Chapter 35.1
Hannah and her fiancé Carl are deeply in love and about to get married but first enter the cult known as "The Hive" to rescue Hannah's sister Rebecca. But once they enter the Hive they find the experience overwhelming. As their riders grow stronger in their bodies and their minds, Hannah is seduced by a handsome body builder named Eduardo and Carl is slowly turned towards homosexuality by Eduardo's brother Ernesto.
The next morning, they had another session to continue their indoctrination. This time Eduardo was once again assigned to Hannah, and Carl with Ernesto. But first, Eduardo paid a visit to Carl in his small quarters.
Hannah was there already, talking to Carl. She looked startled.
"Eduardo!" she said, practically jumping up.
"We weren't having sex," said Carl.
"Please, don't punish us," said Hannah.
Eduardo gave a slow smile. "I can see that you were not having sex. I will not punish you, my friends." He looked at Hannah. "Though in the future, I will require you to ask my permission before talking alone to Carl."
Hannah gulped and nodded.
Eduardo turned to Carl.
"How are you feeling, my friend? Any residual soreness?" Eduardo asked, clapping Carl on the back. He moved to stand behind Carl. For some reason Hannah was a little nervous, seeing Eduardo standing behind Carl with his customary large erection. Carl himself was not erect. Seeing Eduardo, handsome, muscular, and erect, next to her skinny fiancée, who was flaccid, was quite a contrast. And not a flattering one for Carl.
"I'm a little sore," said Carl, reddening as he stole a glance at Hannah. He knew that she knew that he had had sex with Ernesto, but they were pretending otherwise to each other, to help Carl save face.
"I'm so sorry," Eduardo apologized. "Here, I'll give you a quick tune up. Lean forward, just a bit."
Carl looked hesitant, but leaned forward.
"Just a little more. Grab the top of that chair, there." Carl reluctantly did. He was bent forward quite a bit now. His stance reminded Hannah of how Ernesto had used Carl.
Eduardo moved behind him. Hannah's eyes widened as Eduardo first pulled down his own briefs and then Carl's.
"No, there's no need to move," said Eduardo, pushing Carl back down. He leaned forward and started to rub Carl's upper back. As he did, Eduardo's body started to sway, moving a little forwards, and a little backwards.
Hannah got the uncomfortable feeling she knew what Eduardo was doing. He was imitating what Ernesto had done to Carl yesterday. To show his dominance. And from the look of it, Carl knew it too. And yet he obediently leaned forward, as a smiling Eduardo rubbed his lower back. Hannah watched as Eduardo, rubbing Carl's lower back, leaned backwards and forwards as he rubbed, backwards and forwards, as if he were doing something else to Carl as well.
Hannah's heart pounded. Was Eduardo having sex with Carl, right in front of her? He wouldn't do that, would he? She saw the determined look in his eye as he moved back and forth behind Carl's ass. Eduardo was doing this for her benefit, she knew. To show him how weak and effeminate Carl had become.
"Carl," said Eduardo, casually. "You understand that Hannah is no longer yours, don't you?"
"Yes," said Carl. He wished he hadn't.
"Good boy," said Eduardo, as if he were praising a pet. "And you understand that your connection to Hannah... your only connection to her... is through the Hive, don't you?"
"What does that mean?" Carl asked.
Eduardo continued to move backwards and forwards behind Carl's ass as he continued to massage him. "It means that your connection to Hannah will only be what the Hive says it is. You agree to that, don't you, Carl? Don't you?"
Carl winced as Eduardo pressed hard into his lower back. "Yes!" he cried out.
Eduardo smiled. "You want us to continue to integrate Hannah into the Hive, don't you?"
"Yes," said Carl, looking very uncomfortable.
"And you want me to continue to get to know her, don't you?"
To get to know her. Everyone knew what that meant.
"Yes," said Carl unhappily. "If you can protect her."
"Yes, Carl. I can protect her. I am the only one who can protect Hannah. You understand that, don't you?" Eduardo said, as he continued to lean back and forth, back and forth while rubbing Carl's lower back. Hannah saw how Carl's ass was fully exposed to Eduardo, how Eduardo's penis was somewhere, somewhere in between his ass cheeks, out of her view.
"Yes," said Carl, wincing. "You are her protector."
Hannah's jaw dropped open.
"Good. But Carl, the only way I can be her protector is if I have sex with her."
"No!" Carl cried.
"Yes," said Eduardo relentlessly, thrusting forward and making Carl wince again. "The only way I can protect her, Carl, is to make love to her! That is the only way I can protect her! Do you understand me?" said Eduardo sternly.
