Chapter 49.2

"Yes," said Stuart, with tears streaming from his cheeks. "I... want a rider on my back... and in my mind...."

Carla, watching her son being tormented like this, couldn't help but be aroused. As her rider pulsated on her back, she unconsciously moved a hand between her legs and started rubbing her clit. The sight of her son being so subjugated, being made to beg for a new master, excited her beyond belief.

Charlotte and Abby were similarly affected. Charlotte caressed Stuart's ass. "I want to train him, Mother."

"No," said Abby, fondling his erect penis sticking out in front of him. "I want to train him."

"To train me?" said Stuart.

Sam smiled. "Once you take a rider, you will have to be trained. If you cooperate, the Hive will allow you to select your trainer."

Stuart swallowed heavily. He remembered the feeling of Charlotte riding on his penis. "Charlotte," he said, in a husky voice. "I want Charlotte... to train me."

Abby scowled and Charlotte tittered in delight as she kissed her brother on the cheek. "You won't regret it, brother!" she cried.

Sam gave Carla a look of satisfaction. Perhaps Stuart wouldn't resist the Hive has much as they thought. Sam nodded. "Very well, Stuart. Charlotte will be the one to train you. And now it is time to take your rider."

Stuart looked at the small pulsating mass in her hands with fear in his eyes.

"Don't be afraid," said Sam. "Take a deep, easy breath."

Stuart breathed in.

"Good. Now take another... now say, I want to be ridden."

"I want... to be ridden," said Stuart.

"Keep saying that, while taking deep, easy breaths...."

"I want to be ridden," Stuart repeated, breathing deeply. The sight of him, begging to be taken, with his stiff erection bobbing between his legs, made all the girls' clitoris's tingle, even Sam's. "I want it, I want it, I want it-"

And then Stuart stiffened as Sam implanted his new master between his shoulder blades. "My head, my head!"

In seconds, it was all over, and everyone was hugging and kissing and congratulating him on joining the Hive.

Even after Stuart got his rider, it took time for him to understand the new sexual dynamics of the family situation. "So... you all have sex with each other?" he asked, looking from Carla to Abby to Charlotte, each of whom nodded with sly smiles. "But you're our Mom, and Charlotte and Abby are your daughters!"

"We are a new family unit," said Carla smugly, as she fondled Charlotte's bare breast. "Once your rider matures, you will understand completely."


"Takes control of your mind," said Carla.

"No!" Stuart cried.

"It is inevitable," said Carla. "Your father has a rider. I have one as well. And so do your sisters, and now you. You will join us, Stuart." And she said it with such conviction that Stuart found himself giving in to the inevitable. "Charlotte will train you. You will enjoy it and quickly come to love it as much as we do."

Stuart felt the clammy rider on his back, and saw the strange glow in the eyes of the women around him, and he sighed heavily.

Stuart proved to be as stubborn as Carla feared.

He obediently mounted his sister and rode her as the Hive required, but he refused to repeat the key phrases. Stuart's rider withheld his orgasm, but Stuart, grunting, still refused to say the words.

Charlotte, totally nude, her labial lips stretched, came running into the kitchen with tears streaming down her cheeks. "Mom!" she cried, even as Carla embraced her.

"What's wrong?" Carla asked.

"It's Stuart," Charlotte sniffed. "He refuses to be trained. He's going to make me look bad for the Hive!"

"Nonsense!" said Carla firmly. "The Hive is thoroughly in love with your young, sweet body." She kissed her daughter firmly to reinforce that. She felt Charlotte's body stop trembling as she calmed down.

"But I failed!"

Carla sighed. "We'll have to call in a specialist."

Stuart was stimulated.

And he was stimulated.

And he was stimulated even more.

His rider kept him in this state for six solid hours. No matter how much he touched himself he couldn't climax. He groaned in agony. He even begged Charlotte to finish him off, but she wouldn't come near him.

And then, finally, when he was on the edge of sanity, Aunt Sam came into his bedroom. She saw Stuart, bleary eyed, feebly trying to rub his hard shaft, eager to get some kind of release. Any kind of release.

"Just look at you, Stuart," said Sam. "When you first took your rider, you were so smart and handsome. You had such promise, such potential." She casually took off her Survey Service dayshirt, and started working on her bra.

"And now look at you," said Sam. "You've lost your way." As she said "way", she unclipped her Survey Service bra and her heavy breasts came spilling out. She smiled as she saw Stuart's eyes widen.

