Chapter 25.2
After Elly, Susan found herself fooling around with Ryan again. It was actually the fourth time she and Ryan had pleasured each other. Susan needed something to buffet her against the horror of watching a steady stream of unsuspecting people being lured into the Weatherly household and leaving with riders on their backs. The taking of her best friend Elly had also drained a lot out of her.
Drained her... and excited her. The sight of Ryan's long penis penetrating her best friend excited Susan more than she cared to admit. She blamed it on the worm nestled around her clitoris, throbbing with joy as Ryan had intercourse with her best friend, but truthfully, the sight of it also aroused her.
She went into Ryan's bedroom. Ryan was sitting back on his bed, staring blankly at a far wall, with a placid smile on his face. His face came alive again when he saw her.
"Sis," he said. His eyebrows went up when he saw her close the bedroom door behind her. "What's up?" he asked innocently.
Susan, with tears in her eyes, look at her brother. He opened his arms. "Come here."
Susan, with tears spilling down her cheeks, shook her head.
"Come," said Ryan, in such a manly way.
Susan flew into his arms.
"She was my best friend!" Susan sobbed.
"I know," said Ryan soothingly, as he pulled off her shirt. Susan lifted her arms to help him.
"I betrayed her! I turned her over to the Hive!" said Susan.
"I know," said Ryan, rapidly unsnapping her bra. He had to act quickly while his sister was so emotionally vulnerable. Susan's large melons thrust forward at him. Ryan allowed himself a brief squeeze before getting to work on her pants.
"She'll never talk to me again!" said Susan.
"Of course she will," said Ryan, pulling down her pants. He sucked in air as he pulled down her panties. Then he reached for his own clothing.
Ryan made love to Susan. Sort of. She still wouldn't permit him to penetrate her. Virgins were like that. But she did permit him to pleasure her again. Ryan vigorously rubbed the head of his penis against his sister's worm engorged clit.
"Oh Ryan!" Susan cried, hugging him tightly."That feels so good!" She looked at his long shaft which disappeared in her forest of pubic hair. "You're so sexy," she whispered.
"Did you enjoy watching me put it into your little friend?" Ryan asked. When Susan didn't answer immediately, he rubbed her clit with his penis more vigorously.
"Yes! Yes I did!" Susan gasped. "Watching you fuck her was so...."
"Incredible?" Ryan grinned. He was so cocky, so masculine, so strong. "And did you enjoy watching her get her rider?"
"No." Susan shook her head.
"Sure you did. You loved seeing my rider reproduce on my back. You loved seeing it split in two. Tell me, Susan. Tell me." His voice was hard, male demanding.
"Yes," Susan nearly sobbed. "Yes, I did." It hurt her so much to admit it. But part of her really did enjoy it.
As Ryan chuckled in a deep, masculine voice, Susan gasped. "I'm almost there, Ryan! Just a bit more, Ryan. Just a little more!" Then she saw his rider bubbling on his back. "Don't let your rider split, Ryan! Don't let it happen!"
But Ryan was nearly lost in the moment. "Wouldn't you love to have a master on your back, a master that your strong, masculine brother made while fucking you blind? Just think of it, Sis. Think of all the hot monkey sex we could have together if you had a master on your back, a piece of me on a piece of you!"
The idea of being controlled, and having wild sex with Ryan flashed through her mind and sent an exciting chill through her body.
No! She couldn't permit herself to be controlled by an alien creature!
Susan looked into his eyes and realized that Ryan was under the control of his rider. She had to stop his rider from splitting! Once it split she would be taken! "No!" she cried slapping him in the face.
Ryan jerked back, his rider stopped bubbling up, and he seemed to recover some of his old self. He blinked rapidly. "What's happening?"
"Your rider! Stop it from splitting!" Susan cried.
Ryan pulled his penis away. Susan groaned with unfulfilled need. "No! I need you to continue."
"If I continue-"
"Get me off! Get me off, Ryan, without making a rider!"
Ryan looked at his younger sister. Her sweat covered face looked so incredibly needy. "You have to get me off, Ryan. You have to get me off without coming yourself. Please, Ryan, try," said Susan. She kissed him strongly, and Ryan softened, and started rubbing her again. But as he did, his rider started to bubble again.
"No," said Susan, slapping him softly again.
This time Ryan found the sting to be almost erotic. "You want me to stop?" he asked.
"No, keep going! But don't get so excited!"
"I can't help it! You turn me on!"
"I... I do?" Susan was stunned by the admission.
Ryan kissed his sister passionately. She groaned with the taking. Her mind was a swirl of confusing emotions now. Could she be attracted... to her own brother?
"I'm almost there, Ryan, almost... almost...." She saw his rider bubbling up and slapped him again. Ryan winced and his rider calmed down. Somehow, the slaps seemed to become part of their lovemaking, and Ryan began to get aroused by the slaps itself.
The next time Susan slapped him, her eyes widened as she saw his rider still bubbling, even after she slapped him. "No! Finish me now before it splits! Hurry, Ryan, hurry!"
