Chapter 38.2

Hannah and Carl moved onto the Sixth Circle, the Green Farmhouse. It was aptly named; the interior was illuminated with odd green lights. The walls were fleshy and seemed almost alive. And of course, everyone was naked.

Hannah stood nervously in the small bedroom Eduardo had brought her to. She realized she was about to be fertilized. Impregnated. She was excited but also nervous beyond belief. What would she give birth to? What kind of Hive Life would she create inside of her?

And then Eduardo entered the room, but also with Carl as well.

"Carl!" Hannah cried. She flowed into his arms and hugged him. Suddenly she needed all the emotional support she could get. "What brings you here?"

"Carl was very excited when he learned that you had volunteered to expand the Hive, Hannah," said Eduardo. "I asked if he wanted to help, and he readily agreed."

"To help?" said Hannah.

"With your egg," said Eduardo. He held a small glowing green pod in his hand, perhaps half the length of his forefinger. "Would you like to do the honors, Carl?"

Carl nodded, taking the egg from Eduardo. It looked so small and fragile.

Hannah's rider whispered something to her that she couldn't quite hear. She lay down on the bed and spread her legs. Her labial lips were bright and red. Carl moved closer.

"I'll bet you never thought you would be between Hannah's legs again, Carl," said Eduardo.

"No, I didn't," said Carl, looking at her vulva, and then upwards. Their eyes met. Hannah looked so sexy, so vulnerable!

"Put the egg in as deeply as you can. I will push it up the rest of the way," said Eduardo, stroking his penis.

Carl looked down at the glowing green pod. "Hannah," he said softly. "Are you ready to have the egg inserted into you?"

She nodded, but a bit uncertainly. "The Hive requires it."

The Hive requires it.

"Yes it does," said Carl. He used his fingers to gently insert the egg into her. As he moved slowly upwards he whispered, "I wish I were the one impregnating you."

"I know," said Hannah, with real longing in her eyes.

"I wanted to be the one filling you with Hivelife...." With Hivelife. Carl still felt a strong attraction to Hannah, but it was an attraction which was no longer pure, which had been twisted to the Hive's requirements.

"But the Hive requires Eduardo do it," Hannah whispered.

"I know," said Carl. "Kiss me," he said, as he leaned forward.

And then Hannah kissed Carl passionately, warmly, like they hadn't kissed in a long, long time. And as they did so Hannah gasped as he Carl pushed the egg up as far inside her vagina as he could. Their eyes met again and something passed between them as the egg was lodged inside of her. Hannah was about to say something when-

"You have done well, Carl," said Eduardo, pulling him away from her.

"Thank you," said Carl, with a distracted look.

"And now, would you like to fertilize her egg?" Eduardo asked.

"What?" said Carl. "You would let me do that?" His jaw dropped open.

Eduardo gave a small laugh. "I am sorry, for a moment I forgot that you are homosexual. We cannot have a homosexual inseminating Hannah. Isn't that what you are, Carl?"

Carl felt Hannah's eyes on him. "Yes... I am homosexual."

"Then you understand, my friend," said Eduardo, clapping him on the shoulder. "And now you may go."

"Go?" said Carl. "I... I thought I could watch." He saw Hannah give him a helpless glance.

"There is no need for that," said Eduardo. "You have fulfilled your purpose. You have brought Hannah to us and helped us in her conditioning. The placement of the Hive's egg within her is the symbolic end of your task. You may go now, Carl."

Carl gave Hannah a wanting look.

"Carl, you may go."

Carl turned to Hannah. "Good... good luck."

Hannah gave him a warm smile. "Thank you, Carl."

Carl turned and left.

Eduardo turned to Hannah. For a moment, he thought he saw a worried look, but then she burst out with a smile as Eduardo got between her legs.

"I'm on birth control. Does that matter?" Hannah asked fearfully, as he got on top of her.

"Not in the slightest. But thank you for telling me," said Eduardo. "The egg is inside you, and my organ has been prepared." He held up his penis. His testicles now had a greenish tint. "That is all we need." He gave her a kiss.

