next page: Chapter 24.1
Previous page: Chapter 23.1