"Would you like me to help you out, Stuart?" Sam asked, as she casually let her military issue skirt drop to the ground around her. She was only wearing her panties now. "Would you like that?"

"Yes, Aunt Sam!" Stuart cried.

Sam pulled down her panties, and enjoyed hearing Stuart's audible gasp. "Come with me and I will help you." She strode into the bathroom without looking back.

Stuart followed, looking at Aunt Sam's firm ass cheeks and her heavy banded rider pulsating on her back.

Sam had Stuart lean against the wall of the shower with his palms out. It was remarkably like the submissive pose he had assumed when he had first taken his rider. Stuart stood there, leaning forward, with his stiff penis jutting out between his legs. "Are you going to help me, Aunt Sam?"

"Indeed I am," said Sam. With every step she took her sexy breasts swayed. She smiled as she saw the effect she had on him. And then, as Stuart stood there, leaning against the wall, Sam started to caress his rider.

"Oooooh!" Stuart cried.

"Do you like that, Stuart?" Sam asked. Stuart's immature rider was soft to the touch, and even liquidy in parts.

"Yes," said Stuart. "But it also hurts!"

"But it also feels good," said Sam.

For the next thirty minutes, Sam proceeded to edge Stuart like he had never been edged before. He cried out, he pleaded for release, but Sam gave him no quarter.

"Are you going to serve the Hive, Stuart?"

"Yes!" he cried, practically leaping out of his skin as Sam's finger made a slow circuit around the edge of his rider. "Aunt Sam, my balls, they hurt, they hurt!"

"Do you want your rider to control your mind?'

"Yes!" Stuart cried, with such sincerity that Sam smiled. "Please Aunt Sam, I need to come so badly!"

"Are you going to obey everything your mother and sisters tell you to do?"

"Yes!" Stuart cried. "Please, Aunt Sam, please, I need to come!"

"All right, Stuart," said Sam, taking her hand away from his rider. Instead she started to play with herself. One hand played with her titties while the other hand rubbed her thick labial lips.

"Would you like to come inside of me, Stuart?"

"Yes!" Stuart cried.

"I don't know, Stuart. You're my nephew. Is that proper?" Sam asked.

"I don't care!" Stuart cried.

"Do you think I'm sexy, Stuart?" Sam asked, as she diddled herself more rapidly.

"Yes! You're the sexiest woman alive!" Stuart cried.

"Really?" said Sam, feeling a thrill course through her body.

"Yes! Can we do it now?"

Sam's hands immediately dropped to her sides. Stuart frowned with disappointment. "I'm afraid not, Stuart. You see, the Hive didn't assign me to see to your needs. That duty was given to another."

She strode out of the bathroom, still completely nude. The rider on her back was enormous, looking on the verge of sliding off, its thick triple gold bands practically glowing with brightness.

Stuart followed her back into his bedroom, where he saw his sister, Charlotte, completely nude, sitting on his bed.

This can't be a coincidence, Stuart thought.

"Stuart, is there something you want to say to your sister?" Sam asked.

Stuart head his rider whisper something in audible in his ear. "Sis... I'm... I'm sorry I was disobedient." He saw the blank look on her face. "Please, I need to come. Please, let me come."

"What do you think, Charlotte? Does your brother sound sincere?"

"Possibly," said Charlotte. She casually rubbed her brown pubis. "But he seemed sincere before too."

"True," said Sam. "Actions do speak louder than words, Stuart. Why don't you show Charlotte how sorry you are, rather than just telling her?"

Charlotte smiled and lay back on the bed. Her legs were over the edge and planted on the ground. She was in the perfect position to be fucked.

Stuart eagerly moved between her legs. But as he did, he felt a hand pushing him down to his knees. He looked up at Aunt Sam who said, "You know what to do."

And somehow, Stuart, who was now nearly at eye level with his sister's vagina, knew.

He was lost in need. He had no choice.

Sam smiled as she watched her nephew fellate her niece. She realized that only a month ago it would have been inconceivable for her to facilitate such a union. The idea of her nephew sucking her niece's clitoris would have filled her with horror. But now all she felt was satisfaction. She had a perfect view of the rider on Stuart's back. It was small, but with his recent exertions, was starting to grow. The thought of her nephew being controlled along with the rest of her sister's family made her labia and nipples tingle.