"But... the egg inside of me. What kind of egg is it?" Hannah asked.

"It is the Hive's egg. That's all we need to know," said Eduardo. "Isn't it?"

Hannah's rider filled her with great joy. "Yes, yes it is." She kissed him passionately, and melted in his arms. It all felt natural. It felt like they had been lovers for years. She felt his big manly chest pressing against her breasts. Her nipples instantly became as hard as pebbles, and her vagina started to lubricate. Suddenly all doubt in her mind disappeared. Her rider pressed hard against her back, and she knew she wanted to do this more than anything.

Eduardo was the man she wanted to inseminate her. He was the male she wanted to have fertilize her egg. An egg from the Hive. The words rang in her mind. She was HiveFlesh. This was her true purpose in life. To have a Hive egg inserted into her, to have it fertilized, to incubate it, and to expand the Hive. She felt a lusty thrill from head to toe as she realized that she was about to fulfill her highest purpose in life.

Eduardo whispered to her, "Are you ready to expand the Hive?"

She touched Eduardo's rock hard penis and felt a thrill as she realized that in mere seconds it would be inside her. She looked up at him. He was so handsome, so manly. She wanted him to inseminate her more than anything. It didn't matter where the egg came from, as long as she fulfilled her prime directive. She wrapped her arms around his neck and looked into his eyes. "Yes, my love. I am ready to be inseminated, to fulfill my ultimate purpose."

Eduardo smiled. She was ready. He put his hand between her legs. She eagerly spread her vaginal lips to give him easier access. And then Eduardo shifted up, and bit by bit inserted his large penis into her. Hannah, who by now was used to his size, smiled as she felt herself slowly taken, enjoying the view of Eduardo sinking into her, inch by inch.

"Goodbye, Carl," Hannah whispered to herself, as she was richly penetrated.

"First I must finish the job that your homosexual friend started. I have to move the egg all the way up," said Eduardo. He thrusted slowly, moving until he had impaled her almost to the hilt. He felt the egg pressed against the head of his penis, and pushed a little farther, so it moved past her cervix, into her uterus.

Hannah gasped as she felt herself so completely filled. Eduardo was all the way inside of her. She felt wonderfully stuffed by the entire length of his rod; it seemed to fill her entire vagina, from end to end. Eduardo's balls pressing against her entrance, snugly hugging her vaginal lips. When Eduardo was fully sheathed inside of her, Hannah felt her pussy throb in response as she fully realized what was about to happen. Reproduction was about to begin. She was about to be fertilized by the sexiest man who had ever taken her.

And then Hannah felt something else, in her uterus... a feeling of movement... a feeling of something attaching itself to her uterine wall. The egg was alive!

"Eduardo, I feel something moving inside me!" said Hannah, her eyes wide.

"That will be the egg," Eduardo smiled. "It has a certain amount of self-awareness. It is programmed to implant itself inside your uterus. Once it's properly fertilized, it will be begin to feed off of you. Would you like that?"

"More than anything," said Hannah, looking up into his eyes as he made love to her. She had begun the journey of reproduction. She felt so excited. Her nipples immediately got hard.

"I love being inside of you," Eduardo whispered, as he lay impaled inside of her. He hadn't yet moved.

"I love having you inside me too," said Hannah with a happy smile. "I love you so much."

"And I love you too," Eduardo whispered back.

"Fill me with your seed, Eduardo. I want to be impregnated. I want to expand the Hive."

Eduardo started to made slow, deep thrusts inside of Hannah. She smiled as she put her hands around his shoulders and just enjoyed the feeling of being used. Eduardo moved very slowly at first. He wanted to enjoy every moment of this insemination, and he wasn't in the slightest hurry. All of Hannah's conditioning from the moment she entered the first circle was meant to lead to this single moment. The Hive knew that women with triple banded riders were less likely to get pregnant. In this new experiment, the Hive wanted to see if women who were more thoroughly indoctrinated, who were more willing to participate, had higher fertility rates, even if they had triple banded riders. That had been the whole purpose of the Cult of the Hive. Slaves could be taken much more quickly and easily than they had been in the Cult of the Hive; all the subjects were those with high reproductive potential. And now Hannah, and her vagina, were now part of the grand experiment.

