Chapter 34.5

Eduardo started to move faster, and felt pleased with himself as Hannah started to moan. She was tight. Extremely tight. Carl must really have enjoyed her, he reflected. But this was a kind of pleasure which the Hive decided no longer belonged to him.

Hannah groaned with pleasure as she was thickly penetrated. She grabbed Eduardo's back and hung on for dear life as he took her, as men have been taking women since the beginning of time. She felt words appear in her mind and willingly said them.

"It feels so good to be controlled," she whispered, her arms around Eduardo's neck and her legs wrapped around his. "So good to be used! I'm so glad, Honey! I'm so glad I decided to make love to you!"

"I am glad as well," said Eduardo, feeling extremely pleased. Hannah had not made the decision entirely on her own, as had been hoped, but she was responding very positively now, which was an excellent sign.

The warmth of Eduardo's flesh inside of her was incredible. Hannah no longer knew where she started and Eduardo ended. She felt something else as well.

"I... I feel the heat of your thing."

"My Hive Mark?"

"Yes," said Hannah. "It's throbbing inside of me."

"Do you like it?"

"Eduardo, I love it!" She kissed him strongly. "Your penis feels so good inside me!"

Thrust thrust thrust. Eduardo's massive monster moved in and out of her pliable passage. Her thick brownish red vaginal lips massaged the head of his penis as he moved in and out, stimulating Eduardo in an incredible way.

"You are my woman now," Eduardo said.

"I am your woman, Honey," Hannah responded obediently, making him smile. "But... what about Carl?"

"Carl is busy being fucked in the ass. He is no longer your concern."

Hannah gave a bitter laugh, which made her ashamed a few seconds later, though she wasn't sure why.

"You need a real man inside you, Hannah," said Eduardo, as he continued their erotic dance. Back and forth, back and forth....

"Yes," said Hannah, glassy eyed. "A real man. You!" She marveled at the sensation of Eduardo moving inside her. He felt much bigger, much thicker than Carl had ever been. And he was so much more handsome!

"Oh Eduardo," said Hannah. "I felt so terrible seeing Carl giving himself to Ernesto!"

"I know," said Eduardo, his stiff shaft moving rapidly in and out of her.

"Seeing him dressed like a woman. Seeing him wearing a bra and miniskirt while Ernesto took him. Having him beg Ernesto to come inside his... his...."

"His ladycunt."

Hannah winced at the word. "Yes, his ladycunt. It felt so terrible to watch! I was so terribly hurt by it!"

"I hope I am comforting you," said Eduardo, rocking in and out.

"You are!" Hannah said with big eyes. "It feels so good to have you with me, to be so wonderfully filled!" said Hannah. She wrapped her legs around him even more tightly, so she could feel him even more deeply inside. "It feels so good to be made love to! Comfort me, Eduardo. Fill me with love! Help me forget the terrible things I saw!"

"When I am done with you, you will never think of Carl again," said Eduardo, as his handsome athletic body moved up and down inside her.


"Yes. You will only think of your duty to the Hive."

Hannah shivered. They made love in silence for several minutes. Hannah focused on the warmth of Eduardo's body, of the feeling of him moving inside of her, of his strong dark eyes which stared into hers. She was making love to another man. Another man who wasn't Carl. She had taken a new lover, a lover selected by the Hive!

There could be no excuse or going back now.

"In... out. In... out." Eduardo's thick cock massaged her vaginal canal.

Hannah winked at him and took up the chant. "In... out... In... out...." She smiled at him as he penetrated her so lovingly, and he smiled back, two lovers enjoying their first experimental act of lovemaking with each other.

"Keep putting it in me Honey, I love it so much. The head of your thing is so big!" said Hannah. "It stretches me so much inside!"

"Is it bigger than Carl's?"

Hannah nodded. "Much!" She took deep, easy breaths. "This is so amazing, Honey! Keep putting it in me, just like that! I love you so much Honey!"

"I love you too, Hannah!" Eduardo responded.

Eduardo started to move faster within her and to pant loudly.

"Honey, are you getting ready to come?"

"Almost," Eduardo gasped, making shorter, more rapid movements inside her.

"Please don't," said Hannah. She was about to be inseminated by another man, a man not her fiance!