Stuart brought his sister to orgasm. It was not truly an expert lovemaking, as Stuart had never done this to a woman before, not even his girlfriend Jenny. But was good enough to get Charlotte off. Charlotte shuddered as her brother's tongue and lips sucked her clit until she felt an explosion inside of her. As she came down from her high she sat up and played with his hair appreciatively.

"You see? You're all friends again," said Sam.

"Yes," said Stuart. "Sis? Can you bring me off now?"

"After lunch," said Sam, answering quickly for her niece. "Aren't you hungry?"


"Well, I am."

It was obvious to Stuart that this delay was part of his punishment. Sam didn't want him to quickly forget his act of disobedience. And so, with his penis and balls still aching with needs, he was forced to sit through lunch with his mother and sisters. All were naked, but acted like they weren't, talking casually as if Stewart wasn't even in their midst.

"How was he, dear?" Carla asked.

Charlotte rolled her eyes upwards. "Mom, he was wonderful! I think he's going to obey now. I can't wait to continue his training."

"How about it, Stuart? Are you going to be perfectly obedient with your sister now?"

"Yes, Mom."

"Will you help your rider grow stronger on your back and in your mind?"

"Yes, Mom," said Stuart.

Carla smiled. "He must have looked so sexy when you were fondling his rider, Sam."

"He did," said Sam. "He was so submissive, so eager to please. I think you're going to have reason to be proud of your young man now."

They drew out lunch as long as they could, delaying between courses. The girls commented on Stuart's state of arousal and even made him display his erection. Finally they got to dessert, and after Stuart begged and pleaded, they were done.

"Can we go now?" Stuart said, looking at Charlotte with pleading eyes.

"I'm afraid Charlotte is not available for the next hour or two," said Sam. "She has another engagement, don't you, Charlotte?"

Charlotte's rider pulsated on her back. "Yes, I do."

Stuart watched as his sisters sat back to back, their minds millions of miles away as their riders communed.

Both girls panted slowly and rocked back and forth. Stuart saw that Charlotte's small titties were hard and erect.

"What are they doing?" he asked.

"It's called communing," said Sam. "You'll simply love it, after you try it."

"How long will they be doing that for?"

Sam shrugged. "An hour... two.... Three?"

"Three hours!" Stuart got down on his knees. "Please, Aunt Sam, help me!"

"I am no longer your Aunt," said Sam coldly. "You are simply a sexually mature young man being trained. This is part of your training."

And so Stuart was forced to sit and watch for two hours as his sisters rocked back and forth and had mental sex with each other. He knew better than to try to bring himself off. His hand burned every time he even tried to touch his penis. Meanwhile his balls and shaft felt like they were going to explode. When the communing session was done and his sisters came out of it, Charlotte wiped her brow.

"Tired, dear?" Sam asked.

"Yeah," said Charlotte.

"Maybe you'd like a nap," Sam suggested.

"No!" said Stuart. He got down on his hands and knees in front of his sister. "Please, bring me off first. Please please please."

Charlotte considered for a long moment. "All right, dear brother. If you feel you've learned your lesson."

"I have! I really have!"

Charlotte lay back on the couch and spread her legs. That was all the invitation Stuart needed. Even as Abby And Sam watched, he got between his sister's legs and started plowing like mad. It wasn't sixty seconds before he gave an ear curdling scream. And then he collapsed on top of her, crying softly.

"I think he's coming along splendidly," Sam told Abby, who nodded in agreement.

For the next two days Stuart eagerly repeated whatever his sister Charlotte told him. He willingly had sex with her on top, knowing that every thrust of his pelvis, every exertion and effort, was only helping his rider get stronger and stronger. He told Charlotte that he wanted the Hive to control his mind; he said he wanted to be used to fertilize women; he said he wanted to be enslaved.

But despite his breakdown, there was still one area of resistance inside Stuart's mind.

"It's Jenny," Charlotte told her mother and Aunt Sam. "He says he'll infect her, but my rider tells me he doesn't mean it."

Carla and Sam exchanged glances. "Does he mean it when he says he wants to be controlled by his rider?"

Charlotte made a face. "Sort of. I think."

"You think," said Sam, in an ominous tone. She sighed, and her breasts heaved.

"What do you think, Sam?" Carla said.

"I think that Stewart may require one more lesson," said Sam grimly.

Stewart had been stimulated again, for hours, without being allowed to climax. It was only after he was properly prepared again that his Aunt Sam paid him another visit.

