Chapter 26.2

"But however the Hive uses you, you have to understand that you are a tool, nothing more. As the Hive takes more and more control of your mind, you will understand this, and more, I promise," said Chloe. "Rachel, why don't you help your sister with her training?"

"Gladly," Rachel grinned. Even as Christopher continued to have coitus with her sister, she walked over to Susan and put her hands on her ass cheeks. "Repeat after me, dear sister. I want to be used."

"I... I want to be used," Susan gasped.

"Good!" said Rachel. "Now say, 'I must be filled with Hivecum.'"

"I... I must be filled with Hivecum," said Susan, gasping again as Christopher, pulling out suddenly, reversed himself and plunged into her again.

Suddenly she realized how reversed the situation was. Before she had helped the Hive to train Rachel. And now Rachel was returning the favor.

And to judge by the smile on Rachel's face, she was enjoying every minute of it.

"You look so beautiful... so sexy, Sis," said Rachel, with an alien gleam in her eyes as she watched Susan's breasts bounce back and forth with every jolt. The young blonde's face and hair was drenched with sweat as Chloe's young son continued to use her.

"I do?" Susan gasped. "Thank you... thank you for help me, Sis."

"It's my pleasure, Sis," said Rachel. "Now say, 'I want my vagina modified, to breed Hivelife inside!'."

"I want my vagina modified, to breed Hifelife inside!" Susan said. She smiled and winked at Marion, who smiled back and felt really good.

Susan was embracing her training wholeheartedly!

"A natural, dear," said Chloe, putting an arm around her. "Just like you."

Susan's first training session went on for more than an hour. As Marion watched her, she couldn't have been more proud. Her youngest daughter's sexuality was fully on display, vibrant, freed, completely freed of inhibition. Stephan and Christopher were the first men to make love to her, but Marion knew they were only the beginning. Soon Susan would learn to enjoy sharing her sexuality in all its forms with many others, leading a free and uninhibited life as she and the rest of her family now enjoyed. As she watched her young daughter's sweaty, sexualized body bounce from each thrust of Christopher's cock, she gave a silent thanks to the Hive for all it had done for her family.

Susan was made to repeat many of the same phrases that Marion had when she had been brought into the Hive. But at the end of her training there were also new phrases, phrases personally involving her.

"I want to be used! I want to be used for reproduction!" said Susan. She smiled broadly like a kite flying in the wind. There was no resistance in her now. She had just been taken by the Hive but was instantly obedient.

"Isn't she wonderful?" Chloe asked.

"She's amazing," said Marion. "I didn't think she would give in this quickly.

"She had a wonderful role model," said Chloe, and the two of them kissed. Marion felt her sister's lips and body pressed against her even as Susan's training continued.

But towards the end of her training session the phrases started to change.

"You want to be used against your mother," said Christopher.

"What?" said Susan.

"Tell me you want to be used against your mother," said Christopher.

Susan gave Marion an uncertain look. "I... I want to be used against Mom."

"You want to be used as a tool against your mother."

"I... I want to be used as a tool against Mom," said Susan still looking confused.

"You want to be used to control her, to change her."

"I... I want to be used to control her, to change her."

"You want to control her tits and her cunt!" said Christopher.

Susan gasped.

"Say it!"

"I... I want to control Mom's tits and her cunt!" Susan gave Marion a pleading look.

Marion turned to Chloe and whispered, "What does this mean?"

"You'll see," said Chloe. She pressed her breasts against her sister and kissed her. "You'll simply love it, I promise."

"Christopher, I need to come!" Susan cried. They had been at this for nearly an hour. Her rider had been stimulating her vagina and clitoris unmercifully, edging her all the while.

"Say it directly to her!" said Christopher, pounding more rapidly now.


"Tell your mother directly! And say it like you mean it!" Christopher snapped.

Susan raised her sweaty tired head and looked her mother squarely in the eye even as Christopher continued to enter her from behind. She had a hard, determined gaze.

"Mom, I want to be used as a tool against you!" She gasped as she was pounded again.

"I want to use you, control you!" She gasped. "Please, I'm so close, let me come!"

Christopher gave no answer. The rider on Susan's back pounded like mad.

Susan gritted her teeth and stared at Marion even more intently. "I want to own you, Mom! I am going to change you and control you!" And then she practically roared, "I WANT TO OWN YOU AND MAKE YOUR TITS AND CUNT MINE!"

That did it. Susan's body gasped and convulsed as she was rewarded with an earth shattering orgasm. Marion watched with great concern as her loved one collapsed on the couch, totally exhausted.