"What?" said Eduardo.

"Don't," said Hannah. "It wouldn't be fair to Carl."

"Fair to Carl?" Eduardo grimaced. Hannah had made so much progress, and now she was threatening to backslide. "Tell me, Hannah, what is your function?"

Hannah felt her rider's tendrils in her mind, insistent and throbbing. "I... I must be fertilized and expand the Hive."

"Then what must I do?"

"You...." Suddenly Hannah realized she had no choice. None at all. "You must come inside me. The Hive demands it. " The needs of the Hive were paramount. She licked her lips. "But Carl must never know."

Eduardo smiled. "The next time you see your beloved Carl, you will have my seed inside of you. When you hug him and kiss him and reassure him of your love, my sticky wetness will be in your womb."

"Oooh!" Hannah groaned as she felt herself skating on the edge of oblivion.

"You want that, Hannah? Do you want to have a piece of me inside you when you reunite with your precious Carl, a symbol of your infidelity to the man you supposedly love?"

"Yes!" Hannah cried. Her areolas were stretched taut, her nipples were long and red. Her rider pounded on her back and in her head. Suddenly she wanted it more than anything. "Please come inside of me, Honey! I want to feel your sperm inside me! The Hive demands it!"

"Yes it does," said Eduardo approvingly, glad that Hannah finally was placing the Hive's needs above her own. Eduardo immediately started plunging faster and harder inside of Hannah. He smiled at her in that masculine cocky way of his. He could feel his penis tightening up inside of her. A line was about to be crossed that couldn't be uncrossed.

"Forgive me, Carl," Hannah whispered, as she felt Eduardo's penis tensing up. It was time. Time to be inseminated... and to betray the one she loved! That thought aroused and horrified her beyond belief just as-

"Ah... ah.... Hannah!" Eduardo yelled, as he pushed himself one last powerful time fully into her, driving Hannah's head back and making her cry out. As Eduardo released inside of her, Hannah felt her new lover's pulsating penis squirting into her. At that moment, as she experienced a tremendous orgasm, she felt happy, so supremely happy that such a powerful, handsome man had been kind enough to fertilize her, giving her a chance to become a fully functioning biological female serving the Hive. But at the same time a part of Hannah also felt dismay and shame, that a man who wasn't her fiance was filling her body with thick, heavy ropes of sperm.

And then it was done. Her unfaithfulness was oozing inside of her. It would become a part of her, a stain which could never be removed.

When Eduardo pulled out, she saw the milky white sperm at the head of his penis. "You... your sperm. It's inside me now," Hannah whispered, touching his shaft reverently.

"Yes," said Eduardo. "How does it feel?"

Hannah touched her own labial lips, which were now slick with his wetness as some of Eduardo's sperm leaked out. "I feel so sexy to have your sperm inside me, Darling. The Hive... will be pleased," said Hannah, with very mixed feelings. "But... but Carl-"

"Carl not only understands, but soon he will even approve," said Eduardo.

"He will?" said Hannah uncertainly.

"Yes," said Eduardo firmly, taking her in his arms again. It felt so good to be held by him! He kissed her and looked into her eyes. "This is only the beginning."

"The beginning?"

"When the time is right, I will fertilize your eggs. You and I will expand the Hive, Hannah."

Never had a statement filled Hannah with such joy.

Hannah's betrayal of Carl was now complete. But a little voice in her head kept telling her that her body was no longer her own. That it belonged to the Hive, and that she had passed a wonderful milestone in her training.

And every day, that voice in her head grew a little stronger.

Carl and Hannah and Eduardo and Ernesto were back in the common room. Hannah was relieved that Carl was no longer wearing women's clothes, once again clad in the white shorts, just as she was in the bikini top and panties as before. It was as if the evening had never happened. They had just completed a training session but they both knew this had been no ordinary session, for either of them.

"Thank you," said Hannah, kissing Eduardo tenderly on the lips.

"For what?" said Eduardo.

Hannah glanced at Carl, but only for a moment. She couldn't say it. Carl knew, surely he did! And yet she didn't have the bravery to flaunt her infidelity so openly in front of him. "For everything," she said simply, giving him a kiss.

