Chapter 35.2
Hannah no longer saw anything attractive in the idea of Carl becoming homosexual. If anything, the thought of it filled her with dread. The man she loved was servicing another man sexually, in the basest of ways. Watching it made her sick to her stomach.
"As you can see, Carl has fully embraced his homosexuality," said Eduardo, fondling Hannah's breasts casually as if he were talking about the weather. "He is quite a cocksucker, Hannah. Could you be in love with a man who would do this for another man?"
"No, I couldn't," said Hannah. She tried to turn away, but Eduardo turned her head to face Carl.
"Please don't make me watch," she whispered, fondling his chest hair.
Eduardo shook his head minutely. "You must see Carl for what he truly is," said Eduardo. "This is an excellent teachable moment."
Hannah was forced to watch as a bearded, bald man with bulging muscles and tattoos all over his body rocked back and forth as his penis moved in and out of her former fiancée's mouth. Ernesto's penis looked so big and firm. Carl didn't seem to be resisting at all, sucking avidly. Hannah couldn't help but notice that Carl now wore the same red bandanna around his neck as Ernesto. As Ernesto thrust back and forth, he got a pained expression on his bearded face and his earring of little chains bounced in every direction.
How could Carl do this? How could he suck on another man's penis?
Hannah noticed Carl's rider was pulsating very strongly on his back, its golden band bright and gleaming. It was his rider that was doing this. It was his rider which was making him perform this unnatural act. They never should have come here. They should have left while they had the chance!
But now it was too late.
Ernesto pulled his shaft out of Carl's mouth, which was now hard and stiff and ruby red. "Good work, Carl you have properly prepared me. Now, assume the position." And then, before Hannah's very eyes, Carl lay face down on the mattress and spread his legs, presenting his ass to be plundered by Ernesto.
"No!" Hannah cried again. "Carl, please don't do this!"
"I... I have to," said Carl, trembling slightly as he felt an incredibly strong urge to be used by Ernesto. The golden band on his rider shined brightly as it pulsated strongly on his back. "I need him inside me, Hannah. The... the Hive demands it."
"Listen to him, little one," said Eduardo, playing with a nipple. "He is only doing what you asked him to."
And to her horror, Hannah realized he was right. She had asked Carl to cooperate with Ernesto. She had helped make him what he was. At first, it had only been to prevent him from being taken roughly by a group of homosexual men. But then, later, somehow, her motivations had somehow changed. She had seemed to derive intense sexual pleasure from the thought... no, that hadn't been her thoughts. Never! It must have been her rider. It had tricked her, somehow! Hannah had never intended for Carl to actually become-
"I have to do it!" Carl repeated, with a pained expression on his face as he bent over and lifted his ass to be plundered. "I need Ernesto inside me, Hannah. I need to feel his hardness moving in me!"
Hannah whimpered in agony as she saw her boyfriend obediently arch his back as Ernesto slowly inserted his penis between his ass cheeks.
No, Carl, no!
"Watch closely, little one. I think you are in for a special treat," said Eduardo.
Ernesto inserted his long, meaty penis inside of her fiancée's ass as Hannah squealed in emotional agony and wailed "Noooooo!" one last time, even as Eduardo squeezed her titties with glee.
And then it was Carl's turn to cry out as he experienced sex with another man for only the second time in his life as his ass was completely filled by another man's penis.
Hannah could not bear to look, but she did. As Ernesto's pubic hair was flush against Carl's ass, she was painfully aware that the entire length of Ernesto's penis was now buried inside her former fiancé's anus. Ernesto put his hands around Carl's neck, practically in a chokehold, and started moving back and forth. Carl looked so emasculated, so weak, as a felon with a hairy chest and tattoos covering a heavily muscled body used him sexually. Hannah found herself focusing on Ernesto's strong ass muscles; every time they flexed, he inserted himself into Carl, using him as a man would use a woman.
"Carl... how can you let him do this to you?" Hannah cried.
Carl bit his lip and looked ashamed.
"Carl, Hannah asked you a question," said Eduardo. "Why do you do this?"
I am a homosexual.