"Yes," Carl gasped, feeling his rider pulsate in his mind.
Eduardo pressed more vigorously on Carl's lower back. "Now, do you want me to make love to Hannah?"
Carl, feeling the rider on his back and in his mind, struggled with himself for a moment before saying, "Yes. Yes... do... do what you have to."
Hannah couldn't believe her ears. Carl had been so dominated that he was freely giving Eduardo permission to fuck her! What kind of man was he?
"Good boy," said Eduardo again. "You may stand up, now. Is that better?"
Carl slowly stood upright. He rubbed his lower back. "Yeah."
As he moved around Carl, Hannah saw that Eduardo's penis was glistening.
Hannah was speechless. She didn't recognize the man she had fallen in love with. He seemed so... weak. Submissive.
Eduardo walked over to Hannah, and casually put an arm around her naked waist. "Hannah. Did you enjoy your time with me?"
Hannah didn't want to answer. She didn't think Carl had believed her flimsy lie and didn't want to remind him of her time with Eduardo. But Eduardo lifted her chin, and looked into her eyes, and she shuddered. He was such an alpha male.
"Yes," she breathed.
"Are you ready to learn what it means to give your body to the Hive?" he asked. She felt his free hand, playing over her breasts. Right in front of Carl.
She looked at Carl. Carl looked so pathetic, so weak as he stood there, watching another man sexually fondle the woman of his dreams.
"Yes," Hannah suddenly decided.
"Are you ready for me to get to know you better?" he asked, squeezing a breast.
To get to know you better. They all knew what that meant now. She glanced with Carl, with his head bowed. Carl had clearly been pressured into agreeing to it. And yet, even having agreed to let Eduardo make love to her, being forced to watch it would destroy Carl, she was sure of it. .
Hannah hesitated, but only for a moment, only as long as it took her rider to pulsate twice on her back. "Yes," she whispered.
Carl gasped. "No," he muttered under his breath.
"No?" said Eduardo, as if it were a foreign word. He frowned. "Carl, come here," Eduardo commanded, as he continued to fondle Hannah's breasts.
Carl obediently came up to them.
"Spread your legs."
Carl obeyed.
Eduardo reached down and grabbed Carl's balls. "Carl, what do you want me to do with Hannah?"
"What... whatever you want," said Carl, gritting his teeth as he felt the heat of his rider on his back.
"Whatever I want," Eduardo grinned.
Hannah gasped. She looked at Carl as if he were a stranger.
Eduardo kept his grip on Carl's balls and turned to Hannah and smiled. "Kiss me."
Hannah pressed her lips against Eduardo. She was becoming more and more attracted to Eduardo by the minute... and less and less to Carl. Somehow the idea of Eduardo holding Carl's balls while kissing her... made her so excited... so aroused. She gave him a kiss... a kiss of passion. Their lips were locked for a long moment. Carl was frozen in place, helpless, his balls at the mercy of Eduardo's hand which could close in an instant
When Hannah pulled back from the kiss, Eduardo looked at her appraisingly. Something passed between them. Eduardo smiled. "Come. The training room awaits."
Oh no.
Hannah got a bad feeling when she saw that Eduardo had led her to the common room in the farmhouse, rather than the private bedroom they had used the last time. Carl and Ernesto were right behind her, arm in arm. That could only mean one thing.
Hannah had reconciled herself to the idea of becoming Eduardo's lover. They had already made love once, and Hannah looked forward to doing it again. But Hannah didn't want to hurt Carl. Despite everything, she was still in love with him, and worried that if he saw her committing blatant adultery in front of her that it would break him.
She grabbed Eduardo by the hand, and took him to the side, so they could speak privately, away from Carl.
"Eduardo, dear," she said, running a hand along his chest. "Are we going to... be intimate again?"
"Yes we are," said Eduardo, smiling at her broadly. "Does that please you?"
Hannah felt his stiffening penis against her. "You know it does. But... could we do this exercise in a more private setting?"
Eduardo smiled at her, and she began to melt inside. Hannah was ready to give her body again to Eduardo; she had been ready from the moment her rider got its first band, from the moment she sucked on his penis and swallowed his semen. She just didn't want to do it in front of Carl.
"Don't you want to be trained?" Eduardo asked.
"Yes, dear, of course, but can't we do it in another... a smaller room?" she asked, rubbing his arm and looking up at him with desperate eyes.