Ernesto looked at Carl expectantly. Carl swallowed heavily, and embraced his new lover.

"And what of you, Carl? Is there anything you would thank me for?" said Ernesto.

Carl swallowed heavily. He knew Hannah must have been watching, but he couldn't quite say it either. "Yes. I... I would thank you for everything as well." He blushed, knowing what it all meant.

Ernesto looked amused as he squeezed Carl's ass and rocked back and forth. "I was delighted to give you everything, my dear bottom."

Carl turned a darker shade of red.

Hannah felt an awkwardness when she and Carl were alone together once more. Carl knew that she had made love to Eduardo, and Hannah had actually seen Carl let Ernesto take him in the ass. Carl looked down at her pubis, and realized, deep inside of her, was Eduardo's seed. He had marked her as his.

Hannah glanced at Carl's well rounded ass cheeks and thought something similar. She thought with disgust how Ernesto's sperm now rode inside of her fiancee's asshole.

Hannah looked at him for a long moment, and, not sure what to say, settled for a hug.

Carl hugged her back.

When he pulled back, she said, "You... you and Ernesto....."

"You saw?"

Hannah nodded.

"Hannah, I'm so sorry," said Carl. "My... my rider made me do it. I... I didn't mean any of the things I said."

I am a homosexual now. I love Ernesto now, not Hannah!

The memory made Hannah blink as if she had been slapped.

"What... what about you? Did you and Eduardo...."

Hannah looked hard at Carl.

He didn't know.

Obviously because Carl cooperated, Ernesto hadn't shown him the recording of Eduardo making love to her. Of Hannah proclaiming her love for him. Of Hannah begging him to come inside of her.

Carl didn't know.

It would be so easy to end it right then and there. To tell Carl she had sex with Eduardo, that she loved him, and wanted to end her engagement with him. The things he had done with Ernesto had mortally wounded her feelings for him. It would be so easy to say, so easy to end things at this very moment.

"N-no," Hannah stammered. "We... we just fooled around." Would Carl believe her?

Carl gave a sigh of relief. "Eduardo promised me!"

"Promised you what?" she said sharply.

"That if I gave myself that... he wouldn't have sex for you."

Eduardo will keep you safe. Suddenly the meaning became clear to her.

And at that moment Hannah realized that whatever her growing feelings for Eduardo, she was still in love with Carl and wasn't ready to end her relationship with him. Not yet, anyway.

"That's right, Carl," said Hannah. "Eduardo made me watch you and Ernesto. I... was horrified. He hugged and kissed and consoled me but... we didn't do it."

She knew Carl could accept her fooling around with Eduardo, but being actually confronted with infidelity could break her relationship with him. Despite everything that had happened, Hannah still loved Carl. She was very attracted to Eduardo and had enjoyed the sex immensely. It was the best sex she had ever had! The feeling of the big, powerful man coming inside of her was incredible. And she had been repelled to watch Carl, humiliated, letting Ernesto take him in the ass. But Hannah realized the Hive was manipulating them, and she still loved Carl, and still wanted to be with him.... As well as Eduardo. She realized that she had only postponed the day when she would have to decide between the two of them, and hoped it would not be any time soon.

She hoped he couldn't tell form her face that she was lying.

Carl looked visibly pleased. She knew she had made the right decision when she saw his face relax.

Then he looked troubled again. "Let's go, Hannah. Let's get out of here now. This could be our last chance."

"No," said Hannah, pulling her hand free. "We're in the Fourth Circle. Rebecca said she would come with us if we reached the Fifth. We're almost there." I also can't leave Eduardo. I'm not ready to part with either of my lovers. Not yet.

"But I'm afraid that this is going to overwhelm us. Overwhelm you."

"Don't be," she said. She felt her rider pulsating on her back. Hannah leaned forward and gave Carl a kiss.

Trust me.

"Trust me," she said. She kissed him again. "Trust me," she repeated. As the slaves kissed and hugged, their riders pulsated on their naked backs in sync with each other. Hannah and Carl were half nude, had mind control creatures on their backs, and were being conditioned to become slaves of the Hive, but they no longer thought any of this was odd.​
Next page: Chapter 35.1
Previous page: Chapter 34.4