"I... I am a homosexual," Carl said.
"Carl, no!" Hannah cried. She noticed the rider on Carl's back pulsating furiously. It was brown and yellow and covered part of his shoulder blades. She realized that his rider was responsible for this. His rider had turned him into a homosexual, just as her rider had made her fall in love with Eduardo. She was being manipulated, and yet... now that she was with Eduardo, she had never been happier.
"I am homosexual," Carl repeated, as his rider pulsated thickly.
"That would explain a great many things," said Eduardo. "Such as why my brother Ernesto has his penis inside your asshole. You enjoy it, Carl, don't you?"
"Yes," he whispered. "It... it feel so good to have my ass filled. To have my ass filled with another man." Carl felt waves of pleasure emanating from his anus as he was filled with Ernesto's hardness. His rider helped, enhancing the sensation with every thrust. Carl's penis was rock solid now, pointing down against the mattress as Ernesto used him from behind. "Pound me, Ernesto, pound me hard!"
"No, Carl!" Hannah wailed, with tears in her eyes. Pound me hard. That was something she used to say to Carl, with a smile filled with lust, as he made love to her. But now Carl had assumed that role, had effectively become a woman to another man. How could he do that?
"Notice how hard your former fiancee is, Hannah," said Eduardo, pointing at Carl's stiff penis which was hanging straight down from his body.
Hannah saw that Carl was indeed fully erect as his penis bobbed back and forth underneath him every time Ernesto thrusted within him. He was enjoying this. He wanted this. Carl was a homosexual now.
Eduardo held Hannah tightly as his brother made love to her former fiancee. "Carl, which do you like better, being inside a woman, or taking it in the ass?"
Carl's face tensed up as Ernesto thrust deep within his bowels. "My ass," he gasped. "I like it better in the ass."
Hannah put a hand over her mouth and gave a cry of grief and pain as her heart was torn into two.
"Tell me, Hannah, can you love a man whose ass is being used by another man in such a fashion?" Eduardo asked innocently.
"No," said Hannah flatly, making a face.
"This I can understand," said Eduardo. "And yet, there is a certain artistry in it, if you know where to look. Hannah, look at Ernesto's penis, how hard and rigid it is. Is it not a thing of beauty as it plunges in and out of Carl's behind?" Eduardo asked. As Ernesto's penis moved in and out, Hannah could see that was covered in dark streaks.
Excrement. Carl's.
Hannah bit her lip so hard that it bled.
"And look how happy Carl is, every time Ernesto puts it in him." It was true. Carl was gasping with delight as he was reamed by Ernesto's hairy monster. Carl's erect penis bobbed up and down almost gleefully, an undeniable silent testimony to how much he was loving this. "You must be pleased," Eduardo observed.
"Pleased?" said Hannah incredulously, as she watched her boyfriend being penetrated repeatedly by a felon's enormous penis.
"I have given you exactly what I have promised," said Eduardo. "Carl has been made homosexual in a gentle and most pleasing way. Does that not please you, Hannah?"
Hannah looked at her boyfriend, her former boyfriend, who was being used as a homosexual's bottom. She felt terrible. She didn't remotely know what to say.
"Yes," she whispered.
"You may thank me now, Hannah," he said, giving her a stern glance.
Hannah, overcome by Eduardo's sheer masculinity and supreme confidence, lifted her head and their lips made the natural connection. As Hannah kissed Eduardo, she felt a warm glow throughout her body, even as she could see, out of the corner of her eye, Ernesto's penis plunging in and out of Carl.
"Look how happy he is to be used," said Eduardo.
Carl's face was a mask of pleasure as Ernesto plunged in and out of his ass. "He loves it. He loves every minute of it," said Eduardo, fondling her breasts. He looked her in the eye. "You may thank me again."
Hannah, her mind an odd mix of terror and lust, pressed her lips against Eduardo. She felt the warmth of his manly body against hers. "Thank you," she heard herself whisper. "Thank you for making him homosexual."
Yeoh! Hannah's nipples and her cunt tingled painfully with pleasure as her rider gave her a small reward. She looked up into Eduardo's eyes and couldn't help but feel love for him.
