Page 02
"Ooo, Such hard choices, I guess, wait I should ask. What kind of cereal?"
"Shredded Wheat, Plain."
"Ooo, I'll take not that. Pop-Tart please."
They laugh together, the sound truly joyful to both of them and most importantly real. They slowly walk out to the kitchen and pull the Pop-Tarts from the cupboard. They plop down at the tiny table and munch on a package each. Then Tommy looks at her then at the last package then at her and back. She grabs for it but Tommy is faster and gets it first.
He then taunts her, "Yummy a second Pop-Tart for me... none for you."
He grins and chuckles. Then opens the package and hands her one while keeping the second, splitting it like they used to as kids. Again they laugh at the old game.
"I love you Tommy. My little brother being there for me, it's nice. I love it and you too."
"I love you too Tia. You have been there my entire life. In good times and bad. You never left me and I won't leave you now. So eat up or I'll eat it instead." She grins and licks the pastry from end to end. They laugh again.
After eating Tommy calls his boss to ask for more time. His boss instead gives him good news. His need qualifies him for FMLA and it has already been submitted on his behalf. He has up to 30 days off, Paid. Tommy smiles and thanks him profusely and then hangs up. He then tells Tia the good news.
They smile together now, not worried about his job or money for a bit. They move slowly to the couch and flip on the TV.
This becomes their routine, breakfast, TV, lunch, TV then dinner followed by, yup, TV. Sometimes they watch cable, sometimes a movie or two. The second night Tia again gets the nightmare until Tommy gets into bed with her then peace. On the third night it happens again. After that Tommy just sleeps with her from the beginning, no more nightmares.
The other thing that keeps happening is the erotic touching in the shower and the morning wood rubdown. After their shower this day he helps her begin to get dressed. Standing by the bed, he only gets her into her bra and panties before Tia asks Tommy, "It's been almost a week. Why is it I can only sleep when you're here but when I'm alone I have those damn dreams?"
Tommy chuckles and replies, "Sis, I'm a mechanic not a psychiatrist. You have more training in that than I do. Didn't they have classes on how to handle people when letting them know they didn't get whatever position. Shit like that?"
"Well, only how to deflect anger and unanswerable questions really. But I guess. You don't have a guess though?"
Tommy thought about the timing of the 'attacks' and realized it might be another thing from their past. "Well, do you remember that one summer when we had all those thunderstorms and they would scare the bejesus out of me? You did the same thing, you held me all night. I felt safe when you helped me, like I do for you now."
Tias' eyes got all big and it hit her like a ton of bricks. That was it, the answer for everything. Her nightmares stopped because she was Safe, with Tommy. Her libido would rise for the same reason, she felt the same with the one man that she was safe with. Her brother, Tommy. She turned to him, taking his face in her hands and kissed him in Thanks. But then she realized that it feels good too, she was safe with Tommy. She sees now she might have a little crush on him. She kisses him again this time not sisterly she holds the kiss gently and waits for Tommy to respond. He would either kiss her back or pull away. She needed to know if he felt the same way.
Tommy too noted it felt good, not weird beyond it being his sister, but that didn't bother him. Tommy even accepted it and began slowly kissing her back.
They continued to kiss and soon it was a full on make out session, slow and gentle in deference to Tias' injuries.
After several minutes though Tommy pulls back. Tias' lips pursue his then her eyes pop open when they don't catch up. Tommy looks at her with concern on his face. "Tia, we shouldn't be doing this should we? You're my sister and all this after your assault. I don't want you to lose yourself in this for the wrong reasons. Right?"
Tia looks at Tommy with a little fear that she went too far. She begins to shiver a little. Tommy sees she is scared but not sure at what.
"Tia, it's Okay. I'm here. I did like kissing you but..."
She let out a breath she didn't realize she had been holding worried at what Tommy was thinking.
"Tommy, you have made me feel safe over the last few days and I ..." She pauses before continuing. "I liked kissing you. I know it's supposed to be wrong but it wasn't, was it?"
