Chapter 54



The other Sam grabbed Sam by the shoulders and started to push her to the ledge. The falls roared below.

"Do you know why I chose these falls as a meeting spot?" said the other Sam, as she pushed Sam back, foot by foot. "It's because it's the spot where Professor Moriarty defeated Sherlock Holmes, sending him plunging to his death."

"Not quite right, my dear," said Sam, struggling against her. "It's the place where both of them fell to their death. It's an even trade I'd be more than willing to make with you!" And then Sam pushed the other Sam back, with more strength than a normal human being should have, and the other Sam realized for the first time that she had underestimated her original self. That little shit friend of hers wasn't just lurking somewhere nearby; she was closer. Much closer.

Sam and her counterpart fell to the ground, on the edge of the falls, rolling over and over. Both had hate and death etched into their faces, both determined to see the very end of the other. Sam screamed and the other Sam screamed and they both yelled and scratched and bit into an ear and bit into a cheek and kicked and punched and clawed into a shoulder and a stomach and rolled and rolled as they tried to kill each other with the power of mur*er in their eyes.

"Die, bitch, die!" one of them yelled.

"You first, you fucking cunt!" the other yelled back.

And they fought and hurt each other and yelled some more, and then they came to the edge and one rolled over and screamed... and was gone.

Major Samantha Arden stood up, brushing herself off. She ached all over. She was full of bruises and cuts and deep scratches in her shoulder and a very nasty bite mark on her cheek. She saw a flashlight on the ground. She painfully climbed to the top of the bank, and turned it on and off, slowly, three times on, three times off, giving the universal Survey Service code for all clear.

Sam brushed the dirt off her legs as the lead Survey Service officers ran up to the picnic area. One of them, a captain, saluted Sam. She saluted him back.

"Prisoners?" he inquired.

"No," said Sam, shaking her head. "The body of Colonel Sullivan is back there. Take him in." She touched her forehead. She had a nasty bruise on it.

Sam returned to HomePlanet Security. She went to see General Henderson.

"Our little Sammy is finally taken care of," said Sam.

"Good," said General Henderson.

"But I'm concerned about security for the gateway we are building to Dimension 43."

Henderson gave her a look. "What do you mean?"

"There are indications that little Sammy found the location. She may have shared it with some of her rebel friends. I was wondering if we should consider moving the project elsewhere."

Henderson gave her an even odder look. "Major, we can't simply move tons of equipment. It's hardwired to the accelerator at CERN in Geneva."

"I know that, General," said Sam. "But the Hive is concerned about the security for the project."

"Well then, why don't you take it up with the Hive Mind?"

"I will," said Sam. "Thank you, General."

Sam went home. She had a few things she had to gather. She heard a knock at her front door. She went to open the door-

and got wacked in the face.

Sam slowly regained consciousness. She was tied to a chair. She strained to focus. She was in some kind of dimly lit warehouse.

There were other people there. A tall, grim faced middle aged man was staring before her. "Awake yet?"

Sam nodded. Her head hurt. "What..."

"We'd like to ask you a few questions," said the man. His name was Jasper Ford.

"Who are you?" Sam asked.

"That doesn't matter," said Ford. "We want to know the locations of your Hive nests."

Sam looked around, gasped, and then laughed. "You... you're the resistance?" She looked around at the serious faces watching her. "Listen, I don't have time for this."

"You'll have to make time," said Ford.

"I'm on my way to a very important mission," said Sam. "Millions of lives are at stake."

"Does your rider tell you that?" Ford asked.

"I don't have a rider," said Sam, giving him a mocking look.

Ford curled his lip in disgust. "We know you're one of their senior people. We've captured and interrogated others who have confirmed it."

"I was one of their senior people," said Sam. "Until I removed my rider."

"Removed your rider?" Ford looked back at the others and laughed. "Not bloody likely."

"Did you bother to even look at my back when you captured me?"

Ford stared at Sam for a long moment. Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a switchblade, and opened it. "You're not going to enjoy this."

"I'm already not enjoying this," said Sam.

Ford went behind her and started cutting the back of her shirt. He noticed immediately that there was no hump there. His expression changed from confused to astonished as he exposed her bare back. "She has no rider."

"Maybe she's one of the duplicates," said someone.

"No," said Ford. "She has the red rash. She's human, all right." He walked around and looked at her, face to face. "How did you manage to remove your own rider?"

"I'll tell you everything, but first you have to release me," said Sam. "And there's one other thing I'll need."

"And what would that be?" Ford asked.

"Explosives," said Sam, her face grim.

