Chapter 42.2
When Sam got home that night, Gavin saw the success of her mission written all over her face, and they enjoyed a wild night of communing and energetic sex.
"Imagine all the people who Janice is going to bring into the Hive," Gavin whispered into her ear, as he pounded into her vagina. "Imagine all the bodies, all the minds who are going to be taken by the Hive. "
Sam wasn't sure whether or not she specifically agreed with what Gavin was saying, but the way he was saying it was so sexy. It lit her vagina on fire, sending tendrils of pleasure up to her breasts and tits. "Oh yes," she grinned, as she kissed him passionately. Their tongues dueled in her mouth while his penis danced inside of her inner chamber.
Sam thought about all the people who would come to Janice's office for a medical exam. They would leave with something additional; a rider on their back.
"Imagine the tendrils in their minds, altering, changing, making them surrender to the Hive. Making them give up all control of themselves."
"Oooooh," Sam cried. She imagined Janice taking over her medical staff one by one, giving them all riders until they were all controlled by the Hive, all the doctors and nurses. Then, one by one, members of HomePlanet Security would be taken over as they came in for medical exams. Janice and her staff would seduce them, one by one, making love to them while baking baby riders to take over their minds and bodies. They would enter Janice's office as free men and women but leave as tools of the Hive.
"And imagine all those backs with loving riders. All those penises which will be fertilizing for the Hive. All those vaginas which will be adding to our numbers!"
"Ooooh, oh yes, oh yes! Gavin!" Sam cried. At that moment, her rider rewarded her with an orgasm for positive thinking, and she climaxed heavily, even as she was still neatly impaled on Gavin's aching organ.
They lay in bed afterwards, arm and arm. "You've done good work."
"Thank you," said Sam, with a smile.
"And now it's time for your next assignment," said Gavin.
"And what is that?" Sam asked, playing with his chest hair.
"While Janice infects everyone at HomePlanet Security, I want you to get permission from General Henderson to take a short leave of absence, ostensibly to consult with your superiors in Survey Service Command."
"In Colorado Springs?"
"Yes. You will go and infect some key personnel there. Find mid level or senior people in every area--technical, personnel, command, training, and medical, and Infect at least a half dozen people."
"How am I to Infect them?"
"With this," said Gavin, smiling as he rubbed her vaginal lips.
She slapped his arm playfully. "Gavin! Not every man is attracted to me!"
"Any man with a working set of testicles is." Before she could protest, he said, "Your rider can emit a pheromone which will get men... excited."
Sam's eyes narrowed. "Did you use it on me?"
"I never had to," said Gavin.
Sam bit her lip.
Gavin smiled. "Use your ESPer powers to find those who would be more inclined. You're a very attractive woman, Sam. You'll be surprised how many men would have you if they could."
"I guess so," she said. "What happens if I run into an ESPer? They may sense the rider on my back."
"No they won't," Gavin grinned. "We've taken care of the ESPers."
"All of them?"
Gavin nodded.
That was a shock to Sam. Thinking about things, she frowned.
"What is it?"
"You want me to Infect senior people at Survey Service Command. That's going to create quite a security breach."
"Yes," said Gavin.
Sam tried to concentrate. She felt a conflict, coming from somewhere deep inside. "Whatever else I am, I am still a Survey Service officer. I... I can't betray my command."
"You did it with Janice."
"Janice... was a close friend. Janice was one person," said Sam, trying to rationalize it.
"Who is going to help us compromise the entire headquarters."
"I know, but... but..."
"The black box, Sam."
Sam sighed. She reached over and grabbed the black box, brought it on the bed, and opened it. Her heart leapt as she saw the spider inside, but she obediently lay face down on the pillow.
"Good girl," said Gavin, stroking her head. "Such a very good girl."
That was the last thing she remembered for a while.
Two days later, Sam, dressed in her finest Survey Service parade uniform, made her way into the Survey Service base at Colorado Springs. The Survey Service had bases all around the world. Its original base had been in Perth, Australia, but when the Australian branch had merged with the global branch, it had become the United Survey Service headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia. Then fifty years ago, after the first alien invasion, it was felt that the headquarters should be at a more secure location, so the Survey Service had turned the facility over to HomePlanet Security and moved to the spaceport just outside of Colorado Springs, not far from Cheyenne Mountain. Many of the secure operations of the Survey Service were actually run from the mountain, and that is exactly where Sam made her way to.
