Chapter 30.1
It was called The Hive.
It was a social group which was springing up all over the world. Some people called it a cult. People went in, but didn't come out. Parents, family, friends, went into the Hive to try and retrieve their loved ones. A mother entered the Hive searching for her daughter, and soon after her husband entered the Hive looking for her, and after that his other daughter went looking for him, and so on and so on, until entire extended families were absorbed by the Hive.
18 year old Rebecca Stinson was one of those who joined the Hive. She had followed her boyfriend Stuart, who had joined the Hive a week before. She was gone one week, and then two, never answering calls on her comm. Her mother was consumed with worry. And then after the second week, they heard back. But not from Rebecca. From the Hive itself.
Rebecca was fine. Rebecca very much wanted to see them. Wouldn't they come to the Hive and visit Rebecca?
The local branch of the Hive operated on a sprawling farm estate outside of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Rebecca's mother very much wanted to go, but her father, Lawrence, said no. He had heard how this cult sucked up family members.
"But she's our daughter!" Rebecca's mother, Matilda, cried.
"She's lost to us," her father said simply.
Rebecca's older sister, Hannah, wanted to go after her too. But Lawrence held them back.
And then, after a week of messages, they got a new message from the Hive. Rebecca was coming home. For one night. For dinner only.
Everyone was excited when Rebecca stepped through the door. They hugged her dramatically. She seemed to be perfectly normal. But with her was not her boyfriend Stuart, but another woman named Susan Weatherly, an attractive blonde with large breasts who they were surprised to learn was only 18 years of age, but looked much older. Susan wore a low cut shirt that showed off her breasts, and her smile... her smile was filled with mischief and raw sensuality.
"Rebecca, you went into this Hive with Stuart, and you came out with... Susan?" said Matilda, trying to understand.
"Yes. I'm with Susan now," said Rebecca, holding Susan's hand. Susan's eyes shone with delight. She had broken in Rebecca personally. Ever since she had trained her mother Marion she had been assigned to bring lovely young late teenage girls into the Hive. The fact that they were heterosexuals, or even had boyfriends, was irrelevant.
Rebecca proved easy enough to break once the bound between her and Stuart had been broken. She had sobbed when she saw Stuart making love to another woman in the Hive. Susan had consoled her, and consolation quickly turned into something more substantial. Once Rebecca took a rider, she became bisexual within a week; within two, she was a lesbian, and within three, she was seducing other women into the Hive.
"Rebecca! You're not a lesbian!" Matilda cried.
Rebecca smiled smugly. "Yes Mother, I am. I always was. I just didn't know it. Susan taught me. She taught me a lot." Rebecca reached out and held Susan's hand, and the two lovers shared a brief kiss while everyone else held their breath.
Dinner was awkward, to say the least. Rebecca focused most of her attention on her older sister, Hannah, a red haired beauty with thick, full breasts. "The Hive is simply wonderful. You'd love it there, Sis. The Hive would find the perfect man for you."
"I already have the perfect man," said Hannah firmly. Carl Breyer, her 22 year old fiancée, sat to her right.
"Do you? I thought the same," said Rebecca. "The Hive taught me that I didn't know what true love really was. That I was only experiencing a fraction of what it means to be in love. Of what it means to be a fully sexually mature female."
Rebecca leaned towards her sister. Her shoulders seemed very well rounded. Like Susan, she wore a low cut shirt showing the upper parts of her breasts. They looked smooth and creamy. Rebecca was wearing dark eye makeup which made her look very adult and sensual. Her eyes were gleaming with an unfamiliar light that Hannah felt was both intimidating and attractive. Rebecca's lips were thick and red.
"You have to try it, Sister," she whispered, as if they were alone together. "You really have to."
Hannah looked into her Sister's sparkling green eyes, and for a moment she was lost. She found herself starting to lean towards her sister, closer... closer....
"No," said her father firmly. Suddenly, as if a spell was broken, Hannah blinked and sat upright. What had just happened?
"You are not going to lure your sister into this cult of yours," Lawrence said.
"It is not a cult, Father," said Rebecca. "It is a way of living."
"He will understand, soon enough," said Susan smugly. "All your family will. Sooner or later, everyone accepts the Hive into their lives."
Rebecca's mother and father exchanged uncomfortable looks. The meal was finished mostly in silence.
After dinner, Rebecca and Susan got up to leave.
"So soon?" Matilda asked.
"We must get back to the Hive," said Rebecca blankly.
