Chapter 49.1
Major Samantha Arden of the United Survey Service is a senior official in HomePlanet Security and is a very skilled ESPer, which makes her a prime target for the Hive. She has a strained marriage with her husband Gavin and is secretly in love with her superior officer, Colonel Jack Sullivan. All that changes as Sam gets taken by the Hive. Her latest assignment, to bring her sister Carla's family into the Hive, is nearly complete.
Sam had brought her sister Carla into the Hive, and Carla in turn had brought her sexy daughters Abby and Charlotte aboard. Both had newborn riders on their backs that their mother and Aunt Sam had given them. For the next five days Abby and Charlotte made love to each other to help their riders reach maturity. The girls did not resist; they eagerly made love to each other as if they had done so all of their lives.
Only Abby still questioned it, sometimes. "Mom, is it right that we're together... like this?" She loved feeling her sister's body against her own, but something in the back of her head wondered if it was all quite right.
Carla assured her it was. Abby's rider was not yet mature, so it was natural she should be questioning things. Charlotte, however, whose rider was equally immature, had no such qualms, taking her sister by the hand and making love to her. She seemed eager to have her rider take more control over her. Charlotte loved the path she was going on. She loved the Hive and wanted to deepen its hold over her and her sister. Every day she would grab her sister by the hand and make love to her. Within two days, Abby became as enthusiastic as Charlotte and no longer had to be led.
But one day after Charlotte and Abby pleasured each other, strengthening their rider's control over their minds, Carla found her sweaty, naked younger daughter approach her in the kitchen. Her breasts and curly brown pubis were gleaming with perspiration. "Mom, aren't you going to help me make my rider grow stronger?"
"Oh, I don't know," Carla stammered.
"I feel it in my mind, Mother," said Charlotte, in an intoxicating tone with a dreamy look in her eyes. She walked up to her mother with an incredibly sexy motion, wiggling her hips as her pubic hair glistened with her past exertions. Charlotte reeked of sex as she put her arms around her mother. She looked Carla straight in the eye. "My rider wants me to love you, Mother. It wants me to fuck you." She gave Carla a strong kiss. "Do you feel it, Mother? Do you?"
Carla felt her rider hot and heavy on her back, and in her mind, and between her legs, which was rapidly getting wet and tingling with need. "Yes," she said, practically crying out the word.
"Then come with me, Mother. Come fuck my brains out, come help me get my rider through puberty," Charlotte grinned. And she took Carla by the hand and led her to the bedroom.
In moments Carla was hurriedly undressing with shaking hands and making love to her daughter. Part of Carla's mind still wondered whether this was right, but Charlotte had no doubts. She boldly took Carla as a lover, grabbing her by the hand, pulling her to the bed, kissing and fondling her until her head went down between Carla's legs. As she slurped and sucked, causing Carla to moan and shudder, Charlotte's eyes desperately looked up into her mother's for approval. After a while she moved upwards, replacing her tongue with her fingertips, using what her mother had taught her to full effect.
"Do you like that, Carla?" Charlotte asked, kissing her avidly.
"You know I do," Carla gasped.
Charlotte's eyes were shining with an alien light. "I can feel the tendrils growing in my mind, Mother. I'm giving it easy access. I'm doing whatever it says. I'm letting it shape me, mold me."
"And do you like it?" Carla asked.
"Like it? I love it!" Charlotte kissed her mother with such passion that she groaned. "My rider is telling me things, Mother. That we're both going to be used by the Hive. That we're both going to be used as fucktoys to help Aunt Sam get taken deeper into the Hive."
"Fucktoys?" said Carla.
"Yes," Charlotte hissed, with a grin.
And then, as Charlotte brought her mother to a thundering climax, Carla cried out, and realized that just as she was helping Charlotte strengthen her ties to the Hive, Charlotte was doing the same for her.
It became increasingly obvious with each lovemaking session that as Carla was helping Charlotte's rider mature, Charlotte was being programmed to deepen Carla's conditioning. When they made love, at first it was Carla who helped train her daughter, When Charlotte was on top, exerting herself to the maximum to help her rider grow and mature, Carla would say, "You want to be controlled by your rider."
"I want to be controlled by my rider."
"You want your body to be used by the Hive."
"I want my body to be used by the Hive."
Charlotte never once resisted saying any of the things Carla asked her to repeat. On the contrary, she repeated every word with a wide grin on her face as if she looked forward to it. "I want it all, Mother. I want to be a complete willing tool of the Hive," she grinned, as she rubbed her vagina against her mother's.