When the kiss ended, Hannah looked over at Carl. She tried to make eye contact with her former lover, but he averted his head in shame.
"Harder, Ernesto, harder," Carl said, sweat dripping off his brow. Even his rider seemed to be glistening with sweat. Its golden band so bright that it almost glowed on his back, as it pulsated exactly in tune with Ernesto's thrusts. "I need to come so badly," Carl whined, in a high pitched voice.
Hannah's jaw dropped open. Every time Carl yearned to be taken, every time he expressed his love for Ernesto or homosexual sex, it tore a gaping hole in her heart. She looked at his glowing rider pulsating on his sweaty back. She realized that it had done this to him. It had turned him into a homosexual. It was controlling his mind now, making him want it.
Eduardo held up a restraining hand. "Carl, Ernesto will give you what you need, Carl, but first you must give Hannah what she needs."
"What? What does she need?" Carl gasped, as Ernesto's length drilled between his ass cheeks. Hannah winced as the entire length, encrusted with excrement, came out of Carl, and then plunged back inside.
"You must tell her here and now that you no longer love her. That you only love Ernesto."
"I.... no!" he gasped, feeling himself penetrated again as Ernesto sank balls deep within him.
"Do it, Carl. Do it or you will never come," Eduardo said sternly.
Carl's penis and balls felt like they were about to burst. Every thrust in his ass seemed to connect directly to stimulation in the head and balls of his penis, leaving him in sexual agony. He needed release so badly! Carl looked at Hannah with tears in his eyes and said, "Hannah... I... I no longer love you. I... I only love Ernesto."
Hannah gasped. "Do you really mean that?"
"I... yes, I do!" he said, as the words were ripped from him. "I... I only want... men... only men!" He turned to Ernesto, panting heavily. "Come inside of me! Please, master! I've done everything you asked!"
Hannah cried out in pain again even as Eduardo hugged her all the more tightly in his powerful arms. "There there, it is all right. It is what is meant to be," he said firmly as he held the whimpering girl. Eduardo gave Ernesto a vigorous nod, and the muscular man gritted his teeth and started to pound more vigorously between Carl's ass cheeks.
"Ernesto is going to come inside your former lover now I think," said Eduardo. "You should watch closely, Hannah, as this is going to be the most exciting part." He squeezed her titties and held her tight as Hannah squirmed uncomfortably.
"No!" Hannah cried, even as she felt Eduardo's thumb and forefingers playing with her ruby read teats.
"Come inside of me, please please please!" Carl cried.
And then it happened. Ernesto's eyes grew really wide. He stiffened, and his balls slapped against Carl's ass, and he cried out. Hannah couldn't see it, but she knew what was happening. Ernesto was filling Carl with his sperm. It was the ultimate homosexual act.
"Oh yes! Oh yes, baby, babybabybaby!" Carl cried, as he felt his ass being flooded with another man's sperm. Carl's rider rewarded him for his obedience, sending his aching rock hard organ over the edge. Hannah watched as Carl's sperm came shooting out of him in enormous spurts even as Ernesto filled his anus with his seed.
"Oh, oh no, Carl!" Hannah moaned.
A moment of silence as Carl and Ernesto both came down from their highs. Carl was still richly impaled.
Ernesto patted Carl's back and pulled out of him. A stream of sperm momentarily connected the tip of his penis to Carl's asshole. Ernesto's penis was coated in solid human waste. The distinctive odor of excrement filled the room. Hannah winced and looked away. Her fiancée had just been inseminated right in front of her in the most gross and disgusting of ways.
"There, this has been very educational, was it not?" Eduardo asked, as if he were a teacher in elementary school, as Ernesto wiped his penis down with a towel. "Tell me, Hannah, can you love a man who has another man's seed inside of him?"
"No," said Hannah, looking on the verge of tears again.
"I did not think so. Who do you love then?"
"You, Eduardo. Only you." The answer came immediately, without thinking. They kissed again, and then looked each other in the eyes for a long moment.