Still, she had had some angst, the night before, as she sat in front of a mirror in her hotel room in Colorado Springs.
"I can't believe I'm going to betray the Survey Service," said Sam.
"You're not part of the Survey Service anymore," said Sam.
"I'm not?"
"You're part of the Hive now," said Sam.
"But the Survey Service has been my life."
"Your old life. The old must be swept away, so the new can be reborn," said Sam.
"I can't believe I'm doing this," said Sam.
"You will do this," said Sam.
She had tossed and turned all night, but the next morning she showed up at the entrance to the mountain complex.
She was cleared through three rounds of security. She realized how backwards the security system was. It checked for the user's identity, not what was in her mind.
She met the officer in charge of arrivals, Colonel Haverstorm, and was relieved, after scanning his mind, that he was not interested in her. A happily married man in his 50's, Haverstorm was fiercely devoted to his wife. Sam was pleased. Part of her hoped all the officers she met was like him.
Unfortunately, that was not to be the case. Once she explained her ostensible mission to Haverstorm, and got a pass to give her free run of the complex, she found nearly every man she met to be interested in her.
Her first target was Captain Michael Terrell. He worked in the Intelligence branch, was 35 years old, divorced, and looking for love. As he looked as Sam's beautiful face, green eyes, blonde hair, and sexy figure, he found himself very attracted to her. Sam decided an intelligence officer would be a big gain for the Hive, and invited him out for drinks. He accepted readily.
It had been a long time since Sam had been on a date. But she needn't have worried. Sam, the other Sam, told her what to do.
They had drinks and flirted a while in the hotel bar. From the way Terrell stared at her, Sam didn't have to be an ESPer to figure out what he was thinking. After the compulsory two drinks, she shyly invited him up to her room. He readily accepted.
Ten minutes later their clothes were off and they were making love on the bed. She never even had to use the pheromones. The only thing Sam had to be careful of was to make sure that Terrell did not see or touch her back. The first was easily accomplished by always facing him. For the second, there was an awkward moment when she had to wiggle out of his embrace, but she soothed his sore feelings by giving him a passionate kiss.
And then their clothes were off and he was mounting her. It was easier that way, to be on her back, with her rider hidden underneath her. For a brief moment she worried whether her rider would be crushed, then realized how ironic it was to be worried about an alien creature who was controlling her body.
Terrell thrusted in and out of her, and she let him enjoy his paces. There seemed to be some sort of unspoken rule in the Hive that when Infecting someone sexually, to try to time their taking with their own orgasms. It was thought that they were more easily taken during or right after their orgasms. Sam didn't know if that was really true, but she had followed it in practice, with Janice, and now with Terrell.
But Terrell was not getting a worm. Terrell was going to get a rider. Sam didn't have time to linger around Colorado Springs for a few weeks giving people worms one day at a time.
Now that her rider was mature, it had the ability to split. When Sam had split hers with Janice, she learned the most incredible side effect of splitting.
A mind altering orgasm.
The process of splitting drained a lot of flesh and vitality of the host. The rider wanted to encourage that. If the process were painful, the host might not want to cooperate. So even as the rider was draining extra strength and vitality from its host, to get the energy it needed to split, it was filling its host's mind and sexual organs with the strongest orgasmic experiences.
As a result Sam, like all hosts, felt an intense orgasm when her rider had split. When it had reproduced while she was riding Janice, the orgasm had been so intense that she eagerly looked forward to repeat it. So she looked forward to the experience of feeling her rider reproduce again when she was riding up and down on Michael Terrell's penis. She started to groan with sensual pleasure as she felt it beginning to split in two. Terrell, believing her orgasm was due to his rigid penis inside of her, was unaware of the true source of Sam's intense pleasure.
Sam was not so blinded by an orgasm that she was unaware of her responsibilities. Much to Terrell's displeasure, she slowed down when she sensed he was closing in on an orgasm of his own. She was not ready to see him come. Not yet.
