Chapter 44.2

"Jack, I'm so sorry," said Sam, when they were alone again.

Jack looked away. The experience with Gavin had been painful, in more ways than one. Watching Sam get slapped in the face mere feet away from him, being helpless, powerless to protect her made him feel terrible.

But what made him feel worse were the things Sam said to Gavin. She had eagerly told Jack that she loved him, but then she had easily turned around and told Gavin that she didn't. It felt like Sam had lied to him to bring him into the Hive.

"No!" Sam cried, kissing him fiercely. "No, no, no no no!"

"No what?" said Jack, between kisses.

"I do love you!" said Sam, crushing her breasts against his chest.

"But what you told Gavin-"

She stared into his eyes with determination. "I told Gavin exactly what he wanted to hear. The Hive can control what I say and do, Jack. But it can't control what I feel."

"Can't it?" said Jack, looking confused.

Sam grinded her lips against his. She felt his penis beginning to assemble itself as she ground her furry pubis against his shaft.

"Ummmm... Ummmmmmm!" said Jack.

"Umm indeed," said Sam, pulling back. "Feeling better now?"

"A little," said Jack.

"Just a little?" said Sam. She kissed him again, this time reaching down between them with her hand. When Jack cried out, she pulled back. "How about now?"

"Even more," said Jack.

Sam grinned. "All right then; are you ready to begin your first assignment for the Hive?"

Jack was to bring Lieutenant Trudy Wells, a flirtatious 25 year old brunette, into the Hive. He was to go to her apartment after work, seduce her, have sex, make a rider, and implant it on her back.

Jack looked troubled, even as his rider pulsated strongly on his back. Everything in his mind told him that this was the proper thing to do, and yet, he had some hesitation, although he wasn't sure why.

"And you want this?" Jack asked, with uncertainty in his eyes. "For me to sleep with another woman?"

"Of course," said Sam smoothly, rubbing his shoulder. "You're going to expand the Hive. What is your purpose, Jack?"

"To fertilize women and expand the Hive," said Jack. But his tone was uncertain.

Sam could sense his hesitation. She moved her hand lower, and whispered into his ear. "Jack, the Hive has great things planned for us. I know it."

"You do?"

"Yessss," she hissed. "But first you must do this. To show the Hive's control over you. If you refuse, the Hive will split us apart. We'll never be together again!"

She saw the fear in Jack's eyes. Good.

"Will you do it?"

Jack bit his lip and nodded. "So I go here and seduce her.... But what will her husband be doing while I'm fucking her?"

"Don't worry about Bill," said Sam. "I'll take care of him."

Sam knew that Jack would be nervous on his first assignment. The Hive hadn't ordered her to accompany him, but neither had they prohibited it. And so Sam, dressed in her finest Survey Service officer whites, accompanied Jack that evening to the home of Trudy and Bill Wells.

Trudy was surprised to see them, of course, but invited them in. Jack said the purpose of the visit was to investigate an alleged security breach though in truth the security breach had already occurred; Jack and Sam were working for the Hive now, as well as Janice and many others. It didn't really matter what Jack said; all he had to do was to buy time until the pheromones, released by their riders, did their work.

Before long Trudy was licking her lips and looking sweaty as she rubbed her hands suggestively against her thighs, and Bill had a prominent erection which seemed to grow stiffer every time he looked at Sam's creamy legs extending gracefully from her Survey Service miniskirt. Jack's musky scent had permeated Trudy's lungs, and Sam's had done the same for Bill.

Sam decided Bill was ready, and pulled him out of his chair and kissed him. Just like that. It amazed both Trudy and Jack.

As Sam kissed Bill, he groaned, full of need, and kissed her back.

"Bill! What are you doing?" Trudy cried, as she self consciously rubbed herself between the legs. She was feeling the need herself, but didn't know the cause of her arousal.

Sam shot Jack a dirty look. Don't just stand there.

Jack gulped, got up, and looked at Trudy. "Lieutenant Wells, uh, Trudy-"

"Just kiss her, Jack!" Sam cried.

Jack pressed his lips against Trudy wells. She moaned and kissed him back.

After that, things proceeded smoothly. Every time Sam would take another step, like removing an article of Bill's clothing, Jack would parrot her movements, doing the same with Trudy.