"Don't go!" Hannah said. She hugged her sister tightly, wrapping her arms around her. When she felt Rebecca's back, she felt something unfamiliar, and frowned.
Rebecca pulled back and actually winked at her.
"When will we see you again?" Hannah asked anxiously.
"Whenever you like, Sister," Rebecca purred, stretching casually as she thrust her chest forward. "You are always welcome in the Hive. You would be such a tremendous asset." She gave Hannah a provocative stare, and then leaned forward and softly kissed her sister on the lips. The room was completely silent as Rebecca pressed her lips against her older sister. Then she pulled back, gave an approving nod, and took Susan's hand.
"Are you ready, lover?" Rebecca asked.
"Always with you," Susan grinned. And then they left.
The room was silent for a long moment. And then Rebecca's father, Lawrence, said, "She's lost to us."
"I refuse to accept that," said Hannah.
"Can't you see? She's been completely brainwashed."
"I could reach her," said Hannah. "If I could sit her down and talk to her at length, I'm sure I could reach her."
"Which is exactly what she wants you to think," Lawrence. "Didn't you notice how she focused all her attention on you? She's trying to suck you into this cult."
"Father, I can get her back," said Hannah.
"I forbid it. I've already lost one daughter. I'm not going to lose two," he said.
Later that evening, as Carl drove Hannah back to her dorm room, Hannah said suddenly. "I'm going to do it. I'm going to go in and bring my sister out."
"Hannah, you can't."
She turned to him. "Carl, I must."
"Then I'm coming with you."
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Carl asked. It was two days later. They stood outside the sprawling farm estate in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, which housed the Hive. Two men stood on guard at the front gate.
"I have to," said Hannah.
She approached the guards.
"Why hello there," said one of them. "What can I do for you, Miss?"
Hannah took a deep breath. "I'm here to see my sister, Rebecca Stinson."
They were processed by a sweet woman named Joanna Rumsen, who thought it was simply darling that they were coming in as a couple. "We get that sometimes, of course--husbands and wives, boyfriends and girlfriends, but rarely a couple so young and juicy as you two! You have such young, healthy looking bodies." Joanna's eyes shone with an alien light as she looked Hannah up and down.
"T-thank you," Hannah stammered. "I'm actually here to see my sister, Rebecca Stinson. Do you know where she is?"
"Rebecca?" said Joanna. She checked her datapad. "Yes, I remember her now. I think she's in the Third Circle." She checked her datapad further.
"Third Circle?"
"The Hive is divided into Six Circles. People progress from the first to the sixth. Ah, there she is, Rebecca Stinson, Third Circle, yes."
"Can we see her, please?"
Joanna frowned. "I'm sorry, she's out on a mission. She won't be back until the day after tomorrow."
"The day after tomorrow? But we came 200 miles just to see her!"
"I'm sorry," said Joanna apologetically.
"Are there any hotels in the area?" Hannah asked.
"There are plenty in Lancaster, about a hundred miles that way," said Joanna, pointing behind them. "I'll tell you what, though, I can put you up in temporary quarters in the First Circle."
"No," said Carl immediately.
"Well, you want to see Rebecca, don't you?" said Joanna. "Members in the Third Circle are only permitted to see other members."
"They're at a delicate stage in their advancement," said Joanna.
"But... she came over for dinner two nights ago," said Hannah.
Joanna shrugged. "Perhaps she was in the Second Circle then. I'm sorry." She started to turn away.
"Wait," said Hannah.
Joanna turned to face them again.
"If we... go into this First Circle, we can see Rebecca?"
"You'd have to submit yourself to First Circle training, but yes, then you would be free to see her any time you like after that," said Joanna
Carl said, "Excuse us for a moment." He pulled Hannah to one side. "They're going to try and brainwash us."
"First Circle. Just the initial stages. We can resist for a day or two, can't we?" Hannah said. "If it gets really bad, we can always leave."
"Hannah, I don't like this," said Carl.
"Well, I don't either, but I'm not leaving without my sister," said Hannah. "Now, are you staying, or not?"
They were assigned to the Blue Farmhouse, which is where all the First Circle Initiates were housed. The accommodations were sparse--all they had to sleep on was a small cot--but at least Carl and Hannah would be together at night in their own room.
They were greeted by two very friendly Spanishy men named Eduardo and Ernesto, who were both brothers. Eduardo and Ernesto were alike in some ways, but different in others. They were both very muscular, though Eduardo had somewhat bigger muscles than Ernesto, and Ernesto had a much hairier chest. The similarities ended there.
