Chapter 45.2

They made love every day, twice a day. Jack gave only token resistance. He knew what they were doing were wrong. He knew they were creating some kind of monster. But whenever he tried to resist, Sam would look into his eyes, and make him repeat his prime function. Each time he said "My purpose is to fertilize your eggs, and expand the Hive," he fell into some kind of erotic trance, and before he was aware of what was happening, he was between Sam's legs again, pounding into her.

Still he tried to resist. "We shouldn't be doing this," he gasped. But even as he said it, Jack was moving hard in and out of Sam's vagina as strongly as he could to satisfy his rider's insistence that he ejaculate inside of her while Sam eagerly ground her vaginal muscles against the head of his penis, as they both worked hard to satisfy both their masters. "We... we really shouldn't," he gasped again.

"And yet we are," said Sam, with a satisfied grin, as she felt Jack on top of her, and inside of her. "Don't you feel the heaviness in your balls, Jack?"

"Yes," Jack hissed.

"Doesn't it feel like you'll explode if you don't release?"

"Yes," he said again. He didn't know if it was a real feeling, or something his rider was doing to him.

"Where do you need to release, Jack? Where is the only place our masters will let you release?" Sam asked.

Jack thrusted vigorously. "Inside you," he whispered.

"That's right, Jack. That's the only place you can empty your balls, the only one," said Sam."Do it, Jack. Do it now!"

No, I shouldn't! A small voice inside Jack's head. Men were not meant to be slaves! They weren't meant to be bred like animals!

Yes we are ,
said a stronger voice inside of Jack. I am simply a penis, a tool of reproduction.

Jack's balls and penis started to ache with pain and he felt the urgent need to release. There was no turning back now.

And then the inevitable happened. The inevitable was always happening. Jack cried out as he let go with all he had. Each time his rider pulsed on his back, he deposited a thick rope of creamy Hive cum inside of his love. Pulse, pulse, pulse pulse. He felt the delicious ribbon of control between his rider and penis, pulsing with sexual energy with every throb. Jack realized his rider had full control over his male sex organ, not him. It would decide what he deposited and when and where. He was simply a tool to carry out its orders.

Sam, who had no reservations about what they were doing, grinned from ear to ear, as she felt Jack's seed entering her unprotected womb, knowing that she was being bred by the Hive, and loving every minute of it. When Jack finally pulled out of her, for a moment the glowing Slave Mark on the head of his penis was next to the similar one above her slit. Sam looked down at their marks. "Beautiful," she breathed, kissing him again.

Jack eventually stopped resisting even verbally. All Sam had to do was take him by the arm, look him in the eye, and demand, "Fertilize me!" and he would obey, meekly following her to the bedroom to carry out his assigned role.

Finally, four days later, it happened. They were lying in bed together, about an hour after Jack filled her with his seed. It had been good. It was always good. He smiled as he stared at her beautiful body. Whatever reservations he had being used as a breeding tool, he couldn't deny how much he loved making love to Sam.

And then Sam sat up abruptly.

"What's wrong?" Jack asked.

"I don't know," said Sam. She felt a stirring in her belly. She touched it, looked down, then smiled broadly. "I'm pregnant!" she cried.

Jack was ambivalent about it. "Oh good, I'm going to be a father. Of some kind of cold monster lady." He was thinking of Marion.

"Don't look at it like that," said Sam. "We've proven we're fertile together! Once I give birth, they'll have to give us permission to have a real child!"

"But what kind of 'real child'?" Jack wondered.

"Stop complaining and hug me, Jack!" said Sam sternly. Jack obeyed.

Over the course of the next week, Sam's belly started to grow big.

"Touch it, Jack, touch it," said Sam, as she raised her shirt to show her ballooning belly.

Jack reached out with a trembling hand and felt it. He could feel vibrations inside.

What kind of monster have I put inside of her? Jack wondered. What kind of terrible creature is using Sam's body to nourish it, to grow and emerge as something which will enslave mankind? What have I done?

"It's life, Jack. Life that you and I created." Sam stared at him with shiny eyes. She reached for him and pulled him to her. "Can you feel it moving inside of me?"

"Yes," he whispered, feeling it with his hand.

"You put that in there, Jack." Her eyes were shining. "I'm incubating Hive life, the highest ambition any female can have in the Hive. You've put the Hive deep inside of me, into my uterus, and I'm forever grateful," she whispered. All Jack's reservations vanished as he looked into her eyes and got an immediate erection.