"But I did everything you said," Stuart whined.

"But you didn't mean it," said Sam.

"How do you know?"

"Your rider knows," said Sam.

"Please, Aunt Sam, give me another chance! I'll... I'll eat you out. Or anyone else you want."

Sam gave a cold smile. "I know you will. But your next assignment is an easy one. All you have to do is have sex with your girlfriend Jenny."

Stuart's eyebrows shot up. "Sex... with Jenny?" He hadn't seen Jenny... not since he got his rider.

"Yes," said Sam. "She is the only one who can bring you off now."

Stuart looked at his Aunt suspiciously. "But... what if she sees my rider?"

"Make sure she doesn't," said Sam. "Can you do that, Stuart? Can you have sex with your girlfriend, for the Hive?"

"Sure," said Stuart cautiously. He was aware that there had to be more to it than that, though.

And there was.

"Before you go, you must be properly prepared."


"Open your pants, Stuart. Open your pants and show me your penis."

Sam smiled as her nephew obediently opened his trousers and took out his penis. It was ramrock hard from hours of being stimulated by his rider.

"Now hold out your hand."

Stuart held out his hand.

Sam dropped something into it. A worm. "Now put it on your penis."


"Obey, Stuart."

Stuart practically jumped at the word, dropping the worm onto his penis. It quickly slithered to the head of his shaft and wrapped itself tightly around it. "Ah!" he cried.

"Feels good, doesn't it?"

"What will it do to me?"

"To you, nothing. It's meant for another."

Stuart's jaw dropped. "Jenny?"

"None other," Sam grinned.

"But... but...."

"You told Charlotte you would bring Jenny into the Hive, didn't you?"

"Well, yes, but-"

"There are no buts, Stuart," said Sam firmly. "You will have sex with Jenny tonight. You will give her the worm."

"But... that would be such a betrayal!"

"You are correct. Joining the Hive requires you to sever bonds to irrelevant relationships. You may feel love for Jenny, but it is a puny thing compared to the love the Hive will share with you. You must betray Jenny to prove your love to the Hive."

"No!" said Stuart.

"You will do it," said Sam. "Momomomomom."

"Momomomomom," said Stuart, suddenly becoming wide eyed.

"Momomomomom. Mamoomisham!"

"Momomomomom. Momomomomom," said Stuart.

"Good," Sam smiled. "You will have sex with Jenny tonight."

"I will have sex with Jenny tonight."

"Then you will explain how and why you betrayed her, to earn your sexual release."

"Yes, I will do that," said Stuart, in a monotone. His immature rider pulsated strongly between his shoulder blades.

"I missed you so much," said Jenny feverishly, as Stuart kissed her. They were making love in Jenny's bedroom, a risky thing to do since her parents were downstairs. But Jenny missed Stuart so much, and by the passion Stuart showed her, he evidently missed you too.

"I didn't hear from you in three days, what were you doing?"

"It's hard to explain," said Stewart feverishly, as he pounded between her legs. He had been stimulated for hours, but his rider didn't allow him immediate release. Whether it was trying to do him a favor by prolonging the pleasure or further punishing him, he wasn't sure. He hadn't hesitated a single moment before sticking his penis in his lovely girlfriend's vagina the first chance he got, despite the presence of the worm on the head of his penis. He had been burning up with too much need.

And then finally, his relief came, and he cried out with joy.

"Quiet, my parents will hear," Jenny hissed. But her voice was tinged with pleasure. She loved watching Stuart come. She also liked wrapping her arms around his back when he came, but for some reason Stuart kept moving her hands down, to his waist. As he flooded into her, Jenny climaxed a few seconds later.

They lay together, in sexual bliss, for a good ten seconds. And then Jenny gasped and sat up. "I feel something!"

She reached down with her hand and cried out, pulling her hand away from her clitoris as if it had touched a hot stove.

Stuart wearily explained it all. How he had taken a rider. How he had had sex with his sisters. How his rider had prevented him from climaxing until he infected her with the worm.

Jenny was outraged. "You infected me with this creature so you could get your rocks off?"

"Jenny, you don't know how badly it stimulated me-"

"I don't care! I thought you loved me!" she cried. "You put the feelings in your dick ahead of my well being!"

"Jenny please-"

"Get out!" she threw his shirt at him. "Get out now, or I'll scream for my parents!"

