Chapter 50.1
Major Samantha Arden of the United Survey Service is a senior official in HomePlanet Security and is a very skilled ESPer, which makes her a prime target for the Hive. She has a strained marriage with her husband Gavin and is secretly in love with her superior officer, Colonel Jack Sullivan. Sam gets taken by the Hive. Her latest assignment, to bring her sister Carla's family into the Hive, is about to take a disturbing turn.
Once Carla's entire family had been fully brought into the Hive, Sam reported back to Gavin that her latest assignment was complete. That's all her extended family had been to her; an assignment. She had taken her sister and her family as easily as she had strangers.
Gavin hugged her when he heard the news, and gave her a special treat: he made love to her, for the first time in a long while. Sam lay back on the bed, feeling his large penis penetrating her. She closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of being roughly used, as her head jolted back and forth against the pillow behind her with every thrust, as her breasts wobbled up and down as Gavin plowed in and out of her.
Sam was receiving sexual pleasure, but somehow, now that she had a basis of comparison, she found that she enjoyed being used by Jack even better, even if he was a little smaller than Gavin's Hive altered sex organ.
Also, Jack seemed to genuinely care for her. Sam no longer had any illusion that Gavin was in love with her; to him, she was just a tool, a piece of meat to be used by the Hive. Still, when he brought her to climax, she felt a surge of joy radiating out of her vagina as she was wonderfully impaled by her husband's cockmeat.
But Sam's trials with her family were not over. The next day, Gavin said, "I want you to take your parents, your sister Carla and her family to the cave for reassignment."
"Reassignment?" said Sam.
"Not to worry," said Gavin. "They are only being taken in for evaluation."
"All of them? Even the youngest daughter, Charlotte?"
"All of them, even Charlotte," Gavin smiled. "Is that a problem?"
"No," said Sam. "I'll get right on it."
And so that was how Sam explained it to Carla, that they were being taken in for an evaluation. In her heart Sam knew that there would be no evaluation. They would all be used up for some kind of horrific experiment. The only hope Sam had was that she could use what little influence she had to help them avoid the worst of the worst.
Sam looked at her sister as she drove. She and Carla had never been exactly close, but now that Carla had joined the Hive Sam felt a strong connection to her, intimate, sexual, and emotional. They had shared more over the past few weeks than they had in years. Sam didn't want to see anything horrible happen to her. The same applied to her dear Charlotte and of course Abby and Stuart as well. But now their fate seemed beyond her power to control.
When they got to the cave, Sam instructed them to take off their clothes. She did the same. Stuart, who had never gotten a good look at Sam's rider, was surprised how large it was.
"It's much bigger than ours, Mo" said Stuart.
It was true. Sam's three banded rider was much bigger, thicker, and meatier. She estimated it weighed about five pounds now, and was nearly four inches thick. It was so heavy now that it was starting to make her arch her body forward. And then there was the rash. She had a solid red rash around the edges of it which was only getting worse and worse. Gavin had assured her that it was only temporary, and would get better in time.
But the horror of Sam's rider was the least of what they were about to see. Sam knew that their riders controlled them, to a certain degree, but that still did not prepare them for the shock of seeing the Hive Mind, with its giant malevolent eyes, or the screams of people being tortured, or the scenes of human bodies being altered and consumed. Sam saw the horror etched on the green faces of her sister, nephew, and nieces.
A familiar face greeted them, belonging to a blonde woman with incredible bell shaped breasts and an hourglass figure.
"Greetings, My name is Marion," she said. "Welcome to the Hive."
Sam's heart grew cold.
"What's wrong, Sam? Aren't you happy to see me?" Marion asked, amusement dancing in those dark eyes. She stood there, her arms on her hips, her large breasts hanging proudly in front of her, her thick, blonde pubic bush only slightly darker than the thick, luxurious hair spilling over her shoulders.
"Hello," said Sam quietly.
"Is that how you greet a fellow member of the Hive, Sam?" Marion asked.
Sam looked at Marion. The assertive way she stood there, with her arms akimbo, her legs spread wide, her face expectant...
She was malice.
She was sex.
She was the Hive.
