Chapter 29.2

"Susan, I will already do anything the Hive asks of me," said Marion. "I don't mind having a third band added to my rider, but why do I need it?"

"The Hive has a very... special impregnation in mind for you," said Susan, her eyes gleaming. "They are very impressed with your sexy body, and your compliant mind, and they have very important plans for you."

"What... what plans?" Marion gasped, as the alien rod impaled her yet again.

"Mother, Chloe told you that you are going to be impregnated with a Greater Intelligence."

"Yes," Marion smiled, as she bounced up and down on the rod. "It's a tremendous honor."

"It is," said Susan. "But what you don't know are the consequences."

"Consequences?" Marion brushed hair from her face again.

"You should know that giving birth will not end the relationship between you and the Greater Intelligence," said Susan. "After you give birth, it will attach to your body, and start to change you, and your mind."

"My mind?" said Marion.

"Yes," said Heather.

"In what way?" Marion asked, as her breasts bounced up and down, her nipples proudly erect.

"Your brain will be wiped clean, and the contents of the Greater Intelligence will be deposited into it. You will no longer be a tool of the Hive; you will become the Hive itself. You will cease to exist, Mother!"

"No!" Marion cried.

"Yes," said Susan. "But in order for it to happen, in order for the mind/body merging to work, you have to want it. And once your rider gets its third band, you will. You'll want it all."

What am I doing? Marion suddenly realized she was riding a phallus, working as hard as she could to make her rider strong enough... to make her want to willingly end her own existence.

She stopped moving on the rod.

"Don't you stop, Mother! Don't you dare stop for an instant!" Susan cried.

Marion suddenly started moving up and down on the rod again. "No!" Marion cried. But she kept moving, arching her back up and down, working her hips and ass muscles hard. It was like her body had a mind of its own. Her arousal, her sweaty body, her erect nippled tits, her tingling clit, all were betraying her.

Susan looked sternly at her. "Harder, Mother, harder! You must work to help your rider take total control of your mind as quickly as possible."

Marion watched helplessly as her body impaled herself on the rod more vigorously. She felt the heavy rider on her back sucking the life out of her as it used her body's energy to grow stronger.

"Please... please don't make me do this, Susan," Marion gasped.

"I'm... I'm sorry, Mother. But I have no choice," said Susan.

She was speaking the truth. When Susan had learned of her new assignment, she had actually tried to resist. Stephan had had to give her special training for three days, pounding into her over and over, making her repeat the key phrases. That she wanted Marion to be consumed. That she wanted her mind destroyed. That she would do anything to make it happen.

When it was done, Susan still wasn't enthusiastic about what was going to happen to Marion... but she was knew it had to be done.

For two days Marion bounced up and down on the shaft sticking out of Susan's vagina. Although Marion was doing all the work, it was pleasurable for Susan too; every time Marion moved downwards, the other end of the shaft pressed more urgently into Susan, making her groan.

Marion worked as hard as she could to help her rider grow and take more control of her, even as she recoiled in horror over what she was doing.

"Your mind will be wiped clean, Mother," said Susan.

"No, Susan," said Marion.

"You want your mind wiped clean." Susan insisted. "You want to make your rider control you completely so you'll want to erase your mind."

"No," Marion cried. But even as she said it, she rubbed her body more feverishly against Susan's, trying to stimulate herself even further so her rider would grow stronger on her back and achieve that very goal. Marion didn't want the ending that was planned for her, but even as she resisted the idea of it, she was still so well trained that she cooperated as best she could, helping her rider grow stronger so it could make her do what she most feared.

After a solid day of love making, the third gold band started to appear more strongly on parts of her rider.

"Is it taking more control of you, Mother?" Susan asked, touching the newly formed banded lines gingerly.

Marion shuddered. "I think so."

"Do you still resist being implanted with a Greater Intelligence?"

"Yes... no... I don't know...."

"Do you still resist having your mind wiped?"

Marion felt the tendrils hot and heavy in her mind. She could no longer think clearly. "I... I want whatever the Hive wants," she whispered.