Ryan gritted his teeth and rubbed the head of his shaft against his sister's clitoris. Susan in turn gritted her own teeth and tightened her thigh ass muscles, willing it to happen. Ryan... Ryan pleasuring her... Ryan with his sexy chest, legs, and penis... Ryan, fucking her blind.... Ah... ah...... Ahhhhhhhhh!
Susan gave a sigh of relief and collapsed in the bed next to him. "Thank you," she whispered, taking his hand. "Thank you, dear brother."
They lay in bed for some time. Each time they did it, they seemed to spend more and more time together afterwards. As if they were forming a real relationship. Susan looked at her brother's still rock hard erection with the glowing green symbol on the tip, and felt a pang of sympathy for him. "I'm sorry that I can't... can't finish you off."
"You could," said Ryan. "If you joined the Hive." He rubbed her shoulders. "Come on, sis, you've been thinking about it. Don't deny it."
"Maybe... maybe I have," Susan grudgingly admitted. "But to have a rider on my back, controlling me?"
"It feel so good," said Ryan. "You know you want it. I can tell."
"Maybe," said Susan. "I... I will think about it."
The next morning her mother kissed and hugged her at breakfast. "What was that for?" Susan asked.
"Simply an expression of affection for my youngest," said Marion. She turned around for a moment, and the outline of her heavy rider was very apparent through her tight white blouse. "I notice you and your brother have been spending some time together."
"Yes," said Susan guardedly. Did Mother know?
"He's very handsome," said Marion. "I'm so glad we're both in the Hive. Only the Hive frees us of societal inhibitions. If one or both of us were to have sex with a family member outside of the Hive, it would be simply scandalous, don't you think?" She grinned at her daughter.
Mother knew!
"Don't looked so surprised, dear," said Marion, caressing Susan's hair. "A good mother knows everything going on in her household. Tell me, was it good for you?"
Susan nodded reluctantly.
"Do you see some of the benefits of joining the Hive?"
Susan nodded even more reluctantly.
"And Ryan could make it so quick and easy for you!" she squeezed Susan's hand. "What do you say?"
Susan's lip trembled. "Mother, I... I will think about it. But I will say this.... If... if I do join the Hive, and that's a big if... I... I will have Ryan give me... a rider." She found it difficult to say the words, and yet she had said them.
Marion looked at her daughter so proudly. She squeezed her hand again, and gave her a great big hug.
Marion was summoned to Chloe's. She hadn't heard from her sister since she had given birth to the Hivelife she had created with Paul, the glowing green pod. Marion was very curious to find out what had happened to it. She was about to find out.
"We're in here, dear," said Chloe, as Marion entered the foyer.
Marion stepped into the living room to see an amazing sight. Chloe, Christopher, and Michelle were all standing there, naked. They were masturbating themselves, masturbating to the sight of Stephan making love to... Stephan?
There were two of them.
One of the Stephans was on his hands and knees. The other was behind him, thrusting in and out between his ass cheeks. Marion looked to the right, and saw a tall, ruptured cocoon.
One of them must be Chloe's baby. Chloe had given birth to a baby who looked exactly like Stephan.
Nothing was left to chance in the Hive. Why would Chloe be impregnated with a child who looked exactly like her husband?
And then Marion suddenly realized which was which. The one on top didn't have a rider. That must be the new Stephan. He had a confident look on his face as he plowed between the other Stephan's ass cheeks.
The real Stephan. Stephan's face was glazed with fear and terror and ecstasy.
"Ah, dear, you're finally here," said Chloe. She spoke as one hand rapidly moved inside her pubic folds. "Isn't it glorious?"
"What... what is it?"
"Stephan. The new Stephan," said Chloe. "He is taking Stephan's memories."
"Why?" Marion asked.
"You'll see," said Chloe darkly.
Marion looked at Stephan. He seemed to be in agony. He looked at Marion with terror in his eyes, and mouthed the words "help me". Even as he did, his body stiffened, he gave a shrill scream, and then his body started to glow. There was a smell of smoke, and Stephan's body started to rapidly desiccate. When the glow vanished, Stephan's body was just a lifeless husk.
Chloe and her children gasped as they all climaxed at that exact moment, Chloe and Michelle with their fingers in their mashed vulvas and Christopher with his hand on his shaft, shooting out a salute to his late father in a semi-circular arc.
Stephan, the new Stephan, smiled confidently as he pulled out of his late predecessor. His penis was caked with dark streaks. "Come here, you," he said, in a terribly possessive way.
Chloe ran into his arms and gave him a great big kiss. Marion watched it all wide-eyed.
"I love you so much," said Chloe.
"I know you do," said Stephan.
Chloe turned to Marion even as Stephan put an arm around her. "Do you see, Marion? Isn't it wonderful?"
"Yes... but... what about Stephan?" Marion asked.
"Stephan is right here," said Chloe, grinning up at her husband. She caught Marion's frown. "This is a new Stephan, a better Stephan, one who will serve the Hive in a much superior way."
"Will all of us be... replaced?" Marion asked, as fear gripped her.
