Chapter 30.2

The next day Carl and Hannah had more sessions of repeating key phrases which rewarded them with sexual pleasure.

"I sure hope we can get these things off us soon," said Carl, as he felt the worm tightly adhering to the head of his penis.

"Why? They feel so good," said Hannah smugly.

"I don't like being controlled."

"You like it when I control you," said Hannah.

"I guess I do," Carl grinned.

The intensity of their training changed in the afternoon. A young man and a young woman walked onstage. They introduced themselves. The man's name was Deklan; the woman's was Laura.

And then Deklan and Laura, without any inhibition, started to kiss and fondle each other and make love.

Carl was still registering what was happening as Deklan took off Laura's white bikini top. Laura had small breasts, but they sprang free with a bounce when her bra was removed. Deklan and Laura hugged and kissed, and pulled off each other's underwear, and in moments they were lying on the ground, and Deklan was plowing between Laura's legs.

"What are they doing?" Carl cried in horror.

"Do you really not know?" Eduardo asked, looking mildly amused.

Carl looked startled; he hadn't seen Eduardo approaching. He watched with alarm as Eduardo got behind Hannah, and started to massage her shoulders.

Carl bit his lips. Hannah shouldn't be watching this. But she was, not even having the modesty to avert her gaze.

"We believe in free expression of love here," said Eduardo, rubbing her shoulders firmly and intently.

Hannah licked her lips as she watched Deklan moving back and forth. "They... they must really be in love. Are they married? Or engaged?"

"Neither," said Eduardo. "They just met a few days ago."

"A few days ago?" said Carl, his eyebrows raised.

"The Hive selected them for each other," said Eduardo.

"Selected?" said Carl.

"Here, we let the Hive select are partners. Deklan and Laura were selected for each other."

"Selected?" This time it was Hannah's turn to say the word. "They... they just met each other and they... they...."

"Yes. And they love every minute of it," said Eduardo. "Look how happy they are."

It was undeniable. Deklan had a look of pure lust on his face. Laura had a wide smile. And then Hannah's eyes widened as she saw something on Lachlan's back.

"What is THAT?" she cried. It was part yellow, part brown, and round, and fit perfectly between Deklan's shoulder blades. It had two golden rings around the edges, which shone brightly in the light. And it pulsated.

"That is his rider," said Eduardo.

"His what?" said Carl. "Is it alive?"

"Yes," said Eduardo. "And it loves him dearly."

Deklan pulled out of Laura; his penis was still erect. They switched positions. Deklan lay on his back, and Laura mounted him. Hannah sucked in air as Laura slowly lowered herself down on his shaft. Then she started to move up and down.

"How can she do that in front of all of us?" Hannah whispered.

"Her sexuality has been unchained," said Eduardo.

"Unchained?" said Hannah. And then she noticed it; Laura, like Deklan, had one of those creatures on her back. It pulsated strongly as she moved up and down on Deklan's shaft.

"It is the gift the riders give us," said Eduardo. "It frees our sexuality. It enables us to feel like we have never felt before. Just think of it! Three days ago Laura and Deklan had not even met. Their riders encouraged them to find love with each other."

"But... it's so artificial!" said Hannah.

"Is it?" said Eduardo. He rubbed her shoulders more intensely. "Look at Laura, Hannah. Look closely. Have you ever seen such pleasure on the face of a woman?"

Laura's eyes were closed, but her mouth was wide open. A look of pure joy was on her face as she moved up and down on Deklan's shaft. She moaned with pleasure.

Eduardo's fingers pressed gently into her shoulder. "It is like she is living inside of love."

Laura moaned again, a thick, earthy cry of lust and pleasure and need and desire that made Hannah wet between the legs. Laura opened her eyes, and gave Deklan a knowing look as she rode him. The expression on her face was one of pure dedication, dedication and sense of purpose, no, even more than that, a sense of belonging, and that very expression aroused Hannah in a way she didn't fully understand, even as Deklan's shaft disappeared inside Laura's furry muff again and again.

"That could be you," Eduardo whispered in her ear. The feeling of his fingers on her were electric now. "The Hive could unchain your sexuality, Hannah. All you have to do is to just... let it happen."

"I want a rider," the class chanted.

Hannah looked around, startled.

"I want a rider," the class chanted again. Hannah saw a woman to her right, a blonde with big hair and even bitter tits groan with pleasure. Hannah felt a tenseness in her clit. Her worm was stimulating her!

"Say it, Hannah," said Eduardo. "Just say it!"

"I... I want a rider," said Hannah. "Oooooh!"

"Hannah, are you all right?" Carl cried.