Susan studied her face. "You're almost there, Mother. Come," she said, lying down on her bed. "Come and finish the job."

And Marion willingly climbed on top of her daughter and started to feverishly make love to her, even as her rider clouded her mind and took more and more control of her.

And then, after two days of on and off lovemaking, it finally happened.

Susan and Marion had just completed another marathon lovemaking session. Marion had ridden on the phallus many times. They had also sucked each others' clitorises multiple times, and spent hours rubbing their bodies together. Marion felt exhausted. But suddenly, she stiffened, and felt something different.

Susan noticed the change, and got up and led Marion to the bathroom mirror, and proudly showed her the fruits of their labors.

Marion's rider now had three gold rings.

"Congratulations, Mother," said Susan, hugging her tightly.

"Thank you, dear," said Marion. She modeled her rider in the bathroom, crossing one leg over another as she looked at herself. Her back looked so sexy. Her ass was so firm and well rounded. Above it, her rider was so big and heavy that it covered half her back. It was big and meaty and so heavy! Every time it pulsated she felt it warmly against her back, like a heavy blanket. Marion felt so proud of the triple gold bands. Her rider had used her life essence, had literally fed off of her to achieve the highest level of sexual maturity. She barely noticed the angry red scabs around the edges of her rider.

Marion felt content. She was under the total control of the Hive now. She would do anything it asked of her. Anything. And Marion felt wonderful, under the total control of her rider. She had worried that when her rider got her third band that she would become... robotic, that she would lose herself. She saw what had happened to Paul when he had just gotten his first band. He had become a virtual automaton, almost unrecognizable.

But Marion felt almost unchanged. As long as she did what the Hive want, she was given complete freedom of action. The heavy, five pound pancake on her back felt warm and reassuring.

"You look so sexy," said Susan, looking at her mother admiringly. She was still single banded herself. "Kiss me."

Marion took her daughter in her arms and their lips pressed together.

Then Susan took her to the couch where they passionately made love.

"You want to be taken over by a Greater Intelligence," said Susan.

"I want to be taken over by a Greater Intelligence," Marion gasped, as she rubbed her vulva against her dear daughter.

"You want your mind wiped clean."

"I...." Marion tried to process what she was being asked to agree to. Suddenly she realized it was fine. It was all fine. "I want my mind wiped clean," she said.

"You want your body used as an empty shell for the Hive."

"I want my body used as an empty shell for the Hive," Marion said. She groaned as her rider sent pleasure shooting into her tits and her cunt. The combination of it and the feeling of Susan's breasts and vulva underneath her were incredible.

"You want to be used to give pain and pleasure to other people," said Susan.

"I... I do?"

"Say, it mother!"

Suddenly Marion realized Susan was correct. "Yes!" she cried. "I want to give pain and pleasure to others!"

"You want to help enslave humanity!"

"I want to help enslave humanity!" Marion cried.

"You want an end to your existence!" Susan said.

"I want an end... an end...." Marion blinked for a moment. She felt so sexually aroused. She ground her vulva against her daughter's especially hard. It felt so good! "I want an end to me, Susan. Help me end myself, Susan! Help me end myself so my empty shell can serve the Hive!"

Susan gave a sad smile as she watched Marion's body stiffen, her head thrust upwards, her titties wobbling out, as her rider rewarded her with the best orgasm of her life.

"Is she ready?" Chloe asked.

"She is," said Susan.

Chloe gave a smile full of teeth. She looked at her obedient younger sister, who was now programmed to sacrifice herself for the Hive. Marion stood rigidly at attention, with a blank look on her face.

All that was left was to make love, one last time.

"I'll miss fucking you," Chloe confessed tenderly, as their legs were intertwined. Marion's face was a mask of concentration as she scissored Chloe's vulva with her own, rubbing it against her furiously. "I'll miss fucking you and using you. You with your high morals and big titties, I love destroying what you were and rebuilding you from the ground up."

Marion gave no response. She was an automaton. She continued to scissor her sister.