Sam's HomePlanet Security credentials were checked and rechecked as she entered the CERN facility in Geneva, Switzerland. She thought it was ironic to be subject to so many checks since it was now the Hive who controlled access to the facility. Each guard had the familiar hump between his shoulder blades. They were all members of the Hive.

Sam wore her Survey Service jacket which obscured what should have been her own rider hump. She strode in confidently. When guards asked to see her briefcase, she refused, saying they contained top security information. Her credentials were checked again and reverified before she was allowed to proceed.

Sam walked down the main corridor in high heels. Her heart was racing. She knew what she had to do. Plant the bomb, and get out. Anywhere in the main reactor facility should suffice. She heard the powerful hum of the reactor as she got close to it. It was a sprawling, multilevel facility that extended ten stories into the air.

Sam saw a series of generators to one side of the facility. That would do. She walked over to them, and opened her briefcase. She took out the bomb. She had made a simple timer, which could be activated by-

"Hello Sam."

Sam turned around to see... herself.

"I'll take that," said the other Sam. She held out her hand.

Sam drew her blaster with one hand. With the other, she put her hand in her Survey Service jacket, and activated the timer.

The bomb would explode in fifteen minutes.

The other Sam looked at her mockingly. "I'm so disappointed, Sam."

"You went over the falls. You're dead," said Sam.

"You know so little about us," said the other Sam. "They brought me into the shop for some repairs. I needed some body work, nothing more," she grinned. She took a step forward. "I know you want to return to the Hive, Sam."

"No," Sam said.

The other Sam took another step forward. "Think about it, Sam. Think of all the pleasure you felt. The fucking, the taking of people's minds, bringing them kicking and screaming into the Hive." She took another step forward. "You loved the fact that the Hive was able to give you Jack."

"Yes," said Sam.

"You loved bringing him into the Hive, dominating him, enslaving him."

"Yes," Sam gasped, blinking back tears. It was true.

"You loved being able to fuck any man or woman you wanted. You loved having your body worshiped. You loved being irresistible. You loved watching a man or woman climax right as they were being brought into the Hive." The Other Sam took another step forward.

Sam shuddered, feeling a tingling in her clit. "Yes," she said, in a whisper.

"You love watching your precious Jack's penis being altered, in the most painful way possible."

Sam, biting her lip, nodded.

"You loved it when he impregnated you with me. You loved it when you squeezed the pod containing me out of your tight snatch."

Sam's labia tingled. "Yes," she gasped.

"You love what was done to Carla and your nieces," the Other Sam went on, as she kept approaching. "You loved seducing your sister, exercising power over her, twisting her mind so much that she became your secret lover and willingly brought her own children into the Hive."

"Yes," Sam repeated. The tears were going down her cheeks now.

"You loved watching them being absorbed. You never had a greater orgasm in your life than when you were watching their bodies melt away as a Greater Intelligence fucked you hard in your cunt and your mind."

"No... no...." Sam said, trembling violently as she backed away.

"Yes," the Other Sam said, with a wicked smile, as they know stood face to face.

Sam found herself hypnotized by those confident green eyes. Her mouth dropped open a little, and her attention started to fade.

"And I was your best fuck ever, Sam. Remember when I was rubbing your body, fucking you senseless? Do you remember all the orgasms you felt?"

"Yesssss...." Sam said. "It... it was amazing..." As soon as she said it, she knew she was lost.

"Momomomomom," said the other Sam.

"No," Sam whispered, shaking her head to clear it of the fog.

"Momomomomom," said the other Sam.

"Momomomomomom," said Sam, her eyes going wide.


"Momomomomomom. Mamoomishom. Mamoomishom," said Sam, her face a blank.

The other Sam looked into her eyes, and knew the struggle was over. She reached over and took the blaster from Sam's hand. "Thank you, Sam," she said, looking triumphant. "We both knew how this was going to end, didn't we? And in this connection, we have a reward. Jack!"

Jack stepped around the corner.

"Jack?" said Sam. "You're dead. I shot you!"

"You shot Jack's duplicate," said the other Sam. "This is the original. We kept him around for some... special purposes."

"Jack? Is it really you?" She looked at his blank face.

"Show her, Jack," said the other Sam. She nodded meaningfully.

Jack started to take off his clothes. As he undressed, Sam suddenly remembered the bomb. It had been on a fifteen minute timer.

And there were maybe 12 minutes left.

As Jack undressed, the other Sam came forward and took off Sam's military jacket. "I've missed you, Sam," she said. She proceeded to undo the clasps on Sam's shirt, and take it off. "I've missed fucking you, using you, and taking your body."