"Excellent," said Chloe. "She's going to be a great candidate, I can tell." Chloe's hazel eyes bored into Marion's. "You will have Paul bring her here every night for training. Do you understand?"

"And me?" Marion asked.

"Your presence is no longer required. Do you understand, dear?" Chloe repeated sweetly.

Marion bowed her head. "Yes."

Susan was silent on the drive home. She looked totally exhausted.

"I'm... sorry," said Marion. "I wanted to protect you. But the Hive... the Hive had different needs."

"I understand," said Susan.

"How... how does your rider feel?" Marion asked.

"It's... warm. I... I can feel it in my head, too," said Susan. "It's only going to get stronger and control me, won't it?"

Marion nodded. "But it's going to feel so good too. You'll barely notice."

Marion's mind was in a swirl. She had just watched her youngest daughter get her virginity taken and given her first rider. And she had also experienced the strongest orgasm of her life watching it. She looked over at Susan. She was so young, so beautiful.

Marion's rider fed her confidence as she felt reassured by the heavy pulsing mound on her back. Everything would work out as it was meant to.

The next day, Marion watched helplessly as Paul drove Susan to Chloe's house. Marion wanted to take her there, but Paul refused.

"Why?" Marion asked.

"That is not your concern," said Paul coldly.

That was the price she had paid for bringing Susan into the Hive; while the Hive had gained another sex slave, Marion had lost a daughter, just as surely as she had lost Paul. Marion had seen Susan that morning, at breakfast. She seemed almost her usual self, shy and introspective. If not for the slight hump on her back Marion might have thought she was unchanged.

But Marion knew the Hive was just beginning to improve her. It would shape and change Susan until she was no longer recognizable, until she became exactly whatever the Hive wished her to be.

Already Susan was partially under the Hive's control. Paul tested that control in the morning when he walked into the kitchen, wearing only tight underwear which showed off his pubic bulge. He looked at Susan, eating breakfast in the dinette, and said simply, "Kiss me."

Susan immediately got up, wrapped her arms around Paul, and kissed her father passionately. She felt his pubic bulge pressing against her. When she pulled back, Paul nodded approvingly. "I like your new attitude, daughter."

Susan smiled shyly, shifting from one foot to another. "Are you going to use me, Father?"

"Yes. The Hive has given me permission to take you today, during your training."

Marion felt her jaw drop open. Paul was going to have sex with Susan. She shouldn't have been surprised. After all, she had seduced Ryan. But the matter of fact way she had learned about it stunned her.

Susan's only response to learning that she was going to be having sex with her father today was to nod and go back to eating breakfast. No rebellion, no enthusiasm, simply... obedience. Marion tried to remember if she had been so... compliant when she had first gotten her rider.

When Susan returned from her first training session at Chloe's, she looked a bit dazed.

Marion asked her what happened.

"They are helping my rider mature," said Susan simply. She stared blankly at the far wall in her bedroom for a moment.

"They?" Marion asked.

"Stephan and Christopher and... Dad."

"Your father?" said Marion anxiously.

"Um hm," said Susan. She started undressing, working on her shirt. Marion saw her rider looked a bit thicker. "They all fucked me, Mom. Or rather, they made me fuck them. I had to ride up and down on them and repeat certain phrases."

"And did you?" Marion asked.

"Of course," said Susan.

Of course.

"I am a common whore. I am a common whore. I am a common whore," said Susan softly. "Ooooh," she groaned, grabbing her groin. She had been so conditioned that even saying the key phrase triggered a burst of pleasure in her clit.

"Who made you say that?" Marion asked.

"Dad," said Susan. She took off her shirt. Her rider glistened on her back, it's brownish-yellow coloring a sharp contrast to Susan's fair skin.

"Your father made you say that?"

"Um hm," said Susan. "He said I was too prideful." She started working on her bra strap, just below her rider. "I am a fuck hole. I am a fuck hole. I am a fuck hole. Uhhhhh," she gasped, rubbing her titties.

"Who made you say that?" Marion asked.

"Christopher. Chloe's son," said Susan. She took off her bra gingerly. When she turned around Marion saw sucking and bite marks on her neck and breasts.

"Who did that to you?"

"All of them. Dad more than most. He said I was a great fuck," said Susan. She yawned. "I'm tired and I need a shower. Was there something else, Mother?"

Anything else? Marion shook her head. Susan seemed so... compliant.

Marion went into the master bedroom. Paul was nude and about to get into the shower. "Paul?" she asked uncertainly.

Paul turned to her, his expression blank. Marion saw his body was all sweaty. The tip of his penis looked red and wet. He looked up at her.

"N-nothing," said Marion, turning away hastily.