"Be assured that your family will be well taken care of. Your husband is a mindless drone. Rachel has been impregnated by a giant spider. Ryan will spread the Hive. And Susan will take your place as my senior lover. She will also become a senior trainer, taking slaves to impossible places. Places like we have taken you."

Marion continued to rub her vulva against Chloe's. Her rider started to pulsate and she began to gasp. "Ah... ah... ah....."

"That's right, have one more climax on me," said Chloe. "Climax to the concept of your own obliteration, Marion. Say it."

"Obliteration," said Marion, her breasts heaving.


"Obliteration," Marion repeated, her face twisting up in sexual agony. Her clitoris was angry, red, stiff, and on the edge of an explosion.


"The obliteration... of me! Ah... ah... aaaaaaaaaah!" Marion cried out at the top of her lungs, and blacked out from the strength of her orgasm for a moment, collapsing on top of her sister. Chloe smiled and patted her hair, enjoying the familiar warmth of her sister one last time as her heavy titties and pubis pressed against her.

Marion was back in the cave.

"Are you ready to give yourself completely to the Hive?" Heather asked.

"Yes." Marion said immediately. To sacrifice herself for the Hive, for a higher form of Hive Life? She didn't even have to think about it. Her heavy, six pound triple banded rider pulsated contently on her back.

"Mom!" Susan cried. "Don't do it!" It took an effort just to say it. She had been conditioned to train Marion, and train her she did, but Susan still resisted her programming.

"Why not?" Marion asked.

"It will be the end of you," said Susan.

Marion gingerly hugged Susan. It felt good to feel her breasts pressed against her daughter-lover's. When she pulled back, she was smiling. "That's all right, dear. I'll be serving the greater good."

"Mom, please, think about it," said Ryan.

"My mind's made up," said Marion, smiling. "I'm ready to go!"

"Good," said Heather. "Come with me, please."

Marion followed Heather to another chamber, where two harem guards stood holding a new slave. He was a young man with a terrified look on his face.

"What have we here?" Marion asked.

"A new recruit," said Heather. "So new he doesn't even have any form of control over him."

"And you want me to bring him into the Hive?" Marion asked, smiling as she rubbed her pubis. The young man looked cute.

"Not exactly," said Heather. "We have found that pregnancies such as the one you are attempting are... difficult, at best. We have found we sometimes have more success when the female being inseminated is not under the control of the Hive, and we are currently experimenting with hosts under different levels of control." She saw realization spreading across Marion's face.

"What are you saying?"

"You must give up your rider," said Heather.

"No!" Marion cried instinctively.

"It will only be for a short time. Until shortly after you are impregnated," said Heather.

Marion's body started to tremble as the harem guards brought the new slave so that they stood almost back to back.

"No," she said, giving a slight whimper.

"It will be all right," said Heather soothingly.

Her rider had been with her so long. It was a part of her. She couldn't just-

Suddenly, she felt her rider sliding off her back. It stuck onto the new slave's back. He started screaming about his head, but Marion, dropping to her knees, didn't even notice.

She was free.

For the first time in months she was free.

It was like a heavy, suffocating curtain had been peeled back, as if light were flooding into a room that had been so very dark for a so very long time. Suddenly, the memories of what she had done came flooding home to her.

She had taken a rider... she had infected Paul. She had eagerly watched and even helped Chloe steal her own husband. She had had sex with her own son, and infected him! And then she did the same to Rachel! And then Susan... she had become a lesbian with her youngest daughter.

And her mother!

All the memories of what she had done bombarded her.

"What did you do to me?" Marion cried.

"Don't worry, you'll feel better soon," said Heather.

Marion looked down at her body. The body that had fucked hundreds of people, at the command of the Hive. The body that had a slave mark burned above her clitoris. The body that had given birth to... given birth to... those terrible creatures.

She got to her feet. "I have to get out of here!" Marion ran for the exit.

But the harem guards were quicker. They grabbed her before she got to the entrance of the cavern.

"Don't worry, you'll feel better once you have a beautiful baby in your belly."

Marion suddenly remembered. She had agreed to be impregnated with a monster which was going to destroy her mind. "No, no, please, no!"