And then Eduardo smiled and helped Hannah up, while Ernesto did the same with Carl, treating him like a most proper bottom. Carl looked at Hannah, who had bite marks on her neck, breasts, and titties. Her hair was a mess, her face was flustered, and her vaginal lips were spread wide, and dripping with hers and Eduardo's combined juices.
Carl didn't look very much better. He also had red marks on his face and neck where Eduardo had mauled him, and his ass was red and also dripping with... wetness.
They both looked like very fucked people; a couple who looked very fucked and yet neither had done it with each other, something they were both acutely aware of, from the way they nervously avoided eye contact.
Eduardo, on the other hand, was ecstatic with the results of the latest training. "Good work, for both of you. Carl, you were very obedient, and didn't attempt to interfere as I inseminated your former fiancée. And Hannah clearly enjoyed having intercourse in front of her former boyfriend." He stared at her "Didn't you, Hannah?"
Hannah blushed mightily, but nodded. It was true, but painful to admit it
Eduardo put a hand around Carl. "And we also learned something new about Carl as well. Carl here is a homosexual who enjoys a good hard fucking in his bottom, don't you Carl?"
Carl, red faced, nodded.
"I do not think Hannah can give you this thing you desire, Carl," said Eduardo. "On the other hand, I do not think Hannah wants you inside of her either. Perhaps it is for the best." He saw the dismayed look on their faces. "But you still have something in common," said Eduardo. "You, Hannah, now carry a piece of me inside of you." He snickered as he rubbed her pubis. Then he turned to Carl. "And you, Carl, now carry a piece of my brother inside of you." He pinched Carl on the ass and grinned. Both Hannah and Carl looked incredibly uncomfortable.
"You are both making incredible progress," Eduardo said. "Now you may reflect on what has happened. I am sure you will want to talk with each other after this very eye opening experience. Come, Ernesto." He and his brother left, leaving Hannah and Carl alone.
Hannah found being alone with her former fiancée, her former love of her life, incredibly, incredibly awkward.
"Carl, we have to talk," she said hesitantly.
"What do we have to talk about?" Carl said, turning away.
She grabbed his arm. "Carl, I just had sex with another man in front of you, and you...."
"I had sex with another man in front of you," said Carl softly.
Hannah bit her lip. "Did you like it?"
Cal paused and looked away before turning back. "Yes."
Hannah gasped. "So you really are homosexual?"
"Yes. No. I don't know." Carl shook his head, trying to think. He reeked of sex, of Ernesto's scent. He felt the rider on his back pounding in his head. It was so hard to think clearly! "I'm... I'm bisexual now, I think," said Carl, scratching his head as his rider pulsated on his back. "But I... I still have feelings for you." He took her in his arms.
"You do?" said Hannah.
"Of course," said Carl, holding her closely.
"But what about... what about me and Eduardo?" Hannah asked.
"Do you... do you love him?" Carl asked.
The world seemed to pause as Hannah considered his question. "Yes," she finally said. "He's handsome and attractive and sexy... but I still love you more, Carl. I love you, and want to be with you."
They kissed. It turned into a long kiss as they embraced each other. Carl didn't think about how Hannah had declared her love for Eduardo while being penetrated. He didn't think about Eduardo's sperm residing deep inside of her. And Hannah didn't think about Carl being a bottom for Ernesto, or about Ernesto's seed deep inside Carl's ass. All they thought of was their love for each other.
"We're so close to rescuing Rebecca, Carl, I can feel it," Hannah whispered. "Can you survive just a little more of this?"
"I... I think so," said Carl, as he felt his rider pulsate on his back.
"Can you bear to watch me... to watch me having sex with Eduardo again?"
"As long as I know you still love me," said Carl. "Can you cope watching me... me and Ernesto?"
"As long as I know that you aren't only attracted to men," said Hannah.
"But he is."
Hannah whirled and pulled away from Carl as Eduardo reentered the training room. "Eduardo! We were just-"
"I know what you were doing," said Eduardo, giving her a frown.
"We weren't having sex, I swear it," said Carl. "We would never disobey-"
"Of course you wouldn't," said Eduardo. "I know how obedient the two of you are. But I can see that there is still some residual confusion even after your latest training. Hannah, Carl is homosexual now."