Sam, her heart beating rapidly, obediently walked up to Marion. She wrapped her arms around her with a shudder, and pressed her lips against hers. She knew what Marion wanted. Marion's lips felt cold against Sam's grinding lips. Her breasts, on the other hand, felt hot. Her body was filled with spite. Confusion played over Sam's mind. Marion saw it in her eyes and smiled, and when Sam tried to move back, Marion held her and kept the kiss going, for just a moment longer, and then released her.
"Better," she said, nodding slowly.
"Sam, who is this woman?" her Carla asked.
"Not a woman. Not anymore," said Marion, confidently striding up to Carla, and for a moment Sam was afraid for her. "Carla, isn't it?"
Sam took a deep breath. How did she know that?
Carla nodded.
Marion smiled, and looked Sam's sister up and down. Carla wasn't as pretty as Sam, of course, and her breasts sagged more, but she was still attractive in her own way and the Hive always could put attractive women to good use. "Well Carla, I used to be a woman. A shy woman who had intercourse twice a week with a weak willed man. But the Hive saved me from that existence. It taught me to embrace my sexuality, and to embrace slavery to the Hive. In the ultimate act of obedience, I, she, gave herself to the Hive. Marion is gone, but the Hive lives on, through her."
And Carla recoiled in horror as she looked into those dark eyes and realized everything she said was true.
Sam said, "Carla, Marion is... a Greater Intelligence."
Carla didn't know quite what that was, but she felt a chill as Marion hugged her. "I'm told that you brought your family into the Hive, dear."
"Yes," said Carla, her head bowed.
Marion caressed her hair as she looked over the girls. "Thank you for bringing such beautiful tools of reproduction to us. You must be very proud," she said, giving Carla a wicked smile.
"Yes, I am," said Carla, trying to hide her fear.
Marion inspected her girls like they were sides of beef. She squeezed one of Abby's breasts. "You show promise, my dear," she said. "I'm sure you will serve the Hive well."
Then she stood in front of Charlotte. "This must be the young one. Young ones are the tenderest." Charlotte gasped as Marion put a finger over her clitoris and stimulated her. But as Marion moved her finger round and round, Charlotte realized her finger wasn't actually touching her, but the feeling was the same. "You too will serve the Hive," Marion said, giving her a knowing look. "I'm told you actually asked to take a rider. Is that true, little one?"
"Yes," Charlotte whispered.
"You show remarkable potential." Marion's finger moved, and it pierced Charlotte in one stroke."Kiss me, my dear."
Charlotte leaned forward and kissed Marion on the lips. Marion's lips were plush but freezing cold. Marion kept the kiss going for a good minute while her finger played with Charlotte's vagina. While her lips were cold, her finger was burning. Charlotte gasped inside of Marion's mouth as the finger burned her insides. Marion smiled as she let go.
"Delightful," said Marion, sucking on her finger, as she enjoyed Charlotte's shocked expression. "Welcome again to the Hive, dear."
Marion turned to Stuart. She grabbed his penis and started to masturbate it. Stuart felt painful cold on his organ. "Ow!" he cried. Marion grabbed his balls. They started to freeze. He screamed in pain.
"Stuart!" Carla cried.
Sam held her back. "No, Carla, you can't interfere."
"That's right, Carla, you can't interfere," said Marion. She smiled as she released Stuart, who moaned as he grabbed his semi-frozen testicles. "This one has real possibilities." She snapped her finger, and a Harem Guard came forward. "Have him brought to my quarters."
Carla watched as Stuart was led away. "What will happen to him?"
"He'll be fine," Sam assured her, even though she knew better. Marion's lovers never lasted very long. In all likelihood they would never see Stuart again. "Would you like to see Michael now?"
"Yes!" Carla said.
They were brought to a chamber full of women standing in line. There was a series of men having sex with them. One of them was-
"Michael!" Carla cried.
Michael looked up, even as he continued pounding into a blonde with big titties. "Carla!" he said.
Marion turned to Carla "You'll be happy to know that we have trained your husband. He fucks everything and everyone we tell her to, and happily so, don't you, Michael?"