Tommy almost whispers, "No. It was the sexiest thing I've ever felt. B-but you're my sister, I'm not supposed to love you like that." Tommy blushes hard at that admission.
Tia now realizes her crush is more than that. She asks quickly before she chickens out, "Tommy. Do you love me ... you know... like that?" She looks into his face but Tommy is looking down not meeting her eyes. She lightly lifts his face up to look at her. When Tommy looks at his sister he can't help but see the beautiful woman she is and his heart swells in that knowledge that he does.
"I'm sorry. But Yes Tia. I think I have for a while but ..."
Tia leans in and kisses Tommy again with a passion she has never felt with any man before. It only takes Tommy a couple seconds to understand what Tia is telling him. He takes her in his arms and kisses his sister gently yet passionately. Tia melts in Tommys' arms.
When they break this time they look at each other for the first time honestly. The Love that paints both their faces is unmistakable. Tommy reaches up with one hand and gently brushes Tias' face pushing her blonde hair back from her face behind her ear.
"My God Tia, I love you."
A tear slips from her eye when she replies, "I Love you too Tommy. I think I have for a while too."
They lean into each other and kiss again for a couple more minutes.
Unfortunately Tias' injuries remind her she isn't physically ready for the movements she is doing to kiss Tommy. She pulls back with a pained expression. "Tommy, I need to sit back down again. My arm is throbbing and I should probably put the damn splint back on." She smiles at him with a quick peck. Then begins to pull away to sit on the end of the bed. "Wow! That bastard really messed me up. I can't even make out with my Little Brother before it quickly hurts." She giggles and with her good arm and hand lightly strokes Tommys' face.
"Jesus Tia, I so want to hunt this asshole down and kick his ass."
She smiles worriedly at Tommy. "I was thinking of sending him a thank you note for letting me figure out about you, about us. But maybe not huh?"
Tommy grins at his sister being so silly like when they were kids and really every day since. "That might take the punch out of sending his ass to prison Sis."
Tia grins back, "You might be right about that. Kiss me Tommy." He leans in and kisses her gently. They both pull back and sigh looking into each other's eyes. Just then Tias' phone rings on the side table. Tommy scoops it up and hands it to Tia.
Tia punches the answer button then puts it to her ear saying, "Hello?"
"Good morning, this is Detective Curtis. I am calling for a Miss Tiana Redd. Would that be you ma'am?"
"Yes Detective but I go by Tia."
"Very well Tia. I called to inform you a man has been arrested for your assault. We need you to come down to positively identify him to proceed. Could you do that today?"
"Yes, we can do that. What time do you need us there?"
"You come in at your earliest convenience and we will make it happen then. Okay?" Replies Curtis.
"That's fine detective, we will be there in about an hour. What precinct?"
"The 12th Ma'am, just check in at the desk and they will get me. Thank you for your cooperation and we will see you soon."
Tia hangs up and stares at the phone after she drops it into her lap.
She is quiet for a good minute before Tommy asks, "Tia, what was that about?" He looks at her, concerned for his sister.
She doesn't say anything for another minute before she says, "They caught him Tommy. He's been arrested. They need me to come down and make a positive ID."
"That's great Tia. Soon that bastard will be in prison and not hurting you or anyone else."
"I guess. I just want this to be over."
Tommy pulls her chin up with a couple fingers gently before replying, "It will be Sis. We just have a few more things to get through, but I will be right here for you every minute."
She says quietly, "I know you will be. Thank you Tommy." She tears up a little but Tommy takes her in his arms and just lets her cry it out.
After a couple minutes Tias' tears stop and she pulls back from Tommy. She pauses for a kiss on his neck then his cheek before sitting back again.
While looking at her Tommy realizes they both probably need more clothes to go out.
"I guess we should put some clothes on if we are going out. Even if I like seeing you like this." Tia blushes looking at Tommy in just his towel.
"Yeah I like this view too. But I'm not giving anyone else this view ever again. Just my little brother." She leans up slightly and Tommy leans in too for another soft kiss and an accompanying sigh from both.