Eduardo savored the memory of Hannah's taking. He thought back to the very first seduction, how her conditioning had gradually allowed him to kiss and fondle her and eventually make love to her in front of her own fiancée. As one of the most talented assets of the Hive, Eduardo had enjoyed sex with some of the most beautiful women. When he had been a bodybuilder in Chico, California, he had had sex with women, but not like this, not with beauties like Marion Weatherly or Hannah. The thrill of taking a woman and making her his, especially a woman who already had a boyfriend or fiancée or husband, was a tremendous thrill for Eduardo, and he was supremely grateful for the Hive for giving him this opportunity he never would have had.

He wasn't always this sure. When Eduardo had first joined the Hive he had been confused and a little apprehensive. But the Hive saw the potential in his magnificent body and sent him out to have sex with more and more women and, like Miles, Eduardo quickly grew to relish his role. And now he was a completely loyal member of the Hive, conditioning and fucking and impregnating some truly gorgeous women, and if he did it right in front of their husbands, that only made it all the sweeter.

Eduardo felt his body sweating as he rubbed the head of his penis against Hannah's insides. She was exceptionally tight inside her vaginal canal and it felt like the inner walls were massaging him. As his penis tingled wonderfully he knew he was getting closer to coming. It wouldn't be long now before he fertilized her.

He wanted to savor every moment of what was to come. Eduardo reached out and took one of Hannah's hands and moved it down so it cupped his heavy testicles, which were slowly moving as he put this penis in and out of her. "Do you know what's in here?"

"Sperm," Hannah whispered, touching his well formed testicles, as Eduardo worked his firm penis in and out, and in and out. They were soft and warm with life!

"Yes. My body made it, a lot of it. Just for you."

Hannah caressed his testicles very gently with her fingertips. They felt heavy. Heavy with sperm which would soon be filling her insides. The heaviness of his balls excited her. She was about to be inseminated by a real man.

"Do you know where all my cum is going to go in just a minute?" he asked.

"Inside me." She said, staring up at him with solemn eyes.

"Where inside you?" said Eduardo, as he still worked her insistently, in and out, in and out.

"In my... vagina... "

"And where else?" Eduardo was insistent, as he continued to move back and forth inside of her.

"My... uterus," said Hannah, getting a thrill as she whispered intimately to him. "Where you put the egg, Eduardo." Saying it gave her a chill up and down her spine.

The thought of having Eduardo's sperm, inside of her, impregnating her, filling her with life, drove her closer to her climax.

"That's right," said Eduardo, grinning as he gave her another thrust, a hard one which jolted her breasts. Hannah smiled back at him.

He started to gritted his teeth, and Hannah knew he was getting closer to coming. "I'm going to fill you up with my semen. And do you know what happens when my sperm finds that egg I put into you?"

"I will be fertilized. Impregnated," Hannah felt a thrill in her. "Oh, Eduardo, it feels so good just to say it!"

Eduardo grinned again. "And after you are fertilized?"

"I... I will incubate the egg to expand the Hive," said Hannah, her clitoris and nipples aching even further as she said it. "Part of the Hive will grow inside of me, alien life using my very flesh to expand and grow into a living being." Hannah shivered as she imagined an alien form of life growing inside her body.

"That's right," Eduardo smiled. "A new species. One which will displace humanity. Does that please you?"

"Yes," said Hannah, her eye shining as she felt Eduardo's strong, manly penis inside of her, the bulbous head rubbing her so insistently. "Humanity will be displaced, and I will do my part. Eduardo, it all feels so good!"

"You've come so far," Eduardo whispered, as he continued to fuck her. "When you arrived here you were committed to Carl. And now you are the perfect slave. Do you remember the first time we danced?"

"Yes," Hannah whispered, as she felt her lover deep inside of her.

"Do you remember the first time I squeezed your breasts?"

"Yes," Hannah said tenderly. "I loved it so much!"