But when Carla was on top and Charlotte was underneath her, the situation was reversed.
"You want our family taken by the Hive," said Charlotte.
"I want our family taken by the Hive," Carla repeated.
"You want our family consumed by the Hive," said Charlotte.
Carla blinked. "What does that mean?"
Charlotte didn't know either. She was simply repeating what her rider instructed her. "Say it, Mother!"
"I... I want our family consumed by the Hive. Ah!" she cried out, as her rider stimulated her clitoris.
"You want the Hive to fuck you directly."
"I want the Hive to fuck me directly," said Carla. What did all this mean?
"You want the Hive to take your memories and transform your body."
"Say it, Mother!" Suddenly, Charlotte was in charge, and Carla was the one being trained. She felt her clit throbbing in perfect synch with her rider. She gasped with tremendous need. "I... I want the Hive to take my memories and transform my body."
"Good, Mother," said Charlotte. She continued to drill Carla with key phrases, making Carla beg to have the family experimented on, and beg to be consumed by the Hive. It all sounded so terrible, but suddenly her daughter had become skilled in sexual arousal, keeping her skating at the edge until she gave in. Carla gasped with intense need and desire, only getting the release she desperately wanted when she gave in. Over time, she found the idea of being consumed by the Hive desirable, and looked forward to it, even if she didn't know exactly what it meant.
The answer wasn't long in coming.
The day finally came, as they both knew it would, when Abby's body stiffened and she moaned... "Ooooh.. oohhhh!" and she looked up with new eyes. "Mom, my rider... it loves me. It loves me and wants the best for me!"
Carla turned Abby around. Her rider had sexually matured, with a brilliant gold band around the edges of it. Her little girl had finally grown up. "I'm so happy for you dear," she said, giving Abby a hug, which quickly turned into a passionate kiss.
"What about me?" Charlotte whined. "Why hasn't my rider matured?" She has cooperated much more readily than Abby!
Carla turned Charlotte around and inspected her rider. She could see the faint outlines of a first band. "You're almost there, dear."
"I want to be like you and Abby," said Charlotte, with tears in her eyes. "Make love to me, Mother. Make love to me until my rider matures like yours."
Abby and Carla two teamed Charlotte, and in moments they had her moaning with pleasure. After two very pleasurable hours of repeated orgasms, Charlotte made the transition. It happened while her mother was eating her out.
"Oh, oh Mother!" Charlotte cried. "I feel something on my back! I feel it happening, Mother! Oh, keep going, keep going!" she cried, her body bucking back and forth.
Abby had a beautiful view of her sister from behind. She could see the golden ring starting to solidify on her sister's rider as their mother ate her out. Charlotte's sweaty body rocked back and forth as Carla stimulated her. The gold band on Charlotte's rider grew brighter and brighter, and then it became solid! Charlotte stiffened and cried out. "My rider! It loves me, and wants the best for me! Oooooh!" she stiffened as she was rewarded with an orgasm.
In moments the girls were sniffling and crying as Charlotte admired her newly banded rider in the bathroom mirror. "It looks so sexy on you, dear," said Carla truthfully.
"When do I get the big tits, Mother? When do I get the bushy cunt?" Charlotte asked eagerly.
Carla paused. "Soon, dear."
Charlotte grabbed her mother and kissed her strongly. As she did she fondled Carla's clitoris, which turned it into more than just a kiss. And then suddenly Carla felt a heaviness in her mind and cried out.
"What is it, Mother?"
Carla turned around in the bathroom mirror. Her heavy, meaty rider now had a second band, just inside the first. She felt very mature and feminine, and very sure of herself. All doubts were washed away now.
"It's so beautiful," Charlotte whispered. "What does it mean, Mother?"
"It means I'm more under the control of the Hive, dear," said Carla, in a dreamy voice. An alien light appeared in her eyes, one Charlotte had never seen before.
"Mom?" said Abby uncertainly. "Are you all right?"
Carla smiled and took her daughter by the hand. "Better than all right, dear," she declared. She kissed Charlotte again. "Let's fuck. You too Abby."
The three of them took to the bed in the master bedroom for the rest of the afternoon.
"It's done," Carla smiled, still with that alien light in her eyes.
"Doesn't it feel good to have your girls in the Hive?" Sam asked, smiling back at her. Her fingertips played with the sensitive tip of Carla's clitoris ever so lightly.