"Yes. I live to serve the Hive," said Michael, even as he continued to have sex with the female underneath him.
"You may approach," Marion told him.
Michael pulled out of the woman he was inseminating. His penis was hard and glistening. "Sorry," he told the woman he was servicing. Another man stepped forward to finish what he had started.
Michael ran up and hugged Carla. She was so relieved. "Michael! You're back to normal! They took the serpent out of your head?"
Michael looked puzzled. "No."
Sam explained. "The serpent, as you call it, is still experimental. We haven't been able to get it to survive for more than a few days after it is born."
"So... Michael was always going to recover on his own."
"Not quite, my dear," said Marion. "He still has to have the remnants of the serpent removed from his brain. You can help us with this procedure, if you wish."
"Of course!" said Carla sincerely.
Marion gave Sam a chilling smile. Sam tried to hide her fear.
She knew.
Michael was led to a laboratory where he was made to sit in a chair. Restraints snapped down on his wrists and ankles.
"What are they doing?" Carla asked.
"Just restraining him so he won't hurt himself," said Marion. "This is a very delicate procedure. We need to remove all remnants of the serpent from his brain. Will you help us?"
"Yes!" said Carla.
"Good, I thought you would," said Marion. "Michael must be kept conscious during the procedure, but also distracted, or else he might injure himself," said Marion. "Get between his legs, dear, and get on your knees."
Carla obeyed. She looked up at Michael's penis. Suddenly she knew what was expected of her.
A mask started to slide over Michael's face. Tubes started to connect to his ears. Insects started to flow from the tubes into his head.
"What's happening?" Michael cried.
"Begin, dear," said Marion.
Carla started to suck Michael's penis. Despite his torment, his rider made sure he had an erection.
Sam looked questioningly at Marion.
"Michael here is about to receive the honor of becoming a new kind of Harem Guard," said Marion softly.
"A harem guard?" said Sam.
"Remember the creature with the insect heads that led your nephew Stuart away? Those are Harem Guards. They have insect brains imprinted into human minds."
Marion stood face to face with Sam. She stared into her with those dark eyes. "How does that make you feel, Sam? Knowing that your brother in law's mind is about to be wiped clean, and a new one put in its place?"
Sam felt the heat of her heavy triple banded rider on her back. Its tendrils moved freely through her brain. "I love it," she said suddenly.
"You may begin," Marion told a technician, as she put an arm around Sam's shoulder.
The conversion began. Michael yelled as black insect shells were grafted over his arms and legs. But that was only the first step. A tube full of green liquid descended on top of his head, and a giant spider landed there as well.
Carla stopped sucking Michael's penis. "Sam, what is that spider on top of Michael's head?"
"No one told you to stop, slave!" said Marion in a dangerous tone.
Carla abruptly put Michael's penis back in her mouth and started sucking like her life depended on it.
Bugs started to swarm all over his face, all over his mask, getting into his ears, eyes, and mouth.
Carla looked questioningly at Sam as she continued to fellate Michael.
"Keep sucking, dear. It's vital you keep sucking," said Marion.
Sam knew this wasn't the case. She sensed that this was simply a performance, for Marion's benefit. And perhaps for Sam's.
Marion started to fondle Sam's breasts as they watched Michael's brain get erased. Insects crawled over his face, bonding his exoskeleton mask to his head. Other insects swarmed inside his brain, beginning the reprogramming.
The green liquid started to be absorbed into Michael's brain, erasing his mind. The legs of the spider started to melt into his head.
Michael cried out as he felt the mental invasion.
Marion's free hand probed her ass, squeezing hard. "Look at the poor former wife," Marion whispered, as she inserted a finger in Sam's asshole. "Still sucking away like a fool."
It was true. Even while Michael was crying out, even while his brain was being erased, Carla was sucking his penis, faithful that she was doing something to help Michael get through this procedure.
Sam felt Marion's hand leave her ass and moved to her front. She started to masturbate Sam's clitoris. Cold and hot fingers suddenly made her very, very excited. "I get so aroused by a good conversion, don't you?"
