Chapter 24.2

The following evening Susan came into Rachel's bedroom to find her with her shirt off, modeling her rider in front of her mirror. Her rider, which was nestled just above her bra strap between her shoulder blades, was even wider and thicker than it was just the day before. Susan wondered how far under its control Rachel had fallen.

"What... what are you doing?" Susan asked fearfully.

"Doing?" Rachel looked confused. "I... I don't know. I... I was just looking at it. I've been thinking of it as some horrible parasite, but now...."

"Now what?"

"It feels kind of good," said Rachel, with an embarrassed smile.

"Rachel, no!"

"Yes," said Rachel. "You haven't felt it, Susan. Jolt after jolt after jolt of sexual pleasure. But only when I behave. Only when I perform. Only when I think the right thoughts. I know it's trying to take control of me, but at the same time I can't help but have some positive feelings for it. It feels so good, Susan. You can't imagine how good it feels." Susan saw her rider pulsate as she talked. "I love the Hive. Ahhhh.... I love being used by the Hive.... Ahhhhh."

"No, Rachel! You have to resist it!"

Rachel stared at her rider in the mirror. "I... I suppose you're right," as she watched the yellowish brown mass between her shoulder blades. She turned to her sister again. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine."

The next evening, the fourth evening after Rachel began her training, the door to Rachel's bedroom was uncharacteristically closed when Susan knocked on it.


Susan opened the door, and wasn't prepared for what she saw.

Her sister was totally nude, staring at her body in front of the mirror.

"Do you want me to come back later?" Susan asked hastily.

"No need," said Rachel, giving her a mischievous smile. Susan suddenly noticed that Rachel was wearing dark eye shadow and rouge and bright red lipstick. She looked like a different person.

"Hey," said Susan awkwardly, watching Rachel admire her own body in the mirror. Rachel was usually quite conservative. She would never let anyone see her like this. It must be her rider. It was shaping her, molding her. Susan wet her lips. "How... how are things going with Ryan?"

"Quite well, actually," Rachel said, smiling and looking pleased with herself as she stood in a side profile, which allowed her to see her breasts, ass, and rider all at the same time. Even with her dark pubic bush, her slender frame and small titties made her look much younger than a college freshman.

"Quite well?" said Susan.

"Yes," said Rachel, looking pleased with herself as she modeled her rider. It made her look so womanly, so much more feminine. "Ryan says I'm rapidly becoming an obedient slave of the Hive."

"You are?"

"Yes," said Rachel with a zesty smile. "The secret, which eluded me for so long, Susan, is that I am just a vagina, a tool of reproduction. Once I figured that out, the rest came easily." She shamelessly rubbed a hand through her pubic curls. "Of course I want to be enslaved by the Hive. Everything makes sense now." Her eyes sparkled with an alien light as she fondled herself lightly.

Susan stared at her sister in horror. The Hive had taken over her mind. And she had helped make it happen.

"Don't look so sad, dear sister," Rachel said, with a new light in her eyes. Susan notice for the first time that Rachel was wearing dark eyeliner and bright lipstick. "After all, you helped make it happen."

Susan shook her head slowly. "No... Rachel... don't give in to it."

"But I already have, dear sister," said Rachel, smiling slyly. "You saw to that." She turned around. "Look at it. Really look at it. Isn't it gorgeous?"

Susan looked at the brown-yellow mass between her sister's shoulder blades. She could see the faint beginning of the first band appearing around the edges. It was almost at the point of sexual maturity. She watched it pulsate on her sister's back. With every pulse, she felt a slight tingling in her clitoris as her worm vibrated in sympathy.

"Go ahead, Susie, touch it," Rachel said.

"What?" said Susan.

"Touch it," Rachel implored. "Pet it. Caress it. You know you want to."

"But you told me never to touch it!" Susan remembered how her sister had flinched.

Rachel smiled. "That was before. You're one of us now. My master knows you would never harm it. Go on, Susie, touch it. Pet it." Her voice dropped to a whisper. "It would make me feel really good if you did."

Susan, raised her hand uncertainly. She reached out and touched the rider around the edge, where the golden band was forming. The skin of the rider felt hard and rough, like calloused skin. Somehow the firmness of it only made Susan even more intimidated, highlighting the alien nature of the creature which was rapidly gaining control of her sister's mind.

She started to move her fingers over it in a clockwise circle.

"Ah... ah.... yes, just like that, Susie dear, just the tip of your fingers," said Rachel. She started to rock her body slightly back and forth. "Ah... ah... ah......" Her nipples started to stiffen. Her eyes closed as she gave herself fully to the sensation.