When her master finally split into two, and one half started to slink down her right arm, only then did Sam speed up. She leaned forward, blocking Michael's view of her arm with her head, kissing him passionately as he rode up and down on his penis. She and the rider on her armed worked in tandem, cooperatively, waiting for just the right time, which quickly arrived when Terrell cried out, and began to explode inside of her. While his body was flooded with orgasmic feeling, the rider slipped off of her arm onto Michael's neck, and slithered onto his back.
Terrell felt it, but couldn't pay attention to it in the midst of his orgasm. By the time he noticed it, it was too late. Much too late.
"What is this?" he cried, trying and failing to reach around his back with his arm as Sam slowly pulled off his penis.
"It's your rider," said Sam.
"My what?"
Sam turned around to show him hers.
"You... you're one of the parasites."
"Um hm," said Sam, getting up slowly. She realized how sexy she looked, how feminine, standing there with her breasts jutting out and her thick bush of pubic hair sticking out between her legs. She casually looked around for her panties.
"You've infected me," said Terrell.
"Yep, said Sam, sliding her panties up. She then snapped on her Survey Service bra.
"Well, you'll never control me! I'm too strong for you!"
"As you say," said Sam indifferently, looking herself in the mirror as she slipped on her skirt. She had heard it all before. From herself.
She knew what would happen next. His rider would train him, until he learned to obey. And then the rider would use him to Infect others. It was all out of Sam's hands now.
Sam never had to use the pheromone, not even once. Gavin was right. She really was a very attractive woman. Sam easily scored another Survey Service officer each night for the following week.
Ostensibly, she was there to brief the Survey Service on the latest information about the Hive Mind. That entitled her to go and brief a broad range of officers. All she had to do was sit in front of them for a moment or two before her ESPer skills told her if they were properly interested or not.
Most were.
There were a few exceptions. There were a few who were so dedicated to their wives. There was one in particular, a logistical officer named Captain Harkness, who Sam could tell found her very attractive, but she could equally tell would never, ever betray his wife.
She admired his ability to resist temptation.
But most were easy pickings. All the rest, in fact, were married men, which lowered Sam's opinions of men in general and Survey Service officers in particular. She could tell how attractive they found her, and that, given assurances that she wouldn't resist, would even seduce her if they could.
One after another Sam invited these officers, ranging from Captains to Colonels even to a General, to her hotel room after hours to get infected. None showed the slightest resistance. All were as easy to Infect as Captain Terrell.
The only drain was on Sam's physicality. She bulked up, eating double the normal calories she usually did. But the strain of reproducing every day drained her body mass. By the end of the week, she had lost six pounds.
But she had also converted seven highly valuable officers.
On the ride back to the spaceport, Sam asked, "Did you enjoy your work, Sam?"
"I did what was asked of me," said Sam.
"Are you still pretending that you don't enjoy bringing people into the Hive?" Sam said. "You've had seven mind-splitting orgasms, one for each time your rider reproduced. Would you have missed that feeling for anything in the world?"
"No," Sam admitted.
"How did it feel, Sam, having the most incredible orgasm in your life, and then watching life, life you just created, crawl onto another human being and take control of his body?"
"I... I..."
"You loved it, didn't you Sam? You love bringing people into the Hive."
Sam didn't answer.
"That's all right, Sam. You just keep doing what you're doing. As your rider gets more and more mature, your last mental barriers will come crashing down. Then there will only be one of us."
Sam thought about that. Her rider only had one gold band. But she knew that riders could grow two or even three gold bands. What would happen when her rider got its second gold band? Or its third? Would the part of Sam which still resisted simply vanish, as the other Sam claimed? It was a frightening thought.
She thought about all the men she had seduced. "It's just amazing to me. All these men were attracted to me. I could have had any man I wanted, at any time."
"You've always been sexy, Sam. I don't know why you settled for Gavin," said Sam.
"I love Gavin," said Sam.
"You love a lot of people, Sam," said Sam. "Take my word for it, you could have done much better than Gavin. And you will."
That last sentence chilled Sam. What did the Hive have in store for her? And who was really talking to her? Was it her rider... or was it part of herself? What did Gavin call her, the "new Sam"?
When she got home, Gavin congratulated her. He seemed to know what had happened before she said a thing. Sam started to wonder if the Hive Mind was telepathic, or if Gavin had spies watching her, checking to see if she stayed loyal.
That night they communed together, and made love. Afterwards, Gavin instructed her to have another session with the black spider. Sam obeyed without question.