Eduardo, at six feet two inches tall, was three inches taller than his brother, and had a full head of thick brown hair which came down over his forehead. Ernesto, who was shorter, was totally bald with a thick black beard. He had dull green tattoos covering nearly every inch of his arms, legs, and parts of his back and neck. Ernesto also wore a red bandanna around his neck and a long earring consisting of chains dangling from his right ear.
The brothers had similar faces and smiles, though Ernesto's face was a little rounder. The only other thing they had in common were erections, sticking out noticeably in their pants. Eduardo gave Hannah a strong smile, while Ernesto gave Carl a friendly grin.
Carl noticed their physiological condition, and from the way that Hannah was blushing, he was sure she did too.
"Welcome," said Eduardo, shaking Hannah's hand. He looked into the red haired beauty's green eyes."You are so welcome here. Both of you." He gave a quick glance to Carl, before turning his attention back to Hannah. "I am told you are Rebecca's sister. You look just like her, only even more beautiful."
Hannah tittered.
"Are you ready for your first massage?"
"Massage?" said Carl.
"We give every visitor a massage, to help free them from the worries of the outside world from their bodies," said Eduardo. He noticed Carl's look of concern. "My brother Ernesto here is a trained masseuse. He will see to all your needs, Carl."
"And who will give me my massage?" Hannah asked.
"I will have that distinct honor, Hannah," said Eduardo. He smiled, sending chills down her spine.
Carl didn't realize it was going to be a nude massage. He felt more than a little uncomfortable undressing in front of Ernesto. He had a more than a sneaking suspicion that Ernesto was homosexual, and enjoying every moment as Carl took off his underwear. He quickly wrapped the flimsy cotton towel around his waist and looked uncertainly at Ernesto. "What now?"
"Lie down on the padded bench, my young friend," said Ernesto. "Face down, please." He gave a wide grin.
Carl, glancing again at the outline of Ernesto's erection clearly showing in his pants, reluctantly lay down on the bench. He felt terribly vulnerable, with only a small towel protecting his ass. He suddenly thought about Hannah. She was probably doing the same with Eduardo, lying half nude on a bench while she was being rubbed by him. That is, if Hannah was even using a towel. Of course she would, he told himself. Hannah was a very modest girl.
Ernesto started to rub his back. He had strong, insistent hands.
"Just relax, Carl," he said, as he started to rub him.
Ernesto's strong hands felt surprisingly... good. He seemed to know what he was doing.
"You like it?" he asked, as he rubbed the knots out of Carl's back.
"Yes," said Carl. "You have done this before?"
"Yes," said Ernesto. "With many men."
Ernesto's hands moved lower, so he was rubbing Carl's thighs, just below the towel. Carl's eyebrows shot upwards as Ernesto's hands moved upwards.
"You don't have to do that," said Carl.
"It is my pleasure," said Ernesto. Carl noticed Ernesto had hard dark eyes. He looked at the odd green tattoos on Ernesto's arms and legs.
Ernesto caught his gaze. "You must be wondering about my colorful decorations. I got them in prison."
"Prison?" said Carl.
Ernesto nodded. "I did some bad things to some very young men. But I was a different person then. In prison, however, I learned how to make friends with everyone." His hands pressed hard against Carl's lower back, inching towards his buttocks.
Ernesto smiled. "That's when I joined the Hive. In the Hive, I learned that we can all be friends, the way nature intended."
The way nature intended?
Carl was about to ask what he meant by that when he felt Ernesto's hands starting to roam under the towel. Carl started to get up, but Ernesto pushed him back down, quieting him.
"But... I don't need it there," he said, suddenly uncomfortable with another man touching his ass... and wondering if Eduardo was touching Hannah there as well.
"You need it everywhere," Ernesto told him. He pulled down the towel covering Carl's ass.
"Hey!" Carl cried, starting to get up. Ernesto pushed him down firmly.
"Relax my friend. This is all professional." He started to rub Carl's ass cheeks firmly. Carl let him do it. It did feel good, relieving the pressure in knotted muscles. He relaxed, ever so slightly.
"Your friend, Hannah. You are in love with her, yes?"
"Yes," said Carl, allowing himself a small smile.
"Thank you for bringing her into the Hive. The Hive will enjoy her body."
Carl's ass cheeks stiffened. "No."
"The Hive will enjoy both your bodies," said Ernesto. "That is the way of things."
Carl felt the feeling of movement on his ass, like someone was ticking him on his ass crack. He looked back, but Ernesto was solemnly rubbing his ass cheeks.