Eduardo removed her hand, and then put one of his own on her. He started to fondle her between her legs. "But in that case then Carl would not receive his component of the training. You want Carl to be trained, don't you?"
She felt his hard eyes on her. "Yes."
"Didn't you tell me how good it would feel to see yourself used, taken in front of Carl?"
"Yes," said Hannah, breathing more heavily as her clit was stimulated.
"Imagine it. Imagine me fucking you hard, while Carl watches helplessly, taking you for the very first time in front of your former lover, who is powerless to help." He looked down at her with dominating eyes as he stimulated her further.
"Ah, ah, ah, ah," Hannah panted. She trembled a little and nodded breathlessly, her rider hot and heavy on her back. Part of her feared Carl seeing her make love to Eduardo... but another part wanted it more than anything.
"Imagine the look of fear and helplessness on Carl's face as I make love to you."
"Oooooh," Hannah groaned, feeling an intense tingling in her clitoris.
"Do you want it, Hannah?"
"Yes!" she hissed, her mind a swirl of conflicting emotions.
"Then let us begin the training."
Hannah turned and saw Carl, staring directly at her. He had just watched Eduardo touch her between her legs, masturbating her while they had obviously exchanged something intimate. He had watched Hannah redden in embarrassment. Then she had nodded and said something to him. When they returned, Hannah looked very flustered and couldn't make eye contact with him.
They were on parallel mattresses, side by side with each other. Eduardo didn't want Carl to miss a minute of what he was about to do to his fiancee. His former fiancee.
Hannah remembered her promise to Carl not to have sex with Eduardo and saw the distressed look in his eyes. It was a promise she had already broken and was about to break again, right in front of him. Panic started to rise within her, which was only partially suppressed by her rider.
Hannah wasn't the only one who felt uneasy. Carl knew what was about to happen, what must happen, his rider had told him. But anxiety rose in Carl's mind as he watched Hannah lie down on one of the many mattresses on the ground with Eduardo.
Carl wrestled with himself. He had to let Eduardo have his way with Hannah so Eduardo would protect her, but he still felt uncomfortable about it. Even as he had cooperated in putting on a show with Ernesto to help make it happen, part of him still felt intense remorse. Hannah couldn't sleep with Eduardo right in front of him... she simply couldn't!
As they lay down on one of the mattresses, Eduardo smiled at Hannah and said, "Are you ready to give yourself to the Hive?"
Hannah paused, smiled, and gave a hesitant nod.
Eduardo gave a cocky smile. He started to kiss Hannah.
When Carl saw Eduardo kiss Hannah, and he saw Hannah kiss him back, enthusiastically, he felt a knot growing in his stomach. Hannah wasn't just cooperating submissively; she was actively enjoying it. She smiled and laughed as Eduardo kissed her and whispered in her ear, the same way she had smiled and laughed when Carl had, when Carl used to-
"You are so beautiful," Eduardo said, whispering in her ear. "I will enjoy taking you again. Only this time Carl will watch. I will teach him how it is truly done."
Hannah tittered even as she felt her titties getting hard. She felt her rider giving her confidence as it nestled between her shoulder blades.
"We will become the closest of lovers," Eduardo whispered to her.
"We will?" said Hannah, with a dreamy look in her eyes.
"Yes," said Eduardo. "And then, when it is time, I will fill you with my seed and we will expand the Hive."
"Oh Eduardo!" she hugged him tightly, pressing her erect nipples against his muscular chest.
Carl helplessly watch the lovers sharing intimacies together. Forming a bond. And Carl had no choice but to watch as Eduardo kissed her... and Hannah, laughingly, kissed him back! Eduardo unstrapped Hannah's white bikini top. Her breasts thrust out at him, free, totally uninhibited, and right in front of Carl!
Hannah was letting another man undress her right in front of her fiance! Carl had known, intellectually that the two had been naked before, but to see Hannah letting Eduardo undress her right in front of him underscored the fact that his fiance belonged to another man now.
Carl winced as Eduardo moved to pull down her panties and Hannah actually lifted her ass to help him. And then she was totally nude in front of him, showing her bare vagina and breasts to another man.
A man she was about to make love to, right in front of him!
Carl didn't think it could get any worse, but it did. He watched as Hannah reached over and pulled down Eduardo's briefs, without even being asked. As Eduardo's large penis sprang out in front of his fiancee, Carl realized, She wants this. Hannah really wants him.