When Stuart got home, only his penis felt relieved. Jenny had been right; he had betrayed her, simply for sexual pleasure. When he got home, Carla hugged him and his sisters hugged and kissed him and tended him like he was a wounded sparrow. Charlotte rubbed his body all over. "You must feel awful. Would you like me to remove some of the pain?"

Stuart nodded dully, aware that all eyes were on him.

And so, after making love to his girlfriend, Stuart made love to his sister again. Tears came streaming down his cheeks as he described what he had done.

"I betrayed her," he said, as he plowed into his sister's cunt.

"Yes, you did, but it was all for the good," said Charlotte. "It will further your introduction into the Hive."

They continued the sex act without any reinforcement, which itself was a form of reinforcement--reinforcing the fact that Stuart could enjoy the act of sex with his sister right after he had been firmly rejected by his lover.

The last thing Jenny had said to him was that she never wanted to speak to him again. That didn't turn out to be true. She quickly learned about the properties of the worm on her clit. She learned of its ability to give pain as easily as it gave pleasure. Its ability to stop her from removing it or telling anyone else about its existence. Once she settled down into a state of semi-acceptance, the worm got to work stimulating her.

And stimulating her.

And stimulating her.

By the next day she was calling Stuart, with tears streaming down her cheeks. "Make it stop, Stuart! Make it stop!"

Stuart went to his mother for help. But his mother, with a double banded rider on her back and an alien gleam in her eye, was little more than a tool of the Hive now, saying and doing whatever was required of her.

"Her torment will only end once she takes a rider."

Stuart gulped. He suspected that would be the answer. He took a deep breath. "All right, then... give it to her."

Her mother gave an alien smile. "No, Stuart, you will."


"Once your rider matures, it will be able to reproduce."

In a stroke, Stuart understood what Aunt Sam and the Hive had done. They had forced him to Infect Jenny to use her as leverage. Now he had every incentive to help his rider mature as rapidly as possible.

Carla watched her son's face and saw his understanding. "It's all for the best, dear. Soon you'll come to love it as much as we do."

And so Stuart made a choice. He couldn't stand to hear Jenny calling him, four or five times a day, suffering in sexual agony. He had to help her get her release. And to do that, he had to help his rider mature.

Stuart took to his training with gusto. He pulled Charlotte into his bedroom every morning after breakfast and pounded her. He was always on top. He repeated every word Charlotte told him, even the phrase, "I will give Jenny a rider." When Charlotte got tired and needed a rest, Stuart continued his training with his sister Abby. For the first time Abby felt her brother's firm penis inside her and was pleased.

For three more days Stuart worked vigorously with both sisters. He was on the edge of exhaustion. Every few hours he would look in the mirror, anxiously hoping to see the gold band emerge. On the last day he saw the faint golden band appear, and knew he was close.

But the girls wanted a break. They had been fucked by their brother for three days straight and wanted some "away time" with each other. Stuart, desperate, turned to his mother for help. "Please, Mom! Help my rider mature! I'll do anything, anything!"

And Carla, feeling intense sympathy for her son swell up in her bosom, took him by the hand and walked with him to the master bedroom. In moments, she felt her son inside her for the very first time. As she began to bond with him, as she saw her pleasure reflecting in his very own eyes, as she heard him groan and moan as he rubbed the head of his penis inside her, she realized that the Hive was a gift that kept on giving.

There were tears streaming down Stuart's cheeks as he looked at his rider in the bathroom mirror. His mother, wearing a bathrobe, hugged him and kissed him gently on the cheek. "I know how hard you wanted this, dear. I'm glad for you."

Stuart nodded. "I have to call Jenny."

"Now?" his mother asked. "Can't this wait until morning?"


"Jenny, how good to see you!" Carla hugged Jenny tightly. Next came Charlotte, who also gave her a warm hug, followed by a smirking Abby. Stuart hung back uncertainly in the background, wearing a bathrobe.

Jenny responded less enthusiastically. She knew exactly what she was here for. She had to accept one of those creatures on her back. She hated the idea, but hated the idea of continuing to be in sexual agony even more. After three days of experiencing near continuous sexual arousal, her mind was fried. She had to get release, one way or another.

"I understand you're here to get a rider from my son," said Carla.

Jenny nodded.

"It's going to look so beautiful on your back!" said Carla. "You'll come to love it as much as we do."

"But... it controls your minds, doesn't it?" said Jenny fearfully.