"I have a surprise for you," said Ernesto. He stopped rubbing Carl, and started to take off his clothes.
"What... what kind of surprise?" Carl asked.
"I have been selected for you," said Ernesto solemnly. He removed his shirt, revealing a very hair chest, and started working on his shorts
"What... what does that mean?" The tickling feeling moved lower, towards Carl's penis, but Carl could clearly see that Ernesto's hands were busy undressing himself.
"It means we will be doing certain things together," Ernesto grinned. He stepped out of his shorts, revealing shiny tight white underwear which showed off his pubic bulge. What was going on here?
"Why did you take off your clothes?" Carl asked.
"So we may get to know each other better," said Ernesto.
No! Ernesto started rubbing Carl's buttocks again, even as an alarming thought occurred to Carl. "Hannah... has Eduardo been selected for Hannah?"
"I believe so," said Ernesto.
Eduardo was probably doing the same thing to Hannah! He had to get to her. Carl started to rise, but was suddenly immobilized by a strong tingling around the head of his penis. "Aaaaaah," he cried.
Ernesto smiled. "I believe you are starting to experiences the very first benefits of joining the Hive."
Carl cried out again. It felt as if he were being given oral sex. "Ah... ah... ah... ah...."
"That's right. Just relax and enjoy it."
Carl rolled onto his back, and as he did, he looked downwards, and saw a blood red worm wrapped around the head of his penis.
Somehow, Hannah had agreed to let Eduardo rub her clitoris. She didn't know how she had let it get that far.
She had agreed, very reluctantly, to take off her clothes and to duck under a towel so Eduardo could massage her. She had let Eduardo rub her shoulders and her bare back.
"You are a beautiful woman," said Eduardo, rubbing her back.
"Thank you," said Hannah, enjoying the feeling of his strong hands.
"Carl... he is your boyfriend?"
"Fiancée," said Hannah. "We're getting married in the fall."
"Congratulations," said Eduardo. "You should be a very happy couple."
"Thank you," Hannah smiled.
"If the Hive permits it," Eduardo added, rubbing her back.
"What do you mean?" said Hannah.
"In the Hive, the community decides who pairs with whom," said Eduardo. He saw her startled look. "Do not be worried. Soon you will understand everything, and even approve of it."
Hannah felt his hand moving down inside her towel, between her legs. Hannah tried to sit up, but Eduardo was ready for that, and he pushed her down with one hand, as he kept rubbing with the other.
"But... no Eduardo... you really shouldn't....." She felt his hand in her most intimate place.
"Shhhh," he said. After he saw her calming down, he said, "How does it feel?"
"Feels... good," said Hannah. He held her down for a moment longer until she gasped softly. "Ahhhh." And then, in a series, "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhhh...." Her smile widened, and she relaxed.
Eduardo released her, while still rubbing her clit under the towel. He looked into her eyes and smiled. Everything was going as planned. Rebecca had been able to lure Hannah into the Hive. Carl would not be a hindrance. In fact, soon enough he would be an asset, helping the Hive to assimilate Hannah.
Hannah had a lazy grin on her face as she watched Eduardo slowly remove his clothes. He had enormous chest and arm muscles. He was built like a bodybuilder.
"Why are you taking off your clothes?" Hannah whispered.
"That is how we all are in the First Circle," said Eduardo. He lowered his pants. He was wearing tight white underwear, which had some kind of alien symbol on it. And his penis! She could see every outline of it, every contour. But Eduardo didn't seem embarrassed. Not in the slightest.
And then Hannah realized that her clit still felt stimulated, even as Eduardo's hands were no longer on her. She removed the towel, and spread her folds, and saw the worm wrapped around her clitoris. She gasped and cried out.
"Just relax, relax!" said Ernesto loudly. "Stop trying to grab it! Stop, and the pain will end!"
Carl had been trying to grab the worm, but only got stabs of pain for his efforts. It felt like his penis was being flayed, bit by bit. Finally he stopped and just lay back. The pain eased off.
"Good, that's better," said Ernesto. "It doesn't have to be painful at all, you know. It can also be pleasant."
"Repeat after me: I love the Hive." He stared at him.
Carl gave him a negative look.
"Go on, say it."
"I love the Hive," said Carl reluctantly. "Ooooh!"
"You're feeling that, aren't you?" Ernesto asked.
"How does it know-"
"Because it does. Because it's part of the Hive, just like you," said Ernesto. "Now say, 'I belong to the Hive'."