Eduardo's already semi-erect monster, mere inches from his fiancee, was totally intimidating to him. Carl gulped as he saw the enormous size of Eduardo's organ of reproduction. In moments, Carl knew, that monster cock would be inside Hannah. Inside his beloved fiancée. And all he would be able to do was watch, helplessly as the woman he loved was taken by another man.
As Carl watched Hannah and Eduardo, Ernesto had undressed both of them and was running his hands over Carl's body, lying next to him, whispering in his ears. "This will be the first time Hannah will give herself to my brother in front of you. It will be a great milestone in her training. You want to see it happen, don't you?"
"No!" Carl whispered, unable to take his eyes off her.
"Yes you do," Ernesto whispered back, rapidly manipulating Carl's penis, which was slowly getting erect. "Why then are you getting hard? You want to see it!"
No," Carl murmured, but with less resistance as Ernesto rapidly masturbated him. He started to pant softly with the movements of Ernesto's hand.
"Yes," Ernesto insisted. "Once Hannah has made love to Eduardo in front of you, all her resistance and inhibitions will finally be worn down. She will become Eduardo's lover openly, and your time with her will come to an end."
Carl watched as Eduardo slowly worked on his fiancee, kissing her, touching her, making her giggle, even tickling her, making her more and more accepting of his touch. His fingers started to roam her breasts. Hannah smiled as he fondled her titties, the same smile she used to give Carl when he touched them... before he became a homosexual.
It was only when Eduardo started to work a hand down, between her legs, that Hannah showed the first signs of resistance. As his hand grazed her nether lips, she took him by the wrist and pulled him away, smiling and laughing nervously as she gave a worried glance at Carl. Carl held out a faint hope that Hannah would resist him.
Eduardo kissed her some more, and moved his hand between her legs again. Again, she pulled his hand away, but not as quickly.
And then Eduardo reached down and sucked on one of her nipples, and Hannah arched her back and moaned with pleasure. When Eduardo pulled back, her nipples were solidly erect, and Hannah's areolas were as large and taut as Carl had ever seen them.
"Oh, Eduardo," she moaned, tilting her head back.
"You like that?" he asked, fondling a rapidly stiffening nipple
"Yesssss," Hannah hissed, giving him a smile which had once been reserved only for Carl. And then the next time Eduardo reached down with his hand between her legs, Hannah didn't stop him. Instead, she smiled and spread her legs and actually purred as he started to play with her clit.
"Oh, Eduardo," she said, with love and lust clearly visible in her eyes.
Eduardo smiled at her acceptance. Hannah had given her body to him for the very first time yesterday, but this was the next step in her training. To make her accept having sex in front of her fiancée. Once Hannah felt relaxed enough to be taken in front of Carl, the link between them would be truly broken.
Eduardo, judging she was ready, reached down with his massive erection, and started to rub it against Hannah's vulva.
"No," Hannah said, giving Carl a frantic look. "I can't." This was too much, even for her. Even with a rider on her back influencing her mind, she couldn't do this. It was one thing to have sex with Eduardo in another room, but quite another to let Eduardo penetrate her while Carl lay watching, mere inches away.
For a moment, Carl felt tremendously proud of her. But then Eduardo reached down with his hand and started to rub her clitoris again. He was helped by her rider, which pumped Hannah full of hormones.
"Oooh... ooooooh," Hannah said, arching her back. "Oh Eduardo!" she cried, her voice thick with lust and need. She was perilously close to submitting totally to him.
Eduardo smiled wickedly at her as he rubbed her clit some more, playing with the most sensitive tip poking out from her clitoral hood. Hannah cried out and arched her body upwards again. Eduardo nodded triumphantly and once again started to rub his penis against her nether lips. This time Hannah did not resist at all. As Eduardo pressed against her nether lips, Hannah looked over anxiously at Carl, as if asking for permission.
Carl looked back at her with pleading in his eyes. No, Hannah, don't do it!
Hannah continued to stare helplessly at Carl as she felt Eduardo's penis brushing against her nether lips, up and down, back and forth, just barely penetrating her. Sometimes the tip of his penis would briefly disappear and then reappear. Eduardo was preparing her, getting her ready for the final step. Her eyes looked glassy, lost with lust. Her smile was serene and loving Eduardo thought she was ready. He pushed her knees up, to give him greater access to her slit.
"No," Hannah whispered, pushing her legs down. She couldn't do it. Not here. Not in front of Carl.
Eduardo took his penis in his hand and again rubbed the head of his penis against her clit. "Do you want to be controlled?"
"Yes," Hannah whispered, her body aching for release.
