Chapter 38.1
Hannah and her fiancé Carl are deeply in love and about to get married but first enter the cult known as "The Hive" to rescue Hannah's sister Rebecca. But once they enter the Hive they find the experience overwhelming. As their riders grow stronger in their bodies and their minds, Hannah is seduced by a handsome body builder named Eduardo and Carl is slowly turned towards homosexuality by Eduardo's brother Ernesto.
Hannah was having sex with Eduardo in the Yellow Farmhouse in the Fifth Circle.
It felt so natural, so easy to fall into now. It was like they had been couples forever. She knew how good the enlarged head of his penis felt inside her. She knew the curve of his ass. She knew the feel of his muscular thighs. She knew how hard his biceps were. She loved how strong his back was. She relished the way his lips felt against hers. And those eyes, those strong eyes! She would do anything for them. Anything.
Eduardo looked into her eyes and started kissing her, and Hannah looked into his eyes and kissed him back, and then they were touching, and feeling, and before long he was inside her, and Hannah was moaning with joy. Eduardo would make her say things, such as that she loved being a slave, that she loved being used by the Hive, all while he made love to her, as he continued to reinforce her conditioning. And then finally, when he was satisfied, she would be allowed to come, and then he would release inside of her, filling her with his sperm.
It was paradise.
"Did you like that?" Eduardo asked, as they lay arm and arm together.
"You know I did," said Hannah, giving an easy grin.
"What if it were for real?" Eduardo asked.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean... what if I fertilized your egg, for real?"
"You want to give me a baby?" Hannah sat upright. "Eduardo yes! If it's a boy, he will look handsome and strong just like you-"
"No," Eduardo shook his head. "I mean to be impregnated with Hivelife."
"Hivelife," Hannah crossed her arms. "You mean... something alien?"
Eduardo smiled at her.
Hannah considered. She had said the words often enough. She had literally begged Eduardo to fill her with Hivecum. But those had been words said on the knife's edge of orgasm. Hannah hadn't even really known what they meant, only that it felt good to say it. But now Eduardo was suggesting that she actually give birth to... to....
"What would it be?" she whispered, a hand playing on his chest. "A rider?"
"It could be a rider, or riders, or something else. It would be up to the Hive to decide," Eduardo replied.
Hannah felt a chill go down her spine even as the warmth of her heavy rider spread through her chest. "Eduardo, dear, why can't we just have a normal baby, you and me? I'd love to bear your child."
"I know you would," said Eduardo lovingly. "But that is not what you were made for. You were made to-"
"Expand the Hive," said Hannah woodenly.
"That's right," said Eduardo. He gave her an appraising look. The Hive could impregnate Hannah against her wishes, of course. It would be a thing easily done. But then this experiment would be totally ruined. "I sense your reluctance. Perhaps you will feel differently once your rider gets its third band."
"Its third band?" said Hannah. Her rider felt heavy and meaty on her back and sometimes it felt scratchy around the edges. She loved it dearly but was not sure how it would feel if it grew any further on her. "It gets bigger?"
Eduardo smiled. "Yes, and the bigger it grows the more you will love it. Will you cooperate and help your rider reach the final stage of maturity?"
"Of course, Eduardo," said Hannah, feeling a tingling in her clit. Hannah was Hiveflesh now; she must obey.
Hannah's rider had grown quite a bit since she had entered the Hive. It had started out as a small, pale, shriveled up thing that didn't even take up all the space between her shoulder blades. But now; it was big, it was orange-brown, it was large, and it was thick and strong. And so were its tendrils in her head. Hannah found it difficult to resist its suggestions, but found more and more that she didn't even want to. Her rider loved her and wanted what was best for her.
Eduardo was delighted to learn that Hannah would help her rider grow and expand further, but he warned her that her training would become even more intensive.
Sometimes, it would even be unpleasant.
That very afternoon Eduardo instructed Hannah to get down on her hands and knees. Hannah, thinking she was going to be entered from behind, readily complied with a goofy grin on her face. Little did she know how literally she was to be taken from behind.
Hannah's eyes grew wide as she was taken. "Ow!" she cried, as she was impaled in a new way. "Eduardo, that's the wrong hole!"