Sam pulled down Bill's underwear, revealing his already erect penis. She started to fondle him directly.

"Oh!" Bill cried. "We shouldn't be doing this," he added, clearly conflicted.

"Why not?" Sam asked, as she kissed him feverishly on the neck.

"I'm married to Trudy," said Bill.

"Trudy doesn't mind," said Sam. "Look."

Jack and Trudy were kissing passionately as they hugged and fondled each other. Trudy still had her panties on.

Take off her panties, Jack. Take them off while she's distracted, Sam thought. Do it now, Jack, do it!

Jack's rider pulsated. He moved a hand to pull down Trudy's panties. Her dark pubic bush came into view as her panties dropped to her ankles. Jack moved a tentative hand and started to rub her there.

"Ooooh," Trudy cried, as she hugged him. "What are we doing, Jack?"

Jack, feeling embarrassed, didn't answer. He simply continued to fondle her, moving to the clit as Sam had taught him. He looked over at Sam for reassurance.

Meanwhile Trudy glanced over at her husband, and saw Sam fondling him. "What are you doing to my Bill?"

"The same thing my Jack is doing to you," Sam grinned. "He's going to make love to you and you're going to love every minute of it."

"No," Bill groaned, half from the pain of being stimulated by Sam's busy hand.

"Yes, he will," said Sam firmly. "Tell her, Jack."

Jack felt uncertain, but Sam's steely stare prompted him to speak. "Yes," he said to Trudy. "I... I'm going to make love to you. It's going to feel good." He spoke haltingly, but he said the words.

"But... I'm married to Bill," said Trudy, glancing at her husband.

"Sam is going to take care of him," said Jack nervously. "And I will take care of you."

He's still not comfortable with this yet. I have to help him, Sam thought. She pulled Bill by the hand to the bedroom, and gave Jack a knowing glance for him to follow, which he did, with a smiling Trudy in tow. The four of them migrated to Bill and Trudy's king sized bed. Sam pushed Bill down on the bed and started to rub her body against him. She gave Jack, who was still standing up with Trudy, a sharp glance.

Jack gently lowered a giggling Trudy onto the bed, and got on top of her. He started kissing and hugging her; she eagerly responded. From time to time Jack glanced over at Sam, who was making out with another man. Sam gave him encouraging looks, and Jack continued working on Trudy. Trudy was a very attractive brunette with pear shaped breasts, and Jack was aroused in one sense but he hardly felt passionate. The woman he loved was by his side, making love to another man, while he was expected to have sex with a coworker, someone he barely knew....

Jack's rider spurred him on. He had an erection, naturally. Jack rubbed his body against Trudy but wasn't quite ready to take the ultimate step, feeling more than a little inhibited by Bill and Sam's presence. Sam, on the other hand, wasted no time taking Bill's penis and inserting it into her. Jack's jaw dropped as Sam started to ride him vigorously right in front of him and Trudy. She showed absolutely no reticence having vaginal intercourse with a complete stranger mere inches from him.

Sam gave Jack a mocking smile. "What are you waiting for, Jack? An invitation?"

Jack looked down at Trudy. Her nipples were erect, her labial lips were puffy, and she had a dreamy smile. She was ready to be taken.

"Fuck her, Jack!" Sam cried, as she poled up and down on Bill's penis. "Fuck her blind!"

Jack, acting like he had been struck by lightning, inserted himself into Trudy's vagina. He gasped as if he had just dived into a warm sauna. As he started thrusting he gave Sam a surprised grin. She gave him a reassuring smile. "You're doing fine, Jack," she said, blowing him a kiss even as she continued to pleasure Bill.

Jack realized how amazing this was. Trudy was a very attractive woman, much younger than Jack, a woman he could never hoped to have in his lifetime. And yet, here he was, inserting his penis into her pussy while her husband lay less than a foot away. Her vagina felt warm and juicy, her body sexy and supple. Jack looked over at Bill, who was being kept busy by Sam. The thought of fucking his wife while he lay there helpless, in his own net of sexual ecstasy, capable of doing little more than watch Jack violate his wife, made Jack's penis tingle even more.