"Do you want to be used?" he asked, rubbing harder against her clitoris. The head of her clit was the like the head of a tiny penis. When Eduardo rubbed his against hers, she felt sexual energy course through her body.
"Yes... I want to be used," Hannah whispered. She looked at the hurt expression on Carl's face. He looked totally betrayed. It hurt her so terribly to see him like this.
Eduardo saw where Hannah was looking, and turned Hannah's head away from Carl, saying, "You are with me now. Not him." And it hurt Carl tremendously when Hannah turned away to look into Eduardo's eyes.
When Hannah stared into those hard brown eyes she knew she was lost. She could deny him nothing now.
"Are you ready to be fertilized by the Hive, Hannah?"
No, Hannah, no!, Carl thought.
But Hannah was no longer looking at Carl. Only into Eduardo's relentless dark eyes.
It is my purpose. I must be fertilized, she realized, as she felt the warmth of her rider on her back, guiding her, arousing her, filling her with intense desire. Her vagina needed to be filled so badly. It was aching with need.
And suddenly Hannah knew what she had to do. "Yes," she whispered, her breasts heaving. "I must be fertilized."
Eduardo smiled. "Then spread your legs, and lift your knees."
Hannah obediently complied, feeling her rider pulsating on her back. She knew she was submitting, but couldn't do anything to stop it. On the contrary, she no longer wanted to. She wanted to submit. Just thinking the word "submit" made her clitoris tingle. She lifted her legs and spread her knees. Her pussy lips, framed so beautifully between her furry triangle, was glistening with sweat. She was ready to be fucked.
Eduardo leaned forward and started to rub the head of his massive penis against her vaginal lips. "Spread a little wider, dear.... A little more."
"Like this, Eduardo?" Hannah asked, spreading her knees wider, stretching the gap between her labial lips
"Wonderful," Eduardo grinned. "Now lift your knees, just a little more."
Hannah raised herself up slightly to give him an easier angle of penetration. "How is that?" she whispered.
"Perfect." Eduardo smiled, sending chills down her spine as he looked at her vaginal lips, which was perfectly lined up with his penis. Strictly speaking, none of Hannah's movements had been really necessary. They had merely been for Carl's benefit, to demonstrate to him that his former fiancee was now completely under his control.
Carl was mortified, a dagger stabbing him every time Hannah obeyed each one of Eduardo's commands, as she spread herself open to make it easier for Eduardo to fuck her. Hannah's vaginal lips were brownish-pink and glistening and exposed. She looked incredibly vulnerable... and incredibly willing. Carl knew at that moment that Eduardo was in complete control of his girlfriend, and that she was going to be inseminated by him, and there was nothing in the world he could do but watch it happen.
Eduardo looked down at Hannah, at her glazed smile, her large breasts, her open and spread invitation between her legs, and just savored the moment. Hannah had surrendered herself to another man, right in front of her boyfriend. The cleaving of Hannah and her fiancée was nearly complete. But his rider told him that something more was required. Acquiescence was no longer enough. Hannah needed to hurt Carl, to hurt him in the only way she could.
He rubbed the head of his penis against her labial lips. "Beg for it, Hannah," he said. "If you want me to put it in you, you have to beg for it."
Hannah's jaw dropped open. But her vagina felt like it was on fire. She desperately needed to be filled. "Please," she said. "Please, Eduardo, put it in me."
"Like I did yesterday?" Eduardo inquired, as he traced the edges of her labia with the head of his shaft.
"Yes," said Hannah. "Like you did yesterday." She risked a quick glance at Carl. He looked shocked. He shouldn't have been. Surely he knew!
"But your fiancee is right there," said Eduardo, his hand still moving his shaft slowly, up and down. "Surely you don't want to hurt his feelings."
"I don't care," said Hannah feverishly. "Don'tcaredon'tcaredon'tcare."
"Hannah!" Carl cried.
"I'm sorry Carl! I have to make love to Eduardo!" Hannah cried. Her rider stimulated her nerve endings, making her whimper as the head of Eduardo's penis traced a line on her engorged labial lips.
"Hannah, please don't!" Carl cried.
She turned and looked at him. "I'm sorry Carl," she half-whispered. "But the Hive demands it."
The Hive demands it. This was the second time Hannah had put the needs of the Hive above her own, and this time, it was right in front of her fiancee!
"What about Carl's feelings?" Eduardo asked again, in a mocking voice.