"No it's not," Eduardo grinned. He started thrusting.
"Ow!" Hannah cried, as Eduardo fucked her up the ass. "Ow. Ow. Ow." Her breasts jiggled as she was taken. Her asshole felt sore from the enormous shaft inside it. "Eduardo, I'm not Carl!"
"No, you are not," Eduardo agreed. "But like Carl, you must learn to let the Hive use all parts of your body."
Hannah's rider started pulsating. Suddenly, Hannah felt pleasure starting to overwhelm the pain.
"Ooooow.... ooooohhhhh...." said Hannah.
"Do you like it now?" Eduardo asked.
"I... I don't know. Kind of," she said. The pain and pleasure were so intertwined, it was hard to tell. And then the pleasure started to overwhelm the pain and Hannah started to groan with an easy smile.
"That's right, just take it like that," said Eduardo soothingly. Eduardo smiled as he continued to penetrate her. The fat in Hannah's virgin ass cheeks bounced up and down each time he slammed into her. Her heavy breasts, which hung underneath her, rocked back and forth. Her rider sucked up Hannah's energy as she maintained the stressful pose.
"I wish you could see yourself," said Eduardo, rocking back and forth as he took her virgin asshole. "You look so sexy."
"Ummmm," said Hannah, giving a small smile as she felt pain mixed with pleasure from each penetration.
"You're even tighter than Carl."
"I took him too, remember? The physical sensation was good, but it was the statement that it made that was even better," said Eduardo. "Each time I thrust into him I enjoyed his weakness, his status of being the lesser." He looked at Hannah's willing ass. "And each time I thrust into you, you will feel as he did Slave. Slave. Slave. Slave. Slave."
Each time he said the word, Hannah felt a reinforcing jolt of pleasure in her body, in her titties, in her vagina, and in her ass.
"Slave. Slave. Slave. Slave. Slave. Slave."
Later that day, Eduardo took Hannah to another room, where she found two men she didn't know standing by a bed. One was white, the other black. Their faces were blank, but both had erections. "What is this?" she asked.
"This is Mark and George," said Eduardo. "They will be using your body this afternoon."
"They will?" said Hannah, with a hurt look in her eyes. She put her hands on Eduardo's chest. "I'd rather just do it.... with you...."
Eduardo smiled as he removed her hands from his chest. "That's one of the things you have to learn. In the Hive, we belong to everyone. The Hive determines who we should be with, who should be using us."
Hannah looked at the two strange men. "I... I don't know...."
Eduardo put a hand between her leg, and started to play with her clit. On her back, her rider started to pulsate.
"What are you?" he asked.
"I am HiveFlesh," said Hannah.
"What is your purpose?" Eduardo asked.
"To be controlled, to be used, however the Hive demands," said Hannah, speaking as though she were hypnotized. She had never said it in exactly that way before, but it made perfect sense.
"These males are here to use you. What will you do?" Eduardo asked.
"I will obey," said Hannah. Eduardo smiled, and gestured for her to get on her hands and knees on the bed. Hannah obediently complied. But then she looked up at Eduardo imploringly. "But will we be together later?"
"Of course," said Eduardo, Mark, the white man, moved towards her head. Hannah obligingly opened her mouth and started to fellate him. But she gasped and nearly bit down as she felt George, the black man, positioned behind her, enter her ass.
Her eyes widened as she looked at Eduardo for confirmation. Eduardo smiled reassuringly. Hannah looked resigned as Mark and George had their way with her, penetrating her from both ends.
Eduardo nodded at her. "Today you are being given another lesson to learn that the Hive will use your body however it wants, with whoever it wants. It feels good, doesn't it?"
Hannah couldn't speak, but she nodded slightly.
"And it will keep feeling good. The total loss of control feels good, the feeling of surrendering, submitting ... it will make you feel such joy, Hannah, joy you have never felt before."
Hannah looked at him imploringly.
"Remember, Hannah, your body belongs to the Hive. Your vagina belongs to the Hive. Everything about you belongs to the Hive. As the Hive takes greater and greater control of your mind, you will come to love it more and more. "
Hannah smiled and nodded again, making slurping sounds with her mouth.