She undid Sam's military skirt, and pulled down her Survey Service panties.

Sam let her. She felt strangely paralyzed, and she didn't know why. Sam looked into her green eyes. The other Sam was so beautiful, so powerful. Sam felt all her free will draining away. Could the other Sam be right? Did she really want this?

There was maybe ten minutes left on the timer.

Sam found herself cooperating even to the point of lifting her legs with the other Sam took down her panties. She was obeying, once again, and the other Sam knew it. Sam was once again the lesser; she was once again the slave. She looked down and saw her slave mark, glowing at the tip of her vaginal slit. It had been impossible to remove; perhaps the same could be said of her slave conditioning. She had worn a rider for long, too long; and the rider was gone, but not the months of conditioning, of spider sessions, that had come with it. That conditioning had become a part of her, even more so than her rider. She had changed, become something else.

She was lesser.

Sam found herself completely nude in front of her nemesis. The other Sam looked at Sam's firm breasts and brown pubic bush, as Sam stood obediently in front of her. The other Sam was clothed, and she was nude; the other Sam was the master, and she was the lesser.

The other Sam smiled, as she realized what they both knew. "I've missed this," the other Sam said, as she inserted a finger between Sam's vaginal lips. Sam didn't move, didn't protest, but her eyes widened and a gasp escaped her lips, and the other Sam smiled, and gave her a deep kiss. Sam kissed her back feverishly as the other Sam's finger twisted and turned.

"What are you, Sam?"

Sam felt arousal. She had no rider pumping it into her; there were no pheromones in the air; but she had months and months of training; it was a conditioned reflex.

"What are you, Sammy girl?" Sam asked again.

She was so beautiful, and suddenly, Sam was in such great need.

"I... I am your slave," said Sam, looking embarrassed.

The other Sam nodded. "You like being a slave, don't you? You like being controlled, used, altered? You like having us use your tits, your vagina, every and any way we want to. Don't you?" She raised her voice. "Don't you?"

Sam bit her lip, nodding unhappily.

"Say it," said the other Sam. She looked sharply at Sam. "Say it!"

"I... I love being controlled. I love being your slave," said Sam, with a sob.

"Good," said the other Sam, satisfied, for the moment. She pulled her finger out, and put it to her own lips, and smiled as she sucked on it for a moment. Then she turned around.

There were six minutes left on the timer.

By now, Jack had removed all his clothing. His face was blank.

"What have you done to him?" said Sam, noticing his change in affect.

"Why nothing at all. Like you, he's gotten his third ring, and he has fully embraced the Hive, haven't you, Jack?"

"Yes," said Jack, in a monotone.

"Now Jack, why don't you hop up on that table there on your hands and knees and we'll show little Sammy here exactly what you're capable of."

Jack obediently climbed onto the table on his hands and knees. "Come, Sister," said the other Sam mockingly, pulling Sam close. When they got to Jack, the other Sam put her hand under him, and grabbed his penis. She started to masturbate him.

"What are you doing?" Sam whispered.

"Watch and see," said the other Sam confidently.

Jack's penis grew erect. The other Sam smiled and started to milk him more vigorously.

And then Sam noticed something else. The rider on his back. The giant three banded rider on his back was starting to bubble, and expand.

"That's right, Sammy baby. Guess what's cooking for you?"

Sam figured it out. Jack was being stimulated so his rider could reproduce. So he would make a rider for her. Sam felt horrified as she saw Jack, letting his body being used, controlled, drained, to produce another rider. He just lay there, submissively, on his hands and knees, letting himself be masturbated, letting himself be used. Sam felt tremendously disgusted.

And also extremely sexually aroused.

Part of her mind, the part that had been shaped and worn for months by her rider, was excited by it. Part of her mind wished it could be her on the table, wished it could be her whose physical energy was being drained to produce a baby rider. She remembered the glorious orgasms she had had when a rider split on her back and reproduced. Part of her still wanted that, and wanted it badly.

Sam looked at Jack's hard penis. She wished it were inside her now. She wished he were inseminating her, with whatever the Hive wanted, it didn't matter; as long as he was inside her, the Hive could have whatever it liked from her. Jack's penis was so hard and stiff and red. The look in Jack's eyes was one of complete and utter self indulgence. She wanted him so badly.

And yet part of her was horrified by the thought of taking a rider again. Human beings were not meant to be slaves to alien creatures! They were born to be free. Sam felt paralyzed, rooted on the spot, full of indecision, as she watched Jack's rider begin to split in two. The other Sam worked Jack's penis even harder so he would give the rider the energy it needed to reproduce.

Jack gasped.