"Oh Susan... dear sweet Susan...." Rachel's eyes shot open; she looked directly at her sister through a mirror on the wall. "Oh yes, keep going, just like that.... Ooooh...." Her body slowly gyrated in pleasure.

Susan watched her sister getting sexual pleasure as she petted her rider. The smile on Rachel's face, the way she was giving into it, was extremely disturbing. Rachel fondled her own small breasts as her body gyrated slowly. As she did she spoke to her, staring her directly in the eye through the mirror. "Susan... you're so sexy. You're so very sexy...

"I... I am?" She watched her sister's body swaying in the mirror.

"Yess..... You're going to be so fuckable once you take a rider.... Once you get ridden."

Once she gets ridden. Rachel's words were terrible, horrifying, and yet Susan felt a tingling in her clitoris, undoubtedly sympathetic vibrations from her worm. As she stared at her sister's small sleek breasts, and the expression of extreme pleasure on her face, she realized that a new dynamic was being created between them, one that both frightened and excited her.

"Really?" Susan asked.

For a moment Susan felt like she was hypnotized. Her clitoris was on fire. She felt an intense lust she had never felt before. Then she blinked, took a deep breath, and shook her head as if to clear it. What am I doing? she asked herself. She was stimulating an alien creature to take control of her sister! Susan pulled her hand away abruptly.

Rachel opened her eyes and turned around to face her. "Why did you stop?"

"I.. I...."

Rachel caressed her sister's cheek. "Thank you." She pressed her lips lightly against Susan's. "Thank you," she whispered again, her eyes sparkling around her heavy makeup.

Susan was all alone now, the last one in the household who had yet to take a rider. At first she had been fearful that her family would burst into her bedroom one evening and attempt to force her to take a rider, but after several days when it didn't happen, she began to relax, however slightly.

At the same time however Susan felt very much like an outsider in her own family. None of the others bothered to hide their true nature now.

Rachel, dressed only in a bathrobe, bounded into the kitchen one morning, a week after she had been brought into the Hive. "I have great news!" she said.

"What is it?" Marion asked.

"My rider just matured!" said Rachel.

"It did?" said Marion.

"Look," said Rachel proudly. She took off her bathrobe. She was completely nude underneath, not that it mattered to her. She turned around and showed everyone her rider. It has a solid gold band around the edges. Her body was slender and her behind was almost flat, but the Hive would still find a productive use for her.

"Congratulations, Honey!" said Marion, hugging and kissing her.

"Yes, congratulations," said Paul. He also gave Rachel a kiss, but a longer, more celebratory one.

"Congratulations, sis," said Ryan, giving her a firm kiss when his turn came.

Rachel, still naked, kissed her brother fondly, grinding her nude body against him. "Thank you for so patiently training me," she said, with an alien gleam in her eye as her brownish yellow rider pulsated between her shoulder blades.

"It was my pleasure, sis," Ryan grinned. As they hugged and looked fondly at each other, Susan felt her nipples crinkle.

"Isn't there someone else you should be thanking, Rachel?" Marion asked pointedly.

"Of course," said Rachel. She took Susan in her arms. "Thank you, dear Sister. You made my introduction into the Hive so much easier." And she pressed her lips against Susan's. Susan squirmed for a moment, but then went limp as her sister kissed her. The kiss turned into an awkward hug, and Rachel heard a whisper in her ear. "Join us, dear sister! You'll simply love it!" When Rachel pulled back and smiled at her with those heavy, makeup encrusted eyes, Susan didn't even recognize her.

"Why don't we go to the living room and celebrate?" said Paul, his mouth watering as he looked at his naked daughter. He had obediently met and even exceeded his fertilization quotas, and Rachel had been promised to him as a reward for his obedience.

"An excellent idea," said Marion, nodding knowingly at Ryan.

Paul took Rachel by the hand and led her to the living room. "What's going on, Dad?" She asked, feeling the first hint of anxiety.

"What's going on, dear, is that you are going to give yourself to your father," said Marion smugly. It was all right now. Everything was all right now.

"To Dad?" Rachel blinked rapidly. She was pleased to have joined the Hive, but her master hadn't prepared her for this.

"Why not, Sis?" Ryan asked, stroking Marion's arm. "I've been doing Mom."

Rachel looked at Marion. "Does... does the Hive require it?"

"Ask it for yourself, sweetheart," said Marion.

They watched as the rider pulsated on Rachel's back and she stared into nothingness. "Yes, it does. I... I must obey."

She let Paul lead her to the couch. He grinned tightly as he started undressing.

"No, Rachel, don't do it!" Susan cried.

"I'm sorry, Susan, but... the Hive demands it," said Rachel.