Eduardo watched for a moment longer before leaving, and decided she was making excellent progress.
Later, when Hannah returned to their room, Eduardo greeted her with a kiss. "How was it?"
"All right, I guess," said Hannah. "I'm a little sore."
"Good," said Eduardo.
"Good?" said Hannah.
"We must accelerate your development," said Eduardo. "We must work quickly for you to get your next band."
"Why is it so important that I get triple banded?"
Eduardo reached over and kissed her. He started to rub her breasts. "Trust me, it will feel good... very good... we are preparing you for a very important assignment... one you will love without end...."
"No. You can't be serious," said Hannah.
It was the following day. Eduardo had brought her to a room with a cot... and a large number of men, all blanked faced with erections.
"All these men?" Hannah said. She looked up at Eduardo, who nodded. She grasped his arm tightly. "Please, Eduardo, please. I'll do anything for you."
"That's right, you will," said Eduardo. "Go to the bed, Hannah."
She gave him a pleading look, but got no response. She felt the heavy double banded rider pulsating on her back and nodded. She wiggled her hips and walked over to the bed. She cocked her head and listened. Then she removed first her bikini top and then her panties. She stood there, completely naked, looking hesitant, as her rider continued to pulsate strongly.
"What does your rider tell you, Hannah?"
"That... that I must assume the position to be used."
"Then what must you do?"
"I... I must obey," said Hannah. She got on the bed on her hands and knees, and cocking her head again, as if listening, then raised and lifted her ass.
"Very good, Hannah," said Eduardo. Hannah was ready and willing to be taken. Excellent. Another milestone in her training.
"Begin," he told the men.
The men formed two lines. The first two men stepped forward. One inserted his penis into her mouth, the other into her ass.
Hannah's face registered shock and discomfort. But then her rider started to pulsate and her body calmed down.
"That's right, get into it," said Eduardo. He looked at the hungry rider on her back, which was consuming every exertion. Hannah wasn't physically moving, but what was being done to her caused her blood to pump rapidly and her muscles to ache. Hannah's rider was big and beefy, but had not yet begun to form a third ring. The red rash on her back, however, was growing rapidly in size and intensity.
Eduardo watched Hannah being penetrated from front to end. "This may be a little distressing, but be comforted by the thought that this process will rapidly accelerate the growth of your rider."
Hannah nodded slightly with the distinct imprint of a penis head sticking out of her cheek.
"I'll be back later to check on your progress," Eduardo said, smiling as he left.
The following morning Hannah was hard at work, on her hands and knees, being penetrated by one man after another. Her arms and legs were starting to tire, and she was getting sore down there, despite the efforts of her rider to mask the discomfort. But Eduardo insisted she still do three hours a day of it. Every day she looked at her rider, and measured it with his eyes, and announced grudgingly that there had been progress, but needed to be more.
"But why, Eduardo? I'll do anything you say, dear," she said, fondling his flaccid penis.
"Anything?" said Eduardo. "And eagerly? I know how reluctant you are to let yourself be taken by these men. Once you get your third ring, trust me, nothing will bother you. Nothing at all. And you'll be happier than you've ever been."
"It sounds good," said Hannah.
"It is good," Eduardo assured her.
Over time, Hannah's perspective changed.
As she got closer and closer to being tripled banded, her rider took greater and greater control of her mind. Some things were already easy to do--she no longer needed any encouragement to convince her that she loved having sex with Eduardo. He had been so competent in seducing her that her rider only needed to help convince her at a few key points in time.
But some things were harder. Breaking her love for Carl had been more difficult. Making her accept the idea of being controlled, of being shaped, of being changed, had been a continuous, ongoing effort. The human mind instinctively resisted control. Hannah's rider had worked hard on her every night, as she slept, whispering to her that control was not only wonderful but essential to her existence in the Hive.
When Hannah agreed to service many men with her mouth and her anus, it had been another step in her evolution. A slave was not truly a slave until she agreed to everything without question. Hannah had to continually be challenged, to truly break down all her resistance, so when the time came for her to perform her ultimate task, she would agree to it without question.