"Do you remember the first time you sucked me off?"

"Yes...." Hannah said, blushing at the remembrance. "It felt so good to serve you, to please you."

"Just as it felt good to wear down your resistance, every step of the way." Eduardo plowed into her vigorously. "I was so proud of you when you let go, when you let me fuck you in front of your fiance. It felt so good to take you. And when you let your rider reprogram your mind, you looked so sexy, so fuckable. I ached to put it in you, Honey."

"Oh Eduardo!" Hannah gave him a kiss filled with passion and a mountain of love even as she felt his hard penis coursing inside of her. "I love you so much!" she cried, as she was roughly used. Her body was sweaty, her nipples as hard as pebbles and aching. "I love you! And I love the Hive! My mind, my body, my cunt... it all belongs to the Hive now!" Her own words inflamed her. Her rider saw to that. Hannah gasped, thinking of how her hot, wet, pink slit nestled between her pubic hair was being used so thoroughly. It was the Hive's property now. The thought of her reproductive system so hijacked, so twisted, so perverted to meet the needs of an alien form of life, excited Hannah beyond reason. She felt her rider's tentacles, in her brain and her breasts and her clitoris and her vagina, pushing her sexual desire to a peak, a peak she knew she would be crossing over into the grandest climax of her life in mere seconds from now.

"Take me, Eduardo! Take me, fill me, use me!" she cried, with real agony in her voice.

Eduardo's penis pistoned faster and faster... his breathing grew ragged.

And then it happened.

Hannah hugged Eduardo tightly as she felt her climax overwhelm her, radiating outwards from her hot, wet cunt. "Oh Eduardo.... oooohhhhh!" Her body arched stiffly, forcing Eduardo's sex organ deeper into hers.

Eduardo, himself about to erupt, thrust as deeply as he could into Hannah to get the maximum penetration. Hannah's vaginal walls clamped down on the head of Eduardo's penis tightly as she orgasmed, sending Eduardo over the edge. Eduardo gasped as his penis began to twitch, shooting long ropes of sperm deep into Hannah's unprotected body.

Eduardo deposited pulse after pulse of Hive sperm into Hannah, emptying his balls completely. He shot thick, creamy ropes of alien sperm deep inside of her. Hannah had never felt as deeply connected to anyone or anything as she did to Eduardo as he so thoroughly inseminated her.

"I can feel it, Eduardo," she said, her eyes shining, as she felt his ejaculate bathe her vaginal canal. "I can feel your cum inside me now." And she kissed him with even greater passion. She imagined Eduardo's sperm, flooding into her, oozing into her uterus, moving slowly, ever so slowly, until it found the Hive egg embedded inside her. And then it would be used to create life... Hive life! She shuddered again with real orgasmic feeling. Hannah reached out for and grasped his hand, and their fingers intertwined. She was grateful, so grateful that he had filled her with the seeds of alien life.

As the orgasmic after effects started to fade, Eduardo slowly thrusted his shrinking penis in and out a few more times, milking the residual echoes of pleasure, as he also tried to push his sperm deeper and deeper into the female the Hive had selected for him. Hannah was such a cooperative, sexy host. He had loved seducing her, enslaving her, and finally inseminating her. It was a pity that his time with her was almost at an end.

As Hannah climbed down from her orgasmic peak, she suddenly realized that this was her purpose in life. She loved the Hive and wanted to stay there forever. Her original purpose for joining the Hive, to rescue her sister, was completely forgotten.

Eduardo and Hannah had sex every day, twice a day, for an entire week. Hannah coupled with him without reservation. He was her lover, her only lover, and she was a willing incubator of the Hive egg and his sperm. Hannah wanted to be filled with alien semen. She wanted her alien egg to be fertilized and nourished by her body. She wanted to be used for reproduction. She was happiest when Eduardo was on top of her, pulsing inside of her, emptying his balls into her again and again. Nothing could make her happier. There were no second thoughts now; she was a completely obedient slave of the Hive.

Hannah was just as eager.