"I don't know, Sister. We'll just have to wait and see," said Chloe, giving a mischievous grin.
Stephan, the new Stephan, noticed Marion for the first time. "Marion, welcome."
"Thank you," said Marion, not sure what to say.
"Have all your family's friends and contacts joined the Hive?" Stephan asked, as he idly played with Chloe's breasts.
"Yes," said Marion.
"Including Susan's?" Chloe asked.
"Yes," said Marion.
"Including her friend Elly?" Chloe asked, staring hard at her.
How did she know about Elly?
"Yes," said Marion. "Elly was taken yesterday."
Chloe and Stephan exchanged looks. "She's coming along fine, then."
"I agree," said Stephan. "I see no reason to delay any further. It is time for Susan to join the Hive." He turned to Marion. "Bring Susan over now."
"Now?" said Marion. "But... she's so young!" said Marion, trying to find some reason to delay. Marion knew it was coming, of course, but hoped that Susan would come to the decision voluntarily. All Susan needed was a few more days and she would come around to it on her own, Marion was sure of it.
"Does Susan have a sexually mature vagina?" Chloe asked.
"She does," Marion conceded.
"Could her body be used to serve the Hive?" Chloe asked.
"It... it could," said Marion.
"Then bring her over now," said Chloe.
"You... you promised me that Susan would not be brought into the Hive," said Marion.
"Did I?" Chloe cocked an eyebrow. "I think my exact words were that you would not have to bring her into the Hive. And you won't."
Marion realized she had been deceived, yet again. Wild thoughts raced through Marion's head. If Susan was going to be brought into the Hive, it would be better, much better, if Marion did it.
"I... I can do it," said Marion. "Ryan and I can help her, just like Rachel-"
Her sister smiled sweetly at her. "It's kind of you to offer, Marion, but Susan has been promised to another." Her eyes looked to the right.
Marion's jaw dropped as she saw Stephan's evil grin.
Stephan was going to bring Susan into the Hive.
Immediately the implications of this flooded Marion's mind. What had Stephan become? He looked like Chloe's husband, but he obviously wasn't. He didn't even wear a rider. He was some kind of Hive life. The next stage of development, Marion heard whispered into her ear.
But Marion had just watched Stephan mur*er his predecessor. What would he do to her dear, sweet Susan?
She found herself asking, "Will he... will he....."
"Will I what?" Stephan asked. His penis was still coated with excrement.
"Will you... be gentle with her?" Marion asked.
"Most assuredly," Stephan said. "If Susan gives herself to the Hive, I promise you she will find it a very pleasurable experience."
"Go now, Sister. Go and bring your youngest to us," said Chloe. "Go now!"
Marion was tormented during the short ride home. She had an image in her mind of Stephan, making love to her young daughter. She imagined Susan screaming as her body was desiccated, as Stephan's penis destroyed her the way it did the other Stephan.
I must obey the Hive. I must give Susan to the Hive. I have no choice.
An hour later, Marion drove Susan over to Chloe's house. Rachel came along as well.
"Why are we going to Aunt Chloe's?" Susan wanted to know. She remembered how she had knelt, naked, before the holoimage of Aunt Chloe when her fate had been determined.
"She wants to talk to you, dear," said Marion. She didn't have the emotional strength to tell her daughter the truth.
"To talk?" said Susan skeptically.
"Just talk," Rachel grinned.
"About what?" Susan asked.
"You'll see," said Rachel. She, of course, knew exactly what was about to happen. Now that she was an eager, willing member of the Hive, she was delighted to see her younger sister brought into it, especially since Susan had been so helpful and supportive during her own conversion.
Susan looked from her sister's evil grin to her mother's worried face. She wasn't stupid. She knew what was about to happen.
She was going to be brought into the Hive.
It was inevitable, she realized. Marion had only delayed it; now she saw that giving her a worm had been an act of kindness, the only way the last remnants of her mother could try to protect her.
Susan considered bolting from the car and running away. But where would she go? More importantly, she had a worm lodged on her clitoris. It was fully capable of incapacitating her with pain... or pleasure. She took a deep breath and started to tremble.
"It will be all right, Sis. Just wait and see," said Rachel, patting her on the shoulder.
Susan saw her mother's eyes staring at her through the rear view mirror.
As she drove, Marion briefly stole looks at her youngest daughter. Susan had matured young and looked much older than her true age. She took after her mother, and already had large breasts and a well rounded ass which made her look more like a woman of 25 than a girl of 18. She would make excellent breeding material for the Hive, Marion reflected.
But to let Stephan take her... Marion resisted a shudder. She tried to tell herself that Susan was no longer her daughter. First and foremost, she was a vagina. A reproductive system born to serve the Hive. How she was inducted into the Hive was not important.
And yet... Marion would have preferred to bring Susan into the Hive herself, with Ryan's help. In the privacy of her own home. She would be loving, and tender, helping Susan make the transition to Hive Slave as painlessly as possible. Marion feared how Stephan would handle it.
And rightfully so.