Tommy stands up and being a smart ass starts making stripper music sounds as he teases Tia taking his towel off. Quickly he ends up dropping the towel and poses like some Greek god in all his personal splendor.
Tia gives a wolf whistle and says, "And I don't have any singles but then you don't have a G-string to stuff." She giggles blushing.
Tommy laughs, leans in for another kiss then grabs himself some clothes, a Ferrari T-shirt and jeans.
He then helps Tia to the edge of the bed and asks, "What do you want to wear out Sis? What should I grab?"
Tia thinks then looks into the closet. She decides not to hide her injuries and says, "Grab me that Orange and white summer dress. I'm going to be proud of my injuries and show that asshole I survived and will continue to do so." She pauses looking directly at Tommy, "With the Love and support of my Little Brother." They smile and kiss lightly again both getting more comfortable with their shared feelings.
After Tommy throws on his Tennis shoes he helps Tia slip on some low strappy sandals. While he is kneeled down putting them on he can't help but look up. Just at that moment Tia opens her legs slightly. Tommys' eyes lock onto his sisters' exposed panties then hears Tia giggle.
"Boys, they are all the same. You flash your panties and they always look even if it's their Sister." She giggles again.
Tommy blushes and shrugs. Then to be just as silly pushes his head under her dress quickly and kisses her inner thigh before pulling back grinning.
Tia coos at the kiss. "I may need you to do that again later." Tia flirts. Tommy just grins wider.
They make their way down to the street but rather than getting into Tommy's car he flags down a cab. He helps Tia inside then goes around to get in from the other side. He tells the driver their destination and they are off in typical NYC traffic. They arrive in a little more than an hour from when Tia spoke to Det. Curtis. Tommy and Tia speak to the desk Sergeant requesting to see Det. Curtis. He calls upstairs and is told the detective is on the way. Before he leaves the floor the detective asks his partner to get the suspect ready for a lineup. They both smile that they hope to get this asshole off their hands and off to Rikers' soon.
The detective appears downstairs for Tia and Tommy about five minutes after being called by the sergeant. Det. Curtis sees Tias' condition and brings them around to a small elevator off behind the offices behind the sergeants' desk. He offers them a drink, coffee, juice or water. They both decline, wanting to get it all over. They are brought to the two detectives desks just like on TV and the detective reviews the complaint with Tia. Tommy remains quiet but his face shows the fury at hearing the full details of what this guy did to his sweet loving sister.
Det. Curtis finishes then looks at Tommy and says, "Son, don't do or say anything to interfere. I see you are angry but we want this creep to go down for this crime too and if you do anything that could jeopardize this, he could get off. So take a minute and calm yourself while I check on the line up."
Tommy nods his understanding. He forces himself to calm down and takes several deep breaths to help. Tia holds his hand and rubs his forearm to help calm him. He is mostly successful and by the time the detective comes to get Tia he is no longer red faced but still aggravated. The detective goes to lead Tia to the Observation room asking Tommy to stay here.
Tia balks saying, "I need Tommy with me."
The detective sees her fear and says, "Okay but remember what I said Mr. Redd. Not a word okay?" Tommy just nods.
They all move to the observation room where they meet the ADA assigned Tias' case and Charlies' defense attorney. Again just like on TV they tell Tia what is expected if she sees the man responsible. She nods, squeezing Tommys' hand and arm. They go through the routine and she picks out her assailant 'Charlie'. She states how she knows him from work and they had a couple dates. She says on the last one she was assaulted both physically and sexually being left unconscious. Tommys' face becomes beat red as he hears all this again but true to his word says and does nothing.
When the announcement is made into the other room to hold 'Charlie' he says, "I hope the witness is careful, things can happen unexpectedly."
The defense attorney groans audibly in observation.
Charlie is led away quickly and Det. Curtis says to the ADA, "That sounds a lot like witness intimidation counselor."
The ADA replies, "It sure does. Make sure that recording is submitted as an additional piece of evidence."
The defense attorney just slips out knowing his client is an idiot.