Every morning when Eduardo walked up to her, sporting a huge erection, she rushed to hug him and kissed him passionately, murmuring, "I want it, Eduardo." And Eduardo would laugh and say, "Don't you want breakfast first?"

Hannah replied, "No. Make love to me, Eduardo. I want to carry your baby so bad!"

And Eduardo would give a warm smile and put an arm around her and say, "All right," and take her to bed to inseminate her anew. The smile on Hannah's face was one of pure bliss every time Eduardo inserted himself into her, every time he released into her. She would stare into his eyes, imagining all the possibilities of what was going on inside of her, imagining Eduardo's sperm moving closer, closer to her egg, and then... fertilization! She couldn't wait to have the Hive's baby.

One time Eduardo pulled out of her and Hannah saw the black strand of sperm which snapped off from the head of his penis and started to dribble out of him. Hannah had noticed that Eduardo's testicles were jet black, but this was the first time she had seen the seed he was planting within her.

"Black?" she said, fondling a bit with her fingers. "What kind of sperm is that?"

"The best kind," Eduardo assured her. "Hive sperm." He scooped some up with his finger, and put it to her mouth. "Taste."

"No, Eduardo!"

"Taste," he persisted.

Hannah found herself tasting his sperm. It tasted bitter and metallic. Eduardo scooped up some more and started to feed her the excess. "Open," he commanded, as Hannah opened her mouth. She practically gagged on the second dose, but she obediently swallowed.

"This is Hivecum," said Eduardo. "This is what you are being impregnated with. When your egg quickens you will produce beautiful Hivelife which will feed on your sexy body and then emerge to help enslave humanity. Do you understand, Hannah?"

"I do, dear," she said.

"Then open," he said, putting another black coated finger to her lips.

More than once Hannah would walk by the common room or cafeteria or even an open bathroom to see Carl bent over a chair or sofa while some fellow Hive member used his ass for sexual pleasure. But it wasn't only his ass. Carl quickly learned that a bottom was expected to use his mouth to pleasure clients as well. Sometimes Hannah would smile and catch his eye as Carl was on his knees, sucking another man off and his eyes would go wide as he saw her. Hannah would give him a little show, fondling her breasts, wiggling her hips and winking at him slyly as she walked by.

One day, Carl actually walked in on Hannah and Eduardo, just as they were completing the ritual of reproduction. Hannah saw him first, smiling up at him as Eduardo was on top of her, pounding away. Hannah was totally unembarrassed as her breasts jolted back and forth.

"Carl! This is a surprise!" said Hannah, smiling at him. "We're just finishing up!" She turned to Eduardo. "Oh, Eduardo, I feel it-"

"I do too!" Eduardo cried. He stiffened, and cried out, and released inside of her.

"Aaaahhhhh," said Hannah, with a smile.

A moment later Eduardo pulled out of her, and giving her a hand up. "That was good," he said.

"It's always good with you," said Hannah smugly, as she gave him a kiss. As they separated a line of sperm briefly connected her vagina and the tip of his penis. Hannah caught it with a finger and as it snapped she put her finger inside her vagina. "I don't want to waste a single drop of it," she grinned. "How are you doing, Carl?" she asked, as she waggled her wet finger deep inside of herself. "Have you sucked on any good dicks lately?"

"Now now, don't pick on poor Carl. He is serving the Hive, just as you are," said Eduardo. "Carl is just serving in a different capacity. Clean me off, Carl, will you?"

Carl obediently stepped forward and inserted Eduardo's penis in his mouth. He sucked and slurped for a long moment until Eduardo pulled him off. "That's enough, Carl. Good work."

"I live to serve," said Carl, bowing his head.

"Of course you do," said Eduardo, noticing Hannah's mocking smile. "Excuse me for a short time. I have something I must see to." He strode out of the room confidently, with complete faith in his control over Hannah.

"What a man," Hannah breathed, giving a small sigh. "Hey Carl. Would you mind rubbing my shoulders?"

"Sure." Carl sat down by her as she obediently turned away from him. He started massaging her shoulders. "How is the impregnation going?"