"Doesn't it feel good, Jack?" She whispered in his ear. "Aren't you excited to know that you were used to create Hive Life inside me?"

"Yes," said Jack, feeling words appearing in his head as his rider was hot and heavy on his back. "I am fulfilling my biological destiny. When I fill you with the seeds of life, I love it more than anything."

Sam started to kiss and hug him. She whispered in his ear. "It's sucking energy from my body, Jack. It's using energy from my body to grow big and strong. And when it's ready, our child is going to come into the world and enslave humanity."

Although what she was saying was terrible, somehow Jack got even more sexually aroused by the way she was saying it. Before long their clothes were off and they were making love, not because they were required to, but because they wanted to. Jack found making love to a heavily pregnant Sam was even more exciting than it had been when her belly was flat. His penis got hard as he looked at her enormous belly and realized that he was the one who had put life into her. He was the one who made her so big. It was his seed which had filled her up. He felt incredibly male, incredibly dominant, and incredibly proud as he thrust within her.

But then something unusual happened when he climaxed. Suddenly, just as his penis erupted, he felt glued to Sam. His penis ejaculated, but he felt like more than just sperm was coming out. Jack felt the very energy from his body draining. He tried to pull away but he couldn't. Finally, a moment later he felt the pull diminish. He pulled away. When he pulled out, his penis was limp.

He felt exhausted, and collapsed by her side. "What was that?" he said.

"I told you the baby is taking energy from my body to grow, Jack," said Sam, caressing his hair. "It's also taking energy from you as well. You should feel flattered."

Jack didn't want to experience being drained again, but he had no choice. The rider on his back saw to that. Sam called him to service her sometimes twice a day as her pregnancy waxed. Jack would try to resist, but all Sam would have to do is spread her legs, or rub her breasts, or even give him that sexy look, and he was hooked. He made love to her again and again, knowing the price he had to pay for it. As Sam's unborn baby drained some of the energy of out of him through his penis, Jack felt weak, but knew, from the tendrils in his mind, that it was the right thing to do.

Sam's breasts started to change. They became very tender, and Jack had to be careful when he touched them. They became heavy and engorged with milk for the baby. But what kind of milk? On the fifth day of her pregnancy, Sam's teats started to leak a viscous green fluid.

"What is that?" said Jack, scooping some with his finger. It looked disgusting.

Sam smiled. "It's food for the baby." She took Jack's finger and put it in her mouth, and lapped it up with a smile.

That wasn't the only odd thing about her pregnancy. Sam's personality started to change as well.

"It feels different," said Sam.

"Different from what?" Jack asked.

"From a real baby," said Sam.

"You've never been pregnant... at least, not with a real baby," said Jack. "How do you know?"

"I just do," said Sam. "The shape of it, curled up inside me, feels different."

"Different how?"

"Just... different," said Sam.

For days Sam had been living at Jack's apartment and he had been taking care of her. It had been one of the best times of his life. Sam sat in bed, her belly getting bigger every day, and Jack had brought her food and massaged her back and of course, made love to her and had been drained of energy, so much so that he was as tired as she was, and Jack wasn't even carrying the baby.

But then Sam had started to change. At times, another personality would emerge.

"Hey, cuckold! This tea is cold!" Sam snapped.

"What did you call me?" Jack asked.

"Cuckold?" Sam grinned. "Isn't that what you are?"

"Technically speaking, I believe Gavin was the one who was cuckolded," said Jack.

Sam shook her head. "He wasn't the only one. The Hive replaced your sperm with their own. It twisted your very reproductive juices. You may have been the one fucking me, but you were filling me with the Hive's sperm, not yours."

"And you wanted that," said Jack.

"Of course," said Sam. "I want the Hive's sperm in me, not yours." She curled her lip. "You know, Jack, I was a little disappointed how easily you were taken. You didn't fight or resist in the slightest."

"I did it because I love you," said Jack.

"Aww.... so because your dick gets hard when you look at me, you volunteered to become a sex slave. How romantic!" said Sam. She wrinkled her nose disgustedly. "What a pussy. What a fucking wimp."

"Sam, what's gotten into you?" Jack asked.

Sam patted her belly. "This has gotten into me, Jack. It's given me all sorts of thoughts and ideas I've never had before. It's made me see you for the weak pussy cuckold you really are."

"You're starting to sound like Marion."