Paul completely undressed, said, "Kiss me." They pressed their nude bodies together.

Paul gave her an appraising look. "Make me hard, daughter."

Rachel reached down and started to touch Paul's penis but he swatted his hand away. "Not that way," he said, with a hard gleam in his eye.

Rachel's jaw dropped open. She couldn't... she wouldn't.... then she felt her rider pulsating on her back.

Pulse. Pulse. Pulse.

She thought about it and nodded slowly. Then she got down on her knees and took her father's penis in her soft hands.

"No, Rachel, don't!" Susan cried.

Rachel turned to her sister, and, in an unnaturally calm voice, said, "I'm sorry Susan... the Hive demands it." Then she took her father in her mouth for the very first time.

"How can she do that? Mom, how can you let her do that?" Susan cried.

"It's all part of the cycle of life, dear," said Marion. She vaguely remembered weeks ago trying to keep the girls out of the Hive, but she no longer knew why. All she knew was that it felt good to see Rachel complying.

Ryan started squeezing one of her breasts. Susan was about to object when she felt a strong tingling in her vagina.

It was that worm again, the one tightly wrapped around her clitoris. It was stimulating her sexually. It was conditioning her, wearing her down, making her attracted to the idea of group sex with her own family.

Ryan pressed his lips against Susan. He grinded for a moment against her unmoving lips as he squeezed her breasts. "Kiss me back, Sis. Kiss me."

The arousal in her clit was driving Susan to distraction. She kissed Ryan back. Her worm rewarded her with a brief surge of pleasure.

"Ah," Susan gasped.

"That's right, Susie baby," said Ryan approvingly. He quickly took off his shirt.

"What's... what's going on?" Susan whispered.

"Your brother is about to make love to you, dear," said Marion as Ryan lowered his trousers. "And you're going to simply love it."

Ryan pulled down his underwear. Susan felt a surge of clitoral pleasure as she saw his penis, which was quickly assembling itself. How many women had Ryan had sex with in his brief history with the Hive? She saw the glowing green symbol on the head of his penis. It looked completely alien.

He leaned forward to unhook her bra, "Ryan, I don't know if we should-"

Her breasts came spilling out into his hands. Susan groaned as Ryan squeezed them.

"You were saying, Sis?" Ryan grinned.

As Ryan started working on her pants Susan turned to look at Rachel. She had finished sucking Paul and his penis was hard and gleaming. Paul lay down on the other couch with his penis sticking straight up. Rachel looked hesitantly at him, as if something were wrong but she couldn't figure out what. Then her rider pulsated again and she nodded slowly, mounting him, raising up so she could lovingly impale herself on her father's shaft.

"Rachel, no, he's our father!" Susan cried.

"I'm... I'm sorry, Susie," said Rachel, in a choked voice. "But the Hive demands it." And then she slowly but surely lowered herself down on him, as Paul groaned in delight.

Susan was about to object further when she felt Ryan pull down her panties. Her vagina was now open and exposed to her own brother!

"Ryan!" She yelled with shock in her voice. She had been so distracted by Rachel and Paul that-

Ryan pressed his lips against her, silencing her objections. The worm on her clit amplified the sensations tenfold. She groaned with pleasure.

Ryan reached down with his penis and started to rub it against Susan's clit, the same clit the worm was attached to. The sensations were incredible.

"What are you doing?" she cried, writhing in pleasurable agony.

"He's freeing your sexuality, dear," said Marion. "And soon you'll enjoy the feeling of your very own brother inside you for the very first time, just a I did."


But Susan couldn't resist the feeling of Ryan rubbing his erect shaft on her clit. She looked down and saw the glowing green symbol on the head of his shaft. "What... is that?" she gasped.

"That's his Hive Mark, dear," said Marion. "We all have one. You'll get one too once you join us."

Once you join us.

It was all so sinister but Susan couldn't resist. The head of Ryan's penis felt so good on her. She remembered how attracted she had felt when she had watched him putting his long shaft into Rachel's vagina, in and out, in and out. And now the same thing was about to happen to her.

Marion smiled as she watched the rider beginning to bubble on Ryan's back. He was such a good boy. He was going to take care of both his sisters. In a few moments Susan would join the Hive and the entire family would be together again.

And yet... she frowned as she remembered giving Susan the worm last week, in an effort to save her from... in an effort to save her from what? She found it hard to remember.

Susan glanced over at Rachel, who was riding avidly up and down on Paul's shaft. Her newly matured rider pulsated strongly on her back. It was making her do this. It was controlling her now.

"Rachel, are you all right?" she asked.

"Yes," she gasped between breaths. "Everything is all right now, sister."

Everything is all right now.