"Wonderfully," said Hannah. "You can't imagine how exciting it is, never knowing exactly when I will get pregnant. Eduardo says I'll feel it immediately when it happens."

"You will?"

"Um hm," said Hannah, giving him a knowing look.

"Are you excited about incubating Hive Life?" Carl asked.

"Of course. It's what I've always wanted," said Hannah.

Carl looked at the triple banded rider on her back. It was enormous, thick, with a glistening rough and uneven surface. The gold bands gleamed brightly. Around the edges was a thick red rash.

"It feels so good to be taken by Eduardo, Carl," said Hannah. "But I forget, you've been taken by him too, haven't you?"

"Yes," Carl said, blushing.

"I'm so glad for you," said Hannah, giving a pure smile. She turned her head and moved her face close to him. Her voice dropped to a whisper. "Soon it's going to happen, Carl. It could be when Eduardo comes back and takes me again. Soon I'll be full of Hivelife."

There was something intoxicating about her eyes, her lips. Without realizing it, they were kissing. They grinded their lips together for a long electric moment. Then they parted, staring at each other intently.

At that moment Eduardo returned. "Ah, Carl, you are still here, good. Come with me, there is a task that requires your attention."

"Of course," said Carl, getting up. He looked at Hannah. "Good luck with your insemination, Hannah."

"Thank you, Carl," she said, in a gentle voice.

And then Eduardo led him away to another part of the farmhouse. "You are happy for Hannah, yes?"

"Yes," said Carl promptly. "I am glad she is being pleasured by a real man like you. If you make her happy, then I am happy."

"Very good, Carl. Hannah is making me very happy as well," said Eduardo. "It feels so good filling Hannah with my sperm. There is nothing like filling a sexy woman with your seed of life. I can only imagine how much you must have enjoyed it, before you discovered the joys of having your ass plundered by other men."

"Yes," said Carl. "Now I find my highest purpose in life is to have men fill me with their seed."

"It's funny how our true selves can often be the opposite of what we thought, isn't it?" Eduardo asked. "And how is Ernesto treating you?"

"He is my master and I love him," said Carl promptly. "He likes it when I suck him off as he falls to sleep. He says it relaxes him."

"He is quite an energetic man, but he does need his beauty rest. I am glad you are able to satisfy him fully," said Eduardo. "Ah, here we are."

Eduardo took Carl to a room full of young women. They were all on their hands and knees, and all were barking like dogs. They were nuzzling against Eduardo, rubbing against him, looking for something.

"What's going on here?" Carl asked.

"The girls all want a bone," said Eduardo. He spoke to them. "I'm sorry, girls, I only have a bone for one of you."

The girls made woofing sounds.

"Who should I give it to? Who's been a good girl? Judy? Penny?"

"Woof woof woof!" said Judy, a blonde in her late teens, sticking up her tongue and eagerly looking up.

"Arf arf arf!" Penny cried, sticking out her tongue. Penny, a gorgeous brunette, looked a year or two younger than Judy, but she had bigger breasts, and a prettier face. Penny started nuzzling his penis, whining as she sought out his attention.

"All right, Penny, it's your turn to enjoy a nice bone," said Eduardo.

The brunette smiled appreciatively and lifted her head. Eduardo aimed his penis downwards and the young woman took it in her mouth, and started sucking.

"That's right, Penny," said Eduardo. "Give the doggie a bone." He smiled as she sucked him, making slurping sounds as she worked her mouth in and out.

Carl tried not to react to what he had just seen. "Aren't you and Hannah supposed to be..."

"We are, Carl," said Eduardo. "But every man needs variety. Even if you eat filet mignon every day, you sometimes get a taste for chicken, eh?"

He smiled, even as he saw Carl frown. "Anyway, thank you for coming. The Hive thinks you have big potential."

"It does?"

"Yes, Carl. The Hive would like to collect some more samples from you," said Eduardo. He pointed him to a tall green column. It was made of some kind of alien flesh. It was six feet high, and had tiny transparent bubbles on the side of it.

"What kind of samples?" Carl asked, looking at the bubbles. The ones that were filled had a wet, milky substance.