Suddenly, Sam blinked, shook her head, and her face slowly cleared. "What am I saying? Jack, you're right! I'm so sorry, Jack.... It's something about the baby. It's doing this to me." She looked up at him. "Hold me, Jack!"

He ran up to her and hugged her.

Sam had more and more of these episodes as she got closer and closer to giving birth. Her pregnancy lasted nearly ten days. Jack thought he would be glad the day she gave birth and got it out of her. After Sam's baby drained him on the ninth day, Jack collapsed in bed next to her. His penis was as limp as a wet taco. "Sam, I don't think I can take much more of this."

"I... I think I'm going to give birth soon," Sam whispered, staring out into space as she rubbed her belly.

"It can't be too soon for me."

And then the day came. Sam felt a rumbling in her belly and got undressed and sat with her back on the headboard of her bed, her legs widely spread. A plastic sheet lay underneath her. Even with her enormous belly she looked incredibly sexy. Sam and Jack talked and flirted with each other as Sam tried to conceal her increasing nervousness. She spread her legs as wide as she could, and started to squeeze.

Jack watched Sam's perspiring body, her enormous belly, her legs bent and spread, the blonde-brown triangle of pubic hair wet with exertion, her vaginal lips glistening with anticipation, her Slave Mark glowing bright green, and he was ashamed when he got an immediate erection. Sam noticed it, of course, and even drew attention to it, making Jack turn red as Sam kissed him.

Jack's shame only deepened as Sam moaned and groaned in pain as she started getting contractions. Jack felt sympathy for Sam, but he also felt something else. As he saw her writhing in pain, her legs spread, her heavy belly and breasts covered in sweat, her eyes closed, her teeth gritted, he felt something else. A throbbing, on his back and in his groin.

It took Sam four hours to deliver the baby that night, and Jack had three orgasms in his pants, without even touching himself. He wanted to blame his rider for it.

At last Sam gave a painful cry, and something started to come out of her vaginal lips.

A head. A dark, alien head.

"Oh my God," said Jack.

"What is it?" said Sam, who couldn't see it over her large belly.

Jack shook his head. He couldn't tell her. He wouldn't. "Just keep pushing." Best to get it out of her, whatever it was.

Sam gritted her teeth and bore down again. Jack's jaw dropped when a second head quickly emerged.

It was a two headed serpent.

Sam couldn't see it, not yet, but then she felt it slithering out of her vagina. "What... what is it?"

And then the two heads reared up, and Sam screamed in terror.

Jack tried to grab the serpent, but it hissed mightily at Jack, and he backed off.

The two headed serpent raised itself up above Sam, and she screamed again. And then the snake coiled itself, and it lunged. Each head bit down on one of Sam's breasts. Sam screamed a third time.

And then it was over.

The two heads were sucking on her breasts. The creature's body was bonded to her belly. The creature's tail was moving in and out of her vagina. And then suddenly, pain turned to pleasure.

A smile formed on Sam's face as her rider changed her perception of the entire event.

It's my baby. It's my baby. I love it.

"Ooooh," said Sam tenderly. "Look at our baby, Jack."

Jack looked at it. He wasn't excited by it as Sam was. He wasn't required to be.

But Sam was passionately in love. She patted her baby on its heads, feeling their rough, scaley heads. Their dark eyes stared unblinkingly at her even as their mouths remained clamped down on her teats. "Yes, my little ones. Suck. Suck from me, and get strong." She felt her breasts caked with milk. The Greater Intelligence started to suck on them. Sam smiled as she felt the pressure of being milked and suddenly felt content.

Over the course of the next few days, the Greater Intelligence quickly grew bigger and stronger, all the while attached to Sam's breasts and vagina, never letting go, not even for a minute. It inserted a feeding tube into her mouth, so it fed her even as she fed it.

"When does this thing come off of you?" Jack asked.

"I don't know, and I don't care," said Sam

"You don't care?" said Jack.

"Jack, it's my baby and I love it," said Sam. She stared into one set of eyes. They had been staring at her for days. It was her baby and she would provide whatever it needed. She stroked the snake's scaly skin. "Our baby, Jack. It's our baby."

Jack felt disgusted. He watched as Sam moaned with pleasure as it worked its tail in and out of her vagina, as it sucked on her nipple juices. It had been stimulating her sexually for days. Sam was bonding with it, almost becoming part of it.

And there was nothing Jack could do about it. He tried talking to Gavin, to ask how long the nursing process would take, but Gavin refused to answer.