And so, as one man after another entered her anus and mouth, Hannah's view on it gradually changed. Instead of being a burden, it became a gift. She noticed that each penis she accepted into her mouth had the mark of the Hive on it. She looked at all the blank faces, in front and behind her. They were Hive Slaves, all of them. She was servicing the Hives. She realized that rather than being a chore, that it was truly a privilege, an honor.
And so Hannah began to feel good about what she was doing. She started sucking on penises with gusto. She would love it when the face above her would start to break, and gasp, and cry out, and flood her mouth with semen. When she felt the man behind her moving very rapidly, suddenly sink as deeply as he could inside of her and stop moving, she knew she had served the Hive yet again, and felt joy in her bosom.
Eduardo continued to have vaginal sex with her. He monitored the progress of her rider's growth day after day. He could see the beginning of a third band starting to form inside the first two. Hannah was almost ready.
Carl's training proceeded as well. It was not necessary for Carl to be triple banded. He had already fulfilled his prime function, to help the Hive convert Hannah. But that didn't mean there still wasn't other uses Carl could be put to that would be productive to the Hive.
Once Carl acquired his bottom stamp, men started to use him, all kinds of men. Ernesto had broken him in. Carl found he couldn't refuse. Ironically some of the men who used Carl were big, bodybuilding types, the type that Hannah had tried to protect Carl from when she agreed to help his conversion to homosexuality. Big burly men pounded into Carl's ass, as a reward for their service to the Hive. Carl found it overwhelming at first, but like Hannah, soon learned to love it.
But Carl was denied what he wanted most of all; to come inside his lover's ass. Ernesto took him as he saw fit, in the mouth or the ass, but he wouldn't let Carl into his own ass. Ernesto said that was a reward that needed to be earned.
Later that day Eduardo came in to check on Hannah. Hannah, on her hands and knees was still servicing men with her mouth and with her ass, but now she was loving every minute of it. Eduardo visited her periodically during her intensive training, but this time he did not come alone.
Carl was with him.
Hannah no longer thought she was capable of blushing. But she was, even as she serviced two men at the same time, one in her mouth and one in her ass..
"And here she is, Carl. As I said to you, your former fiancee has turned into a complete workaholic," said Eduardo. "She keeps wanting more and more of it."
"Really?" said Carl. He looked at his former bride, at the line of men leading to her front and back. He saw the man with his penis in her mouth, and Hannah's face as she sucked and slurped. He saw the man banging into her from behind, looking up at the ceiling and smiling avidly.
"She's very popular, especially in the ass. Have you ever had Hannah in the ass, Carl?" he asked.
"No," said Carl.
"Come to think of it, has Ernesto ever let you come in his own ass?"
"No." Carl looked crestfallen. Ever since they had moved to the Fifth Circle, Ernesto continued to make love to his ass, but wouldn't let Carl come inside of him.
"Would you like to, Carl?" said Eduardo. "I believe you were promised a reward for your obedience in helping us take Hannah."
"You... you will let me have sex with Hannah?" Carl asked.
Hannah's eyes widened as her gaze met Carl's, even as a penis coursed inside of her mouth and ass.
"Yes, Carl, you can have her. But only in her ass, Carl. Like a gay man. Would you like that?"
Carl licked his lips and watched the man plowing between Hannah's ass cheeks. He realized he wanted it more than anything. He nodded, and started to make his way to the back of the line of men waiting to use his former lover.
"No no no," said Eduardo. "You're her former fiancée! You go to the head of the line! Gentlemen! Please, gentlemen, give Carl here a little quality time with his former lover."
The man in front pulled out of Hannah's mouth. The man in back pulled out of her ass. His penis had black streaks on it.
"Carl," Hannah whispered. She looked exhausted and disheveled. Strands of damp red hair covered part of her face. Her rider, which had been pulsating on her back in one way, suddenly started to pulsate in a different direction.
Suddenly, the discomfort that it had been masking was gone.
Hannah felt a painful throbbing in her anal passage. She looked from Eduardo to Carl. "Carl, it's good to see you, but I'm kind of busy," Hannah said apologetically. "I have many more men to satisfy."
"We can see that," Eduardo smiled. "Carl, Hannah has been taking men into her mouth and ass, all in an effort to help her rider mature even more. Aren't you proud of her?"