"No, Eduardo," said Hannah firmly. "Carl is bisexual. He likes both men and women."
"Does he?" Eduardo gave her a hard look which made her shiver. "Let us find out. Carl, would you like to make love to Hannah?"
"Yes!" said Carl immediately. He paused. "But... I thought you told Hannah that we were never to-"
"I will make an exception, one last time," said Eduardo. He noticed Carl's hesitation. "What's wrong, Carl? Do you feel that after one orgasm with my brother that you are unable to perform?"
Carl wet his lips. "No... I can do it."
"Then proceed, by all means." When they didn't move, his voice grew harsh. "Begin!"
Eduardo wanted them to make love to each other. In front of him.
Carl took Hannah in his arms again. She looked as nervous as he felt. She nodded slightly. He nodded back and kissed her.
As soon as their lips touched, it felt like old times again. "Oh, Carl." Their joint infidelities were suddenly forgotten. They kissed and hugged while Hannah's hand snaked down and started to stimulate him. Before long he became erect.
Carl was pleased that he was able to get an erection so soon after Ernesto had pleasured him. But after all this was his fiancée who was stimulating him. He was used to her touch. Carl pulled her down to the bed, but as he got between her legs Hannah frowned.
"What's wrong?"
"I... I just realized," said Hannah. " I... I haven't had a chance to clean myself out," said Hannah. She was still full of sperm. Eduardo's sperm.
"Carl doesn't mind. Do you Carl?" Eduardo asked.
Carl paused, then shook his head.
"Then continue. Insert yourself inside of Hannah, Carl."
Carl paused for some reason. Something was wrong here, he knew it.
"Do it now, Carl, or you will never get to make love to Hannah again."
Carl took a deep breath, and inserted himself into Hannah. She gasped with the taking, making him smile. Before long he was making smooth strokes inside of her and everything felt grand.
Or almost grand. As he moved in and out of Hannah Carl felt that his penis was coated with wetness, a fluid that was very sticky. Every time he pulled out he saw the milky white wetness on it. The mixture of Hannah's fluids... and Eduardo's sperm.
"That's right, Carl," said Eduardo, as if he were reading his mind. "Your penis is being coated with my cum. That's because you are the lesser. You understand that, don't you, Carl?"
"Yes," said Carl, even as he continued to thrust. "I... I am the lesser." Hannah looked up at Carl, but his face was unreadable. Carl was embarrassed but also thrilled. The thought of having his penis coated with the sperm of such an alpha male like Eduardo made him especially hard, though he could never admit this to Hannah. The growing homosexual part of him became excited, making his penis even harder. He continued to thrust in and out of her. He saw Hannah starting to pant. This would be quick. They were both closing in...
And then... something unexpected happened.
Carl's penis started to shrink inside of Hannah. As he thrusted, his penis became more and more rubbery. Soon, he couldn't move inside her at all, as his penis became entirely deflated. He simply slipped out of her. He looked down at himself. He was completely flaccid.
"Carl?" said Eduardo inquiringly.
"I... I don't know what happened...." Carl felt intensely embarrassed. He saw the look of disappointment on Hannah's face.
Eduardo put an arm around him. "That's quite all right, Carl. Do you know why you couldn't finish? It is because you are homosexual. Homosexuals are not attracted to women."
"No," Carl breathed.
Eduardo looked sternly at him. "You are now homosexual, and you will never be able to come inside a woman again. Certainly not dear Hannah." He turned to Hannah. "Carl will never be able to satisfy you again in this way. Did he satisfy you now?"
"No," said Hannah looking sad.
Eduardo strode over to her and took her in his strong arms. "And he never will again. Do not worry, though, I will see to all your needs from now on. Kiss me," he commanded.
Hannah obediently angled her head and made the connection. They kissed, and as they parted, they smiled, looking into each other's eyes.
"Don't worry about not climaxing with Carl," Eduardo. "From now on, the Hive will satisfy all your needs." He turned to Carl. "And your needs will be seen to as well, Carl. But in your ass, the proper place for homosexuals like yourself to get their pleasure from."