Sam found herself smiling and nodding. Marion reached over and gave Sam a kiss. Her lips were burning hot, but the pain merged with pleasure as Sam pressed against them. She obediently leaned forward to give Marion a better angle to penetrate her vagina. They embraced each other, pressing their breasts together, as the kiss continued, even while Michael was still screaming. Marion continued to masturbate her, and Sam groaned as they watched Carla, nearly in hysterics, continue to suck frantically on Michael's penis.
"We're just getting to the best part," Marion whispered in Sam's ear.
More than half the green liquid had sunk into Michael's head. The body of the spider was starting to merge with Michael's head as well. Carla sucked frantically on his penis, not understanding any of this but knowing it needed to be done.
Suddenly, Michael gave a hoarse scream and he ejaculated, filling Carla's mouth with his seed. The spider disappeared inside his head. The green liquid finished absorbing.
It was done.
Carla pulled out. She tried to speak but her mouth was full of sperm.
"Swallow, dear, swallow," said Marion.
Carla gulped, sucking the thick vicious fluid down. "Is it done?" she asked. She looked confused.
"Why don't you ask Michael?" Marion grinned.
The restraints snapped back, and Michael sat up. His face was an Insect Mask.
"Michael, are you... all right?" Carla asked.
"Momomomomomomom," said Michael.
"Sam, what is this?" said Carla, in horror.
"Michael, he's... he's been turned into a Harem Guard," said Sam.
"What... what does that mean?" Carla asked.
"That he's serving the Hive," said Marion. "As you will be. Michael, take your darling wife to the rebirthing chamber. I'm sure her beautiful children will be glad to be reunited with their mother."
"The rebirthing chamber?" said Sam, sounding horrified.
"Sam... no!" Carla cried, as Michael, or the Harem Guard who used to be Michael dragged her away.
"Why are you doing this?" Sam asked, turning to Marion.
"It's all about you, Sam," said Marion. "We are using your family to awaken a new side of you."
"A new side of me?" Sam said.
Marion's hand went down to her clitoris again. "Didn't it feel good when you watched the bugs crawl into his brain?"
"Oh, yes," said Sam, suddenly feeling sexually stimulated again.
"Didn't you love it when he screamed as his brain was erased?"
"Yes," Sam cried. The fingering on her clitoris was too intense to deny it.
"And the final cherry on top: watching that poor misguided fool suck her loved one's penis while his mind was destroyed. Didn't that excite you, Sam? Didn't that make you want to come?"
"Yes!" Sam cried, and suddenly she was kissing Marion on the lips again, and even though they burned her, Sam felt incredibly sexually aroused.
Time passed as Sam and Marion fooled around.
Sam remembered feeling apprehensive about Marion, but now she wasn't sure why. She found Marion very sexy. It wasn't just her large, bell shaped breasts, or the thick, healthy field of pubic hair between her legs; it was her expression, her attitude; Marion simply reeked of sensuality.
Sam looked at Marion's big red lips. They were just so addictive. They made Sam's nipples hard just looking at them. She reached out and kissed Marion again. She barely noticed the heat. Marion, with amusement in her eyes, kissed her back.
Marion gently disengaged her. "The show's not over, Sam. There's one more act." She took Sam to the Rebirthing Chamber.
Carla had calmed down by the time Michael had taken her to the Rebirthing Chamber where the girls were.
Her double banded rider had explained it all to her. She and the girls were about to receive the highest honor.
They were in some kind of alcove in a tall green column directly below the Hive Mind. There were green organic helmets sitting on a shelf, and in the center of the chamber was a giant, yellow-brown pulsating mass. It looked like it was made of the same material as their riders, but this mass was hardly flat; it looked like a giant blob of dough, three or four feet high. On top of the blob were hard beige phalluses that stuck out at different points.
"Mom, what's happening to us?" Charlotte cried, as she hugged Carla.
"Everything is all right, dear," said Carla. "I have good news. We are about to be consumed by the Hive."
"Consumed?" said Abby. "What does that mean?"
Carla rubbed Abby's arms. "Our minds are going to be absorbed by the Hive. Our bodies, are very sexy bodies, are going to be transformed. Then we're going to become a new kind of servant for the Hive, a new kind of Hivelife."