After he leaves the detective asks, "I would like to have TARU setup some cameras in Ms. Redds' apartment so they can catch any accomplices for additional charges to her original assailant as well as any to the accomplices."
"That's up to Miss Redd."
Tommy can't stand it any more and bursts out, "Fuck yes! Set up with a fucking SWAT team if you want!"
"Tommy!" Tia exclaims.
Det. Curtis places his hand on Tommys' shoulder. "We understand your anger son but you need to hold it together just a bit longer, okay?"
Tommy nods calming after his outburst.
"Actually, we need Tias' permission directly to do that anyway. How about it, Miss Redd? Is that proposal okay? Can we set up cameras?"
"Yes. Do what you need to. I'm staying with Tommy anyway."
"Where is that so we can put a team on you?" The ADA asks.
Tommy speaks up again calmly saying, "No thanks. The fewer people who know where she is the less chance for someone to try anything."
Tommy doesn't tell them he already has plans to protect his sister further at home.
"Are you sure Tommy?" Det. Curtis asks.
"Yep, I got it covered. Besides, we can always call 911." Tommy replies confidently.
They all move from the room to the detectives desks and after a couple forms are signed for the ID Tommy and Tia head home. Tommy gets another Cab but tells him to make a couple stops on their way home. First, Tommy has the driver stop at his work.
Tommy tells Tia, "I'll be right back, I need to talk to a couple guys. Two minutes."
Tia looks nervous but nods. Tommy kisses her cheek quickly and then bolts inside. He grabs a couple of his fellow mechanics, some big guys with unusual tattoos. They walk out together so Tommy could be in Tias' sight while the three talk quietly. Tommy shakes both guys hands with a smile and hops back into the cab.
The next stop is a Pawn shop down the street. He pops out again and with another kiss nearly running inside. He is back in under ten minutes but when he returns he can see Tia is worked up looking around everywhere including at the driver. He hops in and tells the driver the last address for his apartment as he pulls Tia into a firm hug to calm her. As soon as Tommys' arms are around Tia she calms right down and settles in for the several minute more ride home. She thinks about that and smiles 'home'. She decides that's her next move. Find a new place for her and Tommy, their home together. She smiles and coos snuggling in further. Tommy just lets her get comfortable, smiles and kisses the top of her head holding her gently.
When they arrive Tommy helps Tia back in and up to his apartment. When she is briefly occupied Tommy stashes his pawnshop purchase within easy reach but out of sight of Tia. They grab a light lunch and cuddle up on the couch with the TV on but they are soon kissing and snuggling. They wake a couple hours later with Tommy playing 'big spoon' to Tia on the couch.
Tia moans out, "Mmm, I like this. We need to do this more." She then turns her head back to look at Tommy and he leans in and they kiss tenderly once again. "Mmm, and more of that too." She repeats.
Tommy just smiles looking at his incredible sister. "I love you Tia." He kisses her again just as tenderly as before. When the kiss breaks they both sigh.
"I love you too Tommy." Tia replies to his earlier declaration.
Moments later both feel the need for the bathroom.
Tommy says, "We need to get up Sis. I gotta pee."
"Me too but you first it will take me longer than it will you." She emphasizes with her soft cast. Tommy helps Tia sit up then climbs out from behind her with a kiss to the top of her head before bolting for the little bathroom. Tommy relieves himself and washes his hands before returning to Tia. He helps her up and into the bathroom after her stiffening up during their nap. Tommy waddled Tia to the toilet then closed the door to give her privacy.
In short order Tommy hears Tia calling him again, "Tommy I need help cleaning up again." He hears her sigh loudly from outside the door.
He steps inside and returns to a now familiar position. Remembering his lessons from before he cleans her up quickly and easily. Tommy drops the TP but has an unexpected thought and cups Tias' pussy and slides his hand forward along it. Tia is startled but moans slightly. Tommy slips his fingers back and forth a couple times feeling Tia get wet. Tia slips forward slightly and smiles at Tommy, her eyes slightly glazed. Tommy takes things a step further and slips his middle finger into Tias' soft wet vagina. Tia moans a little louder. Tommy moves his finger in and out a bit receiving more moans from Tia.