Hannah felt her rider overstimulating her breasts, her chest, her body, her cunt. She suddenly erupted in an uncontrolled eruption. "I don't care about his feelings! Let him hurt! Just put it in me, Eduardo. Just put it in me NOW!"
It was time.
Carl let forth a cry of raw emotional pain as he watched Eduardo aim his enormous penis at the entrance to Hannah's vagina. He tried to speak out, to tell Hannah or Eduardo to stop, but Ernesto pressed his lips against his as he continued to rub Carl's penis. "Just let it happen," he murmured. "Just let it all happen."
Hannah felt strong pressure on her vaginal lips to yield as the head of Eduardo's penis worked its way inward. This was it! she thought excitedly. Eduardo grunted, and Hannah felt her labial lips slowly start to give way as Eduardo's penis split them apart. And then Eduardo pressed forward some more and slowly but surely inserted his male sex organ into Carl's trembling fiancée.
"I'm so sorry, Carl," Hannah whispered, even as she felt her most private part accept her new lover inside of her. She took a deep breath as Eduardo filled her fully, pushing deeper into her yielding flesh, until his testicles were flush against the bottom of her ass cheeks.
And then it was done.
Hannah felt a tremendous sense of accomplishment. She had done it! She had accepted another man inside of her right in front of her fiancée! She had betrayed the man she loved!
Hannah felt the warmth of her rider on her back and in her head congratulating her, filling her with pride and joy.
"You're inside me," she whispered to Eduardo, with eyes as wide as saucers.
"Yes I am." Eduardo grinned triumphantly and began moving in and out of Hannah with strong, smooth strokes, making her gasp with each thrust and causing Carl to wince. "Why don't you say hello to Carl, dear?"
Hannah knew what he was doing, what he was trying to do, and hated him for it. But she could deny Eduardo nothing, especially not now, not while he was so intimately inside of her. She turned her head to Carl and saw the pain in his face. "Hello, Carl," she whispered.
Carl was in a state of shock. He knew what was going to happen here, but knowing and seeing were two different things.
"Aren't you going to say hello to Hannah, Carl?" Eduardo asked, as he casually thrust into her again.
"Hello, Hannah," said Carl,in a cracked voice.
"Hannah, why don't you ask how Carl is doing today?" Eduardo asked, as his long penis pulled out of her. Then he reinserted it into her, making her gasp again.
"Carl... how are you doing today?" she asked. It was surreal talking to her fiance while another man made love to her. Her former fiance, a small voice in her head told her.
"I... I....." Carl struggled to put his rage and despair into words.
"Carl is fine, dear," Eduardo assured her. "What kind of man would stand by while his woman is taken in such a manner?"
"Not a real man," said Hannah, giving a nervous laugh. Why had she said that? She saw Carl cut to the core by her thoughtless jab.
"Exactly." Eduardo grinned, plunging into her again. He stared intently into her eyes. "You are my lover, now," he hissed.
Hannah felt herself hypnotized by those eyes. She was so full of him. "I.... I am your lover, now," she heard herself saying.
"No, Hannah!" Carl moaned, with tears in his eyes.
"We are together now. We are one," said Eduardo, grabbing her hand tightly.
"We are one," Hannah obediently repeated, spellbound, as if Carl had never spoken.
They were one.
Hannah felt it too. Even as Eduardo moved in and out of her, she had trouble telling where her flesh ended and his started. She and Eduardo had become connected in the most intimate way possible. They were lovers, now, connected by Eduardo's strong, manly organ, man and woman, united in love and sex and emotional bonding. And yet even as they were joined in the most intimate of ways... Hannah's fiancee was watching just a few feet away.
Hannah felt so proud of herself, proud that she was able to accept another man inside of her while Carl watched. Eduardo was so strong, so manly, so sexy. She deserved him! But mixed in with her joy was shame, eating away at her; the shame of enjoying it, of cheating on her lover while he was merely inches away, and the increasingly hard to deny realization that she wanted this. All of it.
"Oh Eduardo," said Hannah, wrapping her arms around him. She looked at Carl for a moment, but couldn't endure his stare. She lay her head back and closed her eyes, giving into the feeling of being so completely taken.
As Eduardo used Hannah's body in the most intimate of ways, he told her things, about her future in the Hive, about her future life as a slave. "Soon you will want this more than anything," Eduardo whispered, as he banged her firmly and repeatedly, to drive home the fact, metaphorically and physically, that she was being taken. "Soon you will want sex, with many men, to spread the Hive. Your mind and your body and your cunt will be twisted, and changed, until you will be eager to do anything we command."