"Mom, I'm scared!" Charlotte cried, running into her arms.
Carla hugged her daughter. Of course, having only single banded riders, Charlotte and Abby didn't see the larger perspective like she did. Carla dropped a hand down and started to fondle Charlotte's beautiful labial lips. "It's all going to be all right, Honey," she said. "You're so beautiful, and sexy. The Hive is going to preserve all that, and make you even better."
"It... it is?" Charlotte sniffled.
"Of course it is," said Carla, with the certainty only a double banded rider could give her. Charlotte herself had helped complete her mother's final conditioning. Carla looked at her daughter's watery eyes, and moved her head down so their lips met. The two lovers, mother and daughter, embraced while sharing one last passionate kiss.
A moment later, Sam and Marion entered the room.
"Welcome to the Rebirthing Chamber, Sam," said Marion, with a grin.
Sam looked around uncertainly. "What is this place?"
"The Hive is all about transformation, about improving the species, Sam," said Marion. "In a few moments, the Hive Mind will begin to drain the minds of your lovely family members. All their memories, all their personalities will be given to us. And then your families very bodies will be fundamentally transformed, into a new kind of servant you will simply grow to love."
Carla, Abby and Charlotte, spurred on by their riders, each took one of the organic helmets and put it on their heads. And then Charlotte climbed on top of the yellow-brown fleshy mass and neatly impaled herself on one of the flexible fleshy rods. It was a perfect fit. "Come along, children," said Carla. "You'll simply love it!"
Abby felt her rider pulsating on her back as she followed her sister up onto the living mass of alien flesh. She neatly impaled herself on one of the fleshy rods. It did feel good. She started to work herself up and down it, using her young, fleshy thighs, as her mother and sister besides her did the same. They were quite a sight, three women wearing organic helmets, having sex with a giant mass of pulsating alien flesh.
"Ask her if she's happy, Sam," said Marion.
"How does it feel, Carla?" Sam asked.
"Wonderful, Sam," said Carla, with real gratitude in her voice, as she moved up and down on the phallus. She looked so sexy, making the alien phallus disappear inside her brown muff as she plunged down on it. "I love serving the Hive."
Suddenly, Sam heard the hum of power and bright green lights came on over Carla, Abby, and Charlotte. The girls looked otherworldly as their skin appeared to turn green. The girls started to gasp as their minds were fed into the Hive Mind. But even as their brains were drained, they never stopped moving, continuing to work the phalluses in and out of their vaginas. Very quickly Carla and the girls moved in synch, moving up and down as one as they masturbated together.
"Mom, it hurts!" Charlotte cried.
"I know it does, baby, but doesn't it feel good too?" Carla cried. She felt the pain, but this is what her rider had prepared her for. This was what she was meant to do.
"Yes, I love it!" Charlotte gasped, as she kept fucking the phallus.
"Then don't stop, never stop!" Carla cried. "I think we're going to be consumed."
"Consume... what does that mean?" Charlotte asked.
"It means we're going to fulfill our highest function, to serve the Hive," said Carla proudly. "Keep focused on the rod, baby girl! Keep fucking it like there's no tomorrow, girls!"
Carla kept working herself wildly against her rod as her lovely daughters did the same. Her eyes made contact with Sam. "It hurts, Sam, it really hurts." Carla rotated her hips against the phallus, grinding it inside of her. "But it feels so good giving up myself, my daughters... everything I am, everything I've ever created... all for the Hive!"
Something in Sam's mind was vaguely disturbed by what she saw. But as she watched her sister and nieces being consumed, she couldn't figure out what the problem was.
"Obedient to the end, I love it," Marion whispered. "What perfect specimens. Their obedience excites you, doesn't it, Sam?"
"Yes," Sam whispered. Sam watched Carla grinding her vagina against the phallus, her dark pubic hair encapsulating the rigid fleshy rod, the sweat dripping off her bouncing breasts and her bright areolas aflame with red-greenness as her sister moved up and down, up and down, with a tight smile on her face and a glazed look in her eyes.