After another minute Tia moans again but then says to Tommy, "Take me to bed Tommy and finish me off."
Tia kicks off her panties then puts her arms out to Tommy. He stands up and scoops his beautiful sister into his arms carrying her to bed as requested. He lays her down gently and slips between her legs that Tia has spread wide for her brother. The thrill of her own brother touching her has Tia more than ready. Tommy takes a couple moments to really look at Tias' little pink pussy before he tenderly kisses and begins licking his sisters' aroused pussy. At first contact Tia moans and feels an electric shock hit her nervous system sending jolts to her clit and her nipples. She moans louder as Tommy lovingly attacks her pussy and clit with butterfly kisses and tongue tip licks. Those kisses are also placed all over her inner thighs to more soft moans. Tommy has always enjoyed eating pussy since High School. Starting with his first girlfriend and everyone since but never as much as now. Listening to Tias' pleasure at his own lips and tongue turns him on and gives him great satisfaction. Before long Tommy has Tia getting off to the first of what is likely to be one of many as their love blooms.
Tia cums hard with a tiny squirt right into Tommys' open willing mouth. Tia is breathing heavily for a minute and when her breathing slows some she opens her eyes to see Tommy still kissing her pussy and particularly inner thighs. She reaches down carefully and pulls him up to her and kisses him as tenderly as she has never kissed any other lover before.
"I love you Tommy. That was awesome, you do that pretty well." She kisses him again as he lightly blushes.
"I love you too Tia. I'm glad I could pleasure you so well."
"Oh for sure. Did I squirt? I've never done that before."
"Yeah, a little bit. You taste wonderful by the way."
Tia giggles and licks his face to taste herself from his face and replies, "I guess I do, don't I."
They chuckle together then kiss gently, happy in that moment of love and pleasure. Tommy lays down beside her taking her into his arms pulling the sheet over her exposed lower half so she doesn't get cold. They continue to make out for several minutes.
When they come up for air they just cuddle enjoying the new closeness they share.
Later Tia feels odd without something on her bottom and says, "Tommy can I get my panties and some shorts on Please? And take my dress off and hang it up for a tee shirt too please and Thank you for both."
Tommy grins and gives her a peck on the lips before moving to get her change of clothes. He grabs the requested clothes and then returns to Tia on the bed. He pulls the sheet back and stares a second.
Then he looks up and says to Tia, "You have a beautiful pussy Tia. Just like the rest of you."
Tia blushes and quietly says, "Thank you." Tommy slips her panties up her shapely legs and once in place places a quick kiss on her mound to a giggle from Tia. Next they get the dress off and hung up then the tee on followed by her shorts.
Once they are done, they head back to the living room. Tia thinks again about her thoughts on arrival at 'home'. It takes Tia a bit before asking Tommy, "Tommy, would you like to live with me again? You know, like together?"
Tommy thinks a couple seconds before replying without actually answering. "Do you mean like we did after we lost Mom and Dad? Or ... something else?"
Looking a little nervous she responds, "Like together but not publicly I guess."
"I'd love that but how would that work? I know you couldn't go back to your old palace and there is really just not enough here."
"Well, like outwardly we would be just Brother and Sister sharing expenses in this overpriced city. But inside we would be together. Have two bedrooms for appearances but one bedroom for us both in actuality. And it would, Yes, have to be a new place for both of us. Are you okay moving out of here?"
Tommy thinks a minute looking around then says, "Sure, I'm not that attached to this place. It came along at a good time when I wasn't making that much money so my budget wasn't stretched that far. But I could let it go. How about you? I know until recently you loved your place and its proximity to your work and all that."
"There's other places I saw finding that one that were better but I couldn't afford on my own but with both of us they would be quite manageable. And they had a doorman and security."
Tommy smiled a knowing smile. "Let's do it. But after you're better Okay?"