"Do not interfere," said Eduardo, in a stern voice. Then, in a softer one, "Say it again, Hannah."

"I... I want a rider," said Hannah. She groaned again as her worm stimulated her clit with a burst of pleasure. "Oooooh." Her head jerked forward.

"Feels good, doesn't it?" said Eduardo.

"I want to be ridden," said the class. "I want to be ridden," they chanted again.

Eduardo looked expectantly at Hannah.

Hannah looked at Laura. Her eyes were closed once more; she had given herself entirely to the pleasure of being penetrated. Nothing else existed for her. She was truly living in the moment. And on her back...

Her rider pulsated, its bright yellow and brown surface almost bubbling. Indeed, its pulsations were perfect in sync with Laura's up and down motions.

Up... in.

Down... out.

Up... in.

Down... out.

Something about watching the rider pulsate while Laura moved up and down on Deklan's shaft was so powerful, so erotic, that moved Hannah in a way she didn't fully understand.

"I... I want to be ridden," Hannah said. "Oh! Oooooooh!" Her head thrust back, and her eyes closed, and suddenly, her expression looked just like Laura's.

Carl, sitting nearby, frowned with concern.

After an exhausting afternoon session, they were told that they had successfully completed the first stage of their training and would be moving onto the Second Circle after dinner.

Carl felt apprehension when he saw the initiates being called, one by one, to a special room. After they left, they didn't return.

"Listen, Hannah, maybe we should go," said Carl, as he watched a young blonde woman being led out of the farmhouse cafeteria.

"Go? When we're on the verge of getting to Rebecca?" said Hannah.

"I just don't like the looks of things," said Carl.

"Carl, we were told we could see Rebecca when we got to the Second Circle. We are minutes away from getting there, and you want me to quit?" She poked a finger at his chest.

"I'm just worried about you being alone with...."

"Eduardo?" She gave him a lopsided grin. "I'm a big girl, Carl. I can handle myself."

A handsome young man entered the room. "Hannah Stinson?"

Hannah smiled at Carl. "See you soon."

Carl watched her go, rubbing his hands against the outsides of his bare thighs.

Hannah was brought to a large room with Eduardo and two other men. There was a faint sound of "Momomomomomom." Hannah looked up. There seemed to be some kind of nest, hanging from the ceiling, like a spider web. And in the web were... riders.

Dozens of them. And Eduardo had a rider on his back, as did the two other men.

Eduardo reached out and hugged her. "Hannah. I'm so excited for you."

"Excited?" Hannah stiffened.

"It's time for you to take your rider."

"No," said Hannah, shaking her head.

"To get to the Second Circle, you must take a rider," said Eduardo.

"I... I can't," said Hannah.

"If you ever want to see your sister again, you must," said Eduardo.

Rebecca. She had to be brave for Rebecca.

Hannah squared her shoulders and looked doubtfully up at the nest of riders. They seemed so fleshy, so alive, so alien. She heard them making faint "momomomomom" sounds.

She felt Eduardo's hands on her shoulders. "What... what will it do to me?"

"It will make you part of the Hive. It will unchain your sensuality. It will allow you to love without hesitation, without fear or regret. You will feel more alive than you have ever felt in your entire life."

"Alive?" said Hannah. She thought back to Laura. Laura, with the heavy double banded rider pulsating on her back. Laura, with a look of pure bliss on her face as she made love to a complete stranger in front of a crowd of people, totally uninhibited. Totally loving. Totally living in the moment.

Hannah swallowed heavily. "Will.. will it affect my love for Carl?"

Eduardo shook his head. "On the contrary. The love between you will become even stronger."

Taking a rider. Hannah felt a tingling in her body just thinking about it. Being ridden. Hannah shuddered as her clit was stimulated. She looked up at Eduardo. This felt like such a solemn moment. Like a turning point in her life.

"I... I will do it," she whispered, as if she was exchanging something with Eduardo. Something very special. Something very personal. "I... I will take a rider."

Eduardo nodded with a look showing he always knew. "Please lean against the pole, Hannah."

Hannah looked at the pole, which was right below the nest of riders.

"Please, Hannah."

Hannah nodded and leaned against it. She looked so sexy, with her ass sticking out behind her and her heavy breasts hanging down in front of her. She was so beautiful, so submissive. As of this moment her path was set, for the rest of her life. She would be conditioned by the Hive and serve without question and love every minute of it. Eduardo realized how much he would enjoy taking her. He had been with many, many women since he joined the Hive, but Hannah would by far be his greatest conquest. Eduardo had enjoyed breaking down the resistance of Marion Weatherly, but Hannah would be an even greater treat, with a much younger, much more firmer body.