Carla smiles shyly. "Yes... yes it does."
"Then there's one last thing we need to make it perfect. Stuart."
Stuart was Carla's 22 year old son. He had been traveling in Scotland for the past two weeks, but would be returning home on the weekend.
"You want me to bring him into the Hive?"
Sam crinkled her nose. "Have Charlotte and Abby do it. Think of it as their first assignments."
Carla smiled again and nodded.
When Stuart returned from his vacation, he noticed that things had changed. Dad was gone, on work business. Mom and Charlotte and Abby were home, but they were... different. The first thing he noticed was the makeup. Mom was wearing heavy makeup, dark eye shadow, rouge, and bright red lipstick. Mom had never worn much makeup before.
But even more odd, his sisters were wearing the same makeup too. When Stuart looked at Charlotte and Abby, with the dark rings around their eyes, they looked like almost strangers to him.
They were also dressing differently. Abby was wearing a tight shirt and shorts. His sister's prominent breasts were sticking out. And Charlotte... Charlotte was wearing a semi-transparent shirt with no bra underneath! Stuart could clearly see the nipples of her teats through her shirt.
And they were also behaving differently. Usually the girls teased him or ignored him. But when Stuart got home, they fawned over him. "It's so good to have you home," Abby whispered in a sexy voice as she hugged him tightly, pressing her breasts against his. And Charlotte actually kissed him on the lips as she said, "Welcome home, dear brother."
Dear brother? Kissing him on the lips? Stuart looked at his mother for support, but she was wearing the same makeup and had the same light shining in her eyes as the girls did. Mom was also wearing a tight blouse and an unusually short miniskirt that showed off her legs.
The girls fawned over him, showering him with attention. They wanted to know everything and anything about his trip to Glascow with Jenny. Stuart found their attention and interest unnerving. It was as if he had come home to a house of strangers.
Finally it was Mom who rescued him. "All right girls, don't smother the boy. Why don't you all wash up and get ready for dinner while I see to the food?"
The girls nodded and marched off to their bedrooms. As they walked away, Stuart thought he noticed a round imprint inside the backs of their shirts. What was going on here?
"Mom?" said Stuart, turning to his mother, who was preparing dinner.
"Yes, dear?" Carla asked, looking supremely content.
"What's going on here?" Stuart asked.
"What do you mean, dear?"
"You. The girls. You're all acting strangely. What's going on?"
Carla gave her son a smile. "There's nothing going on, dear. We're just all very happy to see you. Why don't you get ready for dinner and we'll talk some more?"
Stuart went to his bedroom and washed his face and combed his hair. Then he went back into the hallway. As he passed the bathroom that Abby and Charlotte shared, he heard the sounds of running water... and a moan.
The bathroom door was partially open. Stuart stopped and had to rub his eyes when he saw what he saw.
His sisters were naked, in the shower. They were fondling and kissing each other. The shower door was opaque, so Stuart could only see the outlines of their bodies, but what he saw was clear enough. Abby and Charlotte had their arms wrapped around each other. They were kissing and fondling and groaning.
As Stuart watched he felt a stirring in his pants. Then he felt a hand on his shoulder and nearly jumped.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" said Carla, in a soft voice.
"Beautiful?" said Stuart. "Mom, did you know that Abby and Char are having sex with each other?"
"Of course, dear," said Carla. "Who do you think told them to leave the bathroom door for you to see?"
"You... arranged this on purpose?" said Stuart, still trying to understand what was going on here.
"Of course," said Carla. "But it's not each other that the girls really want."
"What.. what do they want?" Stuart asked, as he watched the wet, writhing bodies making love.
"Why of course, you, Stuart. The girls are simply crazy about you."
"They are?" said Stuart.
"Um hm," said Carla serenely. "Both of them. You'll be expected to take one of them into your bed tonight, Stuart. I pity the girl you turn down."
"I'm not going to do that," said Stuart. "Mom, these are my sisters!"
"So?" said Carla. "You are all sexually mature adults. There is nothing purer than the love of a brother or a sister."
"No," Stuart shook his head as he watched Abby and Charlotte go at it. "I'm not into that."
"Really?" said Carla, glancing down at his crotch. The outlines of his rigid shaft was clearly visible. "Then why are you still standing here watching?"
Stuart reddened and hastily turned away.
Dinner was a joyous affair in the Farley household. At least, it was for the girls, who were all laughing and giggling and making jokes. Stuart, however, was grim and silent. Carla wondered if it hadn't been a tactical error to show him the girls expressing their affection for each other. It had been meant to arouse him, but perhaps it would only make it harder to bring him into the Hive.