Eduardo smiled knowingly at Carl, and he suddenly understood.

That thing... that thing... "It wants my sperm?"

"Yes, Carl," said Eduardo. "Aaaah," he added, as he looked down at Penny, who was still slurping his erection as she looked adoringly at him with puppydog eyes. His penis and balls were tightening. It all felt so good.

Carl didn't know how he felt, filling an alien object with his sperm. He saw holes on the side of it. Presumably that is where he would... he would....

"I don't know if I'm... capable of doing that," Carl said.

"Don't worry. You'll be helped," said Eduardo

And then his eyes widened. "Ahhh... aahhhh, ahhh, aaaahhhhhhh," Eduardo cried, as Penny suddenly started swallowing rapidly, making louder sucking sounds. Carl watched as Penny finished draining his organ.

Eduardo grinned as Penny released his rapidly shrinking organ. There were drops of green liquid on the tip. Penny licked it off him. "That's a good girl," he said, patting her on the head.

She smiled and stuck out her tongue appreciatively. Bits of black liquid could be seen on it.

Hannah continued to couple enthusiastically with Eduardo, her one and only lover. "I love you so much," she said, kissing him passionately, as she felt him inside of her.

"And what about Carl?" Eduardo asked, as his balls tightened, and his organ prepared for release into her yet again.

Hannah made a face. "Carl is homosexual. He lets men use him in his mouth and ass. I want nothing to do with that! I want you. Only you," she said. And then, as Eduardo started to explode inside of her, she bit her lip and wrapped her arms around the back of his neck and looked into his eyes earnestly and said, "Eduardo! I can feel it. I can feel it when you pulse into me. I love it when you fertilize me. Give me a baby, Eduardo. Give me a baby and make me yours."

Eduardo was so aroused by her lust, that he felt a secondary orgasm right after the first. He groaned mightily, and filled her with seven distinct pulses. "Aaaaah," he said. "It feels so good, filling you for the Hive."

"And it feels good, being filled by the Hive," said Hannah. "It's the best thing I can imagine for myself."

Eduardo looked at her, so happy to be a sensual, enslaved, reproductive part of the Hive, and smiled.

Four days later, their efforts had their own reward. Hannah felt a hard mass just above her pubic hair. "Is it...?"

Eduardo felt it and said, "Yes."

Hannah jumped up and down and hugged him. She kissed him all over. "I love you so much!"

"I love you too," said Eduardo. He reflected on how far she had come. In a few short weeks the Hive had taken a woman who was passionately in love with another man, severed all her links to him, and made her fall in love with someone else, someone of the Hive's choosing, and impregnated her with an alien creature. And she was relishing every minute of it.

Hannah's belly started to grow quickly. The feeling of being pregnant only made her more passionate, however, and she demanded Eduardo continue to make love to her, sometimes twice a day. Eduardo complied, filling her with his essence, no longer because the Hive needed it, but purely because he wanted to.

Two days later, Hannah looked like she was four months pregnant. She proudly showed her waxing belly to Carl.

Carl looked eagerly at it. "Can I?"

"Yes!" Hannah smiled.

Carl reached out with trembling fingers and caressed her belly. It felt so warm and hard. He felt the rhythmic vibration of life, Hivelife, growing inside her.

"I'm so happy for you, Hannah," he said.

"Are you really, Carl?" Hannah asked.

"Yes," said Carl. He would have preferred to fertilize Hannah himself, but he was also glad that Eduardo did. Hannah looked so sexy now that she was pregnant. Her breasts had gotten bigger, and her belly started to overshadow her pubis in a very attractive way. Hannah looked full. Hannah looked used.

Hannah reached out and stroked his arms. "Eduardo put it in me, Carl. It felt so good, feeling his hard manly organ filling me, seeding me." Hannah's lips were bright and red. Her voice dropped to a sexy whisper. "You've seen how big he is. You've felt it. It felt so good, Carl."

Hannah leaned towards Carl, with longing in her eyes. They kissed.​
Next page: Chapter 39
Previous page: Chapter 38.1