Hannah heard a "Momomomomom" sound and saw a rider start to angle down towards her, on a spider web it was constructing as it went. She shivered, her titties shaking visibly in front of her.

"There is nothing to fear, Hannah," said Eduardo mildly, as he put a hand on her ass. At that moment Hannah looked so beautiful, so restrained, so subjugated. At the moment her body was under the complete control of the Hive, and very soon, her mind would be as well. "We will become lovers," he said.

"What?" said Hannah, still staring at the slowly approaching rider.

"We will become lovers," said Eduardo. "The rider will help you with this. It will make you love me, and forget all about Carl."

Hannah's eyes widened as she realized that she had been tricked. "No!" she cried. She tried to pull away from the pole, but found her hands were stuck.

"No," she said again, as the rider got close to her back. She still couldn't pull away from the pole. She looked at Eduardo. "No! I changed my mind! I changed my mind!"

"It's far too late for that, Hannah," said Eduardo. He looked at Hannah's large breasts, the imprint of her big, round areolas through the skimpy bikini top, and her beautiful red hair. "You will make a wonderful addition to the Hive."

Hannah looked up at the rider. As it dropped onto her back, she screamed at the top of her lungs.

"You want to put one of those things on my back?" said Carl, looking uncertainly at the nest in the ceiling.

"They are called riders," said Ernesto.

He shook his head. "No."

"Well, it's your choice," said Ernesto. "Of course, you'll be asked to leave."

"Fine. Where's Hannah? We're leaving now."

The bald, hairy chested Spanishy man held up a restraining hand. "Hannah is in the Second Circle. She's already taken her rider."

"She... she has?" Carl knew she wanted to save Rebecca, but he never believed Hannah would agree to this.

"Yes," said Ernesto. "And she loved it. I saw her as she left. She couldn't have been happier."

Carl looked doubtfully at the rider. "It doesn't hurt?"

"You won't feel a thing, my friend," Ernesto assured him.

"And... can I take it off if I don't like it?"

Ernesto laughed. "Of course! Any time you like."

Carl bit his lip. He didn't like this, not one bit. But there was no way he was going to abandon Hannah. "All... all right, then."

Ernesto had Carl lean against the pole. Carl watched uneasily as a rider came out of the nest, and started to slide down the webbing towards him.

"You have a beautiful ass," said Ernesto, in a new, dark tone as he caressed Carl's rump.

Carl licked his lips nervously as he watched the rider crawl down the web towards his back.

"I will enjoy having you."

"Having me?" said Carl.

"We will become lovers," said Ernesto.

"No!" Carl cried.

"You will want it," said Ernesto. "Your rider will make you want it."

"No!" Carl cried, even as the rider jumped onto his back. Carl stiffened, his eyes widened, and he cried out with a silent scream.

"I am HiveFlesh," said Carl.

"I am also HiveFlesh," said Hannah.

They looked at each other uncertainly for a moment, and then they hugged and kissed. It felt good to hug Hannah again.

"These things on our back look a little scary," said Hannah, looking at Carl's rider. "But they feel pretty good."

"Yeah," said Carl. "There was a frightening moment when they first put it on me. It felt like it was going through my mind."

"Yeah, me too," said Hannah. "But then things calmed down and now it's all right."

"Yeah," said Carl. He looked at the rider on Hannah's back. It pulsated slowly. And yet, here she was, acting completely normally. Maybe there was nothing to be concerned about.

It was the following morning. The night before when Carl had gotten his rider was a blur. He didn't remember very much about it. He vaguely remembered being brought to the red farmhouse, the farmhouse for Second Circle initiates, and falling asleep next to Hannah, who he saw already had her rider. Even in her sleep she had a broad smile on her face, and her eyelids were fluttering rapidly.

Hannah also had only a vague memory of taking her rider. She remembered a feeling of contentment, and seeing Eduardo's face smiling down at her, and that was all. It felt different having a creature on her back, but Hannah felt surprisingly unbothered by it.

They went to the main room in the farmhouse for breakfast. They were startled to see all the initiates there had riders, just like they did. It was even more startling because while they could feel their riders on their own backs, they could not see them. Carl looked at the yellow brown pulsating mass between Hannah's shoulder blades and realized that was exactly what was nesting on his back. The thought discomforted him, though he wasn't exactly sure why.

Carl and Hannah got breakfast and sat down. They listened to a woman describe the unusual dreams she had. "It was about my rider," she grinned. "Actually, a lot of them. They were flying around everywhere."