"I'm always proud of Hannah," Carl smiled.
"Hannah, don't you feel Carl deserved a reward for helping his father embrace his homosexuality?"
"Yes," said Hannah, suddenly feeling trapped.
Eduardo nodded, and Carl moved behind Hannah. Her ass cheeks were large and round, as beautiful as he remembered. Suddenly, he realized he was erect, as his rider intended.
"No, Carl," Hannah whispered. "Not you! Not in my ass!"
"Hannah, even homosexuals need release," said Eduardo. "Now, invite your former lover to use you."
Hannah wet her lips as she felt the words appear in her head. "Please... Carl... use my ass.... I... I want you inside me... like a homosexual...."
Carl looked at Hannah. She looked so vulnerable, so used. He could see the wetness around her ass crack, the palm marks on her ass cheeks. But that didn't matter. He felt a tremendous need building up in his penis. He had to have release. Carl, moving forward, gently inserted his rod into her anus.
Hannah cried out as Carl penetrated her. And suddenly, he was inside his former fiancee. He felt the warmth of her rectum all around his rod. He never imagined that he would ever have Hannah again, but taking her, even like this, filled him with joy. He slowly pulled out. His penis was covered with Hannah's feces. It smelled so good. Carl reinserted himself into her as Hannah gasped silently.
"Are you all right?" Carl asked, as he started to thrust.
"It's... a little painful... but... I... must... obey," said Hannah, her nipples crinkling as she said the words. "Please... use me, Carl. Come inside me, I beg you." There was real need in her voice as her rider throbbed on her back. A tiny gasp escaped her lips.
Carl saw the look of discomfort on her face. It only made him harder. He started to thrust more rapidly. When he did, he noticed that Hannah's ass cheeks start to bounce forwards and back. Her breasts, hanging underneath her, swayed strongly with each powerful thrust making her look so much more womanly, so much more feminine. And then Carl was suddenly fixed by her rider, right in front of him. He saw how big it was, big and orange and brown and yellow and thick and so strong! He knew it controlled her mind, that it was making her do this. For a moment, Carl was incredibly grateful for Hannah's rider, grateful that he could take Hannah like this. As he thrust in and out of his former fiancee, he smiled at the fleshy circular mass that took up half of Hannah's back.
She used to be his fiancee. They were going to be married and have children. Instead, she had been turned into a sexual plaything of the Hive and he was taking her in the ass. A month ago he couldn't have imagined such a thing. But now he wouldn't have it any other way.
"I love taking you this way, Hannah," Carl murmured, as he thrust between her ass cheeks. His penis was coated with Hannah's brown excrement.
"Taking me this way-"
"In the ass," said Carl. "Like...."
"Like a homosexual," Hannah gasped.
"Yes," said Carl, enjoying her tightness, enjoying how her ass cheeks bounced as he used her roughly. He realized he had the Hive to thank for this, to thank for showing him the joys of homosexuality and the taking of his former fiancee in this new and delightful way.
Hannah turned her head to the side. Her face was a mixture of need and distress, her mouth wide open, gasping silently. It aroused Carl so much. As he thrust, faster and faster, he found he couldn't stop.
"Hannah... dear Hannah... you're so tight... so very tight... I'm going to come," Carl cried.
"I know!" Hannah cried. "Come inside of me, Carl! Fill me with your-"
"Ahhhhhhh!" Carl cried, abruptly flooding her bowels with his seminal fluid. Carl collapsed on top of Hannah for a long moment. He felt the warmth of her rider as well as her body. "I love you," he whispered softly. Then he stood up and pulled out as he regained his energy.
"Good work, Carl," said Eduardo, patting him on the back as he eyed Carl's rider, which absorbed a lot of energy from the exchange. "Did you enjoy it?"
"Yes... it was amazing," he said.
Hannah gave him an uncertain look.
"Hannah, would you like to thank Carl for using you?"
"Thank you," said Hannah, through gritted teeth, as Carl's sperm started to drip out of her anus.
Hannah was nearly ready. With her third band almost fully emerged, she was under the near complete control of the Hive. The following morning Eduardo and Hannah were lying in bed in their little room. Eduardo let his hand roam over Hannah's vagina, and rubbed her softly as he penetrated her digitally.