Sam stared at Carla and the girls a moment longer, as if hypnotized by the sight of it. "Why do you have them moving on those phalluses?" Sam asked.
"They are not merely phalluses," Marion whispered. "They are probes, meant to facilitate cellular replication."
"The absorption of your family," said Marion. She grinned at Sam. "You know why we're doing this to your family, don' t you, Sam?"
"Because of me," Sam whispered, with horror in her eyes. Marion nodded and reached out and kissed Sam, and Sam responded passionately.
In moments they were lying on the padded floor, making love, while Sam's dear family was being absorbed by the Hive Mind. It was unimaginable.
Sam felt a tremendous duality about Marion. On the outside Marion was all woman--lips, hair, breasts, tits, legs, vagina. But on the inside... Sam sensed coldness. Malice. Anger. Spite. Those attributes had repelled her, but now they did the opposite.
Marion ground her heavy breasts against Sam.
Abby's body, illuminated in bright light, her vaginal lips being split open by the fleshy phallus as her brain was drained. A fleshy substance started to form around her body, coating it.
Marion kissed Sam with a burning intensity. She thrust her tongue in Sam's mouth, and it was good even as her tongue got burned.
Carla's eyes rolled up in her head as her mind was drained, even as she continued to give the phallus the pounding of her life. A fleshy substance started to rise up and coat her body.
Marion grinded her body against Sam. It felt so good!
Abby wordlessly mouthing help me as her face was lovingly framed by the organic helmet draining her mind.
Sam felt a wonderful buildup in her vagina. She felt the roughness of Marion's pubic hair against her clitoris. But then she felt something else. Something alien.
Sam looked down. At first she thought it was some kind of black rope. A rope that moved. But then the head of it hissed, and she knew.
It was a snake.
"Spread your legs, dear. It's time to accept a new kind of love," said Marion.
"No," Sam cried. She looked fearfully at the snake. "What are you going to put in me?"
"Me," said Marion, lapping up her fear.
Sam eyed the black snake. It was at least six inches long. And it had eyes and a mouth. It looked at Sam and hissed as her.
"You're going to put that inside me?" Sam said incredulously.
"The Hive demands it. What do you say to that, Slave?" Marion asked.
There was something in her voice... something in her dark eyes.... "I... I must obey," said Sam meekly. She found herself immediately spreading her legs as wide as she could. Sam shivered as she saw Marion's cruel smile. Sam looked so helpless, so ready to be taken, her legs and vaginal lips so widely spread, ready to be plundered.
Marion fondled Sam's labia and her glowing Hive Mark just above it, making her shiver. "Doesn't it feel good to obey, Sam? To be helpless, to be used however the Hive wants?"
"Yes." Sam licked her lips. She looked down at her glowing Slave Mark. Her rider pulsated on her back, directly stimulating her clitoris, creating a living ribbon from her rider to her clit that made Sam groan. Suddenly, she wanted the creature in her, more than anything. "Please... please put it in me," she whispered.
Use me. Pleasure me. Please!"
Marion gave a broad smile. Sam was so obedient, so willing.
The snake suddenly tensed up, and plunged straight into her vagina. Sam screamed as she was richly penetrated by an alien form of life.
In seconds, Sam and Marion were connected in the most intimate way possible, by a living black rope emanating from Marion's vagina into Sam's. The creature felt rough and burning inside of her and yet a part of Sam craved the pain and the roughness of it. As Marion lay on top of her, staring intently into her eyes, the snake plunged in and out of Sam like a penis. It was as if Marion was using Sam like a man, and Sam was cooperating fully. Marion grunted and moaned with pleasure of her taking. She smiled as she saw the fear in Sam's eyes and actually licked the tears off her face.
"Ooooh," Sam started to groan. Her voice was cut off by Marion's hard kiss, silencing, taking, dominating, all the while Sam felt that creature, hard, rigid, burning, and... even alien, deep inside of her.
And yet... Sam's body responded. These weren't normally cues that would arouse her, but she wasn't merely aroused, she was more sexually excited than she had ever been in her entire life.
"Do you like it now, Sam?"
This feels so good. This feels so incredibly good!