"I had the same dream too!" said Hannah. "But... my dream also had other things happening in it..." her gaze shifted to Carl. She had dreamed of making passionate love, while she was surrounded by riders. But the man she was making love to was-

"Good morning," said Eduardo, appearing out of nowhere. Hannah got up and hugged him instinctively. Carl felt more than a little upset. They were all wearing the tight panties, which was almost no barrier to nudity at all. Eduardo was fully erect, and Carl could clearly see the outlines of the shaft and head of his penis as he pressed against Hannah while they hugged. But if Hannah was aroused by it, she didn't show it, simply hugging and briefly kissing him before sitting down again.

"Did you sleep well?" Eduardo asked.

"Fabulously," Hannah declared.

"So you like your rider?"

"It's... unusual," said Hannah, giving a small smile. "How long will we have it on us?"

"As long as you like," said Eduardo.

"What about Hannah's sister, Rebecca?" Carl asked, his voice heavy with suspicion. "We were promised we would see her when we reached the Second Circle."

"You mean me?"

They all turned around to see Rebecca, Hannah's younger sister, smiling broadly as she stood behind them. Rebecca was wearing the same tight bikini top and panties as her sister.

Hannah squealed and jumped up and gave her sister a hug. She quickly saw that Rebecca was wearing a rider too.

"It's so good to see you!" said Hannah, kissing her on the cheek.

"I knew you would come," said Rebecca. "Come, let's find a place we can talk."

They went to a small alcove just off the dining area.

Rebecca looked at Hannah's back admiringly. "So you got your own rider! Let me see it!" Hannah obediently turned around to show Rebecca her new master. Rebecca eyed it critically. It was small and thin and immature. Still, it was a good start. She knew it would grow rapidly and take control of her sister's mind. "I'm so proud of you, sis," she said, hugging her sister tightly. She kissed Hannah on the lips, startling her with her passion.

"Rebecca!" said Hannah. As Rebecca grinned and turned to the side, Hannah got a good look at Rebecca's rider. It was big and heavy and meaty and had a double gold band around the edges.

Hannah looked at her sister. "Were you wearing... this... the night you visited us?"

Rebecca nodded.

"Why is yours bigger with rings around it?"

Rebecca smiled. "Mine has sexually matured."

"Sexually matured?"

"It gets stronger over time. You'll enjoy it even more, trust me," said Rebecca.

Hannah took a deep breath. "Becca, I came here to persuade you to come home."

"I am home," said Rebecca.

"You call this home?" Hannah asked. She gestured to her body. "Living in a place where you walk around almost nude, with this creature on your back?"

"It's the next stage of evolution," said Rebecca. "You've only gotten to the Second Circle. You haven't seen what I've seen."

"What have you seen?" Hannah asked.

Rebecca opened her mouth, closed it, and opened it again. Her body stiffened. Her rider pulsated on her back in a way that Hannah found creepy. Finally Rebecca smiled and said, "You have to get to the Fifth Circle and see for yourself. Make it to the Fifth Circle, and if you still want me to come home with you, I will."

Hannah considered. "You promise?"

"Of course," said Rebecca. Her face looked blank. "Listen, I have to go now."

"But Rebecca, I'd like to talk with you about-"

"No time," said Rebecca abruptly. "I have a Fourth Circle initiation ceremony I have to get to. I'll find you when you reach the Fifth Circle!"

She got up and made her way to the door.

"Remember, Fifth Circle, you promised!" said Hannah.

Rebecca nodded as she left and blew Hannah a kiss.

When Hannah returned to Carl, he asked her, "What did she say?"

"She'll go home with us."

"Good!" said Carl. "Let's go and get these things off of us-"

"-after we reach the Fifth Circle."

Carl's jaw dropped. "Fifth Circle! We just got to the second one! How long will that take?"

"I don't know," said Hannah. "But we got to the Second Circle in two days. It can't take that long."

Carl lowered his voice. "Hannah, this is a cult. They're trying to brainwash us."

Hannah lifted her hands and stroked his chest. "What's wrong, do you feel your mind slipping?"

Carl shook his head. "No, but-"

"So you must be afraid that I might fall under its spell," said Hannah. "Well, let me tell you something, Carl Breyer. Nobody, not you and not the Hive, is going to change my mind when it comes to Rebecca. I came here to get my sister, and I'm not leaving without her. I'm staying."

Carl looked at her, and sighed. Then he hugged her. She smiled.

"You know, it feels much better hugging you when we're both almost naked," she said, looking down at his pubic bulge in his underwear.

"Did it feel that good when Eduardo hugged you?" Carl asked.

Hannah laughed. "Carl, are you jealous?"

"Of the big muscular man with a permanent erection? Never."

Hannah laughed again, and pinched his cheek.​
Next page: Chapter 31.1
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