"Take her to the insemination chamber," said Heather.

The guards started to drag Marion away. She yelled at the top of her lungs. "Please! Please! Don't do this! Nooooo!"

It was all so horrible.

A creature that looked like a giant slug mounted Marion. It had a phallus that was small enough to fit inside of her. As this giant yellow monster pounded away at her, she cried out.

But there was no one to hear her.

She was restrained, now, and the only ones around were the harem guards.

As Marion was inseminated, over the course of days, she reflected how terribly wrong her life had gone.

She traced it back to her very first decision to accept a rider. She never should have passively let Chloe implant it on her back. She should have fought them. Marion understood everything now. The Hive had cleverly manipulated her love for her family, telling her that by sacrificing herself for them that she was saving them, but in reality, the opposite was true: by taking a rider, she had opened a door to enable the Hive to take her entire family. She had willingly cooperated in the enslavement of the ones she loved.

Marion wondered what would become of them. She had heard nothing of Rachel since she had become impregnated with a giant spider. She didn't know if her mother had gotten impregnated. And all those innocent women! All those innocent people she had brought into the Hive--Veronica, Brian Johnson, that young man named Billy... their names were endless.

And her other children, Ryan and Susan, what would become of them? Would they be used to spread the Hive for the rest of their lives, or would they eventually be consumed, like she was about to be?

She felt so terrible of what she had done to them. She had helped the Hive turn Paul into a zombie. Rachel would be consumed. Ryan would be become simply a penis, used to expand the Hive, to infect innocent young girls. And Susan... dear, sweet shy Susan was now a lesbian seductress. Marion winced as she remembered her role into bringing Susan into the Hive, the way she had screamed for help while Marion had enjoyed a sex orgy with Chloe. And then, after it was over, they Hive had used Susan as a tool against her, and made Marion... into what she was now.

Marion's back was inflamed in discomfort, now that she had no rider to mask the pain of being ridden. She couldn't see it, but she felt a giant red rash all over her back.

The creature on top of her had a head of sorts, but no eyes. It blindly plugged into her vaginal canal, plug, plug, plug, and then there was a gush, and a release of liquids.

Marion wondered what it would feel like when Hive Life grew inside of her. She wondered what would happen when it erased her mind. Would any part of her remain?

And then it was done.

Marion felt a small, hard bulge in her belly. She had been impregnated. This felt different from her other pregnancy. This felt harder, firmer, more of a fleshy mass, even at this early stage.

She was elated when Ryan and Susan came to visit her. Susan was carrying an organic container of some kind.

"Children!" she cried. They reached out to hug her, one after another. Marion looked with dismay at their backs. Something had changed. They both had double banded riders now. They were both under the firm control of the Hive.

Still, she had to try. "Children, you have to help me get out of here," she said.

"Why, Mom?" said Ryan.

"Why?" said Marion. She looked into his eyes. "I'm impregnated with a monster!"

"It's not a monster," said Ryan. "It's the creation of a whole new form of life."

Marion's eyes narrowed. When last she saw Ryan and Susan, they had retained enough of their own minds to argue against her getting pregnant. Now they were for it. She looked at their double banded riders; had they just recently gotten their second rings?

"I've got to get out of here," said Marion, heading for the exit.

"No, Mom," said Ryan, grabbing her.

And then Marion started to smell it.

The smell of Ryan's musky scent.

Only it was stronger, and more potent than ever before. She became quickly overcome. Her nipples got hard, and her vagina started to lubricate. Suddenly, she found herself in a daze. She eased her grip on Ryan's arms.

"That's right, Mom, just relax," said Ryan. He nodded to his sister.

Marion turned her head and saw Susan open the organic container. Inside was a three banded rider.

Her rider.

Ryan escorted her to the nearest cave wall and had her lean against it with her palms out.

"No... oh no," said Marion. But she felt so faint, so weak. She had been overcome by whatever special pheromone they used on her.

"Doesn't she look so beautiful, so sexy?" said Ryan, as he squeezed one of Marion's hanging breasts. "I'll miss having her."