The girls had competed vigorously with each other to be the one to bring their brother into the Hive. Finally Carla had given Abby the first opportunity, because she was the eldest. Charlotte had been deflated, but Carla had comforted her and assured her that her service to the Hive was only beginning.
And so after dinner Stuart sat on the couch, staring at his Pad. He was deeply disturbed by what he had seen. His family had become hypersexualized. And where was Dad? No one would tell him. He was wondering what to do, wondering whether he should go over to his girlfriend Jenny's house and talk to her, when Abby entered the living room.
Actually Stuart smelled his sister before he saw her, a strong musky scent that caused his heart to start beating faster as he breathed it in.
She smiled and sat down by him on the couch. "Hello, dear brother."
Dear brother.
"What do you want?" Stuart asked.
Abby looked hurt. "I just want to hear more about your trip to Scotland."
"I told you all about it."
"Not all of it," said Abby. Her hand started to rub Stuart's leg. Her touch was electric. "Tell me about Jenny."
"What... what about her?" Stuart's penis started to rapidly assemble inside his pants.
"You were all alone with her for two weeks... how was she?"
Stuart reddened. He had been seeing Jenny for nearly nine months, but he had never talked about intimate details with his sister before. And yet, the lump in his pants was starting to ache. Abby's musky scent was exciting him in a way he didn't quite understand.
"She... was fine," said Stuart.
"Fine?" said Abby. She boldly ran her fingers over the outlines of Stuart's penis in his pants. "Did you like putting it in her?"
"Yes," Stuart said, as he started to pant.
"Did you like making her cry and moan?" Abby's hand worked more insistently now, rubbing him through the material of his trousers.
"Yes," said Stuart. Only he wasn't thinking of Jenny now. he was thinking of his sister, his sister with her protruding breasts, and heavy makeup, and light filled eyes that were clearly hungry for him.
"Did you like coming inside of her? Did you enjoy filling her with your cum?" Somehow Stuart's pants were open, and Abby's hand was inside, rubbing him directly, flesh to flesh.
"Yes," said Stuart, with some urgency. He watched his sister's lips move closer to his. Closer, closer, closer.....
"No!" Stuart cried, jumping up rapidly. He closed his trousers.
"What's wrong?" Abby cried, as if she didn't know.
"We're brother and sister," said Stuart.
"So?" said Abby. She glanced meaningfully at his obvious erection.
"It... it's not right," said Stuart.
"It will be," said Abby, with a sensuous smile.
Stuart ran to his room and closed the door.
"I failed, Mother."
Carla hugged her young one. "It was your first attempt. And I know Stuart can be stubborn, dear."
"So is it finally my turn to try, Mother?" Charlotte asked.
"Yes, dear," said Carla. She felt her rider whisper something in her mind. "Here is what I want you to do."
It took Stuart some time to fall asleep that night. His encounter with Abby disturbed him more than he knew. It was not merely that his sister was sexually attracted to him. It had also been his reaction. He had gotten an erection. He had actually been tempted by her. Tempted to betray the woman he loved, Jenny Halverson.
His dreams quickly turned to her. He remembered that special night they had shared in their hotel room in Glascow. It was Stuart's 22nd birthday, and Jenny had promised him a special gift, one she had never given him before. He found out what it was shortly after they got to bed. For the first time ever, he felt Jenny's lips on his shaft.
The feeling of wetness, the feeling of tightness was incredible. Stuart moaned with pleasure as he relived the experience. The dream felt so real, so vivid. The smell in the air was so strong, a strong, musky smell which only made Stuart even more aroused.
And then he woke up, and looked down, and saw his younger sister fellating him in bed.
"Char, what are you doing?" Stuart cried.
Charlotte was completely nude, as was Stuart. She calmly let her brother's penis slide out of her mouth with a pop. "I'm sucking you off, dear brother. What does it look like I'm doing?" Stuart's rod was hard and red. Charlotte smiled as she started to fist his shaft with her dainty fingers.
Stuart groaned.
"Do you want me to stop, dear brother?"
Stuart groaned again.
"What was that?"
Stuart shook his head. "No."
Charlotte smiled. Carla's plan had worked. She had instructed Charlotte to wait until Stuart was asleep and then to go into his bedroom and sit silently for twenty minutes until the pheromones were thoroughly embedded in his system. Now Stuart was lost in need, so lost that he would accept pleasure even from his little sister.