"I... belong to the Hive." Carl felt another wave of pleasure emanating from the head of his penis. "Ooooh....."
"See?" Ernesto smiled.
"My body belongs to the Hive," said Hannah. "Aaaaaaahhhhh...."
"See how easy that is?" Eduardo smiled. He found his latest assignment especially attractive. Hannah was a redhead with large breasts, and a thick field of pubic hair and generous labial lips. Eduardo couldn't wait to fertilize her with his seed. Hannah didn't yet know it, but Eduardo and Hannah were going to engage in reproduction to expand the Hive, once she had been properly prepared and conditioned.
Hannah's session seemed to go on for a long time. Each time she spoke a key phrase, she was rewarded with a gush of pleasure, all over her body, emanating from her clit.
"I am HiveFlesh." She moaned as she felt her clit being stimulated.
"I am meat for the Hive." It felt so good.
"I belong to the Hive." Hannah didn't even know what she was saying, just how good it felt.
"The Hive owns my body." She had huge smile on her face.
"I have no family but the Hive.... Aaaaah!"
Hannah was made to repeat these sentences over and over. She felt wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure each time. Eventually, she just gave in, overwhelmed by the sensations. Only one phrase made her pause.
"Carl is not my boyfriend."
Eduardo looked at her. "What's wrong, Hannah?"
"Carl is my boyfriend. He's my fiancée."
"Not in the Hive. In the Hive, old family associations are gone."
"You can still be together with Carl, but only through the Hive. You don't have to give him up," said Eduardo, rubbing her shoulders. "Come on, say it. Say it just once."
Hannah was worn out from hours of this. "Carl... is not my boyfriend. Aaaaah!" she felt a jolt of pleasure from her vagina, much stronger than before.
"There, you see? That was easy."
The session went on and on, until Hannah dropped off to sleep.
When Carl woke, it was breakfast. Somehow, they had been in the Hive an entire day. He got up. He couldn't find his clothing. But when he tentatively peeked out of the cubicle where he received his massage, he was in for a shock.
Everyone was in their underwear. Everyone. They all wore those skintight sheer panties which left nothing to the imagination. They were so tight that on the men, their pubic bulges looked enormous. The version the women wore barely contained their pubic hair. The women also wore white bikini tops which showed off the sides of their breasts. It was like being at the beach, but Carl and especially Hannah had always been modest about showing off their bodies to others.
There was a pair of the shiny white underwear by the bed. Carl gingerly put it on. The shape of his penis could clearly be seen mashed against the tight transparent fabric. He couldn't wear this! He looked around. His clothes were gone. Obviously, he would have no choice. He struggled to put it on, pulling it up tightly as he grunted with effort. He looked down and clearly saw the outlines of his penis and grimaced. He also noticed that the underwear also had a green glowing alien symbol on it.
Carl walked around the barn and looked for Hannah. He found her, and saw she was wearing the same tight white bra and panties that the other women wore. Hannah looked stunning. The outlines of her areolas and nipples could clearly be seen through the flimsy material. And between her legs... the v shape of Hannah's brilliant pubic hair was also vaguely see through. Hannah had an alien symbol on her panties, but it was different from Carl's.
"Carl!" she cried out, immediately flying into his arms. They hugged and kissed.
"Did Eduardo do it... to you?" Carl asked gingerly. He could see that her nipples were erect and sticking out through her thin bikini top.
Hannah nodded."And did Ernesto... to you?"
Carl nodded. "You have one of those things in your...."
"Yeah," said Hannah. "And it's a lot of fun." She looked down at the outlines of Carl's erection. "And I can almost see yours, probably doing the same thing, right?"
"Right," said Carl, reddening.
"Oh, poor Carl, you don't have to be shy about it, dear," said Hannah, hugging him.
"It doesn't leave much to the imagination," said Carl, looking down and reddening.
"What's wrong, dear, are you shy?" She said, giving him a kiss.
Carl found himself starting to get aroused.
He took a step back, and blushed. Hannah, looking down, gave a quick laugh.
"Let's find Rebecca and get out of this crazy place," Carl said.
Eduardo sought them out while they were still eating breakfast. He had a massive erection, encased in his shiny tight underwear, but he didn't seem the least bit embarrassed. Carl tried to ignore it, even when Eduardo hugged Hannah and basically pressed his massive penis against her belly. "Good morning! Did you sleep well?"
"Fine," said Hannah, smiling a bit too much for Carl's tastes.