The next morning Susan took the spare air car to Chloe's. Paul didn't go. Marion looked inquiringly at him. "I am no longer necessary."

Marion raised an eyebrow but said nothing.

When Susan came home that evening, she seemed a little... different. Less shy. More talkative. Not like the Susan she knew. Slowly but surely, her rider was growing, maturing, and changing her. As Susan rummaged through the fridge, the imprint of the rider under the back of her shirt was visible, as was her firm ass cheeks through her short shorts.

"Who... who helped you today, dear?" Helped. That was the word Marion used.

"Aunt Chloe. And Michelle. And two other girls I didn't know."

Four women?

"Two other girls?" Marion asked.

Susan shrugged as she got some milk from the fridge. "I think they are friends of Michelle's from college."

"You... you made love to women, Susan?"

Susan drank for a moment, looking at Marion with wary eyes. "Yes."

"You... you know how to...."

"Aunt Chloe. She taught me. Didn't she teach you, Mom?"

Marion reddened. "A bit." She remembered the sexual experience she had shared with Chloe on the couch, the evening when Susan got brought into the Hive.

Marion wet her lips. "Did you... did you feel something when you were... with the women?"

"A bit," said Susan, looking away evasively. "My rider, it's training me to like girls, I think."

"Why?" Marion asked.

"I don't know," said Susan, still looking away.

Over the next few days Susan told Marion the same story. She was being made to have sex with women. Susan was being taught to enjoy saying that she loved being a slave of the Hive, that she loved being controlled; but she was also being taught to say other things as well.

"What other things?" Marion asked.

"That ... that I'm a lesbian," said Susan. Embarrassment and shame showed in her eyes.

"A lesbian?" said Marion, looking startled.

"That... that I want to make love to women. I want to fuck girls hard." Susan started to breathe heavily. "I want to fuck girls hard. I want to fuck girls hard. I want to fuck them hard!" She groaned and rubbed her groin against the edge of the kitchen counter top and panted, as the rider on her back pulsated, making her shirt inflate and deflate slightly. Suddenly Susan realized what she was doing and reddened.

"Sorry, Mom," she said. She reached out and hugged Marion. Marion hugged her tightly. As she did, she noticed that Susan began to run her hands up and down her back. More than that, Susan started to grind her body against her mother's.

"Ummmm," she said softly. "That feels good."

Marion, startled, stiffened and stepped back slightly.

Susan reddened. "Sorry, Mom," she said again.

That night Marion dreamed

She dreamed about Susan, but not exactly in a daughterly way.

She dreamed about Susan wearing short shirts, and showing off her creamy legs. About Susan wearing revealing shirts, and fondling her breasts while smiling coyly at her mother. About Susan snuggling up against her, and kissing her, and telling Marion she was so sexy. Her dreams quickly became even more explicit, and before long she was actually making love to Susan, rubbing her naked body against her daughter, making her gasp and come in her arms. "Susan... Susan... Susan..." Marion muttered in her sleep, her hand working busily between her legs. When she woke up bleary eyed in the morning her body was full of perspiration, her hand wedged between her legs, and she reeked of sex.

That morning as she prepared breakfast Susan came in and said "Morning, Mom."

"Good morning, dear," Marion responded, as Susan gave her a kiss. But gone was the customary peck on the cheek. Susan kissed her boldly on the lips, rubbing, grinding, taking, and this time Marion didn't push her away.

When she was done Susan pulled back and said approvingly, "Better." She looked her mother up and down. "I like your tight shirts, Mom, they really show off your tits."

Marion reddened. "Thank you, dear." Once Paul, Ryan and Rachel had joined the Hive, she saw no further purpose in wearing baggy clothes and pretending to be the old Marion. The old Marion no longer existed. So she wore some of the very form fitting shirts she had bought which showed off her breasts. All the men loved them... and now so did her daughter.

Susan frowned. "The only problem is that you're still wearing those baggy pants. Why don't you get something nicer that shows off your ass?"

Marion looked down at her pants. "Maybe I will, dear."

Susan sat down to breakfast, the conversation immediately forgotten. Rachel and Ryan exchanged knowing looks, but said nothing.

That evening Marion casually walked by Susan's room. The door was open, and she saw Susan, topless except for a thin white bra, proudly modeling her rider in the mirror.

"Am I disturbing you, dear?"

"Not at all, Mother," said Susan, who until a few days ago was as intensely private about her body as Marion had been several weeks earlier. She proudly modeled her breasts and her rider in the mirror, turning from side to side. "I wasn't really sure about it before, but I think it kind of looks good now Mom, doesn't it?"