Charlotte moved upwards so she was on top of Stuart. She started kissing him passionately. Stuart kissed her back. He felt his raging hardon sandwiched between his sister's body and his own. He needed to come so badly. All thoughts of the impropriety of having relations with his sister went out the window as Charlotte ground her small titties against his chest. They were so soft!
Charlotte felt her rider whisper something in her ear. Stuart was ready. She lifted his penis and aimed it upwards. "Are you ready to make love, dear brother?"
"I need to come, Char. I need it so badly," Stuart groaned.
"You will come, dear brother. I will take care of all your needs," said Charlotte earnestly. And then, slowly but surely, she inserted her brother into her.
Stuart's eyes widened as he realized he was inside his younger sister for the very first time. She felt warm and wet, stimulating him painfully.
Charlotte smiled as he groaned passionately, and then she started to move against him.
Carla and Sam watched quietly from a crack in the doorway as Charlotte rode up and down on her brother's penis, continuing the cycle of life. Sam had given Carla a rider and Carla had given Charlotte one and now Charlotte was helping her brother. "He's going to look so good with a rider on him," said Sam excitedly. "Isn't it great, Carla? Family helping family. Your little girl is helping Stuart finally become a man."
Carla nodded, smiling. "I knew Charlotte could do it." She reached out for Sam's hand and held it as they watched Charlotte gasp as her rider started to bubble on her back. "My little girl is making Hive life. Her first reproduction. A new master for her brother. I'm so proud of her," Carla whispered. She saw the look in Sam's eyes and felt the same. Carla and Sam shared a kiss.
But before long it became obvious that Charlotte was experiencing some problems. She was bouncing up and down on Stuart's penis, and her rider was bubbling, but it wasn't splitting. "Go to her," Sam whispered, giving Carla a push.
Carla entered the bedroom. Stuart's face was glazed with an erotic smile as his younger sister bounced up and down on his penis. Charlotte was sweating bullets as she tried to give her rider the energy to reproduce. But somehow, it wasn't getting enough of what it needed.
"What's wrong, dear?" Carla asked.
"I don't know, Mother!" said Charlotte. This was her very first reproduction. She had been very anxious that it go well. When Carla had given her the honor of creating a new master for Stuart, Charlotte had been understandably pleased to be allowed to spread the Hive in her own home. But she had naturally been nervous as well. Carla had hugged her and fucked her gently and assured her that she would do just fine. But now she couldn't get her rider to finish the reproduction process. It was bubbling on her back, but somehow it didn't have the energy it needed to finish splitting!
Carla heard a voice inside her head, a voice too low to understand, and suddenly she instinctively knew what to do. She rapidly peeled off her clothes, ripping her underwear in the process, and then took Charlotte's hand and pulled her off her brother.
"Hey!" said Charlotte.
Carla started to kiss her daughter. "You're so sexy, Charlotte."
"I am?" said Charlotte, her attitude immediately changing.
"You ARE!" said Carla with a certainty no one could doubt. She started to rub her daughter's clitoris in an all too familiar pattern. Charlotte had gotten too used to her mother's touch. She groaned with pleasure almost automatically as her body responded.
Carla smiled slyly at her youngest one. "You are a such a great fuck, Charlotte."
"I am?" said Charlotte, looking gratified.
"Yessss," Carla smiled as her. "You are the best fuck I've ever had! I love grinding my vulva against you-"
"Oh Mom!" Charlotte's rider started to bubble up more intensely.
"I love watching you moan as I suck on your clit-"
"Oh Mom!" Charlotte cried again, as her mother pressed her much larger breasts tightly against her. Meanwhile, Carla's hand worked like a blur between her daughter's legs.
"-and I loved enslaving you, watching a rider I made take control of your mind and your body and your young cunt-"
"Oh Mom! Oh Mom oh Mom oh Mom!" Charlotte cried. She stiffened, an alien glow filled her eyes, and the rider on her back started to split. Charlotte was in sexual heaven, her eyes glued to the ceiling with a wide grin on her face as her rider split into two.
Charlotte couldn't be prouder of her little girl as her newborn rider was born.
Unfortunately, Carla's intervention gave Stuart time to come to his senses. He still felt sexual arousal, but not nearly as strongly. And then he saw the rider, intended for him, that Charlotte was holding in her dainty hands.
"No!" he cried, jumping out of bed, his penis still erect. "You're not putting that on me!"