"Yay! Thank you Tommy. My Little Brother, My Knight in Shining armor!" They kiss in celebration and excitement.
They then settle in for more afternoon TV. Over the next couple of nights it's pretty quiet. Three days later Det. Curtis calls to tell them that a couple guys, known friends of Charlies', were arrested after they broke into Tias' apartment. They were grabbed while on the premises and nothing was damaged or stolen. Building maintenance was informed immediately to repair the door and add a new lock.
Two nights later Tommys' apartment was attacked. This time it was Charlie himself. He was very surprised though when Tommy meets him between the door and the bedroom with what he thinks is a gun in his hand. When he pulls the trigger Charlie gets a bigger shock, a 50,000 volts shock, as Tommy hits him with a Taser, his purchase at the pawn store. The store owner talked him out of a gun, Tommy thanks the man now.
Just after Charlie hits the floor the two guys Tommy spoke to at work showed up from outside to grab Charlie and hold him. Tommy grabs his phone and calls 911. He reports the break-in and the capture of the perpetrator. He stays on the line giving all his information and adds the details of his sisters' previous Ra*e by the perp. They tell Tommy to hold the assailant and police would be there shortly to take him into custody and Det. Curtis would be notified.
When Charlie has his wits about him Tommy tells him, "You under citizens arrest Charlie. For breaking and entering my apartment."
Charlie snarls trying to shake off the two big guys holding him but there is no chance. Then he starts talking shit, "You're lucky these two gorillas are holding me back or I'd beat your ass like I did your sister."
"Thanks for admitting in front of witnesses and on camera that you did 'Ra*e' my sister."
Charlie then sees Tia back by the bedroom door with her cell phone out and recording the scene. His face goes bright red as the anger builds and he struggles again.
Tommy says to him, "You really want them to let you go Charlie? They will if I tell them to."
"Hell yeah. I'll rip you to shreds, you little punk." Charlie is being held by both guys on his knees with one each bending one arm back behind his back very effectively immobilizing Charlie.
Tommy grins and says, "Careful what you wish for jerk off."
Tommy nods at the guys and they release Charlie. Charlie then jumps to his feet just in time to see Tommy with the taser again and gets hit again with 50,000 volts. Tommy doesn't let go until Charlie is down and the charge runs out. He just lies there semi-conscious and twitching. Right after that they hear steps on the stairs and right after at his door.
There is a solid knocking on the broken door, "Police!"
"Come in officers and take this trash away please." Tommy drops the still connected taser to the floor. Tia pulls back into the bedroom to grab a robe to cover herself better. She then brings Tommy some shorts. Tommy slips them on as the police officers come in and place Charlie under arrest.
The officers take the preliminary report, ascertaining everyone's ID. A short time later detectives Curtis and his partner Det. Maloney arrives to complete the interviews. Tommy tells them about his coworkers, that he recruited the day he told them he had Tias' safety in hand. To act as security for a bit after hearing that Charlies' buddies tried getting to Tia at her apartment pre-arranging the request. The detectives smile at his inventive way to protect his sister. Then they ask about the taser. Tommy admits to almost buying a gun but the Pawnshop owner talked him out of the gun in favor of the taser. Since the thing has two replaceable charges he decided to give Charlie his requested opportunity to get to him and hit him again for the sheer pleasure of hurting him just a little for hurting Tia. The detectives both laugh hard at that.
Curtis says, "You may not want to admit to that if you have to go to court."
"I doubt that will be needed gentleman." Tia moves to Tommys' side and shows the two detectives the recording ending with Charlie in cuffs acknowledging his Miranda rights.
"That's great thinking guys. Well played. Let me get a copy of that please Tia." Det. Maloney asks.
"Sure. Can I Air drop it to you? Or does one of you have a Samsung to just do a straight transfer?" Tia asks, smiling broadly.
Det. Maloney holds up his phone with a grin. Tia also emails it to Curtis and Maloney. Maloney forwards the email to the riding ADA. The case is nearly a slam dunk with the mounting evidence.