And then Ryan tilted his body slightly and she saw it.

The rider bubbling on his back.


"I can't do this!" said Susan, abruptly pushing Ryan off her and getting up from the couch. She scrambled for her clothes.

"But Susie-"

"No, said Susan firmly, as she tried to cover her nudity with her clothes.

"She just needs a little more time, dear," Marion explained to Ryan, sitting down where Susan had just sat. "I didn't think she would be quite ready yet, but it was worth a try. Are you feeling lonely, rejected?"

"Yes, Mom," said Ryan, with a mock grin.

"Then kiss me," said Marion.

Susan stood there, watching as her brother kissed her mother. I shouldn't be watching this, she thought, as she watched Ryan slowly undress his mother, kissing and fondling with every opportunity.

Susan didn't want to watch, but she did, finding herself unable to turn away.

"Oh, Mom, how could you?" she cried.

Marion smiled at her youngest without shame. "It is the natural order of things. Your brother is the male, and I am the female." She smiled as Ryan kissed her ravenously, hugging her tightly.

"But he's your son!"

"So? That didn't stop you just a few moments ago."

She had a point. If it hadn't been for his rider starting to split, Susan probably would have let Ryan complete the sex act with her. Her own brother!

She watched Ryan sucking on Marion's breasts. Marion moaned with pleasure. She pushed him away slightly with a lustful look, then lifted her knees, showing the beautiful thick dark triangle of curls between her legs.

Mom looks so sexy!

Susan couldn't help but think it. It was true!

Ryan took his penis and started rubbing it against his mother's pussy lips. Mother and son gasped with pleasure. Susan's worm stimulated her, making her part of the experience even though she was standing six feet away.

As Ryan prepared to enter his mother, his long shaft aimed and poised to enter her, he looked up and saw Susan watching. "Are you sure you don't want to give it a try, Sis?"

Susan sucked in her lips, shook her head wordlessly, and fled.

What had her family become?

The next few days were very awkward for Susan, to say the least. Susan was very acutely aware that she was the only member of the family not in the Hive. Her family started putting pressure on Susan. Well, not exactly pressure. If they had wanted Susan to join the Hive, they simply could have held her down and given her a rider. But they didn't. Instead, they each applied pressure in more subtle ways.

"Sweetie, you would look so beautiful with a rider on your back," said Marion over dinner one night.

"I thought you didn't want me to join the Hive, Mom," Susan said.

"I... I don't," said Marion, looking momentarily confused. "But... if you wanted to, I still think you'd look so sexy with a freshly made rider on you."

While Marion had clothes on, it was hard to keep in mind that there was a large pulsating creature on her back, controlling her mind and telling her what to say. It was only when she turned around and Susan saw the outline of the heavy double banded rider on her back that Susan was reminded that her mother was under the control of an alien parasite. Marion claimed her rider didn't control her completely, but Susan wasn't so sure.

Ryan came over and rubbed Susan's shoulders. "I could do it for you, Sis. Quick and easy, just like I did it for Rachel. You enjoyed it, didn't you Rach?"

"Immensely," Rachel grinned. She was now wearing dark eye shadow and makeup every day just like her mother. "You have very sexy tits, Susan. Much sexier than mine."

"No, Rachel!" Susan cried. What had her sister become?

"They are," said Rachel, grabbing Susan's hands and starting to rub them. She looked into her sister's eyes. "You would be an amazing reproductive asset for the Hive. Let me help you. You helped me through my rough spot when I joined the Hive, Susan. It's only fair I help you. What do you say?" The feeling of Rachel's hands on her were strong, and insistent.

"No!" Susan cried, pulling her hands away. Her sister was a total stranger to her now. And it was all her fault.

"Rachel's right about one thing. You've got an incredibly sexy body, Susie," Ryan agreed. "Would you like to have sex with me?"

"No!" Susan said.

"I'm just talking about sex," said Ryan. "I wouldn't give you a rider unless you wanted it. Or if the Hive ordered it."

"Or we could have sex, Susan," said Paul. "I'd love to put my seed inside of you, dear."

"No, no no!" said Susan. "Dad, this may surprise you, but I have no interest in having sex with you."

"Oh," said Paul, looking crestfallen. Then he looked confused. "Why not?"

"Don't pressure the poor girl, boys," said Marion. "Let her come to it in her own time." Her alien smile was somehow the scariest of them all. As she turned away to open a kitchen cabinet, Susan could see her rider pulsating under her shirt.

Susan stood up abruptly and went to her bedroom.

"She'll join in her own time... or the Hive's," said Paul, grinning.​
Next page: Chapter 25.1
Previous page: Chapter 24.1