Carla looked from her daughters to Stuart. She didn't know what to do. She hadn't been prepared to take an unwilling host. Her rider pulsated on her back. And then, at that moment, Sam glided into the room.
"Aunt Sam!" said Stuart. He tried to cover his erection with his hands as his face reddened. "I didn't... I mean, it was Charlotte who-"
"I know all about it, Stuart," said Sam calmly, giving him a warm smile. "I was the one who sent Charlotte to you."
"You did?" said Stuart.
"Um hm," said Sam. She parted Stuart's hands which were hiding his erection. He found himself powerless to resist her. He blushed furiously as she looked down at his penis and smiled. "So handsome, so sexy." And then Aunt Sam actually put her hand on Stuart's penis!
"Oh!" Stuart gasped. Her touch was electric. Aunt Sam was so beautiful!
"But... they're my sisters," Stuart said.
"They are biologically mature females, just as you are a biologically mature male," said Sam, squeezing his penis to make her point. "If everything had gone to plan, you would have come inside your sister as your rider took control of you. You wouldn't have noticed a thing." She looked at Charlotte and sighed. "It's not your fault, dear. It's your first reproduction. These things happen. But now we must attend to your brother and help him out with his need."
"There's no way you're putting that thing on my back!" Stuart cried. He was still naked, with a large erection, surrounded by his female family members.
Sam sighed theatrically. "All right, Stuart. No one will force you."
Stewart looked warily at his family members. "Really?"
"Really," said Sam. "You're free to get dressed and walk right out that door."
Stuart reached down for his clothes.
"Of course, you'll never see your father again."
"What?" Stuart froze.
"Your dear father," said Sam. "I loved feeling him inside me."
"You... you did it with Dad?" Stuart asked.
"Um hm," said Sam.
"And you knew about this, Mom?" Stuart asked.
"She knew about it and approved," said Sam. "As you will, once you take a rider."
"I told you I'm not taking it!" Stuart said.
"Then you will never see your father again," said Sam. "Your father volunteered to have a serpent put into his head. It was all part of a grand experiment. He's under the direct control of the Hive now, being used as part of a special project. We were going to release him when we had finished, but if you don't cooperate I'm afraid you'll never see him again."
"Dad... isn't coming home?"
Susan shook her head sadly. "Not unless you take a rider."
"Mom, is this true?" said Stuart.
Carla nodded. "Every word of it, dear," she heard herself say.
"What... what does this rider do to you?"
"Not much. Not very much at all. You might say it enhances sensations," said Sam. "But I know you're not interested. I'll return to the Hive and inform them you refused to take a rider." She turned to go.
"Wait!" Stuart swallowed heavily. He saw the no-nonsense expression on Sam's face. "I'll... I'll let you do it. I'll let you put one on me."
Sam shook her head. "That's not good enough, Stuart. The Hive only takes willing volunteers."
Stuart stared at the pulsating rider in Sam's hand. "I'll... I'll take it."
"If you're serious, then lean against the wall, Stuart," said Sam. When he didn't start moving, she turned to go.
"All right!" said Stuart. He leaned against the wall with his palms out. He looked so defenseless, leaning there completely nude, with his round ass cheeks sticking out. His penis, still erect, jutted out in front of him.
Sam smiled and approached Stuart. "Stuart, would you like a rider?"
Stuart grimaced. "I... I suppose."
"You suppose?" Sam looked disgusted. She turned to the door. "Say goodbye to your father, Stuart-"
"Wait!" Stuart cried. "Wait," he added, more softly. He took a deep breath. As he did so, his erection bobbed in front of him. "I... I want it."
"Want what, Stuart?" said Sam, taking a step towards him, still holding the baby rider.
"The thing-"
"The rider-"
"The rider, yes," said Stuart.
"You want me to plant it on your back, Stuart?" Sam asked, taking another step towards him.
"Yes," said Stuart. He looked at her with fear in his eyes. "Please, Aunt Sam, please... put the rider on me."
Sam gave a cold smile. "Do you really want that, Stuart? Do you really want to be ridden, to have a rider on your back and in your mind and even in your penis?"
"I'll feel it down there?" Stuart asked.
Sam leaned close to him. "You'll feel it everywhere," she said, her green eyes sparkling. "So what will it be, Stuart?"
Stuart swallowed heavily. He realized this was his last chance. "Yes. I want to be ridden. I..."
"Want a rider on my back and in my mind," said Sam.