Marion looked at Susan, wearing only a flimsy cotton bra. "Yes, dear, it does." On her back her rider had grown much larger in a short period of time, and she could see the faint outline of her first band. Marion felt a tingling in her vagina. She turned Susan around to face her. They stared into each other's eyes. "Do you like being in the Hive, Susan?"

"Yes," Susan whispered. "It feels really good now." She looked down. "New pants, Mother?"

"I... yes."

"Turn around."

Marion, blushing, complied.

Susan gave a low whistle. "Very sexy. I like the way they show off your ass and your crotch line."

"Thank you, dear."

"Mother... did you get those pants for me?"

"I... I don't know, dear," said Marion.

"I do," said Susan. "Kiss me, Mother."


"Kiss me."

Marion's rider pulsed on her back. She leaned forward and kissed Susan. Their lips grinded together for a moment. "Better," said Susan grudgingly.

Thus began a pattern. Marion and Susan kissed every morning when they got up, every evening when they said goodnight, and sometimes in between. Every day the kisses became more intimate, more involved, and Marion found her own daughter squeezing her ass and fondling her as they embraced. Marion knew what was happening but couldn't resist. She didn't want to resist. She dreamed about Susan every night now, dreamed of making love to her sweet daughter. She knew it was wrong but her body was being trained to want it.

And then one night, on the sixth evening after Susan began her training, Marion suddenly woke up in the middle of the night. Something compelled her to go out into the living room. In the dim light she could just barely make out Susan. Her daughter was totally nude. She was rubbing her groin against the padded arm of the sofa. And she was muttering something.

"I have to fuck Mom," Susan whispered, rubbing her groin hard. "I have to fuck Mom!" She rubbed even more vigorously, and panted.

Marion's eyes widened in surprise. She suddenly wondered if her waking up in the middle of the night had been an accident. Perhaps her rider had planned it. She watched as her daughter masturbated against the arm of the couch, thinking erotic thoughts about her mother. Susan's rider glistened even in the dim light. Her ass cheeks bounced as she rubbed up and down.

Marion felt her clit burning with need. She restrained a gasp, and cautiously made her way back to her bedroom.

The next morning at breakfast, after they shared a passionate kiss, Susan stared at her intensely.

"You know Marion, you have a very sexy body," said Susan, looking at her with heavy lidded eyes.

Marion. Not Mom.

"I do?" said Marion. She was used to hearing that, but not from her 18 year old daughter.

"Definitely," said Susan. She reached out experimentally and fondled one of Marion's breasts. Her dear, sweet daughter was touching her breasts! Susan noticed Marion's lack of resistance and smiled. "So sexy... I'm so lucky to have such a fuckable Mom." And she leaned in again and Marion found herself kissing her daughter again, this time with even more passion

On the evening of the sixth day of her training, Susan's transformation suddenly resolved itself. Susan ran up to her and yelled "Mom!" and hugged her tightly.

"What's happened?" Marion asked.

"I have joined the Hive, Mother!" said Susan, smiling broadly. "My rider has reached sexual maturity!"

Sexual maturity.

"Are you happy?" Marion asked.

"Of course," said Susan, twirling about. "Would you like to see?"

Marion nodded.

Susan took off her shirt. She wasn't wearing a bra underneath. She smiled as she felt Marion's eyes on her breasts. Then she turned around and showed Marion her rider.

It had a solid gold band on it, even brighter than Marion's first band. Susan's rider was already almost as thick as Marion's, even though Susan's was only single banded. They must have really worked Susan over to make her rider grow so much. She seemed to be under the Hive's control.

Susan turned around and looked at Marion for a reaction. She's enslaved now. She wants this as much as I do.

Marion smiled warmly and hugged her daughter gently. "I'm so happy for you. Welcome to the Hive, dear."

Susan gave Marion an odd look. "Is that how you welcome your beloved daughter to the Hive, Mother?"

Marion smiled and reached over and kissed Susan on the lips. Susan, still completely topless, grabbed Marion and hugged her tightly. Marion felt Susan's breasts pressed against hers as Susan grinded her lips against her mother. As she kissed her, her hands went down, down and down until they were on Marion's ass. She squeezed Marion's ass cheeks as she kissed her passionately. They had kissed before, but this kiss was more aggressive and brazen then all the rest combined.

When she was satisfied, she released Marion and gave her an appraising look. "That's better. But we'll have to work on that, Marion." She turned to go.

Marion felt stunned. She called after her, "Has the Hive given you your first assignment?"

Susan turned back to her. "Yes, Mother, it has," she grinned.​
Next page: Chapter 27.1
Previous page: Chapter 26.1