"It feels so incredibly good!" Sam gasped.
"Even better than penis?" Marion asked.
Sam felt the snake moving inside of her, wriggling, poling from end to end of her. "Yes, much better!" she cried. "I feel so alive with it inside of me, so vibrant! Pound me harder, Marion, faster!"
So heavily was Sam under the control of her triple banded rider that whatever her rider felt, she instantly she felt too. Sam could no longer tell the difference between her rider's feelings and her own.
Sam felt herself building up to a powerful orgasm as everything around her merged into one.
Marion's grim dark eyes and unnaturally bright blonde hair....
Carla's pained face, framed by her organic helmet....
The rod-like snake, drilling painfully into her uterus....
The brown-yellow flesh covering the bodies of her sister and her nieces....
Charlotte's eyes rolled up into her head as the Hive Mind drained her brain....
"I love seeing them taken. I love seeing them used," Sam whispered.
"I know," said Marion, as she fucked Sam with another hard jolt. She gritted her teeth and grinned as Sam's heavy breasts shook.
"I only wish I had more family members to give up," said Sam, as she felt all so painful tingling and pleasure in her vagina and her nipples and her clit. "It feels so good to give up the ones you love."
"I know," Marion said again. Sam was almost ready, almost as deep as the Hive needed her to go.
Marion's demanding lips and tongue, burning the insides of Sam's mouth....
The highly sexualized bodies of Sam's sister and nieces slowly sinking into Hive Flesh....
Abby's breasts bouncing up and down as she fucked the phallus....
Marion's unnaturally bright blonde hair and bright red lips....
The girls moving up and down like puppets, having their minds drained while they fucked the fleshy phalluses, even as their bodies were sinking further and further into Hiveflesh....
The rough scaly snake plunging in and out of Sam's vagina....
Marion's large fleshy breasts, burning red hot, rubbing insistently against her own....
Three new lumpy forms, appearing on the other side of the doughy fleshy creature....
Sam relishing the feeling of being fully taken, of having every aspect of her sexuality fully used and exploited by the Hive....
"I love being used by the Hive," said Sam, with a terrible expression of intense need on her face. "I love being used and fucked and taken," she gasped, even as Marion continued to plunge the snake-cock within her. "I only wish there was more of me to give."
Marion grinned as she fucked Sam harder. Sam was ready.
Charlotte's increasingly blank face...
Carla's glistening pussy lips as she plunged down on the phallus, even as more and more of her body was submerged into Hiveflesh...
Sam crying out with pain and joy as the black snake raked her vaginal tunnel with its fangs....
Three new bodies forming, appearing, taking familiar shapes...
Sam, feeling pure malice and spite making love to her....
Abby's triangle of pubic hair, going up and down on the fleshy rod...
Sam's vagina about to explode from intense abuse and lovemaking....
Carla's eyes rolled up into their sockets, her mouth open in a wordless scream as she sank into the flesh around her.
Three green colored puppets performing under bright lights, giving of themselves until they had nothing left to give...
Sam's clitoris raging with the need to be rubbed roughly, totally on fire....
A new Carla being formed, directly out of Hiveflesh, and a new Charlotte and a new Abby, all three of whom were fucking fleshy rods like their predecessors.
The three original girls sinking completely into the flesh without a trace....
The new Carla's meaty thighs going up and down on the phallus...
Sam feeling proudly owned and enslaved by the Hive, and loving every minute of it....
The new Abby's large green titties bouncing hard, with a sly smile on her lips...
Sam feeling the snake tense up, and the whole world about to explode inside her...
The new Charlotte giving a smile full of sexual maturity and love, her eyes glowing with sexual delight as she embraced her new transformation.
The snake inside Sam plunging harder and harder, taking her... taking her over the edge.....
"Aaaaaaahhhhh!" Sam screamed at the top of her lungs into Marion's mouth as the most wild orgasm ever washed over her body. As she screamed, she was aware that Carla, Charlotte and Abby were screaming too, as the final remnants of their minds were ripped from them, wherever they were, fully submerged inside of Hiveflesh. Sam gasped, and blacked out for a long moment.