"So will I," said Susan wistfully, squeezing an ass cheek. "All right Mom, I want you to take deep, easy breaths."

Marion winced as she recognized what was being done to her. The same thing she had done to countless others. Her children were willing tools to do this to her only because she had been a willing tool to do it to them. She had come full circle.

"No," she whimpered.

"Doesn't she look so hot when she's so helpless, so vulnerable?" Ryan asked. "I feel like taking her now."

"We have an assignment to complete," said Susan sternly. "All right, Mom, that's good, take a deep breath... now another... you're doing great... you're going to feel a small pinch on your back...."

Marion gasped as she felt the rider on her back. This wasn't like the first time; this was a heavy, six pound fully mature rider that was being put on her. She didn't even have time to protest as it quickly and efficiently took control of her mind.

She froze, silently, for a moment, as her rider reasserted itself.

"There," said Susan, smiling. "How do you feel, Mom?"

Marion stroked her belly and smiled contently. "I'm eager to serve the Hive."

It was so good to be pregnant again.

Much better even than the last time. The last time, Marion had felt inflated, but not filled.

This time, she felt the hard flesh of the baby she carried within her. It was alive and pulsating and warm and filled her uterus completely. Her belly expanded, and she smiled happily as she felt life, Hive Life, slithering inside of her.

Her breasts started to get large too, and she sensed they were being filled with milk. Would she... could she... was this a baby she could breastfeed?

Every night as she went to sleep her rider filled her with thoughts. How she loved this baby. How this baby meant more to her than anything. How good she would feel once she gave birth. Once it took control of her mind, completely and utterly.

And then, two weeks later, it happened. With Heather performing the delivery, Marion gave birth.

It was a painful birthing. It was somewhat larger than a traditional baby. Or at least, differently shaped.

"It's partially out now, Marion. Squeeze, dear, squeeze!" said Heather.

Because of her bloated belly, Marion couldn't see what she was giving birth to. But she could feel something coming out of her. She bore down, and squeezed harder.

"Great, dear! We have the first head. Keep squeezing!"

The first head? Marion gritted her teeth and kept pushing. The pain was incredible. But before long, she cried out, and felt it evacuate her. It was done.

"You did it!" said Heather. "Wonderful, Marion! Congratulations!"

"Let me... let me see my baby," said Marion.

"Your baby... is on its way to you," said Heather, and there was something in her voice that made Marion feel a sense of foreboding.

Suddenly, something rose above her belly. It was a yellow reptilian head. It had golden eyes. Marion couldn't help but recoil. And then a second head appeared. It looked nearly identical to the first. As it advanced over her body, Marion cried out. "Get it off of me!"

"But why, dear? It's your baby," said Heather.

Marion saw that it was some kind of two headed yellow serpent. The creature had one body that split off into two necks and two heads. The two heads hovered above her chest, hissing at her.

"Heather!" Marion cried.

"Just relax, dear. It's about to mount you."

Mount me? Marion thought.

The creature stared at Marion, with two sets of eyes, radiating pure malice. It hissed at her, and she thought she was going to perish, as the creature seemed to tense itself to lunge, and then-

Each head swooped down, biting down on one of her breasts. Marion screamed.

Suddenly, she heard/felt a sucking sensation. The creature... whatever it was... that was latched to her breasts, was sucking on her teats.

"Oh," said Marion. And then, as she felt waves of pleasure. "Oh. Ooooh... Oooohhhh..."

Her rider dropped off her back. It was no longer needed. The Greater Intelligence had taken over now.

"How do you feel now, Marion?" Heather asked.

"It's my baby," said Marion, stroking the serpent's body lovingly. "Isn't it beautiful?"

"Yes," said Heather. "And as it takes more and more control of you, you will love it."

"I already do," said Marion, smiling as she watched her baby suck her teats. She no longer felt any pain. "When will it fully take over my brain?"

"A few days," said Heather.

"I can't wait to become part of the Greater Intelligence," said Marion.

Heather smiled. Everything was well in hand here.