The other Sam smiled. "That's right, my dear Jack, you want to create a master for Sam, don't you?"

"Yes, it feels so good!" Jack cried, and Sam bit her lip as she felt a sexual twinge in her vagina as she remembered how pleasurable it was to make a rider on her back. And yet, she was about to be enslaved again.

The other Sam smiled as she saw the horror in her eyes. "That's right, Sammy girl. It's almost done. Soon you'll have your own rider again. Won't that be nice?" She turned to Jack. "Work it, Jack, really work it! Sam's waiting for you!" She jerked him off even harder.

"Yes!" Jack gasped, his face red. "Must... make a master... for Sam!" And then he made the maximum effort, and cried out and his body stiffened, as Jack's rider neatly split into two. Even as sticky yellow fluid flowed down his back into his asshole, Jack groaned and yelled out, the most emotion he had showed since Sam had seen him today, and he ejaculated on the desk beneath him, wildly squirting lines of sperm racing across the desk. On his back there were now two riders, one triple banded, and one freshly minted.

"That's a good boy, let it all out, let it all come out," said the other Sam soothingly, jerking him slowly now, helping the last few droplets emerge, as if she were finishing milking a cow. She let him go and kissed him on the forehead. "Good work, my pet."

Then she gently lifted up one of the riders on Jack's back. But the one she lifted was the mature one. The three banded one. She was going to put that one on Sam's back! "It's time, my love. To welcome you back to the Hive. Turn around, dear."

Sam didn't know exactly how much time was left on the timer. Two minutes? One minute? She dare not look at her chrono.

"Come on, Sammy girl. Turn around. You want the Hive. You love it. Do it," she said, her eyes hard.

She shouldn't be doing this! She shouldn't let them enslave her again! And yet her conditioning kicked in. She felt the painful tingling in her clitoris and her vagina. Seeing Jack masturbated something like that had awakened something in her, something she'd rather not acknowledge. Sam knew she should resist, and yet, even as she thought about it, Sam found herself obediently turning around, leaning against the wall, pressing her palms against it in the oh so familiar way.

I am lesser.

She wanted to be enslaved. She needed to be enslaved. She needed it so badly, in her mind, her tits, and her cunt! Her heavy breasts hung down beneath her. Her clit was on fire. It was not a chemical reaction; it was a learned response. She had become addicted to Hive Stimulation. She needed to feel it again, whatever the cost.

"That's a good girl," said the other Sam. "Doesn't she look so sexy Jack? Look how compliant she is, leaning against the wall obediently, eagerly awaiting her new master. Look at her heavy breasts, her firm ass, her thick fuckable cunt between her legs. In seconds it will all belong to the Hive once again. How does that make you feel?"

"Good," said Jack, in a deep voice. "I want her taken. I want her controlled. I want to be used to pleasure her." His words excited Sam wildly.

"Spoken like the true tool that you are," said the Other Sam, chuckling as she glanced at his penis. Even partially deflated, it still had good thickness and length.

The Other Sam lifted up the rider behind Sam, who didn't even flinch. "Take a deep, easy breath."

Sam breathed in deeply. Her breasts moved up and down.

"That's right, Sammy girl. Take another deep breath... you'll just... fall... right... into it....."

"Ahhhhh!" Sam stiffened beautifully as the heavy triple banded rider bonded with her back. Suddenly, there were tendrils in her mind. Enormously powerful ones. A wild panoply of emotions ran across her face.

Sam immediately wheeled around and faced the other Sam. She grabbed her head and started to scream.

"Just let it happen. Let it happen, Sammy girl," said the other Sam.

"No... no.... please, no...." Sam said half heartedly. But she didn't try to move. She didn't try to resist.

"It will all be over soon."

Sam struggled with herself, and then she became absolutely still, and then Sam, the real Sam, in a rare a moment of full control, looked at the other Sam, and smiled, and said, "Yes. Yes it will."

And then the other Sam looked puzzled, and then she looked horrified, and then she turned around, and reached for the bomb and then-

The bomb blew up, detonating the generators, setting off a chain reaction.

The next day, the recovery team found that the resulting crater was two square miles in diameter.

The Hive hadn't been defeated, but their gateway had been destroyed.

Along with Sam, Jack, and the other Sam.
The End


I hoped you enjoy reading this story. If you thought this story was long, you should have seen the original story it came from. The original story, "Parasites Love Earth" is more than 670,000 words long, but this version was heavily abridged and modified in certain ways to fit into the Literotica format and then serialized. The original version also had multiple endings, but one is enough for here.
Previous page: Chapter 53.2