Her labia was slick with their combined juices. She smiled up at him and started to caress his penis. Even now, after sex, it was still hard.
"Does it ever get soft?" she asked.
"Not around you," he said, leaning over to take a kiss.
Hannah cooperated fully. She loved being Eduardo's woman.
And Eduardo knew it. He had so thoroughly enjoyed the process of taking over her mind, bit by bit. He remembered the first time he had masturbated her, when he had given her her first worm. She had resisted, but then given in quickly. And then the first time they had had sex. Hannah had been so timid, so reticent! For a time he had shared her with Carl. But no more. She was his woman now entirely. He could do anything he wanted to her. Anything at all. He thought she was ready now, ready for the special purpose they had been preparing her for ever since she joined the Hive.
"Would you like to have a baby?" Eduardo asked softly. Hannah shivered as he casually continued to rub her juicy slit nestled in the triangular forest of soft red hair.
"What do you mean?" she asked.
"You know, a baby," said Eduardo. His fingers kept moving, up and down, up and down.
"The Hive's baby?" Hannah asked, stiffening slightly.
"Um hm," said Eduardo.
"I... I...." Hannah didn't know what to say. She had come here with Carl, her then fiancee. She had planned to leave with him. To get married to him. But Carl was a homosexual. A bottom. He meant nothing to her now.
Eduardo was her lover now. He was so incredibly handsome. So muscular. They would make a beautiful baby together. But Eduardo wanted to impregnate her with something different... something alien. At first Hannah had resisted, but after days of being used by so many men, she had started to warm up to the idea.
"I... I don't know," said Hannah. "It's a long term project, isn't it?"
"No," said Eduardo. "You could get pregnant and give birth in two weeks."
"Two weeks!" Hannah exclaimed, as Eduardo inserted a finger into her.
"Trust in the Hive," said Eduardo. Suddenly he raised himself and mounted her in one smooth motion. Hannah gasped as she felt him enter her to the hilt. She felt wonderfully filled, beautifully impaled.
Eduardo smiled, as if he could sense she was a bit overwhelmed. He started thrusting inside of her."Well? You didn't answer my question."
"Uh... maybe." A part of her made her hesitate. She didn't know why.
Eduardo started thrusting in and out of her hard. He kissed her passionately. He pressed his body firmly against hers with every downward thrust.
He was no longer making love to her.
He was fucking her.
"Maybe?" he growled, in a deep voice. He banged her roughly with his hardness. "Maybe?" he roared again, and this time he sounded enraged. "Wouldn't you love to have me fertilize your eggs, and to expand the Hive?"
"Yes!" she cried, feeling him strongly within her.
"Wouldn't you love to have my sperm, deep inside of you, impregnating you, creating new life, Hive Life, making you irreversibly mine?" Eduardo's voice was deep and demanding, so very masculine. He could not, he would not be denied.
"Yes!" Hannah cried, as she felt the head of his penis scrape her insides roughly. Her eyes widened and she started to pant. She felt herself close to climaxing. It had come so quickly this time!
"And then, when you got big and large, full of life, with my baby, with the Hive's baby, wouldn't you simply love it? Wouldn't it be the greatest experience in your life?'
Hannah imagined it, imagined being used by the Hive, impregnated by the Hive, impregnated by Eduardo. "Yes," she breathed.
Hannah felt extremely aroused. She felt like she was being taken by a real man. "Yes," she cried again.
"What?" said Eduardo. "Yes to what?" he roared, in such a masculine voice.
"Yes! I would have a baby with you," said Hannah. "I want to create Hive life inside me!"
Eduardo gave an earth shattering groan. He thrust as far as he could into her, and clenched his buttocks. He released with all he had.
Hannah cried out as she felt strands of sperm shoot into her. She imagined all the fluid from his enormous testicles being pumped inside of her vagina, into her uterus. She wrapped her arms around his back, and felt his rider pulsating. And every time his rider pulsated, Eduardo would deposit another rope load of sperm, deep within her.
On Hannah's back, her rider now had three, bright, shiny golden bands, one inside the other.