As Jack exerted himself inside of Trudy, he felt his rider starting to bubble on his back as it drained life energy from him to make a master for Trudy. He saw Sam's rider bubbling up to. They were reproducing together! He felt so alive, so close to Sam at that moment as both of them served the Hive in the exact same way. Male, female, it didn't matter, they were simply sexual beings being used for reproduction.

"Oh, Sam this feels so good!" Jack cried as he felt his master grow and expand between his shoulder blades.

"It's your first reproduction," Sam grinned, as she rode Bill's penis in a clockwise motion, using the feeling of his shaft inside her to spur her own reproducing rider.

"Does it always feel this good?" Jack asked. He felt a wonderful tingling sensation from head to toe.

"Always," Sam grinned again.

Jack looked over at Sam. At that moment Sam looked the sexiest that Jack had ever seen her. Her heavy, double banded rider was farther along than his and already starting to split. Her body was coated with a sheen of sweat. Her heavy breasts hung downward over Bill Well's chest. Her thighs were spread outside his, her yellow-brown pubic triangle lowered over his shaft. Her ass cheeks were round and glistening. Her hair fell over her face, and she gave a brilliant smile. And on her back a new master was being born. Sam was using her sexual energy to bring a new master into the world to control a new slave, and she was having the time of her life doing it.

Jack felt a surge of sensuality as he watched Sam start to give birth to a baby rider. Really it was Sam's rider which gave birth, but the rider used Sam's life energy and exertions to reproduce. As Sam pumped up and down on Bill Well's shaft, with an enormous smile on her face, yellow alien fluid dripped out of the bottom of her heavy rider, flowing into her ass crack, filling Sam's bowels with alien fluid as her rider began to reproduce. Sam panted heavily as her rider began to split into two, a left half which was rough and double banded, and a smaller right half which was softer, shinier, and unbanded. Sam pumped up and down harder than ever, wiping sweat from her brow, desperate to give her rider the last burst of energy it needed to reproduce. To Jack she looked sexier than she ever had, with a reproducing rider on her back and firm, rounded, glistening ass cheeks pumping up and down on another man's shaft as Sam served the Hive as well as any biological female ever could.

At the moment of separation, the moment of absolute birth, when one became two, Sam looked so athletic, so tremendously sexy, gasping for breath and dripping with sweat, as her labors brought a new master into the world who in seconds would be riding between the shoulder blades of Bill Wells. Jack wanted to fuck her so badly, but he had his own matter to attend to.

And then Sam smiled at Jack as he stiffened and cried out, as he felt his own bubbling rider start to split. As his rider drained energy from his body, Jack instinctively started to pole in and out of Trudy more rapidly, to give his master the energy it needed to finish the act of reproduction.

"Oooooooh!" Jack cried. He felt so sexualized, so alive!

Sam was just as excited as he was. "That's right, Jack, you're doing so well! If only you could see it! Your first reproduction! You're making such a beautiful baby rider, Jack! It's going to look so sexy and hot on Trudy's back, she'll love you forever for it!"

Sam's words drove Jack over the edge, and he cried out as he flooded Trudy's vagina with his sperm, even as his master finished reproducing. It was the most incredible orgasm of his life.

After that, all that was left to do was for the newborn riders to take their hosts.

Sam and Jack gave each other secret smiles as Bill and Trudy grabbed their heads at nearly the same time and cried out. Sam and Jack were so infatuated with each other that they barely noticed when Bill and Trudy Wells were taken by the Hive.

"That was so incredible!" said Jack.

"Wasn't it?" said Sam, putting an arm around him.

They were lying in bed together in Jack's place. That's all they were capable of doing. They were so exhausted from helping their riders reproduce.

"I... I never imagined I could just walk into her house and just take a young woman half my age like that," said Jack, looking very pleased with himself.

"Imagine it," Sam grinned, snuggling closer to him. "Through the Hive, you will make love to lots and lots of other women."

"I will?" said Jack, looking pleased.

Sam punched him playfully. "Including me, of course," said Sam. "If you don't get bored of me."


They kissed.

Sam, feeling between his legs, grinned and mounted him.

Jack looked alarmed. "Hey, I don't know if I can-" Sam silenced him with another kiss.

As she rode on his shaft, she reinforced his conditioning. "Tell me, Jack, didn't it feel good to make a baby rider on your back?"