To be used. To be controlled. Eduardo's words were almost as arousing as his body. He plowed into her, taking her strongly, twisting her sexual desire up with shame and humiliation all blended together, and Hannah found herself starting to crave it. All of it.
As he spoke, Eduardo made love to Hannah slowly, leisurely, to regularize what he was doing, to make Hannah used to it... and Carl as well. Eduardo slowly pulled his long rod out of her, and paused a moment, and then, when she had adjusted to his absence, he put it back into her, and enjoyed her gasp. Eduardo's large penis was hard and glistening, wet with Hannah's juices. This was a place that Carl had once enjoyed as his very own. But now it belonged to Eduardo.
"I am your lover now," said Eduardo, as he drilled her. "Say it."
"You are my lover now," said Hannah helplessly, as she felt the sensation of being used so carnally. She had said it before, but saying it now was different... part of her even meant it. He was so male, so dominant, so strong!
Eduardo's eyes glinted. "You want only me inside of you."
"I... I only want you inside of me," Hannah repeated.
"You will never allow Carl inside of you ever again."
Hannah gasped, and it wasn't just from the movements of the thick Spanish rod inside of her.
"Hannah, no!" Carl cried.
Hannah stared into Eduardo's eyes and was lost. "Only you," said Hannah helplessly. "I... I will never let Carl make love to me again." She knew this was breaking Carl's heart, but she couldn't stop herself. She glanced over at him quickly, and saw tears streaming down his cheeks.
"No, Hannah!" Carl cried.
"I'm sorry, Carl. But I love Eduardo now," said Hannah simply.
Carl cried out in pain and grief as Hannah continued to accept her new and exciting lover.
The pace of their lovemaking began to change, as Eduardo gritted his teeth and started to rub her insides more insistently. He raised himself up on his palms so he could enter Hannah at an angle that would allow him deeper penetration. Hannah, her eyes widening, felt the change immediately. Hannah cried out as her arousal reached new heights. She had lost control. She had surrendered almost completely to him, all her senses focused on the throbbing, pounding cock which was driving her to a shattering climax.
"I love fucking you, Hannah. I have fucked many women in the Hive, but you are by far the sexiest woman I have ever been with," said Eduardo.
"And you are the sexiest man I have ever been with," said Hannah, not even risking a glance at Carl.
Eduardo banged into her more solidly, growling as his strong ass pumped back and forth as he aggressively shafted her. He was working himself up, climbing the last steps of the mountain, gritting his teeth as he was getting to where he had to go.
And yet, Eduardo rapidly approached his end goal, Hannah sensed it as well, and felt a new kind of alarm growing inside of her. "Please don't do it, Eduardo. Please don't come inside of me, not this time, let's do it another time," Hannah whispered. It was bad enough she was having sex in front of Carl. But to let another man inseminate her, to fill her with another man's sperm, inches away from her fiancée, her former fiancée, was almost too much for her.
Eduardo frowned. Despite her statements saying that he was her lover now, it was clear that her connection with Carl had not been fully severed. "What is your purpose?" Eduardo asked, not slowing down in the slightest.
"To expand the Hive," said Hannah promptly.
"How?" Eduardo said, thrusting hard into her.
Hannah gasped. Her nipples were hard and long. "By... by having my eggs fertilized, and creating the next generation."
"What am I doing now?" Eduardo asked
"You're... you're... fertilizing my eggs," said Hannah, trying to concentrate while enjoying the feeling of being so thoroughly penetrated, over and over. Each thrust sent shoots of lust through her body. Her rider amplified every sensation tenfold.
"And so what must be done?" Eduardo asked, his face tightening up, as he gritted his teeth. He increased his pace. He wouldn't last much longer.
"I... I must be fertilized," Hannah reluctantly concluded, feeling herself on the edge of a massive orgasm. Then a thought occurred to her. What if Eduardo got her pregnant? She had had the birth control inoculation, but it wasn't 100 percent effective-
"Convince me, Hannah," Eduardo growled. "Convince me you really want it!"
"Please," Hannah cried. She desperately needed to come. Her nipples were aching with need; her clitoris was positively painfully turgid. "Please give it to me!"
"Give what to you?"
"Your... sperm," Hannah said with difficulty, aware of Carl's eyes on her. "Please... fill me with your seed."
"No, Hannah!" Carl cried.
"Don't you want Carl's?" Eduardo asked, even as he plowed into her.