Tommy has a thought and blurts out, "Make sure to get that asshole's BAC to prove he wasn't drunk. That way it blocks a possible defense."
Curtis smiles at Tommy and says, "You sure you're a mechanic? That was pretty smart Tommy, good police work." Maloney grins and nods agreement.
Tommy blushes and says, "Just thinking about keeping my Sister safe guys but thanks."
The police all clear out about thirty minutes later and Tommys' buddies right after. Both Tommy and Tia thank the guys before they leave.
Their next couple days are a little busy. They get in to see Tias' Primary care doctor and she is told she is healing nicely. Also, she could stop using the sling and cast but only use her arm lightly until she doesn't have pain when using it. All her bruises were also healing fine and well onto receding. She was told to come back in a month for a final clean bill of health and she could return to work when she could perform normal tasks without pain. They also spend some time looking at listings for new apartments. Then, when Tia can move around without as much stiffness they look at the apartments they are interested in. They settle on one only a few blocks from her old place. One with the doorman and security she needs and only a marginal amount more with their combined income it will be easy to afford.
Over the next week in the evenings they sort Tommys' meager furniture and decide what to keep. On the weekend they get Tommys' buddies from before to help move stuff around to sort as well. They are introduced as Alexei and Arseni brothers from Moscow. They had moved to the states at the end of the cold war as young boys when their whole family emigrated. Tia having the fellas move things to the bedroom to keep and the donation or for sale items to the living room when possible. Both days ordering takeout and grabbing beer to keep the workflow steady and fun. Saturday they of course order Papa Johns' and get Jerry to deliver. He clocks out for a bit to hang with his friends and new mates. That Sunday they ordered traditional Russian food from the brothers cousins' restaurant. Tommy and Tia had never had that before and love it. Tia makes sure to get the name and address to be able to go there sometime.
During the second week, Tia is called to testify at the indictment of her attacker 'Charlie'. He is indicted in fifteen minutes flat. The ADA offers Charlie a plea to avoid court and her pursuing the maximum sentence by law. Charlie takes the deal and would spend the next 20 years in prison at Rikers' Island. Charlie as part of the deal must admit in front of the Judge his full accounting of his misdeeds. Including sending his friends to intimidate and rough up the victim. Surprisingly the The Judge accepts the Plea but sets aside the time as 'too lenient' and sentences Charlie to 30 years, upstate, in Attica Federal prison.
After his attorney objects and is overruled explaining it as judicial purview.
The Judge looks at his client and tells him, "Mr. Atwater, I set aside the recommendation in the ADAs Plea deal because of your lack of remorse. It is obvious that you feel you did nothing wrong. Now you will have extra time to figure out what you did wrong since you don't know now."
Charlie starts to respond but his attorney just looks at him and yells, "Just shut the fuck up Atwater, it's done. You screwed yourself at every turn. Johnny Cochrane himself couldn't have gotten you out of this shit storm."
Calming, he turns to the Judge and says, "Thank you, Your Honor. My client is finished."
Tommy is very pleased and can't help himself but gloat a little. He says to Charlie before they lead him away, "I guess you will take No for an answer now huh Charlie. But I doubt the infamous 'Big Bubba' will. I hope you like being forced Scumbag!"
Charlie tries to get at Tommy again but is brutally restrained by the bailiffs. Tommy waves and then turns and picks up Tia spinning her around whooping in Her victory. "He's gone Sis, He can't hurt anyone else. You were so brave facing him." Tommy then sets her down and hugs her hard.
Tia hugs Tommy back whispering, "I couldn't have done it without my Knight in Shining Armor. Thank you Tommy. I love you so much." They leave the courthouse smiling and holding hands. The detectives smile behind them seeing they are so much better than the day they met Tia.
They move in a week later after the place is prepped and they can arrange movers. All of whom are Tommys' fellow mechanics from the garage and Jerry. Of course, Tia is told she will only direct traffic and not move anything. Tommy being the overprotective brother to his friends and the overprotective lover in reality to he and Tia. It all gets put where Tia tells the boys and when Noon time approaches she calls and orders five pizzas from Papa Johns'. Jerry mock-groaned about 'more work food.' Everyone laughs and Tommy for his part hits a local bodega for beer for everyone.