"Yes!" said Jack, his eyes glassy with the remembrance. "It took a lot out of me to do it, but when it finally split in two, it felt so incredible! I've never felt anything like it!"

"I told you joining the Hive would be great," said Sam, kissing him.

Jack kissed her back. "Yes, you did. Sam... will I get to feel that way again?"

"Every time you make a new master for someone," Sam promised. "It is the Hive's gift to us." She licked her lips. "And not the only one. Tell me, Jack, when your new rider took control of Trudy, and brought her into the Hive, how did you feel?" She rode on his shaft especially hard. "How did you feel, Jack?"

"Ooooooh," said Jack. "It felt wonderful, Sam!"

"You like bringing women into the Hive now, don't you, Jack?"

Jack nodded.

"You're going to keep doing whatever the Hive orders you to, aren't you?"

"Yesssss......" Jack nodded. He suddenly got a pained look as his rider rewarded him for his obedience. "Sam..... aaaaaaaaaah!" he cried, his body stiffening.

Sam smiled as she felt the vibration of him releasing into her. She hadn't climaxed, but hadn't needed to. Jack's conditioning had been cemented now. Her task complete, she collapsed on top of him with a big smile on her face.

Jack was now a full fledged member of the Hive.

After that, Jack brought other women into the Hive on his own. Some worked at Homeplanet Security, some didn't. After having his rider reproduce three or four times he was hooked on the sensation, the same as Sam was. They would both cuddle together afterwards and discuss their latest conquests on behalf of the Hive. It was the best time in Sam and Jack's lives.

However, the Hive invariably demanded more and more of its slaves, and Jack was no exception. When the Hive was satisfied that Jack would bring women into the Hive without resistance, indeed, even eagerly, it set a new test for him.

"My niece Kelly?" said Jack. "Why?" He looked at Sam with a hurt expression. "I could bring a million other women into the Hive for you."

"I know, dear," said Sam, putting an arm around him. It had actually been Gavin's idea. Sam had made the mistake of boasting how obedient Jack was now, which put a nasty gleam in Gavin's eye. And so Gavin, or the Hive (Sam wasn't honestly sure which) demanded that Jack enslave his niece with a master.

"The Hive wants to test you, Jack," said Sam. "To test your loyalty."

"I am loyal to the Hive," said Jack, kissing her.

"I know that," said Sam. "But the Hive needs to know this."

"Please, she's my niece. Please don't make me do this."

Sam could only imagine Gavin's reaction. Slaves were not permitted to refuse anything. That is why they were slaves. "All right," she sighed. "I'll talk to Gavin."

"Good," said Jack.

"He'll find someone else."

"To take Kelly?"

"Yes. And to be my lover," said Sam.

"What?" said Jack.

"Gavin told you I was only a loan, Jack. A loan for as long as you obeyed the Hive," said Sam. "And since you won't comply... I'd better call him." She started to get out of bed, very very slowly.

"Wait!" Jack cried, before she had set a foot on the ground.

Sam looked at him expectantly.

"I'll do it," said Jack reluctantly.

And so Jack brought his niece Kelly into the Hive. But after it was done, he immediately ran into the arms of Sam, who gave him consolation sex.

"She was so innocent, Sam," said Jack. "Only 23 years old! When I stepped through the door, I'm sure she had no idea what was going to happen." He pounded between Sam's pussy lips furiously, as if that would make it all better. "Even as I was making love to her, she was asking me, 'But Uncle Jack, I'm your niece. Should we really be doing this?'" Jack was sobbing now, even as he made love to Sam. "And then I... I did it, Sam. I made love to my 23 year old niece!"

"Hey, hey hey," said Sam, touching his cheek. "There are no nieces or uncles in the Hive. We are just-"

"Sexually mature beings, I know," said Jack, tears rolling down his cheeks.

Sam's eyes narrowed. "If we weren't, you'd hardly be likely to be having sex with another man's wife, would you?"

"Point well taken," said Jack. "It's just... when the rider slid on her, and her big brown doe eyes looked at me, she looked so surprised, so betrayed, and....."

"And what, Jack?"

"And it felt so good," said Jack, thrusting into her as his rider pulsated on his back. "It all felt so good." He looked pained even as his penis and balls tightened up dramatically.

Sam kissed him and smiled broadly, even as her lover started to release inside of her.​
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