Hannah's face screwed up, as if something was ripping apart inside her. "No," She gasped. "Yours, only yours. I want only your cum inside my womb. The Hive demands it!" She felt devastated saying the words, but as she felt her rider strongly on her back and in her mind, she knew they had to be said.
"No, Hannah! Tell him that's not true!" Carl cried.
"It is true, Hannah," said Eduardo, fucking her relentlessly. "Tell him."
"Yes," Hannah sobbed. "It is, Carl. I want Eduardo's sperm now, Carl, not yours!" She turned to Eduardo with tears in her eyes. "Please, Eduardo. Come inside me, lover."
That was all Eduardo needed. He growled and thrusted powerfully into Hannah. His head was thrown back and his buttocks tightened, he gave an enormous, guttural yell, and then he let go inside of Hannah with all he had as they finished their second act of lovemaking... only this time, Hannah's former lover was watching.
Hannah felt Eduardo's organ pulsate inside of her as sperm whipped out the head of his penis and shot deep inside her. She felt his large balls empty their thick, heavy cream with pulse after pulse. Suddenly, she was filled with another man's sperm. She had done it. She had totally, completely betrayed Carl. Her rider filled her mind with a tremendous sense of accomplishment. Her rider triggered an enormous orgasm that radiated out of her richly penetrated vagina, washing over her entire body and making her stiffen and cry out even as her chest flushed red.
As they came down from their respective highs, Eduardo lay on top of her. He was still inside of her, his large balls flush against her vaginal lips. Carl winced as he imagined Hannah's insides being flooded with Eduardo's manly sperm.
Eduardo is her lover now. I am just another homosexual.
Hannah groaned with pleasure and smiled, as if waking from a sweet dream. She lay back on the mattress, stretching her sore back muscles as she felt herself richly inseminated.
"A part of me is inside you now," said Eduardo. "When the time is right, we will expand the Hive."
"I cannot wait, my darling," said Hannah, giggling as she kissed him. Each little laugh cut Carl to the core.
"You are my woman now," said Eduardo, with a broad smile. "I will twist your mind until you no longer recognize it. I will do things to your body you have never conceived of. But you will love all of it, because you belong to me."
Hannah looked up at him with fog in her eyes and clouds in her brain. It was hard to think clearly. "I... I belong to you, Eduardo," she moaned.
Hannah hissed softly as Eduardo slowly pulled out of her. He was still largely erect. A line of sperm briefly connected the tip of his penis and Hannah's vagina, before snapping abruptly.
Carl cried out and Ernesto smiled.
"Wasn't that incredible, Carl?" Ernesto asked. His hands hadn't been idle, rubbing and caressing Carl's body as they watched Eduardo inseminate Carl's former fiancée. Ernesto kissed Carl hard, and Carl, to his shame found himself responding with the beginnings of a magnificent erection. "Didn't you love watching your former lover being taken by Eduardo?"
"No," said Carl, his face all screwed up.
"Of course you did," said Ernesto, jerking off Carl's penis, which was getting harder and harder. "Kiss me if you liked it. Kiss me now."
Carl felt Hannah's eyes on him. He also felt his rider pulsating on his back. He had to do it; he had to feel Ernesto's lips on his, to feel his muscular hairy chest against his own. He needed comforting after the distress of watching Hannah make love to another man, and Ernesto was there to give it. Carl leaned forward and kissed Ernesto. Ernesto kissed him back, rubbing his body all over with his heavily tattooed arms. Carl groaned and caressed him back.
"No," Hannah breathed. She had seen this before, on the holodisplay in the bedroom, but somehow seeing Carl intimate with another man right in front of her was much more shocking.
Ernesto whispered something in Carl's ear. Then he stood erect. To Hannah's horror, Carl got on his knees so that his face was right next to Ernesto's penis.
"No, Carl!" Hannah cried.
"Suck it," said Ernesto, waving his bobbing penis in front of Carl's face.
"Don't do it, Carl!" Hannah cried.
Carl felt his rider pulsating furiously on his back. He wanted to suck on Ernesto's cock more than anything. It looked so brown and luscious and tasty, just hanging between his legs like that, perfectly framed by his dark, Spanishy pubic hair.
"I'm... sorry, Hannah. But I have to!" he said. He opened his mouth, and took Ernesto inside of him.
"Nooooo!" But it was too late to stop him. Much too late.
Carl made loud slurping sounds as he obediently worked his mouth over Ernesto's penis, in and out and in and out. Ernesto had a look of pure pleasure on his face, but Carl's expression was somewhat different. It was an expression of intense dedication... intense dedication, and fear.