"And you, Carl?" Eduardo asked. Carl was glad that Eduardo didn't hug him.
"Good," said Carl curtly, still stealing glances at Eduardo's erection. It was so huge!
"I'm so glad. I know the initiation can be a little tiring," said Eduardo, glancing down at the outlines of Carl's penis, in a way that made him feel self-conscious.
"Yes, about that," said Carl. "When do we get these things removed from us?" Carl asked.
"Things?" Eduardo looked puzzled. "Oh, you mean your pleasure givers."
"Yes, our pleasure givers."
"Tomorrow night, right after you join the Second Circle," said Eduardo.
"We're not staying that long," said Hannah. "We're here to see my sister Rebecca."
"Rebecca? Rebecca? Ah yes, Rebecca. I'm sorry, but you can't see her until you get to the Second Circle."
"We were told we could see her once we were in the First Circle," said Hannah.
"Well, that was true, yesterday. But since then she's moved into the Fourth Circle. You have to be at least two circles behind her to be allowed to see her. The lattermost Circles are extremely fragile times in a person's Hive development."
"So you're saying we can see her tomorrow night?"
"After you join the Second Circle," said Eduardo.
Hannah exchanged brief glances with Carl. "All right, I suppose we can wait a little longer."
"Excellent," said Eduardo, with a big smile. "The first session is about to begin!"
"First session?"
They were all taken to a barn where they sat before a low stage. Everyone was wearing the tight underwear. For the most part they were young people, in their 20's and 30's, though there were a sprinkling of men and women in their 40's and 50's.
A woman appeared on stage. It was the dark haired young woman they had met when they first entered the Hive, Joanna Rumsen. Joanna smiled and said, "Welcome everyone. It's good to see so many new faces. Now, I want everyone to sit down on the floor. Relax, relax, and spread your legs."
Thirty people wearing tight underpants, and in some cases tight bras, sat on the floor and spread their legs, without a hint of embarrassment.
Carl looked over at Hannah. He could clearly see the imprint of her nipples and areolas through her flimsy bra. And between her legs, he could see the triangular outline of her rich, red pubic hair. With her legs spread, she looked like she was ready to be fucked. It infuriated him to see his girlfriend display her sexuality so publicly.
Joanna gave them an appraising look. "Now, you are all going to be part of the Hive. It will feel so good when you finally join. In fact, every time you say it, you will feel good. Now repeat after me: I love the Hive."
"I love the Hive." The whole room repeated. Carl didn't say it, but he saw Hannah shudder with pleasure as she did.
"The Hive loves me." Hannah shuddered with pleasure. She looked at Carl, and squeezed his hand.
"My body belongs to the Hive." This time Carl said it along with her, and felt a surge of pleasure from his penis. Hannah grinned, and mockingly petted his penis through his tight underwear.
This went on for hours on and off all day. There were breaks for meals and rest periods. By the time they were done for the day, in the evening, Carl was exhausted.
"So this is how they brainwash people," he said, lying on their cot. He felt so tired.
"Yeah," said Hannah, lying down with him. "It's just words. Nothing to worry about."
"But... it has a way of getting into your head," said Carl.
"Maybe, I suppose," said Hannah.
"When they had us say that we had no boyfriends or girlfriends, I noticed you repeated it."
"And so did you," said Hannah. She smiled at him. "Are you getting worried?"
"Should I be?"
"I think this may allay your concerns," said Hannah. Suddenly, she got on top of him and kissed him. As she did so she pulled down her panties, and then his own. Then Hannah swiftly and surely mounted his penis. She began to ride it up and down. It felt so glorious.
"Now repeat after me," she said. "I love fucking Hannah."
"I love fucking Hannah," said Carl.
"I love fucking Hannah!" Hannah grinned, as she bounced up and down.
"I love fucking Hannah!" Carl said more loudly, grinning.
"See how good that feels?" Hannah grinned, as she slowly moved up and down. She saw his eyes watching the way her labial lips grabbed his penis. "Now repeat this: I love filling her to the hilt." And as she said it, she embedded himself fully within her.
Carl gasped.
"You're not repeating it," said Hannah.
"I love filling you to the hilt."
Hannah had him repeat many things, until the inevitable end, when she was riding him hard, and said, "I want to fill you with my cum. Oh Carl, say it quick!"
"I want to fill you with my--ahhhhhh!" said Carl, as he exploded inside of her.
She lay on top of him for a while. "Still worried about me, Mister?"
Carl shook his head.