Her baby was growing, both in length and width. But its two mouths were always sucking at her teats. Marion loved nursing her baby. It had been so many years since she had last nursed an infant. It felt so good to have this warm body, nestled up against her own. It felt like it was clamped down to her body. Marion could no longer stand up. She lay on her back as the creature sucked on her tits, suck, suck suck. She saw the alien look in its eyes as it sucked on her vitality and she smiled. She was bringing life to the Hive. It had been a long time coming, but she finally had another baby. She had finally brought new life into the world.

Marion bonded with her offspring as it sucked on her for days and days. She loved the warmth of it. She loved the serpent's yellow skin. She loved its gold eyes. The tail of the serpent was always inside of her vagina, slowly thrusting in, and thrusting out. Marion felt near constant sexual arousal as her baby sucked on her teats and moved in and out of her. She loved this baby more than anything.

Over time, the baby not only grew larger, but grew yellow tubes out of its sides and head. One of them went right into Marion's mouth, forcing some kind of liquid down her throat. Marion wondered how it had nutrients to feed her.

That wasn't the only tube that came out of it. The creature had grown other tubes which stuck into different parts of her body. She was being modified, changed. And then the day came when she felt tubes going into her ears.

Marion felt her brain changing. Not merely being modified, or influenced, as her rider had done; but being wiped clean. Whole memories were slipping away. Her personality was being erased. Marion could feel herself going.

A white fuzz started to envelope her body. She was changing in every way.

At some point Ryan and Susan and Heather came to visit. She distantly heard Heather say, "You had best say your goodbyes, dear. This will probably be the last time you can speak to your mother."

"Mom?" said Ryan.

"How are you feeling? Susan asked.

Marion looked at them. She still remembered who they were, but the fact that they were her children had very little meaning for her.

Marion slowly smiled. "I feel wonderful." It was a little difficult to speak, with the tube in her mouth.

"They say you are almost done, that the Greater Intelligence is almost finished wiping your brain," said Susan.

She looked a little sad. Marion wondered why.

"Good," said Marion. "I exist to serve the Hive."

"What is this white stuff forming around her body?"

"It's a cocoon," said Heather. "While the Greater Intelligence is modifying her brain, her body is also being changed."

"When will it be done?"

"Soon, dear, soon," said Heather, patting Ryan on the ass. "It's time to say your goodbyes, dears."

"Goodbye Mom," said Susan, putting a hand on her arm.

"Goodbye," said Ryan, looking a little sad.

Marion smiled at them. She remembered them, but it was like remembering someone else's memories. She watched them leave.

A few days later....

"Would you like to see what your mother has become?" Heather asked.

Susan and Ryan were eager. They were obedient slaves, and now were going to be used to test the results of the Hive's latest experiment.

Heather took them to the breeding chamber. The first thing they saw was an empty cocoon, on the floor.

"Where's Mom?" Susan asked.

"Right here, dears," said a familiar voice.

They turned, and saw Marion, coming out of the shadows.

She looked... different.

Her breasts were firmer. They no longer had any sag. And her hair was now bright yellow, on her head, her eyebrows, and even her pubic hair. But the biggest change were her eyes. Marion's brown eyes had turned jet black.

Susan looked down at the ground. She saw the lifeless body of the two headed serpent. Then she looked at her mother.

"Mom?" she said uncertainly.

"Hello dears, it's so good to see you again," said Marion, striding forward confidently, one thigh rubbing against the other, her hips swaying.

Susan and Ryan sensed the enormous malice being projected from their former mother. There was something inherently hostile in those dark eyes.

Marion reached out and touched Ryan on the arm.

"Ow, you burned me!" Ryan cried, taking a step back.

"Sorry," said Marion. "Come here, dears. Don't you want to give your Mommy a great, big hug?" She held out her arms, and started to walk forward.

Susan and Ryan, trembling, backed up against the wall. But there was no escape.

Marion, with a broad smile on her lips, came forward to greet her kids.​
Next page: Chapter 30.1
Previous page: Chapter 29.1