And then, a week later, something else changed. The Greater Intelligence grew new tubes, one of which went into each of Sam's ears.

"What's happening?" Jack asked.

"I... I don't know," said Sam. "I... I feel something in my head. I... I think I'm starting to fade, Jack."

"What?" said Jack.

"But it's all right, dear," said Sam. "I am serving the Hive. Serving our baby." She smiled again, and closed her eyes.

Jack drove over to Gavin's apartment in a hurry.

"That thing is killing her, Gavin!" he said. He explained how the Greater Intelligence had inserted tubes into Sam's ears.

"Well, if it's gone that far, then it's too late," said Gavin nonchalantly.

"How can you be so calm about this? Sam is your wife!" said Jack. Jack had a single banded rider on his back, but his love for Sam still hadn't been tamed.

"Not anymore. She's just another slave," said Gavin, not looking in the least bit concerned.

Jack thought rapidly. "Didn't you... didn't you tell that other woman that Sam had some other purpose? Some other thing the Hive wanted her for?"

"Yes," said Gavin.

"And so?"

Gavin paused, considering. "When did the tubes enter her ears?"

"Just an hour ago."

"There may still be time. Let me go and talk to the Hive."

Two hours later, Jack was pacing back and forth furiously in his apartment. Sam seemed to be fading away before his very eyes. When he called out to her, all she did was smile faintly at him. Meanwhile that creature lay glued to her body. Whenever Jack even came near her it would hiss angrily at him.

And then finally there was a knock at his door.

Marion had returned.

She had in her company a brunette girl, young, so young that she looked barely 18. The girl had a mesmerized look in her eyes as she followed Marion into the apartment.

When they got to the bedroom, Marion smiled. "How wonderful. Sam, you gave birth to a perfect baby."

"Thank you," said Sam, in a dreamy voice.

Marion turned to the girl and simply looked at her. "Michelle, it's time."

"Yes, Auntie," said the girl.


Michelle, the brunette, quickly took off all her clothes. She had a slender body but big titties with a thick triangle of blonde pubic hair. She had a double banded rider on her back. Her body was trembling.

"What's going to happen?" Jack asked.

Marion gave Jack a dark look, and he recoiled.

When Michelle was nude, Marion gave her another glare. "It's time, dear."

Michelle looked fearful. "Will it consume me, Auntie Marion?"

"Of course," Marion said, smiling at her.

Michelle's double banded rider pulsated fiercely on her back. Michelle nodded, as if listening to a conversation, and slowly got on the bed next to Sam, and lay down on her back.

The Greater Intelligence lifted its heads up and looked at the new girl. And then it hissed!

Marion said something unintelligible.

The Greater Intelligence hissed again. Then it coiled, and reared up, and in one swift move attached itself to Michelle's body. The girl screamed as it clamped down on each of her breasts, even as it inserted its tail into her vagina. In moments it was pumping contently.

"Get up," said Marion. When Michelle didn't move, she said, "Get up!"

Michelle, with a dazed expression, slowly got up and started to get dressed. The Greater Intelligence was latched onto her body. When she was dressed, they turned and left, but not before Marion turned to Jack and said, "It was so good seeing you again." She looked at Sam. "And I'll be seeing you again real soon."

Jack shuddered as she left.

But then he raced over to Sam. She was weak.

"My baby," she croaked. "What happened to my baby?"

Jack spent a week nursing Sam back to health. She had lost nearly 15 pounds, and was drained by the experience, in more ways than one.

But he was relieved that she seemed to have suffered no permanent harm. Sam's mind was still shaped and controlled by her rider, much as Jack's was, but the pure malevolence of the Greater Intelligence hadn't had enough time to take control of her mind.

As she recovered, Sam's attitude towards her offspring changed.

"It was starting to... erase my mind," said Sam. Jack looked down at her bare breasts. The puncture marks from the creature's jaw were healing slowly. "I could feel it, Jack. It was starting to erase who I was. And it was filling me with...wickedness... hate... malice... oh, Jack, it was awful." She looked up at him. "That's what the Hive Mind is. That's what we're serving."

"Do you feel differently about the Hive now?"

Sam thought for a long moment, her rider pulsating on her back. "No," she said finally. "I still love the Hive. But I fear the Hive Mind. I fear that anyone who gets too close to it will be consumed."​
Next page: Chapter 46.1
Previous page: Chapter 45.1