Before dinner time Tommy and Tia are in their new place and happily sitting around with the guys for a bit before they all head out together. Jerry notes the shift in Tommys' behavior around his sister, doting on her more like a boyfriend than a brother. He smiles hoping they will be happy together, he thinks, 'If only his sister wasn't such a Bitch he might try it too.'
Jerry leaves last, saying. "I will see you later, as I am sure the 'Redd Baron' will still order from time to time."
He gets a big hug from Tia to which he smiles at Tommy and a hardy handshake and a heartfelt, "Thanks for everything Jerry." He nods understandingly and closes the door behind him.
The siblings return to the couch and snuggle up as is their way now. As they look around at their new shared apartment Tia remarks, "We did it Tommy. This is our new home. I'm so happy. Are you?" She asks the latter a little insecurely.
He looks at her and seeing the slight fear replies without a doubt, "Very Happy. I love and I am 'In love' with my sister, I want nothing more than to make you happy Tia. Just tell me how and if I can I will."
Tia begins crying happy tears and whispers, "I love you too Tommy." She leans in and they kiss gently and with love. Tia pulls back with a new thought. "I shouldn't call you that anymore. It should be just Tom for the man I'm in love with, not the Little Brother that Tommy was."
"Call me whatever you want Tia. I will Love you no matter what." They begin tenderly making out again to show their total love for each other.
After a bit of time they get up and make a simple dinner of pasta and a salad. They sat at the dining room table that Tia had owned already, many of the duplicates either sold cheaply to neighbors or donated to the Salvation Army. Their combined household making the sibling couple very happy. This being their last week together with both off work they discuss normal things like chores. They will both return to their respective jobs on Monday. Tia having actually been working from home remotely over the previous week. After dinner they clean the dishes together, hand washing them rather than using the dishwasher. Tommy washing and Tia drying with intentional touches of finger tips.
When that's all done and with the leftover pasta refrigerated, they return to the couch. They put on the local news so Tommy can check on his beloved Mets and see the weather for Sunday and the rest of the week. Switching to a movie after that, a RomCom in honor of their new living arrangements. Once the romantic and love scenes begin to pile up the movie is forgotten and they return to kissing like before.
The passion builds quickly and Tia tells Tommy, "Tom take me to bed and make love to me Please."
Tommy stands up, offers Tia a hand up and walks her holding hands to their bedroom closing the door behind them. While kissing they undress each other until both stand in front of the other completely naked. Tommy takes Tia by her face and kisses her tenderly. He then picks her up and walks to the side of the bed, lays her down and follows her down climbing on top of her. Tommy kisses her lips passionately like in the living room getting her fire restocked before moving down her body. Tia moans lightly at Tommys' touches and kisses, running her fingers through his hair. He kisses his way to and around her breasts before nuzzling, kissing and licking them to push her arousal even higher still. He continues to work his way down until he is making love to her pussy using his lips and fingers. Tia is moaning continuously. Tommy gets her to a fever pitch then makes her cum hard giving him another little squirt.
Tia moans out, "Oh Tommy!
He then moves back up her tight little body until he is kissing her lips while his member slowly rubs against her nether lips. Once well coated in her juices Tom moves to place the head of his penis at her opening.
Tommy looks deeply into Tias' eyes and tells her, "Tonight is the first night I don't make love to my Sister." He pauses and Tia cocks her head slightly. Then Tommy smiles and continues, "Tonight I make love to my Wife for the first time out of hundreds over the next 50 years and more. I love you Tia Now and..."
Tia nearly whispers, "..Forever."
He then slips into Tia and makes love to her most of the night. They each orgasm a few times but they realize it's not about that tonight and just enjoy the love they share. Before slipping off to sleep, Tommy slips a wedding band onto Tias' finger and hands her one for himself. They kiss tenderly as they say together, "Husband and Wife."