"You'll see," said Carla. "Don't you want to say hello to your lover?"

Jenny stared at Stuart. There was an awkward moment between them.

"Well, don't just stand there, Stuart, kiss your girlfriend!" said Carla.

Stuart hugged Jenny, who emitted a soft sob. And then he kissed her, because the Hive told her to. "I'm going to try to make this as painless as possible."

Jenny gave a curt nod.

"Come, young lovers," said Carla. "The bedroom awaits."

Jenny was in for a surprise when she got to the bedroom. Jenny's mother Julia was there. And she was totally naked.

"Mom?" said Jenny uncertainly. "What are you doing here?" And then she noticed the rider on her mother's back. "Oh my God, Mom! You too?"

"Yes, dear, me too," said Julia. "I joined the Hive just a few days ago. My rider just matured the other day. Doesn't it look good on me?" She turned around to proudly show her banded rider.

"Oh, Mom," said Jenny sadly.

"Are you ready to have Stuart make a rider for you, Jenny?" Carla asked.

"I... I guess," said Jenny, stifling a sob.

"Then take off your clothes, dear."

Jenny disrobed, never making eye contact with anyone. She was in a room full of people who had never seen her naked before... as well as her Mom!

When Jenny's panties dropped to the ground, Charlotte whistled. "Nice body! The Hive will certainly enjoy using her."

"Yes," said Julia. "My little girl is going to make a lot of men happy."

"Mom, how can you say that!" said Jenny.

"But you will, Jenny," said Carla. "When you join the Hive, you will service many men. Many people." She turned to Stuart. "Are you ready, dear?"

Stuart nodded. He reached over to touch Jenny, but Carla pulled his arm away. He looked questioningly at his mother. "I thought I was to make a rider for her."

"You are going to make a rider for Jenny, dear," said Carla. "But not with Jenny."

Stuart looked from Jenny, to her mother, and suddenly it all became clear. "You want me to... with Jenny's mother... while Jenny watches?" He bit his lip. "Why, Mother?"

"It's your final rite of passage before you fully join the Hive," said Carla smugly. Sam had explained it to her several days ago. "You must fully betray your love by having sex with her mother. Jenny, in turn, must watch and enjoy the fruits of your labor."

"Please, don't do it, Stuart," said Jenny. "Oh!" She cried out, grabbing her groin, as her worm stimulated her clit again.

Jenny looked so helpless, so needy, as she clutched her vaginal lips. Stuart knew he had to help her. He had to help the woman he loved. And if the only way to help her was to betray her, then....

"Come," said Julia, her arms outstretched. "Come to me, dear."

Julia was a small Chinese woman, much like her daughter, with small, pointed titties. Stuart flowed into her arms. As he did, Carla turned Jenny and had her lean against the wall, with her arms outspread. "It won't be long now, dear."

"Please, Stuart, don't do it!" Jenny cried again.

But Stuart responded to a different master. His newly mature rider pulsated on his back, its golden band gleaming. He confidently inserted himself inside of Jenny's mother, and started thrusting. It wasn't long before Stuart's rider started bubbling up.

"His first reproduction," said Carla, watching with admiration as she petted Jenny's long black hair. "To think he was a rebel just a few days ago. I'm so proud of how far he's come."

"What's happening on his back?" Jenny whispered.

"He's making a rider, just for you."

"No," Jenny whispered. She saw a line starting to form down the middle of Stuart's back. In moments there would be a newborn rider, just waiting for her.

"You will love it," said Carla. "After you are properly trained, you will bring all your friends and cousins into the Hive. But first you will start with your father."

"No, not Dad!" Jenny cried. "I'll never do it!"

Carla gave a knowing smile as if she knew better. And then she heard the most beautiful sound in the world as her son cried out, and his back arched and his ass stuck out as his rider finished reproducing. As it did, Stuart flooded into Jenny's mother, filling her with his seed.

A moment later Stuart stood before her, with an odd grin on his face. He looked at his former lover, who was whimpering as she faced the wall.

"Doesn't she look so submissive, so sexy, darling?" Carla asked, caressing his ass.

"Yes," said Stuart. "And she's going to be even more so once she joins the Hive."

"Stuart, no!" Jenny cried.

"Repeat after me, dear," said Carla. "I want a rider. I want to be ridden."​
Next page: Chapter 50.1
Previous page: Chapter 49.1